#And then it switches over to N and 4(cyn)
rusty-gloinks · 1 year
OHH also i had a silly lil dream this morning
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roseofhybrids · 1 year
Something I've been thinking about after the "solver is taking over Uzi and she might have to get mercy killed just like her mom" development
A tense situation to be sure, these drones are definitely gonna have a lot to go through with these last 2 episodes. But we can all guess it'll turn out ok in the end on the basis that, that's just how stories tend to go. A meta, non-diegetic reason not to worry.
But I'm looking for a little in universe hope that they'll manage to fix this, and I think I've found one. To explain it, we need to first take a look at Tessa and V. (prepare for a lot of reading, sorry in advance)
So, Tessa has made her thoughts pretty clear during her talk with N. This is a "for the greater good" scenario, it's either kill Uzi or the Absolute Solver kills everyone. Painful but understandable.
But then we have V. When she carries Uzi back to the others, she insists they leave right then and there, and waits for N to join her.
But he hesitates because of what Tessa has told him. V is let in on this fact when Tessa tells him she hasn't been honest with V yet. The fact Tessa says this while comforting N as he hesitates tells V that Tessa said something to him to plant doubt in his mind. It also implies, to N, that V doesn't know the gravity of the situation. But that just isn't true V has just witnessed what Uzi is capable of first hand in the operating room. Hell, she's witnessed a lot of the solver's power first hand. Such as when Uzi attacked her in episode 4, and when CYN mutated her in 5. She knows this thing is dangerous. The look she gives before they leave the operating room, and her reaction to Uzi trying to her powers when they find Doll's trap, says as much.
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When Tessa offers to take a look at Uzi. V immediately shows hostility towards her over not controlling the sentinels like she said she could. Then there's her line after Tessa tells N she hasn't been honest with V. It makes sense for her to be mad after Tessa implies she's been keeping something from her. But rather than directing her next question at Tess, and saying something like: "Not honest about what?" or "What haven't you told me?". She instead turns to N and asks, "What did she tell you?" Her tone isn't just angry, it's accusatory. They're interrupted by Uzi waking up, and we get this look between Tessa and V.
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A blank stare met with anger and fear.
This scene seems to put Tessa and V on separate sides.
Tessa believes there's no other option but to kill off the infected drones. She doesn't want to kill Uzi, but leaving her alive puts the universe at risk. Tessa's seen what the solver did with CYN. She's seen what it did to her parents, to the other drones, to the Earth, possibly what it did to other planets, and she can't let that happen again.
V on the other hand is protecting Uzi, something that would be pretty uncharacteristic of her before. When Uzi first shows she has her solver powers at the end of episode 3, her first reaction is to take aim with her gun. And in 4, she is shown to be terrified when Uzi turns that arrow into a flesh monster. V was still willing to kill Uzi because she was showing signs of solver infection. She only stopped when N got Uzi to calm down during her rampage. After that she was willing to cover up that Uzi ate her classmates, and now she's willing to give up interrupting CYN's plan, just so they can get an injured Uzi out of there.
Tess is 100% up for killing Uzi if it means saving everyone. V, not so much. It's hard to say that she'd let the universe get destroyed to protect her new friend. But, at the very least, V seems in favor of trying to find another solution.
It's a basically the trolley problem. Tessa's answer is - flip the switch so that only 1 person dies. V's answer is - isn't there another way?
This leaves N in between the two. Where he might have to make that choice (read might as definitely going to, because that's just how stories tend to go).
Do nothing and let 5 people die, or flip a switch so only 1 person dies Do nothing and let the universe be destroyed, or kill your best friend (read friend as love interest, like this is a historical account of two "very good friends". Because while it hasn't been outright been said aloud, that's just how stories tend to go).
So who is N to side with?
And to get what I think will be the answer, we need to look at V's says at the very end of the episode. Her final words to N and Uzi before the elevator falls.
N is yelling out for her to come with them, that they need her. V dismisses this with a simple "nah." Not even a proper no. She just brushes off the idea that they need her to come with them. Up till now, she's been trying to protect N from the truth (she did this in some pretty nasty ways, but that was her intent). But now he knows about the Absolute Solver and what happened back at the manor. He's stood up to both J and V, he's not going to go down without a fight. N doesn't need any protecting, she's willing to let him handle this alone.
Then she turns to Uzi and simply says: "Uzi, I trust you." I think is V saying she trusts that Uzi won't turn out like CYN did. She trusts her to find a way to fix this.
It's because of this that I believe the show is building up to have N side with V on this.
So they'll to stick together, move forward together, or not at all. They can work together to fix this instead of all the murder.
Ok, that's enough quoting the other episodes for parallels
So there you have, just some ideas to hold on to till we see this season end
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hugsandchaos · 10 months
Chapter 4 of Caregiver N
I had actually gone ahead and made some of this while... What’s the writer version of doodling?? Anyways, so it might be longer than the last one. I swear, the stories are always longer until I post it. Basically a short of a movie night with N and Cyn.
N opened the vent and crawled out carefully, as to not spill the small bowl of batteries in one of his arms. He stood up and looked over to the bed to the left of him, where Cyn’s drone body laid on her belly, the rest of her centipede-like body coiled up behind her and taking up most of the space. He walked over to her and smiled.”Ready to start the movie?” He asked. Cyn was using one of her big pincers to hold a brown teddy bear.”Yes. Thank. You. Big brother. N. I. Am. Still. A. Little. Ashamed that. You. Found. Me. Like. This.” She said, using another pincer to grab her own arm and gesture upwards to the rest of her body. N sat on the bed and set the bowl down between him and his little sister. He gave her a small pat on the head.”There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He said. Cyn looked down and the bed covers as if still unsure of what to believe. She always felt like this form of her’s was monstrous and terrifying, but N wasn’t afraid of her earlier.
N could tell she was still not very convinced and frowned. He pondered about what to say next when an idea popped into his head. He switched his hands for his claws and opened his back hatches to let his wings out. As a bonus, he changed his screen to show one of his eyes instead as an X mark. Unfortunately, he could never let the X mark all across his screen on command, that’s more of a programmed reaction to really intense emotions, specifically when he’s ready to attack.”Look, now we’re both in our monster modes!” He cheered, bending over to be at eye level with her. N smiled and made sure that all his sharp teeth were on display, which would’ve been scary if Cyn didn’t know it was a kind one. She looked at his claws and soon smiled. Slowly, she used her nearby pincer claw to lift her arm again and placed her hand on top of them.
N slowly sat up and rolled his arm a little so he could gently grab Cyn’s hand, which clutched onto palm part of his claws in return.”Besides, how can you be scary when you’re so squeaky?” He asked.
“Confused expression. Squeaky?” She asked. Then N reached over to her with his other hand and used his claws to very gently poke at her sides.”Squeak! Giggle. Giggle.” She said. N soon stopped and poked her where her nose would be, making her giggle a little more.”See? Squeaky.” He said.
“Okay. I. Feel. Better now. Let’s. Start. The. Movie. Big. Brother.” Cyn said. N walked over to the TV and turned on Back To The Outback, one of Cyn’s favorite movies.
Once the movie was over, the bowl of batteries was around 2/3’s full and Cyn was in a much better mood than before. She smiled as the credits began rolling and looked up at N, who already knew what she was going to ask.”Can. We. Watch. It. Again, please?” She asked. N smiled and nearly laughed, she always asked that after watching it. He put a claw up near his mouth in thought and hummed, glancing between his little sister, the TV, and the clock. Cyn used one of her pincers to gently grab one of his arms and, as carefully as she could so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt him, shook him.”Please? Please? Please?” She asked again. This time, N couldn’t contain his laughter and let out a small, amused chuckle. He gave in to her request.”Only one more time. After that, you need to go to sleep, okay?” He said. Cyn let go of his arm and instead used the pincer claw, along with another, to put her arms up.”Hooray! Happy! Snake! Noises!” She cheered.
N got up to start the movie all over, given it was slightly more difficult with his claws. He still managed it, though. As he walked back to the couch, Cyn spoke up again.”You. Know. You’re. Kind. Of. Like Auntie. Jackie. Big. Brother. N.” She said. N raised a digital eyebrow as he sat down on the couch. Cyn crawled closer to rest her body against him, clearly wanting to be close to her favorite person.”Oh, yeah? What makes you say that, little buddy?” He asked.
“Because you. Both. Seem. A. Little. Scary. At first, but. You’re. Both. Really. Really. Nice. And. You also. Look. After. Me.“ She explained. N felt his core swell up a bit and smiled.”And you’re just like Maddie. Some people may think that you’re a big, ferocious snake, but I know that you’re a very sweet and special little droneling.” He said, using both arms and his wings to hug her. He knew how much saying that meant to her. It was no secret to anyone who paid attention to her that Maddie was her favorite character in the movie. Cyn turned her head a bit to look up at him and her smile grew wider, her teeth that always seemed just a bit sharper than the regular worker drone’s on full display. N did the same thing. His teeth were bigger and sharper than her’s, not to mention he had more fangs, but that didn’t matter. After a few seconds, he glanced at the TV.”It’s starting.” He mentioned. He pulled one of his wings and his arms, the ones that had to stretch out more for the hug, away from her while his other arm helped support her and his other wing still wrapped around her. Cyn turned her attention back to the TV and used one of her “tentacles” to pull the teddy bear closer to herself and held it, already excited again.
By the time it ended a second time, Cyn had moved closer to herself until she was in the middle of her curled up body and trying to use herself to support her worker drone body high enough to see the screen. The teddy bear was right next to her and also acting as a pillow every time her head titled to the side. N spoke before Cyn could request to watch it one more time.”Alright, it’s time for bed, okay?” He said. Cyn made a slightly disappointed face at this news.”No. Yawn.” She fussed. N reached over and poked her nose.
“Yes.” He said. He stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed to grab the edge of the blanket that was neglectfully pushed to the side earlier. N tossed the blanket over her, moving from one side to the other to make sure it covered her. He had get another one and be careful not to tear either one of them with his claws, but he managed. Once N was done, he knelt on top of the mattress and looked at her worker drone body in the middle of the sort of circle she made, where he saw that she was already falling asleep.”Nice and cozy?” He asked.
“Nice. And. Cozy. Thank. You, big brother. N.” Cyn replied. She pushed herself up as she saw N reaching over her body to give her a pillow, reaching with one of her pincers and gently grabbing it. She placed it by her head and held the teddy bear close to herself, then let herself fall onto the pillow and mattress.”Yawn.” She mumbled. Despite wanting to watch Back To The Outback one more time, she was undeniably ready for a nap. Cyn was going to let herself fall asleep, feeling as if she was sinking further and further into the soft mattress, until she heard footsteps. Footsteps walking towards the vent.
“Big. Brother. N?” Cyn mumbled. N stopped walking and turned around to look at her, even though he couldn’t exactly see her at the moment.”Yeah?” He acknowledged.
“Can. You stay. A. Little. Longer. Please?” She asked. N smiled softly and walked back to the bed, making himself comfortable where he had Ben sitting during the movie. He wrapped his tail around the now empty battery bucket and moved it onto a nearby drawer (did I spell it right??).”Sure. I’ll stay as long as you need me to.” He said.
“Thank. You... Yawn.” Cyn said.
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phantomcellar · 1 year
Murder Drones theory Time
Spoilers for Episode 4 ahead
I'm posting this again because it didn't appear in the Murder drones tag last time so I'm trying again.
Ok so the new Episode got me thinking and I'm starting to think that the solver is somehow sentient in a way, and may even be behind the core collapse.
1) The Basics:
"The singularity awakens". I think this refers to a Technological Singularity, i.e., when Technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible.
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I think this definitely refers to how the absolute solver, which was likely developed/researched on Copper 9, either became sentient itself, or perhaps a Drone with the solver gained sentience and broke from their programming because of the Solver and then took control of it. I do lean more towards the latter and I'll explain why and how this connects to CYN, as well as the 4th Drone in the Mansion in Part 2) of this Post.
It is also worth mentioning that the only drones who seem to have a sense of Danger/Self Preservation are the ones connected to the Solver somehow. Like how Lizzy would've let Eldritch J in (she seems scared at first when she says, "that girl…." and then just goes "is gorgeous right?", like a switch just flipped inside of her), or how that one drone just went along with the crappy Illusion and so on. This is because it’s part of their programming, so that they can do dangerous work and be controlled more easily. And the solver nullifies that.
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Furthermore, I think its very likely (or pretty much confirmed) that Nori, Yeva and the at LEAST 46 other Drones from the "Cabin Fever" lab thing were used in Experiments with the Solver, but then Broke Free after the Core collapse, which the Solver is responsible for (either through CYN or itself).
2) Nori, CYN and the Solver:
Ok so when N touches the ZOMBIE DRONES Tech Training Video VHS (which I think is a guide for the employees of the lab on how to deal with the solver drones down there), we got to see a couple of things:
First of all:
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The 4th Drone from the Mansion, who what from I can make out has a Human (or at least organic) Hand in their Mouth, with the Solver Symbol. I was pointed out to me by someone on Discord that the Drone on the right is probably V and that the Flashback is from Ns POV.
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A small human hand. May be the one the 4th Drone is eating
And Finally:
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What seems like a Black Hole with a null inside the hole (which in computer programming is like a "nothing" or "not here" type of value)
This may be one of three things
A literal Black hole and the actual "singularity" that Nori was rambling about.
The end goal of the solver, aka create a Black hole to wipe out organic life (unlikely imo)
A symbolic representation of either how the solver wants to wipe out organic life or, the solver itself, being the "singularity" that kills all humans.
As mentioned earlier, I think a drone (who imo is called CYN) gained sentience and more importantly independence, perhaps through the solver, and then took over said solver. CYN then caused the Planets core to become unstable and caused all organic life on Copper 9 to die, except for the Drones. This however, killed seemingly killed them, but in reality, this caused them to fully take over the solver, becoming the Solver basically.
All was well until the humans realised what had happened on Copper 9. Whether or not they knew if the solver was directly responsible for the catastrophe is not exactly clear, but they knew that the solver drones can’t just be left to their own devices (maybe because they showed signs of rebellion even before, which could also be the reason for the creation of the VHS) so the humans decide to create and send the Disassembly Drones.
And thus, the humans take N, V, J, the 4th drone and perhaps more and insert the solver into them. Now why do this? Because Solver infected drones are immune against the telekinesis powers of other solver drones, thus they can’t just be one-shot, and the healing powers also help.
CYN however notices this and decides to get a new body, aka. the 4th drone (whether the body had a drone mind inside before is not clear to me). CYN then goes ballistic in their new body, maybe even being responsible for the organic things the solver can do, although I think that was there from the start.
This is the reason why V is so scared when Uzi turns the arrow into that weird meat thing and when Solver Uzi goes around killing, she has seen this before and suspects CYN has found a new body in Uzi (I don’t think she quite knows who CYN was before the 4th drone tho), "New Body, same horrors, huh, CYN".
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The humans are scared after this and block all functionalities of the solver in the DDs, except healing and the immunity against telekinesis. After which they still send the drones to copper 9 anyways, thinking CYN was just a rogue drone who went mad because of the solver.
It is said that the Doors were Nori's idea, who somehow knew that the Murder Drones were coming, I think this because CYN was warning her (and other drones as well, like the dead one we see in the episode) about the disassemblers.
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3) Conclusion
So yeah, that’s the theory. I have my suspicions about what’s going to happen next, but I'll share those once I have more info and can create a theory.
There also may be some things that could perhaps be changed:
If CYN really let Nori and the others know about the DDs, why did they also show them the "singularity"? It could be that the "visions" were simply a side effect of the solver, or an indirect connection to CYN.
CYN could still just be the 4th mansion drone who went mad because of the solver. And the Absolute Solver is itself what caused everything to happen (either way the "More like you're our cute little puppets" line makes sense)
It could also be argued that CYN didn't take over the solver, but got absorbed into it and the solver is a hivemind or something similar.
How and Why does N get a flashback from the VHS? As for the how I think there are just multiple copies of it, I mean it is a training video after all, probably for the employees not the DDs tho. So, it’s likely he saw one back on earth, perhaps while they were made into Disassemblers. As for the Why I’m Not 100% sure.
Ok that’s all thank you for reading. If you have questions, feedback or found a mistake (I speedran this after going through the episode like 6-7ish times lol) then please tell me.
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phantomcellar · 1 year
Murder drones theory Time
Spoilers for Episode 4 ahead
Ok so the new Episode got me thinking and I'm starting to think that the solver is somehow sentient in a way, and may even be behind the core collapse.
1) The Basics:
"The singularity awakens". I think this refers to a Technological Singularity, i.e when Technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversable.
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I think this definitely refers to how the absolute solver, which was likely developed/researched on Copper 9, either became sentient itself, or perhaps a Drone with the solver gained sentience and broke from their programming because of the Solver and then took control of it. I do lean more towards the latter and I'll explain why and how this connects to CYN, aswell as the 4th Drone in the Mansion in Part 2) of this Post.
It is also worth mentioning that the only drones who seem to have a sense of Danger/Self Preservation are the ones connected to the Solver somehow. Like how Lizzy would've let Eldritch J in (she seems scared at first when she says "that girl…." and then just goes "is gorgeus right?", like a switch just flipped inside of her), or how that one drone just went along with the crappy Illusion and so on. This is because its part of their programming, so that they can do dangerous work and be controlled more easily. And the solver nullifies that.
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Furthermore, I think its very likely (or pretty much confirmed) that Nori,Yeva and the at LEAST 46 other Drones from the "Cabin Fever" lab thing were used in Experiments with the Solver, but then Broke Free after the Core collapse, which the Solver is responsible for (either through CYN or itself).
2) Nori, CYN and the Solver:
Ok so when N touches the ZOMBIE DRONES Tech Training Video VHS (which I think is a guide for the employees of the lab on how to deal with the solver drones down there), we got to see a couple of things:
First of all:
The 4th Drone from the Mansion, who what from I can make out has a Human (or at least organic) Hand in their Mouth, with the Solver Symbol. I was pointed out to me by someone on Discord that the Drone on the right is probably V and that the Flashback is from Ns POV.
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A small human hand. May be the one the 4th Drone is eating
And Finally:
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What seems like a Black Hole with a null inside the hole (which in computer programming is like a "nothing" or "not here" type of value)
This may be one of three things
A literal Black hole and the actual "singularity" that Nori was rambling about.
The end goal of the solver, aka create a Black hole to wipe out organic life (unlikely imo)
A symbolic representation of either how the solver wants to wipe out organic life or, the solver itself, being the "singularity" that kills all humans.
As mentioned earlier, I think a drone (who imo is called CYN) gained sentience and more importantly independence, perhaps through the solver, and then took over said solver. CYN then caused the Planets core to become unstable and caused all organic life on Copper 9 to die, except for the Drones. This however, killed seemingly killed them, but in reality this caused them to fully take over the solver, becoming the Solver basically.
All was well until the humans realised what had happened on Copper 9. Whether or not they knew if the solver was directly responsible for the catastrophe is not exactly clear, but they knew that the solver drones cant just be left to their own devices (maybe because they showed signs of rebellion even before, which could also be the reason for the creation of the VHS) so the humans decide to create and send the Dissasembly Drones.
And thus the humans take N,V,J, the 4th drone and perhaps more and insert the solver into them. Now why do this? Because Solver infected drones are immune against the telekinesis powers of other solver drones, thus they cant just be oneshot and the healing powers also help.
CYN however notices this and decides to get a new body, aka. the 4th drone (whether or not the body had a drone mind inside before is not clear to me). CYN then goes ballistic in their new body, maybe even being responsible for the organic things the solver can do, although I think that was there from the start.
This is the reason why V is so scared when Uzi turns the arrow into that weird meat thing and when Solver Uzi goes around killing, she has seen this before and suspects CYN has found a new body in Uzi (I dont think she quite knows who CYN was before the 4th drone tho), "New Body, same horrors, huh, CYN".
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The humans are scared after this and block all functionalities of the sovler in the DDs, except healing and the immunity against telekinesis. After which they still send the drones to copper 9 anyways, thinking CYN was just a rogue drone who went mad because of the solver.
It is said that the Doors were Nori's idea, who somehow knew that the Murder Drones were coming, I think this because CYN was warning her (and other drones aswell, like the dead one we see in the episode) about the dissasemblers.
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3) Conclusion
So yeah thats the theory. I have my suspicions about whats gonna happen next but I'll share those once I have more info and can create a theory.
There also may be some things that could perhaps be changed:
If CYN really let Nori and the others know about the DDs, why did they also show them the "singularity"? It could be that the "visions" were simply a side effect of the solver, or an indirect connection to CYN.
CYN could still just be the 4th mansion drone who went mad because of the solver. And the Absolute Solver is itself what caused everthing to happen (either way the "More like you're our cute little puppets" line makes sense)
How and Why does N get a flashback from the VHS? As for the how I think there are just multiple copies of it, I mean it is a training video after all, probably for the employees not the DDs tho. So its likely he saw one back on earth, perhaps while they were made into Dissasemblers. As for the Why Im Not 100% sure.
Ok thats all thank you for reading. If you have questions, feedback or found a mistake (I speedran this after going through the episode like 6-7ish times lol) then please tell me.
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