#Andrew Rathbun
donospl · 8 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 24]
premierowa emisja 18 października 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Hedvig Mollestad Weejuns “Go at your peril” z albumu “Weejuns” – Rune Grammofon Nicole Johänntgen “Labyrinth” z albumu “Labyrinth” Sanne Sanne “Waves” z albumu „Mountain Child” Joel Styzens “Resonance II” z albumu “Resonance” – Relax Your Ears Hans Hulbækmo “Genius loci”  z albumu “Tilfeldig Næpe” – Hubro Mark Copland Quartet…
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hellocanticle · 9 months
Andrew Rathbun's "The Speed of Time"
SteepleChase Records 391950 I rarely write about jazz, mostly because it is a genre with which I am less familiar. I confess to a lack of knowledge (though I’m working on it) of jazz, especially of the last twenty years or so. And as a result I have some reluctance to write about jazz but when I first listened to this disc I found that the music spoke to this listener’s ears immediately and…
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Ran Blake & Andrew Rathbun – Northern Noir (Steeplechase)
Noir is an archetype associative of idiom that ultimately transcends it. Cinema remains arguably its most pervasive and famous manifestation, but it’s actually a way of thinking, feeling and being that pianist Ran Blake’s been exploring through music for many years. Andrew Rathbun was a student of Blake’s at the New England Conservatory. Years ago when Rathbun boldly proposed a collaboration, Blake responded with the cryptic assurance that the two do so when the saxophonist was ready. Northern Noir contains the long gestating fulfilment of that promise in an anodyne dialogue that leaves the edges and atmospherics intact.
In the decades intervening their academic relationship, Rathbun developed into a composer and improviser of considerable merit. Jazz and classical contexts are regular fixtures for his instruments. Blake continued doing and being Blake, teaming most often with vocalists in the pursuit of musical lexicon that is instantly his own. Duo partnerships have proven both his most prolific and satisfying configurations. Rathburn’s tenor, divested of the trappings of his formidable technique in favor of an even more voice-like timbre and directness of inflection, creates a personal spin on that precedence.
The program is stacked with a populous cross-section of Blake-sanctioned tunes from the four compass points of his vast repertoire. Skeletal renderings of “Strange Fruit” serve as mood-suffused bookends. Cerulean-shaded film themes including “Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler,” “The Spiral Staircase,” “Vertigo” and “A Streetcar Named Desire” serve as central signposts while left-field covers of Al Green’s “Judy” and Abbey Lincoln’s “Throw It Away” work as involving detours. Blake usually leads, leaving Rathbun to comments and ornaments, each man content in the dynamic.
The exceptions are three solo pieces by Rathbun dedicated to saxophonists George Garzone and Wayne Shorter and trumpeter Kenny Wheeler. Absent Blake, the tenorist fills the resulting space with by comparison loquacious phrasing, but the dusky tonal contours remain intact in shaping abstract aural portraits of each dedicatee. Monk’s “Pannonica” is another anomaly to the general guiding aesthetic as both players soften their approaches and unlock the dulcet elements of the ballad while retaining the undercurrent of amorous mystery. A canny conversation comprised of assiduous interaction, it’s also one that leaves the intriguing impression of much more to be shared and said.
Derek Taylor
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broodingsoul · 7 years
60 Random Things About This Week’s So You Think You Can Dance
1.  Okay, back to New York auditions.
2.  Let’s see if Vanessa Hudgens makes me start a “Stupid Things Vanessa Hudgens Said THIS Week” list.
3.  I kinda hope she does.
4.  Cat doesn’t give Vanessa Hudgens any superlatives this episode, but we still have to hear about how Mandy Moore choreographed That Movie That Will Not Be Named Because I’m Fucking Done.
Magda & Kiki
5.  I don’t know what it is about their pre-audition package that makes me love them but I do.  I do love them.
6.  Also, Kiki could get it, just so y’all know.
7.  Y’all already knew that, didn’t you?
8.  I like them as dancers separately, but not necessarily as a couple, if only because I never saw them actually connect as a couple.  But watching them separately was a blast.  All of Kiki’s personality comes through when he dances—he’s funny, he’s sexy, he’s got decent moves—and Magda looks like if Drea de Matteo were a ballroom dancer, in all the best ways.  Super sexy, super talented, could probably fuck you up if she needed to.  I just don’t like them as a couple.  Also, the choreography was a little herky-jerky for me.  I’d like them to go to choreography, but they’ll probably get sent through.
9.  Oh look, they got sent through.  I am very good at this show.
10.  “I’d like to dance with him a paso doble, I tell ya.”  Attagirl, Mary.
11.  A bunch of random ballroom dancers who are good, but not good enough to merit an audition package.
12.  Claudia looks beautiful in blue and gold, and Jorge has some footwork I wish we could have seen.
13.  Jaryd Farcon has a questionable haircut and his dancing partner looks like Dr. Mark Greene’s daughter from ER who was played by Hallee Hirsh.
14.  I knew that name from memory, but I can’t tell you anything I learned from the biochem class that I studied for 10 hours a week.
15.  Allen Genkin looks like if Gumby were a really sexy ballroom dancer, and that is a sentence I never thought I’d say.  But that’s what this show does to me.
Zachary Downer
16.  I watched two seasons ago and I don’t remember Zachary Downer.  Take that for what you will.  He’ll make it to live shows, because that’s what happens when you come back.
17.  I like his choreography because it’s like he thought “what if tribal dancing and contemporary had a baby?” and then this is what came out.  He makes a lot of interesting shapes with his body, but I’m not excited about his dancing per se.  I can tell that he’s good, but the choreography—while interesting—is a little boring for me.  He falls out of the one pirouette pass he does, which is disappointing, but all the other technique is on point..  I’d be shocked if he didn’t make it to the Top 20 though.
18.  Vanessa Hudgens actually provides a cogent critique for once.  What world are we in?
19.  Nigel comments that the choreography as like Alvin Ailey, and Zachary nearly bursts into tears.  That’s beautiful.  I’m rooting for him now.
Ramita Ravi
20.  “I’m doing a mixture of classical Indian dance and contemporary” and I am fucking here for that.
21.  The choreography and the dancing are lovely, but Ramita isn’t hitting the pocket for me.  It might be because every time I start to pick up on a story, she looks out at the audience and smiles, so it feels like she’s not connecting to her own piece.
22.  “Oh my gosh, I love your hands, I want them,” breathes Vanessa Hudgens, coming dangerously close to a “Stupidest Things Vanessa Hudgens Said THIS Week” list.
23.  Ramita is through to choreography, which makes sense to me, because they didn’t see her pre-audition package where she was doing more and better dancing than in her audition, which I’m guessing the producers made her do so she could get airtime.
24.  I’m guessing.
25.  And then Vanessa Hudgens literally spent ten seconds watching her hands make shapes.  Goddammit, Hudgens.
Peter Mangione
26.  Oh my God, all of these people are like “I started dancing when I was six” “—when I was eight” “—when I was six.”  And then here come’s Peter Mangione’s fine-ass self:  “I started dancing about six months ago, and my friend said ‘You’re not that bad.’  I mean, I’m not good, but I’m not that bad.”
27.  I love him.
28.  “I’m not afraid to throw my body in any direction.”  Good, can you throw it in my direction?  Because goddamn.
29.  “I think it’s gonna be something nice for them to watch.”  With a body that looks like that, he Is Not Wrong.
30.  I mean, I’m not going to recap his choreography in the slightest bit, but if he started actually stripping, I wouldn’t be mad about it.
Arielle Disciascio
31.  I love Arielle and her mother Natalie a lot already.  “Don’t make me sound perfect.”  “Perfect?  You’re not.”
32.  The Disciascio Dames have the cancer backstory of this season’s auditions, but they are adorable, so I don’t mind the manipulation.
33.  Arielle’s body is RIDICULOUS.  Her control over it is stunning, her legs go on for 17 days, and she’s clearly technically proficient.  I can tell she used to be a competitive dancer, because at times she shows out to the audience instead of connecting with story.  But when she’s in the story, it’s incredibly captivating.  But it’s a little paint-by-numbers dancing.
34.  “At some point, I’d like to see you live life a little more dangerously.”  Good point from Mary.  I want to see her edges get roughened up a bit, because there’s beauty in that kind of mess.
35.  A bunch of familiar faces coming through.
36.  Jamie Greco’s boobs squeak, but I do not remember Jamie Greco.
37.  Chris Andrews has awesome highlighter yellow shoes and made it to Green Mile of Season 12, which I don’t remember, but I’m getting old, so ???
38.  Chase “Ctut” Lindsey has a couple of bombs he wants to drop on people, and that’s a terrifying thing to say.
39.  Jason Kidd looks like if John Deere learned how to pop and lock.
Romainson Romain
40.  Romainson spent the last year absolutely going Through It, and I hope to God he makes it to Top 20.
41.  He looks up to the heavens before he starts dancing to his cousin Marvin, and I’m already a mess.
42.  I can tell how much the audition means to Romainson, and although I don’t know how to critique his audition (the choreography isn’t quite there, the technique is lacking a bit—I guess I do know how to critique it), I can absolutely feel the emotion in the movement, and for me, that’s the most vital point of any artistic form.  Does it make me feel?
43.  “I feel life is weighing on you, and I want to lift it off of you and set you free.”  Fuck you, Vanessa Hudgens, for making me cry.
44.  Holy shit.  Mary has this amazing connection with Romainson, talking about grief and tragedy.  “You gotta take that next step.  And trust me, it’ll be okay.”  Her voice is choked with tears.  “You gotta dance!  You gotta live!  You gotta bring the joy back, and only you can bring the joy back.”  The audience applauds.  Vanessa Hudgens applauds.  Mary pays it no mind, because she has been where Romainson is right now, and she wants nothing more than for him to begin to heal.  “I want to see you come back and do the choreography, and let it go, because it’s okay!  You loved them.  They loved you.  They want you to shine!  You can do it!  You can do it”  Romainson looks like he is looking for something now.  His eyes still look sad, but they set a little bit, they focus a bit more.
“If we invite you back to choreography, can you shine?” Nigel asks.
“I will shine,” Romainson states.  His voice isn’t strong, but it has conviction.  In the audience, another auditioned is crying, wiping away tears.  She started to heal today, too.
“Yes to choreography, of course,” Vanessa Hudgens says, without any bullshit.  She feels this moment, too.
“Come back and shine,” Nigel demands.  Romainson steps away.  He doesn’t smile, his face doesn’t change expression, but there’s a new gleam in his eye that wasn’t quite there.  He almost feels the desire to smile.  There’s a new spark in him somewhere.  He begins to leave the stage.
“But first, come give me a hug!” Mary Murphy demands in that way of hers.  The audience cheers, the music becomes uplifting, spiritual.  Mary wraps Romainson in a hug; he clings to her.  “Thank you,” he murmurs.  “Be good,” she says.  “God bless you.”  “God bless you.”  The audience is still cheering, but they are the only ones who exist in this moment, because they are members of The Club who have found each other.  Romainson’s audition snagged a sliver of grief Mary thought had become completely smooth, until she realized grief can never be completely smoothed away.  Romainson learned that it’s okay to start smoothing the grief away.  Someone finally gave him permission to take sandpaper and steel wool and make the rough edges start to gleam again.  That the hole doesn’t have to be dark, and sad, and scary.  The hole can shine, a beautiful reminder of what used to be there.
45.  Goddammit, I love this show sometimes.  I needed that healing, too.
Marc “Fullout” Royale
46.  “Feeling good?”
“Feeling confident?”
“You got this?”
“Is this gonna be your bitch?”
“All of the above!”
47.  I’m pretty sure Fullout just fell in love with Cat Deeley.
48.  Fallout is a BIG BOY because he has BIG JOY and BIG MOOD in his body.  His dancing makes me happy.
Claire Rathbun
49.  I don’t like her.  I don’t know why.  But I don’t like her.
50.  But damn, she is a beautiful dancer, even if she is playing to the audience entirely too much.  Gorgeous lines, great spin passes.
52.  But I still don’t care.
Lex Ishimoto
“52.  Tell me about your audition, what are you going to do?”  “It’s an improv.”  IDK why Cat is so shocked, every single one of Melanie Moore’s solos was improvised.
52.  All episode long, the show has said that this is going to be the best audition of the season.  I hate that kinda hype because I am ALWAYS let down.  Don’t fuck me up, show.
54.  Okay.  That was one of the best auditions I’ve seen on this show.  His technique is amazing, he knows what his body can do, it was a nearly flawless audition.  But I hated knowing that it was improv, because it kept me from connecting to it.  Instead of being emotionally connecting for me, it was just clever.  Which, clever is fine, but clever doesn’t necessarily inspire me.  He will clearly make it through, most likely all the way to Top 20, but I want to see him emotionally connect to a routine, and see what comes out of that.
55.  That being said, his double-swipe jump was AMAZING, and the kind of power he can generate with his body is unbelievable.
56.  Oh God, it’s time for choreography.  PLEASE, Romainson.  PLEASE.
57.  Romainson makes it through, and I see a genuine smile, and his inner life is so beautiful.  I really hope he makes it to the Top 20.  I want this life to be amazing.
58.  Academy next week, for an even 100 dancers.
59.  Oh, and here’s a whole bunch of shit I wasn’t expecting:  there’s only a Top 10, and one of the choreographers says “I want you on my team!” and now I’m scared that they’re going The Voice on this ish.  YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE WITH THE TIMES, SHOW.  JUST BE YOU.  I JUST WANNA SEE DANCING.
60.  Also shirtless men.  BUT DANCING.
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sytycdfeelz · 7 years
New York Auditions, S14E4
Saw on Twitter that Nigel said this group of auditions were some of the best he’d ever seen. The clips alone in the beginning gave me chills, so I had high hopes.
Magda and Kiki, Ballroom - Right from the get go, I loved their dynamic as partners. Their audition was great and showcased a lot of skill, but I appreciated that they both genuinely looked like they were having fun. Kiki was an incredible partner / leader on the floor, and Magda had a commanding presence without being cheesy. These two are great!
I’m super bummed that we didn’t get to see the full routine from Claudia and Jorge (Ballroom)...the curse of the unlicensed song. Their tricks looked incredible, and I liked to see a ballroom dancer that with the strong and powerful body type, as opposed to the stereotypical “legs for days” type. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s nice to see diversity. I also liked the little we saw of Jarryd and Allen, also ballroom boys. 
Zachary Downer, Contemporary - I don’t remember him from the Green Mile in Season 12, but it’s no surprise after watching that audition. I have no idea how he manged to pack SO MUCH into such a short piece! He commanded the attention of the whole audience, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I definitely agree with Nigel about his resemblance to Alvin Ailey.  Side note: I loved how supportive his family was. 
Ramita Ravi, Classical Indian dance and Contemporary - I’m not sure why I was so touched by this audition, but it made me teary. There was so much beauty and joy in her performance, and I really loved watching it. Another positive: it was something I haven’t seen before in all of the seasons of this show! She’s clearly a trained dancer, so I knew she’d have no problem with the choreography. 
Arielle Disciascio, Contemporary / Jazz - Anyone else think the “Don’t make me sound perfect” comment they showed was weird? I have to say, even thought she was a wonderful dancer, I didn’t really enjoy that audition. I thought there were no transitions, and it read like a series of poses instead of a dance. Maybe I’m getting a little jaded in episode 4 of auditions, but I just wanted more from her. But clearly she’s worthy of the Academy. 
Chris Andrews, Chase Lindsey and Jason Kidd have all been here before. Chris Andrews made it to the Green Mile, but I don’t recognize him. Jason Kidd looked vaguely familiar to me and like someone the young girl dynamic will really buy into. I feel like one of these guys is going to be a contender.
Romainson Romain, Hip Hop - What a beautiful tribute to his cousin. I didn’t recognize him until they showed the clip from Season 8...if memory serves me right, he did mostly break dancing then but threw in a few contemporary jumps that turned some heads. Choreo was definitely the appropriate place for him, and I’m so glad he made it through!
Claire Rathbun, Ballet - Well, I love her. Ballet is already so impressive in it’s traditional form, but she seemed to bring a different dynamic to it while maintaining traditional technique. I liked that she wasn’t super stiff or porcelain doll-like. I feel like we are going to see much more from her. 
Lex Ishimoto, Hip Hop / Jazz / Contemporary - HOLY. HELL. This kid can literally do everything. He pretty much defies gravity with his leaps! It makes a lot of sense that he’s with Shaping Sound. Star and DEFINITE Top 20 member over here. Can’t freaking wait to see his journey!!!
So, auditions are over, and it’s on to The Academy aka Not Vegas. THIS IS THE EPISODE I LIVE FOR. IS IT NEXT MONDAY YET? Also - can we please take a moment to acknowledge the all-stars??? @sytycdrankings favs Comfort and Cyrus, the ever-perfect Allison Holker, Gaby, Fikshun, Jenna...really they are all my precious angels and I love them. Also...SONYA! Welcome the hell back, lady. We’ve missed you!
But seriously, is it next Monday yet???
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Racist Extremist Arrested For Attempted Arson at Jewish Nursing Home
An FBI counterterrorism unit in Massachusetts arrested a racist extremist who allegedly planted an explosive at a Jewish assisted living facility with the intent to kill some of its residents. The person had potential links to an online white supremacist organization.
The news is yet another example of racist extremists attempting a terrorist attack during the coronavirus pandemic. Experts have noted that some of these terrorists, who adhere to the doctrine of accelerationism, see the pandemic as an opportunity to hasten the collapse of society.
On April 2, police in East Longmeadow discovered what was described as a bloodstained Molotov cocktail, which appeared to have failed to completely ignite, in front of Ruth’s House—a Jewish care facility servicing seniors of multiple religious denominations. Investigators linked the blood to the DNA of area resident John Michael Rathbun, 36, who was then arrested on two charges of attempted arson.
On an unnamed social media platform in early March, the facility had been mentioned as a potential target by a white supremacist organization promoting terrorist attacks on mosques, synagogues, and people of color in the U.S. and elsewhere. After users discussed where best to carry out a mass killing one user mentioned, “that jew nursing home in longmeadow massachusetts.” A month later, on April 3, the same user is believed to have earmarked the date on another social media platform used by the organization as “jew killing day” and listed their target as “Jew Nursery Home.”
It is unclear in the release if the FBI is alleging the user in question was Rathbun.
“The charges in this case allege that the defendant tried to blow up a Jewish assisted living residence with a five gallon gas canister, at the same time that the facility was being discussed on white supremacist online platforms,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling. “We will find, investigate and aggressively prosecute anyone engaged in this kind of mayhem.”
In the Department of Justice release, Lelling noted that racially-motivated individuals often use times of “national crisis” as an opportunity for violence. In March a neo-Nazi in Missouri was killed in a gunfight with the FBI after agents disrupted his plans to bomb a hospital struggling with the coronoavirus pandemic.
Racist Extremist Arrested For Attempted Arson at Jewish Nursing Home syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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losslessbest · 6 years
Andrew Rathbun Large Ensemble - Atwood Suites (2018)
Format : FLAC (tracks) Quality : lossless Sample Rate : 44.1 kHz / 16 Bit Source : Digital download Artist : Andrew Rathbun Large Ensemble Title : Atwood Suites Genre : Jazz, Vocal Jazz Release Date : 2018 Scans : not included Size .zip : 585 mb
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abcdsandvinyl · 6 years
Andrew Rathbun, Scott Lee (5), Jeff Hirshfield - Shadow Forms II: buy CD, Album at Discogs
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themasonshow · 6 years
Playlist for 04-26-2018
Ari Hoenig - Boplicity - NY Standard Balázs Balogh Quintet - Daybreak - Borderline Inspirations Stephi Zimmermann Trio - Weird Little Thing - The Same, But Different Joey Alexander - Moment's Notice - Moment's Notice Mary Halvorson - Off the Record - Code Girl Shake Stew - How We See Things - Rise and Rise Again Sasha Mashin - 7=5 - Outsidethebox Dave McMurray - Naked Walk - Naked Walk Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Move on Up - Live - Live at KEXP! Terence Blanchard - Dear Jimi - Live - Live Omer Avital - One Man's Light Is Another Man's Night - Qantar Anne Paceo - Yamona - Recorded Live on May 27th, 2017 at Festival Jazz Sous Les Pommiers, Coutances - Fables of Shwedagon (Recorded Live on May 27th, 2017 at Festival Jazz Sous Les Pommiers, Coutances) Anteloper - Fossil Record - Kudu Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Viaticum - Live - Viaticum (Live) Andrew Rathbun Large Ensemble - V - Atwood Suites Emil Brandqvist Trio - Back on the Ground - Back on the Ground Hadouk Trio - Lomsha - Air Hadouk
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Here's when stores will open their doors for Black Friday sales
Gunnar Rathbun/AP
Black Friday is just around the corner.
But as retailers seek ways to survive the retail apocalypse, stores' Black Friday hours and sales are increasingly varied.
For shoppers trying to figure out exactly when stores open and close, we've compiled a full list of retailers' Black Friday hours.
Here's when stores are kicking off Black Friday sales, when they're closing, and everything in between:
Andrew Kelly/Reuters
Belk: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thanksgiving, reopening on Black Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Best Buy: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 8 a.m. on Black Friday
Costco: Open at 9 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Dick's Sporting Goods: 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Home Depot: 6 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
J.C. Penney: 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Kmart: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Kohl's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving through Black Friday
Macy's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Michaels: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Old Navy: 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday; 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving; 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
PetSmart: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Black Friday
REI: Closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Sam's Club: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Sears: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. on Black Friday
Staples: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Target: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Toys R Us: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 11 p.m. on Black Friday
Walmart: Black Friday sales start at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening Friday with normal hours
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from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2hqdc4d
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hellocanticle · 9 months
Andrew Rathbun's "The Speed of Time"
SteepleChase Records 391950 I rarely write about jazz, mostly because it is a genre with which I am less familiar. I confess to a lack of knowledge (though I’m working on it) of jazz, especially of the last twenty years or so. And as a result I have some reluctance to write about jazz but when I first listened to this disc I found that the music spoke to this listener’s ears immediately and…
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Black Friday store hours are more confusing than ever this year — here's a complete list
Gunnar Rathbun/AP
Black Friday is just around the corner.
But as retailers seek ways to survive the retail apocalypse, stores' Black Friday hours and sales are increasingly varied.
For shoppers trying to figure out exactly when stores open and close, we've compiled a full list of retailers' Black Friday hours.
Here's when stores are kicking off Black Friday sales, when they're closing, and everything in between:
Andrew Kelly/Reuters
Belk: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thanksgiving, reopening on Black Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Best Buy: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 8 a.m. on Black Friday
Costco: Open at 9 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Dick's Sporting Goods: 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Home Depot: 6 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
J.C. Penney: 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Kmart: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Kohl's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving through Black Friday
Macy's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Michaels: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Old Navy: 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday; 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving; 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
PetSmart: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Black Friday
REI: Closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Sam's Club: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Sears: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. on Black Friday
Staples: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Target: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Toys R Us: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 11 p.m. on Black Friday
Walmart: Black Friday sales start at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening Friday with normal hours
NOW WATCH: Sheetz is a convenience store with a die-hard fan base only found in six states — take a look inside
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2hqdc4d
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Black Friday store hours are more confusing than ever this year — here's a complete list
Gunnar Rathbun/AP
Black Friday is just around the corner. 
However, as retailers seek ways to survive the retail apocalypse, stores' Black Friday hours and sales are increasingly varied. 
For shoppers trying to figure out exactly when stores open and close, we've compiled a full list of every retailer's Black Friday hours.
Here's when stores are opening, when they're closing, and everything in between: 
Andrew Kelly/Reuters
Belk: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening on Black Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Best Buy: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 8 a.m. on Black Friday
Costco: Open at 9 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Dick's Sporting Goods:  6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Home Depot: 6 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
JCPenney: 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Kmart: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Kohl's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving through Black Friday
Macy's: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Michaels: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
Old Navy: 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday; 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Thanksgiving; 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Black Friday
PetSmart: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Black Friday
REI: Closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Sam's Club: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours
Sears: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 5 a.m. on Black Friday
Staples: Open 7 a.m. on Black Friday, with normal closure hours 
Target: 6 p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, reopening at 6 a.m. on Black Friday
Toys R Us: 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving to 11 p.m. on Black Friday
Walmart: 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving, reopening on Black Friday with normal hours
We'll update this list as more retailers announce Black Friday hours.
NOW WATCH: Here's what candy corn is actually made of — it may surprise you
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