#And now it is vanquished mwahaha
banannabethchase · 1 year
Yuta really only wants one thing in life. He's pretty sure it's impossible. How unexpected it is, then, that his two boyfriends orchestrate it for him.
For @sarahcakes613 A super late birthday gift for the incomparable Sarah <3 Love you dear! I hope your birthday month is magical!
Also this fic tried to kill me.
Yuta is in the middle of packing up his gear when Claudio presses up along his back.
“There’s my sunshine,” Claudio murmurs, lips to Yuta’s ear. “My winner.”
“We are in literal public,” Yuta laughs, reaching back to rest a hand on Claudio’s hip. “Like, I appreciate it and all, but Caster and Bowens are staring.” He nods over to the Acclaimed, who are scissoring each other and making weird little kissy noises.
“Let them look,” Claudio replies. He kisses Yuta’s neck.
Yuta would do anything to stay in this moment, but he’s already running a little late for his flight. “I can’t, Swiss,” Yuta says. It’s miserable, but Yuta turns around and steps away. “Remember?”
Claudio’s face darkens, just the tiniest bit. “Right. Of course.” He nods. “Eddie.”
Yuta exhales. He won’t feel guilty. He won’t. “My flight leaves in an hour and a half, so I’m already behind.” He chances a look into Claudio’s dark eyes. He sees no anger there, no frustration. But there is something he can’t quite figure out. “I’ll miss you.”
“What would you say,” Claudio begins, so slowly it’s like he’s choosing each word individually, “if I asked to join?”
It takes Yuta second to process what’s been said. “I would ask if you forgot that this is Eddie we’re talking about.”
Claudio nods. “I can understand if it would make you uncomfortable.”
“It wouldn’t make me uncomfortable,” Yuta says. He’s suddenly flooded with images of what could be done when it’s both of his lovers in one room, when Claudio and Eddie are able to put aside their differences for one night. For him.
It’s a wish he’s had before. It’s a wish that’s too good to be true.
“Oh,” Claudio says. His smile is soft and sweet. “What do you think your Eddie would say?”
“Eddie would come at you with brass knuckles,” Yuta deadpans. “You know that. I know that. I don’t even know why we’re entertaining this line of conversation.” He reaches up to touch Claudio’s face. “I love you for it, but I don’t think it’s – it’s not worth it.”
Claudio frowns. “It sounds as if you’re saying you aren’t worth it. I need you to know you are.”
“It’s not that -”
“Go to the airport, my love.” Claudio leans in and kisses Yuta on the forehead. “I’ll work this out for you.”
He’s halfway out of the venue when he hears a familiar set of footsteps.
“Aw, Yoots is off to hang out with one of his boyfriends.” Mox grins at him, and Yuta has to slap his hand away before he grabs his cheek and pinches. Dickhead. “Really getting around, kid. Proud of you.”
“Aren’t you literally fucking half of the Elite right now?” Yuta asks.
Mox’s grin goes devious. “Wouldn’t you like to know. And it’s three quarters.”
“Ew,” Yuta mumbles. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” He makes his way down the hallway. “Keep an eye on Claudio, okay? I don’t want him to be…” Yuta trails off. “I mean, I’m going to see Eddie.”
Mox claps him on the shoulder and falls in step next to him. “He’ll be okay, Yoots. He said he had something he had to take care of earlier, so he might be busy and distracted.”
“Don’t make it sound like he won’t miss me,” Yuta says, and he’s only slightly pouting as he requests the Lyft.
“He’ll miss you,” Mox says, “but you’ll be getting railed by Eddie, so I’m not sure why you’re too worried about what Claudio thinks.”
Yuta looks up to see Mox doing something that’s probably supposed to be a wink. “Go get a blowjob from an EVP.”
Mox’s grin goes dopey. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Yuta makes his way to the airport and texts Eddie in the Lyft.
Hey King on my way to the airport. Flight leaves at 11:55. See you in the morning <3
See ya soon baby
Yuta makes it through security seamlessly, and spends the five hours on the plane asleep.
He yawns his way off the plane, the sleep technical but not great quality, and practically stumbles out into the New York sun.
“Jesus, it’s bright here,” he mumbles. He’s still squinting as he fumbles with his ringing phone. “Eddie? Hi!”
“Hey, punkin,” Eddie says, “got Ma’s car, comin’ to get you. What are you wearing?”
“A little early to be hitting on me.”
“You know what I mean.” Eddie’s laugh makes Yuta feel warm and cozy. Safe. “Gotta know what my boy’s got on so I don’t accidentally pick up another cute twink.”
“I’m not a twink anymore!” Yuta laughs. “Jesus. And I’m wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants. Perv.”
“Aw, baby, you know I like you best when you ain’t wearin’ anything. GPS says ten minutes. I’ll see you soon.”
Eddie hangs up and Yuta checks his phone to see Claudio’s message.
Going to bed now, love. Fly well and I’ll see you soon.
Yuta replies back letting Claudio know he’s landed safely in New York, and doesn’t expect an answer for a while. Claudio had stayed in Seattle overnight for the show and is probably still out cold.
Yuta fidgets a little while he waits for Eddie, yawning, but he finds a sudden burst of energy when he sees Eddie’s mom’s beat up SUV swing around the corner. He watches as Eddie goes from purely angry to elated when he sees Yuta, his smile beautiful.
Yuta feels unbelievably loved.
“Hey, punkin!” Eddie yells as Yuta swings open the door. “How are you?”
Yuta moves to answer, but he yawns. “Tired. Plane sleep doesn’t count as real sleep.”
Eddie searches his face for a moment. “Yeah, you’re taking a nap when we get to my place. Ma can wait. She’s planning on making a big ass dinner for us, very meet-the-parents of her.”
“I’m – I’m meeting your mom?” Yuta hits his head as he slides into the car, and pretends it didn’t hurt. “You could have warned me so I didn’t pack all BCC shirts and soccer jerseys.”
Eddie leans over to kiss him, hand under his chin in a way that makes Yuta’s knees go a little wobbly. “How ‘bout you just dress up the way I like and don’t worry so much,” he murmurs against Yuta’s lips.
A whistle blows, louder than necessary, and Yuta jumps as he buckles himself in frantically.
“Yeah, yeah, let me live, you prick,” Eddie snaps.
“Dude, the window is open,” Yuta chuckles.
Eddie raises a perfectly shaved eyebrow at him. “You think I give a shit, baby?”
Yuta alternates between laughing and yawning on the drive home, warmth spreading across where Eddie’s hand rests on his thigh, and he’s almost dozed off by the time Eddie pulls into a tiny driveway next to a tiny house. Yuta’s never said it out loud, but he’s starting to think of it as home.
“Go take a nap, punkin,” Eddie says once Yuta’s blearily stumbled his way into the cozy home and dropped his stuff. “Borrow a shirt if you need one. I’m gonna go drop my car off to Ma and I’ll be back before you know it.”
He leans over and kisses Yuta enough that it makes Yuta dizzy. It gives Eddie the chance to steer him by the hips and shove him into bed.
“Cheater,” Yuta says, rolling over into the pillow that smells like Eddie. “You know my brain shuts off when you kiss me.”
“Go to bed, Yoots, I’ll see you in a few.”
Yuta toes off his sneakers and chucks his jacket across the room. It lands on top of Eddie’s big chair. Yuta feels himself blush pink at the memory of what they recently used that chair for. He’s tempted to roll out of bed and get naked, go for some sexy pose so that Eddie walks in and devours him.
But then his eyes close and falls off to sleep before he realizes it.
“Hey, sleepy,” Eddie says. Yuta feels the bed dip. “You’re on my side of the bed. Get up.”
Yuta mumbles as he curls his arm around the pillow. And then the pillow shakes him off. He opens his eyes to see Eddie grinning down at him.
“Oh, you’re cuddly today?” Eddie teases. “Good. Keep that energy going.” He pats Yuta’s ass. “Come on, baby, up. I have something for you.”
Yuta rubs his eyes as he sits up, the world fading into focus. “Like, dinner?” he asks. “What time is it?”
“A little after noon,” Eddie says. Now that Yuta’s got a better look at him, he’s recognizing an unexpected hesitance. He’s never seen Eddie hesitant like that. “You ready to wake up and come into the living room?”
Yuta grins at him, stretching lazily. “We could stay here.”
“Uh,” Eddie laughs. “Nah, baby, I think you probably want to see what’s in the living room.”
Yuta pushes himself out of bed slowly. “Do I need to put on a nice shirt?” he asks, trying not to panic. “Is your mom out there?”
“No. And calm down.” Eddie reaches out and grabs Yuta’s hand. “Come with me.”
Yuta walks out of Eddie’s bedroom and – and he’s pretty sure he’s hallucinating
“Surprise, Sunshine.”
Yuta looks between Claudio on the couch, a cup of tea cradled in his hands, and Eddie, fiddling with his phone and anxiously looking from Yuta to the floor and back.
“Um,” Yuta says, trying to come up with something reasonable. He’s still half asleep. “What’s – what’s happening?”
“Sunshine,” Claudio says, smiling up at him. “Eddie and I have – have had a few conversations over the last few weeks.” He chances a glance to Eddie who nods.
“Yeah, we been talking,” Eddie says. He nods to Claudio. “This guy over here was worried he was causing – what was it?”
“Unnecessary friction,” Claudio offers. “After Supercard, I had time to reflect.”
“So did I, laid up in a hospital bed,” Eddie says. “Turns out Dilaudid makes me all weepy.”
Yuta narrows his eyes. “Is that why you called me crying from the hospital?” he fights a smile. “You were really cute.”
“Was not,” Eddie snaps, but he grins over at Yuta, and finally relaxes enough to settle into his chair. Yuta panics for a minute – usually he sits in Eddie’s lap in that chair, but also usually he snuggles up at Claudio’s side, so this is a lot of decision to make in forty seconds. He settles for perching at the edge of the coffee table, most of his weight still on his legs. “You can sit normally, Yoots. You don’t have to hover.”
Yuta sighs. He gets up, walks to the kitchen, grabs a chair and brings it back. “No,” he says, “this is already weird. You are not making me choose between the two of you.” He tries to be stern as he looks between his two…his two boyfriends. He can hear Mox laughing now. “What is going on?”
“Claud called me and asked if I could talk,��� Eddie says, shifting down in his seat. “I hung up on him.”
Yuta waits for what comes next, but Eddie’s silent. “That doesn’t explain any of this.”
“I called him back,” Claudio explains. “It’s been a while that I’ve wished to get this,” he pauses for a moment, eyes flickering to Eddie, “conflict over and done with. And, well. We both have something that matters a lot to us in common.” He looks up at Yuta, looks him dead in the eye. “Someone.”
Yuta fidgets, just a bit, in his chair. “So, what? Is this some sort of truce because you two both wanted to spend time with me this weekend?” He can’t explain the anger or frustration. He just knows it’s there. “This, like, split custody? It’s the kid’s graduation or something, so the two of you will be civil?” He stands up. “Do you two even realize how weird this is for me?”
“This is nothing like that,” Claudio says. He looks over at Eddie again. “Sunshine, you know where the – the problems between us started, yes?”
“Because the two of you are the most stubborn pricks I’ve ever met?” Yuta asks, leaning against Eddie’s fridge.
“That’s fair,” Eddie says. “Yeah, we’re stubborn. Claudio left for Florida, I took it personal, he didn’t think about me, and we decided to be assholes about it for, like, twenty years. And then you came along and fucked both of us up.” Eddie smiles. “In a good way, of course.”
“Last night, after you got in the Lyft, Eddie and I had a long conversation,” Claudio says. He sets down his tea and makes himself comfortable on the couch. “If either of us is to be good enough to be yours, we need to work through the absolute nonsense we have harmed each other with over the years. Otherwise, it will bleed over into you. And neither of us want that.”
Yuta relaxes, but only slightly. “So this is some therapy session?”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Eddie says. He stretches out, hands folded behind his back. “It’s more that it’s all about you this weekend, baby. Whatever you want, and he and I,” he nods over to Claudio, “will make it happen.”
Yuta wants to ask more about the phone call, about what exactly went down, but he knows his two boyfriends well enough to know they’ll go into excessive detail or brush it off. “Whatever I want?” he asks. He moves back into the room and straddles the chair. He does his best to get as sweet as possible, a weakness for both Eddie and Claudio.
“Anything you can dream of, my prince,” Claudio says. His eyes are warm and sincere. It almost feels unfair for Yuta to drop what’s next.
“Okay,” Yuta says. “I’m gonna go take a shower, because I smell like airplane, and then what I want is for both of you to fuck me. Together.”
Claudio freezes and Eddie bursts into laughter.
“I told you!” Eddie says through chuckles. “I knew that’s what our boy would ask for!”
“Sunshine, I expected you to be at least a little less predictable,” Claudio says, rubbing a hand on the top of his head. “My goodness.”
Yuta rests his chin on his hands where they’re folded on the top of the chair. “You said you’d give me what I want. That’s what I want.” He’s trying to call their bluff, is the thing. He’s not willing to start something like this, to have everything he’s every hoped for dangled in front of him, only for the two of them to freak out ten seconds into it and run off.
Yuta’s many things, but he’s not an optimist.
“Punkin, you go take a shower,” Eddie says, smiling at him. “And, when you come back, Swiss and I will be civil and kind to each other, and you’ll see we’re not fuckin’ around here.” To Yuta’s surprise, Eddie shoots a smile over to Claudio.
Yuta slowly stands, sure any move will startle one or both of the others as, but Claudio and Eddie just look at him, little smiles on their faces.
“You guys are being too regular about this,” Yuta says, slowly backing toward Eddie’s bathroom. “If I leave the shower and you two are covered in blood, I’m leaving.”
“Don’t act like you don’t like us covered in blood,” Eddie says, waving it off.
“I hate to agree, but you do have a thing for blood, Sunshine.”
Yuta flips them off as he turns for the shower.
Yuta’s scrubbing his hair with a towel as he walks back into the living room, expecting Claudio and Eddie at each other’s throats, only to see the two of them muttering under their breaths and staring at the TV.
“Um, hi,” Yuta says. No response. He cranes his head around to see the two of them in an intense Mario Kart battle. “Are you two gonna pay any attention to me?”
“Last lap,” Claudio says. “Hold on, Sunshine.”
Yuta, baffled, lowers himself slowly back into his chair. He watches as Eddie and Claudio continue muttering, leaning their whole bodies as they navigate around obstacles and turns.
“Is this normal?” Yuta finally has to ask. “Is this what I should expect from you two?”
“Yes,” they both say at the same time. Yuta’s beginning to feel a little unnecessary.
“Alright, well, if you two are busy playing video games, I’m going to go back to bed and get started by myself.” He tries to sigh as pathetically as possible, pulling in some of the boo-boo eyed energy Matt had been trying on him during the last couple of matches. None of it works.
Eddie looks over at him. “Watch this, baby.” He presses a button and Claudio yells something incomprehensible and probably German. Yuta moves to see a blue shell hit Claudio just before the finish line, then Eddie’s Bowser careens past him.
“And that’s how you do it!” Eddie says, dropping the controller back onto the coffee table. “Sorry, Claudio. You still can’t beat me at Mario Kart.”
“I could beat you at anything else,” Claudio mumbles, folding his arms over his chest. Yuta does note the tiniest of smiles, so that’s something. “Next time we will play Mario Party and I will decimate you.”
“Yeah?” Eddie’s smiling – really smiling – and Yuta doesn’t know what to do with that information. He folds his hands behind his head and reclines on the couch. “That’s not what that one episode of Da Party says.”
Claudio’s jaw drops. “You watch that?”
“I’m equally confused,” Yuta mumbles. He’s pretty sure he’s in some sort of alternate reality right now. “What – seriously, why are you two so chill about each other? You tried to kill each other back at Supercard and now you’re all normal.”
Eddie shrugs. “You come first.”
Claudio nods. “If it’s for you,” he looks over at Eddie, “some things are bigger than a grudge.”
Yuta is stuck between wanting to cry and wanting to propose to both of them at the same time. He settles for something in between.
“Alright,” he says. “Fine. In that case, you two are required to fuck me so good I can’t overthink this anymore. Deal?”
Claudio and Eddie exchange a look that has history behind it. Yuta wants to know the story, wants to curl up with it in bed and fall asleep to it, but there’s no time.
“As you wish, punkin,” Eddie says.
“Jesus, you and the Princess Bride –”
Yuta doesn’t get a chance to finish, as he’s pushed up against the wall by Eddie, head spinning as he’s kissed so hard his brain fogs up.
“That’s it, Sunshine,” Claudio murmurs in his ear. “Lean into it. You look so beautiful.”
The combination of Eddie’s lips and hands with Claudio’s voice is destructive, taking Yuta apart joint by joint, until he’s spinning and the world around him turns blurry.
“Eddie, I think he may have forgotten how to breathe,” Claudio says. He sounds far away.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, pulling back. “Wheels, you good?”
Yuta manages to nod, sucking in air like a drowning man. “Yeah,” he gasps. “Just – this is weird. This is, like, every one of my sexual fantasies that don’t involve Zoe Saldana coming true at once.”
“Who?” Claudio asks, confused.
“She was in Star Trek, Avatar, those Marvel movies,” Eddie says. “Our boy’s a nerd, we already knew that.”
“He’s not wrong, Wheeler,” Claudio laughs. “Let’s get you to a bed so we can really get you out of it, shall we?”
Yuta nods. Before he can process it, Eddie and Claudio have traded places and Claudio’s got him lifted up, like it’s nothing.
“So pretty,” Claudio says, walking Yuta to the bedroom. “Look at him, Eddie.”
“I know,” Eddie says. He sounds fond. Yuta made him sound like that. “You’re beautiful, Wheels.”
Yuta beams at it, feels himself glow. He loses sight of whatever’s supposed to happen next, what he was planning on saying, because Claudio’s dropped him to the bed and yanked off his pants with one pull. He’s suddenly glad he decided to forego the tee shirt. He looks over to see Eddie settling in the chair. Yuta has fond memories of the things he’s done with Eddie in the chair, but it’s too far away right now.
“What would you like, Yuta,” Claudio says, leaning in to kiss Yuta’s neck. “Talk to us, love, it’s all about you.”
Yuta has to fight through a delicious fog to answer. “Both of you,” he mumbles. “I want – I want both of you.”
“Yeah?” Eddie says. He’s looking at Yuta reverently, concerned. Like Yuta could ever want him to stay away when he’s in Eddie’s bed.
Yuta nods. “I want both of you. Right here.” He closes his eyes again.
The bend shifts beside him and he can sense Eddie curling up next to him. “You have both of us,” he promises. “What else?”
“Your fingers,” Yuta says. “That – to start. And Claudio, I want you to kiss me again.” He opens his eyes to see Eddie and Claudio grinning at each other, like they already knew.
“We can do that, angel,” Claudio says.
“Wait,” Yuta says. Everyone freezes. “I first want you two naked. Like – no clothes allowed.”
Claudio pulls his shirt off of his head.
“Fuckin’ European demigod up in my fuckin’ bedroom,” Eddie mutters, but he follows suit. Yuta drinks them both in.
“Mine,” he mumbles, beaming up at Claudio and Eddie.
“Yours,” they both say at the same time.
Yuta giggles. “I could get used to that.”
Claudio kisses him, intentional and deep, while Eddie warms lube between his fingers and gently nudges Yuta’s legs open.
“Good?” Eddie asks.
Yuta breaks away from Claudio just long enough to say, “Yes, please.”
“So sweet,” Claudio laughs, pressing his lips to Yuta’s forehead.
Yuta buzzes with the praise as Eddie’s fingers trace his rim and Claudio dives back in to kiss him. It’s almost too much at once already, with Eddie and Claudio working together to make him feel good, and Yuta might fly up to Neptune before all of this is over.
“Good?” Eddie asks, sliding the first finger into Yuta’s body.
"God, yes, Daddy," Yuta moans, arching up against Eddie's fingers.
"Yes?" Claudio and Eddie say at the same time.
Yuta opens his eyes to see Claudio and Eddie staring at it each other. "Oh," Yuta chuckles. "That's awkward. I was talking to Eddie."
"You call him Daddy too?" Claudio asks. He's pouting. It looks ridiculous.
"It's 2023, you two. People can have two daddies."
"Yuta, I'm gonna need you to shut up now." Eddie nods at Claudio. “Swiss?"
"I've got an idea," Claudio says with the kind of grin that makes Yuta sparkle. “Sunshine, love, up you get.”
Yuta mumbles about it, annoyed, but he gets to his knees in front of Claudio. He leans in for a kiss. Claudio grants it, but then Yuta feels Eddie up against his back, and he’s reminded of how nearly impossible this moment is.
He doesn’t have time for Claudio’s ideas. “I – I want you to fuck me,” Yuta says.
“So here to do that, baby, but you gotta be a little more specific.” Eddie presses a kiss to Yuta’s shoulder. “What kind of fucking? And who?” He turns Yuta’s head and grins at him. “You want the big guy, you might need more than just one finger.”
Yuta lights up. “Oh. That’s true. I’m gonna need, like, at least two fingers.” He looks at both of them. “Do you get me?”
Claudio laughs. “Are you asking for us to work you open together, Sunshine?”
Yuta nods. “Yeah. If you wanna be really gay about it you can hold hands during.”
Eddie barks out a laugh. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing gayer than what we’re doing right now, baby, but we’ll try our best.”
Eddie lays Yuta down on the bed and slides his finger back in, easy as anything. Yuta pushes down on it, finally feeling like this may actually happen. That he’s not going to wake up in a few moments from the best dream he’s ever head.
“If I could, Eddie,” Claudio says.
Yuta opens his eyes to see Eddie and Claudio staring at him, almost hungry, next to each other, and it’s enough that his head nearly spins. “This feels like a dream,” he says as he watches Claudio pour the lube over his fingers. “Like, the best dream possible.”
“Good to know,” Eddie says. “Yo, Swiss, get over here before our boy starts getting desperate.”
“Starts?” Claudio mutters. Before Yuta can reply, he’s slid a finger into Yuta next to Eddie’s.
Yuta babbles out something incoherent even to his own ears. He takes a deep breath. “Oh, that’s – that’s perfect,” he says.
“So no more?” Eddie teases.
“Shut up and stop teasing me,” Yuta insists. “Another – please?”
“So sweet,” Claudio sighs.
Yuta closes his eyes and lets it happen. He doesn’t know whose fingers they are at this point, just that there’s eventually four of them and some are Claudio’s and some are Eddie’s and all of them are blowing his mind.
“Whattaya think, Swiss?” Eddie asks. “He ready for you?”
“I’d say so,” Claudio says. Yuta feels shimmery at them speaking to each other first, like they need to check in with each other as much as with Yuta. “Yuta, love, how are you doing?”
“Ready for you,” he mumbles, twisting on the fingers still working inside him. “C’mon, please?”
Eddie and Claudio laugh in tandem. “Well, I’m not gonna deny my punkin what he wants.” Eddie crawls up the bed and kisses Yuta. “You ready, baby?”
Yuta nods, lifting his legs to hook them around Claudio’s hips. “Yeah, please Claudio.” He sighs as he feels the blunt head of Claudio’s cock at his hole. “Fuck, yes.”
“Wow,” Eddie says, stroking Yuta’s face. “Never seen you so pretty from this angle before, Wheels.” He leans in and kisses Yuta’s face.
Eddie continues his praise as Claudio slowly presses in, the combination of Eddie’s soft touches and Claudio’s thick length blowing his mind.
“Is he doing alright, Eddie?” Claudio asks,
“I’m good,” Yuta whines. “So – move, so good.”
Claudio laughs as he buries himself so his hips are pressed up against Yuta’s ass. “Checking in with Eddie as well, dear.”
“Doing great, man,” Eddie says, his eyes still locked on Yuta’s. “Both of us.”
Claudio begins to move slowly, and Yuta’s eyes flutter closed again. He reaches out and grips Eddie’s arms.
“Kiss me,” Yuta demands. “Eddie, kiss me.”
“Yeah, yeah, little kiss addict,” Eddie laughs. But he kisses Yuta deep and unyielding, and Yuta leans into the feeling. He grips at Eddie’s back, holding on for dear life as he clenches around Claudio enough to make him swear.
“Oh, you swear now?” Eddie asks, pulling away from Yuta’s mouth. “That’s new.”
“I’ve always sworn,” Claudio says. Yuta looks up to see his teeth gritted, brow furrowed in concentration.
“In English,” Eddie clarifies. “You don’t usually swear in English.”
“What can I say,” Claudio says, driving back into Yuta with a push so intense Yuta thinks he feels it at the back of his teeth, “you two take me apart.”
Yuta has plans, and he’s not willing to ruin those plans just for the sake of coming early. He and Eddie kiss lazily as Claudio pushes into him, and Yuta lets it wash over him, loses all sense in the moment.
“Sunshine,” Claudio grunts, his thrusts growing quicker and more intense, “I have to be honest, I’m not sure I’m going – going to be lasting much longer seeing you and him like this.” He continues pounding into Yuta.
“That’s okay,” Yuta whines, pulling away from Eddie’s lips to answer. “I – I have, oh god, I have an idea.”
“Yeah?” Eddie says, grinning. “Tell us all about it, sweetheart. What do you want?”
“I want you to finish inside me,” Yuta mumbles to Claudio. “Then – then, Eddie, you fuck me next.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide. “Oh. Really?”
Yuta nods, clenching down on Claudio’s cock. “Yeah, come on. Want both of you to fuck me tonight.” He opens his eyes and looks between the two of them. “Daddy.”
Claudio goes a little wild with it, like he always does at this point. Yuta feels the moment when he loses control, the way he comes inside of him with a growl and a grip on Yuta’s hips so tight it’ll leave bruises, and Yuta sighs with it. His cock aches with the lack of attention, but it’s worth it to get what he wants.
“God, you still look fuckin’ great,” Eddie laughs. Yuta looks to see Eddie gazing at Claudio with something a little close to the way he looks at Yuta. “You good, Swiss?”
“Incredible,” Claudio replies. He lowers Yuta’s legs slowly and pulls out, causing Yuta to whine involuntarily.
“Oh, calm down, punkin, you’ll be nice and filled in just a second.” Eddie winks at him. “Daddy’ll fill you right up, don’t you worry.”
Yuta beams up at him. “Promise?”
Claudio slides next to Yuta’s other side while Eddie grabs his legs and draws him down to the bottom of the bed. Yuta blinks at him.
“Can’t risk fuckin’ up my surgery,” Eddie says. “Leverage, you know? Work smarter, not harder.”
Yuta giggles.
“Is that a harder joke?” Claudio asks. “Quiet, Sunshine, you and your dick jokes will ruin my afterglow.”
“You ready, Wheels?” Eddie asks.
Yuta nods. “Yeah, Daddy, get in me.”
Claudio pouts again.
“You kiss me,” Yuta demands. He grins. “Daddy.”
“Much better,” Claudio says, and he dives in and kisses Yuta.
Yuta’s mouth goes slack as Eddie pushes in. He’s not as long as Claudio but thicker, and the stretch is heavenly.
“He okay, Swiss?”
Claudio’s already pulled away from Yuta’s mouth. “Wheeler? Are you good?”
“So good, don’t stop,” Yuta mumbles. “Get back here.” He reaches up and hauls Claudio back to his mouth, kissing him like his life depends on it. Eddie slides in and out of him so smoothly Yuta thinks he’s dying.
“Baby, I’m not gonna last long,” Eddie laughs. “Seeing – seeing you – fuck.”
Claudio slides his hand down to Yuta’s cock. “I have him, King,” Claudio says. “You’re good.”
Yuta nods. “You’re great.”
Eddie laughs and gets a little stronger with his thrusts. Claudio’s big hand around Yuta’s cock is almost impossible to handle. It’s so much in him and around him, almost too much, and Yuta thinks if he can’t have this more than once it may destroy him.
“Eddie,” he whimpers, “Eddie, please.”
“I got you,” Eddie grumbles. “I got you, baby.”
Yuta looks over at Claudio. “Harder?”
“Anything you want, Sunshine.”
Yuta comes like a train hits him, before he knows it, Claudio’s lips on his. He gasps, open mouthed, against Claudio’s mouth and can’t quite see all that well as the aftershocks course through his body. Eddie pushes in once, twice, a third time, and then he’s coming inside Yuta.
The three of them have to deflate a little before any words are going to happen. At least that’s how it is for Yuta. He’s not even sure if anyone else is talking at this point, only that the spinning in his head is finally starting to settle.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Eddie laughs. “Yuta, you okay?”
“So good,” Yuta mumbles. “Fuck. Holy shit. Dream night. Best night of my fuckin’ life.”
Claudio and Eddie laugh with him, and Eddie slowly pulls out of Yuta’s body, steadying him. “You good?”
“So good,” Yuta laughs. He feels a bit hysterical and chaotic right now, like the whole world is tilted on its side in the best possible way. “Holy shit. This was, like, every fantasy possible come true at once.”
“Well, not every,” Claudio says. “That Zoe lady wasn’t involved.”
“That’s fine,” Yuta says, snuggling himself between Eddie and Claudio. “Totally fine. If I can have this for the rest of my life, I don’t need anything else.”
Eddie laughs and nuzzles into Yuta’s neck. “I think we might be able to do that. Whattaya think, Swiss?”
Yuta looks over at Claudio. He’s smiling softly, and not just at Yuta. “I think we can, King. I think we can.”
Mini Playlist: Motivate - Little Mix Whatever You Like - Anya Marina Inside of You - Hoobastank 3 - Britney Spears
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