#And this is how you write actual gender neutral headcanons 🙄
ppnuggie · 2 years
YOUR PREDATOR HEADCANONS ARE SO GOOD!!! I really love em sm! May I request maybe hcs of fugitive, jungle hunter, assasin and city hunter with a mate or s/o that likes to overwork themselves out of boredom? Maybe their mate usually goes on duo hunting missions with them but they start to notice they also take solo missions even if they just finished one?? they tend to forget that their human and humans need rest smh-- I am very sorry if this is too specific and you can ignore this if you want-- Make sure to rest and take your time in writing other more requests, I hope all goes well for you and overall take care of yourself!!!
(Almost forgot to mention the gender but gender neutral is a-ok to me)
      PREDATOR x gn human reader
    『 fugitive ,, jungle hunter ,, AP ,, city hunter ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> predators w/ a gn human s/o who overworks themselves out of boredom
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, comfort ,, slight tw for bad health behaviors
  — ahhh tysm !! 🥹🤲❤️ im so glad you like my writing 😭😭🤲 ill do your request np ! <33 tysm for requesting too btw !! so far its all been okay ,, been more sleepy then usual but thats bc of school 🙄🙄 tho i was half asleep on the bus tryna write this so there might be some spelling errors 😭
fugitive ::
• he worries over you often when you do this ,, as there are many dangers out in the universe and you’re so fragile 😭❤️
• he at least insists that you let him tag along ,, just to make sure he can at least protect you from something that might happen
• he makes sure you at least rest too ,, he knows the capabilities and limits of humans’ bodies ,, especially if its you
• he does nag a bit but other then that hes just worried over your safety <33
jungle hunter ::
• the moment he sees you taking hunts ,, hes puffing his chest in pride at how strong his mate is ,, look how awesome they are !
• but when he learns of the fact that youre taking them more often then you should without regarding your health ,, he thinks to himself about the situation
• the moment you get back from a hunt ,, hes standing there with his arms crossed and a huff ready to be puffed out his mouth
• hes equivalent to a mom scolding her kids ,, except hes scolding you for disregarding your needs before he decides to spend more time for the rest of the day with you
ap ::
• he wont notice ,, hes busy as ever and doesnt have much time to bother wasting ,, so he wouldnt be aware of your habit
• until hes free for once that is ,, looking all over the place for you and getting grumpy about the fact he cant find you
• he definitely wouldnt admit it ,, but he did think you were stolen from other yautjas or another alien species out there
• not until he notices you coming back from a ship with other yautja who go on hunts does he catch wind of whats been happening
• like jungle hunter ,, hes gonna be there to complain and fuss about it ,, not so much as a ‘i was worried’ sort of way but more of a ‘you dare leave me to myself without notifying me of where you go?’ sort of way
city hunter ::
• hes like jungle hunter at first ,, proud of you but he’s definitely gonna make fun of you and discourage you from hunts
• saying youre too weak and puny and fragile to take on hunts ,, that you should leave those to actual yautja and not to your little human self
• he finally shuts up about it when you come back from back to back hunts ,, tapping his foot as he watches you make your way towards him
• hes definitely a karen about it ,, leaving him for multiple hunts for too long without even a kiss or hug or goodbye or at least mentioning how strong he is 😤😤
• hes gonna give you the silent treatment before he decides youve been punished enough and immediately asks for affection in the worst way possible 💀
• aka this mf grabs you and drags you to your room to just lay in bed and cuddle ,, and maybe eat all your snacks whilst hes at it yknow
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riverisnotdead · 1 year
Hi! Saw your welcome post and wanted to ask if you would be comfortable writing for Jeff t.k. in a relationship? Maybe headcanons or a small scneario?
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Just- ✨ y e s ✨
Also, AHHHH thank you for being my first request! I hope this turns out to your liking! 💜
Jeff The Killer x Gender Neutral (GN) reader
So, as much as I like Jeff I just gotta say this man probably yandere as hell 😀
Like, “I saw you get within five yards of another proxy and you aren’t allowed to leave the room for the rest of the night” type yandere
I also like to headcannon that as rough as he may be, you are the only person he even SLIGHTLY softens around
Cuz you’re a mAtErIaL gWoRL 🙄💅🏻
It definitely wouldn’t be anything profound, after all he has to keep his massive ego and whatever reputation he has up
But he would
Just a little (if you squint you can tell)
He also LOVES it when you touch his scars or give him lotion cuz let’s be real his skin prolly ✨ a s h y ✨ af
Offer to help him bathe or wash his hair and he’ll die a little inside.
He’s obviously very touch starved so he enjoys little touches here and there
But PLEASE for the love of slender NEVER in front of the other proxys
His ego (and reputation) as a heartless MF would be h u r t
Also random, but I just imagine him really liking Sprite
Like, one time Sally blackmailed him into a tea party and didn’t have actual tea-
So she gave him a sprite
And he loved how it fizzed against the gashes in his mouth
Overall classic tsundere/yandere but he wouldn’t kill you 😌
I hope 🤠
Scenario time :0000
(I’ll try to make this as gn as possible 😤)
Jeff kicked off his shoes and basically flopped onto the thin mattress with a loud groan. You looked up from you book and and silently watched as he struggled to get comfortable.
“Long day?” You asked as you reached over to run one of your hands through his black hair.
“You have no idea.” He grumbled in reply and slightly pushed his head further into you comforting touch. You hummed in acknowledgment, continuing to stroke his head as you picked up on your book.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence you spoke up not wanting him to sleep just yet. “You need a bath.”
Jeff looked up at you and made a face as you pulled your hand away. “I don’t need a bath.”
“You smell like cigarettes, dried blood, and something burnt. You need a bath.” You retorted as you marked your page and got up to run warm water in the tub that was in the connected bathroom. He muttered something incoherent under his breath as he stripped off his clothes and once the tub was full he slid into the water. He leaned his head back against the tub and sighed softly as you poured water on his head and started gently scrubbing his scalp with shampoo.
After his bath he threw on a tank top and sweats and headed downstairs to see if there was any available food. As he walked into the kitchen he noticed the watchful eyes of Sally focusing on him.
“Hi Jeff!” She chimed. He glared in response.
She shot him an offended look and sulked behind Masky who was rummaging through the fridge.
“You shouldn’t be so mean to children Jeffery.” He said as he pulled out a leftover cheesecake and some ingredients, setting them on the counter before hoisting Sally up to sit next to them as he cooked.
“Whatever.” He replied as he slinked off to the living room. Reclining on the couch and watching from afar as you entered the kitchen greeting Masky and Sally before helping prepare dinner.
I hope you liked this! Please let me know if there’s anything I could do to make it better! Saranghae! 💜💜
-Cherry 🍒
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cielcius · 3 years
OMG HI but can i request a hc where bakugo, kiri, shoto, denki, and shinso (im sorry if thats a lot) BUT them reacting to reader who like transforms into a fairy for their quirk kinda like the winx for the first time❣️
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includes: bakugou k., kaminari d., kirishima e., shinsou h., & todoroki s.
from the writer: ah hello dear! dw about it I loved writing this and omg I completely forgot about Winx :O haha anyways, I hope u enjoy and thank u for requesting :) have a lovely day/evening!
notes & warnings: cursing, pretty is gender neutral, reader’s quirk has a long transformation and sparkles
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you confuse him. a lot. and it’s so fucking funny, he’s like “why are you fucking sparkling?” the moment you activate your quirk
omg yk how like they have the sparkly transformations too where it takes FOREVER and it’s really flashy n stuff, he’s gonna be standing there watching you like🧍‍♂️
“we don’t have time for your sparkle glitter shit, dumbass.”
obviously, he’s never even watched Winx 🙄 or Sailor Moon for that matter which is honestly surprising but he just doesn’t know the confidence boosts that your quirk gives you (and he never will cuz who knows what will happen to his ego then)
he thinks you look really pretty though O_O but honey, you need to find a way to speed up that transformation, the villain ain’t gonna wait for you to finish and Bakugou won’t either but he actually will
his eyes look like the fricken galaxy when you transform because there's so many stars in them from just looking at you and the sparkles from your quirk just add onto it
he really likes to watch you activate your quirk and transform every time because you just look so pretty 🥰 and he will try to touch your wings at least once
“can I touch it?” make sure nobody else is around because of how out of context that is lmao
let’s say your outfit is a bit showy, bby is going to pout a bit because he doesn’t want the world to see you but at the same time he thinks you look really good and he vowed to never stop complimenting you for the rest of his life (you’re stuck with him forever, good luck)
and not only are you fine as hell but you’re also powerful as hell so whenever you’re fighting, you know he’s just gonna be like 👀
he’s shell-shocked and neither of you have any idea on how to get him out of it so he just stands and stares. you have to wait a good minute before he’s like
“I can’t believe that you’re actually my s/o”
yes, you have been dating for a while now but no, he will never get over your many sides that are all more beautiful than the last
he kinda likes looking at the design of your wings, it really entrances him (if you flutter your wings while he’s staring at them, its guaranteed to make him blush, I don’t make the rules)
your wings kinda leave little sparkles which is a bit messy but he sees it as the perfect opportunity to just have a little sparkle fight and now you both have to spend your free time cleaning up the sparkles in the gym 😐
straight up has to close his eyes because your transformation its so fricken bright, its like he’s looking at the sun (well, you are the sun in his life so...😗)
and then he opens them and tada! there are your pretty wings that he just learns to adore on the spot cause they look so cute on you (but like bakugou, he’s not sure if its worth the long ass transformation)
he’s not as good as showing pda or just outwardly being expressive so the most you’ll get is a soft smile that disappears after 0.2 seconds and
“that’s my pretty baby”
if you try to point out that he smiled, he’s just gonna be like: no you didn’t ❤️ its the glitter (his smile really said: I’m not here, I'm a hallucination baby)
you already know that he’s on that Sailor Moon shit cause that was the only thing Fuyumi knew how to put on the tv for him when he was little
he’s lowkey fanboying at your transformation but of course he’s not gonna show it (mostly because he physically doesn’t know how to express it)
he really likes your transformation though, even if its a bit long but that’s okay, you’re still you in the end and you is pretty so don’t you dare say otherwise >:(
“that’s a lot of sparkles....and glitter”
his hero suit looks like a six year old’s craft project half of the time when you’re training because he’s secretly clingy when you transform and doesn’t want to let you go :(
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