#Annie Kingston-Layne
heididthat · 6 months
Introducing for the first time ever: Mr and Mrs Zechariah Church!
(With photos and an exclusive interview with the stylist!)
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Written and Edited by: Anna-Marie Kingston-Layne
You heard right folks, a new power couple has made their official debut! On a beautifully warm and sunny afternoon at Newcrest Wedding Chapel, A-List stylist to the stars, Amaya Kingston-Brown, married the San-Myshuno Times Bestselling Author after just over two years of dating. The wedding, hosted three Sundays ago, was witnessed by the pair's extremely close friends and family members, including World famous rapper, August Lovett and his entrepreneur/influencer wife, Alanna Lovett.
Fresh from their honeymoon, I sat down with Kingston-Brown to hear her thoughts on that special day and how her relationship came to be.
First and foremost, congratulations on your nuptials! How did you manage to pull off such a small, intimate wedding as someone who is well known?
“Thank you, Ms. Layne. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to have a family centered wedding,” Kingston-Brown stated. “From the maid of honour and best man to the officiant, I wanted everything to be our family members. I'm fortunate enough to be loved by a man with similar values. We were very meticulous about choosing where we wanted to hold our ceremony. Newcrest is often seen as a dead zone and we both live there, it just fell into place.”
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Above: Pictures of Zechariah Church and Amaya Kingston-Brown, with the wedding officiant, B-Tier street Artist, Jeremy Layne.
What was the inspiration behind your wedding theme?
“Funnily enough, we had no theme. My whole life is about creating trends and themes but for my own wedding? We just did everything based on feeling and some how, it came together seamlessly.”
Seriously, no theme?
Nope. Just love and vibes.
So you bought your dress without having any direction?
“Actually, my friend and fellow stylist, Darovan made my dress. She insisted. So I was the first person to wear a dress from her now released bridal collection! When I put the dress on, I knew that no matter how our wedding looked, it would be perfect. She made sure Riah's accents on his tux also matched my dress. We were surrounded by people who knew us so well, we didn't have to do much so we could just enjoy being engaged. It was such a blessing.”
I'm seriously impressed. Tell me then, how did this relationship even come to be? In our interview a few years ago, you said that you were indifferent to romance.
“Hahaha, I can't believe you remember that! Honestly, I have my youngest sister Crystal to thank for that. Zechariah and I were neighbours and I never looked his way because I didn't think there'd be anything there. I was definitely interested, but I'm so dang introverted, there was no way I was asking him out.”
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Photos from the reception
Who made the first move, then?
“He did! It came completely out of the blue for me. We spent a few months growing from neighbours to friends and then one random day in the spring, he asked me out. He didn't even get the question out before I said yes,” she laughs. “I was so tense during our first date that I thought I'd ruined my chances. We'd went to the park near by and spent the afternoon there for a picnic. I was avoiding eye contact, speaking very few sentences but he was so patient with me. At one point, he slid his finger under my chin to get me to look at him. I don't know where the confidence came from but I ended up planting one right on him!”
So you kissed him first?
“Yes! And then swiftly ran away. I was so embarrassed, I had a tiny crying fit in my room, over analyzing every where I went wrong, thinking he probably thought I was weird. At this time, I knew I had it BAD for Riah, so if he found me weird, I was 100% prepared to disappear into the abyss.”
Well clearly that didn't happen! So, what did?
She smiled faintly before starting again. “A few hours later, he stopped by the house with a bouquet of tulips and asked for us to be exclusive. Apparently, my nervous rambling was— and still is a major turn on for him, haha!”
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More photos from the reception.
How did you know Zechariah was the one for you?
She smiles faintly. “When I stopped questioning myself when I was with him. When I realized I could be 100% myself with him without feeling self-conscious. Not only does Riah make me feel safe, he makes me feel so loved. Despite how difficult I was, he chose to love me everyday in spite of it. Also, he's not afraid to tell me where I messed up and how I can improve. He's always putting my needs before his own. He's so selfless, it's ridiculous.”
He actually said something very similar about you! You two are very in sync.
“Really? Wow. You know, personality wise we're so different but we're soulmates in every sense of the word.”
What are some of your fondest date memories with you and your now husband?
“Ahh, you said husband!” She glowed brightly, continuing. "Gosh, we've had so many great ones. My favourites are definitely the ones where we talked all night under the stars or when he'd pick me up just before dawn to watch the sunrise.”
Are you planning on sticking with your current branding or are you rebranding with your new name?
“As much as I like my last name, I'm very excited to be Mrs. Church. When we'd just got engaged, I practiced writing out my name to see how I could potentially incorporate it into my brand. Then I decided, I wanted to keep my professional and personal lives separate. The best way to do that was to keep both of my names. So on paper, I'm Amaya Church. When I'm working, however, I'm Amaya Kingston-Brown. Who knows, I may feel different in the future but this is currently what's happening.”
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The Churches, pictured above, in front of their new home.
Last questions, Mrs. Church: how was your honeymoon and what's next for this relationship?
“It was absolutely wonderful, a well needed vacation. Tartosa is beautiful at this time of year and the locals were lovely. We stayed right on the beach.”
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Pictured above: Amaya Kingston-Brown (front) and myself, Anna-Marie Kingston-Layne (back).
“As for what's next, we recently bought a house in our hometown and since we're both financially stable and we've done our own self reflection, like working on our mental and emotional health, we're thinking about maybe adding a few additions to our little family in a few months or years, maybe a dog or maybe a baby. I have a feeling it'll be soon, if the way Riah looks at me is any indication 😏.”
Interviewing Kingston-Brown is always a treat. She proceeded to disclose some plans for her brand being made public very soon so be sure to stay on the lookout! She also told us that Church's new romance book duet will also be releasing at the end of the month.
As for me, I couldn't be happier for my older sister and my new brother in-love. Congratulations to you both again!
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heididthat · 6 months
Our Mama, The Rolling Stone
Our mom's life resembled the leaves of a tree in cold autumn's breeze. Yeah, I think this is a decent place to start.
Loretta Marie Kingston wasn't born to stand still or be quiet. She went wherever the road would take her. As we grew up, her life remained a mystery and she wouldn't share. All she said was "It's best you don't know."
And then we grew up and found out the ugly truth. Why we never knew her parents or her side of the family. Why she was so hard on us growing up. Why our education meant so much to her. Why she loved us so fiercely. Why her heart hurt so deeply when we struggled with loving ourselves or other issues.
You see, our mother was neglected by her parents and kicked out her sophomore year. She ran away shortly after and never finished high school because of it.
She was the youngest, unwanted girl child in a family of 3 older brothers and 1 older sister. She was deemed an accident and ultimately, became their maid. While our aunt and uncles fought hard to protect her, our grandparents were horrible to her. She never discloses what they did but I can tell it still affects her deeply. All she says was they blamed her for her sister's death and now, we're here.
And so, at 15, our mother found her way around the world, running and trying to find herself.
And while finding herself, she found three men at three different times.
Michael, her first love.
Jeremy, her muse.
And my dad, Daniel, who broke her spirit. Although I don't know how.
She ended up having three girls (myself included), one with each of her lovers. Us girls, sisters, were raised under one roof by our loving, confused parents. As siblings do, we grew up to be very different despite our similar backgrounds. Now, we've settled down in Newcrest, trying to learn a few more things before tackling the adult world.
Y'all should meet my sisters!
Let's start with my Eldest sister:
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Amaya Kingston-Brown: Stylist Extraordinaire
As our mom's first born, Maya was naturally the favourite child and I couldn't even be mad. Humble, intelligent and slightly awkward like her dad, Michael, it was very hard not to like her. Maya is the best version of the golden child but don't let her appearance fool you. She's not as innocent as people think (and I used to—nvm)
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She definitely looks the most like mom out of all of us but there's definitely no denying her paternal genes.
My sister is a silent lover, so silent that you'd never know how she felt about you. She'd just sit back and watch life pass her by. I thought she was gonna die alone at one point, she's so unflirty but luckily for my eldest sissy, I am matchmaker extraordinaire and I happened to notice a certain author neighbour of ours trying to get her attention.
Meet Zechariah:
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Aren't they just the cutest? Fun fact: I was actually there for this date, hiding in the bushes. But #Zamaya is still going strong and Zechariah is an absolute sweetheart. I know they'll work out.
Amaya has the biggest heart and I hope to be as cool as her someday (I'll take this to my grave).
Then we have my other older sister:
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Anna-Marie Kingston Layne : Editor/Investigative Journalist
Annie has the longest name of all of us but she absolutely loves it (she's actually so adorable, love my sis🥺❤). But don't let her soft demeanor fool you, she's absolutely ruthless with a pen. She's become such a credible source in the world of journalism, slowly but surely making a name for herself.
She doesn't think she looks like mom much but I definitely see it. There's definitely no denying she looks most like her dad Jeremy.
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As for romance, once again, Matchmaker Me to the rescue! Turns out Zechariah, has a cousin on his mom's side who lived with him. I happened to name drop my sister who'd be working and then.. Tannie (?) Maariq (?) was born (we're still working out the ship name). They instantly hit it off and just look at how cute they are!
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We also found out that Taariq and our cousin, Alanna's husband August are cousins on his dad's side! Super small world.
So where do I fit in this dynamic?
Well, I'm her. ↓
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I'm Crystal. Crystal Kingston-Hoang, or Chrissy for MUCH-short, the baby of the family. I went to school for the fine arts, much to my dad's disapproval 🙄 but now I'm living out my dream as an actress who's recently made the B-List! I'm also the mean sister so don't cross me. I used to fight for my older sisters, especially Annie. While they used words, I used my fists (once again disappointing my father🙃).
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My dad is the strictest and most hypercritical of the dads. He always had such unattainable expectations. It's a surprise he gets along with anyone in this house but despite how irritating he can be, he's my dad and I love him.
I don't really think I look like mom. Maybe the face structure (?) but not much else. Genetics are kind of cool.
Loretta and I always clashed growing up. Hell, we still do. Dad says it's because I have the personality mom did when she was my age.
Now that we're older, Loretta's trying to figure out which of our dads she loves the most. Just between you and me, mine has no shot 💀
As for my love life, it's borderline non existent (👀 well, to my family anyway). It's hard dating as an actress, people's intentions aren't always the nicest (hence why I had 2 failed relationships). But l think I just met the exception so fingers crossed for me please!
Our family may be a bit unconventional but I love every part of it.
I can't wait to see what Newceet has in store for us!
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