#And once Shura gets in I’ll pair him with B!Corrin
childofaura · 9 months
Do you have any feh crackships spawned from characters that you supported for the stats? For example, One of mine is A!Iduun x A!Ishtar, because I ran them on the same team for a while. <3
LOL there was a few. Some of them were just ones I threw together as a test when the Support system first came out.
For characters from Awakening/Fates, I actually tried my best to stick with the pairs I made in their official game (SilasxHinoka, OrochixRyoma, RinkahxKaze, RobinxPriam, BennyxEffie but it was Valentine’s Effie). But there’s a few I had:
M!Kana and Brave Veronica
Shiro and Laevatein (I kinda ship them a little fr not gonna lie)
Loki and Saber (kind of gives me Sinbad and Eris vibes)
Balthus and Mia
Petrine and Kempf (back when I was trying to create a solution to F!Edel)
Phila and Atlas (The Dad Nier and Kaine pair)
Fallen Hardin and Festival Azura.
If there’s canon pairs, I try to keep them together. My three different Alms are all paired to some form of Celica, Rinea and Berkut are together even though they’re both blue units, and Valentine’s Henriette and Gustav are together.
0 notes
shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Chapter 21
(aka ‘Hello naughty children, it’s time to get mURDERED BY STONEBORN AND LAVA’)
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hoo man let’s see if I can actually fight the Stoneborn in this chapter
also, I’ve finally got a lv 3 Rod Shop and all that, so I’ll end up promoting other units (albeit eventually idk)
right, well let’s not keep them waiting much longer off to Demon’s Falls :’’’’’D
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man he’s always going to fail
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oh don’t worry man, I’ll gladly do it in your stead HAH hah c:
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ah yes, more vanilla characters and such ... basically all i have to do is randomise the revelation file, recompress it and then give it the right file name and then i’d be good to go but I’m holding off because I know once I do that then I won’t be able to stop myself--
yeah yeah ok, garon and all that xander being an idiotic asshole, nothing unusual :V
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and you know it went smoothly because there wasn’t a chapter about it :’D
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boi, Corrin was basically locked up there for like all their life personally, I’d be ok with that, but that’s me being weird and disliking change lol
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oh yeah, Ryoma ... we STILL haven’t gotten him yet lol
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oh OF COURSE they have =3=
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well it’s ‘only a matter of time’ until I whoop Hans’, Iago’s, Xander’s AND Garon’s asses with a daikon .... or at least to the best of my ability I am Determined™
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well isn’t that just a terrible shame :V we’re going right to Garon and u can’t stop me >:y
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wait when did he give anyone a map?? never siahduahdiuigfa--
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I honestly don’t really think it’s actually possible but then again at the same time; nature’s really weird
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ok, I know that Shigure exists now, but he’s hanging out in the Astral Plane, Azura-
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go on; humour us
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still not really buying it b/c the oil would run out eventually but ok man, sure
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I would assume so, yeah the fumes coming from that wouldn’t be Good in the least
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... i wonder if that’s Anankos kinda looks like it o<o;;;;
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I do not like this chapter tho that’s mainly b/c my first time doing it I was forced to restart because I picked the wrong Dragon Vein in the second set of them idk if it would have worn off over time but like I was getting my ass handed to me ahahahhhhh;;;;;;;;;
so let’s have a look at the enemies literally none of the enemies have any skills, but there are a lot of bow users so I need to be careful where I place Felicia I also want to avoid the Stoneborn ranges as much as possible until I can get someone strong enough to take them on :V
ooooook let’s see how this goes then :’’’’’D
oh yeah it’s defeat commander Fun -.-
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this feels like a good place to start she didn’t quite get the kill, BUT
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we do have Takumi >:3c
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hoo boi Takumi does love overkill-
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gonna chip away at ya
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geh- oh well we can probably jump in w/ Saizo or something
but before I do anything else
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I need to get rid of this Stoneborn before it messes me up
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hoooo boi yeah Azura’s gonna be my go to for killing Stoneborn hahah
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there we goooo
oh yikes I just noticed a Swordmaster with a Venge Katana noooo th a n k y o u
hah, a Stoneborn attacked Hana and she proced Icy Blood
right, i’m gonna get that other stoneborn before it tries to attack anyone else >:V
oh yikes, they hit
....... this is why I gave Setsuna a Physic-- wait shit i gave her a Silence; not a physic hhahsdidahsuhdaiugda can i get to the convoy w/ corrin at all-
yes I can ok good
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uhhh, you can take the Silence for now, Corrin
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I can JUST reach her that’s some luck right there ahahahahh;;;;;
I should probably heal Hana as well
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how about THIS, huh? >:V ... of course he missed of course at least he got a weapon rank
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all right then, how about this
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so if I do this then I can get someone else in or smth
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how about some CALAMITY GATE get weapon triangle’d, son
ok I think the order was left, then right, then left??? let’s try it o<o;;;;
ok good-
ok if I pair Hana up with Azura, then Azura can reach the Stoneborn
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like so :V
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idk it just looks really cool hahah;;;
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yeeeeaaaah son
.... hopefully that guy with the Venge Katana will go for Azura; since she’s in his range
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Corrin’s Kodachi is just short of killing him so let’s go with this instead
I also want to get rid of this guy with the Levin Sword
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well I mean it’s a start :V
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welp he went for Azura (and missed) now he gon’ die IT WAS A CRIT TOO;;;;;
ohhhh man Azura’s just way too good hahah
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ohhhhh my Farore
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lmao goodbYE
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aaaand you’re gone too
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Azura you never have chill-
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right, I’m gonna fight this Stoneborn and hopefully not get hit by the guy with the Killer Axe hahah;;;;
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she dodged and got another Sol-crit :’’’’’D
right ok it should be the right Dragon Vein now
ah heck, Azura got hit by another Stoneborn-
right I gotta kill this one Adventurer so I can get Azura to the Stoneborn
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hey, that works hahah
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how about you just not >:Y
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rest in peace? more like rest in pieces--
hhhhhhnngngnkdhak there are so many bow userrrrssss
yeah I’m just gonna wait, and then have Azura tank most of them--
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it’s what you GET for hitting her with a 17% hit rate >:V
oh man I should let other units get exp but like Azura’s just so good
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literally a 0% chance to hit wow
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ya know what? let’s give this one to Felicia
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oh man
all right, last Dragon Vein yeaaaaah boiiiiii
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yep let’s go with that
aww man, now I gotta heal Felicia again b/c they hit her-
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so how about I seal your speed
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oh yikes, I should heal Sakura; she got doubled :’’’’D
mmeeeeehhhh I wanna be done with this chapter already
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oh, the Stoneborn talk I forgot about that
oh shit, they hit her
JAHSDYAGYSDGAYW this is why I hate this chapterrrrrrr
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fuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuu
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nah, not really
Thank the Sages that’s over-- I really do not like that chapter ahahahah;;;
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no it wasn’t, Corrin, good on you for noticing :V
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yes, do tell
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how convenient for us
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Corrin, what did I just say? we were planning on storming Krakenburg anyway
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who knows, man he just likes his secrets
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that we are, Corrin that we are
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‘I’ll kick Xander’s ass with this daikon right here’
oooooookay we’re finally done with that chapter at least it’s out of the way but hey! i think we get ‘Shura’ in the next chapter, finally! yeah it’s definitely Orochi, since she hasn’t shown up at all hahah;;;;
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