#Andrea Tantaros quote
sarcasticcynic · 7 years
The United States of America is awesome. We are awesome.
Fox News pundit Andrea Tantaros, speaking of a 2014 Senate report exposing the CIA’s use of torture
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broadcastbabe · 7 years
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Pioneers and Kick-starters Roger Ailes, the 77-year-old co-creator of Fox News died in April, but his legacy includes a running list of sexual harassment and coercion accusations that span his 50-plus-year career. The public allegations first began when former “Fox & Friends” co-host Gretchen Carlson filed a damning lawsuit in July 2016 accusing Ailes of sexual harassment and sexism. Soon after, several current and former Fox employees, including big names like Megyn Kelly, came forward with stories of harassment and sexual coercion. Kelli Boyle, a former Republican National Committee field adviser, said that Ailes hit on her when she was 29 and married at the time. “You know if you want to play with the big boys, you have to lay with the big boys,” Ailes told Boyle she might need to give men blow jobs in order to succeed in her career, but she declined. The next day she lost a big work contract. Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros claimed that Ailes is a “sexual predator” who made inappropriate sexual comments about her body and requested she hug him and twirl for him in his office. Tantaros named other Fox News male colleagues who sexually harassed her, including Bill O’Reilly. She called Fox News a “sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny.” After Tantaros complained about Ailes and Fox News’ misogynistic culture, she was demoted and taken off the air. Ten women have publicly come forward with their personal accounts, while at least 20 women have privately accused Ailes of some form of workplace harassment, many speaking out about their experiences using pseudonyms. In October 2004, the O’Reilly Factor star was hit with possibly the greatest lawsuit in the history of cable news: then-associate producer Andrea Mackris accused O’Reilly of sexual harassment, quoting the famed gasbag verbatim from phone calls she surreptitiously recorded. According to the suit, the at-times “tyrannical and menacing” O’Reilly would masturbate while on the phone with Mackris, at other points suggesting she purchase a vibrator; engage in phone sex or a threesome with him; and listen to lurid details of his alleged sexual encounters with a cabana masseuse, airline stewardesses, and Thai sex-show workers. Perhaps most famously, O’Reilly fantasized to Mackris how he’d like to shower with her and fondle her with a loofah, which he mistakenly called a “falafel thing” later in the call. Mackris also alleged that the then-married O’Reilly threatened to make any woman who complains about his behavior “pay so dearly that she’ll wish she’d never been born.” Two weeks later, he settled the case with a payout around $9 million.
Source: Chicago Tribune & Huffington Post
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political-fluffle · 5 years
Andrea Tantaros, the former Fox News star, is aiming to move forward in a lawsuit that alleges her former employer electronically surveilled and harassed her. In a proposed amended complaint filed Monday, she includes new allegations, such as how Fox News had a closed-circuit television network that allowed its former chief Roger Ailes to monitor offices, including ones where most Fox female talent disrobed daily. (...)
"The complaint, attached as an exhibit (seen in full below), puts heavy emphasis on "The Black Room," the notorious surveillance operation that Ailes established. It's been written about extensively in the media, and Tantaros quotes some of the reporting. She also includes some new word about the scope of the federal investigation of Fox, which The Hollywood Reporter first revealed.
"Fox News is currently under federal investigation by the United States Justice Department into how multiple sexual harassment settlements were made to certain female employees over many years," states the amended complaint. "The federal probe has also expanded to include, not only the structure of the payments, but whether intimidation tactics like the ones at the crux of this complaint, were used against Fox News employees."
As to those alleged intimidation tactics, which she explicitly connects to the Harvey Weinstein scandal ("In point of fact, Weinstein followed Ailes’ playbook almost to the letter..."), Tantaros says Fox is attempting to cloak it all in arbitration and that Fox's behavior is "ongoing as Defendants continue to torture and attempt to surveil Ms. Tantaros."
Tantaros' story of being a victim largely starts on Aug. 6, 2015, when she says Fox News asked select employees, including Tantaros, to bring their personal laptops to participate in social media sessions during the presidential debate.
"Ms. Tantaros had never brought her personal laptop to Fox News before and only used the laptop at her apartment in New York City," she states in her complaint. "To format the laptops for the Live Tweet Session, Tantaros was asked to turn over her laptop to the IT and digital team to ensure that it was ‘formatted properly’ and ready to go for this event. For roughly over one hour the device was out of her sight and control. The significance of this date is that just two days prior, Ailes had flagrantly and publicly sexually harassed Tantaros on Aug. 4, 2015, when she was walking to a taping of the program Hannity with another Fox News Contributor. Ailes, in conversation with another Fox anchor, looked Tantaros up and down and smirked, 'We need to get you a tighter dress.'”
Tantaros says a forensic investigation later found malware placed on her laptop. She also says that after being suspended for making formal complaints of harassment in the workplace (Fox News has instead alleged that a book project was the core of the dispute), Fox attempted to wipe her work blackberry. She adds that a forensic analysis also concluded that "Fox was using an outdated operating version of the Blackberry that enabled them to turn on the microphone and camera of the device at will without the knowledge or consent of the person who had the Blackberry in his or her possession."
The amended lawsuit then goes into the way she — and others — were allegedly physically surveilled by Ailes' Fox News before tackling again the topic of "fake websites, sock puppetry and digital hit men."
In particular, a main subject of Tantaros' concern is the tech entrepreneur Pete Snyder, also a paid Fox News contributor who once ran for lieutenant governor of Virginia.
"It was widely known among Washington, DC beltway political insiders that With one order, Snyder can enlist thousands of contracted individuals, bots...to post content at whomever is in control of the account’s direction, or accounts that real people like Daniel Wayne Block create, but allow companies such as NMS, now Disruptor, or Fox News allow access to monetize their accounts." (...)
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Oh, snap! Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino smack talk with hilarious results [pics]
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/oh-snap-greg-gutfeld-dana-perino-smack-talk-with-hilarious-results-pics/
Oh, snap! Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino smack talk with hilarious results [pics]
Stop, our aching sides! Fox News’ Dana Perino took to Twitter to rib fellow “The Five” cast member Greg Gutfeld. Gutfeld swiftly retaliated, natch.
Click on the link and giggle madly.
Dana Perino was not finished and the hilarious ribbing continued.
Double heh.
Twitter user @FiveFanPS, the maker of the hilarious “Jasper De-Junker app”  jumped into the fray.
Gutfeld didn’t leave that unanswered either!
http://twitter.com/#!/greggutfeld/status/343479649139048448 http://twitter.com/#!/greggutfeld/status/343490555700973568
Perhaps there is no comparison: Gutfeld and Perino are a one-of-a-kind team. Never change, guys!
Unfettered delight: Dana Perino reports Greg Gutfeld having Carney flashbacks; ‘Don’t fetter me!’
Greg Gutfeld wins quote of the day: ‘The media is Obama’s scandal condom’
‘Can I get a hell yeah’? Dana Perino seeks retweets for Gutfeld/Perino on ‘Dancing with the Stars’
Heh: Andy Levy claims title of new America’s Sweetheart; Dana Perino smack talk ensues
What is house boy? Dana Perino petitions to have Greg Gutfeld appear on ‘Celebrity Jeopardy’
Pics: Dana Perino, Andrea Tantaros best the boys at ‘The Five’ bowling party; Smack talk ensues
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/06/09/oh-snap-greg-gutfeld-dana-perino-smack-talk-with-hilarious-results-pics/
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