annelisterofhalifax · 3 years
Pickles, Wills and Angry Anne
Mon[day] 30 March 1835
No kiss Fine morn[in]g F 44° at 8 a.m. Settling acc[oun]ts till 9, sat w[i]th A-[Ann] in the bl[ue] room whi[le] she w[a]s at her
draw[in]g. Br[eak[f[a]st at 9.5. H[a]d W[illia]m Keighley for a min[ute]  or 2 and p[ai]d h[i]m his bill for fell[in]g etc in full
up to t[hi]s ti[me]. St[oo]d d[o]wn st[air]s talk[in]g of Tom in Switz[erlan]d dur[in]g the summ[e]r, till 10 1/4 t[he]n 1/4 h[ou]r in my study
V  look[in]g at mag[azine]s, t[h]en h[a]d Washington a few min[ute]s. The own[e]r of the Traveller’s Inn asks £200
for the licence or £1000 for licence and the who[le] pile of build[in]gs. T[he]re are 7 cott[age]s, the Inn w[oul]d ma[ke]
5 mo[nths] and t[he]n 12 easy rent[e]d w[oul]d let for £48 p[e]r ann[um]. S[ai]d I th[ou]ght t[hi]s too d[ea]r, h[a]d giv[e]n up the th[ou]ght
V  of buy[in]g the licence hav[in]g let the Mytholm land. H[a]d Mr Bradley at 10 3/4, the N[orth]g[a]te plan w[i]thin
a day of being finish[e]d, to ha[ve] it on Sat[urday].  Talk[e]d all t[hi]s ov[e]r and ab[ou]t T [Thomas] Greenwoods purchase in N[orth]g[a]te  
and all ab[ou]t the engine pit, wat[e]r
wheel and tail-goit. Took Mr B-[Bradley] out ab[ou]t 12, look[e]d ov[e]r the site of intend[e]d dam and the who[le]
line of goit etc etc. Look[e]d ab[ou]t at Mytholm, the old arch ov[e]r the brook will do for the
Chase in Trough of Bolland.  £6 will cart and set it up t[he]re, will £10 do it s[ai]d I?
Ab[ou]t 2 1/4 h[a]d Pickells to rec[eive] orders ab[ou]t the dry bridge, he ought to ha[ve] been wall[in]g in
Mytholm h[ou]se gard[e]n. H[a]d din[e]d at the Stag’s Head and w[a]s fresh [drunk] when he ca[me] to Mr B-[Bradley] and me.
I took no not[i]ce of t[hi]s to him P-[Pickells] at the ti[me] b[u]t made the best I c[oul]d of it to Mr B-[Bradley] who
ca[me] in at 3 and h[a]d a cold veal din[ner] and w[e]nt away at 3 1/2, he w[a]s to go to Ripponden
to consult Mr Holroyde ab[ou]t the best engineer, or if t[he]re be a good one in Manchester.
Mr B-[Bradley] if satisfi[e]d, to tell the engineer to co[me] ov[e]r here and gi[ve] me a plan for the water wheel and
V- Visit
goits, and t[he]n Mr B-[Bradley] will see the plan prop[erl]y execut[e]d 20 min[ute]s w[i]th my fath[e]r till 3.50 t[he]n stood talk[in]g to  
Ch[arle]s How[ar]th in the
workshop ab[ou]t an h[ou]r till 5, s[ai]d how annoy[e]d I w[a]s at P-[Pickells]. Ch[arle]s s[ai]d wh[a]t he coul]d to excuse h[i]m
b[u]t saw I w[a]s n[o]t pleas[e]d. Off at 5 and at Cliffhill in 35 min[ute]s to meet A-[Ann], sat t[he]re w[i]th h[e]r and
h[e]r a[un]t 3/4  h[ou]r till 6.20, walk[e]d leisure[l]y and ho[me] at 7.20. A[Ann] had long talk with her aunt who
has left cross and latts farm to sacville and Mr Willam priestley sole executor,  furniture
plate linen and china  were first left to A[Ann] now to her sister but as A[Ann] has not given all she
has to me her aunt may change back again in her favour  she told how I had erased
Mr W. [William] P. [Priestley] from being my executor on com[in]g in Geo[rge] told me my fath[e]r h[a]d fallen ab[ou]t
an h[ou]r in the low court. W[e]nt in to h[i]m, n[o]t at all hurt, n[o]t giddy, b[u]t fell fr[om] weakn[e]ss.
Din[ner] at 7.40, coff[ee], ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 9 just as my fath[e]r w[a]s go[in]g to bed. Till 9 1/2 wr[ote]
all b[u]t the 2 first lines of today. As I came in at 6.20 Pickells here wait[in]g for an
ans[we]r ab[ou]t rag covers, just told h[i]m I w[oul]d say noth[in]g to h[i]m tonight. I w[a]s too m[u]ch vex[e]d
and walk[e]d off. W[i]th my a[un]t fr[om 9 3/4 to 10.10 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F47 1/2° fine day.
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