#And that Marsha also had a difficult upbringing
masquenoire · 2 years
*reads family photo headcanon post*
"If it makes you feel better, Darling. I stole all of mine from my parents when I came to America. They locked away in a safe and will never see the ligh of day. I do not want to think of those... bady days either."
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“You know what it’s like, don’t you Marsha? Looking back on old memories...” Roman said softly, staring down at the photo in his hand. It was the last picture somebody had taken of his parents just a few days before they’d died, smiling together over some fancy meal at a glamorous restaurant downtown. Such an image would have looked perfectly normal, even lovely to those who didn’t know better that he hadn’t been present at the occasion, much less welcome for that matter what with having been cast out in disgrace after they’d found out about his forbidden relationship with Circe. He scowled upon remembering those days, fingers tightening around the glossy picture and causing it to crease ever so slightly. Even though it had been years since he’d defiled their image, he could still see far too much of himself reflected in their faces to the point even scribbling their eyes out couldn’t discourage the feeling. It would only be too easy to burn the photo too, to remove this visual proof of their existence and never have to look upon them again... but he could never bring himself to do it, not just yet. Not that doing so would actually change anything. Briefly he wondered about the photos Marsha had mentioned, how many she had and whether she kept them locked up tight so that nobody, not even herself, could look upon them until the day she changed her mind. Had she ever been tempted to open that safe up and take them out for a look? Did they hold any other kind of memories for her except pain and despair? Roman sighed, pocketing the photo for now. He too would have to find somewhere to lock it and others like it away just as Marsha had done with hers. ”Some things are better left in the past where they belong, amore mio. What’s important is the here and now, not back then though sometimes it pays not to forget what we were. Remember you were strong enough to overcome those days and take pride in the knowledge that where you currently stand is exactly where you belong.” That place being Gotham, standing high above it all with a peerless view of the great city sprawled out before them as though it were their own kingdom. His words were accentuated with a soft touch, the roughness of his ungloved palm caressing the warmth of her cheek as though reassuring her those old days were long gone. As for himself, he certainly didn’t feel any better - if he felt anything at all anymore, but the knowledge that somebody did understand what it was like did help even if just a little bit.
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agentnorthdakota · 3 years
It's A Lot so you don't have to do all of them obviously but all odd numbers for Lark and all even for Cauterize
Collin I’m love you <3 I may not get through them all and I’m gonna skip the less relevant ones but you bet I’m gonna answer a lot of them. Under a readmore because this is gonna be a Lot lol.
1. Lark - Why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es) When they were a teenager they went to see a powerful, retired bard named Marsha who offered magical fantasy transition to anyone who desired it. While there, they were inspired by how welcoming she was, and by her masterful piano playing. They learned the basics of music from her and continued that path after they left. (College of Lore bards just get the real good perks imo lol)
2. Cauterize - Before they met their party, what was their main goal? We haven’t played yet so he hasn’t met his future party members, but his goal is basically to earn a living and go unnoticed. And the past he left behind finds him, to burn it out and finish it off once and for all.
4. Cauterize - If they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be? Well he’s a monk so he has very limited magical abilities. Fireball would be sick but very attention-grabbing. He would enjoy Vicious Mockery, but Disguise Self would prove the most beneficial (for low-level spells considering he’s level 3).
5. Lark -Do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity? Hard no. They don’t put much faith in the gods, even though they know they exist. In Lark’s mind, the life they have is theirs to live however they damn well please, and they’re going to make the most of it, because nothing is waiting for them afterwards
8. Cauterize - What are three songs that suit them? He has a playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3FzJakPSGPq9KL4snLcqW6?si=a53d2c47077a4d5d But the three of my favourites for him are: Just One Yesterday (Fall Out Boy, Foxes), Prodigal Son (Rationale), and Sunrise (High Dive Heart)
9. Lark - Do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation? OH BOY do they ever. Lark is absolutely the type to spend an hour getting ready every morning, even when adventuring. They're very particular about their fashion and overall appearance, and a majority of the time they're putting on some kind of performance to be more attractive/charming. They only really let their guard down around their party, and particularly around their partner. Sidenote that they don't like getting dirty ex. going into the sewers, but they will if they have to. It also took them some time to become okay with the prominent scars on their face, and the other nasty scars they've picked up during their adventuring.
10. Cauterize - How often do they lie? what situations cause them to be dishonest? HA! Like, all the time. He has his fair share of secrets to keep, which means lying and deflecting when anything personal comes up. He's also a criminal, so he has to be careful about what he says and to who.
11. Lark - What skills are they proficient in? why? As a College of Lore Bard, just like. So Many. Sleight of Hand (+7), stealth (+7), investigation (+6), insight (+11), perception (+11), deception (+15), intimidation (+10), and persuasion (+15). Most of them are skills they picked up from their time as a honeytrap, deceiving, seducing, and stealing from nobles. Perception they honed during their journey because the party needed someone with an eye for danger.
12. Cauterize - Have they ever been in love? Once. Or at least, the closest thing to love he's ever felt, he didn't get much of a chance to explore it.
13. Lark - What do they dislike about themself? why? Oooh this is a hard one for them, because they have a Bit of an ego. But I'd say their tendency to push people away, and how they worry they're always too close to having their bad habits slide into addiction.
14. Cauterize - What is something they love about themself? Oh see now this one's equally difficult! Because Aut does not have much of an ego, he's always careful to stay humble and is fairly pessimistic. Love is a strong word, but he's proud that he takes control of his own life and future.
15. Lark - do they trust their party? why or why not? At the beginning Lark (Virus) didn't trust anyone (except Rancor their familiar). Trust was foolish, and letting people in on your secrets gave them power over you. But they've slowly learned to trust their party member with their life and their secrets. Mostly thanks to Kairos' stubborn persistence and affection lol.
16. Cauterize - What are their feelings on the people who raised them? Ooh this one's too spoiler-heavy to really answer, but Not Good.
17. Lark - What do they dream about, when their dreams are their own? Hmm this is a tough one, I haven't given much thought to their dreams. Their nightmares definitely consist of the times they've had to kill people, and maybe the rare nightmare of their upbringing. In terms of good dreams, probably memories of past lovers tbh, and of music. Dreams of a quieter, retired life with their partner.
18. Cauterize - Do they see themself as a leader or a follower? Another tough one! Aut would hate to be forced into the role of a leader, but he's also to stubborn and opinionated to be a well-behaved follower. He's kind of a lone wolf rn. This would be an interesting one to see how things play out and where he falls on this spectrum.
19. Lark - What haunts them? what doesn’t? Definitely the people they've had to kill. They never used to kill, and don't want to kill unless that person is "irredeemable" or is too great a threat to them and their loved ones. They harbour no guilt over their thieving and honeytrapping tendencies though, especially because they use it as a way to steal from and blackmail the rich nobles who deserve it.
20. Cauterize - Which of the five senses do they rely the most on? Sight and sound. His monk training would have taught him not to rely too heavily on any one scent, but these two are the best suited for sensing danger and incoming attacks in combat.
21. Lark - Do they follow their head, their heart, or their body? Pffft. I mean... defs their body more than they should. But they're not a fool, and typically have enough sense to think things through first and weight the risks. They rarely follow their heart - almost never did until recently.
22. (Lark) - What is a promise they’ve broken? I don't think Aut has made many promises, and the one I can think of is a major spoiler lol. This is actually a really interesting question for Lark tho, because they have a strict moral of not making promises unless they truly mean them. They'll lie through their teeth and manipulate people without a shred of guilt, but as soon as they use the word "promise," that means they're dead set on keeping their word.
23. Lark - How do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? how do they feel about their name? Lark never really got any nicknames or the like tbh. They're proud of the reputation they've built (whether that's for being a clever fuck or a skilled bard), so anything related to that they'd get a bit of satisfaction out of. They chose the name Lark Freesia for themself, as it embodies them and is truly their name, and they'd never trade it for anything (though they would add to it when they get married lol).
24. Cauterize - Which of the four elements speaks to them the most? Okay this one's plain and simple - fire. I mean, he is a fire genasi. But also he hates being associated with the sun (for ~reasons~), and so he really leans into his association with fire, as... almost an act of rebellion against that.
25. Lark - What stories do they like to tell? what stories do they like to hear? As a bard, I think they'd have a talent for remembering grand tales they've heard from other bards, and like to add their own twist and dramatic flair to them. They're more of a musician, but I think their songs would tell stories, and their favourite would be of triumph, of freedom, and of found family - though subtly. They like to hear stories from those they love about their own lives, anecdotes that open a window into their history and happiness.
26. Cauterize - Who do they miss? Without getting into specific spoilers, the only family he ever had, and the man he loved.
(I’m gonna keep adding to this lol)
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theherstorybuff · 4 years
Marsha P. Johnson
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Marsha P. Johnson (1945 - 1992) was an American LGBT activist and self-identified drag queen. Born in New Jersey as Malcolm Michaels Jr, she had a difficult childhood due to her Christian upbringing. She began dressing in women’s clothing at a young age, but was reprimanded by her parents. 
Marsha moved to Greenwich Village in New York after high school graduation. Things were difficult in New York too. She struggled with homelessness and began working as a sex worker to support herself. At night, she found joy as a drag queen amidst the roaring queer scene of Christopher Street. Marsha designed all of her own costumes, mostly from thrift shops. She quickly established herself as a prominent figure in the LGBT scene there. She also strove to help her community, helping homeless and struggling youth. Friends and many who knew her called her 'Saint Marsha' because she was so kind and generous. 
She was an eccentric and loving woman who was known for her exotic hats and jewelry. When anyone asked what her P middle initial stood for, she famously told them, "Pay No Mind." 
Marsha also struggled with mental illness throughout her life. Some friends suggested she may have had schizophrenia. Due to a lack of resources, Marsha’s mental struggles went untreated throughout her life. 
On June 28th, 1969, Marsha was heading to the Stonewall Inn when the police raided the establishment. This time, the queer folks inside fought back, including Marsha and her friends. The Stonewall Riots would be considered the launching point of the LGBT rights movement. 
Marsha and her friend Sylvia Rivera would also join together to found the Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries. They organized with homeless and runaway transgender individuals to build a community and live together. Another activist group Marsha took part in after Stonewall was the Gay Liberation Front. Marsha would also model for Andy Warhol on a few occasions. In the 1980s, Marsha would become an outspoken activist with ACT UP, raising awareness for AIDS. 
Unfortunately, she died in 1992 at age 46. She was found in the Hudson River six days after she was reported missing. The police ruled her death a suicide despite her friends arguing otherwise. Witnesses also said they saw Marsha harassed earlier in the day and wanted a full investigation of her murder. The case was reopened in 2012, but remains unsolved. 
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