#Angelina Dobrolyubova
spotkay-anastasia · 1 year
Art with two minor, but very important characters from my new LVBP setting ( « Lubov vsemu bozjestvennomy - protivoestestvenna ( Love for everything divine is unnaturaland ) »). The title of the novel is a reference to the song « Legend of the Goddess of Thunderstorms » by Pyrokinesis.
Angel ( or maybe not ) - Angelina Dobrolyubova.
Chertiha ( Chert ) - Stanislava Dikova.
( Chert — in Slavic mythology, an evil spirit, mischievous, playful and lustful. Under various nicknames and synonyms, he is a character of a huge number of fairy tales of Eastern Europe, the most popular character of Russian demonology. )
On art, this couple in their semi-human forms.
Initially, I wanted to start by drawing a comic book, but I realized that my weak phone wouldn't pull it, and so I risked trying to write... something like a typical cringe novel???
Now only the first chapter has been published, and I do not know if there will be an English translation. Perhaps in the future, when I finish writing a novel, I will definitely hire translators to translate into English. But if someone wants to make an amateur translation, you can contact me, and I will be happy to help with the translation of proverbs, estates, etc.
Short description:
« 15 years have passed since the mysterious death of the family of Knyaz Makarii Grozniy ( Grozniy - the Terrible ), Spassky Makarii Yaroslavovich. It is rumored that the Knyaz crossed the road even to the pagan gods themselves, in which the common people continued to believe centuries after the Baptism of Rus. Why did heaven hate the princely family? And did not the pagan deities lose their power and authority, and did not leave these lands? The solution to this mystery Makariy Yaroslavovich took with him to the grave.
His younger sister, Knyazjna Nastasia Spasskaya, is reborn in the family of the Volkhv's in the body of an unmarried scoundrel who has to fight with her boyar aunt every day for the right to be a free woman.
This is a story about the Knyazjna and the dark side of her family. »
( Volkhv's - In the Old Russian tradition, ministers of pre-Christian pagan cults, astrologers, magicians and soothsayers who performed divine services and sacrifices, to whom the ability to conjure the elements and predict the future was attributed. )
relationships: geth, slash and femslash.
genres: comedy, adventure, romance, fairy tale, fantasy (Slavic), horror.
rating: NC, maxi.
warnings: cannibalism, specific bed scenes, scenes of cruelty, obscene expressions, incest, rape (no romanticization!!!).
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