#Anke Evertz
bettinaschott69 · 2 years
★ SEELENFÜLLE im Dezember
★ SEELENFÜLLE im Dezember
Hallo du Liebe* r Seelenfülle im Dezember Ein Gefühl von „mit sich im Einklang SEIN“. Mit einem Herzen voller Dankbarkeit und Freude für dieses Leben, für dieses Jahr, für alles was ist. Es ist Zeit bei dir anzukommen.  Doris Wössner, Kinesiologie Coach und Begründerin der Easy Mindset Chance Methode, arbeitet effektiv, schnell, zielgerichtet und mit ganz viel Herz. „Mich faszinieren und…
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A profound near-death experience
One of the interesting things about Anke Evertz's near-death experience is that when her clothing caught alight she was catapulted out of her body and watched the incident from two metres away. Being distant from the body during trauma is something that we often hear from near-death experiencers. She soon realised that she could then hear what all the doctors were thinking and could put her arms through walls. This continued while her body was in a coma for nine days.
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niuniente · 3 years
Nine Days of Eternity | Anke Evertz: A Profound Near-Death-Experience During a Coma
I stumbled across a REMARKABLE near-death experience lasting for 9 days by Anke Evertz. In her experience she experienced multiple past lives happening simultaneously, the meaning of life and why we have bodies, traveled into her cells, had a live review, and spent 9 days in the spirit realm together with a spirit she named Teacher.
Her life changed completely due this event and it took her 8 years to get back to this human world after her experience. She wasn’t able to wear majority of the clothes because she could sense the horrors of how they had been made and transported. She was able walk on wooden floors and tell where the wood had come from.
She can’t live with schedule or plans, but is very spontaneous. Everything in her life is based on “How do I feel?” and “What do I want do to?”
I have read and encountered multiple NDE experiences and this is definitely extremely unique, similar to Anita Moorjani and Dr. Eben Alexander.
German speaking people can read Anke Evertz’s book Neun Tage Unendlichkeit (Nine Days in Eternity)
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fritz-hellwig · 5 years
Anke Evertz: Licht und Fülle ins Leben bringen
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manuelachristiana · 5 years
Mein Rezension: Neun Tage Unendlichkeit Anke Evertz Ansata Eine sehr private, intime Nahtod-Erfahrung Zunächst ist es ja wahrlich bestürzend und zu Tränen rührend, was Anke Evertz passiert ist. Sie hatte einen ganz fürchterlichen Brandunfall und stand vor ihrem Kamin in Flammen. Sie beschreibt das sehr genau. Und es ist wirklich zunächst erschütternd, was wir da lesen. Aber auch, dass die Autorin, wie sie schreibt, davor, ihr ganzes Leben lang so unglücklich und unzufrieden war, mutet irgendwie negativ an. Aber dann ändert sich alles. Während sie im Koma liegt, hat sie eine Nahtod-Erfahrung. Nicht nur das. Sie lernt ihren spirituellen Lehrer kennen, der ihr ganz genau erklärt, warum ihr das passiert ist und was da gerade überhaupt mit ihr passiert. Sie hat das alles so mit ihm "ausgemacht". Das Ganze gehörte zu ihrem persönlichen Lebensplan, zu ihrem Karma, ist ein Glied ihrer Lebenskette sozusagen. Ihr Lehrer führt sie durch die sagenhaften, fantastischen, unbeschreiblichen, spirituellen Welten, zeigt ihr Leben und Tod und wie alles zusammenhängt, zeigt ihr aber vor allem den Grund ihrer ständigen Unzufriedenheit und Suche. Durch ihre Erfahrung lernen wir auch. Sie kommt geläutert und tief beseelt von dieser spirituellen Reise zurück und erkennt dann, worum es geht. Wir haben stets, zu jeder Zeit und immer, die Wahl. Das ist für mich die Quintessenz des Buches. Und alles hängt mit allem zusammen. Und unser Körper ist nicht nur ein materielles Gefäß, er ist auch heilig. Für mich ist "Neun Tage Unendlichkeit" eine beeindruckende Lektüre, eine etwas andere, sehr, sehr persönliche Beschreibung einer Nahtod-Erfahrung. Viele Bücher zu dem Thema sind "allgemeiner", gehen mehr auf das Erlebte in der jenseitigen Welt ein, als auf die persönlichen, immer wieder doch körperlichen Erlebnisse. "Neun Tage Unendlichkeit" liest sich fast ein bisschen wie ein privates Tagebuch, weil die Autorin natürlich in erster Linie von sich selbst berichtet und was SIE FÜR SICH gelernt und erfahren hat, was der Ausflug in die jenseitige Welt FÜR SIE bedeutet hat und wie er SIE geläutert hat, was SIE daraus gelernt hat. Vieles, was sie schreibt, ist wirklich an sie selbst gerichtet und ganz konkret persönlich Erlebtes, das auch durch und durch eine private und subjektive Botschaft hat. Natürlich gibt es auch für uns dadurch Dinge zu erfahren und Wissenswertes, Klarheiten, die sie uns mit auf den Weg gibt, Einsichten, die wichtig sind und Botschaften für jedermann. Dennoch bleibt das Buch für mich so sehr persönlich und privat auf die Autorin selbst bezogen und deshalb ist man manchmal sogar etwas zu sehr getoucht, weil man sich fast wie ein Eindringling in IHRE Welt fühlt. Wer sich also an dem doch sehr Ich-bezogenen Schreibstil nicht stört und eine ganz individuelle, fast schon intime Nahtod-Erfahrung lesen möchte, der findet hier die richtige Lektüre. Mir war sie doch ein wenig zu persönlich und privat. Dennoch absolut lesenswert allemal. Denn so viele Nahtoderfahrungen können einfach nicht „herbeifantasiert“ sein. Immer wieder erfreulich und tröstend, zu lesen, dass Menschen in der Stunde des Todes oder Fast-Todes keine Schmerzen spüren, sondern vom Glück beseelt sind. Und Trost spendend auch immer die Geschichten von Menschen, die den Schleier für eine Weile lüften durften und uns so von der jenseitigen Welt berichten können. Einen größeren Trost gibt es kaum. Danke! c) M. / 6.6.2019 ____________
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jc · 6 years
Das Beste aus Twitter, Juni-Edition
Mit­ten in die WM rein ein paar neue Tweets. (Mehr davon bestimmt wie­der bei Anne.)
Per­so­nal com­pu­ting, the first 40 years. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​O​b​R​p​c​m​L​VEi
— Hor­ace Dediu (@asymco) Febru­ary 15, 2017
Eine Mel­dung. Drei­mal zuge­schnit­ten aufs Ziel­pu­bli­kum. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​X​h​Q​M​l​B​X​ubR
— medi­en­ma­ga­zin (@medienmagazin) May 24, 2018
Die NYT hat auf­ge­ge­ben, glau­be ich. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​i​5​4​U​0​g​y​OWs
— Anke Grö­ner (@ankegroener) May 19, 2018
Okay, @toggl I have to say: Retur­ning a „x-we-are-hiring“ hea­der in your API respon­ses with the link to your job offers is pret­ty bad ass 😂 pic​.twit​ter​.com/​Q​W​i​k​X​v​D​hj4
— Bas­ti Tee (@basti_tee) May 25, 2018
Lie­be Twit­ter­neu­lin­ge, zur Erklä­rung:
Hier sind alle besof­fen, zuge­dröhnt, ver­eh­ren den Frei­tag, has­sen den Mon­tag, essen Nutel­la hoch zwei und lie­ben Mett. Und Eier­li­kör.
Und jetzt viel Spaß!
— Flö­ten­ton (@_Floetenton) May 25, 2018
Na ja, gut, aber 15 Gramm muss man auch erst mal irgend­wo auf­trei­ben. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​d​V​i​k​i​p​j​HVv
— Ralf Hei­mann (@ralfheimann) May 27, 2018
„haus­halts­üb­lich“ pic​.twit​ter​.com/​9​k​F​b​A​X​D​v9t
— @tsia (@tsia) May 28, 2018
Mich am Kühl­schrank auf­schlau­en, ob noch snack­able Con­tent drin ist.
— Peter Breu­er (@peterbreuer) May 29, 2018
Habt ihr die Peti­ti­on durch­ge­kriegt, ja? pic​.twit​ter​.com/​O​X​0​C​u​5​A​lJ3
— … ? .. ? .. ? … (@ActionJens) May 9, 2018
Stu­pid joke time: - Do you know a good GDPR con­sul­tant? - Yes. - Can you give me his e-mail address? - No.
/me curt­sies
— Joan Tou­zet (@wohali) May 10, 2018
„Und wie erklä­ren Sie die Lücke im Lebens­lauf in April und Mai 2018?“ „Da habe ich neu­en Geschäfts­be­din­gun­gen, Daten­schutz­be­stim­mun­gen und Newsletter-Abos zuge­stimmt.“ #DSGVO #GDPR
— Ste­fan Evertz (@hirnrinde) May 17, 2018
Wür­de ger­ne nur ein ein­zi­ges Mal lesen: „Der Schutz Ihrer Daten ist uns ziem­lich unwich­tig und liegt uns null am Her­zen, aber wir sind jetzt halt gezwun­gen was zu machen.“ #DSGVO
— Sascha Lobo (@saschalobo) May 25, 2018
Ges­tern Nacht woll­te so ein Typ mei­nen Namen und mei­ne Num­mer.
Habe ihn dann gefragt, ob er sie daten­schutz­kon­form spei­chern oder sogar wei­ter­ge­ben wür­de und wel­che SingleOptOut-Möglichkeit ich habe, wenn ich kei­ne Whats­App von ihm mehr will.#DSVGO - Best Bagger-Blocker ever!
— Marie von den Ben­ken (@Regendelfin) May 20, 2018
Heu­te gan­ze 15min. beim Arzt. 10min. davon im War­te­zim­mer, um 3 Bögen zu #DSGVO aus­zu­fül­len 🤔
— Karo­li­ne Döring (@karolinedoering) May 28, 2018
Ich habe mir heu­te einen Zet­tel mit „Ich bin mit dem Foto nicht ein­ver­stan­den“ hin­ter die Wind­schutz­schei­be gelegt und bin damit durch einen Blit­zer gefah­ren.
Ich hal­te euch auf dem Lau­fen­den.
— Typ im Anzug (@Lebensgriff) May 29, 2018
Und noch was zum Runterkommen
snow leo­par­ds biting their tails: a thread pic​.twit​ter​.com/​Q​V​j​y​l​Y​6​a9m
— rae pao­let­ta (@PAYOLETTER) May 18, 2018
🐆 HIER kli­cken! Und dann scrol­len!
Sag’s den anderen!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2018/07/das-beste-aus-twitter-juni-edition/)
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niuniente · 3 years
Sometimes, when we dream, is it possible that our consciousness discovers something it shouldn’t? Almost like icarus flying too close to the sun? I had a dream a while ago and it was about the nature of humanity and war and how everything was futile. I woke up with this overwhelming sense of hopelessness. In the span of 90 seconds I forgot the dream and the feeling disappeared, which is weird for me. But I always got this sense that I caught a glimpse of some cosmic truth that humankind wasn’t meant to know
Good question. The answer is yes. Yes we can.
When we sleep, our soul goes on for adventures, meeting friends and spirit friends, learning, studying etc. It's called astral traveling and it's said that we don't sleep because the body needs sleep but because we, as souls, need rest from this harsh physical world. The energy levels here are so, so, so low compared to how they are in the spirit realm (which is our true home and true nature) that the soul needs to take breaks from this energy to recharge. I think it's a plausible explanation (though not the only explanation why we sleep).
When we are born, a veil is put over us so that we forget the spirit world, its energies and how it feels like. People are able to experience this in spiritually transformative experiences (STE), out of body experiences (OBE) and near-death experiences (NDE). Especially NDEs are full of descriptions of the spirit world, the craziness of this physical world and how the things we think are meaningful are meaningless - like for example, wars, territories, boundaries between nations, religious dogmas, fear based thinking and actions etc.
If this veil is lifted, it can leave the person very out of touch and unwell. Many, many people with profound NDEs describe how everything in the world was upside down and made absolutely no sense. They usually lose their interest in worldly things like politics, religions, news, activism, money, career etc. and find joy from simpler things like good food, nature, silence, good music etc.
There's a remarkable case of German Anke Evertz, who spent nine days in the spirit world with a NDE after an accident. It took her 8 years to recover from that experience, as the veil was gone and everything on this Earth was too much, too cruel, too heavy, too horrible to handle for Anke. You can check her interview dubbed in English here.
So, it's not so much that we're not meant to know but we're not meant to remember, as it can (and will) intervene with our mission and life here. Think about how you are living in a castle with servants and anything you can EVER dream off. Poof, it's there for you in an instant, finances are unlimited, you are loved and cherished. Then suddenly, you will move into a small wooden hut with limited income, limited love (if any), to live among harsh neighbors in a dark neighborhood. You remember the prior live and it makes you depressed to see where you are. You're homesick. You feel you don't belong. Everything is wrong and a mess but no one in your neighborhood notices anything - for them, this is the normal world.
So, in order for you to be able to live in this new home and neighborhood - which, in reality, is a nice suburban area with good people, they just don't radiate the same love as in the spirit realm everyone does - it is the best you don't remember that you ever even lived in a castle with limitless resources and love. This allows you to find joy, friends, love, delight, new things, meaning and your own story from your current home area. All the way until it is time to return to the castle.
Like, in the spirit’s eyes, getting something new like a new car, a new TV, a new fancy outfit, new shoes, a new trip is completely meaningless. But for us, when we have forgotten the spirit side, those are most wonderful things, evoking wonderful experiences, and it’s the experiences the spirit yearns to have.
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niuniente · 3 years
Thank you for all of your spiritual posts, especially the ones about NDEs. A huge source of anxiety and sadness for me is thinking that when we die there is nothing else. That all forms of the afterlife are just things humans made up to comfort themselves and we don’t think or have any experiences after we die; it’s just all unfathomable nothingness. The idea that humans are more than just their bodies and a whole beautiful spiritual world existing for us with beings that are willing to help us is something I hope to be true with all my heart. Going through the spiritual tag on your blog when I feel afraid or unsure about death is an ultimate comfort for me, so thank you.
Also, do you know any other sources or ways that I could put more faith into the spiritual world and avoid more depressing thoughts about death?
There are some good NDE sources out there:
Near-Death Experience Research Foundation has been collecting NDEs since late 90's all over the world. Their exceptional accounts are amazing! Available in multiple languages https://nderf.org/
International Association for Near-Death Studies IANDS is the world's leading NDE research foundation that has been running for 40 years. They regularly arrange conferences and other meetings, and are the most reliable source out there, used by documentary and new studios, too. https://www.iands.org/
Jeff Mara Podcasts are mainly about NDEs were people can speak freely about their experiences. The podcasts are 30-60 minutes long or so. I haven't heard all of them but the experiences vary. https://www.youtube.com/c/JeffMaraPodcast
Nine Days of Eternity by Anke Evertz is a remarkable NDE experience, where Mrs. Evertz spend 9 days in the spirit realm due coma. Her interview in English is available in Youtube and German speaking people can read her book "Neun Tage Unendlichkeit: Was mir im Jenseits über das Bewusstsein, die körperliche Existenz und den Sinn des Lebens gezeigt wurde. Eine außergewöhnliche Nahtoderfahrung" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2whJPweTkQ
Anita Moorjani had a remarkable NDE. Her book Dying To Be Me is about her experience and it has been translated into multiple languages. She is currently helping people to live more meaningful, happier lives with her experiences. She speaks about her experience and what she learned in her Youtube channel. Scroll to the oldest videos for NDE, check the newest for spiritual lessons and insights. https://www.youtube.com/user/anitamoorjani
Eben Alexander is one of the world's most well-known and most well-documented NDE cases - especially when he was braindead and his brain shouldn't have been able to make up the images and experiences he had. This is the closest case to a scientifically proven near-death experience case. His book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife has been translated to multiple languages. You can also listen to his experience in Youtube, told by Mr. Alexander himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbkgj5J91hE
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Incarnation and Reincarnation | Insights into the "Fields of Memory
Published on Aug 20, 2020
Insights into the "Fields of Memory"
The personality of a human, the core of the human being, the liveliness, consciousness … Is there something that is non-physical, mental, spiritual, that enters the flesh, and therefore incarnates? And if yes, is it possible that such incarnations happen more than once and that reincarnation exists? Do we live more than once on earth?
There are people who can remember former lives on earth quite convincingly. All the major religions in the East teach reincarnation, however, Christian churches reject the idea of reincarnation. Is it correct that the idea of reincarnation was still known at the time Jesus Christ was alive? That it was accepted in early Christianity but deleted from the bible later on?
For believers, the idea of reincarnation is often used as an explanation why people have different fates already during birth – so God does not have to appear unfair. But how does the idea that always the same human souls incarnate match up with the massive growing of the human population? How does the idea of karma go together with free will? And how is it possible that some people can enter certain spiritual "fields of memories" without believing in reincarnation? Is every past, every memory, always present? Are these memories of reincarnation also just contacts to this all-embracing field? And what do people, who had a near-death experience – who might have taken a step towards the hereafter – say about reincarnation?
This Thanatos TV documentation examines many common theories and assumptions surrounding the topic of incarnation and reincarnation in an open-minded, impartial manner. At the same time, it stays critical and leaves it to the viewers to draw their own conclusion regarding an interesting question that goes beyond the limits of experimental possibilities in science.
02:15 Jenny Cockell: Drawing maps based on memories
04:28 Mary Sutton and Jenny Cockell: The search for the children in Malahide/Ireland and the meeting with the family
08:36 Jenny Cockell: The memory of further earth lives
10:58 Incarnation and reincarnation
11:23 The core of the human personality and connections between earth lives – Jenny Cockell
13:58 Reincarnation in the religions – Christian Baur
18:14 Origenes, the Catholic Church and the idea of reincarnation – Claus Speer
24:47 Self-redemption, alien redemption: the Christian faith and reincarnation; is there a bridge? – Monika Schulze
27:12 Fate and free will
28:06 Why can't most people remember past lives?
30:18 Skills and attributes: "souvenirs" from past lives?
31:31 Reincarnation and population growth
35:20 Diving into the field of memory – Wolfgang Beltracchi
40:52 Near-death and reincarnation – Michèle Bögli-Mastria, Anke Evertz, Manuela Fazzi
47:22 The effects of the "thought field" – Ulrich Warnke
48:00 The idea of reincarnation as a meaningful approach
Camera: Heike Sucky, Mehmet Yesilgöz, Wolfgang Scherz, Werner Huemer
Illustration: Roger Gut
Animation: Wolfgang Scherz
Translation: Kathrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Narrator: Peter Cox
Voice-over: Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Kathrin Salhenegger-Niamir, Werner Huemer
Thanks to: Jens Rohrbeck, Reto Eberhard Rast
A film documentary by Werner Huemer
℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2020 Thanatos TV EN
IBAN: AT13 1400 0862 1017 7770
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/ThanatosTV
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