#Andy barber x woc!reader
cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
What's Eating You, Mr. Barber?
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Summary: You decide to test your man's patience with a prank you saw on TikTok. CLICK HERE to check out Ari Levinson's reaction to the same prompt.
Warnings: Mature Themes, References to Smut, Andrew Barber Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, TikTok Hijinks, Bickering, Manhandling, Ass Slapping, Daddy Kink, Allusions to Oral Sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt brought to you courtesy of a Reader Request. This fic features Andrew Barber from my Growing Pains Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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It’s hard for you to put into words just how much you love playing pranks on your unsuspecting husband. And after downloading TikTok, you’d discovered that the app was home to an online treasure trove of practical jokes designed to make your loved one’s head spin. While it had taken a few days for you to settle on the right prank, you were pretty confident that the one you’d chosen would earn you a fun reaction from Andy without you having to risk your ass in the process. 
You find yourself grinning as you take your time prepping dinner, humming a little tune as you peel and press even more fresh garlic for your homemade tomato sauce. Tonight’s family dinner of spaghetti and meatballs promised to be very interesting. Which was why you’d also taken the liberty of setting up two hidden cameras – one in the dining room and one right here in your kitchen. 
As of now, you had no plans to post this on your channel. But you also didn’t want to miss a minute of your man’s reaction. Until then all you had to do was play it cool for a couple more hours.
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Later that Evening…
“Baby Girl, are you sure you don’t need any help?” Your husband asks after watching you make what easily had to be your third trip from the kitchen into the dining room. 
Any other night you would’ve said yes, but not this one. Tonight you were flying solo. The cameras were already on and recording – you’d taken care of that before you’d started setting the table – and so far Andy hadn’t noticed a thing.
Hopefully you’d be able to keep it that way until it was time for the big reveal. 
“No thanks, Big Man. This Mama only has to make one more trip and then we’ll be ready to eat.”  You tell him before sitting two plates on the table in front of your two youngest children. You were down a kid tonight thanks to your oldest, Bianca, being away at a sleepover.  
Andy nods before leaning over to adjust the small hand towel you’d previously tucked into the front of your three-year-old son’s t-shirt. Not that it really mattered all that much since you were positive he’d be swimming in sauce before the meal was over. But what kind of mother would you be if you didn’t at least try?
Biting your lip in anticipation, you scamper back into the kitchen to grab dinner for you and your husband. Andy’s plate was piled high with a generous serving of spaghetti and meatballs. Meanwhile, you give yourself hardly any. 
And therein was the so-called prank. Earlier this week, you’d spent the better part of several hours gleefully watching as dozens of girlfriends and wives proceeded to serve their man impressive looking portions before sitting next to them with virtually empty plates for themselves. Many of the reactions had ranged from hilarious to heartwarming, with only a few dickish exceptions. 
Glancing over your shoulder to ensure you weren’t being watched, you pick up various pans and quietly place them in your oven and out of sight. For this to actually work, Andy would have to believe that there wasn’t enough for seconds or leftovers. Once that’s done, you square your shoulders and confidently march back into the dining room with dishes in hand. 
“I’m back.” You announce, placing a piping hot plate in front of Andy before taking your own seat at the table. “I tried something different with my sauce this time, so everybody dig in and tell me what you think.” 
Andy absentmindedly rubs his palms together as he stares down at the fragrant heap of spaghetti before him. Silently, you will him to look over at what you’d served yourself, but you force yourself to remain quiet so as not to give yourself away. 
“This smells amazing, sweetheart.” Your husband tells you, reaching for a piece of garlic bread. “I’ve been excited for this meal since you told me you texted me at 10:00am.”
“Glad to hear it, Daddy” You pick up the little bowl of parmesan you’d set out and hand it to your middle daughter, Katrina. “What does everybody else think?”
You take a brief glance around the table while you wait for feedback. And although you make a point of not looking at your husband, it’s impossible to miss the way he’s now staring at your nearly empty plate.
“Ooh.” You inwardly squeal, stopping just short of clapping your hands. “It’s starting!” 
“What’s up with this?” His tone is rife with confusion, which only grows when you decide to ignore him in favor of dipping a small piece of bread into some sauce. “Hey – stop!”
“What?” When you finally deign to return his gaze. You have to choke back a laugh as you watch a bewildered Andy comically gesture between your two plates.
“What the fu–fudge,” he swiftly corrects, “is going on with your plate?”
“What do you mean?” You aim to keep your tone light and breezy.
Your husband lets out a frustrated sigh. “Where’s the rest of your food?” He jabs at your plate with his fork, holding up the half of a meatball you’d allowed yourself.
“This was all that was left.” You tell him with a shrug.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His confusion continues to mount even as pauses long enough to grab a napkin to wipe at his son’s increasingly messy fingers. “There was plenty of spaghetti left on the stove.” While he’s occupied you quickly check on little Rory, who appears to be faring slightly better.
“Not really.” 
“Baby…” Andy pins you with a knowing look, one that you readily return.
“What? I…” You trail off, pretending to think. “After I realized BiBi wouldn’t be here tonight, I made some adjustments to the recipe. Turns out I didn’t make enough, so…” Another shrug. “This was all there was after I made everyone else’s plates.” 
Andy is uncharacteristically quiet as leans back in his chair. Meanwhile, your children are busy staring at you, each of them sporting tiny, furrowed brows. Pursing your lips, you set your fork down on your plate and reach for your drink. 
“You can have some of mine, Mama.” KitCat offers before sweetly pushing her plate towards you. The unexpected gesture touches your heart in more ways than one. Not to be outdone, your three-year-old twins also follow suit. 
“That’s okay, babies. I’m perfectly fine.” You reassure them, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Besides, this is all I need and –”
“Thanks kiddos.” Your husband kindly interrupts as he places his napkin on the table. “That was very sweet of you, wanting to take care of your Mama like that.” His brilliant blue eyes beam with pride as he speaks. “But Daddy’s got this one.” 
You’re momentarily taken aback when he stands, picking up his plate as he does. And you’re even more surprised when he motions for you to do the same.
“Can I see you in the kitchen for a moment?”
“Andrew, sweetheart, it’s okay. I promise.”
“Now, please.” It’s an order, that much you know. But at least your handsome ogre has enough sense to take on the word “please” at the end of it.      
“Fine.” You huff before standing and following him out of the room, although not before encouraging your children to keep eating while you’re gone. Just because it was Friday doesn’t mean it was time to dispense their normal bedtime routines.
You were only playing a prank, not embracing total anarchy. 
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Once in the kitchen, you each take up residence in opposing corners. But of course, you’re careful enough to avoid blocking the view of the camera. 
“Baby Girl.” Andy exhales, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Do you really mean to tell me that there’s no food left? You really made all that pasta and there’s nothing?”
“Yes, Andrew.” You lie without missing a beat. “I already told you. I trimmed down the recipe because –”
“Because Bianca is gone. Yes, I heard you.” He sets his dish down on the counter, openly scrutinizing it. 
“So then what’s the problem?” You rest your back against your pantry while you wait for him to respond. 
“The problem – my problem –” Andy is quick to amend, shaking his head. “– is that you expect me to sit back and watch you starve while everyone else eats. And I don’t like it.” He scrubs a weary hand over his beard. “Hand me your plate, beautiful.”
“Why?” It’s impossible to keep the suspicion out of your voice. 
“Because I don’t need all of this.” He grunts, taking the plate out of your hands when you don’t comply fast enough. “In fact, I don’t need any of it. You eat and I’ll order myself a pizza after we put the kids down.”
“Andy!” You scoff, which comes out on the heels of a laugh. 
“What?” The man is clearly confused by your dismissal of his offer. “I am capable of handling myself, okay? My hands work just fine.” He grates out, making a show of holding up a large, lightly calloused palm.
“But I…I made that plate for you.” You were seconds away from caving and you both knew it. 
“And I’m telling you, my wonderful wife, that I want you to have it.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to –” You begin, wrapping your arms around yourself. It was time to fess up.
“Fine.” Andy breathes, taking a second to roll his broad shoulders. “Then we’ll split it.” He reaches for your hand, pulling you into his warm embrace so that he can whisper in your ear. “And then, after we put the kids down, we’ll order ourselves a pizza. Maybe open up a bottle of wine while we wait.”
“Yeah?” You murmur, relaxing as you bury your face in his chest. 
God, he always smelled so good.  
“Mhm.” He continues, nuzzling his nose against your curls. “And then, once we’re all giggly and buzzed, I’ll convince you to let me make love to you in front of the fireplace. We can even set up a booby trap so that we pretend like the children don’t exist.”
“Wow.” You can’t stop the giggle that bubbles its way past your lps. “Andy Bear, that sounds amazing. But I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Why the fuck not?” He rumbles as his brawny arms tighten around your smaller frame. You were pushing your District Attorney beyond his breaking point.
“Because.” Squirming out of his hold, you dance your way towards the oven in preparation for the big reveal. Hopefully your husband would be a good sport about all of this.
“Because…” You draw out the word, even as you go to open the oven to show him what’s inside. “There’s actually plenty of dinner leftover. See?” You throw your arms wide, but force yourself to stop just short of adding spirit fingers because you suspected he wouldn’t appreciate it.
“Baby, I swear…” Andy sighs, his hands slowly sinking into the pockets of his charcoal-colored slacks as he rocks back on his heels. Most likely to keep himself from strangling you, his lovely wife. “Why–what would possess you to lie about something like this?”
“First off, sweetheart, it’s called a prank.” You bridge the gap between your bodies so that you can wrap your arms around his trim waist. “And secondly, I saw it on TikTok. Ever heard of it?” 
He glares down at you, which has you instinctively clenching your thighs together. That’s part of the reason you loved riling up your Big Man.
Being a brat got your motor running. 
“I take it you have.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss away his frown. “Well, I fell down the rabbit hole the other day while the kids were napping. There’s this whole, like, subsection that’s just pranks. And the latest one involved these women pranking their guys by serving them a huge plate of food, and then pretending like there’s nothing left for them to eat. The reactions were super entertaining, so I figured I’d test it out, you know? Just for fun.”
You grace him with your most dazzling smile, but unfortunately, he’s still having none of it. His frown only deepens as he tilts his face up towards the ceiling in an effort to summon all of his remaining patience. 
“Are you mad?” Your teeth sink into your bottom lip while you wait for his answer.
“C’mon, Andy Bear!” You pout before placing your hands on his biceps to give him a light shake.”Where’s your sense of humor?”
“Pretty sure I lost it the day you decided torturing me was your new favorite pastime.” He grumbles, although there doesn’t appear to be any heat in his words. “In fact, I have a feeling you just gave me several new grays.”
“Oh, don’t you dare blame me for those.” You tell him, playfully rolling your eyes at his dramatics. “I’ll have you know that you came home with those. I spotted ‘em the moment you walked through the door.” Your sassy response earns you a sharp crack to your ass, making you wince.
“Brat.” He grouses, even as he presses a sweet kiss to your nose. 
“Guilty as charged.” You hum, weaving your arms around his neck. “Besides, I had a feeling you wouldn’t let me starve.”
“Not sure it’s even possible to fail that challenge, Baby Girl. I mean, you’re my wife. My partner in crime. Did you really expect me to just let you go hungry?”
“You’d be surprised.” You mutter, making a mental note to show him a few videos featuring some of the men who’d actually failed the test. “But thankfully you didn’t. And neither did the kiddos. Which is why I will graciously allow you all to sleep inside tonight.”
You let out a tiny yelp when Andy suddenly grabs your ass with both hands, squeezing hard as he lifts you up. Unsure of what else to do, you immediately lock your legs around his waist. Right now you were just going along for the ride.  
“Now is that any way to talk to Daddy?” Andy lovingly captures your mouth, lightly stroking his along the seam of your lips. “Especially after you played such a mean trick?” His once clouded blue eyes are now filled with mischief. 
“Oh, I’m not sorry. But if it helps, I am willing to delete the video.” Your husband’s eyes go wide, letting you know that he hadn’t even considered the prospect of being recorded. So you keep talking, hoping to distract him. “And I still wanna get you drunk and take advantage of you after we put the children down for the night.” You run your fingers through his neatly coiffed hair, lightly scratching at his scalp with your nail.
“I don’t know if I should trust you.” He eyes you warily, making clear that he still hasn’t quite recovered from your earlier betrayal. 
“What if…” You lean in close, lightly nipping at his earlobe. “I could find it in my heart to apologize between then and now? How does that sound, Big Man?”
“I mean I might be interested.” Andy shrugs, gently setting you on the counter before bracing his muscled arms on either side of you. “Out of curiosity, just what kind of apology are we talking about?” He gazes at you with lust-filled eyes, eagerly anticipating your response.
“The kind that’s best offered while on my knees, wearing nothing but a flimsy pair of thigh highs and garters.” You know you’ve got him when you hear him groan low in his throat.  
“Fucky, baby.” Your husband hisses, burying his face in the valley between your breasts as his imagination suddenly kicks into overdrive. “Can you be sorry enough to wear the heels too? You know the ones I’m talking about.”
Oh. You knew exactly which ones he was talking about.
“I think so.” You murmur, stroking a tender hand along his back as he struggles to regain his composure.   
“Then we’ve got ourselves a deal.” He grips your hips before kindly helping you down. “Now let’s go get those kids fed and off to bed.” Andy grabs your hand, tugging you behind him as you head back to the dining room to see about your babies. 
“Slow down, Andrew.” You laugh as your legs scramble to keep up. 
“No can do, Baby Girl.” He grunts, picking up his pace. “Daddy’s really looking forward to that apology. So be sure to eat up because…” He trails off when he comes face-to-face with his sauce covered little ones. “...You’re gonna need all of your strength.”
“You can count on it.”
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flordeamatista · 9 months
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pairing: dbf!andy barber x reader
concept: The lure of temptation, seduction, and lust he offered filled your head ecstatically.
word count: 1k
warnings: sex tape + corruption kink + pussy slapping, nicknames: (Angel)
a/n: The devil card depicts intense sexual desire and physical attraction.The Devil is the gateway into the future kinks.
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The lure of temptation, seduction, and lust he offered filled your head ecstatically.
Your wings were scattered at your feet as you stood rigidly in his home office.
His radiant blue eyes met yours with a languid gaze, making you feel heat prickling beneath your skin. He swept his eyes up and down your body, and his hands slowly moved over your curves. “I wonder if your parents are looking for you,” lifting you onto his lap with one arm while the other braces against your chest.
A hand slapped your pussy as it dug through your naked form, exploring every inch of it.
"The party gets drunk downstairs, but my touch will make your pussy drunk here." When your head fell back against him, his hot breath heated up in your ear. He grinned into your neck while biting your skin. “So desperate to be touched, aren’t you?”
You closed your eyes and wondered if it was all a dream or if reality had tricked you. The Halloween party had already begun earlier that evening, and you’re almost naked on his lap, wearing only your angelic halo. 
Your body vibrates in anticipation as you sit on the devil’s lap, with your once pure angel wings lying on the ground.
An inferno looms to consume you whole when the spark within you ignites.
Your heart surrenders to his touch, allowing yourself to be influenced by the promise of pleasure and the unknown.
There is an electrifying quality of being around him, but it is also terrifying; you know it is dangerous territory, but you can’t help feeling drawn in by his dark charisma. His midnight blue eyes promise a night of sensuality and debauchery beyond your wildest dreams.
You’re helpless as he whispers softly and tastefully, and you’re beckoned into the unknown by his sinful dirge. 
A tingling sensation runs down your spine when you catch sight of his gaze.
There is something dangerous about your attraction to him, and what will happen if you comply with him?
While you appear angelic, his aura is testing you into darkness.
A knowing smirk curls his lips as he stares at you as if he knows exactly who you are and what you want.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and swiped it until the camera was on.
His right hand was poised over the phone while his left touched your body. He spoke low and velvet-smooth, saying, “I want this recorded proof that even angels can moan for devils.” Taking your lips in a passionate kiss, he traced circles across your skin, generating sweltering heat.
With a smile, he roars like a devouring demon, and his firm contours blend perfectly with my angelic features.
When you both pulled apart, you saw his eyes blazing with desire. With each slap of his palm, a fire ignited within you, threatening to burn out of control.
“Show me how the devil can make pretty angels moan. Aren't you my pretty angel?.”
Deep, slow breaths push warmth into the air.
“You like that, don’t you?” His warm slaps glide across your clitoris, and he holds the phone close to your pussy.
As he taps your clit each time, pain and pleasure wash over you simultaneously. You need his fingers in your clit for him to release the orgasm and touch, so a slap does not suffice.
It feels like he might slip his fingers inside, but he slaps it away, leaving the breeze to cool the air.
In a warm embrace, his finger traces shapes around your pussy. A gentle tickle alternates with a firm slap that makes your hips jerk. Every time you shudder, you are slapped harder. 
You muffle a small moan against your palm as your body burns and your eyes tighten. 
His dark and menacing voice whispers in your ear. The phone moves closer to your face. You feel your body quiver as he punctuates the words with more intense pussy slaps. “Such a good angel.” 
There were no words between you as you walked forward and kissed the fiery.
Every step brought profound relief that swallowed light and sound.
The only force you could understand was a burning desire to be with him, but you could neither understand nor resist it.
There is no escaping the devil when the night is dark and your heart is led by him.
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝑺𝒆𝒙 𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒔
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — boyfriends dad!andy barber x fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Andy and you fuck and almost get caught
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — SMUT, slight breeding kink, p in v, unprotected sex (well readers on the pill), you fucking use protection in real life
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — please I hate this, I wanted to make a hot boyfriends dad!Andy fic where i cab make more parts and add characters and they have a gangbang and now look what came the fuck out. like, reblog and comment if you like!
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A hand was clamped over your mouth to keep your moans from escaping as his hips thrusted inside you. Moving your body and causing that desk under you to shake.
Light creaks could be heard from the maple wood. The sound made you feel anxious that your boyfriend could hear the sins you did with his father. As if Andy could feel what went through your body his hand let go of your mouth and grazed your cheek.
"shh darling, don't worry he won't hear a thing. He's too busy playing that video game," his words were meant to smooth you.
However, knowing how Jake played his video game. First it all went normal, then he shouted into the headset, then got angry and then threw the headset on the ground.
In one of the last moments he could hear you.
"Andy what if he's searching for me after ending the game? What if he lost, got angry, stopped and put the headset away?"
"Darling I'm balls deep in you and while I enjoy the thought of getting caught, I'd appreciate if you stop talking about my son." your cheeks heated up and you were about to apologise when Andy thrusted full force inside you.
A high pitched moan flied your mouth, but in the last second Andy stuffed his fingers into your mouth.
"Just can't keep quite can you little girl?" Andy murmured against your ear. He loved the noises you made but it was dangerous when his son was in the house.
His hand pressed sharp circles on your clit. You could burning pleasure flood the pit of your lower stomache.
Andy felt you tighten your walls around his cock, he retrieved his fingers from your mouth. "you're gonna cum baby? Cum for your daddy like he asked you."
The wave of pleasure consumed you, stars forming in front of your eyes. Andy always had a way with words.
"Now, baby...mouth or pussy?" Andy asked as he slowed his movements, "pussy please...." With a smirk Andy picked up his movements. Knowing it was wrong to get off on the thought of seeing your round and swollen with his baby he couldn't help himself.
With a held back grunt Andy released his white seed inside you. "going to look so beautiful round and swollen with my baby."
"Yes, please fuck a baby into me daddy." You were going to kill him someday with this filthy mouth.
Andy came to a stop, his hands rested on either side next to your head. Supporting his weight above you, his lips capturing yours in bruising kiss. Your hands cradled his face keeping him close. His tongue darted between your lips, your tongues fought over dominance. You knew Andy would always win, he made you weak in so many ways.
A knock interrupted the intimate moment followed by Jake's voice cutting through. "Dad? Have you seen y/n, she said she would go to the kitchen but I checked there and she wasn't in."
You let go of Andy, eyes growing wide. The feeling of pleasure left and was replaced with panic.
"She went out to buy a few grocery, should be back soon!" Jake accepted Andy’s answer and went back to his video game.
Andy turned his face to you, instantly he wrapped his arms around you to help you calm down. "He almost caught us! Oh my god, how can you be so calm Andy?" You went to get of the desk but realised Andy’s dick was still in your cunt.
Without hesitation he pulled out knowing it would be better and help calming your nerves.
"Hey, hey its okay. Jake thinks you're not here...we're gonna take a bath now and then I will make up a lie about going to a friend while we're actually getting groceries!"
You looked at him, asking yourself if he was serious. This could have all been avoided. Yes you shouldn't have gotten involved with your boyfriend's dad but that man was sex on legs.
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jadedvibes · 2 years
to be his wife 🥰
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Mrs. Barber
Oh what a dream ♡ Let's imagine what it'd be like if after leaving his ex he met a lawyer that was his ideal match.
Pairing: Andy Barber x lawyer!reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, swearing, fluff, possessive!andy sprinkled in.
Word Count: 825
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
From the moment he stepped into the courtroom and saw you were opposing counsel Andy knew he was screwed. The whispers of the woman that could rival him as a prosecutor moving to the district didn’t contain how beautiful you were.
Your stellar professional reputation preceded you, but your bewitching presence was a surprise that completely caught him off guard.  
Andy wasn’t one to get flustered under the pressures of the court, but when you looked at him, his speech briefly stuttered along with his heart. Your words flowed eloquently, and your confidence made him grateful that it was an open-and-shut case, because once court was adjourned he decided that a woman as brilliant as you belonged with him.
He pursued you until you gave in, but it was a lot harder than he anticipated. You weren’t looking for anything, yet his persistence ensured that you found it anyway. The man wore you down with his kindness, helpfulness, and those dazzling blue eyes always giving you his undivided attention. Despite your cynicism, you let yourself fall for the lawyer with the complicated past. 
Fortunately, Andy ensured that you didn’t regret it. And to further prove his commitment, he proposed after six months of dating you, simply because he needed you to be his, in every way possible. 
Just like he made you his, every night since you agreed to go out with him. You thought it might be a bit too early to sleep with him after your first official date. But as he helped you out of his Audi and walked you to your front door with your hand firmly in his, you knew exactly what was going to happen. 
“Tell me to leave, honey,” he mumbled against your lips after kissing you goodnight. 
“But I want you to stay,” you whispered before opening your door. 
He took care of you that night, worshiping every inch of your body, just like he wanted to from the moment his eyes laid on you. 
Your attraction couldn’t stay confined to just your places at night, and that’s how stolen kisses at work turned into making love behind locked office doors. But sex wasn’t always like that, sometimes he’d fuck you, quick and rough, just enough to get you both there. Other days, he’d take his time, dominating you hard and slow; whispering the filthiest words you’d only hear when you got him like that. 
“That’s it, honey. Go soft under me, fuck – this pussy’s so fuckin’ tight it’s like she wants to keep me inside,” Andy groaned against the shell of your ear, his beard grazing against your soft skin as he pounded into you. You felt him everywhere; his warm lips, his large hands, his hard length roughly sinking into you over and over again. Until you were screaming his name, barely able to hear him mutter how well you squeezed his cock and how pretty you were as you came for him. 
The two of you eloped on a weekend trip in Portland, and the main thing that changed once you were officially his wife was that his adoration and devotion became even more intense. 
Andy was a self-assured man, but now that you were his, you didn’t miss the way his possessiveness lingered whenever you interacted with other male colleagues. In fact, you loved the way he’d make it apparent that you belonged to him. You loved it even more when he took you home and reminded you that you were his Mrs. Barber – as if the ring on your finger and the hold on your heart wasn’t indication enough. 
His protective nature, the way he cherished you as a partner and always took care of you made you fall for him more and more every day. A few colleagues at work even mentioned that you changed him for the better. He didn’t hide the fact that he was once a workaholic that prioritized his job more than anything in his past relationship; instead he made sure that you knew that you were his top priority through his actions. You were his new beginning, a chance to do things differently, and he certainly made the most of that. 
Andy was the perfect husband to you, his wonderful wife. 
Because you were his ideal partner. You were the warm softness to his rough exterior – although you were strong when you needed to be and Andy really admired that. You were the one that he trusted to tear down the tall walls he’d built up over the years. He needed someone that didn’t judge him about his past, that actually appreciated him, and saw him for the deeply caring man that he was. It amazed him how you fit the bill in every sense; a fact he expressed gratitude for often. 
And now that Andy loves you, he can never stop. Because you’re his better half, his gorgeous and amazing wife, his Mrs. Barber.
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shotgunbunny · 2 years
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⊹ 𔘓 ִ ۫ ּ ⊹⠀ ָ࣪ 𓆩C.EVANS𓆪 ָ࣪ ⊹ ִ ۫ ּ 𔘓 ⊹
[all my fics will contain dark themes, please keep this in mind when going through my masterlists <3. I am not responsible for what you consume, these are strictly 18+ fics.]
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⊹ 𔘓 𓆩ari levinson x reader masterlist 𓆪 ָ࣪𔘓 ⊹
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⊹ 𔘓 𓆩ransom drysdale x reader masterlist 𓆪 ָ࣪𔘓 ⊹
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⊹ 𔘓 𓆩curtis everett x reader masterlist𓆪 ָ࣪𔘓 ⊹
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⊹𔘓𓆩Jake Jensen x reader masterlist𓆪𔘓⊹
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⊹𔘓𓆩Andy Barber x reader masterlist𓆪𔘓⊹
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⊹𔘓𓆩Lloyd Hansen x reader masterlist𓆪𔘓⊹
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dc418writes · 9 months
•|Til Death & More|•
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✨Pairing✨: Andy Barberxblack!reader
Summary🪄: “Til Death” just isn’t enough for some
⚠️: 18+, NO MINORS! implied/mention of adult times, supernatural occurrences, ghosts, what appears to be self harm (it’s not exactly and there’s nothing detailed, but you’ll see), near drowning, angst, mention of psych ward, mention of death (if I missed any warnings please let me know!)
*Disclaimer: although the collage was made by me, I DO NOT own nor claim ownership of the pictures used as they were all found on Pinterest*
|Day 1|
Placing the last brown box on the wooden kitchen floor with a small, tired sigh, Andy smiles to himself looking up at you peacefully gazing out the sliding glass towards the still lake just a few meters away. So calming and serene, it appeared as if it were covered in diamonds how it glistened from the suns rays. He quietly strides towards you until his sweatshirt covered arms wrapping around your hips makes you giggle along with his beard tickling the column of your neck.
“Guess what?,” he whispers by the shell of your ear as if you weren’t the only ones there in the two story home.
“We are officially moved in sweetheart.” His soft lips leave a peck just under your jaw gently swaying you to whatever song currently playing in Andy’s head.
“Now all that’s left is to unpack our hundred or so boxes, figure out where everything needs to go, clean, set up Eli’s room-,”
“One thing at a time okay?,” he chuckles turning you around to face him as his hands soothingly rub along your back. He could practically see the worried thoughts trying to overtake the excited ones you had just yesterday. This was your first time being quite a distance away from your family and friends in the city, which made you understandably nervous.
You just hoped you’d be able to truly stand on your own being a new mother without the added help you were used to being there.
“Look at me,” Andy softly instructs tilting your chin up with his knuckle. “We’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
“Andy you can’t really-,”
“I just did. And I mean it,” he smiles leaning in to bring your lips together and further prove how true he was of his word. Not that you needed any convincing, Andy never gave you a reason to doubt him and you knew he’d do anything humanly possible to make sure you and your son were okay. It’s what brought you to the countryside in the first place; away from the judgmental eyes, harsh words, and threats at your front door when someone felt bold enough.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you peck his lips twice more whispering, “I love you” against his smile, which he happily returns along with a chaste kiss of his own.
“You know what? I think it’s time for a break.”
“True, we should probably go get food.” You try to step towards your phone but instead, are held in place by Andy’s hands gripping your hips and gently pushing you backwards until your back pressed against the cold glass.
“I was actually thinking of something else we could do,” he counters. His voice sensually dropping an octave lifting you so your legs naturally wrapped around his hips. His large hands beginning to slowly knead from the back of your thighs to your lower cheeks making you sigh in pleasure.
“And that is?”
“Well since it’s just us in this big, ole’ place and are free from parent duties,” he begins, taking turns nipping and kissing along the side of your neck, “why not break in a few of these rooms?”
You playfully hum in thought strategically stretching your neck giving your husband the access you both craved to that special spot on your pulse that’d instantly make you melt. A brief giggle slipping from your lips before they’re replaced by soft moans.
Pressing his tented crotch against your center, your hips slowly roll on their own as your hand rubs along his scalp to pull at the strands bringing his head upward so your eager tongue could freely roam along his. A deep groan vibrating his chest and pupils dilated until only a thin line of blue remained.
“Where to first?”
|Day 3|
“And over there,” Andy smiles pointing to a shady spot in the backyard as he gently bounces his baby boy, “we could have a little soccer net or tee ball stand. Whatever toys you want bubba.” The three month old just chews on his fist in response, getting the remaining banana taste from between his tiny fingers.
“Even make ourselves a little clubhouse where mom isn’t invited.”
“Um ‘scuse me?,” you smirk over your shoulder rinsing the suds from the last baby bottle.
Andy chuckles striding towards you to sweetly kiss your cheek, “I’m kidding.”
Stretching in his arms, both of you can tell Eli’s sleepy from his long yawn and slow blinks before his fingers are back in his mouth with a soft sigh.
“I’ll put him down-,”
“I got it sweetheart. You relax,” Andy states kissing you once more and lifting Eli so you could kiss his chubby cheeks before heading upstairs. You’re left with silence and running water as you continue washing the dishes, and pan, from breakfast. Occasionally humming one of the many baby lullabies now stuck in your head and making you inwardly laugh at yourself.
“Yep, you’re definitely a mom now Y/N,” you speak to yourself with a light shake of your head. Just as you’re finished with the last fork, a cool breeze prickling the back of your neck causes you to lightly shudder before playfully rolling your dark eyes.
“I’d advise you not to try and scare me when I could be potentially holding a knife Andrew.” Drying your hands as you turn around, your grin falls finding your husband nowhere in sight.
You could’ve sworn he was right behind you. You felt the air on your neck. A presence hovering your back just as he tended to do before hugging you close.
Your bare feet carry you towards the sliding glass door wondering if maybe it was somehow left cracked, but you find nothing. It’s properly sealed and locked just as you saw it yesterday. Looking up from the lock to the recently cleaned glass, a ghastly face gaunt and sunken in at the cheeks staring at you with onyx eyes that eliminated the white normally there, and shoulder length, dark hair makes you fall backwards into the solid body of your husband returning just in time to catch you before you hit the hardwood floor.
“Hey it’s okay, you’re okay,” he coos and shushes soothingly rubbing his large hand up and down your back trying to calm your shaking. “What happened?”
“I-I saw someone.”
“In the yard? They still there?”
“I don’t know.” Andy’s quick to grab the metal bat propped by the glass before unlocking the door and carefully stepping outside. Luckily, with it being daylight, he doesn’t have to venture too far in the yard able to clearly see through the gathering of trees along the sides of your new home.
“Wait here, I’m gonna look out front,” he announces walking through the silent home from the back door to the front. You anxiously sat on the couch nervously bouncing your knee as you waited for his return. The terrifying face still haunting the back of your mind even when you tried telling yourself it was nothing.
“It’s probably just me being a little sleep deprived,” you thought twisting your wedding ring back and forth on your finger. Since moving in, Eli seemed to have even more trouble sleeping through the night. Waking up twice now and refusing to go back down in his crib each time. You’d either have to walk around the house bouncing him in your arms or Andy would bring him in your shared bedroom until he was in a deep enough sleep that he wouldn’t notice when he was back in his.
The door shutting and distinctive beep of the security system engaging brings you out of your thoughts and back to Andy returning the bat to its proper place before sitting next to you to pull you into his lap. “Whoever it was, they’re gone by now. Might’ve thought the place was still empty.”
“You okay?,” he asks. Concerned cerulean eyes peering into yours while one hand caresses your cheek and the other grazes your thigh. “You remember what they looked like?”
“I-It was a woman. At least I think it was, but I’m fine Andy..really. My brain might just be acting funny because of the stress from moving and being tired.”
“You sure?” Nodding your head, you softly smile turning to kiss his palm. Your head falling to nuzzle against his neck as he holds you close.
“Tomorrow I’m gonna get some cameras for outside. Motion lights too okay?”
“Mhm,” you reply, eventually feeling relaxed enough that you could no longer fight your own sleep trying to overtake your body.
|Night 6|
“You sure you guys are gonna be okay tomorrow? I can always push back my start date.”
“We’ll be fine,” you smile immediately sliding over to his side of the bed when he’s under the covers. Your leg draped over his hip as his fingertips dance along your freshly shaven and moisturized thigh. “You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack if you keep worrying so much.”
His deep chuckle has your head lightly bouncing against his pec dusted with hair. “Can’t help it. I’m always gonna worry sweetheart.”
Especially now after finding two dead doves on the front step the past couple mornings; positioned in such a way it had to be an obvious threat. Andy checked the cameras, but could never find anyone around though.
He assumed it had to be the same lady you saw in the backyard the other day. Where she came from or how she found you both, he couldn’t quite figure out yet.
Playing with the charm of his necklace, his lips on the top of your head makes you softly sigh snuggling impossibly closer to the love of your life. The comfortable silence slowly beginning to make both of you drift to sleep after a long day.
“Call if you need me, and I mean anytime Y/N. I’ll come straight home.”
“We’re gonna be okay,” you whisper sweetly kissing just above his heart. “You just focus on your first day.”
“I’ll try,” he yawns before lifting your hand to kiss your palm. “I love you.”
“Love you more.”
Like clockwork, Eli’s cries interrupt your peaceful sleep looking over to the monitor on your nightstand to see him on his tummy with head lifted and mouth opened as he wailed. Andy was somehow still asleep - and softly snoring - as you quietly slid out of his grasp into the cold air circulating in your home.
“Shh it’s okay Eli,” you coo as you enter his bedroom lit up with colorful stars that oscillated from his nightlight to the walls. “What’s wrong?”
Nearing his crib, you’re heart sinks and you feel all the air leave your body finding it empty - like your son was never there to begin with.
“A-Andy! Andy wake up!” Your screams go unnoticed rushing back towards the hall until you’re knocked backwards by some force. The walls shake and picture frames lining them rattle from how hard the door slams in front of you.
“Andy! Please!,” you shout yanking the handle that wouldn’t budge. All the while Eli’s cries continuing, and sounding as if he was just outside.
With one final yank you nearly fall again, stumbling back from the door swinging open to show your baby lying in the hall hiccuping with tears rolling down his cheeks.
“It’s okay, I got you sweet boy,” you coo reaching out for your son until a shadowy figure knocks you back down making your head uncomfortably thud against the floor. There’s no getting up this time though feeling as if your wrists and ankles are bound to the carpet below. Panic immediately flushing over your skin as you still try to squirm and wiggle free with tears streaking your face and heartbeat racing in your chest.
The ominous figure slowly steps forward - slender with dull, lifeless skin in a sheer dress that reminded you of the curtains shielding your windows - pointing a bony finger towards you before it morphs into what you could only describe as a talon. With one swipe, you can feel the stinging and burning of scratches left on your skin causing you to cry out in pain.
It’s the last sound you’re able to muster as you watch the same dark talon aim for your neck. Growing closer and closer until it’s prick - just under your jaw - sharpens so, your eyes blur from tears and impending unconsciousness recognizing the stream of blood slowly trickling down your skin.
“Y/N…Y/N! Wake up sweetheart.” Andy’s gentle shakes eventually bring you back with a startled gasp as you reach for your jugular. Your cheeks wet with the tears from your sleep and chest slightly heaving from your sobs.
His palms rest on each cheek making you meet his soft eyes, and further trying to calm you, as he thumbs away the still falling streaks. “S’just a dream sweetheart, you’re okay. I’m here.”
“E-Eli,” you sniffle quickly turning towards the baby monitor to find him sound asleep in the same position you and Andy left him.
“He’s fine, and miraculously out still,” he lightly chuckles hoping he could get the same reaction out of you.
“It..it just felt so real.” Shifting you to sit across his lap, his hands glide along your back and lips occasionally leave kisses on your forehead reminding you you’re safe. “Eli was crying and-,”
“Oh no, you scratched yourself.” Turning your arm, he woefully sighs while his finger runs over the freshly made line - red and already beginning to rise with the smallest dots of dried blood stuck to your skin.
Maybe you did make it yourself, which made the pain you felt all the more real. However, something inside told you otherwise.
“You were saying? What happened with Eli?”
“..I couldn’t find him. You either.” You didn’t want to bring up seeing the demented figure again, already writing it off as your subconscious bringing that face you saw all those days ago back to light. Plus he didn’t need to worry about you. Not with him starting his new position tomorrow.
He was so excited with this chance of being able to be part of a private practice, and collaborating with others for the common goal of a successful case. And more importantly, back to helping clients get the justice they deserved. You didn’t want to get in the way of that.
“I’m sorry that happened sweetheart. We’re right here though and not going anywhere. I promise,” he smiles kissing each cheek before landing on your lips. “Was that all?”
Nodding, you help pull the covers over both your tired bodies snuggling your face even closer to his neck radiating his Forest Wind shower gel. On your worst days and nights, the woodsy scent always helped you relax thinking of Andy and being surrounded by his comforting warmth and soothing words punctuated by sweet pecks.
You hoped it’s power would help you get through yet another rough night, but you could only sit there listening to your husbands soft snores as you stared at the digital clock. Two am turned to four, then five until the soft chime of his alarm alerted both of you it was time to rise for the new day.
A new day that already made you uneasy with images of the mysterious woman flashing in your mind.
|Day 13|
“Hey, welcome,” Andy greets your aunt Virginia - Genie for short - with a hug before extending his arm for her to enter the warmly lit home.
“Of course I was gonna check on my niece and nephews,” she smiles letting him remove her jacket and take her purse to the nearby closet. “This place is gorgeous.”
“Thank you. Let me give you a tour-,”
“Before we do that,” she interrupts stopping his next step with a gentle hand on his bicep, “how are things Andy?” From the look in her eyes, he knew she wanted the honest truth.
Not even settled for five minutes, she could tell something was off. The tired droop of his eyes and disheveled styling of his usual tidy hair only solidified what her intuition was telling her as soon as he opened the door.
Andy scratches the back of his head lightly sighing as he leans against the wall. “I..I honestly don’t know. She hasn’t been sleeping well from waking up with Eli and these dreams-,”
“Well nightmares really. They’re so bad, she’s even scratching herself. First it was her arm then it’s moved to her neck, face, thighs even. Each time I have to wake her because she’s crying in her sleep.”
“Hm, I could tell something was off with her over the phone, but she’s been tight lipped. Only telling me not to worry,” Genie states crossing her arms in front of her.
“She tells me the same thing. I’ve tried getting her to go to someone, but she insists she’s okay. That it’ll eventually pass.” A beat of silence is shared between them as Andy shakes his head, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his sweatpants.
“I moved us here to try and keep them safe, but now Y/N’s suffering, and I don’t know what to do.”
Pulling him close, her arms tenderly wrap around his shoulders giving him the reassuring hug he desperately needed. Any and everyone could see how much he loved you and little Eli, and not being able to immediately fix what was hurting you equally hurt him. It made that guilt he worked so hard to move past with Lori and Jacob’s death resurface; how he swore to himself he’d never let that happen again.
“Let me see her.”
Reaching the cracked door decorated with light grey, wooden letters spelling “Elias”, they both watch as you slowly rocked back and forth feeding your son. Mindlessly grazing your fingertips over his soft curls as he suckled from your breast. The sunlight peering in through the partially covered window hits you just right that Genie can see the dark circles under your eyes. The puffy bags that seemed to weigh you down just as much as whatever was bothering you.
“Sweetheart? Your aunt’s here,” Andy softly announces to not wake the baby while they enter the light blue room. It’s the first time since you’ve moved in that Andy sees that brightness return to your eyes making a small smile curl onto his lips.
“Hey babygirl. How ya feeling?,” she asks kissing your cheek before moving to Eli’s head and squatting beside you.
“I’m uh okay. J-Just a little tired.” Being so close she can see some of the scratches Andy was talking about. The freshest ones being the lone scar on your face bright red and raised. The rest on your neck and arms a bit darker and beginning to scab if they hadn’t been scrubbed away already.
She can’t help but to glide her thumb along the one on your neck before tilting your chin to look at her. “What’s this?”
“Just a little scratch. I had a nightmare and woke up with it so I must’ve done it in my sleep.” Lifting your free hand she observes your fingers taking note of how your nails are cut lower than you usually have them.
“But you’ve never done that before.” You just shrug carefully removing your nipple from Eli’s parted mouth so you can cover yourself and put him down.
“I-I guess it’s new.”
Genie and Andy share a glance as you gaze over your son.
“Hey, why don’t you come with me to town?,” she suggests with her warmest smile. “I meant to pick something up for Eli before I came, but I was busy.”
“You don’t have to get anything for him auntie, trust me he has more than enough,” you giggle.
“Well then he’s about to have some more. And while we’re out we can get something to eat, or just coffee,” she suggests.
“I just put him down though. I-I should stay with him.”
“It’s alright sweetheart, I got him. Go with your aunt, enjoy yourself,” Andy speaks moving to be by your side and rubbing along your back.
“But..your work?”
“It can wait.”
There’s an obvious hesitation as your eyes shift from Andy to Eli’s sleeping form afraid to leave your baby boy. Not that you didn’t trust Andy, it was the figure that only seemed to threaten you and your son that you didn’t trust. Deathly afraid that if Andy so much as turned his back for a second something would happen.
“He’ll be okay,” you aunt smiles.
Slowly nodding your head, your small smile doesn’t reach your eyes as you hug Andy close wrapping your arms around his waist. “Really watch him, okay?,” you whisper into his shirt.
Admittedly, he felt a little hurt that you thought you needed to remind him to watch out for his own son. But the nervousness and fear in your voice showed him it wasn’t that you doubted his ability, but something more that for whatever reason you were too scared to talk about.
“Of course. Don’t worry.”
“I love you.”
“Love you more.”
“Two lattes and two waters please,” your aunt smiles at the waiter handing the teen your menus before he walked away to serve the next table. “Alright, what’s going on?”
“N-Nothing. I told you already I’m just tired.”
“I heard you and can tell you are, but I know that’s not everything.” You knew that mostly quiet car ride as she briefly filled you in on various family members was leading to this moment. That didn’t make you any less nervous or more prepared for it though.
Sighing, your gaze falls to your lap picking at the edges of the dark blue napkin that lay across it. A lump quickly developing in your throat not wanting to experience the humiliation and embarrassment sure to come.
“..promise you won’t laugh,” you whisper.
“Of course.”
“There’s this ghost. A-A woman that keeps haunting me ever since we moved in. She’s the one that’s been leaving these scratches, it’s not me. A-And she’s always after me in these nightmares or trying to take Eli away and I know it sounds crazy-,”
“Y/N calm down, okay?”
“I can’t! I feel like I’m either gonna have to deal with this for the rest of my life or-or..” You can’t even finish your sentence with the tears streaming down your face that have now brought a few eyes and whispers to your table.
“Um y-your drinks,” the waiter clears his throat slowly placing the glasses and coffee cups in front of the both of you. “Anything else I can get you?”
“No we’re fine thanks,” your aunt smiles thankful he was quick to walk away.
“Maybe I am crazy. And all this is just stress or something.”
Scooting a bit closer to the table, aunt Genie leans forward as if what she was about to say was meant for only you. “You’re not crazy, and it’s not stress. I know because the same thing happened to us.”
For the first time in weeks you felt a glimmer of hope strike your heart mixed with the bit of confusion why you’ve never heard about this before.
She nods folding her hands together to rest on the tablecloth, “Your mom doesn’t like to talk about it, but when we were young girls, maybe seven or eight, we moved to this beautiful home. Nice neighborhood, people were friendly, it was like we hit the jackpot. All that mattered to me and your mom though was that we each get our own room.”
“Well fast forward a couple weeks and mama started having these strange dreams. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but then they started becoming more frequent and then the scratches occurred, just like yours. Daddy thought it was just something temporary that would pass, but it didn’t. She tried telling him about it, the lady haunting her dreams and causing those marks but he didn’t believe her. Eventually it got so bad it almost broke them up and daddy tried to take us away from her, which is why, I think, your mom doesn’t like to talk about it.”
And why you were afraid to tell Andy. Fearful of his reaction and what he’d think of you.
“What happened?”
“Daddy started getting the dreams too and that was pretty much the icing on the cake. Our great grandma on your dad’s side came to help, having what we called ‘the gift’ back then. Turns out there was this couple - young too - who were supposed to move in that house, but they unfortunately passed in a car accident. The woman’s spirit didn’t pass on like her husband’s though, instead staying around the house. Especially our rooms.”
“Why yours? She was haunting nana and papa?”
“Apparently they planned on having kids when they finally moved and got settled. Obviously that sadly didn’t happen, and Granny Mae figured that her spirit couldn’t find rest and came back to the house where she’d already had a few teddy bears and old dolls of hers. Thus attaching herself to us as if we were her own since they were in our rooms. Doing that she obviously didn’t too much like our actual parents getting in the way.” She pauses, softly shaking her head as she remembers and takes a sip of her drink. “I only told Granny Mae about this, but she’d get in my dreams too - well, I realized it was her after we saw the article about the accident that is. She’d always hum this lullaby and just brush my hair, they were never nightmares.”
“So how’d she get it to stop?”
“We had to do this ritual like burning and get rid of the toys. As soon as the last bear completely burned, everything was fine. No dreams, no scratches, only peace.”
You let her words, and the smallest ounce of relief, settle over you as you take the last sip of your lukewarm coffee. There was a clear solution that didn’t seem difficult, but now all that was left was for you to try to figure out who this was in the first place and what could be attaching them to your house.
The previous owners, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, had the house built back in the 50s. When their respective health problems became too much for the other to handle, they realized it might be best to downsize and their kids were then nice enough to chip in for the renovations before putting it on the market - eventually landing into Andy’s lap. The elderly couple and their second eldest even met you and Andy at the cabin about a week before your move in date to personally give you the keys. Each of them so nice as you talked over dinner. Mrs. Copeland just couldn’t stop smiling and cooing at baby Eli as he flashed gummy smiles back from his car seat.
Clearly whoever was doing this had some personal vendetta.
“I just don’t know why this woman is after me? The Copeland’s are doing well and no one has ever passed there.”
“And it’s just you dealing with this?”
“Andy hasn’t said anything, and Eli hasn’t really been sleeping but I assumed that was because it was a new place you know? That he just needed to get used to everything,” you answer nervously tapping your thumb against the porcelain cup.
“Well whoever this is, I’m sure they’ll show themselves at some point. I know that’s not very helpful, but hopefully it comes sooner than later,” your aunt sympathetically smiles reaching over to give your forearm a reassuring squeeze. “There’s definitely things we can do in the mean time that’ll keep the spirit at bay. Maybe even get rid of her too if this is just some lost soul.”
You gently nod with a soft smile as you try to will yourself to relax. True it wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but at least it was better than nothing.
|Night 26|
Letting your head rest on the back of the white, pedestal tub, an easy breath passes through your nostrils as your body sinks just a few more inches deeper into the hot water. Mango scented bubbles perfectly covering the water and your chest as you let the steam melt away the earlier hours of the day. You’re so relaxed you don’t even hear Andy step into the bathroom with his tie already gone, sleeves rolled up his forearms, and a smile on his face while he leans against the doorframe.
“Don’t you look relaxed,” he states making you shyly giggle as you open your eyes. Though his tone was teasing, he was glad to finally see you rested and at ease after the past few weeks. You were finally sleeping not having to worry about any nightmares, and even Eli seemed to be better now sleeping through the night himself. Ever since your aunt burned sage throughout the house and it’s rooms - chanting a prayer of protection as she wafted the light stream of smoke coming from the reddened end - things definitely seemed calmer.
Andy noticed your glow begin to return as the scars faded only making him more joyful and relieved that you were healing with each passing day.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“S’okay. Just glad you’re home.” Your hand reaches to grip his chin as soon as he’s kneeling beside the tub to bring his lips to yours. The sweet welcome quickly turning more passionate and needy when his hand caresses the column of your throat - and squeezing ever so softly - in an attempt to keep you as close as possible. Your moment is cut short though when the familiar chime of his phone echoes off the walls making Andy begrudgingly part away with an exasperated groan.
“It’s Mrs. Thompson again, I already know.”
“Call her back tomorrow. You’re off the clock with your sweet wife who really missed you,” you seductively pout beginning to untuck his button down. From the way he lowly chuckles biting the corner of his lip, he’s tempted to follow your words and throw his phone out the room, but the loud chime has both of you groaning as he searches his pocket for the currently annoying device.
“Give me five minutes, and I promise it’s you and me,” he whispers before sweetly kissing your forehead and walking out the room. His steps echoing as he desperately tried to calm Mrs. Thompson’s qualms regarding her case.
With a sigh, you sit back returning to your original position while you wait for your husband to eventually join you. Your eyes closed while you let the gentle sway of the warm water against your skin nearly drift you to sleep until fingertips along the column of your neck are bringing you back.
“One more minute and I would’ve been gone,” you smile, but it doesn’t last opening your eyes to find your husband’s ex-wife above you.
His dead ex-wife. In the same long, white dress with sunken in and gaunt features as the figure that’s been plaguing your mind all this time.
“L-Laurie?…Wha-..How-?” You can’t get your words together for the fear taking over your body and her grip tightening around your throat as she forcefully pushes you down below the surface of bubbles. No matter how much you kicked and squirmed clawing and hitting at her arm, her grip never faltered. It only tightened, seemingly locking you in place on the tub’s floor until your fight was replaced by fatigue. Your arms falling to your sides as her shadow above you became more blurry with each passing second.
At the last moment, you swear you can hear a muffled shout but you’re too far gone feeling your body start to surrender to the silence.
Something keeps you on this side though once again hearing a muffled voice that soon grows so clear you can tell it’s Andy. Can feel his hands pressing into your chest over and over until soapy water shoots from your mouth and burns your nostrils as you uncontrollably cough and sputter.
“You’re okay, you’re here. I got you,” Andy repeats holding your shaken and sobbing body close as he grabs the nearest towel to dry you off and vigorously rub his hands along your back and arms for warmth.
His words honestly for his sake just as much as yours, being shaken himself finding his love underwater and not moving.
“W-What happened huh? I leave you for five minutes a-and..” Tears run down his cheeks afraid of what could’ve been if he’d taken a minute longer. “Sweetheart I promise I won’t be mad, j-just tell me why. If you need help-,”
“It’s Laurie!,” you hoarsely answer into his neck. “It’s been her the whole time.” Eyebrows furrowed, he gently moves both of you so you’re eyes meet as his palm rests against your cheek.
“Laurie? What are you talking about, you know she’s gone.”
“I-I know it sounds crazy but I’m telling the truth! Since we moved in, she’s what I’ve been seeing a-and the figure that’s kept showing in my dreams.”
Your husband only sighs, peering at you sympathetically, “Y/N look, I know you’re stressed about the move and being a great mom, but you don’t need to be sweetheart. And you definitely don’t need to compare yourself to her-,”
“I’m not Andy! She’s only after me because she wants you! I-I didn’t know it before, but now it all makes sense.” You could feel your heart break as he continued to look at you with that same sorrowful expression. He still didn’t believe you, and you weren’t sure if he ever would.
“Baby please. You know me, I wouldn’t try to do this to myself or make this up!” One hand grips tighter around the towel wrapped firmly around you while the other holds onto Andy’s shirt snuggling as close as possible.
“Andy please,” you whisper. A lone tear falling down your cheek serving as more of your silent plea.
Remaining silent, he simply helps you to your feet placing your dark gray robe on your shoulders beginning to shake again from your shivering and shock. It was the only thing he could think to do at the moment as he slowly guided you over the threshold to your bedroom.
“Let’s get you to bed.”
“Hey, where is she?”
“In bed,” Andy sighs standing across the kitchen island from your aunt sat in one of the barstools. “I got her dried off and in her pajamas before I gave her one of my old sleeping pills.”
Still traumatized from your once tranquil bath, you refused to close your eyes for the longest not wanting to see Laurie again and give her a second chance to finish what she started. You just sat in the bed curled into Andy’s side as your eyes stayed fixed towards the dark bathroom and he gently rocked you back and forth with lips pressed against your temple. Andy tried assuring you everything was fine - especially with him right there with you - but how could he really?
Finally surrendering to your heavy lids that refused to stay open a minute longer, he watched as you quietly slept. Tears silently dripping down his face at the thought of almost losing you. The only person he could think to call was Genie, knowing - or hoping - you’d potentially discussed feeling depressed or overwhelmed with her.
“I’m sorry to call you over so late, I just…I know she’s been struggling with the move and then the dreams, but I thought everything was good now.” His eyes begin to water again as he grips the edge of the island. “She was back to Y/N, but then this happens and now…I-I don’t know what to do aunt Genie.”
“It’s gonna be okay Andrew, we’re gonna figure this out. Now, tell me again everything that happened.”
“She was in the tub when I got home and seemed happy. I went to take a call that took 10 minutes, at most, and by the time I came back she…”
“Take your time.”
He takes a breath, standing a bit straighter to quickly wipe the tears from his eyes. “She was underwater and she wasn’t breathing. Then when she came to she started talking about Laurie-,”
“Laurie? What about her?”
“That she was the one who pulled her under and who’s been in her dreams,” he explains passing his hand through his already unruly strands. Genie stays quiet, lightly tapping her thumbs against the black mug halfway filled with water thinking back to everything you told her over coffee a few days ago. “I didn’t think she was comparing herself so much to her.”
After your outing, you made your aunt swear she wouldn’t say anything to Andy. And if he asked, as far as she knew, your nightmares were just from stress and would eventually pass.
She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold onto that promise though. Not now after what happened.
“I’m thinking it might be a bit of postpartum depression just manifesting in different ways. In the morning I’ll call her doctor and see if we can possibly get her admitted to the Wellness Center.”
“Andy,” Genie sighs, “Don’t-,”
“I don’t want to send her, but what choice do I have? There she’ll have time to get better. Get the help she needs.”
“She’s not insane Andy. What she’s talking about - being haunted - is real. Whether you believe it or not,” your aunt states. From the way he crosses his arms in front of his chest appearing a mix of exhausted and frustrated, she sees he unsurprisingly doesn’t.
“Ghosts, spirits, whatever you wanna call them don’t exist.”
“They do. I’ve seen it firsthand enough times that when I first came here and saw my niece like that, I knew what was happening. The dreams just confirmed-,”
Andy’s heard enough, angrily slamming his hand down on the countertop startling your aunt - and waking Eli from the sound of his cries. How could she not see you needed help? Professional help. Not some “hocus pocus” nonsense.
“Y/N is sick! This isn’t some storybook fairytale! I’m not waiting around while my wife practically deteriorates in front of me! Not again!,” he shouts.
The sudden darkness from the power shutting off feels like a bad omen as a sudden chill runs over your aunt while your husband curses under his breath searching the drawers for a flashlight.
“Probably just the wind messing with the lines. I’ll be back.”
“Andy…,” your aunt calls in a warning tone, but he continues towards the basement.
“I’ll be fine. Check on Eli then both of you go to our bedroom and stay there while I try to figure out what’s going on, okay?”
Her intuition knew this was more than just faulty lights. So badly she wanted to give Andy a little shake before forcing him to bring his family to her house where they would be safe. But - knowing it’s all she could do - she only nodded, watching as the stubborn lawyer passed through the creaky door next to the hall closet and descended down the steps. His feet thudding against the light wood until she couldn’t hear them anymore.
“Dammit,” Andy whispers to himself frustratedly trying the switches on the breaker once again. Still, nothing happened.
If it truly was the the power lines, utility workers would come but probably not until the morning. Maybe you and Eli could stay with your aunt for the rest of the night and tomorrow while he sta-
“Andy,” a familiar voice whispers making him quickly turn with the flashlight beaming into the darkness in front of him. It calls again making his brows furrow as he steps closer in the direction the voice was coming from.
“Y/N? Baby you don’t need to be down h-,” he begins but immediately stops feeling his blood and every cell in his body run cold at the sight of his ex-wife. She appeared in exactly the same shape he last saw her the morning of the accident. Brunette hair tucked behind her ears and stopping just past her shoulder blades. Her brown eyes bright as she gazed at him with a soft smile on her lips and arms out calling him forward.
“Come home Andy.”
He’s dumbfounded and unable to speak watching his ex-wife step closer and closer in her shin-length white dress reminiscent of a negligee. His mind struggling to understand how this could be. Before she can touch his hand, the basement door up the steps opens to show a flashlight bouncing with every step down.
“Andy? You okay?,” Genie calls halfway down the staircase.
Just as fast as she appeared, she’s gone again leaving him more stunned with heart pounding in his chest than when she was in front of him.
You were right.
Laurie was the plague eating at you since you moved in and it was all inadvertently because of him. Her continued love that turned into possessiveness unable to see him moved on and happy with someone else.
“Andy…what happened?” Now in front of him, Genie had seen the look on his face enough times to recognize he saw something unexplainable. It was similar to the one on her own father’s face all those years ago waking up from his time with the woman after her mother.
“Y/N and Eli,” he mutters trying to rush past, but Genie grabs hold of his arm to stop him.
“They’re fine and still sleeping. What did you see?”
“…it was her. I-I saw Laurie.”
“And what happened?”
“She told me to come home. W-What does she mean?”
“Probably that she wants you to come with her on that side. Be a family again.”
Andy would never regret his time with Laurie. Although it had its rough moments, there was still happiness. She was his first love who gave him his first child and was there for the biggest moments of his life. A piece of his heart would always hold her place til the day he passed on.
You though? You were his saving grace restoring light and love in his life when he thought there couldn’t possibly be anymore. You healed his soul and gave him a new family when he didn’t feel worthy of one anymore. You didn’t just own his heart, you were his heart. Every little thing about you - even the things you hated and tried to hide - kept him breathing and every part of him moving and able to function.
You - and now Eli - were his reason to live, and he’d be damned if anyone tried to take you from him or vice versa.
“And how do I get her to stop?,” he asks more determined now to end Laurie’s presence in his home.
“Something of hers that’s in your possession is still holding her to you. Whether it’s a picture, note-,”
“Her ring,” he whispers mentally kicking himself for keeping it in the first place.
“Okay then, we need to destroy it. Burn it while also chanting a cleansing prayer that will rid her from this side and send her on,” Genie explains as he follows along appearing more receptive this time than in the kitchen moments ago. “Give me the ring and I’ll-,”
Andy shakes his head. “No, this is for me to do. I caused this and it’s me she’s after, so I need to handle it.”
“That’s very commendable, but you don’t know what you’re up against Andrew. It’s dangerous and you not having dealt with this before could end very bad.”
“I guess we’ll just have to see what happens then, because I’m not leaving this house until she’s gone and my family is safe.”
|Day 27|
Your head feels woozy waking up to the sound of birds chirping and a single beam of sun coming through the split in the thick curtains. Stretching out your arm in search of your husband, you’re a bit disappointed not to feel his body or see him as you turn to what would be his side.
That’s when your vision settles and you realize you’re not home. No longer in your bed - and definitely not in your room - recognizing the standing lamp in the corner of the room qualms your oncoming worries while you carefully sit up with your back against the headboard.
“A-Aunt Genie?!,” you call leaning forward to try to hear any noise from the rest of the house. Soon you can tell the shuffle of her feet down the hall as she babbles with baby Eli to make him laugh.
“Let’s see how mommy’s doing,” she whispers to your son before opening the door and cutting on the nearby lamp. “Hey, how ya feeling babygirl?”
“A little off because of the meds, but good.” Handing Eli to you as she sits on the side of the bed, he easily brings a wide smile to your face with his own gummy one happy to be back in your arms again. The way the corners of his eyes crinkle and nose scrunches remind you so much of your husband who was currently missing. “Where’s Andy?”
“He’s uh back at the house.”
“Why? Is something wrong?”
Taking a slight pause, she tries to figure out the best way to break everything to you. With every option though, she doesn’t see it ending well and worries herself about your possible setback.
“How much of last night do you remember?,” she carefully asks.
“Well, I fed this one,” you begin, tickling Eli in that spot under his chin that always had the biggest grin appearing on his face along with his adorable giggle. “Put him to bed, then I-,”
Your hand reaches for your neck remembering the tight grip that almost took this day away from you. Almost took you away from your family.
Noticing your mood fall, Genie is quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders and squeeze just the right amount for your comfort. “It’s alright, you’re safe.”
“W-Why did Andy stay home? And why are we here?”
“Because he’s getting rid of Laurie. For good.”
“By himself?!”
“I warned him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer,” she explains. “He said it was something he had to do, so I gave him the most explicit directions I could and he told me to take you and Eli.” Now that you think about it, at some point in the night it seemed you could feel his soft lips on your temple. You just wrote it off as a dream, but hearing what he did makes you believe the opposite. That maybe it was for just in case that’d be his last chance to do such a small action.
Thinking about it makes your eyes begin to water as you try to focus on your calm baby boy lying in your arms. The pain in your heart grows by the minute though only able to think of Andy.
“Have you heard from him since?”
She shakes her head. The silence around the both of you nearly painful as you expect the worst seeing that it was already almost 12 in the afternoon.
“I need to go back.”
“No, I’ll go back. You-,”
The sudden knock on the front door has both of your heads whipping in the direction of the heavy sound curious of who it could be. Of course you wished it was your husband; safe, sound, and excited to bring his family home, but from the glare of a flashing blue and red light you could feel your world begin to crumble.
“Wait here,” your aunt instructs swiftly sliding from the bed to hurry down the hall. The faint clicks of the locks carry to your room along with her polite, “Hello officer.” You lean forward trying to hear more, but it’s only whispers which confirms your earlier suspicions.
A lone tear slides down your cheek as you hold Eli a bit closer to your chest. He’s blissfully oblivious to what’s going on - how their lives would surely change with the loss of a truly wonderful and loving man - which only makes your heart break more.
Leaving a peck on his forehead, you gently begin rocking your baby back and forth trying to focus on something else other than your hurt. Your tears now falling heavier and lips quivering.
“We’re gonna be okay sweet boy. I promise.”
“Could’ve sworn I said the same to you.”
Looking up to see your husband again is the greatest relief you’ve experienced, smiling wide and not caring how much of a mess you may look with tears on your face and nose running.
He’s quick to press his lips against Eli’s forehead and making him giggle from tickling his belly before they’re on yours savoring your taste while also showing how much he missed you. A small whimper echoing in his throat from you accidentally bumping the cut on his bottom one. “Sorry.”
He chuckles, “It’s worth it.”
There’s a cut over his eyebrow covered by a bandage and bruises littering his skin from his face, down to his arms - and possibly lower from how dirty his pants look. The way he carefully sits on the bed and winces every now and then you can tell he’s also sore.
“What happened?”
“As you can probably tell she put up a fight. Ended up setting off the security system just as I finished the prayer and knocking me out in the process. Because they couldn’t get me, they sent police out who found me and called the ambulance.”
“But no one called me.”
“Because I told them not to. It was already late and I knew that pill would have you out for the rest of the night. Plus they would’ve just kept questioning you like they did me. They think it was a home invasion, and I just went along with it.”
But both of you know better, and it’s a secret that’ll forever stay between you.
“So now what? S-She’s really gone?”
“Well,” Andy sighs taking a now sleeping Eli from your arms to hold against his chest - needing to feel that rapid patter of his little boy’s heart to remind him how he truly made it back to his loves - before wrapping an arm around your shoulder while you carefully sink into his side, “as for the police, they’ll more than likely give up since they won’t find anything and I’ll tell them that’s okay. As for Laurie, we won’t have any problems from her.”
That sentence alone brings tears to your eyes again finally being done with her torment. No more scars - be it physical or mental - and nothing trying to separate you from Andy.
Hopefully through everything you’ve experienced you’ve proven to the universe how bonded you truly are, and can have true peace with the man you love so much.
“I hope you’re right,” you whisper feeling your eyes begin to flutter close after leaving a peck on his chest.
“If I’m not, I won’t stop until my family’s safe. I promised you that, and I’ll die before that gets broken.”
*So I’ve had this in my drafts since last Halloween (yes you read that right😓) and finally got the motivation to finish it☺️! I hope you guys like this little intro story to my spooky season line up (yes I’m starting now so hopefully I can get more out than I could last year lol).
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Flowers Drabble
Shout out to @navybrat817 and @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for hosting this awesome @the-slumberparty because my muse is awake and thriving!!
This drabble is for the week 1 challenge - I picked a bouquet of flowers.
A/N - reader has no physical description (I didn't even use pronouns.) I picked this gif for the overall vibe
Warnings: nothing but fluff
WC: 404
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Your favorite flowers are on the table. Andy can’t remember if he’s ever had fresh flowers before. But you loved them which means Andy is now on a first name basis with your favorite florist. It wasn’t just flowers either, you had a serious green thumb. That's what drew you to this house, the spacious yard perfect for a garden. One which he expects to be massive. Honestly you could take up the whole yard if you wanted to, he wouldn’t mind. As long as it makes you happy. They say having plants increases your overall happiness. But Andy knows it’s not the plants, any happiness he feels now is all thanks to you. 
 You are so full of love and joy and laughter. You literally wrote happy endings for a living and now you were giving him his. After everything he had been through. All the suffering and the loss, you pulled him out of the darkness and back into the land of the living. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to repay you for all you’ve given him, but he also knows you would scold him for even thinking that way. 
You once told him “Love isn’t tit for tat,  it’s an ocean seemingly endless with big crashing waves, sometimes violent storms, often moments of stillness, but always beautiful.” That line he later learned was from one of your books, but he wasn’t going to hold that against you. Just like you weren’t one to hold anything against him. 
You didn‘t see his past, the trauma and the headlines, you saw Andy as he was. You saw him as all that he had the potential to be, Your love allowed him to let go of his past and begin to plan for the future. 
So yes, he bought this house, the one you were clearly desperate for even though it was a bit of a fixer upper. And yes he’s been living with you in your cute, albeit cramped apartment while waiting for the renovations to be finished. And of course he agreed when you insisted the plants had to be moved before all the boxes that were taking over your one bedroom apartment. 
It wasn’t easy but he’d do it again if it meant he ended up here. Dancing with you in the living room of your new home. The place where you two will build your life together.
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burberryfaerie · 2 years
husband!andy barber x egyptian!muslim!wife!reader
warnings: fluff, arabic?, implied smut, idk what is that i wrote it while half asleep
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the barber residence fell into the luxurious side of massachusetts. and that being a reason for the barbers' to brag all about their beautiful house and their bougie holidays and country golf club membership, they did not.
instead, the barbers were known to most as the 'ideal calm couple'. they never went to parties, never drank, were quite reserved and kept it to themselves.
you came from a middle-eastern muslim family who raised you to be respectful and responsible. you completed your studies and flew to massachusetts for a getaway, only to bump into a certain district attorney.
andy learned the beauty of your religion and decided to convert to islam, and to say he has never been happier was an understandment.
it has been two years since your marriage and andy still looks at your soft face soaked in the morning sunlight in awe. his hand reaches out to slowly tuck back the strands of your hair away from your face. he knows you hate it.
your eyes slowly open to see your husband wearing a lazy smile on his face and and his hand caressing your face.
"Sabah El Kheir." his broken egyptian dialect comes out from his hoarse throat. you let out a chuckle at his attempt.
"good morning to you too habibi." you gently rub your eyes as you check the time: seven thirty in the morning.
andy leans in to give you a kiss when you playfully push him away.
"andy, morning breaths!" he lets out a laugh at your statement.
"i don't care." his voice is still low as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck and starts kissing it.
"andy yalla we have to go to work!" you say between giggles.
"who cares?" his boyish laugh makes your heart melt.
he keeps on kissing all over your face and neckline until you burst into a fit of laughter.
"andy you menace!"
his kisses start to get lower and lower. looks like you two are going to be late for work again.
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cevansbrat0007 · 3 months
Request: Andy Barber & Baby Girl having sex during a thunderstorm.
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Through the Storm
Summary: Andy helps you overcome your fear of thunderstorms.
Warnings: Astraphobia, Smut, Anxious Reader, Dominant Andy, Manhandling, Fingering, Spanking, CMNF (Clothed Male, Nude Female), Safe Sex, Cuddles, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Finally finished this WIP! This request takes place early in Andy and Reader's relationship. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series, but can also be read as a standalone. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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You stare out into the backyard, watching sheets of slanted rain pelt against your boyfriend’s newly installed patio. While it wasn’t much, it was enough to give the compact enclosed space the cozy feel it had long been missing. You’d even helped him with the landscaping, much to your chagrin. 
Andy had been quick to learn that while you enjoyed gardening you were also terrified of virtually all things creepy crawly, like bees. Especially bees. Your man hadn’t known what to make of that one, which had certainly made for an entertaining afternoon. 
A loud crash of thunder suddenly booms overhead, startling you so bad that you nearly drop the bottle of water in your hands. You fucking hated thunderstorms, a fun little nugget that you had yet to share with the man who was currently waiting for you to join him upstairs. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t even planned on staying over tonight. You were supposed to be home by the time the storm rolled in, tucked away safe and sound on your couch. All the while clutching your stuffed bear, Mr. Sprinkles, for dear life and watching your favorite comfort films until Mother Nature decided she was done with her tantrum.
But dinner with friends had gone long and then the show had started late. Well, the dinner itself hadn’t actually been with friends – more like one of his work colleagues. But the guy’s wife had been nice enough. And after enjoying one last round of drinks, you four had wandered across the street to take-in a production of Aladdin on Broadway. 
Of course musicals weren’t really your thing, but since it was a childhood favorite of yours you’d been all for it. Your boyfriend didn’t know how much of a Disney fan you really were. Which was okay. Because he was older, more mature. And as such, you always tried to come off more sophisticated than what you actually were.
He’d already been married once before and had a child. One he’d lost a few years back. You two had yet to actually have a true conversation about that one but you were almost certain it was coming.
It had to be, right? Because it wasn’t like you both could skirt around the topic forever. But, at the same time, it’s also not like you could be the one to bring up. Like, how would a conversation like that even go? 
Exactly. It wouldn’t. Because you couldn’t. It wasn’t your place. 
So, you would allow that door to remain shut for as long as it took to allow him to open it and guide you through. You could be patient. 
Alright fine. You would make yourself be patient. And until then you would keep trying to demonstrate the right amount of emotional maturity needed to prove that you could be a good partner and support system. Or at least a little worldlier than you probably came off.  
But all of that would be pretty hard to do if Andrew Barber knew that you were secretly afraid of thunderstorms. He wouldn’t get it and you would only end up tripping all over yourself if you tried to explain. Which meant that you had to make a decision.
Either you could be brave and climb the stairs so you could crawl into bed – his bed – wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of his oversized t-shirts. Or you could sneak upstairs, grab your clothes, and dash out your man’s front door into the night like a madwoman and hope that he would be too stunned to chase you down. 
“Whatcha doin’ down there, Baby Girl?” Andy bellows from up above, making you jump.
“Noth–coming!” You shout back as you pad towards the stairs, still trying your best to devise a plan. Andrew Barber was deceptively fast, which meant running was out. So you were most likely gonna have to suck it up until he fell asleep and then you would be free to tremble in peace. 
The city’s hottest attorney could not know that he was dating the world’s biggest scaredy cat. If he ever found out, you might never recover from the embarrassment.  
You find yourself holding your breath as you round the corner before stepping inside Andy’s bedroom. Your man looks up from his phone when he notices that you’ve finally joined him. A warm smile spreads across his handsome features as he leans back, allowing his big body to relax against the frame. 
“Thought I was gonna have to come looking for you.” His husky purr sends a tiny shiver coursing through you, all the way down to your toes.  
“Uh, nope. Here I am.” Your eyes stray towards your overnight bag nestled innocently in the corner. Because if you weren’t mistaken you were also beginning to sweat. “But I was thinking that maybe I ought to – nooope!” 
An loud, unexpected clap of thunder has you diving towards the bed with a shriek. You seek refuge under the blankets, ignoring the sounds of a bewildered Andy calling your name. He tries to lift up the edge of the comforter, but you refuse to let go. 
At this point, you have no desire to acknowledge just how ridiculous you were being at that very moment. Because you were scared.
And also a smidge mortified.
“Um, honey..?” Andy works to keep his tone light. “What’s going on?” He pauses briefly as one big hand comes to rest on what he assumes must be your head. “Are you okay?”
“Yep!” You squeak out, clutching the blanket even tighter around you. “But I’m also really, really sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” Again he tugs at the edge of your makeshift shield, prompting you to try and roll away. “You haven’t done anything – can you at least look at me? Please.”
“Um, I…I don’t think so. No.” Your words come out slightly muffled.
You’re rewarded with a heavy sigh followed by a brief moment of silence. Although you’re not sure what you expected him to say, you’re still surprised by what comes next.
“Well, if you won’t come out, then I guess that means I’ll just have to come under there then, won’t I?”
Fine by you. Because you were pretty sure that you were only seconds away from dying of embarrassment anyhow.
“Let me in, princess.” 
Relief fills him when he sees you finally relax your grip. Seconds later he joins you under the blankets, cocooning you both within the plush softness.   
“Hey.” Andy breathes as his eyes strain to adjust to the light.
As if of its own accord, one of his hands reaches over to gently brush your curls away from your face. A quiet sigh makes its way past your lips as you feel yourself melting into his touch. In a way it acted as an unspoken reminder. 
You were safe with this man. Which meant it was time to fess up. 
“Umm…” He makes an exaggerated show of looking around. “Why are we hiding?”
“Because.” You whisper, only to flinch when another crack of thunder echoes above. 
“Because?” Your man drags out the word. “Because what? Are you–?” He cuts himself off before trying again. “I’m gonna guess that all this has something to do with the storm. Am I somewhere in the ballpark?”
His question has hot tears pricking the backs of your eyes.
“I don’t like it.” You croak before giving into temptation and burying yourself in his tattoo-covered chest. “In fact, I hate it.” 
Good Lord, you sounded so pitiful right now. 
“All of it.” You confirm as you begin to tremble ever so slightly. “The lightning, the thunder, the heavy winds, the sound of the rain. S’too much.”
“I see.” Is all he says, even as his hand goes to rest on the small of your back, rubbing in easy, soothing circles. 
“I’m sorry.” You feel even worse when the tears spill over onto Andy’s bare skin. 
“Hush.” Comes the soft-spoken command, drawing you flush against his much larger body. “There’s no need to be sorry. I just wish you would’ve said something earlier. Is that why you were so adamant about going home tonight?”
But then your handsome ogre just had to go and be difficult.     
“And I convinced you to stay.” Andy huffs out a disappointed breath at the same time as he drags his knuckles along your spine. “I should’ve noticed something was wrong. All I could think about was how much better I sleep whenever you’re next to me.” You can tell he’s annoyed now – not with you – but with himself. “Should’ve thought to ask why you seemed so skittish.” He drops a brief kiss on the top of your head.   
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl.” He grunts, pulling away so that he can get a good look at your face. “No–” He continues when you open your mouth to interrupt. “I should’ve been paying better attention. That’s on me.” He takes a moment to whisper his sensual, full lips over your own. 
“It’s okay.” You assure him before pressing a tender kiss on his left pec, just above his heart. “I probably should’ve said something earlier. It was just…I guess I was embarrassed.” You finish with a shrug. 
“Why?” He cocks his head to the side as he patiently waits for you to answer. Although it was hard to read his expression in the dark, you knew he was genuinely curious. 
“Because it’s a stupid.” You mumble a few seconds later. “It’s stupid and I’m stupid for–”
“No it’s not.” Andy swiftly interjects. “And no you’re not. So please let that be the last time I hear you refer to yourself that way.” His gruff tone leaves little room for argument, not that you were in the mood anyway. Seconds later, another clap of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning, has you diving back into the safety of his arms.
“Fuck.” Pissed at himself, he quickly wraps his arms around you before gently rocking you back and forth in an effort to calm you down. “When did it start?” More thunder booms overhead the whole house, loud enough to shake the whole house. 
Andy frowns when he hears the tiny whimper that escapes your throat. .   
“It’s silly.” You warn, even as you close your eyes and force yourself to take a deep breath. 
“Try me.”
He’d stay up all night if that’s what it took to get you to talk. The last thing he wanted was for you to shut down on him. Again.  
Guess that was your cue to start spilling your guts. 
“Wh–when I was a little girl, I couldn’t have been more than six or seven, there was this really bad storm. I mean later we would find out that tornadoes had touched down all over the region. But that night – I swear the rain was coming down so hard it sounded like hundreds of baseballs were being pelted against the roof. And the wind was blowing so hard that it kept rattling windows.”
“Mmhm.” The small, noncommittal sound rumbles from somewhere deep within his chest, spurring you forward. 
“So my dad woke us all up, me and my siblings, and herded us down to the basement. I guess he’d been watching the news and figured we’d be safer there. My mom had laid out blankets and sleeping bags for us. At first it seemed kinda fun – almost like we were camping out.”
Another bright flash of light briefly illuminates the bedroom, but you’re too engrossed in your story to really care. Plus, you had Andy to keep you safe. Nothing bad ever seemed to happen when you were with Andy.
At least not so far. 
“I could see that.” Your boyfriend affirms, before giving your hip a light squeeze. “Bet you probably had a cool sleeping bag.” 
“I totally did. I actually had one of those Disney character sleeping bags.” The memory makes you smile as your initial anxiety begins to lessen. “Come to think of it, we all did. But mine had Genie from Aladdin on the front of it. I remember because I got to pick it out myself.” 
“I knew I had the right idea when I invited you out tonight.” Andy muses, brushing his mouth against your curls once more. 
“Yeah, Big Man. I’m a Disney girl. And I sure did love that sleeping bag.” You take a moment to lace your fingers through his, needing the connection. “Which was why I climbed right on in and let my mother zip me up. At that point, I think my little sister started crying or something, so I let her crawl inside with me. After that she went right to sleep.”
“But I’m guessing you didn’t.”
“Nope.” Your grip on his hand tightens, but your man doesn’t pull away. Even so, you allow your thumb to sweetly caress along the ridges of his knuckles. “I stayed wide awake for what felt like hours just…listening. Listening as the wind picked up, as the thunder got louder and louder. Until it became so loud that it sounded like the storm was happening right above our house. And then suddenly there was this crash that shook the entire house – almost like a bomb went off.”    
“Listen, I know sometimes storms can seem–”
“It was a tree.” You quietly forge on. “The storm had knocked down a tree. It fell through the roof, into the room I shared with my sister. Of course nobody was hurt, but ever since then I’ve been terrified of thunderstorms.” You finish, somehow feeling even more foolish than when you’d first started. 
“Holy shit.” Andy exhales before briefly nuzzling your nose with his own. It was a simple stress touch, nothing more. But at this particular moment, it means everything. “I mean, I’m sure this probably goes without saying, but I’m so glad you weren’t in there when it happened. You or your sister.”
Wordlessly you nod, still wishing that you’d found a way to make it home tonight after all. Come tomorrow you’d finally bite the bullet and start looking for a therapist. Perhaps it was finally time you found a way to move past some of your childhood trauma. And maybe then–
Your thoughts are interrupted by the deep, rich timbre of Andrew Barber’s voice. 
“I’m afraid of clowns.” Your boyfriend grunts in a very matter of fact tone. “And spiders.” He tacks on with a slight grimace. “Can’t get near either one of them without breaking into hives.” 
“Oh.” Is all you can manage, clearly surprised by his sudden openness. You hadn’t been expecting that at all. “So I���m guessing anything to do with Pennywise is probably – ahh shit!” You cry out when the familiar sound of thunder makes you lose your train of thought, leaving you unable to finish your small attempt at humor.
Almost immediately, you feel two strong arms band themselves around your waist, drawing you closer even as you try your damnedest to scramble away. You throw off the covers before attempting to swing your legs over the side of the bed so that you can make a mad dash in the direction of the basement.     
“Hold on, baby.” Andy growls, wincing when your elbow accidentally connects with his ribs. “Just settle down for a second, okay? We’re gonna get through this, I promise.”
“Nope – I’m good! Just let me go, please.” Instead of doing as you ask, he flips your bodies, using his considerable weight to keep you still. “I’m serious, Andrew!” You tell him, thumping his back with your fist for good measure.
“Hush.” He takes advantage of your positions long enough to glide his lips along the column of your throat, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Just focus on me – on us – and let everything else fade away.”
Hmph. Easier said than done, handsome.
Andy gifts you with a glimpse of his pearly white teeth before slanting his hungry mouth over your own. He moans into the kiss, gently sucking on your bottom lip and releasing it with a slight pop. When you don’t respond he does it again, this time tracing the curve of your lips with his sinful tongue. 
“But what if –.”
“Shh.” Your boyfriend pauses his sensual assault long enough to stare down at you while he braces himself on his forearms. “You have my word that nothing bad is gonna happen while I’ve got you here, with me, in this bed. We’re safe, Baby Girl.” He then angles his head to nip along your jaw. “Let me show you.”  
“Do you trust me?” Where had you heard that before?
“I…” You trail off as he continues to nip at your heated flesh, paying special attention to the sensitive shell of your ear. “Y–yes.”
Apparently that’s all the permission Andrew Barber needs, because the next thing you know he’s sliding one large hand up your thigh, his lightly calloused palm sending pinpricks of pleasure straight to your core. Seconds later, you both are treated to the sounds of tearing fabric. 
Well, there went your panties. They’d been shredded to hell just like every other pair that went before it. 
Next up is your shirt. He manages to whip it over your head with relative ease before resting his delicious weight on top of you once more. Clad in only his boxers, he makes a show of grinding rapidly hardening cock against your damp pussy.
“Andy.” You whine, wantonly arching your hips in time with his thrusts. “Don’t tease me right now.”
“Why not?” He purrs as a hand moves to fist itself in your hair, wrenching your head back with just enough force to make you feel dizzy with lust. 
Reaching up, you capture his face between your hands to pull him down for another kiss. The scruff of his neatly trimmed beard feels so good against your skin.
“Fuck me, please.” You hiss, seeking a much needed distraction as a flash of lightning threatens to send you running for the hills. Since this man wouldn’t let you leave, your next best option was to let him bury his thick cock inside you so hard and so deep until you no longer had the capacity to think. 
Or walk properly, for that matter.
“Your wish is my command, baby.” Your boyfriend groans as he continues to circle his hips. With that said, he then makes quick work of removing his boxers before tossing him aside in the direction of his hamper. He misses, of course. Which is why you silently vow to pick it up later.
Now freed from its confines, you watch Andy’s impressive manhood immediately spring to attention, lightly smacking his abdomen as it bobs up and down.
Good God, you’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t make your mouth water.  
His mouth curves into a roguish grin as he purposely slides himself between your slippery folds. He revels in your wetness, loving the way your slick coats his aching cock. Shit – if he wasn’t careful he risked blowing his load before it was time. 
Which absolutely would not work. You always came first. That was the rule. There were no exceptions, unless you were playing a game or something.
Reaching over you, Andy grabs a foil packet from his nightstand. Tearing it open with his teeth, you lean back on your elbows while he handles his business with the condom. Maybe next time he’d allow you to put it on for him. You’d always wanted to try…
You also weren’t quite sure of exactly when he’d gone and removed his boxers, but you also weren’t complaining either.         
“Now, sweetheart.”  Your man begins as he takes a hold of your calf, tenderly draping it over his muscled shoulder as the wheel continues to howl outside. “All you’ve gotta do is lay back and focus on how good you feel.” He leans forward so that he can trace his tongue around your nipple before sucking the delicate flesh into his waiting mouth.  
Your back bows as you thrust your chest forward in silent offering. Andy groans as continues to toy with your pouting nipple before switching to the other. You let out a sharp cry as he brings the pebbled tip in his mouth, lightly pinching it between his teeth just hard enough to make you writhe beneath him. 
That’s part of what always made this feel so good. The way he always seemed to mix pleasure with a little bit of pain. 
His mouth eventually finds yours again as your hands smooth their way over the blades of his shoulders, allowing you to run your fingers along the contour of his muscles. And when you finally reach the firm globes of his ass, you can’t help but giggle as you finally give into the temptation to smack it. Hard.    
Just the way he liked it.
“Remember, sweet brat. If I’m gonna wear your handprint then I think it’s only fair you wear mine too. Understand?” Of course he doesn’t wait for you to answer. Instead he maneuvers himself up so that he can expertly flip you over onto your stomach before pulling you up so that you’re now resting on your hands and knees before him. 
Instinctively you arch your ass in the air, inviting him to make good on his promise. This man loved spanking your ass every chance he got. And what’s more, you seemed to enjoy it almost as much as he did.
“Now be a good girl and put your hands where they’re supposed to go.” 
A small shiver of anticipation courses through as you move to obey. He chuckles softly as he watches your eager fingers grip the headboard. Later he would tell you how proud of you he was in that moment, that he was honored by your faith in his ability to distract you from the violent storm taking place right outside his window.
It meant the world that you trusted him enough to take care of you at a time like this. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” Andy purrs as the heavy weight of his palm comes down on your upturned rear with just enough force to make your naughty pussy gush. Unable to stop it, you can’t help the groan you emit when he does it again, loving the way he kneads and caresses your most intimate curves.  
“So are you.” 
Your body jerks when he decides to focus his attention on your greedy little cunt. Nimble fingers spear you open as they between your glistening folds to tease your throbbing clit. It’s not long before your hips begin moving in time with his ministrations. 
Soon your eyes flutter closed as you bear down, shamelessly grinding yourself against his calloused palm. At first, Andy is content to simply watch as you slowly work yourself into a frenzy.
Because this time, when the sound of thunder crackles throughout the room, you barely react. In fact, you hardly hear it. You’re too engrossed in the pleasure, too caught up in just how good your man is making you feel, to remember to be afraid. 
“Easy, greedy girl.” Andy hums after another beat goes by before finally removing his hand. The fucking bastard.
“Nooo!” You whine, hating the way your impending orgasm lingers just out of reach.
"Yeees.” There’s a slight mocking edge to his tone that has you glancing over your shoulder to shoot him a glare. 
“Swear to God you’re so fucking beautiful. Even when you’re trying to turn me into dust.” He winks at you then before allowing his hands to settle on your hips. Goosebumps pebble across your sweat-dampened flesh when you feel the head of his impressive cock nudge at your entrance.
“Please.Please.Please.” That one word is whispered over and over, like a fervent prayer. 
Just then, a stroke of lightning brightens the room, treating you to a fleeting glimpse of your man right as he thrusts himself inside of you, all the way to the hilt. Your eyes threaten to roll back in your head as he forces you to take every deliciously thick inch of his cock, stretching your tight pussy until you can’t help clench around him.     
Andy starts off slow, gradually building up the pace as your velvety walls continue to milk him for all he’s worth. His fingers dig into your curves as you rear back to match his movements. Soon, he adjusts the angle of his thrusts, allowing him to go even deeper. 
“S’good, Andy!Fuuuck!” You moan as Andy continues fucking you into oblivion. “Yes!Harder, pleeease!”
“My baby wants it harder?” He growls, adjusting his position to give you exactly what you asked for. A desperate sob bubbles up from your throat, prompting you to bury your face in a nearby pillow.
Too bad your man is having none of it.        
“Oh no.” One large hand moves to wrap itself around the delicate column of your throat, applying just the right amount of pressure to make your pulse spike. “You don’t get to hide that pretty face from me. Not tonight.” He grunts before allowing his free arm to encircle your waist to haul you against the hard wall of his chest. 
A hand soon finds its way to your breast. He lifts the tempting weight, before plucking at your nipple with his thumb and forefinger, evoking the most exquisite sensations. 
“You’re doing so good, Baby Girl.” Andy rasps, tweaking his angle so that he can find your spot. “So good. Told you I’d keep you safe.” The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echo throughout the room, creating an erotic tempo. “Would never let anything bad happen to you.” 
Your boyfriend’s Boston accent grows thicker and more pronounced with each passing second – letting you know that he’s close to losing control. That’s when you decide to push him closer to the brink by reaching behind you to pull his head down for a kiss. It’s hot, wet, and deep. And by the time you both come up for air your heart is hammering in your chest. 
“I…I know.” And you did know.
Tipping your chin back, you allow your walls to flutter around his fat cock, making him twitch. Your core begins to spasm as you feel the coil in your belly tighten even more. Andy makes sure to keep a tight hold on your sweat-slicked body as his lips continue to whisper kisses along the curve of your jaw.  
White hot pleasure dances along your skin, meanwhile Andy’s thrusts continue to grow more and more erratic with each passing minute. One of your hands slips from the headboard to help keep you upright. 
“Cum, princess. Give it to me.” He snarls through clenched teeth before reaching down to deliver a slap to your pussy. It feels so good that you beg him to do it again and again. “Be a good girl and fucking cum!”
That’s all you need to hear before you go tumbling over the edge and into bliss. “Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!” Ecstasy slices through you, making you cry out loud enough to wake the neighbors. Thank goodness there was a storm going on outside, otherwise someone might’ve taken it upon themselves to call the police.  
Chest heaving, you continue bouncing on your man’s cock. He felt so amazing it bordered on obsession. And you knew he’d feel even better once you had him in your mouth. Andy shudders behind you, his big body trembling with the force of his orgasm.  
Completely spent, you both flop down on the bed. You’re both naked and sweaty, but neither of you really cares all that much. You curl up in his arms, resting on his chest so that you can listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. 
“You okay?” Andy murmurs a little while later when he notices that your eyes have begun to droop. “Do you need me to–”
“Mm…” You purr, stretching your arms above your head as you stifle a lawn. “I’m thinking I need some more of that. Like tonight.” 
You grow quiet once you realize that you no longer hear the sound of the rain. Or the wind. Or the thunder. All is as it should be. Thank goodness.
“Give me ten minutes to refuel and I’m all yours.” He grunts before disposing of his used condom in a nearby garbage can.. 
“Thank you.” You mumble, feeling your cheeks heat. “For tonight, for what you did.”
“Not sure if I did much of anything.” Andy smiles down at you, his brilliant blue eyes filled with sincerity. “You’re always safe with me, princess. So just relax."
“I believe you, Andy. But the storm –"
“Is about over. We fucked right through it, baby.” You don’t have to look up at him to know that he’s got some kind of shit-eating grin plastered across his handsome features. "But most of all, thank you for trusting me with your secret.”
“Thank you for not laughing.“ Your hand reaches up to stroke your knuckles along his bearded jaw. 
“Hm.” Andy mutters. “Maybe next time we’ll have to try making love in the rain. What do you think, princess?”
“Um, baby steps, Andrew.” You counter, expertly dodging his first question. “Let’s go smaller. I’m talking waaay smaller.”
“Fine. I’ll settle for a kiss during a light drizzle.” Your boyfriend concedes, laughter and warmth suffusing his tone. 
“Consider it done, handsome.” You mumble as sleep threatens to overtake you.
Later, Andy would tell you that he let you fall asleep that night on purpose. Your earlier anxiety had really done a number on you, which is why he was content to let you rest. Instead of complaining, he holds you close, silently willing his heart to beat in time with your own. 
And when you wake in the middle of the night, cocooned in the safety of your man’s arms, you know without question that you are cherished beyond measure.
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flordeamatista · 2 years
𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙈𝙚
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pairing:  soft dark!professor andy barber x reader
concept: Feeling my body spasming as I fall apart, I learn from your lessons.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: possessive Andy, hair pulling, dom Andy/sub reader undertones, age gap , edging, fingering,  fingering, oral (f receiving),pussy slapping,manipulation — soft dub con to be safe but reader is excited,  power imbalance, dumbification, praise, Professor kink, reader sent a nasty email to Professor Andy, Sir kink, dirty talk, spanking, size kink, rough sex, blowjob, throat fucking, unprotected sex, degrading, nickname- (love, princess, slut)
a/n: @sunshinebuckybarnes Now, have fun daydreaming hehe. Thank you for that beautiful ask.
the cute gif and moodboard made by me
line divider: @s-tarksintern
lovely betas: @writing-for-marvel, @purpleshallot and @beach-daydreaming
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His path leads you into the darkness of blue but all you can see is the fire of desire
After he picked you up from the bar, you were cold and he was lustful, so it wasn't your fault.
As soon as you decided to go out, have a little fun, and were two tequila shots in, you sent him an email in the bar telling him that his grading system was terrible. You totally deserved that A in his human relations class and he needed to be more knowledgeable about the world. You were required to take Professor Barber’s class to finish your degree, and in doing so everything changed for you. 
It was Andrew Barber who gave you your new warmth and moans.
Now, who do you break your rules for?
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"Professor Barber..."
You turned your head, your lips hovering over Andy's. Your heart raced as you stared into his blue eyes. The normally bright blue shade darker than you’ve ever seen; nearly black as his pupils were blown wide with lust.
"Did I tell you that you could talk back to me, Princess?" He whispered, his voice grating your senses like gravel.
You shook your head lightly, feeling that you had just dug yourself a deeper hole. Now that he has read that email, he was picking up the pieces.
"I'm sorry, Professor."
"Turn around and read the email back to me," Andy commanded.  Compliant as if you were sitting in his class, your eyes drifted away from him to the laptop sitting atop his kitchen counter.
Your email glared back at you, taunting you :
Subject: Fuck You, Prof. Barber.
 The courage and vitrol that fueled your desire to give Professor Barber a price of your mind was astonishingly absent as you stood in his kitchen with his chest pressing against your back. Instead, seeing it filled you with dread and fear for what he may do to your academic career. Its heat pressing against your skin filled you with a desire you never knew existed, much like a coin has two sides.
Suddenly, you’re taken aback by the sensation of his hands sliding down your arms, then back up, enough to make goosebumps erupt across your skin, and for you to take a sharp breath.
You read the first line of the cursed email out loud, your voice wavering as Andy’s body heat intensified against your back. His reflection a shadow  staring at you through the laptop screen. You bit your lower lip to stem the tears that had begun to gather in your eyes, looking at the keyboard leaving your face raw and exposed to his punishment.
Andy wave his hand through the sweater and rubbed his fingertips against your nipple, and gently teased it. You felt your skin tingle in a frenzy of static as he pinched them.
A simple squeeze left you feeling as if your body was falling apart. 
As the warmth from Andy's center propelled you into overdrive, your tongue stroked across your lower lip. Andy laid light kisses over your neck, his fingers coming closer as he neared the center of your warmth.
In the palm of his hand, Andy swiped his thumb up, caressing the smooth skin with his fingertips. In the blink of an eye, he pulled back his hand and took your chin in between his fingers. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip, his lustful eyes stared into  yours. Andy pressed his lips against your ear, and growled, "Repeat what you said in the email." 
Nervously, you swallowed.
How could you be so stupid to send him that email?
It wasn't your intention, but his grading system was out of date and he needed to fuck someone off to let his grumpy state see the light.
"Repeat what you wrote to me, word for word...don't make me ask again."
The thudding of your heart echoed in your ears. Each breath shook in your lungs. 
You mustered the courage you felt when you wrote the email and repeated, "Professor Barber, your way of living is sad, which explains why you are divorced and lonely—”
You paused.
Andy took his hand off your chin, gliding down your neck to the collar of the sweater. Pulling the collar away from your neck, he buried his teeth in your neck. “Did I tell you to stop reading?"
It was a new, fresh pleasure to wince in pain.
"N-no, Professor," you said shakily.
You felt Andy’s hand leave your neck and follow the curves of your body, stopping only when  it rested on your inner thigh. A tingle zinged throughout your body as Andy pulled your legs apart and revealed your lace panties that were soaked from your dripping cunt. 
"You insulted me, Princess," Andy growled.
Your lips curled into a soft moan as your eyes closed. Andy's eyes glowed with lust, his grin widening as he placed his palm on your wet pussy, forcing the lace aside to feel  the wetness that was his.
"Look at you," he beamed, “I've barely touched you and you're so wet for me."
You lost control from the  the warmth of his hand that rubbed your wet pussy. You believed  that you would stand your ground and he would change, but you were ── in his house, in his kitchen, wearing his clothes, half-naked- and his touch destroyed your strong aura as an independent woman. 
"You've been such a little tease all semester." He reached down to undo your lacy underwear, taking them off without any effort.
Was this an exam of desire?
"You are such a-"
Your insult cut short by a harsh slap. 
The harsh smack against your throbbing pussy left your body shaking, and you learned, in that moment, that he was holding the strings to your desire. 
"I don't hear you reading, Kitten." Andy’s voice slithered through the fog like a siren to a pirate.
But, instead of reaping your reward from a Professor knocked down, you walked willingly into his trap.
The second smack made your entire body tremble and your knees wobble.
"Are you getting quiet?" he smirked. When his hand smacked your throbbing, wet center again, your fingernails dug deep into the counter. 
Your voice quiet, you continued, “Your methods are ineffective, and no one is warming your bed with the ridiculous sweaters and ties you wear to hide your life and I bet your co—."
Trying to maintain your composure, your nails dug deeper into the counter as your body slowly reacted to the sudden change in events; as if you were stuck in molasses. One moment, you’re filled with a righteous indignation at his grading system that fueled your deep desire to have him know what you really thought of him and his course with no thought as to the consequences of your actions as you pressed “send”  The next moment, you are at his house, bent over his kitchen counter. You haven’t the faintest clue how you got here, your mind filled with nothing but thoughts of Andy.
You are sober but drunk with desire.  His desire. His attention.
You wanted to know how far this would go when you felt his touch. There was no doubt that you lied, but Professor Andy was a man.
A man who just needed you.
With ragged breaths, you tried to calm yourself, but your body rejected your silent plea for self-control as you fell back against his chest. Andy's fingers sped up, and as you trembled and instinctively tried to close your legs, you knew it was not possible to regain control from Andy.
"Mmm, Princess, let's talk about what you said about my manhood," Andy said softly as his lips met your cheeks, a soft kiss that contrasted with the strong smack he employed on your swollen clit.
In spite of your pleas for him, he ignored you and slowly inserted his fingers inside your body while he laughed at your squirming. With each movement you made, he slapped you again and again. Your moans were all that was heard and the feel of his fingers inside you with a slap to keep your mind from wandering.
His disciplined approach keeps you motivated and hungry for more as he leaves his mark on your body
"Princess, you deserve to be tortured the same way that you've tortured me all semester." Andy said as he swiftly pulled  his fingers out of you., Your eyes widened as he licked your juices off his thick fingers before turning you around to him. "You taste delicious and all dripping for me"
You gasped at his sheer strength, trying to push back against him. 
Andy held you down with his free hand as adjusted himself behind you. Knowing what was likely to happen, you moaned at the sound of his belt buckle rattling.
"I won't leave you unpunished." He snapped his belt, making you shiver with arousal. "You don't want to be expelled from university because of your actions, now do you?"
“No, sir I will do anything” you pleaded as his fingers edged your heat. 
You screamed when he landed a stronger blow to your pussy before you could say anything further.
“Please…” you cried. The sudden intrusion of his middle and ring fingers in your body caused you to scream in agony as he didn’t allow you to adjust.
A steady rhythm of his fingers blurred your vision as you felt yourself edge toward your end; to the abyss of your orgasm.
“Oh, my God! Sir...” you cried. "I- I'm going to cu-cum..."
You were right there, right at the precipice of ecstasy. 
Andy ripped his fingers out begrudgingly and pulled you back from the edge of your orgasm. You squirmed and slowly cried out his name from the absence of his touch.
"I'm not going to let you off that easy, honey", Andy said condescendingly. He spanked you hard on your ass, then pulled you by the neck to stand straight.
“Take off the sweater, put it on the floor, and get on your knees.” 
You have taught me more about myself in your presence and reflection, his slut
Andy smirked and gripped the back of your neck, “What was the line you said about my cock?” You let out a soft moan when you saw his cock up close and immediately opened your mouth to let him use it.
Andy stroked your face with his free hand as he rubbed his cock's tip along your lips. "It’s time for you to learn your place and respect me,” He slapped your face and shoved his cock in your throat.
Tears fell from your eyes from the sudden intrusion in your throat. 
You felt the heat between your thighs increasing and wanted to please him. You enjoyed the gagging sensation his cock gave you in the back of your throat. You preened as you felt him tense up and his dick swell in your mouth.
Your ability to think clearly and to resist anything he did to you was gone. You were intoxicated s by his size, taste, attitude, and your own arousal. Your hand drifted between your legs to touch yourself at how hot it was.
Andy took a deep breath and tugged at your head, controlling your movements, your head bobbing down toward him when he saw your hand wander down your stomach. He pulled out of your mouth and pulled you upright by your hair. 
He smiled down at you as he reached down to grab your legs. He lifted you into the air, your legs wrapping  around his waist, as he carried you to his living room. Despite your behavior, the soft kisses on your hair remind you that he cares for you and that you are his princess.
The smell of his skin lingers on my body, and I crave more.
The soft cushions of his couch bounced when you landed. As he stripped off his clothes and got down  on his knees, his lustful blue eyes stared at you like a predator.
"Look at you lusting for me," he groaned. "Want to see what my tongue can do for my slut's pussy?"
He leant in as he listened to your desires, blowing soft air, inhaling your scent, and rested his nose on your pussy. 
His tongue came out and almost hesitantly licked your clit.
“I'm sorry for— the , please let me--” you moaned and grabbed hold of his hair, fists clenched tight. It was his tongue that reminded you he controls everything in your body. His beard burned your pussy and tickled your entire being. He gave you punishment so easily, you knew it wasn't even close to the end. 
You knew his game of seduction.
You moaned as you wrapped your body around his cool lips, and a smirk appeared on his face as he marked your legs beneath his fingertips and watched your breasts move with his rhythm.
“Andy, I’ve been so good for you, please... I promise I will do anything you ask of me, please fuck me up.” You cried, desperate to feel him.
The chuckle on his face was accompanied by a lick of his lips. Your hips jerked in anticipation of another kiss, but he stood away from you instead. In his hand, he spat, briefly stroked his cock, and then moved closer to your pussy.
“Oh, aren’t you so desperate for me?” Andy leaned over and roughly kissed you. You could taste yourself on his lips as you tried to pull his tongue closer to yours. You were his needy little slut
The tip of his cock teased you as you pleaded for him to fuck you.
“What makes you believe you deserve this? ”
“Please…” you begged.
"Well... " he said as you groaned beneath him. "Since you asked so nicely, and I respect desire"
Despite your squeal, he pushed steadily inward. While working in your cunt, he groaned with satisfaction, knowing he would be the only one to touch it.
He pulled his hips back and, for a moment, you thought he was pulling out, but the next instant he slammed his cock deep, pounding hard against you. You squealed out your wants.
Andy stroked your pussy passionately, fucking it deeply. When your pussy squeezed Andy's dick like a fist, he knew you had the tightest pussy he had ever felt. "Look at your pussy welcoming me in, it is so good, damn it is so good, do you feel it" he groaned in your ear as he leaned forward to grow louder and louder as he rapidly thrust into the pussy as he knew that the cunt was meant to be fucked hard, fast, rough, and deep.
It was a blissful feeling as your hardened nipples scraped against his chest while he rocked against you in response to each grinding thrust. "It feels so good, Sir...don't stop." 
Andy bent down to capture your lips,pushing his tongue down your throat. “You are my new fucktoy now. Your only responsibility is to warm your professor's dick whenever he needs it, right? I will never stop fucking you, my princess. "
It was a struggle for you to respond as Andy thrust hard and fast into your sodden hole, moaning softly while unable to reply, "Yes, Professor.". 
Putting his hands around the top of your head and linking his fingers, Andy rammed you down brutally using his own hands to hold you in place.
"My pussy, my princess," Andy whispered with every thrust as he slammed his cock in you, planting sloppy wet kisses on your jawline.
A deep expression filled his face as he gazed into your eyes. "Who are you?" 
You couldn’t answer him.  You wanted to tell him you were his slut and his only. Your vision spun as Andy dragged out your orgasm. Feeling as if you might pass out, you dug your nails deeply into his back.
Feeling my body spasming as I fall apart, I learn from your lessons.
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The sweater was a reward for pleasing, and a punishment for looking gorgeous with it on. 
You sat in class, and awaited the professor's arrival. When you got a text message saying, "My sweater fits nicely on you and let me see my pussy," "you opened your legs so he could see it.
To know what is his, he needs to see it.
In front of you, Professor Andy was licking his lips and getting ready to begin his class.
Your ragged breath fills the air as I savor every drop, because we both know the fun is only just starting.
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
◇ 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐬 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — andy barber × fem!wife!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Andy bought you new shoes and you love them, you wear them everywhere at any chance you get. The only downside is that after a little while they get uncomfortable…
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — SMUT, p in v (unprotected), mention of edging, light degrading (very light) spanking (like once), idk what else
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — I won't be posting for a little while now, my plan is to finish some fics and have them ready for all of you!! reblog/ comment and follow!
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It wasn’t a new thing that Andy carried you around. He always had the excuse “you’re my wife why would you need to walk?”
However, a few weeks ago he gifted you a pair of black Louboutin heels and you adored them.
You would wear them on every occasion, yes, they were painful but who wouldn’t want to look hot? 
Besides, anyone who wants to look beautiful must suffer.
Recently the two of you attended a party with some of Andy’s colleagues. Of course, he knew you would wear the heels, but if he talked against a wall, he would have had better chances.
As Andy rounded the corner, he saw you standing in front of the mirror at the entrance, wearing a black cocktail dress, golden hoops with a matching necklace and the black Louboutin.
He wanted to ask you if you really wanted to wear them, but he already knew the answer.
So instead, he just snaked his arm around your waist pulling you against him and laying his hand softly on your cheek.
He titled your head up giving you a loving kiss on your lips.
Andy’s lips left yours, but you chased after him to capture him in a passionate kiss. While you were concentrating on the kiss, Andy sneaked his hands down your body.
His plan was easy: seduce you, you're horny and want to stay home and prevent you from being in pain.
Andy softly withdraws his lips from yours once again. He kneels down while kissing down your leg. His hands felt soft against your skin as he lifted your leg with his right hand.
The other one slid down to your feet until it reached your shoe.
A small chuckle escaped you as you realized what he was doing, lifting your foot pressing the sole against his forehead like Margot Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street.
“What do you think you're doing?” you asked in a low voice.
„Darlin‘ I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” Andy gave you those concerning eyes. “Andy they’re painful but sexy and you gifted them to me, I want to wear them all the time.”
Andy sighed in return, “my love you can wear other heels you know I won’t be mad, and you look sexy in everything you wear,” he stood up cupping your face in his large hands, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“No, I will wear them,” with that you turned around and opened the door stepping into the cool air of the beautiful autumn night.
With a sigh Andy walked after you, this was going to be a long night.
The car came to a stop in front of the bar where you would be meeting Andy’s colleagues. Your man turned to face you, “you can still change your mind darlin’,” he said gently but you shook your head, “no, let’s go, we don’t want to be late,” you said and got out of the car.
Andy stayed back for a moment, his mind running wild as he thought of a way to help you. In the end he could only watch you and make sure you were comfortable. After all you were his stubborn wife who he loved with every cell in his body, he’d do everything for you.
Quickly he walked after you, interlocking your fingers with his as you stepped inside the bar.
Said bar was filled with Andy’s colleagues, some you recognized, others you didn’t - not that you minded as most of them were arrogant assholes.
“Ooh, look at you, you look amazin’,” gushed Marta, the wife of Andy’s assistant. She seemed like a nice woman, but god you didn’t like her. She was always chipper, but it often looked like she was faking it.
“Thank you, you look great too,” you answered with a polite smile while guiding Andy’s hand around your waist and pressing yourself against his side.
Andy smiled to himself as he noticed what you were doing, gladly he tightened his hold on you.
Then Marta began talking, she talked like a waterfall and at some point you needed to escape. “I’m gonna get us some drinks,” you excused yourself and took a deep breath once your back was turned to them.
As you walked towards the counter you could already feel your feet hurting. You hated that Andy was right, but these shoes were too beautiful not to wear.
You hopped onto the bar stool and ordered a juice as well as a beer for Andy. Once you got the drinks and stepped from the chair, you hissed at the burning sensation. There would definitely be blisters by the end of the night.
Giving Andy his beer, he noticed the slight distress on your face. He decided to ignore it for now, knowing you wouldn’t say anything.
The conversation continued for a little while, in the middle you had shifted almost a lot of your weight onto him. Andy didn’t mind, but this only showed him how right he was. However the two of you couldn’t quite leave yet.
You kept your posture up, no one but Andy noticed how much your feet started to hurt.
“Look at this sweet arm candy you got there Barber,” a man said who came to stand next to your husband.
Andy turned his head to the man and glared at him, “my wife, looks beautiful and is not arm candy, Chad,” his tone was harsh.
God, some of these assholes could just go fuck themselves and you’d love to slap the shit out of them.
After another thirty minutes you needed to sit down, you nudged Andy’s arm and gestured to a table to sit on. Not asking questions Andy walked with you towards the table, before you could sit on one of the tables there was an extra step to go.
As you lifted your foot to step up, your knees almost buckled in once your foot hit the parquet. Luckily Andy was there to support you.
He didn’t say a word but you knew what he was thinking, “I’m fine,” you said quickly. “I didn’t say anything,” he countered with a knowing smile.
Both of you finished your drinks and you only hoped Andy didn’t want another beer. Seeing how uncomfortable you were, he did the only right thing.
With a sigh he slipped out of his shoes and pushed them towards you, “come on, take ‘em of darlin’,” he told you. Pouting you slipped them off and handed them to Andy before putting on his - way too big, but comfortable - shoes.
“What will your colleagues think?” you asked concerned, eyes dropping, “I don’t care what they think, I don’t want my wife to feel uncomfortable. Now, let’s get ya home,” standing up in his socks, he held his hand out to you.
“I wasn’t even that uncomfortable,” you argued as you walked out of the bar.
Then almost over the curb and falling into Andy, "okay, darlin'," chuckling he scooped you up into his arms.
He carried you the rest to the car, putting you in the passenger seat and buckling on your seat belt. Kissing the top of your head before giving you the heels and closing the door.
slutty bonus, you whore's
"You're lucky I love carrying you around," he stated as his hand came to rest on your thigh.
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"You know, if I didn't know it better I'd say you're disobeying me on purpose…," he growled into the crook of your neck as his hips bucked into you.
"I'm – fuck – sorry!" you have been apologizing for thirty minutes now, being edged three times and you begged Andy wouldn't make it a four. "See, I don't think you're sorry," his tone was almost mean, he mocked you.
"Can feel how tight you are, how you keep squeezing me. I know it turns you on, don't lie to me darlin'," as if you ever could.
You gripped onto the satin sheets, Andy picked his pace up not caring for you – this was a punishment after all.
Not much of a punishment though if you enjoyed it.
"Andy," you rasped, feeling your stomach tighten. You desperately need to live the euphoria.
Complete joy and pleasure building up, "please, please, please," you moaned when he hit that spot.
"Hold it," Andy demanded, railing you, splitting you open. "No, no, I can't!" you cried, shaking your head. Your husband didn't care, he gripped your throat, "yes you can, if you don't…then you won't come at all."
Shutting your eyes, you tried to concentrate on keeping the orgasm inside until Andy allowed you.
He was close himself and already felt his cock twitching, "come, fucking hell," he muttered, rutting into you like a starved man.
You reach the mind-blowing release of endorphins. Clenching to hold onto the feeling until you finally give in and let go. Moans howling through the walls.
Before you could register anything you were turned on your stomach. Ass slapped twice.
"Let's paint that pretty ass of yours, shall we darlin'?"
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @sstanhoe-updates blog where new fics will always be reblogged in case you're not interested in the taglist as it has conditions
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jadedvibes · 2 years
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Summary: Andy gets upset when he discovers that Neal asked you out for drinks.
Pairing: Andy Barber x reader
Warnings: 18+ only, jealous!andy, swearing, things get a little rough.
Word Count: 900
A/N: Inspired by this gif @maladaptivexxdaydreaming sent me! 💜✨
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
“Why did Loguidice smugly walk out of here with a smile on his face?” Andy asked as he walked towards you. 
“Hmm?” you furrowed your brows, looking up at him with a pen between your lips, feigning innocence. “I don’t know,” you slowly pulled it out. “He just offered to take me out for drinks to give me a couple pointers to strengthen my memorandums.”
His jaw ticked as he inhaled a heavy breath. “Your writing is perfect, what did you say?” he interrogated.
You tried to suppress your smile at his compliment and obvious agitation. You’d done well in your legal writing class and thought you were pretty great too, but your true reason for letting Neal Loguidice think he was taking you out on a date was to get under Andy’s skin. 
Your clerkship with Andy was ending soon, and after this, you weren't certain where you’d end up for work. Although, as you watched the jealousy run across his features you knew there was one place you’d very much like to be – bent over your desk as he pounded into you mercilessly.
Of course it was unethical to want him that way, but the long hours coupled with the close proximity made you long for him. Those broad shoulders, that perfect ass, and that self-assured attitude – like he knew he could bend anyone to his will. They didn’t make men like Andy Barber anymore, and that’s why you had to have him.
Looking up at him doe-eyed, “He said I could be more clear and concise in a couple places, so I said yes.”
“You’re not going,” he declared harshly. 
Your eyebrows raised at his sharp tone. “I… he’s my boss Andy. I want to be the best lawyer that I can be someday, and if he’s willing to –”
“He’s not your boss, I am. And I said you’re not going. Be sure to let him know that.” 
Standing up from your desk, you walked around to get closer to Andy so that you could meet his eyeline. “But I want to go, I wanna see what he can teach me,” you smiled coyly. 
“I’ll teach you, I’m a better writer than him. He’s just trying to get into your p–” he cleared his throat. Neal Loguidice was a slimeball, and he didn’t think his sweet little law clerk needed to know all the details. 
You stood as close as professionally suitable, and then took one more step so that you could gaze deeply into his icy blue eyes. “Trying to get into what, Andy?”
He stared down at you for a moment and then blinked, trying to process what was happening. Sure, he flirted with you, you were too gorgeous and always so eager to please, he couldn’t help it. Even so your beauty carried an air of innocence too, one that he respected – but a deeper part of him desperately wanted to sully that. A twisted part of him wanted to know what you tasted like. Morality and honor out the door, he wanted you.
He was planning on telling you after Lynn offered you a post-bar full time position at the district attorney’s office at the end of the week. However, now with the way you were looking at him, talking about that bastard Neal taking you out, Andy knew he had to act. 
“Neal is trying to get into your pants, or better yet, your skirt,” he declared, his eyes slowly trailing down your body, studying you. 
You bit your lip, watching as he took you in with hungry eyes. He’d often hide his desire; every time you bent a little too low in front of him, or when you’d take off your blazer and reveal a top that showed more than he expected. You’d see the way his eyes would flutter shut, simultaneously suppressing a groan in his throat as his breathing went shallow. 
“Maybe someone should,” you closed the little distance left, bringing yourself toe to toe with Andy. Knowing your time with him was limited made you bolder than you thought possible.
His eyes came to yours, and a trace of a wicked smile crossed his lips. “That what you want, honey?” he lightly trailed the back of his hand down your arm, leaving goosebumps as he went. “Want me to fuck you… right here in this office?” 
You nodded, unable to push a word through your lips.
He charged you, grabbing your face in his large hands as he kissed you. His tongue slid through your lips as he backed you toward your desk, pinning you there with his hips. 
You threaded your fingers into his rough beard as you kissed him back with everything you had – electricity buzzing through every cell in your body as you felt him harden against your covered core. His grip on your face was near painful, but damn did you love the way he felt, his tongue passionately dancing against yours. 
His lips, his touch, his power, felt like a perfect preview for what was to come next. 
“I’m going to fucking ruin you,” Andy growled against your lips. 
Eager and aching, “Please,” you whimpered, your heart beating so loud you swore he could hear it.  
Andy gave you a devilish grin, his eyes flickering in satisfaction at the sight of you wrecked and ready for him. “Go lock the door.” 
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geminixevans-stan · 2 years
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary! 💚
Will you still take my ticket for Nanny’s Heart?
What if….
Steve walks in on Andy watching a video of Reader… and then she walks in on them both?
Lmaooooo I'm still taking the ticket you menace!
Pairing: Andy Barber x Nanny!Reader x Manny!Steve Rogers
Words: 699
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI, explicit language, sexual content, masturbation (m), smidge of anal sex (m rec), voyeurism.
From Nanny's Heart Au
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You knew you were playing with fire the minute you pressed ‘send’ on your phone. It was unlike you to send something of that nature and it was time you did a little bit of teasing of your own. 
It was only right that you did since Andy and Steve decided to edge you last night for being a brat. The brat that they created. 
So as you hit ‘send,’ you sat back and relished at your master plan, getting up and grabbing your keys to go scoop up your two spawns. 
Before you could make it out the house, you heard the booming steps of Andy making his way out of his office. Your name came out of his mouth like a threat as you turn to look at him. 
“Yes Andy?” you smirk, twirling the keys in your hand. 
Andy quirked his eyebrow up, crossing his arms over his chest, “Andy? I see you want part two of last night and I don’t mind giving it. Come here. Now.”
A giggle escapes your lips, your hand turning the know and holding the door open, “Nah, gotta go pick up the kids. You have fun with my gift kay?” 
You don’t wait around long enough for Andy to call your name again, closing the door and going down the stairs. Before you can make it to the car though, you see Steve coming up to the house.
He gives you a knowing smirk, nodding his head towards you, “His sweetheart. Been a good girl today?”
A wide grin spreads across his face, “Still mad about last night huh? That’s what brats get baby,” he teases, making his way to the front door. 
You give him no more conversation as you get in the car, backing up, and heading off to the school. 
“Fucking brat,” Andy grunts, with one hand holding his phone and the other wrapped around his leaking cock. He watched as your dipped your fingers in your pussy, stretching yourself out as you moaned out his name. 
He practically drooled seeing you like that, almost cursing himself for punishing you last night. 
You sounded so pretty coming from his phone, his hand fisting his cock faster as he matched the pace of your fingers. 
Andy didn’t even hear the click of his own door being opened. Only low breath being blown as Steve watches Andy watching you, “Shit…” 
The bulge forms against the front of his jeans, looking at the sight before him. Andy’s head snaps towards Steve, his hand still on his cock as your voice fills the room. 
“Ever heard of knocking?”
Steve cocks his eyebrow up at Andy, “Never knew I had to? That our brat over there?”
Andy issues out another grunt, stroking his cock slowly, “Yeah… fucking tease”
Steve wets his lips, stepping closer to Andy, “I say she won this round…”
The kids made it in the house before you did, running upstairs to get changed. Suspicion got the best of you when Andy didn’t automatically come out to greet them. 
He couldn’t be that mad…. Could he?
You make your way up the stairs to your shared room, not hearing a peep until you get closer. 
Muffled voices could be heard from outside the door and there wasn’t any doubt in your mind about just what was going on. 
With a quickness, you open the door to see Andy splitting Steve open, his thick hand wrapped around his throat as he snaps his hips against Steve’s. 
You close the door quickly, looking at the sight before you. 
Both men were lost in their own world as you looked on, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. 
You clear your throat once… twice… a third time before they snapped their heads up at you. 
Andy issues another hard thrust into Steve, causing him to cry out, “Welcome home brat,” he grunts, “Wanna join us?”
Oh, you wanted to… So bad. 
But since they wanted to not make you cum last night, it was time to play their game against them. Without even saying a word, you stare at both men, before walking out and going back downstairs. 
Check…. Mate.
Join the celebration!
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dc418writes · 1 year
Before It’s Too Late
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✨Pairing: Andy Barberxblack!reader
Summary🪄: Andy gets a special visitor to help remind him what’s important
⚠️: a good amount of angst in this one, allusion to divorce, couple bad language words, ends in fluff tho (bcus I’m soft and it’s the holidays☺️)
A/N🎙️: hey guys! Hope you like this idea I had based on a Christmas Carol. Also this is an au where Laurie and Jacob don’t exist
*Disclaimer!: although collage was made by me, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they were all found on Pinterest
Looking down at his watch, the ticking face reads 11:01 pm as Andy locks the door behind him and the security system later beeps from its activation. The bottoms of his dress shoes tap along the wooden floor stepping further into the dimly lit home unsurprised to find it quiet and seemingly empty.
It’s a greeting he’d grown accustomed to these last few months having worked constant late nights that sometimes ran into early mornings.
“Left a plate for you in the fridge if you’re hungry. Hope you had a good day ~Love, Y/N” The note read resting in front of his usual seat at the head of the table; sending a pang of guilt to his heart. If he had a choice of course he’d want to be home with his family being able to eat and laugh together.
But as the District Attorney, his work was never really done until the case was closed, which could take months to years. Plus this job made it possible to provide for his family, the most important thing to him.
Slowly climbing the stairs to avoid its loud creaks, he first stops at his daughter’s door gently pushing it open to check on her as he always did when arriving home late. Finding her bed made and untouched only means she’s next to you in their bedroom; more than likely on his side to “protect” you from any monsters hiding in the closet or under the bed.
“Daddy don’t worry, I watch over mama,” Marlow would state confidently whenever he’d call saying how he wouldn’t be home until late that night. Each time his lips would curl into a soft smile at how thoughtful she was already before thanking her for taking such good care of you.
The light from the tv flickers along the room with the screen still playing some animated movie. Both you and Marlow fast asleep as you snuggled close with arms wrapped around each other. Her little Starry Night flashlight on the bedside table making him quietly chuckle as he steps closer to place a kiss on her curly head then yours.
“You’re home,” you tiredly whisper beginning to stir with barely open lids.
“Yea, I see you two had a sleepover.”
You turn to gaze at your baby with a sleepy giggle, “She tried waiting up for you, but didn’t make it 30 minutes. Let me put her to bed-,”
“No you two stay. I still have work to do.”
“Andy it’s nearly-,” you carefully shift to look at your phone, “one in the morning and you’re still doing work? Just save it for later and come to bed.”
“Honey this is a big case. The more I work the sooner we’ll get done.”
That was a lie. If that did happen, you knew he’d only find something else that needed to be done. Or more evidence would somehow be found that either added to, or discredited, his argument thus leading to more work.
“Andy, you’ve been working on this case non-stop for over a year. If that really were the case, I’m sure you’d be done by now,” you sigh.
“I’ll see you in the morning. Unless you leave before we get up. Again.” He doesn’t get the chance to say anything more as you turn your back to him; choosing instead to face your still baby girl peacefully resting all this time.
Sighing, he places a final kiss to the back of your head with a quiet, “Goodnight,” before he’s quietly leaving again to return downstairs to his office. And you’re left alone for yet another night, silently crying yourself to sleep worried about the future for you and your husband.
With a low groan, Andy lifts his head from the desk combing his fingers through his unruly hair. A yawn slipping past his lips as he tries to stretch the kinks and cramps from his back. He had every intention of coming to bed, but he’d found a hole in the plaintiff’s argument that’d surely help them come one step closer to a possible close.
That hot streak led to three more hours of typing before he finally crashed while reading over his work. Uncomfortably so as he rubs at the knot sitting at the base of his neck.
There’s a giggle outside his door followed by little Marlow popping her head of wild curls in with a wide smile on her lips. The room brightening with her cheery entrance as usual. “Hi daddy!”
“Morning busy bee,” he smiles opening his arms so she’d join him in his chair. Her small arms linking around his neck to kiss his cheek as he holds her close. “Good job looking after everything last night.”
“Monsters stayed away. I had my flashlight.”
“Morning Andy,” you softly smile entering with his favorite mug. “Marlie made you coffee.”
“Thank you sweetheart. Daddy really needed this after the night he had.”
“Later, we make cookies for my play. Right daddy?”
“Wait, tonight? I thought that was this weekend?”
“Nope, tonight. I reminded you yesterday on your lunch,” you sigh sitting on the edge of his desk with arms crossed in front of you. You already knew where this conversation was going from the remorse in his cerulean eyes.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry, but I’m not gonna be able to make it. I’ll be downtown.”
“But…you promised.”
“I know I did-,”
“You never break promises daddy!,” she pouts with big brown eyes glossy from incoming tears.
“Well sometimes-,”
“You lied!”
“Marlow enough, alright?! I have to work, there’s nothing I can do to change that. Mama will be there to record it and I’ll watch it with you later,” he sternly replies further upsetting the five-year-old. She quickly wiggles out of his grasp and down to the floor now reaching out for you and your comfort.
“Y/N don’t. I’m not in the mood for I told you so.”
“You can’t even give us one day Andy? One?!” For the sake of your daughter, you try to keep your voice calm when everything in you was currently ready to erupt.
“Whadaya want me to do honey, hm? Quit?,” he asks tossing aside some folder filled with papers. “Fine. I’ll quit and everything I’ve worked for; this house, our comfortable life where neither of you want for anything, that’ll disappear too.”
“We want you! Your daughter wants her father as more than a glimpse she’s lucky to see everyday, and I want my husband back.” Frustrated tears burn your eyes before rolling down your cheeks as you gently rock your daughter hiding her face in your neck. “If all we really cared about was the material stuff, we wouldn’t be having this conversation for the millionth time.”
Guilt eats away at him once more silently watching the both of you leave his office. He desperately missed his girls too. Coming home to his energetic baby girl excited to tell him about her day or play dress up. Your vanilla and caramel scent latching to his nostrils anytime he’d steal a kiss from your soft lips. Lying next to you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as if you’d easily vanish if he let go.
But this job required a lot of his time. It was something he and you knew from the beginning, even when he was still just a practicing lawyer in that small law firm. What could he really do about it?
“Honey,” he calls rising from his chair to follow your trail. “Honey wai-,”
Stepping in the hall, the once warm and furnished home is now dark and somber. The walls bare of the framed pictures you’d taken over the years and air cool from the draft circulating through the empty abode. His thick brows furrow as he hurries through the house once his, opening all doors in a frenzy trying to find his family. “Y/N?! Marlie?!”
“They’re gone Andrew,” a voice booms from overhead causing the attorney to twist about while looking towards the ceiling.
“W-Who said that? Where’s my family?!”
“Relax they’re fine. Honestly much better now you’re not there.”
“I’m only givin’ you one more chance. Show yourself and bring my girls back now!”
“Well, I can’t really do either of those seeing as I’m a ghost and need to teach you a lesson before I send you back.”
“A ghost..,” Andy repeats full of amusement with hands on his hips. “Mhm right. Marlow Anais Barber no more games alright? You got me, now come out with mama.”
“Andy I’m telling you, they’re not here. You’re about to lose your family and I’m here to help.”
“How when I can’t even see you? And what are you? My guardian angel or something?”
“No, and with that attitude I’m glad I’m not,” the voice replies making him glare at the ceiling. “They’re only called for life or death situations. I’m just your standard spirit guide.”
“This is clearly a stress dream,” he mumbles to himself beginning to pace the floor. “I haven’t slept well for pretty much the whole year and now it’s getting to me. Yea that’s it.”
“Alright I see you’re just set on being difficult, so let’s begin.” Mouth set with his reply, the words immediately escape him being whisked through what felt like a tornado. Wind taking his breath as he tried to scream until his feet were back on the ground.
“What..t-the hell..was that?!,” he asks clutching his chest trying to regain his normal breathing and heart rate.
“Us traveling through time. Now hush and pay attention.” It finally registers that he’s outside his home partially decorated with Christmas lights and figurines. The ladder securely placed against the house as past him stapled the string of lights just above the gutters.
“This was years ago. Our first time decorating the house,” Andy softly smiles watching his former self carefully climb the ladder to stand on the roof instead. “Y/N said I was overdoing it, but I wanted everything to be perfect for-,”
“Let’s go check on daddy yea?,” he hears past you say to a then one-year-old Marlow tightly bundled in your arms as you walk out the front door. “Andrew Stephen Barber? Please tell me you’re still alive.”
“I am honey,” he chuckles pausing to look down at you. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
“Accidents happen. Did you know the holidays are the busiest time of year for hospitals?”
“I did not.”
“Well they are. So please be careful and refrain from making me a widowed, single mother anytime soon.”
“I promise you I’ll make it back inside, just like I promised my busy bee she’d have her own, personal Christmas Wonderland. Yes I did,” he coos down at the giggling, wide eyed little girl. “And daddy always keeps his promises.”
“Aww,” the spirit states from overhead. “What happened to you Andrew?”
“What do you mean? I’m still that guy.”
“Rigghhtt. And who was on the roof this year? And last year?”
“Alright, I’ve been busy,” he admits scratching the back of his neck. “This is a huge case that’s taken longer than expected so I haven’t had time like back then. That Christmas was during a…kinda dead period. Before my DA campaign. Then my ultimate acceptance. Things won’t always be like they are now though.”
“Yea, long as you get your priorities straight.”
He scoffs, “My priorities are straight.”
The winds of the tornado gather and build again, causing Andy to tense and brace for how his body would be tossed from here to there. It’s much smoother this time though, and he feels like he’s simply floating in the clouds before being gently placed on a carpeted floor.
“Hey, I uh think I’m getting used to-wait…could you have done that the first time?!”
“…you really need to relax before you give yourself an aneurysm Andrew.”
Rolling his eyes, he turns recognizing some pieces of furniture in the condo. His infamous chair he’s had since before he was married. That floor lamp he bought thinking it added sophistication to his place, but really didn’t look right with anything he had.
This wasn’t his old apartment though. He could tell from the pictures of Marlow on the bookcase and the impressive flatscreen mounted on his wall.
“Where are we?”
“The future. Since your priorities are so straight.”
A knock on the front door nearly has him moving to answer, if not for the startling shout of “coming!,” from the older man making his way down the hall.
Disheveled gray hair on his head and throughout his beard, he had to be in his mid to late 50s. Maybe early 60s even. He looked good for his age though, still able to move around well with arms and legs that still showed some of the strength from his youth. But the energy around him conveyed sadness. Flickers of loneliness and pain in the dull neutrals and silence throughout the modern residence.
“It..it’s me,” he whispers in shock sitting in the nearby barstool as he watches his older self finally open the door with you waiting on the other side. You still looked the same, just as beautiful as the day you first met and seeming to have only aged a couple years compared to him. Your eyes weren’t as bright though. No longer filled with that happiness usually there whenever you’d look at him.
“Andy,” you politely nod. “I um honestly didn’t expect you to be home.”
“Thought I’d take Christmas off for once.”
“I’ve been working Christmas all those years?,” he wonders to himself.
“Maybe even spend some time with busy bee,” he lightly chortles ushering you in before locking the door.
“She’s actually staying with her friends in LA this year. Last time we talked, she mentioned possibly making it for New Years, but knowing her she’ll probably just hang out there. Get some more work done with her internship.”
“Oh..r-right. Good for her,” he painfully smiles moving towards the kitchen.
“Plus you know holidays haven’t really been her thing since we-,”
“Yea I know. Not like I made things any better after either, always missing pick ups or our scheduled days together.”
“Yep..A1 priorities.” The spirit’s sarcastic tone doesn’t phase Andy, being more focused on the conversation in front of him.
“What’s that?,” he asks taking a break from making his PB&J to point the butterknife towards the bag in your hands.
“Oh, your Christmas present from me, Marlow, and Curtis.”
“Curtis? Who’s Curtis?”
“Dreamy blue eyes. Body of an Adonis. Bit rough around the edges but so incredibly sweet and caring-,”
“That’s not answering my question alleged spirit guide.”
“How’s he doing? Well both of you..y-you guys I mean,” he stutters going back to his sandwich.
“Good. He surprised me with a fire pit in the backyard and tickets to Fiji,” you softly smile.
“Hm,” he nods thoughtfully taking a bite.
“She always talked about wanting a fire pit in the back. Right off to the side far enough back that Marlie would have enough room to play without the risk of her getting hurt.”
“If only you were the one to get it for her,” the spirit tsk’s.
“Sure those tickets are to Fiji and not Fuji?”
“Andy don’t.”
“I’m just looking out for you,” he replies briefly holding up his hands. “Didn’t know a handyman’s salary allowed for exotic trips.”
“It does when he has his own business, and has had said business for a few years now. I swear it’s like you’re always trying to find something on him.”
“Because I barely know him! One minute it’s just you and Marlow, next thing I know you’re getting married and he’s moving in!”
“I tried to get you to meet him multiple times! But it was always the same, ‘I’m working.’ ‘Can’t I’m in a meeting.’ ‘Out of town with a witness.’ You just never wanted to meet him and, don’t pretend like it’s anything else.”
“Excuse me for not trusting some random guy to play father with my child!”
“Maybe he wouldn’t have to if you stepped up!,” you shout surely loud enough his neighbors would hear.
Andy himself felt that hit to his gut. Or maybe it was some joint reaction between him and his future self.
Sighing, you quickly wipe under your eyes catching any tears before they had a chance to fall. “Andy I didn’t come here to argue. It’s the holidays and-,”
“No I’m sorry. You’re right..I was a shit husband and turned into a shit father who only thought about the next case,” he humorlessly chuckles. “No wonder Marlow buries herself in work. Seems to not want anything to do with her family. She learned from her old man.”
“Why are you showing me this?,” Andy asks with a quick sniff; wiping away his own set of tears. He didn’t know when he started crying, but it seemed as if they’d never stop falling. “I’d never do that to them.”
“You’re already doing it Andrew. The late nights at the office and broken promises. If you continue down that path, this is your future.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Good, then fix it.”
Opening his eyes, he’s surrounded by the darkness of his home office making him breathe a sigh of relief as he sits upright on his couch. Your voice instructing Marlow to be careful when removing the cookies only causes his smile to widen, nearly slipping as he rushes towards the kitchen to see his favorite girls.
“Daddy!,” Marlow waves with her free hand. Her giggles and shrieks filling the two-story home as he picks her up to cover her face in kisses. “Beard tickles daddy!”
“I thought you were at work? You’ve been in the office this whole time?”
His only answer is to press his lips to yours with all the passion and love he’s neglected from you. Gently nipping at your bottom lip before going in for round two, you have to clutch his shirt to keep from buckling.
Marlow silently giggles occasionally peeking through her fingers covering her eyes.
“Y/N I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he sniffs pressing his forehead to yours. “For putting my job before our family. For treating both of you the way I did. I swear I’ll be better just please don’t give up on me.”
“I appreciate that Andy, but are you okay? You sound kinda mad baby.” His eyes sparkling and skin having a joyous glow, you hadn’t seen your husband like this in a long while.
“I’m good honey. So good,” he smiles pecking your lips once more. “And I’m home the rest of the month. No more case or late nights, it’s only you two.”
“You’re coming to the play daddy?!,” his daughter excitedly bounces in his arm.
“Yep! And tomorrow we gotta go pick out mama’s Christmas present,” he winks at you.
“Andy wait, can you do that? I mean of course we want you home, but-,”
“I’ll email Phillips and the rest of the team to let them know I need a break. They’ll be fine, plus the interns are there.”
“What if it’s not?”
“Then tough. It’s almost Christmas and I need to be with my family.”
You can only lovingly gaze at Andy as he talks more to Marlow about what all they can do during his break. The little girl growing more excited with every idea he suggests and you silently thankful for your Christmas miracle.
“What’s got you like this?,” you ask tightening your hold around his waist. Your chin propped on his firm chest with a giddy smile on your lips.
“A very needed wake up call,” he smiles pecking your nose before moving to the top of his baby girl’s head.
Taglist: @celestianstars @stargirlfics @fumbling-fanfics @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @adoreyouusugar @lovebittenbyevans @royalwriteroftheuniverse @theartisticqueen @chrisevans-world @literaturelove @ivorylei @elrw24 @pono-pura-vida @yinx1 @justile @sunsetfreedom05 @jackiekae @luvingmyships @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @bekinds @maxcullen @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful
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Andy Barber Fics
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President's Aide
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blkgirlcafe · 2 years
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Andy Barber x Plus Size! OC!
Just a Preview, idk if I wanna finish…
Laurie tried to act like she didn’t see but she knew. She knows all about you, because that’s all Andy talked about now. How great you where, how everyone loved you, how hard you work. 
There had to be more going on. This was the 3rd call of hers that went straight to voice mail. 
She knows. 
“ Damm if I do, Damm if I don’t. You know I got a girl back home…” 
Andy kept his head down as he softly knocked on the hotel door. He heard the door unlock and swing opened. The woman of his dreams stood on the other side. The soft green lingerie perfectly complimented her brown skin. 
Laurie could never pull this off, even before Jacob. He shook his head to clear it of his wife. 
“Andrew…” her voice was slutry, tempting him in ways he didn’t think was possible. 
Everything happen so fast. Andy pushed her into the room, closing the door with a kick. Not bothering with the latch hook. 
His senses exploded with her. The scent that first caught his attention when you came into his office to introduce yourself. Spicy, like cinnamon with a hint of floral. He could breath you in all day, maybe that’s why he was always in your office. 
You were soft and plush under his grip. Andy strong grip on your hips, trying to pull you closer as your lips collided. He was finally getting what he wanted, you. Andy hand slid down, grabbing your ass. His tongue swirled around your mouthing, wanting to claim it. 
Laurie finally dialed the number she didn’t want to. 
“Hey Neal, you wouldn’t happen to know where Andy is? He isn’t answering my calls and it’s urgent.” 
“As a matter of fact I do, and Laurie, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news…” 
She knows 
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