#Another time when Ralph is away for work and Felix takes care of Van
ask-icancraft-it · 10 months
(( Yet another Little Moment! Felix and Tamora try to share an innocent kiss, but their houseguest isn't having any of it. ))
“Here you are, princess,” Felix chimed as he placed a plate in front of the small girl sitting at the dining table. 
Vanellope licked her lips, eyes sparkling as she cut into her small stack of pancakes. But just before she could shovel a forkful into her mouth, a hand reached down to ruffle the top of her head.
“Hey, squirt,” Tamora smirked as she walked by. The tall blonde proceeded into the kitchen, where the handyman handed her a freshly brewed cup of coffee. 
“Mornin,’” he said with a sweet smile. 
“Thanks, babe,” she smiled back, leaning forward to capture his lips. 
“Yuck!” The couple broke apart, both turning toward the source of the outburst. 
“Something wrong with your breakfast, sugar?” Felix frowned.
“Yeah, there’s two grown-ups spreading their cooties all over the place!” Vanellope chided. 
“Cooties?” The handyman blinked. “Goodness, you’re at that age already? How time flies…”
“Were you afraid of all that stuff when you were young?” Tamora chuckled. 
“I honestly can’t recall.”
“You were probably a little heartbreaker then.”
Felix shook his head with a smile, tempted when his lady leaned back in.
“You guys are so gross…” Vanellope groaned, making the pair laugh. The handyman removed his cap to cover their faces as they smooched. “I can still see you.”
“Fine, fine,” Felix conceded, grabbing his mug. “Tammy and I will enjoy our coffee and our cooties on the porch. Sorry to sully your breakfast.”
“Here, to shield your sensitive pre-teen eyeballs,” the blonde teased as they walked by, stealing the handyman’s cap and placing it on the girl’s head with the bill facing downward. “You’re going to need it.”
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