#Ankh Mom and Demon Dad protect their little jewel~
Shandi’s KISSteria drabbles 26!
I think there might be..two to three more parts of this? Not trying to drag it out but I don’t wanna rush it either. THE STRUGGLE!
The final stages of planning are set to continue when the rest of the Allies arrive..but not before Black Dahlia says her piece~
“You have a problem.” 
Black Dahlia chose to stay behind after the meeting was dismissed. She addressed StarChild in her signature matter-of-fact tone with her arms crossed. StarChild rolled his eyes. “Please, Dahlia I don’t need this now. I have a battle to plan.” She fixed him with her sternest look. “Don’t try to play off your feelings. You know I hate it when you do that. They’re just as important as this. Now tell me what’s going on.” He knew she wouldn’t let this go. Not until he told her something. He ran a hand through his hair and settled himself on his throne. “For starters Nikki Terror and I shared something special together once. It was only briefly but..he was my first. It’s..obvious from what you all saw that he still has some feelings for me.” She snorted softly. “Oh, he made it obvious alright. And I’m guessing Ace wasn’t very happy about that little display.” 
“No..he wasn’t.”
“Did you tell then about each other?” 
“I did.” 
“I don’t know..” 
She sighed. “’I don’t know’ isn’t going to solve your problem. You need to confront them both. Make them settle their differences.” 
“That’s crazy!! I can’t–”
“Then I’ll help you. One way or another we’re going to resolve this. It will only prove as a terrible distraction later.” Of course she was right. As always. As he got up from his throne she smiled and patted his back. “You get Ace and I’ll find Terror~” 
Later that evening StarChild dragged his reluctant lover down the hall to the Guest Tower. “C’mon lemme go, Starshine! This is ridiculous!” 
“Hush. This is for your own good. I’m not going to have you two side-eying each other and making snide comments. Especially not before an important battle. We’re putting an end to this right now.” Ace groaned. “I swear I wouldn’t put up with this if I didn’t love you..” StarChild smiled, bringing his lover to where Nikki stood waiting with Black Dahlia on his arm. “We realize how difficult this is for you..” Black Dahlia spoke calmly. “..but we think it would be better for StarChild..and especially for yourselves if you talk to one another. Really talk. Get your feelings out. Your frustrations. Whatever you want. We only ask that you keep it civil.” Ace and Nikki stared at each other for a while before Ace finally broke the silence. 
“Okay fine. Tell me the truth, Terror. Do you love Starshine?” 
Nikki snorted. “I got feelings, sure..but I wouldn’t say they’re love.” 
“What would you say they are?” 
“I don’t see why you need to get all in my face about this. I’m not gonna steal Princess from you. We got close. We had fun. Now it’s over.”
Ace narrowed his eyes. “That’s not what I saw a couple days ago.”
“I can’t say hello to someone I haven’t seen in a long time? It’s your own problem if you didn’t like the way I did it.” 
“I’m gonna make this crystal clear..you’re a vulgar little punk and I don’t like you..but we need you for this fight. I don’t really care what you do as long as you don’t have your dirty hands all over my Starshine while I’m around. Are we done here? Cause I’m done.” Ace turned and left before StarChild could stop him. He looked at Black Dahlia who shook her head. “Clearly he has strong feelings about this. I think we should just leave him alone for now. He said what he needed to say.” Nikki shrugged. “Your SpaceMan’s got a lot of insecurities if he feels threatened by somebody like me. I’m not a ‘relationship’ kind of guy. The sooner he gets that through his head, the better.” StarChild gazed at him sadly. “Was I..just a fling to you then..?” 
“Aw, Princess..you could never be just a fling to anybody~ You put me under a spell that night. I wouldn’t have lost track of ya if I coulda helped it. A lot of shit’s happened between then and now. When we’ve got the time I tell ya all about it. I wanna stay around but not if it’s gonna make him an asshole to ya. If you wanna we can try again after this is over. Deal?”  After some consideration StarChild nodded slowly. “Yes..I think I’d like that.” Nikki pulled him close for a kiss. “Get some sleep, Princess. You look exhausted~”  After Nikki went back into his room Black Dahlia placed her hand on StarChild's shoulder. “He’s right. We’ve done all we can here. Come..I can give you something to help you sleep~” 
In another part of the tower Mick was strumming random chords on his guitar when there was a knock at his door. Visitors this late? Couldn’t be those damn kids. They were probably too busy partying. While his weakened body forced him to be stuck in his room. Alone. Sighing, he got up from his bed and answered. “Alright, what do you wa–” He stopped mid sentence when he was faced with Demon, Vinneketh and their little infant daughter. “Oh. Wasn’t expectin’ such lofty company. Come in if you wanna.” Vinneketh accepted the invitation while Demon stayed outside and watched. “Begging your pardon..I hope I am not intruding.” Mick scoffed. “Intruding on what? As you can see nobody’s got time for the dead weight.” There was so much pain in those words. Mental as well as physical, and Vinneketh could feel it all. “I understand..and I think I can help you.” 
“I appreciate the offer but nobody can help me.” 
“How do you know? You have not tried everything.” 
“Heh..I guess you’ve got me there. What can you do?” 
“Will you accept an exchange of favors?” 
“Maybe. What do you want me to do?” 
Vinneketh smiled and placed Ayesha in his arms. “Will you stay in the Star Tower and guard our daughter during the battle?” Mick stared down at the little girl who just giggled and reached for him. Vinneketh laughed softly. “It seems you have her approval. She likes you~” Mick was at a loss for words. He was never around any children in Anarkia so he never considered one would actually like him. He smiled back at her and let her grab one of his fingers. “Okay y’got yourself a deal. I’ll watch the little angel for ya~” 
“Perfect~ We will return with her things~” Demon continued to stare as Vinneketh left the room. “We’re counting on you. If anything happens to her I guarantee you won’t live to regret it.” Mick sat back on his bed with Ayesha while they played a little game of tug-of-war. “Relax, Demon Man she’ll be perfectly safe with me.” Demon let his husband grab his hand and lead him away. “She will be fine, Beloved~ Master will have one of his strongest barriers around the Star Tower remember?” Demon sighed. “Yes, I know..but still..we barely know him.” Vinneketh stroked his husband’s hair. “If Ayesha did not feel safe with him I would not have left her. Give him a chance, Beloved~” 
In the morning numerous sparkling white caravans had arrived at the Palace. With a big smile on his face StarChild went out to greet his newest close friend. “Hello, Freddie~!!” 
“StarChild..hello, darling~!! Apologies for being fashionably late but let’s face it, I wouldn’t be any other kind~” They both laughed as they hugged. “But really it’s good to see you again~ I brought part of my military force here with me just in case extra hands are needed~” StarChild looked at him with wide eyes. “Y-you did? Oh you are truly sent from the Gods, my friend. My people will never forget Rhye’s assistance insuring their safety~ Once you and your Court are settled into your quarters we can all meet in the Main Hall. I can feel them coming closer. We cannot afford to delay this any longer.” Freddie nodded. “Indeed we can’t. We caught a glimpse of that Cult coming from your jungle on our way here. We have what remains of the jungle’s clans with us. One of the Wildcats was insistent upon seeing you but I told him–” 
“And I told you I don’t take orders from anyone!!” 
StarChild turned to see CatMan storming towards him with his eyes blazing green. “Get someone to heal me quickly. You’re not keeping me out of this fight. Those bastards will pay for what they did to my Clan!!” 
To be Continued!!
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