#Andrè Glacier
call-me-nerdy · 5 years
Andrè is a Matchmaker
Felinette day 1; Matchmaking.
*Apologies for the chaotic writing, it's 2 am and I cannot focus for the life of me.*
They stumbled in on a Sunday afternoon, clutching each other in hysteric laughter and a red string between their right pinkies.
Andrè Glacier was a hopeless romantic,– a lover of love and a believer of soulmates. Of course, why wouldn't he be? His clairvoyance for romance and passion for love was all inherited, after all. Passed down from his ancestors, to his grandfather, to his own mother, until he was finally given the mantle of Paris' matchmaker, his ice cream scoop a symbol of his role.
Paris was known as the city of love, and for this, Andrè could not be more thankful. The idea of love in general gave him joy; seeing the hope and happiness it sparked between couples, both young and old. Love was abundant, no doubt, but it frequented Paris more often than not.
Above all else, did Andrè value people who found their soulmates. It was a rarity, yes, but such made the bond all the more valuable. Andrè knew of the red string of fate; he'd say he knew it well. He often recalled the stories of soul bonds and soulmates that his mother told him, of both his ancestor's experiences and of hers. And when he finally witnessed his first pair of soulmates in the union of Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain,– well... None of his elaborate rhymes could ever describe the pure happiness that illuminated their eyes whenever they were together.
And the most recent pair...
They stumbled in on a Sunday afternoon, in a remote part of the local park where Andrè had settled his ice cream stand at. The sun was high and it glared furiously, threatening to melt his icy treats if not for the trees that shielded his stand. It was a peaceful spot, practically barren of chatter with only the chirping of local pigeons to break the silence. The peace was gone when Andrè turned to see two teens clutching each other in hysterical laughter, suspiciously disheveled with mischief in their eyes. They hid behind his ice cream stand. Andrè had immediately recognized the young girl as Marinette Dupain-Cheng, with monochromatic boy chuckling at her side.
It was a peculiar sight, though what truly captured his attention was the glowing red string between their right pinkies.
The laughter soon died down and the boy was the first one to notice Andrè, steely grey eyes (or were they Blue?) met his gaze with a deadpan glare, dropping the joyful expression in a mere millisecond. Marinette was the one to greet him after following the boy's gaze. With a peppy jump,.
"Andrè! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"
"But of course, Love leads to the strangest of places! From bridges to park, to put smiles on your faces!" Andrè greeted them with a theatric rhyme, jovial and upbeat.
Marinette giggled before gasping abruptly, "Oh, before I forget! Andrè, this is Felix. Felix, this is Andrè, the ice cream man!"
Andrè almost pitied the boy's standoffishness, "Pleasure to meet you." Felix greeted him clearly, though it was much too formal for Andrè to deem it normal.
"We kind of got caught up in a... crowd." Marinette looked sheepish, rubbing the back of her head. As if on cue, Andrè heard the screaming of what seemed like teenage girls in the distance.
"Stampede is a much more fitting term." Felix dryly added, rolling his eyes.
Andrè grinned, "A monochrome boy and a girl so sweet. Say, would you like an icy treat?" he almost leaped at the opportunity.
"Do you want some, Felix?" Marinette asked.
Felix paused, hesitance flickered in his eyes. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt..." He relented after glancing at Marinette's hopeful face.
"Right! Two ice cream cups, please." She announced.
"But of cour–" Andrè halted.
Wait, two cups? This doesn't make sense.
"Not a sweetheart ice cream for both of you?"
"No, no! We're not together!" A blush dusted Marinette's cheeks as she denied his assumption with frantic hands.
Andrè frowned. Had he read them wrong? Surely not, the red string clearly connected their souls together. But Andrè couldn't quite grasp why they didn't have a singular flavor that most soulmates had. Felix clearly had Marinette in his mind, but another clearly held the sweet girl's heart. Soulmates always had one flavor that described their completed soul, if they realized their bond that is. Sabine and Tom's was vanilla, pure and sweet just like their classic love. Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling received rocky road, for sweet unpredictability.
"Coming right up!" Andrè did his best to not falter.
No, this isn't right. Andrè figured that they haven't realized their bond quite yet,– thus they haven't quite found their true flavors.
But fate whispered into his ear, that this pair wouldn't end as star-crossed lovers.
"Peach pink like his lips and mint like his eyes." Andrè recited, swiftly piling the scoops on the cup.
"Here you go!"
Marinette smiled, "Thanks a lot, Andrè!"
"Strawberry sweet for her sugary heart, blackberry for her hair, and blueberry for her sky blue stare!" Andrè didn't think that Felix truly believed in his 'magical' ice cream, but he would let it pass.
"Thank you..." Felix stiffly said.
"It's my pleasure, Mademoiselle, Monsoir. Come again soon. For now, bonsoir."
Andrè needn't worry,– he had a feeling that this wouldn't be their last visit.
They had stumbled in on a Sunday afternoon, and they had visited many times more after. From sunny weathers to rainy days, circumstances always seemed to bring Felix and Marinette to his ice cream. Whether by fate or coincidence, though Andrè was sure it was the former.
With each passing visit, he watched them grow more comfortable; grow more in sync. They would know each other's words better, predict each other's movements and mannerisms like muscle memory. The sparkle of joy in their eyes grew as well. From a flickering flame, into starlight, brightly burning. The other boy in Marinette's heart faded away little by little, being replaced by none other than Felix himself. Andrè looked forward to the day that they would recognize each other as their other half.
The day they did was stormy and dreary,– they were both soaked head to toe in rain water, their clothes clung to their bodies. Yet despite the gloomy circumstances, they both laughed and smiled under the shelter of a single jacket. They approached his stand protected beneath a large umbrella, skipping with unabashed glee. And oddly enough, it was Felix who requested the couple's ice cream, while Marinette nodded enthusiastically beside him. It was momentous, really, if not a bit strange. Andrè nearly jumped with joy when he handed them the cup. He was sure to tell Tom and Sabine later when he stopped by the bakery.
Today, they sat comfortably on a bench, a little ways farther from his stand. Laughter was evident in their interactions, even from where Andrè stood, he could tell. Matchmaking aside, his mother told him many stories of soulmates that were cursed as star-crossed lovers, separated and unfavored by fate. He was just happy that they finally found each other, no tragedy in their wake.
"Andrè's sweetheart ice cream is really miraculous! Can you believe it finally brought Juleka and Rose together?" Marinette sat down next to her dear boyfriend, a cold cone of ice cream in her hand.
"I never really believed in the 'soulmates' and 'matchmaking' gimmick." Felix muttered, putting his book down beside him.
"And yet you stuck around to eat ice cream with me. Tell me, was it because you're actually a closet sweet tooth, or is there another reason for your adamance?" Marinette only smirked,– poking Felix in the cheek.
He grumbled, "You cheeky little bug. If I didn't know any better, I'd argue that you wielded the Fox miraculous."
Marinette scoffed, "Oh please, we both know that you're slyer than me." she pinched his cheek.
"Truthfully, I only relented each time because you looked so hopeful." Felix pinched her cheek in return.
"Oh Felix, ever the jerk with a heart of gold. Just admit that Andrè was a better matchmaker than you expected." Marinette snickered.
"Shut up and eat your ice cream." Felix shoved a spoon into Marinette's mouth, pink stained his pale face. She only laughed, savoring Felix's flustered face as well as the taste of cold and creamy salted caramel.
Felix will forever be the Jerk with a Heart of Gold to me. No creepy Adrien clone can stop me.
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AU where Andrè Glacier is actually allergic to ice cream but sells it anyway so people can experience the joys of delicious ice cream he will never get.
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