#And partly because I don't have a functioning inking pen I don't think XD
fireflowerpom · 4 years
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Decided to jump on the bandwagon and try out a challenge as something to do aside from preparing for NaNoWriMo next month, so here’s my start to OCtober, the prompt list and creator found HERE on Twitter!
Day one was ‘First OC’, and for me that was a tossup between Sera or Mako - And since I’m pretty sure I had Sera already when I met @velveteenlop​, it had to be the sakura blossom herself. <3 Sera may not be my first, but she’s the oldest I can remember, and one I actually still write; I’ll never not love my sweet and kind flower and her gentle nature, even i she has come a really long way since her creation. <3
For day two, the prompt’s ‘Latest OC’, and if we wanna get technical, the last OC I made from the ground up would be Kasumi! Kiku and Takeru’s daughter, Sumi’s a soft and sweet, quiet girl who has a reason for being as quiet as she is, but refuses to talk about it simply because she doesn’t want to drag anyone down, or for anyone to feel bad. Nicknamed Firefly, she really a gentle girl who wants to see everyone around her smile as bright as they can. <3
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