#And my favorite: how did Yeshua get changed to Jesus
Do u ever learn that something is the short form of another name and just kind of have to let it sink in for a sec. Like how did you get from this to that
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roccomoon · 3 years
a birth anniversary noticing
if you’re reading this, maybe you know me, maybe you don’t,
maybe you care, maybe you don’t,
theres no way i could know,
so i don’t really care,
but i do appreciate the energy,
and attention,
its my birthday today, and im writing this,
typing it,
reflecting on how it feels,
an anniversary that notices when i first breathed life into this form,
it brings something tender, vulnerable, and sensitive out of me,
i woke up this morning, sat up, checked the time, and closed my eyes,
i sat until it felt i was ready to open eyes, i checked the clock,
20 minutes had passed,
all i saw was who i am, and how that wants to be,
how it already is,
but honestly, how that isness wants to be expressed,
theres so much i want to do,
and yet,
only ever one thing to do, that does all things,
i remember being a young human,
feeling like i was just overflowing with a world inside of me,
it seemed like my dad was really important to a lot of people,
people showed up to his concerts and they cared about the things he said,
they cheered and applauded ,
i wanted that,
i tried to do it in sports,
and failed,
for the past 10 years,
I’ve really been doing my absolute best at creating meaningful art,
and admit-tingly , it always feels really nice when people care,
when they care enough to pay close attention,
when their attention is on me,
when i am in the center of someones attention,
and they’re absolutely focused on my expression,
performing music on stage,
acting in film,
seeing someone really grasp a tech idea that can be a huge business,
it feels really nice,
to be really seen and heard,
and felt , and noticed, and understood,
i guess i don’t need it,
but i actually do,
i have God’s love pouring through me,
and in many ways, that is the end all be all,
it is enough, but as my sadhana deepened,
i realized it was actually a bizarre western roman catholic christian trauma distortion to act like you don't need attention, or want to be the center of attention, or the center of your own galaxy, .. a star.
the west actually, because of toxic christianity mostly, has developed some kind of weird anti ego - egohood...
its like an ego complex about being anti ego...
like its frowned upon to want the spotlight or something...
but as sadhana deepened, and the Parusharthas unlocked much that was suppressed, ... i ... as i actually am, was unlocked, ... and allowed,
there, here, is presence, that could go unnoticed by others, for centuries,
but i , rocco, now with integration, noticed,
that i actually need to be noticed,
i sat with this, and observed the reality,
i need it,
its not just a want,
it is a literal need. not just human. but a meta-physical need,
of every soul,
to varying degrees,
some more than others,
karmic structure is just as real as physical skeletal structure,
its about potential , and potential being wasted,,,, is sad,
the All is sad when such occurs,
i need to be noticed,
in my growth and evolution,
it confirms that its happening,
and i only discovered this because i did my best to become invisible,
totally avoided my calling, and that "wanting" to being seen,
as a kid on tour, i practiced being invisible,
then in art, i wanted to become invisible so the art was seen, but i didn't get in the way,
but that was all still woven with fear of being seen,
for being seen as being the greatest living thing in existence,
which , i am,
i am literally the greatest living thing in existence,
not stuttering,
clarifying ,
i , am , the , greatest, living , thing , in , existence,
and i want, which is predicated on a need,
to be witnessed in that,
witnessed as attention, attention as awareness ,
awareness as love,
of, and for my evolution and expansion,
and not from lack, but from having,
from abundance,
from being, ,
its not just a want,
its an actual human need,
that i acknowledge is sacred, and actually of divine accord,
why else would i be beaming with these desires,
to be seen and heard,
for no reason?
or for the one and only reason.
sat. chit. ananda.
i remember being backstage, and getting in the way one time,
we were on tour with kiss, and lynyrd skynyrd,
and i got in the way,
these dudes were pushing huge container things on wheels down the hallway, and i think i was walking while playing pokemon on my gameboy... and my dad grabbed my arm tightly,
and in my eyes, told me to never get in the way like that,
always be aware and cognizant of what's happening around me,
so i did,
that wasn't the first time that happened,
but it was the last,
i was never in the way again,
well, there were probably times, but since then i have been keen on not being in the way if i don't have to be,
since then, i love being against a wall,
or in a corner,
so i am able to see everything that is occurring around me,
i love being able to see, everything, clearly,
even in life, if i go days or weeks without being on top of a mountain, or on a big wide open road, it feels like claustrophobia,,, like i need to see evvvvverryyyything around me... its like a clarification of where i am in relationship to everything around me... and what all those things are...
theres this scene in one of the jason bourne movies where he basically flexes as to how aware he is... he's like... theres 3 dudes over there... one just got divorced... 2 are well trained... then there 4 other dudes over there... one likes pickles... etc etc... its like a sherlock holmes thing too... who is another one of my favorite super hero style reference points amongst the all.
it feels like that's what happened for several years,
i moved to la,
and just disappeared,
i needed to get bearings on who i was in relationship to literally everything else in existence.
i dissolved most the friendships i had from high school, and became a loner, and nocturnal,
i had actual human friends still, but now something changed,
and i was inward almost seemingly more than i was outward,
my friends were people who i didn't even know,
kid cudi, yeshua, tesla, einstein, thelonious monk,
artists, legends, great ones, channels,
and as i became more and more alone,
i became more and more aware of what i wanted to do with my life,
i wanted to channel the infinite into the finite,
and i although i thought i didn't need anyone to notice,
i realized, after a while of no one noticing, i did.
so if you're reading this. thanks.
the i am witness seamlessly bright in awareness at these words,
as they move through my fingers and appear on the screen,
when i watch them appear on the screen,
it feels like a mirror,
to me,
that’s how it feels,
i had these sensations inside of me,
and they were just sensations,
but not i am typing those feelings,
and they show up as words on the screen,
that’s pretty cool,
i guess that must be what my dad feels when he plays the guitar,
they were just feelings and sensations inside of him,
and then , because he is a master craftsman ,
he is able to become a channel, and fully express himself into that form,
i feel that when i write,
i feel that when im acting, when the camera is on,
or even on stage,
i feel that when im performing a piece of music i really care about,
i feel like i haven’t felt that in a while with music honestly,
it feels like i got away from just being my most ridiculously authentic signal there,
and i wanted to be cool,
cool feels like death sometimes,
sometimes its nice when it happens, but sometimes it just doesnt feel like who i am,
i don’t think I’ve ever felt cool acting,
i don’t feel like like that’s what its for ,
for me,
i love feeling the feeling of completely disappearing, and feeling whatever is that, fully,
and not having an opinion about what the feeling is,
terror, horror, anger, jealously, hatred, pain, sorrow, torment, love, joy, bliss, fun, happy, friction, confusion, lostness,
as long as im feeling it fully,
then i call that “perfection”,
i call that “missing out on nothing”
i call that “fully reflective”
im writing a book about it actually,
its called “moon theory”
“missing out on nothing” means nothing is missing,
when nothing is missing everything is perfect,
the state of no resistance,
wu wet, zero point, crystallinity , buddhic emptiness,
my version of it,
so im sitting here,
writing this,
and noticing what is present for me,
and the other things i would like to be present,
that feel like, because i don’t see them outside of me,
but feel them within me,
they are missing,
but they are only missing from the outside,
they are present on the inside,
and that feels nice to distinguish,
they aren’t actually missing,
they are loading,
so they are coming,
coming into existence,
growing from thought, to feeling, to experiential manifestation,
from the inners of my inner awareness,
to the palpable touchable holographic matrix i access through senses,
that’s basically where im at right now,
nothing is missing,
but i notice what i would like to add to what is present,
i knew this last year too, but it was less accessible ,
less tangible,
as clarity,
last night my mom said that jesus is the only way to God,
that made me sad ,
cuz yeshua literally came to me and said that not true,
he said folks misunderstood his teachings, and ran with em,
he literally said that he is the crystal soul self,
which all are, and so all can get to God,
and his teachings have been horrifically, violently misinterpreted,
he told me this,
and it feels sad sometimes when those closest to me don’t notice who i am,
it feels sad sometimes when it feels like those closest don’t see me,
or , like they haven’t taken the time to realize who and what i am,
that’s okay though, it gives contrast so when there is the feeling of being super heard, seen, felt, and understood, its clearly noticed,
i know who i am,
and amongst all the things pouring through me,
and into the holographic field of reality,
i am glad to be this one,
with the awareness i have,
enough thoughts for today,
i phase out of rocco,
rocco’s eyes glaze over,
rocco looks up,
the channel opens like a flower,
we see rocco looking up to us,
we receive him with love,
he asks us,
what else should he write,
what else should he share with those who will read this,
he feels like not that many people will read it,
and so he feels less important,
because he compares himself to others so quickly,
we reassure him that is not appropriate ,
for the time will come ,
when everyone pays attention,
he feels our reassurance,
the reader wonders who is We,
we are rocco’s guardian guides,
yeshua is here,
gautama is here,
arch angel michael is here,
quan yin is here,
thoth is here,
gabriel is here,
st. germain is here,
melchizedek is here,
abraham is here,
ra is here,
we are rocco’s channel prism guardian gateway keepers,
rocco feels slightly scared to share this right now,
and we reassure him it’s okay,
for he is emptying into the infinite,
and dissolving into resolution,
you reading this is a sacred witnessing of a human beings dharmic resolution,
rocco looks up to us with a prayer hand emoji,
we look to him with the same,
this is enough for now,
thanks for reading,
thanks for paying,
thanks for your attention,
thanks for all you are,
ase, aho, amen, amun,
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Fasting and it’s importance…..
The Bible study Wednesday!!!!
Book of Matthew 6: 16-18
Praise God on High!  
 Thank you, God for blessings us with another day to come together; in praise of your glory. 
Thank you God, for covering us in your loving protection both in our waking and sleeping life.  
Thank you God, for knowing everything we want or need, before we even speak.  Thank you God, that issues or concerns are already on the way to woking out for our good and the good of others.  Thank you God, being our way maker, rain maker, and light maker; for all our days.
We thank you God for preparing us to complete our mission for this life: and in so doing, we be welcomed in the bosom of God, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever.  
We praise you now and forever.
We pray this in the loving name of your begotten Son; Yeshua Jesus Christ. 
 Book of Matthew 6: 16-18
16. “Moreover, when you fast do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance.  For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting.  Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. ”
Dying unto oneself  
Biblical definition of fasting:
-Refraining for eating food, focusing in deeper prayer, and drawing nearer to God.
(Retrieved from:https://www.bible-history.com/faussets/F/Fasting/, date 20190325)
Definition of countenance:
-Look or expression
-mental composure
(Retrieved from:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/countenance, date 20190325)
Dying unto oneself:
-To die to self is to set aside what we want in this moment and focus instead on loving God with everything we’ve got and valuing others as highly as we value ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39)
(Retrieved from:https://billygraham.org/decision-magazine/september-2011/dying-to-self-and-discovering-so-much-more/, date 2019March25)
Fasting is not just giving up food.  Fasting is giving up fleshy wants…fleshy “needs”, fleshy desires…….fasting is not only a denial from the worldly living, but a way/ source of escaping from ones passions that holds them back from fully releasing into a spiritual relationship with God.
Fasting,(giving up) worldly ways also reveals to us things we don't really need in our lives.  Fasting, also shows us how removing certain actions, thoughts, items, practices; from our life can actually be a true benefit, for not only our physical, medical, and emotion health, but our spiritual health.
Giving up impure actions or thoughts is good for our spiritual growth.  Giving up porn or strip clubs, is good for those in committed relationships.  Giving up on or controlling the  negative/uncontrollable, expressions of anger violence, or non-productive actions; is good for relationships. 
In addition, I am sure many of else know or have those individuals in our lives, who just need attention.  Those who express issues or concerns etc……for attention from others. 
I call these types of people: people who cry wolf.   (It’s a personal peeve of mine; people who cry wolf.  I just don't understand for some to manipulate others.  In fact I find it insulting, but that is just my personal opinion.) 
Those who claim they are concerned about their lifestyle/health yet, continued their unhealthy lifestyle choices or dangerous actions; none the less.  OR, others who claim they “want” to make changes in their love life, or quit smoking/drinking; only to be seen out hours of the next weekend down copious amounts of alcohol, while chain smoking; or back with their abuse relationship partners moments after declaring never to return.  
They post their ”concerns for” improving simply for the attention factor of it all. 
Or, those who broadcast every trial and tribulation; going on in their life to the outside world.  From the meal illy prepared for the kitchen…toooooooo how their dog chewed up their favorite t-shirt. 
OR, even worst they post such negative information about themselves and others on social media.  
This is in-effect, the same as “sounding trumpets” or “horns” or “beating drums”,  which, we have learned in previous verses of Matthew, practices Yeshua stating God’s people should avoid.  
Putting the teaching into current times and situations: God does not want us showing or “broadcasting” to man(the world); what we do as a sacrifice for God’s kingdom.  For if we do the “broadcasting”, our efforts are no longer a sacrifice, but us seeking out attention and praise of man.  If we seek only praise from man; we will not receive the praises or rewards from God.
For example: If we have given up certain ways of life, we should not show the ways of which we have given up.   We should, not show the ways of how the lifestyle we have given up is  making us feel: tired, sluggish, or even the aches of the change.  No-one, should know that the changes and sacrifices we have made, by our outside appearance. 
What Yeshua is saying here is we are to keep pain, frustration, or fasting; quiet.  We, are to not look dissolved or as we a suffering from fasting, but appear to be at the best we have always been if not better.  
This also makes me wonder way so many people are afraid to give up their worldly comforts?   I don't know if it's because some are afraid of change. OR maybe some are afraid to truly moving on with their life.  OR if some are afraid for what others might think. But, I/we all, can somehow relate because I am sure us  too were maybe somewhat afraid of the changes that were taking place in my life at certain periods in time.  
17. “But you, when you fast, anoint you head and wash your face,” 
During troubling times look refreshed
This takes me back to something my Aunt Mary used to always tell me:  She would always say when ever I felt bad or sad, put on some makeup, some heels, a dress, and act like I feel better than ever.  She always said there was no point in lying around feeling sorry for ones-self or walking around all plain Jane. (Lol. She was a pistol.  I loved her very much……R.I.P.)  
Anyhow, she was a God fearing woman.  And, it wasn’t until I was older,  I realized how many of the words she spoken to me had some Biblical context. She, was inputting knowledge on me and to me; that had benefited me years later.  And, I am so very grateful that she did teach me, hey everyone goes threw troubling times, but its not everyones business to know your troubling times.  
Don’t look for others to get into agreement with your pain and struggling. Don’t look for others to go feeling sorry for your with you, but lift up you head and walk with pride knowing that God will right your wrongs and carry you through. 
18. “so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” 
Suffer in silence to avoid spreading negative talk or feeling into the energy spiritual world…God will reward you in complete view of others
This verse is repeating the importance of the private and sincere manor of how we should address our communications and efforts towards God.  God, does not want our efforts to be made public for notoriety.  God, does not want fasting or falsely; moving towards God for frame.  
God, wants and commands us to be authentic in our efforts.  This being said, I am sure like me, many others have been called “fake Christians”.
How one can be a “fake” Christian I don't know know, but many will call others “fake”,  possibly as an effort of making themselves feel better or justify their evil actions towards others.  Which, in my opinion is sad and pathetic. 
Some people even, people from church; will doubt you or your efforts towards furthering our walk with Yeshua, filled with the Holy Spirit, and righteous love for God.  We should pray for them.  
Christians, who attack other Christians, are struggling in and with their own faith. And most likely are pushing their own self doubts onto others.  Though this maybe frustrating, don't give into the feelings of rejection and the torment of being falsely accused, but instead we should focus even more on our relationship with God.  
God, knows our heart.  God, knows how we love him and how greatly we want to get right with him. So, if others are coming against you…pray for them.  Don’t argue or justify their evil words.  Don’t, give up trying to be righteous; because others don't understand you or doubt your heart.  Don't stop trying.  If anything we should see others coming against as motivation to go even further for our love  of God.  Doesn’t God say “many will be persecuted for my name sake?” 
This verse also confirms for me that God, wants us to have a presentable appearance as his children.  This verse also calls in to question certain fashion trends as children of God, that maybe we should avoid.  Now, I would say I am a fashionable person, but I have learned from fashionable mistakes of my pass.  The best guidance I can give here is, maybe when leaving for the day we should ask ourselves if God would approve of how we are representing God’s Kingdom out in public.  If the answer is or might be no, they perhaps we should reevaluate our choice in wardrobe.
Let us pray.
God, Thank you for giving us your living word.  Thank you God for sending Yeshua, to speak to us and explain in clear understanding how we can and should better serve you.  Lord, thank you for letting us know that we are to not only try our best to have a righteous relationship with you, but to try are best in having a presentable appearance.  Thank you God, for letting us know that we are to not be like the hypocrites of yesterday or today, but we are to do our best to live righteous and complete in your love and only seek your approval. 
We pray for continued the safety and guidance of all the Prophets.  We pray, for the protection of our Leaders who are truly of you and doing your work here on earth.  
God, as always we pray for POTUS, Q, Q+++, and Patriots world wide that are fighting to rid this world of those who seek to destroy your agenda.  I pray God keeps everyone safe and blessed. We pray for the Prophets of today. Let them not stray from your word. Let them speak from you and leave ego at the alter.
In Yeshua Jesus Christ loving name.
Prayer from 23 March, 2019
God, today for the release for any and every unforgiving way that may be within us.  We pray, that we recognize that we are all your children.  God, we ask for the healing spiritual and any soul tries to be severed.  God we pray for restoration of our minds and spiritual hearts.  Lord we thank you for loving us recklessly and without boundaries.  God, we thank you for already setting in motion the healing that we are going to receive.  
We pray for others who may need extra guidance , grace , and mercy.  We pray for those individuals who have wrong us and others, repent for their transgression and come into the agreement of what is your ways and your love.  Holy Spirit we ask that you touch each and every heart that is in need of healing and prepare.  We thank you Holy Spirit for filling us with spiritual love and loving ways.  Lord, we thank you for those who have helped us along that way.  I pray everyone who is in need receives a special visit from their Angel tonight, and are hugged, and are set free.
We pray for continued the safety and guidance of all the Prophets.  We pray, for the protection of our Leaders who are truly of you and doing your work here on earth.  
God, as always we pray for POTUS, Q, Q+++, and Patriots world wide that are fighting to rid this world of those who seek to destroy your agenda.  I pray God keeps everyone safe and blessed. We pray for the Prophets of today. Let them not stray from your word. Let them speak from you and leave ego at the alter.
In Yeshua Jesus Christ loving name.
RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don’t like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566 
This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts. So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God’s kingdom here on Earth.
 I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen. I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. 
 I don’t aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). 
And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections. 
Thank you friends and Christian family.
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debra2007-blog · 5 years
True Salvation!!!
December 30  , 2018 Yeshua Loves You! Greetings, my name is Debbie Lizzy. I'm an Internet Tel-Evangelist for Yeshua the Messiah. I have lead many people to true salvation through my Internet witnessing for 21 years now, and God has been doing the increase. I have been married for 39 years. I have been a Domestic Engineer for 38 years. My Hubby has been in Computer Programming for over 35 years. I have two wonderful children. Both have received their Masters Degree and furthering their aspirations in life. I'm a follower of Yeshua the Messiah of the Jewish faith.
The reason I sent my Testimony so that you would understand my journey to true salvation. If you like you may share it with others that are not saved. I hope that it would encourage you to do the right thing. I was raised in a Missionary Baptist Church. I attended service about every Sunday since I was about 6 years old.
Whenever I would listen to our pastor preach, I'd hardly ever heard him speak about "joining the body of Christ " or "taking on the name of Jesus”. I never heard him preach about receiving the Holy Ghost. Jesus was spoken of as if He was a "neighbor”, rather a than "companion”. "God" was mostly referred to as "the Father”, or "the Lord," pending on which Testament the subject w as being taken from. It seemed that “Jehovah" was God's name in the Old Testament, but no name was preached for God in the New Testament by our ministers.
When I was baptized, at the age of 11, I remember the minister saying "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". I began to wonder "what" the name of the Father (?) was. I knew the name of the Son (Yeshua).
But what sort of name would the Holy Ghost have? Would it be "Holy Spirit"? Isn't God "a Spirit" ? I began to learn what the name of the "Father" was, and also the name of the "Holy Ghost" on the radio from a pastor of a church that taught the "Apostolic Pentecostal Faith." My husband and I only attended maybe twice a year, but each Sunday I would listen to the Apostolic Pentecostal pastor on the radio. I heard him say that almost all other preachers are baptizing people the wrong way.
They merely "repeated" the commandment of Jesus (Matt 28: 19), instead of "doing" what the commandment said to do (Luke 24:47), which is to "Baptize in the NAME of.., and not the honorifics "Father, Son, & Holy Ghost."
I found out later that the Catholic regime changed the wording of Matt 28:19, to give credence to their worship of three gods (the Trinity). In the Hebrew gospel of Matthew, for 28:19 he wrote “Go ye and invite all the people to believe in my name and to do my words”.  Baptism was not mentioned.
The pastor went on to say that the book of Acts (of the Apostles) was the written history of the original Christian church that Jesus founded on Earth. Of the seven or more instances of people being baptized, nobody in the Bible was baptized using the formula "Father, Son & Holy Ghost," but the Apostles always baptized by immersion using the NAME of Jesus Christ, or Lord Jesus. He said that was because the name of the "Father" was Yeshua the name of the "Son" was Yeshua, and the name of the "Holy Ghost" was Yeshua. This reconciles Matt. 28:19 with Acts 2:38, and I began to understand why most churches were baptizing people the wrong way...., that being because they misinterpret the command of Jesus. He says to "use the name" that is shared by the three "titles or the roles" performed by the (One) God of Israel. Since it is known that only the name of Jesus can "cast out demons, and heal the sick, why isn't it used by churches for the removal of sins?  The name of Jesus is the cleansing agent that washes away sins.
Since only the blood of Yeshua can "wash away" sins, how is "the blood" ever applied, unless a person is baptized in the NAME of Yeshua? On the day of Pentecost , Peter didn't say "our sins are remitted when we accept or confess Yeshua"!!
But only water baptism in the name of Yeshua gives us of remission of sins, when preceded by repentance. After a few years of reading and wondering about it, I became disappointed that my Baptist minister were misleading me about salvation, and never told me the truth about receiving the "Holy Ghost" (Yeshua). For many years I thought I was saved, and then I found out that I was still in my sins. So I went to an Apostolic Pentecostal church that would baptize me the correct way. I listened to what the minister said to other people that he was baptizing, in order to make sure that was what they always did. I heard him say "I now baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38).
That very night I received the baptism of the Spirit, for I heard myself (the spirit) speak in another language which I had not heard before, nor could I initiate or repeat what the spirit was saying. My whole body felt so wonderful, and my soul seemed to rejoice in the experience. I never knew any other language but English, yet I spoke with coherence but without knowledge of what was being said. I was told that it was the Holy Ghost (speaking in other tongues) "reporting back to God" in praise! In my case, I received the Holy Ghost (birth of the Spirit) before I was water baptized ( birth of the water). It does not matter which one is first as long as you receive both the birth of the water and the birth of the spirit. If you have been baptized using (the titles) "Father, Son, & Holy Ghost" (or Holy Spirit), your water baptism was not valid, and Jesus will not recognize you as having remission of sin ( Matt 7:23).
Here are ten examples of people being born baptized) of the water in the book of Acts: 1) 2:41 2) 8:16 3) 8:38 4) 9:18 5) 10:48 6) 16:15 7) 16:33 8) 18:8 9) 19:5 10) 22:16
By reading those chapters and verses, it is concluded that baptism must be performed with complete water immersion (not pouring or sprinkling), using the name of Yeshua. If someone tries to tell you differently, ask them to give you an example in the Bible as I have.
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus told His disciples to "baptize in the NAME.... The name of the Father is Yeshua. The name of the Son is Yeshua , and the Holy Ghost is the Spirit (Ghost) of Yeshua. Beware of the "modern doctrine" which preaches that water baptism is not needed . Without the correct water baptism, we do not have remission of sins, and we will be lost.
Matthew chapter 7 says: 13: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 14 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
The correct baptism is very, very important. For also in Matthew chapter 7: 21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, s hall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The people in the above two verses "spoke in tongues, cast out devils, and did many works "in the name of    Yeshua"...., but they will have failed to be baptized in His name , and will be thrown into torment. Before criticizing what you have just read, what current "tag" (faith) would you put on the original Christians as they were in the book of Acts?
Would they be Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, Methodists, etc., or Oneness (Apostolic) Pentecostals? If we all had AIDS and I found a cure, would you want me to tell what the cure was, and how to get it? I'm telling you about true salvation.
This is not "judging" or being "narrow minded”, but is an accurate rendition of the doctrine of salvation, What book in the Bible tells us how people were added to the Church? It is the book of ACTS!! The ONLY place to see how sinners were added to the Church is the New Testament book of History (Acts). Not the Gospels, not the Epistles (where false preachers want to run to), and certainly not Revelation. How were sinners added to the Church?
Yes, I know I asked that again, for people refuse to accept the biblical standard (formula) of salvation, and want to follow man's (Satan's) theology. The Epistles were written to people that were ALREADY saved. You can't become a lawyer by just reading "Law Review" or other attorney magazines. You have to be taught, and then "pass the BAR exam". Else you are "practicing law without a license".  This is what most (so called) Christians are doing..., trying to practice Christianity without experiencing the correct "conversion process".
In Acts 2:37, the people in Jerusalem asked "what shall we do (to be saved)?" What was Peter's reply? Was it "just ask Jesus into your heart"? How about "just confess Jesus to be your Savior"? No, Peter said none of those things.
Modern theology tells people to listen to Martin Luther ("no works" ), in stead of the truth. Read Acts 2:38 for yourself. If reading Acts 2:38 is not good enough for you, I ask you "why"? You mean to tell me that the "Chief Apostle" (Peter ) of Yeshua was wrong, and modern theology is right? Come out of the darkness and accept the ONE and true doctrine of salvation. Water immersion in the name of Yeshua is the "birth of the water." The receiving of the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:44, 19:6), evidenced by the speaking of the Spirit, is the "birth of the Spirit" ( John 3:3-5 ), which Jesus spoke of, but was not available until after He died, and rose again on the third day. False teachers will try to point to the  thief on the cross. That is one of Satan's favorite lies. The Church wasn't born yet, and Jesus had not died yet, so the "New Birth" was not available (John 7:39).
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If the Son Sets You Free Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him.“If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”
May Yeshua the Messiah bless you, Have a blessed day Love you, Tele-Evangelist Debbie
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Wisdom, knowledge, and discernment.
The Bible study Wednesday!!!!  
Praise God on High! 
Thank you, God for blessings us with another day. Thank you, God, for allowing us to wake up this morning and recieve your word.  Thank you, God, for covering us in our sleeping life and shielding us from the enemies attacks.  Thank you, God , for your  Angels, who come to our sleeping life.  Thank you, God, for revealing to us our mission of this life.  We pray that we complete our mission and in so doing; we be welcomed in the bosom of God, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. We pray this in the loving name of your begotten Son Yeshua Jesus Christ. Amen.
Book of Matthew 5: 8-12
We continue with Yeshua sermon on the mount.
8. Blessed are the pure in heart:
Definition of pure (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pure)
1a(1) : unmixed with any other matter (2) : free from dust, dirt, or taint (3) : SPOTLESS, STAINLESS (2) : containing nothing that does not properly belong b : free from moral fault or guilt c : marked by chastity : CONTINENT 4 : having exactly the talents or skills needed for a particular role
The pure of heart are able to see God.  The pure of God are able to understand God.  The pure of heart are able to hear God's voice.  Throughout the Bible God's calls for spotless cattle to be sacrificed.  Throughout the Bible God calls his people to not worship other gods.  Through the Bible God calls his people to be morally up right and have a heart for his begotten son Yeshua.
God calls us to have Godly relationships and to remain virgins until marriage.  Through out the Bible, God chooses those who are "right for the job”.  Even though those chosen may not have been who the people would have thought God would have chosen.  Has anyone else wonder why this might be?
I think we can be pointed to Moses, Joshua, Mary, Ruth and many others. All these persons possessed certain characteristics that made them qualified for God's mission of their lives, while here on earth.  These persons although considered flawed by others; had a heart for God.  These persons were free enough from themselves to recieve Gods word and go out among the people.  These persons were “right” and pure in the eyes of God.  How amazing is that?  To be able to be seen as "right” in the eyes of our great creator.  I pray that we all achieve this level soon; if not today.  
Regarding moral and spotless, untainted and unaltered. I am being lead to voice how some have altered themselves from God intended state.  Look out today what do we see: false this, injected that, nip-tuck, replace what???? Now im am not speaking of medical necessities, and or repairs.  Healers are God workers.  Medical field saves God people to complete their mission or be given the choice to get right with God. I am being lead towards those who alter their appearance with a deceiving heart/mind.  If one is changing the fabric of their-self in order to create themself as an idol, then this is against God's plan. If one is presenting themselves to the world  a change that would suggest God “got it wrong”; then that is not in keeping with God's plan.   Examples: sex changes, implants, human blood intake, (specially, the new trend of using the blood of the young in order to be youthful and or prolong life) Im am not talking about blood transfusions.   Although I have be taught by my favorite Prophetess, Rosalind Solomon one should pray if any medical procedures are taking place. This goes into spiritual warfare which I am still learning. But here is a video link of hers for those who what to rid themselves of ancestors curses or curses that may exist from objects, blood, and of covenants with demonic forces.  I personally have done the prayer and exercises about 3’xs.  I can say me experience was amazing and up-lifting.  
source:(https://youtu.be/x764ZXjKvZE)            Prophetic Voice of Yahushua Ministry Channel            Published on Sep 9, 2018
Back to God choosing those who he has recognized as pure.
God is all powerful.  God can reach anyone at anytime in their life. God is all knowing.  At any place in the person's life, God can find them.  People are not only saved duriing a 1 hr and 1/2 church service.  A person can give themselves and their life over to Christ in a bar, in a club, in a prison, in a car, during an assault; anytime anywhere. God is every where at all times.
We as Christ need to stop going against God's anointed.  This means Prophets, Seers, Wisemen, True Godly Church leaders......  Especially concerning God chosen.  This can mean our President, and those who God had deemed pure and placed in certain position to carry out his agenda for God's kingdom.    
Now I am going to be frank…(Hi, Im frank). And put it out there….I honestly dont not care nor does God hold on to someones past.  Once someone has been saved they are washed clean by the blood of Christ; Amen.  
So, if some are condemning others, "He who is without sin , cast the first stone.”  It doesn't matter what color the skin is, how one grew up, what they did tens years ago or even 5 minutes ago.  If someone repents with a humble heart and comes to God. Then that is it. That person is saved, redeemed and made a new. Does that mean God won't hold that person accountable for their sins, maybe yes maybe no....thats God's choice.
So let's support or fellow Christians. Let us unite as the people of God.  Just because someone is not what we had in mind, doesn't mean that person is not of God or being used by God for righteousness sake.  
And if I'm being completely honest; I was in the military for a while. I have heard more "locker room talk" during the course of a work day (by both men and women), far worse than what the President said.  I have witness acts, not just words that were terrible(by both men and women).  And whether something is said that is reckless by a men or a women; it is still reckless.
Being a woman doesn't not mean women can talk about the size , width, style of a men's penis and or sex acts; and it's any less wrong than if a man does.  Women can not asked to be treated fairly and paid failry and then cry “pussy gate” when women talk just as nasty.  I've said this and other women have said things. So women, “her who is without sins, cast the first stone.”
Having a certain dark skin color doesn't mean someone can not be racist. Racism is pure hate, in my opinion.  Every race and person is capable of being racists; not just those who are a lighter shade of light, lighter, then light.  I have, as I'm sure others have seen; racism exist within ones own culture toward ones own culture.
Is that pure of heart? No. Is that morally pure? No.   So please those who are thinking because someone is a darker color than another, that darker shade is not possibly a racist. Because, that is one of the biggest falsehoods ever thought of or allow to exist.
9. Blessed are the peacemakers (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/peace) Definition of peace 1 : a state of tranquility or quiet: such as b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace 2 : freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 3 : harmony in personal relations 4a : a state or period of mutual concord between governments b : a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity 5 —used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell at peace)
Peacemakers shall be called people of God, YES!  
Now peacemakers, doesn't mean rolling other and playing dead. Peacemakers, does not mean looking the other way in order to avoid witnessing wrong doing. No, that is compliance, avoidance, and sometimes enabling the enemy or evil ones.  
Yes, I said it.  
If a person knows or find out someone is committing unspeakable attacks and or crimes and looks the other way; that is not  a peacemaker. If someone chooses to allow anything that is not of God into their life, to avoid conflict; that is not a peacemaker. If someone refuses to speak up for the meek, that is not a peacemaker.  
So who makes peace?  
Those who do God work, even though it may be difficult. Those who do God work, although it may not be the most popular "thing" to do. Those who help those that at a less advantage or unable to defend/take care of themselves. Those who speak the Go(o)d news of God.  
How can I say this?
Is there peace, in that child's heart, mind, and or body/soul, if I look the other way?   IS there peace, in that persons life, if I don't report a crime?   Is there peace, in the business, if I dont report stealing? Is there peace, for the child in the womb during a late term abortion? Is there peace, if I follow unlawful orders?
I think we can all say; No.  
Now, at a family dinner if an argument a-raises and we try to defuse the situation. Peacemaker. If ones chooses to not to say the most hurtful words possible. Peacemaker.   There are situations in which it is apporiate to steady ones self. Then there are other times of which the peacemaker, most be active.
Let me ask this?  
Are there many now ridding this world of evil?, trying to further God's agenda of peace?  I can think of one always in the news. (hint hint)
Are there others creating things that are not apart of God's agenda of peacemakers?  I can think of many.  (Remember the devil lies, deceives, creates hate, death and destruction.)
Another question: Which side to think is on the side of God and God is on their side? Pray about this question if ones is confused. God always answers those who seek him.
10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Definition of persecute (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/persecuted) transitive verb 1 : to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief 2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (such as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
Definition of righteous (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/righteousness) 1 : acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin 2a : morally right or justifiable a righteous decision b : arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality righteous indignation 3 slang : GENUINE, EXCELLENT
Let's say there is a situation.  And of this situation, one does not know what side is true and righteous. I believe this is where we can find the above listed can help.
There are so many examples we can think of I am sure, but let's stay with the God's agenda.  
Often times, us being children of God or in/during changing our lives around to get in alignment with God; can bring out the demonic forces that are within others.  Just saying "God bless you" to someone after they have sneezed, can send someone into a full demonic episode.  Sometimes, praying at an open restaurant before a meal. Sometimes, changing ourselves around by the way we live, how we speak, who we no longer associate with; can bring out those who are not for you. And those who most certainly are not for or of God. Those who with "hate on you" for evolving to Gods ways.  
When this happens my friends, those are the person we need to add to our prayer list.    So many are on the evil-ones frequency; it's so very sad and so very unbelievable at times.  Sadly, it may be persons who wouldn't ever think.  
I have asked God several times what should I do when someone is coming against me. And you know what God always say.s...Pray...Pray for them, if we can; pray with them.  
And yes, I will be honest, when some has come against me in the pass NO; my first thought wasn't to pray.  Before I would curse them out, tell them every thought I ever had about them and then some.  But,,,,,,,,,,, God has been working wit h me on this.  (Thank you, God.)   I have had to repent several times before and I am sure I may have to repent several times this sin the future.  But, I am so very happy to share, that this flaw I once had; is not at the level it once was. Thank you YESHUA!!!!! OUR REDEEMER!!!
Now, I am I saying to not stand our ground? Am I saying to not set acceptable Godly boundaries for ones self and others allowed in our lives? NO.
But we can't  "cast out satan with satan."  
God wants us to have power in authority. Yes.   God wants us to have wisdom and discernment. Yes. God would not want us to not defend our selves in an attack. It's how we defend ourselves and what's in our heart that is important. I encourage everyone to seek God on this matter.  Ask God what is to be done.  I don't know everyones circumstances or what is coming against them. But, I do know God has all the answers.  So, if God leads someone to buy a gun legally for safety. OR if God says, take self-defense classes, buy a dog, leave a relationship, stop certain behaviors...Yes, be in agreement with God and seek God's voice.
God will never lead us a stray.
Now on righteousness, in my heart this goes in conjunction with be a a peacemakers.  God's agenda is the agenda we as Christians should be seeking and furthering; not mans.
11. Blessed are when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Persecuted, lied on, utter evil falsehoods God help us this is what the evil MSM is all about it seems these days.
Mark Taylor todays Prophetic Voice, encourages others to seek out other forms of news. He also advised confirming with God those medias that are pure in truth.  I am in complete agreement with this.  Please seek other sources of information.  Seek out those who have nothing to gain from leading many into a mind of confusion and disappear. I know it's tough.  I once was so very confused myself.  But, I prayed to God and confessed my confusion and was lead to some amazing truth speakers.
Now, I have listed a couple below. No, I don't know them personally, they dont know me and I am not receive pay for sharing their information.  I simply want to help others find sources and resource so of information.  But always confirm with God.
Prophetic Voice of Yahushua Ministry Channel, Stronger Life, NEOTECH, Josh Coen, David Zublick Channel, prayingmedic, Mark Taylor OFFICIAL, JustInformed Talk, SGTreport, David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL), Anonymous, X22Report
All these can be found on several platforms, but including YouTube.
Continuing, I am sure many of us have faced "friend-enemies" and family members who have come against us.  It can be not only shocking, but painful: emotionally, mentally, spiritually; not to mention exhausting.  
Always having to defend oneself and all we are doing is trying to improve our life and the life of others. Right?!?!?! very sad.  But, on this note what I can offer is what God says, "Let God fight our battles"
And if I may add, not everyone is meant to go to the level God is taking us.  Many who, we once held dear; only held us back from Godly living and God's love.  
The one who always wants to bring up our pass mistakes. The ones who wants to belittle and demean.   The ones who want to be violate, evil deeds , carelessness, shamefulness.   The ones who want to go out drinking and sleeping around every other weekend.   The ones who don't want to join us at church.  
God says to be equally yoked.  
So I ask; are there people we shouldn't be allowing to surround us?   Is our job not a Godly occupation? Oh, but I need to make money. Oh ok, doesn't God supply all our needs? Yes.   If I report this unlawful act or attack committed against others, I will be targeted and or fired.  
"Fear not for God is always with us"  
If ones is doing God's work, being a peacemaker, leadings for righteousness, and seeking/furthering God's agenda.........God is greater than anything that can come against God's people.
Pray, fast, meditate on God's word.  Ask for God warrior Angels for protections.  "Let Jesus take the wheel". Follow God...not man... "one can not have two masters"
12. Rejoice and be glad Amen!!! Rejoice and be glad!  For our reward is in heaven.  In the manner of how those persecuted the Prophets, so might/will God's children be persecuted.
This reminds me other night.  I'll write about this in more depth later, but basically "what had happened was"  demon was attacking me in my dream.  I began to sing Good Grace, by Hillsong.  I sang loud and proud.  I clapped my hands and praise our God.  The demon began to shake and I guess vibrate into dust?!  It was so shocking!!!!!  When This happened in my dream, I felt a deep understanding of how powerful our praise is not only to God, but as a tool to battle the evil ones.
 So friends blast that praise music!!!!
That being sad, if praise music is power to God and against the  evil ones; what music are we listening while at the gym, the club, in our car, on a ran, during a walk?  I am just saying.  
So rejoice and be glad.  
When times are difficult should we turn our backs on God. No. When the enemy is attacking us, let us see this as a sign that we are doing something right, righteous, and for righteousness sake. AMEN.
Praise God in the middle of the storm.   Praise God all the day and night long. Repel the evil one attacks.   Raise our frequency to, of, and for God's kingdom.   AMEN!!!
Let us pray.
God we come together in agreement of love for your kingdom.  Help us as your children stand united against the evil ones.  Help us as your children not attack your anointed.  I pray blessing and abundance over my fellow Marines.  I pray, happiness and joy in your lives, so much that you cup runs over.  I pray, God hand be over your lives and guides you in your destiny for this life. I pray, my friends, family, fellow Marines, subscribers, and supporters; be covered with the blood of Yeshua and receive grace and God's love.
I pray, for the safety over our POTUS, PATRIOTS(world wide), Q, Q+++++, Prophets, and fellow Christians.  I pray, everyone be cover by the blood of Yeshua and God will be done.  I pray, for the removal of every corrupt person/leaders in any positioon of power and authority.  I pray those who harm and abuse those who depend on them and or aid them; be taken out of those positions and replaced with Christian and true Patriots of nations.
I pray God keeps everyone safe and blessed. Bloom where you are planted. God we praise you with our life.  We give you the glory all the day and night.  God, help us to love ourselves as you love us.  God, send you Angels to help guide us in your ways as you did Yeshua after he was tempted by the evil tempter.  We seek your counsel Lord.  Let us not be cowards, but active peacemakers.  Let us rejoice in your glory and your word.  We ask that you God send us leaders and voices who are truly of you God.  WE ask not to be deceived.  We asked those that are deceiving us us be revealed so that we may pray, act, and fight against this deception.  God remove the veil from our eyes.  Thank you God for all the blessing atet are to come from being your child.  We sing your glory from now and forever. In the Glorious name of the mighty, loving, and courageous Yeshua. AMEN!.
Prayer from 15 Feb, 2019   Let us pray.   Tonight God, we pray for those who are in need of mercy; receive it. Tonight God, we pray for those who are meek; be covered and protected.
Tonight God, we pray who stand in the gap; be shielded. Tonight God, we pray for wisdom, guidance, and discernment. Show us your ways Lord. Lead us to learning of you. Let us follow your heart all our days. Thank you God for being so very good to us. We pray to be more like your son Yeshua. God heal us who are broken. Save us who are not saved. Let us praise you all the day and night each and every way. In Yeshua's great name. Amen        
RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don't like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566 This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts. So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God's kingdom here on Earth. I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen. I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. I don't aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections. Thank you friends and Christian family.
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Spring cleaning..Seek God in all things!!!
The Bible study Wednesday!!!!  
I would like to thank everyone for the emails and messages.  Those who took the time to message me, thank you.  Thank who took the time and we prayed together, thank you.  And to those we are are taking the time to further their relationship with God, thank you.  You/ We all are doing more and more each day for God's kingdom.  Please continue your journey.  Please continue your faith.  Troubles come and troubles go, but God is forever. Our God is a righteous and just God.  God will right every wrong set against you.  Have faith.  Have strength in Yeshua Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit is with us all always.  ALWAYS..... To God be all the glory!!!
Praise God on high !!!!!!!!  
Book of Matthew 4:23-25
a. Yeshua Jesus Christ teaches in synagogues   a1. diseases, illnesses, demoniacs, and sickness cured for many           a2. Yeshua frame spreads b. Great crowds followed Yeshua Jesus Christ  from Galilee and other areas  
(a2) Yeshua Jesus Christ's,  frame spending must have been on the next level of awesomeness.  Think about it....  No way there was a mass social media post.  No way there was viral film of the great miracles being preformed.  I would imagine the word speed through groups of people being amazed to witness the miracles.  I would imagine the word spread like wild fire.  Maybe those who were telling what they had witness even did reenactments.    As we all might have been taught to understand, people taking time out of their daily lives to go and witness all the wonderful works they had heard of must have been difficult.  Taking in to account the travel and preparation that would have had to be involved just to make a journey to Yeshua's locations, but to also possibly leave behind daily living requirements of those times.  The fishing, the hunting, the Shepards, the tending to children, the businesses......  People found what was being completed by Yeshua so glorious, they risk possible hardships later upon their return to go and witness for themselves miracles.  Now a days people complain about have to drive 30 minutes to work or to a friends house to help them move.  But, during times where travel was by foot, animals, and or water; people still made a vast effort to witness, receive, and proclaim the glories of Jesus.   That is nothing short of amazing.  Some of us can't even get a text back, yet people had more heart in ancient times.  More faith even....  More love for a possibility..... WOW.... I am in awe of how someone in ancient times must have felt.....
Then after witnessing the miracles preformed by Yeshua, I am sure crowds cheered....maybe even some fainted at the wonder of it all.  We know many returned to their home locations Shouting and calling for other to take the leap of faith to go visit Yeshua.  How else would the word of Yeshua works spread.  There was no gossip column to be read.  There was no street sign that said, "Want a miracle , go see Jesus.  Show begins at 8am. selling tickets. First come first serve."  What a time to be alive it must have been!
(a) Yeshua went all over Galilee teaching and preaching the gospel of God's Kingdom.  Yeshua spread "The Good News".  Now let's be honest for a second....how many of us gravitate to good news?  How often to we turn to salacious text, videos, or ideas?  How often do we instead of researching God, The Holy Spirit, and Yeshua; do we put in more research/ study of when is the time for the game, where is the game playing, what dress will make my booty pop......  Come on now be honest.....  Persons today will put in more efforts in the ways of glamour and porn, then seeking gout a Godly church, Godly music, Godly movies, Godly Christian recreations......  Tell me I'm wrong....  
It's ok, some of us are at different levels in our life.  Some of us just need to remove unhealthy habits and replace those habit with more forward movement towards our relationship with Christ.  Maybe finding a Biblical documentary might help.  Maybe taking 30 mins to research a local church to attend weekly, instead of looking at fight scene from whoever shared a post; will maybe do us more good.  Maybe instead a practicing the latest technique of a smokey eye, we start our day with just thanking God for waking us up that morning.  We all have to start somewhere.  I'm not saying not to rest and relax.....but if the manner of which one chooses to rest and or relax is not helping further our relationship with God....maybe that would need to be changed also.
(a1)  I think most of us can picture healing and restoration, but let's try and thinking about removing demonic possessions.  Now this is a deep topic.  A topic I'm sure many will just toss to the way side, but stay with me.  Now I am learning about Spiritual Warfare myself; I'm by no means an expert(or even close).  What I will say is what I have learned thus far.  There are many types of demons.  Demons come is all forms and attacks people in many different ways.   If demons didn't exist and could not possessed people; Yeshua would have had no need to cast demons out of people.  Now..... "there is nothing new under the sun".  How the evil ones attacked God's people in ancient times is how he attacks people now.  Before one dismisses this reality as a crazy folklores or some kind of looooloooo talk; let me ask you this........  Have certain odd things been happening to you since you have renewed/ gain further ground in your walk with Yeshua?  Do electronics act up suddenly while you are reading your Bible or just after praying?   Have pictures fallen of your wall suddenly?  Has your door blown open?  Have you heard door bell ring, yet know one is there?  Have you heard strange sounds while sitting quietly? Or maybe the most common......how are your dreams?   Are your dreams extremely sexual?  Do your dreams seem so very real at times?  Do you wake suddenly with unexplained bruises, scratches, or aches not related to anything in waking life?   Do you even dream at all? or remember your dreams?     Now I'm not saying this to worry anyone.  Remember God's love is fearless and fear free, but....these things are just something to think about and ask yourself.  Now since I'm not an expert and am still learning myself all I can do at this point to share some persons who after prayer with God to whom I was lead.  
https://youtu.be/MQu0udfdma8   Praying Medic https://youtu.be/UjvVaOUqfMk    Rosalind Solomon https://youtu.be/p5wbmiaib6o     Josh Coen
Now these are my favorites person to learn from.  I hope the links help.  Side note...it helps to have a note pad when watching them...they share so much information..it's amazing.
Moving on,  (b) The Old Testament states "And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan."  WoW!!!!! I keep being lead to wonder, how many person in our times would follow Yeshua?  Many can't even rip themselves away for a football game or recover fast enough from a night of partying to make it to church on Sunday.  Many rather stay home in comfort then go help someone in need.  Not to mention the many who are too comfortable with a victim mentality to even seek help or use wise counsel; how many of them would even make the journey to go receive healing.  Maybe this is why God will make us uncomfortable for a time..so we will finally turn to him?  Maybe this is why God will try and send us messages not to hangout with certain people or go certain places, so we will seek more Christian forms of comforts?    I am just wanting to point out...if ones life is in heartache and troubles.....well, shoe fits.  It's almost spring cleaning time....time to rid oneself of unGodly relationships, lifestyle choices, happenings, etc....and yes, this can mean those closes to us.   One may be lonely for a period of time, but seek God my friends..seek God in all things.
Let us pray and seek God:
Lord, today I pray those that are being targeted by demonic or evil ones be shielded by the blood of Christ.  God I pray for those those are being attack, not be fearful.  Not be scared.  Not be frightened from your love and protection.  I pray Lord, those who are receiving challenges also receive growth, wisdom, and discernment.  I pray WE rejoice in your glory God once again.  I pray your people wake each and every morning with a song of your love in their heart.  I pray this song carries them through their day. In there comings and going God.  I pray the light of you that shines from your people blind the enemies and repels any evil person, things, or evil ones from being able to even getting close to them.  God I pray, those who are in need of healing receive not only healing, but nourishment of you Lord.  I pray everything and or person removed from us be replace with Godly person and things.  With you Lord there is no void.  There is no lacking.  There is no hunger or thirst.  We are complete in your love God.  I pray each and everyone who reads this receive a shield of protection in their waking and sleeping life.  Let no evil come to their side as they rest, pray, and or seek you God. I pray this in the great name of Yeshua Jesus Christ. Seal with the blood of Christ. Amen.
Prayer from Feb 8, 2019
God, Today We pray for those who are lost. We pray for those who are lonely. God, we pray for those who are struggling with addiction of any kind. Set them free from their chains. Lord, I pray for those who are harming others; to be granted a fruitful and loving heart; longer able to cause anyone else anymore pain. I pray God reaches down and releases them for any Demons, that maybe taking over their body, spirit, and or mind. I pray for those who repent, be saved and granted grace. Even for those who have to receive judgement from you Lord, we pray that they receive their judgement with a humble and courages heart. Rejoicing in the fact that although they have done wrong, they can now make those wrongs right..... by being truthful, honest, reborn, and pay restitutions to those they have hurt/harmed/murdered/injured. We also pray for those that have been made to suffer at the evil hands of others; receive peace, healing, grace, and abundance in all aspect of their new life. We pray that those now made anew from your healing, become testimonies of your Love and Blessings; furthering your kingdom here on earth. You are the Almighty I AM. God, you said you hear those who cry out to you. You hear and we believe you have heard our cries. We thank you Lord, that healing and blessings for those that are in need; are already on the way. Thank you Lord.   We pray this in the great saving , redeeming, loving name of your son Yeshua Jesus Christ. Amen God is on the move my friends...have peace.      
   RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don't like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566  This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts.   So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God's kingdom here on Earth. I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen.  I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. I don't aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections. Thank you friends and Christian family.
0 notes
“Fishers of men”
The Bible study Saturday on a Friday night!!!! 
Why? Because God is my priority not a convenience......
Praise God on high !!!!!!!! 
Book of Matthew 4:18-22 
a. Yeshua Jesus Christ walked by Sea of Galilee 
b. The first disciples are introduced 
c. Disciples leave all and follow Yeshua Jesus Christ  
Wow!!! Can I just say this one of my most favorite verses in the book of Matthew.  It truly warms my heart “Fishers of men”.   There are a couple of verses I just love of the Bible:....”no old wine in new wine skins, fishers of men, pick up your bed and walk, from the fire not smelling of smoke, and let thy will be done.”  God is soooo good to us. I am so very much in love.  I have never felt so complete.  Sooo whole.  Soo loved. Soo put together, then when I have truly loved God with all my heart, mind, and soul; which is what God wants.  I don’t feel the urge or need for anything else, except to learn more, grow more, and truly love God; but love God right.  We all know people who say they love someone or love something, but loving someone or something right is a whole other story...am I right or am I right???!!!!
(a) Yeshua Jesus Christ, walking by the Sea of Galilee walks upon two brothers; (b)Peter and Andrew.  Now, bare with me y'all cause its about to get truthful and a bit crazy......
(b)Who was Peter? Peter was born Simon.  Yeshua gave Peter his name. Many suggest when Peter was baptized/reborn and followed Yeshua, the changing of his name was an outward symbolism of his covenant with Yeshua/God. Many Christian’s change their name to this day in the same practice/symbolism.  Fun personal fact, I too did change my name when I became reborn. What was it before Marie? To the 1st person  who guesses correctly I will personally buy you and mail out to you; your own copy of the study Bible that I use. Yes there is a catch. 1. email me at [email protected].  your guess 2. Don’t worry, just guess the first name I was born with. 3. You can not be someone who knows me before the year 2008. 4. You can’t be someone who knows me during/from my military service. Email me your guess(nothing nasty either please) and I will mail you, your own free hardcover study Bible.  Deadline for this guessing game will be Feb 12, 2019 at 12pm mountain standard time. Blessings.  
Now, back to Peter.  Peter was a flawed man. Say what? Yes, Flawed.  Say what???!!! Well, he doubted, he cursed, he yelled, he had a temper; so bad Yeshua even scolded him on several occasions....Later Peter even he lied, denied knowing/following Yeshua. Don’t believe me? Well, we shall see later in the book of Matthew.  But, like someone else who was awesome yet flawed, and I quote,” I can not tell a lie”.  (https://www.simplybible.com/f649-toi-adventures-of-peter.htm)
What does this say to me?  Well, what I think we can all take from this is/are several things:  Yeshua/God never expected us to be prefect.  God knew we would fail from time to time.  But, God wants us to try to the best of our abilities.  God knows our true heart.  Later, we will review how even after Peter denied knowing  Yeshua, he felt guilty, he repented, and was forgiven.  Peter went on to make things “right” by continuing God’s work for the reminder of his life here on earth.  I say this, because I know many out there believe they have done too much wrong to be forgiven.  Many out there are condemned time after time by those closes to them for their short comings and or failures, but I say to you the same as Yeshua says.  Give your life over to God, with a humble and open heart, receive Christ into your life, and be saved.  Receive grace.  Receive life ever lasting.  Be made whole as God intended not as the world disrupted.
And to others who are judgy-wudgy...well, stop. Please stop.  Someone who is being judged harshly, may be on their last leg towards redemption and harsh words can be what's holding them back from truly receiving Christ into their life.  So many are  about to take their life, based off of hearing harsh words repeating over and over in their head.  There are people out there this very second, who feel worthless and like their life is over;  a kind word from us could be what saves them.  Now am I saying be a fool? No.  Am I saying be deceived? No.  But, sometimes it is true that some need to hit rock bottom. (AKA, be turnover to themselves) In order to understand what they have done to their life and the life of to others.  Maybe God is using us to be the one that will help lead them to Christ.  So, don’t reject a hand reaching up for help. But, don’t take a hand that is aiming to drag you down with them. 
 The only way to truly know what action to take is too:  pray, fast, and ask God.  I recommend 3 days, but God sometimes answers immediately.  Watch for signs.  Listen for God’s voice. And take action or have peace in what must happen.
(b)Andrew, Peter’s brother;   Andrew is said to have had tremendous courage, very humble, and later a Saint (by some religions). I wonder why Andrew is not mention as much as others in the Bible?  This leaves me hoping that some where there is a lost Book of Andrew, just waiting to be found.  I guess on this one; only time will tell.   But, the declaration of Andrew being a courageous man, in my mind solidifies the fact that as Christians we are not called to be flies on the wall.  We are made to be courages ourselves.  We are made to take ground for God’s kingdom, hold that ground, and expand that ground. Why? Well, even although Andrew is not mention much in the Bible he did go on to build churches and spread the “good news” of God.  Andrew was indeed courageous not only with his intentions, but life of direction.  Andrew was a warrior for God. That is amazing!!!!!  Maybe because of my military back ground, but the more and more I actually study the Bible and those of the Bible; no where have a read of God’s disciples being weak, quite, or/ compromisers. (https://www.biblestudytools.com/classics/lightfoot-sermons-preached-on-special-occasions/andrew-simon-peters-brother.html)
 It honestly hurts me to say this, but:   Look around today, do we not see compromising to evil?  Just the other day in the news I saw an article of church leaders “blessing” an abortion clinic....yes...look it up I don’t lie.  Now, there is nothing in me that will ever come close to believing, the one who gave us breath of life, would think it is anyones “choice” to take away a life.  Especially, not out of self defense.  And, Yes; I’m going to put one more step into this and say, “God brings life, blessings, abundance, grace, mercy, love, healing, and promise; to name a few.....The devil brings death, destruction, pain, agony, misery, death, lies, deceives, manipulates, and so on....” 
That being said, those who are “blessing abortions, having abortions, celebrating the choice of an abortion........” Those person’s are not of God and not on God’s side.  I know many are going to bring up trauma cases, medical cases etc... believe me I know, but it as boils down to ...God’s side or the devils.  So pick a side..  Furthermore, anyone who has study spiritual warfare, will tell you, an abortion is a blood sacrifice to Baal. Who or what is Baal?  Well, there is a ton of information out there, but this is a good link below.  BTW, pray for NY, apparently there is an alter being put up for this evil.  And what did NY just pass, abortions until birth.... coincidence? I think not. (http://www.ancientdestructions.com/baalbek-temple-human-sacrifice-worship-baal/)
This leads me to ask another question, why are not more churches speaking out against this evil?  Why are many churches content in letting this happen? Oh, some want to say many churches are not letting this happen???? Ok, well I have not seen nor heard of any huge name churches..... protesting, televising publically outrage, or leading protest against this murder of children in the womb, now just before birth in some states of America.  But, many church leaders protested birth control pills being force payment in medical care for their employees!!!!  So is it about the money?????? Or faith??? or relationship with God???? Many churches came out to speak against those who are trying to stop abortions......as I sip my tea. Yes, I said it.   I did an internet search and I could find maybe a handful of church leaders speaking against this murder of children, but the best-est /largest churches out there......nothing!?! Shame, Shame, Shame on to them.  
Church leaders are supposed to be the moral compass of our national and yet, many/most remain quiet. SHAME! Church leaders are supposed to have God as the head of their church. Yet, they take no actions, SHAME.  Church leaders are supposed to educated and advise their flock, yet they rather collect, deflect, and claim to praise God while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of the innocent; SHAME.  Why? 501c3.  Which is something I vowed to God I would never be.  501c3, which I have promised with my whole heart I would speak against.  What is 501c3? Below is a link I found the most helpful to explain. Please take the time and read it through. (http://hushmoney.org/501c3-facts.htm). So let’s just call the 501c3 churches what they really are; hang outs, social meet-ups, and sadly in some cases underground routes of evil.  For those that are in their feelings now; the truth does not care about your feelings.   That being said, it is my understanding in order to broadcast, a church must be 501c3 compliant.  So for those churches, I have been taught God is a law and order God.  God, maybe granting these broadcasting churches grace. Although the grace period may/ will be over once the 501c3 is abolished and those churches choose....yes choose; to remain under the 501c3 yoke.  Addiontionally, what others are yoked with 501c3....Planned Parenthood; among others.  What organization recently paid thousands and millions to law makers who support abortions, write abortion laws, and even donated for abortion activist groups....Planned Parenthood.  Who have openly admitted to charging a high praise for the sale of aborted fetal organs/parts and tissues...Planned Parenthood.  I could go on and on.....  
Let me guess, so are going to say....but Planned Parenthood help diagnosed cancer in the breast or testicles of xyandz...ok thats good...great even.....  But after they helped whoever with whatever......they still did evil.  God is a black and white God.  That means no grey zone.  One cannot kill, murder, lie, deceive;  then too claim to be a helper of the people to communities.  Furthermore, allowing yourself to be deceived is treasonous to God. So make a choice. For God or against God, but you cannot have both.
Continuing on, Yeshua Jesus Christ while walking comes upon (Simon)Peter and Andrew (brothers).  (c)Yeshua says,” Follow me and I will make you fisher’s of men”(Old Testament).  Study Bible states,” Follow me, and I will , make you fish for people.”  In either case, both book states, immediately the brothers dropped their nets and left their father; to follow Yeshua.  Old Testament adds the brother left the ship too.  Now, I believe we all are aware how important parents and caring for ones parents was in Biblical times, not to mention a family business.  Yet, these two brothers, left all they had, all they had known (possibly), and followed Yeshua???!!!! Yes!!!!  I am forever amazed how free someone must have been in the presence to Yeshua; to just know without a doubt, they were doing the right thing (in forsaking all and following).  I just love this.  
This also saddens me.  Why? Well, many are more open to a fun night of binge drinking, sleeping around, trying a new drug, getting into a risky un-Godly relationship; then they are to give their life over to Yeshua.  Seriously?!?!? Why?  I honestly don’t know.  Why, would someone rather live a painful life, rather than be free in Christ?  I guess, the only comfort I have is knowing the God can go anywhere and touch anyones life.  God can reach the people in the club, the drunk at the bar, the person sleeping around, the one about to put a needle into a vain, and even the one thinking of an abortion.  So what can we do????? Pray for them.  Yes, even if we have prayed for that person 100 times before...pray for them 1000 times more.  Maybe it wasn’t there time yet to be saved.  Maybe they had lessons to learn. Maybe something, I don’t know, but God is God and God can save anyone.  I have to believe if the person is still on this earth there might be a chance for them to be saved.  So let us pray.
God, Today We pray for those who are lost.  We pray for those who are lonely.  God, we pray for those who are struggling with addiction of any kind. Set them free from their chains.  Lord, I pray for those who are harming others; to be granted a fruitful and loving heart;  longer able to cause anyone else anymore pain.  I pray God reaches down and releases them for any Demons, that maybe taking over their body, spirit, and or mind.  I pray for those who repent, be saved and granted grace.  Even for those who have to receive judgement from you Lord, we pray that they receive their judgement with a humble and courages heart.  Rejoicing in the fact that although they have done wrong, they can now make those wrongs right..... by being truthful, honest, reborn,  and pay restitutions to those they have hurt/harmed/murdered/injured.  We also pray for those that have been made to suffer at the evil hands of others; receive peace, healing, grace, and abundance in all aspect of their new life.  We pray that those now made anew from your healing, become testimonies of your Love and Blessings; furthering your kingdom here on earth.  You are the Almighty I AM.  God, you said you hear those who cry out to you. You hear and we believe you have heard our cries. We thank you Lord, that healing and blessings for those that are in need; are already on the way.  Thank you Lord.
We pray this in the great saving , redeeming, loving name of your son Yeshua Jesus Christ.
God is on the move my friends...have peace.
 Prayer from 6 Feb, 2019
Today friends, I pray we not judge others so harshly. I pray we allow God to do his work in his own time and trust the plan. I pray we don't give into jealously, vanity, or small mindedness. Our God is a glorious God. With mysterious supernatural ways, we can not understand stand. I pray we recognize the value each of us have in God's kingdom here on earth. I pray, we make it to the loving arms of Yeshua Jesus Christ ratified with the world we have be untrusted with on own own mission(s). I pray, we monger be held back with thoughts of doubt and or a slave mentality. I Pray we actually live by what we have been given; freedom through Yeshua. I pray we take God out of the box. Knock those four walls. I pray we have God every where we are and am going. I pray we see God not only within, but within others. I pray this in Yeshua's Great Name. Amen.
RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don't like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566
This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts. 
So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God's kingdom here on Earth. I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen.
 I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. I don't aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections. Thank you friends and Christian family.
0 notes
“Fisher of men”
The Bible study Saturday on a Friday night!!!!
Why? Because God is my priority not a convenience......
Praise God on high !!!!!!!!
Book of Matthew 4:18-22
a. Yeshua Jesus Christ walked by Sea of Galilee
b. The first disciples are introduced
c. Disciples leave all and follow Yeshua Jesus Christ  
Wow!!! Can I just say this one of my most favorite verses in the book of Matthew.  It truly warms my heart “Fishers of men”.   There are a couple of verses I just love of the Bible:....”no old wine in new wine skins, fishers of men, pick up your bed and walk, from the fire not smelling of smoke, and let thy will be done.”  God is soooo good to us. I am so very much in love.  I have never felt so complete.  Sooo whole.  Soo loved. Soo put together, then when I have truly loved God with all my heart, mind, and soul; which is what God wants.  I don’t feel the urge or need for anything else, except to learn more, grow more, and truly love God; but love God right.  We all know people who say they love someone or love something, but loving someone or something right is a whole other story...am I right or am I right???!!!!
(a) Yeshua Jesus Christ, walking by the Sea of Galilee walks upon two brothers; (b)Peter and Andrew.  Now, bare with me y'all cause its about to get truthful and a bit crazy......
(b)Who was Peter? Peter was born Simon.  Yeshua gave Peter his name. Many suggest when Peter was baptized/reborn and followed Yeshua, the changing of his name was an outward symbolism of his covenant with Yeshua/God. Many Christian’s change their name to this day in the same practice/symbolism.  Fun personal fact, I too did change my name when I became reborn. What was it before Marie? To the 1st person  who guesses correctly I will personally buy you and mail out to you; your own copy of the study Bible that I use. Yes there is a catch. 1. email me at [email protected].  your guess 2. Don’t worry, just guess the first name I was born with. 3. You can not be someone who knows me before the year 2008. 4. You can’t be someone who knows me during/from my military service. Email me your guess(nothing nasty either please) and I will mail you, your own free hardcover study Bible.  Deadline for this guessing game will be Feb 12, 2019 at 12pm mountain standard time. Blessings.  
Now, back to Peter.  Peter was a flawed man. Say what? Yes, Flawed.  Say what???!!! Well, he doubted, he cursed, he yelled, he had a temper; so bad Yeshua even scolded him on several occasions....Later Peter even he lied, denied knowing/following Yeshua. Don’t believe me? Well, we shall see later in the book of Matthew.  But, like someone else who was awesome yet flawed, and I quote,” I can not tell a lie”.  (https://www.simplybible.com/f649-toi-adventures-of-peter.htm)
What does this say to me?  Well, what I think we can all take from this is/are several things:  Yeshua/God never expected us to be prefect.  God knew we would fail from time to time.  But, God wants us to try to the best of our abilities.  God knows our true heart.  Later, we will review how even after Peter denied knowing  Yeshua, he felt guilty, he repented, and was forgiven.  Peter went on to make things “right” by continuing God’s work for the reminder of his life here on earth.  I say this, because I know many out there believe they have done too much wrong to be forgiven.  Many out there are condemned time after time by those closes to them for their short comings and or failures, but I say to you the same as Yeshua says.  Give your life over to God, with a humble and open heart, receive Christ into your life, and be saved.  Receive grace.  Receive life ever lasting.  Be made whole as God intended not as the world disrupted.
And to others who are judgy-wudgy...well, stop. Please stop.  Someone who is being judged harshly, may be on their last leg towards redemption and harsh words can be what's holding them back from truly receiving Christ into their life.  So many are  about to take their life, based off of hearing harsh words repeating over and over in their head.  There are people out there this very second, who feel worthless and like their life is over;  a kind word from us could be what saves them.  Now am I saying be a fool? No.  Am I saying be deceived? No.  But, sometimes it is true that some need to hit rock bottom. (AKA, be turnover to themselves) In order to understand what they have done to their life and the life of to others.  Maybe God is using us to be the one that will help lead them to Christ.  So, don’t reject a hand reaching up for help. But, don’t take a hand that is aiming to drag you down with them.
The only way to truly know what action to take is too:  pray, fast, and ask God.  I recommend 3 days, but God sometimes answers immediately.  Watch for signs.  Listen for God’s voice. And take action or have peace in what must happen.
(b)Andrew, Peter’s brother;   Andrew is said to have had tremendous courage, very humble, and later a Saint (by some religions). I wonder why Andrew is not mention as much as others in the Bible?  This leaves me hoping that some where there is a lost Book of Andrew, just waiting to be found.  I guess on this one; only time will tell.   But, the declaration of Andrew being a courageous man, in my mind solidifies the fact that as Christians we are not called to be flies on the wall.  We are made to be courages ourselves.  We are made to take ground for God’s kingdom, hold that ground, and expand that ground. Why? Well, even although Andrew is not mention much in the Bible he did go on to build churches and spread the “good news” of God.  Andrew was indeed courageous not only with his intentions, but life of direction.  Andrew was a warrior for God. That is amazing!!!!!  Maybe because of my military back ground, but the more and more I actually study the Bible and those of the Bible; no where have a read of God’s disciples being weak, quite, or/ compromisers. (https://www.biblestudytools.com/classics/lightfoot-sermons-preached-on-special-occasions/andrew-simon-peters-brother.html)
It honestly hurts me to say this, but:   Look around today, do we not see compromising to evil?  Just the other day in the news I saw an article of church leaders “blessing” an abortion clinic....yes...look it up I don’t lie.  Now, there is nothing in me that will ever come close to believing, the one who gave us breath of life, would think it is anyones “choice” to take away a life.  Especially, not out of self defense.  And, Yes; I’m going to put one more step into this and say, “God brings life, blessings, abundance, grace, mercy, love, healing, and promise; to name a few.....The devil brings death, destruction, pain, agony, misery, death, lies, deceives, manipulates, and so on....”
That being said, those who are “blessing abortions, having abortions, celebrating the choice of an abortion........” Those person’s are not of God and not on God’s side.  I know many are going to bring up trauma cases, medical cases etc... believe me I know, but it as boils down to ...God’s side or the devils.  So pick a side..  Furthermore, anyone who has study spiritual warfare, will tell you, an abortion is a blood sacrifice to Baal. Who or what is Baal?  Well, there is a ton of information out there, but this is a good link below.  BTW, pray for NY, apparently there is an alter being put up for this evil.  And what did NY just pass, abortions until birth.... coincidence? I think not. (http://www.ancientdestructions.com/baalbek-temple-human-sacrifice-worship-baal/)
This leads me to ask another question, why are not more churches speaking out against this evil?  Why are many churches content in letting this happen? Oh, some want to say many churches are not letting this happen???? Ok, well I have not seen nor heard of any huge name churches..... protesting, televising publically outrage, or leading protest against this murder of children in the womb, now just before birth in some states of America.  But, many church leaders protested birth control pills being force payment in medical care for their employees!!!!  So is it about the money?????? Or faith??? or relationship with God???? Many churches came out to speak against those who are trying to stop abortions......as I sip my tea. Yes, I said it.   I did an internet search and I could find maybe a handful of church leaders speaking against this murder of children, but the best-est /largest churches out there......nothing!?! Shame, Shame, Shame on to them.  
Church leaders are supposed to be the moral compass of our national and yet, many/most remain quiet. SHAME! Church leaders are supposed to have God as the head of their church. Yet, they take no actions, SHAME.  Church leaders are supposed to educated and advise their flock, yet they rather collect, deflect, and claim to praise God while turning a blind eye to the slaughter of the innocent; SHAME.  Why? 501c3.  Which is something I vowed to God I would never be.  501c3, which I have promised with my whole heart I would speak against.  What is 501c3? Below is a link I found the most helpful to explain. Please take the time and read it through. (http://hushmoney.org/501c3-facts.htm). So let’s just call the 501c3 churches what they really are; hang outs, social meet-ups, and sadly in some cases underground routes of evil.  For those that are in their feelings now; the truth does not care about your feelings.   That being said, it is my understanding in order to broadcast, a church must be 501c3 compliant.  So for those churches, I have been taught God is a law and order God.  God, maybe granting these broadcasting churches grace. Although the grace period may/ will be over once the 501c3 is abolished and those churches choose....yes choose; to remain under the 501c3 yoke.  Addiontionally, what others are yoked with 501c3....Planned Parenthood; among others.  What organization recently paid thousands and millions to law makers who support abortions, write abortion laws, and even donated for abortion activist groups....Planned Parenthood.  Who have openly admitted to charging a high praise for the sale of aborted fetal organs/parts and tissues...Planned Parenthood.  I could go on and on.....  
Let me guess, so are going to say....but Planned Parenthood help diagnosed cancer in the breast or testicles of xyandz...ok thats good...great even.....  But after they helped whoever with whatever......they still did evil.  God is a black and white God.  That means no grey zone.  One cannot kill, murder, lie, deceive;  then too claim to be a helper of the people to communities.  Furthermore, allowing yourself to be deceived is treasonous to God. So make a choice. For God or against God, but you cannot have both.
Continuing on, Yeshua Jesus Christ while walking comes upon (Simon)Peter and Andrew (brothers).  (c)Yeshua says,” Follow me and I will make you fisher’s of men”(Old Testament).  Study Bible states,” Follow me, and I will , make you fish for people.”  In either case, both book states, immediately the brothers dropped their nets and left their father; to follow Yeshua.  Old Testament adds the brother left the ship too.  Now, I believe we all are aware how important parents and caring for ones parents was in Biblical times, not to mention a family business.  Yet, these two brothers, left all they had, all they had known (possibly), and followed Yeshua???!!!! Yes!!!!  I am forever amazed how free someone must have been in the presence to Yeshua; to just know without a doubt, they were doing the right thing (in forsaking all and following).  I just love this.  
This also saddens me.  Why? Well, many are more open to a fun night of binge drinking, sleeping around, trying a new drug, getting into a risky un-Godly relationship; then they are to give their life over to Yeshua.  Seriously?!?!? Why?  I honestly don’t know.  Why, would someone rather live a painful life, rather than be free in Christ?  I guess, the only comfort I have is knowing the God can go anywhere and touch anyones life.  God can reach the people in the club, the drunk at the bar, the person sleeping around, the one about to put a needle into a vain, and even the one thinking of an abortion.  So what can we do????? Pray for them.  Yes, even if we have prayed for that person 100 times before...pray for them 1000 times more.  Maybe it wasn’t there time yet to be saved.  Maybe they had lessons to learn. Maybe something, I don’t know, but God is God and God can save anyone.  I have to believe if the person is still on this earth there might be a chance for them to be saved.  So let us pray.
God, Today We pray for those who are lost.  We pray for those who are lonely.  God, we pray for those who are struggling with addiction of any kind. Set them free from their chains.  Lord, I pray for those who are harming others; to be granted a fruitful and loving heart;  longer able to cause anyone else anymore pain.  I pray God reaches down and releases them for any Demons, that maybe taking over their body, spirit, and or mind.  I pray for those who repent, be saved and granted grace.  Even for those who have to receive judgement from you Lord, we pray that they receive their judgement with a humble and courages heart.  Rejoicing in the fact that although they have done wrong, they can now make those wrongs right..... by being truthful, honest, reborn,  and pay restitutions to those they have hurt/harmed/murdered/injured.  We also pray for those that have been made to suffer at the evil hands of others; receive peace, healing, grace, and abundance in all aspect of their new life.  We pray that those now made anew from your healing, become testimonies of your Love and Blessings; furthering your kingdom here on earth.  You are the Almighty I AM.  God, you said you hear those who cry out to you. You hear and we believe you have heard our cries. We thank you Lord, that healing and blessings for those that are in need; are already on the way.  Thank you Lord.
We pray this in the great saving , redeeming, loving name of your son Yeshua Jesus Christ.
God is on the move my friends...have peace.
Prayer from 6 Feb, 2019
Today friends, I pray we not judge others so harshly. I pray we allow God to do his work in his own time and trust the plan. I pray we don't give into jealously, vanity, or small mindedness. Our God is a glorious God. With mysterious supernatural ways, we can not understand stand. I pray we recognize the value each of us have in God's kingdom here on earth. I pray, we make it to the loving arms of Yeshua Jesus Christ ratified with the world we have be untrusted with on own own mission(s). I pray, we monger be held back with thoughts of doubt and or a slave mentality. I Pray we actually live by what we have been given; freedom through Yeshua. I pray we take God out of the box. Knock those four walls. I pray we have God every where we are and am going. I pray we see God not only within, but within others. I pray this in Yeshua's Great Name. Amen.
RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don't like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566
This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts.
So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God's kingdom here on Earth. I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen.
I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. I don't aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections. Thank you friends and Christian family.
0 notes
Yeshua resist the evil tempter
The Bible study Saturday, but on a Friday because I have a busy schedule this week!!!! Praise God on high !!!!!!!!  
Book of Matthew 4:1-11 a. Yeshua Jesus Christ is led up by the Spirit      a1. Yeshua Jesus Christ 40 days and 40 nights b1.  The tempter comes to Yeshua Jesus Christ c. Angels come tend and minister to Yeshua Jesus Christ
(a) The Old Testament Bible and the The study Bible states  "was led up of the Spirit".  But then the Old Testament states "tempted of the devil".  While the Study Bible states "tempted by the devil" Some may say while a word is just a word, but us a Christians know that words are powerful.  Words sometimes have hidden meaning and are mysterious.   If we take a look at "was led up of the Spirit" with the Spiritual realm view; many  have said the Yeshua's physical body remained here on earth, but it was his spirit that was transported to the spiritual realm where he was tempted by the devil.  If this is in fact the case, this confirms possible attacks the evil ones and tempter makes on us in our sleeping life as well.  There are thousands of studies conducted by many psychologist who confirm; just how powerful our subconscious mind is.  These Psychologist also confirm, persons are able to receive information during our sleeping life, which is why our brain is like our heart forever active.    In fact, other studies have been conducted by the military finding the results of a person not sleeping and or dreaming; can actually drive a person insane.  Therefore Science is basically making it legitimate to none believer's the high possibility that Yeshua was  transported into the spirt realm and tempted by the devil. The spiritual realm exist. And the spiritual word is just as or more important for our survival as our physical world; health, mind, body, and soul.   For those who don't have a basic knowledge of spiritual warfare please check out the two link if you would like.  These two are my favorite persons to learn from.  In my opinion it is amazing the knowledge they have and are able to teach others. Demonic Spirits & The Soul By Josh Coen(https://youtu.be/p5wbmiaib6o), Prophetess Rosalind Solomon (https://youtu.be/S1ivO8ZJH1g). (NO I DON"T KNOW THESE PERSONs AND IM NOT BEING PAID)
(a1) Yeshua fasting for 40 days and 40 nights brings up so many questions for me.  Main question being: Was Yeshua's earthly body at rest here on earth doing a spiritual fast in his sleep because Yeshua spirit was fighting being tempted by the devil?  For those who haven't fasted other than for medical testing; let me tell you !!!!! Fasting is amazing.  I have been learning about fasting and I can honestly speak from experience. Each time I have fasted I have grown in my walk with God and also have faced several battles by the tempter and the tempters evil workers.  The experiences, honestly have increased with every progression of my faith and Bible learning and spiritual warfare learning. Some have showed psychical pain the next morning or when I woke up.  I choose to take these attacks as signs I am moving in the right direction with my love of God and relationship with God; others wise the evil ones would have no reason to attack me.  
The number 40 is mention more than 100 times in the Bible.The study Bible link explains the number 40 is a testing period.  Which if this is true means God knew the devil was coming to test Yeshua and allowed the testing.(https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/40.html).  It is after passing this successful test; Yeshua begins his ministry.  WOW!!!!  Now I have heard it said several times in church that God does not test us.  I have also heard it said that the devil can only attack us if we have sinned in some way shape of form; to open open up the door to be tested by the devil.  Now, I am not suggesting that somehow Yeshua opened a door way from sinning to allow the devil to test him, but I am putting to rest the idea that God does not allow us to be tested.  Furthermore, this in my opinion opens up the argument of the multiple dimensions,  that may exist in the spiritual realm.  How so, well why would God allow Yeshua to be tested if there were not multiple outcomes?  Thank God Yeshua passed the test, but think of others who have not passed testing/tempting by the devil?  I can see for myself that if I had passed certain test earlier in life, many of situations might not have happened.  Which is unfortunate for my case in some ways, but I am thankful we serve a graceful God that will bless us with other changes to come to him and give ourselves and lives over to him.  I believe this is way I am so very determine the pass 4 or 5 years to get the testing right or at least get the highest possible score on the test.  Reading these verse I believe we a being shown there is the earthly realm, physical realm, and spiritual.  There are other realms, but for the purpose of keeping focus I will only mention these.
Moving on: (b1) Again we are shown the number 3.  # times the devils tempts Yeshua and 3 times Yeshua passed the test by being, saying, and believing in the word of God.  AMAZING!!!!!! as a reminder 3 in the Bible is important (https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/3.html). I am honestly amazed how everything really does have a meaning!!!! God is so wonderful he even gave numbers meanings and importance and as signs of communication for us.  So watch the numbers that appear around us often friends, most likely we are being given messages from God.
(c) After the devil trying to tempt Yeshua the Old Testament Bible states "the Angels came and ministered into him".  The Study Bible states "the Angels came and waited on him." Now keeping with the Spiritual World belief, when it is said the Angels came and ministered to Yeshua; I am like Yes!!!! (https://www.thefreedictionary.com/ministered)(https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/minister/). By both definitions the Angels not only tending to Yeshua's physical needs from fasting, by in the desert realm, but also ministered to Yeshua.  So the Angels came to Yeshua to teach him in more depth the word and ways of God.  WHHHHAAATTTTT???!!!! I know Amazing... You mean we can be tempted, fast, pass the test, and also be minister by Angels the word of God and ways of God!!!???? YES!!!!  This is why fasting is so very important. Not just for health reason of are physical body, but our spiritual body.  Friends, I urge others to learn how  fast; of course based of their medical conditions and needs.  Fasting in my opinion is a great disciplinary tool that strengthens our relationship with God and readies our bodies to receive God word and learnings. BTW, several Spiritual sources always suggest repenting while or before fasting. (No I am not a doctor... so consult one first before fasting)
God, I today I pray we too resist the tempting of the devil and evil ones.  I pray, we come to you Lord for all our needs.  I pray, we be humble and repent for our wrong doings in mind, body, and words.  God, thank you for showing us how your ways are always for us and never against us.  Although you may allow us to be tested, it's because you have faith in our love for you to pass those test.  God, as your children we strive to pass each and every test set before us.  We strive to ave a glorious relationship with you Lord. We aim and take care towards this relationship each and every day, in every way.  That you God for sending your Angels to tend and minister to us as they did for your begotten son Yeshua.  We praise you all the day long. We sing to you sweet songs of love  and celebration  of our living God.  in Yeshua's great name. Seal with the blood of Christ. Amen.
Prayer from January 30, 2019
God today, I would like us to thank you for all the miracles that you have allowed into our lives and the more miracles that are to come. The living God our provider, our redeemer, our savior; wonderful, amazing, and righteous suffered for our shake. Thank you God for allowing us to be blessing to others as John the Baptist must have been to Yeshua. Thank you God for showing us through our Lord and savior ,Yeshua Jesus Christ the importance of laws, rules, and orders that you have set before us. Thank you God for providing through the actions of Yeshua and John the Baptist examples of how we are to suffer unto perform perfect obedience to your Laws. Thank you God for allowing us to seek righteousness as Yeshua and John the Baptist did. Lord, I pray that we be so humble to seek, travel, prepare, and receive righteous for others just as Yeshua was. And in seeking /receiving this righteousness with a humble heart; I pray that God you be well please with us. Thank you God for letting it be witnessed your miracles and glory; not only in us, but with us, by everyone we meet and everywhere we go; through your beloved son Jesus. I pray this all in the great mighty name of Yeshua Jesus Christ; cover us in his blood now and forever. Amen.        
RECAP: I will be using my Second Edition Fully revised and expanded book: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. I purchased this book from Barnes and Noble a while back. I have provided the link below incase anyone is interested. No, Im not paid or sponsor by this book, editors, or writers, or Barnes and Noble, just sharing information. (Plus, as a side note I personally don't like it when information of where to look up reference with held when I am watching others on channels etc, so I try and provide the sources of which I am gathering information.) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-jewish-annotated-new-testament-marc-z-brettler/1125563566   This is just me doing my part to share THE GOOD NEWS, from a study Bible new Christian study person view of the world, experiences, and study bible sorts. So I completely understand any others interpretations, but this is my blog so obviously that interpretations I write with my views and applications to my life, from my life. I pray this helps others. I pray I can help further God's kingdom here on Earth. I pray God be with us in our study and guide us to wisdom, knowledge, and discernment; for our souls shake. In Yeshua Jesus loving name. Amen.  I will be going through this study bible book by book, verse by verse. While comments are welcomed, any negative and evil comments will not be tolerated(towards myself or others) by me. I don't aim to divide, but bring us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. I can accept different points of view, but evil words will never be tolerated or welcomed. It is ok to disagree, but not to attack. It is ok to have a different view or interpretations, but not to curse(spiritual definition). And as always if others have information to add, or thoughts to be considered, please post in comments sections.  Thank you friends and Christian family.
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