#And the ballsy hunters ask Tsu'tey if he wants to join the swimming lessons for the kids
shu-box-puns · 1 year
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Look at his scowling face :D He angered.
Summary: More Dad!Tsu’tey and Spider content. I’m literally just throwing these out as I think of them. This little bank of scenarios is gonna come in handy once my exams are done, that’s for sure. 
So for plot reasons in one of my fics, I’ve made it that Tsu’tey never learnt how to swim because he lives in the forest and he’s a tall bean so he didn’t really need that skill. Anyway, because he never learnt, it didn’t occur to him that Spider would require that skill. He also - in his panic - helpfully forgets that his son wears an exopack 24/7 and physically can’t drown himself.
Just Tsu’tey forgetting his fear of the water and YEETING himself into the sea or some deep ass lake to rescue his son that is having a great time. Only for Spider to have to rescue him instead. Cue Jake running over wondering what the fuss is about and Tsu’tey looks like a drowned cat with his tail between his legs and his braids sticking uncomfortably to his neck and shoulders. Spider refuses to make eye contact with him or he’ll burst out laughing and wound his pride. 
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