cruger2984 · 3 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT ANSGAR The Bishop and Apostle of Scandinavia Feast Day: February 3
"If I were worthy of such a favour from my God, I would ask that He grant me this one miracle – that by His grace, He would make of me a good man."
On September 8, 801, Ansgar was born in Corbie, France, and was the son of a noble Frankish family. According to the Vita Ansgarii (Life of Ansgar), when the little boy learned in a vision that his mother was in the company of Mary, mother of Jesus, his careless attitude toward spiritual matters changed to seriousness. He was educated at the Bendictine monastery in Picardy, and later became abbot of New Corbie in Westphalia, Germany, where he became a teacher and preacher.
With the approval of Pope Gregory IV, he appointed as bishop of Hamburg in 831, he was given the mission of evangelizing Denmark, Norway and Sweden. His exceptional talent for preaching was accompanied by good luck.
The superstitious King of Sweden decided to cast lots as to whether the Christian missionaries should be admitted into his kingdom. Ansgar recommended the issue to the care of God, and the lot was favorable. He wore a rough hair shirt, lived on bread and water, and showed great charity to the poor.
When Ansgar died on February 3, 865 at the age of 63 in Bremen, the whole Northern Europe bewailed him. Being the first missionary in Sweden and the organizer of hierarchy in the Nordic countries, he was declared 'Apostle of the North'.
History records what people do, rather than what they are. Yet the courage and perseverance of men and women like Ansgar can only come from a solid base of union with the original courageous and persevering Missionary. Ansgar's life is another reminder that God writes straight with crooked lines. Christ takes care of the effects of the apostolate in his own way; he is first concerned about the purity of the apostles themselves.
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kisahpedia · 3 months
Kalender Liturgi 03 Feb 2024
Sabtu Pekan Biasa IV
PF S. Ansgarius, Uskup
PF S. Blasius, Uskup dan Martir
Warna Liturgi: Hijau
Bacaan I: 1Raj 3:4-13
Mazmur Tanggapan: Mzm 119:
Bait Pengantar Injil: Yoh 10:27
Bacaan Injil: Mrk 6:30-34
Bacaan I
1Raj 3:4-13
Salomo memohon hati yang bijaksana,
agar sanggup memerintah umat Allah.
Bacaan dari Kitab Pertama Raja-Raja:
Pada suatu hari Raja Salomo pergi ke Gibeon
untuk mempersembahkan kurban
sebab di situlah bukit pengurbanan yang paling besar;
seribu kurban bakaran ia persembahkan di atas mezbah itu.
Di Gibeon itu Tuhan menampakkan diri kepada Salomo
dalam mimpi pada waktu malam.
Bersabdalah Allah,
"Mintalah apa yang kauharapkan dari pada-Ku!"
Lalu Salomo berkata,
"Engkaulah yang telah menunjukkan kasih setia-Mu yang besar
kepada hamba-Mu Daud, ayahku,
sebab ia hidup di hadapan-Mu dengan setia,
benar dan jujur terhadap Engkau!
Engkau telah menjamin kepadanya kasih setia yang besar itu
dengan memberikan kepadanya seorang anak
yang duduk di takhtanya seperti pada hari ini.
Sekarang, ya Tuhan, Allahku,
Engkaulah yang mengangkat hamba-Mu ini
menjadi raja menggantikan Daud, ayahku,
sekalipun aku masih sangat muda dan belum berpengalaman.
Kini hamba-Mu ini berada di tengah-tengah umat-Mu yang Kaupilih,
suatu umat yang besar,
yang tidak terhitung dan tidak terkira banyaknya.
Maka berikanlah kepada hamba-Mu ini
hati yang faham menimbang perkara
untuk menghakimi umat-Mu dengan tepat,
dapat membedakan antara yang baik dan yang jahat,
sebab siapakah yang sanggup menghakimi umat-Mu yang sangat besar ini?"
Tuhan sangat berkenan bahwa Salomo meminta hal yang demikian.
Jadi bersabdalah Allah kepada Salomo,
"Oleh karena engkau telah meminta hal yang demikian
dan tidak meminta umur panjang atau kekayaan
atau nyawa musuhmu,
melainkan pengertian untuk memutuskan hukum,
maka Aku melakukan sesuai dengan permintaanmu!
Sungguh, Aku memberikan kepadamu
hati yang penuh hikmat dan pengertian,
sehingga sebelum engkau tidak ada seorang pun seperti engkau,
dan sesudah engkau takkan bangkit seorang pun seperti engkau.
Namun yang tidak kauminta pun akan Kuberikan kepadamu,
baik kekayaan maupun kemuliaan,
sehingga sepanjang umurmu takkan ada seorang pun
seperti engkau di kalangan raja-raja."
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
Mazmur Tanggapan
Mzm 119:
Ajarkanlah ketetapan-Mu kepadaku, ya Tuhan.
*Bagaimanakah kaum muda mempertahankan hidupnya tanpa cela?
Dengan mengamalkan firman-Mu.
*Dengan segenap hatiku aku mencari Engkau,
janganlah biarkan aku menyimpang dari perintah-Mu.
*Dalam hatiku aku menyimpan janji-Mu,
supaya aku jangan berdosa terhadap Engkau.
*Terpujilah Engkau, ya Tuhan;
ajarkanlah ketetapan-ketetapan-Mu kepadaku.
*Dengan bibirku aku menceritakan
segala hukum yang Kauucapkan.
*Aku bergembira atas peringatan-peringatan-Mu,
melebihi segala harta.
Bait Pengantar Injil
Yoh 10:27
Domba-domba-Ku mendengarkan suara-Ku, sabda Tuhan.
Aku mengenal mereka, dan mereka mengikut Aku.
Bacaan Injil
Mrk 6:30-34
Mereka itu bagaikan domba-domba tak bergembala.
Inilah Injil Suci menurut Markus:
Pada waktu itu
Yesus mengutus murid-murid-Nya mewartakan Injil.
Setelah menunaikan tugas itu
mereka kembali berkumpul dengan Yesus
dan memberitahukan kepada-Nya
semua yang mereka kerjakan dan ajarkan.
Lalu Yesus berkata kepada mereka,
"Marilah ke tempat yang sunyi,
supaya kita sendirian, dan beristirahatlah Sejenak!"
Memang begitu banyaknya orang yang datang dan yang pergi,
sehingga makan pun mereka tidak sempat.
Maka pergilah mereka mengasingkan diri dengan perahu ke tempat yang sunyi.
Tetapi pada waktu mereka bertolak banyak orang melihat,
dan mereka mengetahui tujuannya.
Dengan mengambil jalan darat
segeralah datang orang dari semua kota ke tempat itu
dan mereka malah mendahului Yesus.
Ketika mendarat, Yesus melihat jumlah orang yang begitu banyak,
Maka tergeraklah hati-Nya oleh belas kasihan kepada mereka,
karena mereka seperti domba yang tidak mempunyai gembala.
Lalu mulailah Yesus mengajarkan banyak hal kepada mereka.
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
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0 notes
anastpaul · 5 years
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Saint of the Day – 3 February – Saint Ansgar OSB (801-865) “Apostle of the North”, Bishop, Monk, Mystic, Missionary, Preacher, Miracle-worker, Apostle of Charity Ascetic.   Patronages – Denmark, Scandinavia, Sweden, Bremen, Germany, diocese of Hamburg, Germany, archdiocese of.   He is also known as Anskar or Anschar.   St Ansgarwas the Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen – a northern part of the Kingdom of the East Franks.   The See of Hamburg was designated a mission to bring Christianity to Northern Europe and Ansgar became known as the “Apostle of the North”.   He was born in 801 at Amiens, Picardy, France and died on 3 February 865 at Bremen, Germany.
Ansgar was the son of a noble Frankish family, born near Amiens.   After his mother’s early death, Ansgar was brought up in Corbie Abbey and was educated at the Benedictine monastery in Picardy.    According to the Vita Ansgarii  – The Life of Ansgar, when the little boy learned in a vision that his mother was in the company of the Blessed Virgin Mary,  his careless attitude toward spiritual matters changed to seriousness.   His pupil, successor and eventual biographer St Rimbert (830–888) considered the visions, of which this was the first, to be the main motivation of the saint’s life.
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Ansgar was a product of the phase of Christianisation of Saxony (present day Northern Germany) begun by Charlemagne and continued by his son and successor, Louis the Pious.   A group of monks including Ansgar were sent back to Jutland with the baptised exiled king Harald Klak.   Ansgar returned two years later and was one of a number of missionaries sent to found the abbey of Corvey in Westphalia and there became a teacher and preacher.   Then in 829 in response to a request from the Swedish king Björn at Hauge for a mission to the Swedes, Louis the Pious appointed Ansgar missionary.  With an assistant, the friar Witmar, he preached and made converts for six months at Birka, on Lake Mälaren.   They organised a small congregation there with the king’s steward, Hergeir and Mor Frideborg as its most prominent members.   In 831 he returned to Louis’ court at Worms and was appointed to the Archbishopric of Hamburg. This was a new archbishopric with a see formed from those of Bremen and Verden, plus the right to send missions into all the northern lands and to consecrate bishops for them. He was given the mission of evangelising Denmark, Norway and Sweden.   The King of Sweden decided to cast lots as to whether the Christian missionaries should be admitted into his kingdom.   Ansgar recommended the issue to the care of God, and the lot was favourable.
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Ansgar was consecrated in November 831 and, the arrangements having been at once approved by Pope Gregory IV, he went to Rome to receive the pallium directly from the hands of the pope and to be named legate for the northern lands.   This commission had previously been bestowed upon Ebbo, Archbishop of Reims but the jurisdiction was divided by agreement, with Ebbo retaining Sweden for himself.   For a time Ansgar devoted himself to the needs of his own diocese, which was still missionary territory with but a few churches.   He founded a monastery and a school in Hamburg.
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A depiction of Saint Ansgar from the Church Trinitatis, in Hamburg, Germany
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After Louis died in 840, his empire was divided and Ansgar lost the abbey of Turholt, which had been given as an endowment for his work.   Then in 845, the Danes unexpectedly raided Hamburg, destroying all the church’s treasures and books and leaving the entire diocese beyond repair.   Ansgar now had neither see, nor revenue. Many of his helpers deserted him but the new king, Louis the German, came to his aid. After failing to recover Turholt for him, in 847 he awarded him the vacant diocese of Bremen, where he took up residence in 848.   However, since Hamburg had been an archbishopric, the sees of Bremen and Hamburg were combined for him.   This presented canonical difficulties and also aroused the anger of the Bishop of Cologne, to whom Bremen had been suffragan but after prolonged negotiations, Pope Nicholas I approved the union of the two dioceses in 864.
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St Ansgar Statue in Hamburg
Through all this political turmoil, Ansgar continued his mission to the northern lands. The Danish civil war compelled him to establish good relations with two kings, Horik the Elder and his son, Horik II.   Both assisted him until his death.  He was able to secure recognition of Christianity as a tolerated religion and permission to build a church in Sleswick.   He did not forget the Swedish mission and spent two years there in person (848–850), at the critical moment when a pagan reaction was threatened, which he succeeded in averting.   In 854, Ansgar returned to Sweden when king Olof ruled in Birka.   According to Rimbert, he was well disposed to Christianity.
Ansgar wore a rough hair shirt, lived on bread and water and showed great charity to the poor.   Being the first missionary in Sweden and the organiser of the hierarchy in the Nordic countries, he was declared Patron of Scandinavia.   Ansgar was buried in Bremen in 865.
His life story was written by his successor as archbishop, Rimbert, in The Life of Ansgar – Vita Ansgarii.
His Relics are located in Hamburg on two places – St. Mary’s Cathedral and St Ansgar’s and St Bernard’s Church.
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The Life of Ansgar aims above all to demonstrate Ansgar’s sanctity.   It is speaks of St Ansgar’s visions, which, encouraged and assisted Ansgar’s remarkable missionary feats.
Through the course of this work, St Ansgar repeatedly embarked on a new stage in his career following a vision.   His studies and ensuing devotion to the ascetic life of a monk were inspired by a vision of his mother in the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary.    When the Swedish people were left without a priest for some time, he begged King Horik to help him with this problem.   St Ansgar was convinced he was commanded by heaven to undertake this mission and was influenced by a vision he received when he was concerned about the journey, in which he met a man who reassured him of his purpose and informed him of a prophet that he would meet, the Abbot Adalard, who would instruct him in what was to happen.   In the vision, he searched for and found Adalard, who commanded, “Islands, listen to me, pay attention, remotest peoples”, which Ansgar interpreted as God’s will that he go to the Scandinavian countries as “most of that country consisted of islands and also, when ‘I will make you the light of the nations so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth’ was added, since the end of the world in the north was in Swedish territory”.  Saint Adalard of Corbie (c 751-827), was the cousin of Charlemagne.
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St Ansgar Statue in Hamburg
There are Statues dedicated to him in Hamburg, Copenhagen, Ribe as well as a stone cross at Birka.   A crater on the Moon, Ansgarius, has been named for him.
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1800-talsnamn · 6 years
1-233: 2017  (x)
Lars - 89046 (17) (↘16)
Mikael - 79677 (88) (↘75)
Anders - 78409 (3) (↗7)
Johan - 75146 (48) (↘37)
Erik - 67738 (378) (↘319)
Per - 67642 (6) (↘5)
Karl - 66381 (279) (↘243)
Peter - 62737 (17) (↗24)
Jan - 61187 (33) (↘25)
Tomas - 60755 (27) (↘26)
Daniel - 56671 (172) (=172)
Fredrik - 54535 (16) (↘12)
Hans - 48855 (9) (↘6)
Andreas - 45465 (27) (↘24)
Mats - 44120 (5) (=5)
Bengt - 43912 (…) (↗7)
Markus - 42692 (76) (↘64)
Magnus - 41638 (6) (↗9)
Mathias - 41633 (72) (↘71)
Jonas - 40994 (45) (↘40)
Niklas - 39786 (21) (↗22)
Martin - 39131 (53) (↘46)
Oskar - 39048 (875) (↗892)
Nils - 38565 (550) (↘487)
Alexander - 38523 (668) (↗701)
Sven - 36133 (57) (↘53)
Patrik - 35243 (18) (↗26)
Viktor - 34515 (471) (↘392)
Henrik - 32787 (33) (↘25)
David - 32711 (188) (↘157)
Joakim - 32405 (26) (↘16)
Filip - 31500 (561) (↘469)
Emil - 31213 (414) (↘373)
Simon - 30750 (192) (↘166)
Kristoffer - 29607 (46) (↘38)
Anton - 28202 (294) (↘244)
Robert - 27920 (11) (↗19)
Gustaf - 27859 (419) (↘369)
Kristian - 27315 (80) (↘71)
Richard - 26020 (19) (↘12)
Håkan - 26009 (…) (↗4)
Göran - 25792
William - 25308 (850) (↗941)
Lennart - 24994 (5) (↘4)
Jakob - 22697 (288) (↗297)
John - 22668 (179) (=179)
Adam - 22207 (579) (↗613)
Elias - 20319 (664) (↗681)
Linus - 19833 (126) (↗128)
Axel - 19513 (550) (↘524)
Klas - 18133 (15) (↘10)
Isak - 17284 (475) (↗528)
Hugo - 17046 (688) (↘670)
Rasmus - 16216 (159) (↘100)
Gunnar - 16195 (61) (↘58)
Albin - 16126 (374) (↘343)
Ludvig - 15110 (565) (↘512)
Åke - 14970 (21) (↗28)
Joel -  14902 (179) (↘172)
Olof - 14652 (101) (↘91)
Pontus - 13338 (51) (↘33)
Olle - 13230 (414) (↘388)
Josef - 13141 (318) (↗364)
Leo - 12196 (538) (↗548)
Samuel - 12108 (175) (↗199)
Felix - 11677 (256) (↘209)
Bertil - 11485 (32) (↗48)
Edvin - 11362 (454) (↘396)
Bernt - 11045
Arvid - 11027 (507) (↘453)
Gabriel - 10776 (341) (↗355)
Sten - 10396 (3) (↗8)
Johannes - 10067 (85) (↘72)
Benjamin - 9807 (452) (↘382)
Ola - 9641 (5) (↘4)
Adrian - 8529 (556) (↘506)
Kasper - 8294 (300) (↘236)
Alfred - 8196 (541) (↘496)
Teodor - 7797 (475) (↘454)
Börje - 7382 (3) (=3)
Harry - 6726 (479) (↘451)
Paul - 6229 (20) (↘16)
Tore - 6083 (51) (↘41)
Melker - 5875 (329) (↗336)
Valter - 5859 (476) (↗538)
Henry - 5448 (294) (↗306)
Gösta - 5404 (21) (↗32)
Sixten - 5403 (359) (↘356)
Petter - 5342 (16) (↘14)
Allan - 5331 (82) (↗110)
Vilhelm - 5290 (221) (↗222)
Bror - 5152 (19) (↗29)
Knut - 4935 (103) (↘87)
Måns - 4761 (67) (↘50)
Svante - 4752 (121) (↗127)
Tage - 4678 (258) (↘240)
Sture - 4640 (20) (↘15)
Georg - 4594 (13) (=13)
August - 4590 (317) (↗377)
Fabian - 4465 (62) (↗68)
Torsten - 4289 (13) (↗22)
Ivan - 4188 (49) (=49)
Tor - 3926 (165) (↘145)
Otto - 3875 (225) (↗256)
Folke - 3817 (151) (↗158)
Aron - 3795 (213) (↘209)
Edvard - 3776 (140) (↘108)
Emanuel - 3748 (91) (↘89)
Ivar - 3628 (185) (↗199)
Mårten - 3620 (3) (↘…)
Jon - 3393 (15) (↗35)
Elis - 3229 (187) (↘185)
Frans - 3173 (210) (↘205)
Albert - 3044 (96) (↘86)
Ture - 3011 (123) (↘121)
Ernst - 3001 (5) (↗9)
Yngve - 2981 (5) (↘…)
Hjalmar - 2901 (229) (↘197)
Herman - 2692 (86) (↘81)
Harald - 2683 (53) (↗58)
Julius - 2612 (136) (↘119)
Birger - 2435 (8) (=8)
Art(h)ur - 2430 (65) (↗73)
Einar - 2353 (80) (↘74)
Ruben - 2295 (89) (↗92)
Uno - 2084 (25) (↗29)
Ragnar - 2071 (34) (↗35)
Zakarias - 2047 (69) (↗76)
Evert - 1932 (5) (↗15)
Helge - 1908 (17) (↗25)
Valdemar - 1876 (77) (↗87)
Algot - 1869 (127) (↘126)
Eskil - 1816 (56) (↗75)
Bruno - 1783 (27) (=27)
Holger - 1764 (57) (↗62)
Alvar - 1737 (122) (↘118)
Henning - 1736 (67) (↗70)
Charles - 1649 (52) (↘36)
Leonard - 1516 (57) (↗74
Ossian - 1511 (83) (↘79)
Seth - 1494 (57) (↘45)
Levi - 1444 (123) (↗141)
Ulrik - 1406 (…) (↗4)
Erland - 1330 (8) (↘7)
Konrad - 1256 (32) (↘26)
Janne - 1196
Jean - 1150 (3) (↘2)
Manfred - 1046 (57) (↘46)
Natanael - 1024 (31) (↘26)
Fritz - 992 (3) (↗5)
Gerhard - 952 (…) (↗3)
Valentin - 946 (32) (↘31)
Mattis - 927 (37) (↘23)
Malkolm - 910 (26) (↗42)
Konstantin - 824 (15) (↘12)
Hilding - 786 (47) (↗48)
Helmer - 777 (59) (↘43)
Verner - 742 (10) (↗11)
Herbert - 710 (4) (=4)
Truls - 667 (20) (↗33)
Arnold - 661 (5) (↗10)
Abraham - 644 (9) (↘7)
Alexis - 627 (33) (↘29)
Mauritz - 618 (10) (↗13)
Pål - 565
Sigurd - 564 (7) (↘2)
Petrus - 547 (2) (↗7)
Rudolf - 547 (…) (↗2)
Elof - 541 (12) (↗18)
Leopold - 538 (28) (↘23)
Abel - 448 (14) (↘7)
Bernhard - 448 (2) (↗4)
Lorentz - 431 (15) (↘14)
Evald - 381 (10) (↘4)
Torvald - 366 (2) (↘…)
Eugen - 303 (3) (↘2)
Gottfrid - 298 (8) (↗18)
Agaton - 290 (14) (↗20)
Reinhold - 273
Sigfrid - 273 (2) (↗6)
Fritiof - 272 (3) (↘…)
Isidor - 237 (7) (=7)
Hilmer - 235 (25) (↘22)
Gideon - 234 (17) (↘9)
Amandus - 211 (15) (↘10)
Jöns - 209
Adolf - 198
Cornelius - 197 (9) (↘5)
Justus - 195 (7) (↘3)
Simeon - 195 (2) (=2)
Edmund - 193 (7) (↗8)
Alrik - 192 (5) (↗9)
Salomon - 182 (4) (=4)
Tyko - 173 (14) (↘6)
Noak - 170 (3) (↗4)
Enoch - 169 (7) (↗12)
Nikolaus - 164
Ferdinand - 163 (8) (↘4)
Efraim - 157 (7) (↗9)
Nestor - 139 (…) (↗2)
Israel - 112 (…) (↗2)
Paulus - 105 (2) (=2)
Osvald - 100 (2) (↗3)
Levin - 96 (12) (↘4)
Esaias - 90 (…) (↗6)
Leander - 80 (5) (↘4)
Antonius - 74 (2) (↘…)
Halvar - 73 (3) (=3)
Brynolf - 72
Valfrid - 70 (5) (↘…)
Napoleon - 68
Fridolf - 64 (2) (↘…)
Severin - 59 (2) (↘…)
Erhard - 48
Alexius - 39 (2) (↗4)
Gotthard - 38
Sanfrid - 19
Nikanor - 18
Ans(h)elm - 17
Engelbert - 17
Vitalis - 17
Ander - 16
Ernfrid - 15
Stefanus - 15
Lambert - 14
Heribert - 12
Engelbrekt - 10
Olaus - 10
Augustinus - 5
Laurentius - 4
Jeppa - 3
Alfrid - 2
Ansgarius - 0
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klassnamn · 6 years
Louis - 134 (6,85%)
Harry - 700 (6,91%)
Folke - 475 (7,03%)
Henry - 478 (7,26%)
Allan - 302 (7,48%)
Gösta - 650 (7,51%)
Ruben - 475 (7,99%)
Ragnar - 1951 (8,11%)
Tage - 370 (8,31%)
Yngve - 431 (8,39%)
Einar - 2471 (8,65%)
Valter - 519 (9,04%)
Bertil - 790 (9,06%)
Tyko - 325 (9,21%)
Sture - 423 (9,36%)
Eugen - 1478 (9,41%)
Torsten - 1001 (9,59%)
Sigurd - 1104 (9,81%)
William - 1363 (9,97%)
Art(h)ur - 3052 (10,15%)
Rolf - 168 (11,20%)
Manfrid - 181 (10,26%)
Helmer - 2040 (10,29%)
Herbert - 701 (10,31%)
Napoleon - 752 (10,42%)
Immanuel - 138 (10,59%)
Alarik - 211 (10,78%)
Osvald - 313 (10,78%)
Sixten - 534 (10,80%)
Gunnar - 6653 (10,90%)
Hilding - 1649 (10,95%)
Evert - 328 (10,96%)
Bror - 4856 (11,15%)
Alfons - 183 (11,29%)
Malte - 164 (11,29%)
Tor - 685 (11,26%)
Sten - 704 (11,40%)
Jean - 294 (11,46%)
Isidor - 1119 (11,47%)
Valdemar - 5456 (11,53%)
Heribert - 721 (11,54%)
Simeon - 445 (11,58%)
Harald - 3684 (11,64%)
Torvald - 453 (11,64%)
Hugo - 4881 (11,68%)
Ivan - 999 (11,70%)
Arnold - 333 (12,10%)
Helge - 1684 (12,16%)
Alf - 190 (12,21%)
Uno - 885 (12,22%)
Georg - 6218 (12,31%)
Erhard - 667 (12,33%)
James - 265 (12,34%)
Engelbert - 842 (12,38%)
Brynolf - 281 (12,62%)
Bruno - 381 (12,72%)
Felix - 461 (12,73%)
Gideon - 1010 (12,73%)
Ans(h)elm - 1115 (13,37%)
Laurentius - 1214 (13,43%)
Agaton - 592 (13,60%)
Konstantin - 1183 (13,60%)
Teofil - 230 (13,87%)
Valentin - 1448 (13,93%)
Esaias - 338 (13,94%)
Rudolf - 5395 (14,05%)
Vitalis - 551 (14,12%)
Gerhard - 2032 (14,13%)
Ossian - 1284 (14,34%)
Elis - 2515 (14,63%)
Leo - 380 (14,74%)
Mauritz - 4789 (14,77%)
Alexius - 1499 (14,89%)
Ivar - 7138 (14,98%)
Sixtus - 268 (14,99%)
Knut - 9686 (15,09%)
Leopold - 1233 (15,12%)
Nikanor - 515 (15,24%)
Florentin - 250 (15,29%)
Evald - 2008 (15,30%)
Levi - 392 (15,30%)
Fritz - 4025 (15,35%)
Edmund - 584 (15,53%)
Verner - 6144 (15,58%)
Paul - 2011 (15,59%)
Ansgarius - 378 (15,67%)
Charles - 1207 (15,72%)
Ernst - 20105 (15,77%)
Natanael - 3609 (15,78%)
Ture - 4283 (15,78%)
Alexis - 443 (15,90%)
Seth - 857 (15,96%)
Alvar - 440 (16,01%)
Sigfrid - 8314 (16,01%)
Birger - 4719 (16,10%)  
Eskil - 1158 (16,11%)
Rupert - 270 (16,13%)
Gotthard - 2390 (16,27%)
Ernfrid - 785 (16,28%)
Richard - 7447 (16,44%)
Hjalmar - 18691 (16,61%)
Petrus - 4073 (16,86%)
Arvid - 16527 (17,19%)
Fridolf - 3275 (17,22%)
Alex - 307 (17,27%)
Hampus - 251 (17,35%)
Antonius - 726 (17,51%)
Botvid - 309 (17,60%)
Lambert - 652 (17,60%)
Konrad - 7163 (17,62%)
Fritiof - 7494 (17,81%)
Fabian - 2087 (18,11%)
Valfrid - 9770 (18,15%)
David - 9534 (18,40%)
Lennart - 640 (18,40%)
Robert - 11524 (18,46%)
Edvin - 14150 (18,51%)
Algot - 8206 (18,67%)
Severus - 283 (19,13%)
Filip - 2991 (19,17%)
John - 14484 (19,27%)
Manfred - 1411 (19,37%)
Emanuel - 25571 (19,48%)
Alrik - 945 (19,68%)
Augustinus - 698 (20,02%)
Henning - 9387 (20,05%)
Reinhold - 9623 (20,75%)
Leonard - 18105 (20,83%)
Ferdinand - 12891 (20,93%)
Albin - 19983 (21,37%)
Cornelius - 304 (21,51%)
Gottfrid - 16245 (21,55%)
Joel - 3709 (21,60%)
Axel - 71302 (21,75%)
Adrian - 2540 (22,01%)
Engelbrekt - 757 (22,01%)
Nikolaus - 3604 (22,11%)
Linus - 3244 (22,14%)
Manne - 350 (22,32%)
Tore - 509 (22,48%)
Enoch - 3571 (22,49%)
T(h)eodor - 26657 (22,60%)
Oskar - 86189 (22,76%)
Stefanus - 613 (22,77%)
Julius - 15680 (22,86%)
Efraim - 3786 (23,00%)
Bernhard - 17443 (23,05%)
Zacheus - 407 (23,24%)
Nestor - 528 (23,27%)
Abel - 1093 (23,37%)
Albert - 33395 (23,53%)
Vilhelm - 69830 (24,08%)
Herman - 20645 (24,34%)
Holger - 814 (24,47%)
Melker - 1926 (24,52%)
Emil - 49647 (24,74%)
Justus - 1384 (24,81%)
Leander - 4766 (24,99%)
Josef - 12701 (25,01%)
Hilmer - 5188 (25,04%)
Pontus - 1851 (25,30%)
Joakim - 839 (25,31%)
Viktor - 36477 (25,44%)
Amandus - 3967 (25,56%)
Mikael - 1693 (26,03%)
Ingemar - 381 (26,38%)
Gabriel - 3410 (26,59%)
Ludvig - 22458 (26,80%)
Markus - 1980 (27,04%)
Adolf - 52957 (27,39%)
Paulus - 1704 (27,72%)
Alfrid - 4370 (27,83%)
Patrik - 2146 (27,89%)
Anton - 27888 (27,98%)
Simon - 4056 (28,02%)
Alexander - 9045 (28,07%)
Ulrik - 2351 (28,13%)
Sanfrid - 1545 (28,40%)
Otto - 34514 (28,84%)
Martin - 18468 (28,94%)
Edvard - 43130 (29,04%)
Severin - 5487 (29,32%)
Kristian - 9241 (31,12%)
Malkolm - 2117 (31,23%)
Tobias - 630 (31,28%)
Frans - 51687 (31,45%)
Henrik - 21965 (31,74%)
Karl - 516242 (32,62%)
Elof - 8994 (32,77%)
Albrekt - 540 (32,78%)
Klas - 22999 (32,91%)
Kapser - 758 (33,08%)
Gustaf - 279606 (33,29%)
Mathias - 6142 (33,45%)
Erland - 3756 (33,46%)
Fredrik - 87745 (33,50%)
Erik - 209713 (35,74%)
Zakarias - 1972 (36,16%)
Kristoffer - 4260 (36,33%)
Lorentz - 4601 (36,56%)
Israel - 3575 (37,12%)
Alfred - 90688 (37,20%)
Daniel - 14616 (37,34%)
Esbjörn - 527 (38,29%)
Johan - 596742 (38,92%)
Isak - 11530 (39,15%)
Halvar - 1171 (39,65%)
Svante - 7724 (40,27%)
Samuel - 13870 (40,36%)
Jakob - 23129 (40,62%)
Olof - 158914 (41,37%)
August - 259996 (41,45%)
Adam - 2472 (41,47%)
Tomas - 1835 (41,86%)
Abraham - 7946 (42,35%)
Jonas - 64821 (42,92%)
Benjamin - 1687 (43,87%)
Janne - 7358 (44,38%)
Elias - 9700 (44,51%)
Salomon - 6492 (45,24%)
Aron - 15465 (46,39%)
Petter - 59305 (47,53%)
Niklas - 10335 (48,29%)
Nils - 209785 (48,33%)
Göran - 5022 (49,10%)
Per - 228791 (49,63%)
Magnus - 73011 (52,24%)
Åke - 3440 (52,47%)
Andreas - 26836 (52,92%)
Lars - 132458 (53,42%)
Sven - 117358 (54,25%)
Hans - 41281 (54,55%)
Mats - 5540 (54,89%)
Anders - 371680 (55,71%)
Jon - 14072 (55,75%)
Bernt - 3922 (57,14%)
Mårten - 11810 (58,27%)
Peter - 150898 (63,98%)
Olle - 3493 (64,26%)
Johannes - 115235 (65,27%)
Jan - 41166 (67,35%)
Bengt - 26026 (68,00%)
Håkan - 9065 (70,63%)
Rasmus - 1341 (70,95%)
Jöns - 58489 (71,47%)
Olaus - 13257 (74,62%)
Kristen - 2045 (75,35%)
Börje - 2536 (76,08%)
Pål - 5116 (80,03%)
Ola - 37473 (80,50%)
Truls - 1469 (81,61%)
Måns - 10843 (83,69%)
Jeppa - 2089 (86,86%)
0 notes
saxmoments · 6 years
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Saxophon live, Willenscharen (24616)
Saxophon live Am Sonntag, 20.05.2018 ab 15:00 Uhr gibt es Saxophon-Hut-Konzert der besonderen Art im Bauernhofcafé Ansgarius (Am Wallberg 2, 24616 Willenscharen (www.hofansgarius.de). Genießen Sie kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu chilligen Saxophon-Klängen". Erleben Sie eine entspannte Wohlfühl - http://saxmoments.com/Veranstaltung/saxophon-live-willenscharen-24616-4/ - Saxophonist in Kiel, Hamburg und Bremen
0 notes
rottumeroog · 6 years
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Hier zien we de heilige Willehad (ook Willhadus genoemd). Hij werd geboren omstreeks 740 in het koninkrijk Northumbria (Engeland). Vanaf ongeveer 772 werkte hij als missionaris in de Friese gouwen. Hij was actief in het Humsterland (provincie Groningen) en in Drenthe. Mogelijk was hij ook de eerste prediker in de stad Groningen. Vanaf 780 missioneerde hij in opdracht van Karel de Grote in de Saksische gouw Wigmodië aan de benedenloop van de Wezer. In 782 moest hij na het uitbreken van een opstand onder de Saksen vluchten. Op 13 juli 787 ontving Willehad in Worms de bisschopswijding. Zijn diocees werd het Saksische en Friese gebied aan de benedenloop van de Wezer waar ook het Land der Wurten (Wursten) onder valt. Als zijn bisschopszetel koos hij de stad Bremen. Deze stad werd voor het eerst genoemd in 782. Hij bouwde daar een houten kathedraal, die door Ansgarius werd geprezen om haar schoonheid. Ansgarius stelde een vita (soort biografie) van Willehad samen, in het voorwoord daarvan schreef hij dat de kathedraal voor die tijd als een meesterwerk werd beschouwd. Deze Sint-Petruskathedraal werd op Op Allerheiligen, 1 november 789 ingewijd. Een week later op 8 november 789 stierf Willhad te Blexen aan de Wezer. De Sint Willehaduskerk in Wremen is aan hem gewijd.
0 notes
minlistamednamn · 7 years
Algot - 23.044 / 1.738 (*127) (↘126) Nordisk Alfrid - 14.358 / 1 […] (…) Engelsk Amandus - 11.177 / 199 [118] (*15) (↘10) Latin
Ada - 10.514 / 581 (*38) (↗41) Tysk Alfrida - 34.505 / 57 [19] (…) Nordisk/Tysk Alida - 15.379 / 291 [71] (*4) (↘3) Nederländsk Augusta - 291.052 / 136 [40] (*6) (↘2) Latin
Albert - 101.994 / 2.928 (*96) (↘86) Tysk
Art(h)ur - 13.379 / 1.477 (65) (↗73) Keltisk
Adolfina - 90: 6970, 00: 11310 / 17: 2 [...] (*...) *4
Axelina - 90: 8896, 00: 16485 / 17: 98 [24] (*...) *4
Amalia - 90: 57010, 00: 92190 / 17: 696 [236] (*17) *4
Albertina - 90: 53169, 00: 81344 / 17: 100 [16] (*...) *4
Adolf - 90: 88953, 00: 143678 / 17: 197 [...] (*...) annat
Anders - 538729 / 78858 [---] *G
Andreas - 40440 / 43777 [---] *G
Agda - 90: 7462, 00: 17296 / 17: 280 [10] (*8) *G
Aron - 25682 / 2594 (213) *B
Anna - 1209739 / 102303 [---] *B
Abraham - 90: 10728, 00: 15088 / 17: 616 [90] (*9) *B 
Amanda - 106104 / 23997 (215) ålder: 18
Anton - 74406 / 27438 (294) ålder: 18
August - 479279 / 3986 (327) *P
Albin - 65405 / 15774 (374) *P
Arvid - 65729 / 10464 (507) *P
Alfred - 180696 / 7692 (541) *P
Astrid - 11696 / 15393 (543) *P
Alma - 106953 / 9373 (547) *P
Axel - 235908 / 18769 (554) *P
Agnes - 40852 / 13262 (570) *P
Alexander - 23663 / 36530 (668) *P
Ans(h)elm - 5.611 / 16 [...] (...) Tysk
Alfhild - 4.955 / 305 [2] (...) Nordisk Aurora - 9.322 / 875 (*74) (↗81) Latin
Alrik - 3386 / 172 [63] (*5) (↗9) KALMAR Adele - 3666 / 596 (*124) (↘103) KALMAR
Aqvilina - 90: 1958, 00: 3335 / 17: 1 [...] (...) *4
Alexius - 90: 3151, 00: 6849 / 17: 36 [22] (*2) *4
Adelina - 90: 3537, 00: 6006 / 17: 502 [142] (*23) *4
Antonia - 90: 2493, 00: 4981 / 17: 1270 [283] (*23) *4
Alexandra - 9052 / 12771 [---] *G
Agneta - 90: 4177, 00: 6217 / 17: 17777 [2] (...) *G
Andrea - 90: 1438, 00: 3373 / 17: 4400 [543] (*39) *G
Annika - 3660 / 31310 [---] *B
Abel - 90: 1965, 00: 3401 / 17: 423  [81] (*14) *B
Annette - 90: 4573, 00: 7029 / 17: 6950 [2] (...) *B
Adina - 90: 1245, 00: 3515 / 17: 655 [227] (*15) *B
Annie - 90: 1365, 00: 5562 / 17: 5739 [1645] (*90) *B
Adrian - 8089 / 7754 (556) *P
Adam - 4900 / 21140 (579) *P
Alice - 5567 / 18536 (910) *P
Alf - 1017 / 9880 (*13) (=13)
Arnold - 1794 / 667 (*5) (↗10)
Alfons - 1032 / 1644 (*75) (↘10)
Alvar - 1763 / 1646 (*122) (↘116)
Allan - 90: 607, 00: 2545 / 17: 3825 [465] (*52) (↗82)
Aina - 1325 / 4613 (*15) (↘8)
Alvina - 90: 1381, 00: 2684 / 17: 302 [214] (*23) (↘17)
Amelie - 90: 1379, 00: 2263 / 17: 1743 [673] (*51) (↘38)
Adelia - 2257 / 128 *4 
Ansgarius - 1694 / 0 *4
Antoinetta - 1931 / 13 *4
Amelia - 1590 / 2069 (164) *4
Axelia - 90: 1126, 00: 2699 / 17: 38  [16] (*...) *4
Antonius - 90: 1398, 00: 2827 / 17: 69 [13] (*2) *4
Augustinus - 90: 1299, 00: 2438 / 17: 5 [...] (*...) *4
Agata - 1148 / 406 *G
Alex - 1300 / 5717 *G
Alexis - 90: 1264, 00: 2044 / 17: 557 [186] (*33) *G
Agaton - 90: 1462, 00: 2972 / 17: 246 [208] (*14) *G
Adelaide - 1663 / 30
Antoinette - 1564 / 162 
Arvida - 90: 1315, 00: 2840 / 17: 11 [2] (*...)
Alarik - 1357 / 16 (...)
Alva - 2097 / 13302 (508) *P
0 notes
1800-talsnamn · 6 years
1-272: 2017 (x)
Lars - 89046 (17) (↘16)
Mikael - 79677 (88) (↘75)
Anders - 78409 (3) (↗7)
Johan - 75146 (48) (↘37)
Erik - 67738 (378) (↘319)
Per - 67642 (6) (↘5)
Karl - 66381 (279) (↘243)
Peter - 62737 (17) (↗24)
Jan - 61187 (33) (↘25)
Tomas - 60755 (27) (↘26)
Daniel - 56671 (172) (=172)
Fredrik - 54535 (16) (↘12)
Hans - 48855 (9) (↘6)
Andreas - 45465 (27) (↘24)
Mats - 44120 (5) (=5)
Bengt - 43912 (…) (↗7)
Markus - 42692 (76) (↘64)
Magnus - 41638 (6) (↗9)
Mathias - 41633 (72) (↘71)
Jonas - 40994 (45) (↘40)
Niklas - 39786 (21) (↗22)
Martin - 39131 (53) (↘46)
Oskar - 39048 (875) (↗892)
Nils - 38565 (550) (↘487)
Alexander - 38523 (668) (↗701)
Sven - 36133 (57) (↘53)
Patrik - 35243 (18) (↗26)
Viktor - 34515 (471) (↘392)
Henrik - 32787 (33) (↘25)
David - 32711 (188) (↘157)
Krister - 32621
Joakim - 32405 (26) (↘16)
Filip - 31500 (561) (↘469)
Emil - 31213 (414) (↘373)
Simon - 30750 (192) (↘166)
Kristoffer - 29607 (46) (↘38)
Anton - 28202 (294) (↘244)
Robert - 27920 (11) (↗19)
Gustaf - 27859 (419) (↘369)
Kristian - 27315 (80) (↘71)
Richard - 26020 (19) (↘12)
Håkan - 26009 (…) (↗4)
Rolf - 25868 (2) (↗5)
Göran - 25792
William - 25308 (850) (↗941)
Lennart - 24994 (5) (↘4)
Jonatan - 22899 (216) (↘173)
Jakob - 22697 (288) (↗297)
John - 22668 (179) (=179)
Adam - 22207 (579) (↗613)
Tobias - 22191 (19) (=19)
Elias - 20319 (664) (↗681)
Linus - 19833 (126) (↗128)
Axel - 19513 (550) (↘524)
Klas - 18133 (15) (↘10)
Isak - 17284 (475) (↗528)
Hugo - 17046 (688) (↘670)
Rasmus - 16216 (159) (↘100)
Gunnar - 16195 (61) (↘58)
Albin - 16126 (374) (↘343)
Ludvig - 15110 (565) (↘512)
Kurt - 14993 (3) (↗5)
Åke - 14970 (21) (↗28)
Joel -  14902 (179) (↘172)
Olof - 14652 (101) (↘91)
Pontus - 13338 (51) (↘33)
Olle - 13230 (414) (↘388)
Josef - 13141 (318) (↗364)
Leo - 12196 (538) (↗548)
Samuel - 12108 (175) (↗199)
Felix - 11677 (256) (↘209)
Bertil - 11485 (32) (↗48)
Edvin - 11362 (454) (↘396)
Hampus - 11288 (109) (↗128)
Bernt - 11045
Arvid - 11027 (507) (↘453)
Gabriel - 10776 (341) (↗355)
Sten - 10396 (3) (↗8)
Johannes - 10067 (85) (↘72)
Benjamin - 9807 (452) (↘382)
Ola - 9641 (5) (↘4)
Alf - 9613 (13) (=13)
Adrian - 8529 (556) (↘506)
Kasper - 8294 (300) (↘236)
Alfred - 8196 (541) (↘496)
Ingemar - 8000 (13) (↘6)
Teodor - 7797 (475) (↘454)
Börje - 7382 (3) (=3)
Harry - 6726 (479) (↘451)
Paul - 6229 (20) (↘16)
Tore - 6083 (51) (↘41)
Alex - 5996 (125) (↘115)
Melker - 5875 (329) (↗336)
Valter - 5859 (476) (↗538)
Malte - 5496 (319) (↘301)
Henry - 5448 (294) (↗306)
Gösta - 5404 (21) (↗32)
Sixten - 5403 (359) (↘356)
Petter - 5342 (16) (↘14)
Allan - 5331 (82) (↗110)
Vilhelm - 5290 (221) (↗222)
Bror - 5152 (19) (↗29)
Knut - 4935 (103) (↘87)
Måns - 4761 (67) (↘50)
Svante - 4752 (121) (↗127)
Tage - 4678 (258) (↘240)
Sture - 4640 (20) (↘15)
Georg - 4594 (13) (=13)
August - 4590 (317) (↗377)
Fabian - 4465 (62) (↗68)
Torsten - 4289 (13) (↗22)
Ivan - 4188 (49) (=49)
Tor - 3926 (165) (↘145)
Otto - 3875 (225) (↗256)
Folke - 3817 (151) (↗158)
Aron - 3795 (213) (↘209)
Edvard - 3776 (140) (↘108)
Emanuel - 3748 (91) (↘89)
Ivar - 3628 (185) (↗199)
Mårten - 3620 (3) (↘…)
Jon - 3393 (15) (↗35)
Elis - 3229 (187) (↘185)
Frans - 3173 (210) (↘205)
Vilgot - 3095 (189) (↗192)
Albert - 3044 (96) (↘86)
Ture - 3011 (123) (↘121)
Ernst - 3001 (5) (↗9)
Yngve - 2981 (5) (↘…)
Hjalmar - 2901 (229) (↘197)
Herman - 2692 (86) (↘81)
Harald - 2683 (53) (↗58)
Julius - 2612 (136) (↘119)
Birger - 2435 (8) (=8)
Art(h)ur - 2430 (65) (↗73)
James - 2387 (73) (↘64)
Einar - 2353 (80) (↘74)
Ruben - 2295 (89) (↗92)
Uno - 2084 (25) (↗29)
Ragnar - 2071 (34) (↗35)
Zakarias - 2047 (69) (↗76)
Evert - 1932 (5) (↗15)
Helge - 1908 (17) (↗25)
Valdemar - 1876 (77) (↗87)
Algot - 1869 (127) (↘126)
Eskil - 1816 (56) (↗75)
Bruno - 1783 (27) (=27)
Holger - 1764 (57) (↗62)
Alvar - 1737 (122) (↘118)
Henning - 1736 (67) (↗70)
Alfons - 1730 (75) (↘65)
Charles - 1649 (52) (↘36)
Leonard - 1516 (57) (↗74)
Ossian - 1511 (83) (↘79)
Seth - 1494 (57) (↘45)
Levi - 1444 (123) (↗141)
Ulrik - 1406 (…) (↗4)
Erland - 1330 (8) (↘7)
Konrad - 1256 (32) (↘26)
Janne - 1196
Jean - 1150 (3) (↘2)
Manfred - 1046 (57) (↘46)
Natanael - 1024 (31) (↘26)
Fritz - 992 (3) (↗5)
Gerhard - 952 (…) (↗3)
Valentin - 946 (32) (↘31)
Mattis - 927 (37) (↘23)
Malkolm - 910 (26) (↗42)
Konstantin - 824 (15) (↘12)
Hilding - 786 (47) (↗48)
Helmer - 777 (59) (↘43)
Verner - 742 (10) (↗11)
Manne - 726 (28) (=28)
Herbert - 710 (4) (=4)
Truls - 667 (20) (↗33)
Arnold - 661 (5) (↗10)
Abraham - 644 (9) (↘7)
Alexis - 627 (33) (↘29)
Mauritz - 618 (10) (↗13)
Pål - 565
Sigurd - 564 (7) (↘2)
Petrus - 547 (2) (↗7)
Rudolf - 547 (…) (↗2)
Elof - 541 (12) (↗18)
Leopold - 538 (28) (↘23)
Esbjörn - 506 (…) (↗3)
Louis - 480 (14) (↗27)
Abel - 448 (14) (↘7)
Bernhard - 448 (2) (↗4)
Lorentz - 431 (15) (↘14)
Evald - 381 (10) (↘4)
Torvald - 366 (2) (↘…)
Eugen - 303 (3) (↘2)
Gottfrid - 298 (8) (↗18)
Agaton - 290 (14) (↗20)
Reinhold - 273
Sigfrid - 273 (2) (↗6)
Fritiof - 272 (3) (↘…)
Mickel - 266 (3) (↘2)
Isidor - 237 (7) (=7)
Hilmer - 235 (25) (↘22)
Gideon - 234 (17) (↘9)
Amandus - 211 (15) (↘10)
Jöns - 209
Adolf - 198
Cornelius - 197 (9) (↘5)
Justus - 195 (7) (↘3)
Simeon - 195 (2) (=2)
Edmund - 193 (7) (↗8)
Alrik - 192 (5) (↗9)
Salomon - 182 (4) (=4)
Tyko - 173 (14) (↘6)
Noak - 170 (3) (↗4)
Enoch - 169 (7) (↗12)
Nikolaus - 164
Ferdinand - 163 (8) (↘4)
Efraim - 157 (7) (↗9)
Nestor - 139 (…) (↗2)
Tufve - 119 (5) (=5)
Israel - 112 (…) (↗2)
Paulus - 105 (2) (=2)
Josua - 101 (...) (↗8)  
Osvald - 100 (2) (↗3)
Levin - 96 (12) (↘4)
Esaias - 90 (…) (↗6)
Immanuel - 80 (2) (↗4)
Leander - 80 (5) (↘4)
Antonius - 74 (2) (↘…)
Halvar - 73 (3) (=3)
Brynolf - 72
Valfrid - 70 (5) (↘…)
Napoleon - 68
Fridolf - 64 (2) (↘…)
Severin - 59 (2) (↘…) 
Kristen - 52
Erhard - 48
Rupert - 48
Alexius - 39 (2) (↗4)
Gotthard - 38
Botvid - 31 (…) (↗3)
Leonhard - 26
Teofil - 26
Florentin - 25
Alarik - 22
Svening - 21
Zakris - 20
Sanfrid - 19
Nikanor - 18
Ans(h)elm - 17
Engelbert - 17
Vitalis - 17
Zacheus - 17
Ander - 16
Ernfrid - 15
Stefanus - 15
Albrekt - 14
Lambert - 14
Heribert - 12
Engelbrekt - 10
Manfrid - 10
Olaus - 10
Augustinus - 5
Laurentius - 4
Ehrenfrid - 3
Jeppa - 3
Severus - 3
Alfrid - 2
Justinus - 2
Konstans - 2
Villehard - 2 
Sixtus - 2
Ansgarius - 0
Olander - 0
0 notes
1800-talsnamn · 6 years
⚫ 1-272: 2017
William - 9101 / 25308 (850) (↗941)
Oskar - 272423 / 39048 (875) (↗892)
Alexander - 23663 / 38523 (668) (↗701)
Elias - 16974 / 20319 (664) (↗681)
Hugo - 28349 / 17046 (688) (↘670)
Adam - 4900 / 22207 (579) (↗613)
Leo - 1816 / 12196 (538) (↗548)
Valter - 3683 / 5859 (476) (↗538)
Isak - 23642 / 17284 (475) (↗528)
Axel - 235908 / 19513 (550) (↘524)
Ludvig - 62872 / 15110 (565) (↘512)
Adrian - 8089 / 8529 (556) (↘506)
Alfred - 180696 / 8196 (541) (↘496)
Nils - 339094  / 38565 (550) (↘487)
Filip - 10249 / 31500 (561) (↘469)
Teodor - 52104 / 7797 (475) (↘454)
Arvid - 65729 / 11027 (507) (↘453)
Harry - 6340 / 6726 (479) (↘451)
Edvin - 50775 / 11362 (454) (↘396)
Viktor - 103852 / 34515 (471) (↘392)
Olle - 4276 / 13230 (414) (↘388)
Benjamin - 2978 / 9807 (452) (↘382)
August - 479279 / 4590 (317) (↗377)
Emil - 146610 / 31213 (414) (↘373)
Gustaf - 630330 / 27859 (419) (↘369)
Josef - 36556 / 13141 (318) (↗364)
Sixten - 3300 / 5403 (359) (↘356)
Gabriel - 9821 / 10776 (341) (↗355)
Albin - 65405 / 16126 (374) (↘343)
Melker - 5347 / 5875 (329) (↗336)
Erik - 448390 / 67738 (378) (↘319)
Henry - 4179 / 5448 (294) (↗306)
Malte - 1002 / 5496 (319) (↘301)
Jakob - 45188 / 22697 (288) (↗297)
Otto - 89051 / 3875 (225) (↗256)
Anton - 74406 / 28202 (294) (↘244)
Karl - 1186188 / 66381 (279) (↘243)
Tage - 2974 / 4678 (258) (↘240)
Kasper - 1766 / 8294 (300) (↘236)
Vilhelm - 215470 / 5290 (221) (↗222)
Aron - 25682 / 3795 (213) (↘209)
Felix - 2530 / 11677 (256) (↘209)
Frans - 125042 / 3173 (210) (↘205)
Ivar - 31299 / 3628 (185) (↗199)
Samuel - 26557 / 12108 (175) (↗199)
Hjalmar - 78549 / 2901 (229) (↘197)
Vilgot - 1490 / 3095 (189) (↗192)
Elis - 11879 / 3229 (187) (↘185)
John - 50691 / 22668 (179) (=179)
Jonatan - 1382 / 22899 (216) (↘173)
Daniel - 30573 / 56671 (172) (=172)
Joel - 11778 / 14902 (179) (↘172)
Simon - 10019 / 30750 (192) (↘166)
Folke - 4424 / 3817 (151) (↗158)
David - 35726 / 32711 (188) (↘157)
Tor - 4166 / 3926 (165) (↘145)
Levi - 1752 / 1444 (123) (↗141)
Hampus - 1106 / 11288 (109) (↗128)
Linus - 10308 / 19833 (126) (↗128)
Svante - 14635 / 4752 (121) (↗127)
Algot - 23044 / 1869 (127) (↘126)
Ture - 18313 / 3011 (123) (↘121)
Julius - 49378 / 2612 (136) (↘119)
Alvar - 1763 / 1737 (122) (↘118)
Alex - 1300 / 5996 (125) (↘115)
Allan - 2566 / 5331 (82) (↗110)
Edvard - 110495 / 3776 (140) (↘108)
Rasmus - 1565 / 16216 (159) (↘100)
Ruben - 3730 / 2295 (89) (↗92)
Olof - 303280 / 14652 (101) (↘91)
Emanuel - 90877 / 3748 (91) (↘89)
Knut - 44815 / 4935 (103) (↘87)
Valdemar - 31390 / 1876 (77) (↗87)
Albert - 101994 / 3044 (96) (↘86)
Herman - 60689 / 2692 (86) (↘81)
Ossian - 6170 / 1511 (83) (↘79)
Zakarias - 4263 / 2047 (69) (↗76)
Eskil - 4731 / 1816 (56) (↗75)
Mikael - 5006 / 79677 (88) (↘75)
Einar - 23530 / 2353 (80) (↘74)
Leonard - 62384 / 1516 (57) (↗74)
Art(h)ur - 13379 / 2430 (65) (↗73)
Johannes - 145178 / 10067 (85) (↘72)
Kristian - 22734 / 27315 (80) (↘71)
Mathias - 13977 / 41633 (72) (↘71)
Henning - 32630 / 1736 (67) (↗70)
Fabian - 8128 / 4465 (62) (↗68)
Alfons - 1032 / 1730 (75) (↘65)
James - 1495 / 2387 (73) (↘64)
Markus - 3122 / 42692 (76) (↘64)
Holger - 2342 / 1764 (57) (↗62)
Gunnar - 38234 / 16195 (61) (↘58)
Harald - 20972 / 2683 (53) (↗58)
Sven - 169660 / 36133 (57) (↘53)
Måns - 11044 / 4761 (67) (↘50)
Ivan - 5733 / 4188 (49) (=49)
Bertil - 5448 / 11485 (32) (↗48)
Hilding - 9726 / 786 (47) (↗48)
Manfred - 4564 / 1046 (57) (↘46)
Martin - 45117 / 39131 (53) (↘46)
Seth - 3709 / 1494 (57) (↘45)
Helmer - 13008 / 777 (59) (↘43)
Malkolm - 5028 / 910 (26) (↗42)
Tore - 1531 / 6083 (51) (↘41)
Jonas - 122206 / 40994 (45) (↘40)
Kristoffer - 9266 / 29607 (46) (↘38)
Johan - 1177526 / 75146 (48) (↘37)
Charles - 5660 / 1649 (52) (↘36)
Jon - 20832 / 3393 (15) (↗35)
Ragnar - 15105 / 2071 (34) (↗35)
Pontus - 5324 / 13338 (51) (↘33)
Truls - 1543 / 667 (20) (↗33)
Gösta - 5696 / 5404 (21) (↗32)
Valentin - 6584 / 946 (32) (↘31)
Alexis - 2044 / 627 (33) (↘29)
Bror - 29996 / 5152 (19) (↗29)
Uno - 4885 / 2084 (25) (↗29)
Manne - 1110 / 726 (28) (=28)
Åke - 5115 / 14970 (21) (↗28)
Bruno - 2008 / 1783 (27) (=27)
Louis - 1356 / 480 (14) (↗27)
Konrad - 28398 / 1256 (32) (↘26)
Natanael - 15666 / 1024 (31) (↘26)
Patrik - 5536 / 35243 (18) (↗26)
Tomas - 3449 / 60755 (27) (↘26)
Helge - 9138 / 1908 (17) (↗25)
Henrik - 52280 / 32787 (33) (↘25)
Jan - 52395 / 61187 (33) (↘25)
Andreas - 40440 / 45465 (27) (↘24)
Peter - 197549 / 62737 (17) (↗24)
Leopold - 5872 / 538 (28) (↘23)
Mattis - 2833 / 927 (37) (↘23)
Hilmer - 14239 / 235 (25) (↘22)
Niklas - 15513 / 39786 (21) (↗22)
Torsten - 6940 / 4289 (13) (↗22)
Agaton - 2972 / 290 (14) (↗20)
Robert - 44853 / 27920 (11) (↗19)
Tobias - 1478 / 22191 (19) (=19)
Elof - 20093 / 541 (12) (↗18)
Gottfrid - 50042 / 298 (8) (↗18)
Joakim - 1612 / 32405 (26) (↘16)
Lars - 201039 / 89046 (17) (↘16)
Paul - 8555 / 6229 (20) (↘16)
Evert - 2043 / 1932 (5) (↗15)
Sture - 2904 / 4640 (20) (↘15)
Lorentz - 9666 / 431 (15) (↘14)
Petter - 99024 / 5342 (16) (↘14)
Alf - 1017 / 9613 (13) (=13)
Georg - 34975 / 4594 (13) (=13)
Mauritz - 22739 / 618 (10) (↗13)
Enoch - 11106 / 169 (7) (↗12)
Fredrik - 202840 / 54535 (16) (↘12)
Konstantin - 6084 / 824 (15) (↘12)
Richard - 30997 / 26020 (19) (↘12)
Verner - 26418 / 742 (10) (↗11)
Amandus - 11177 / 211 (15) (↘10)
Arnold - 1794 / 661 (5) (↗10)
Klas - 43935 / 18133 (15) (↘10)
Alrik - 3386 / 192 (5) (↗9)
Efraim - 11469 / 157 (7) (↗9)
Ernst - 88412 / 3001 (5) (↗9)
Gideon - 5345 / 234 (17) (↘9)
Magnus - 113053 / 41638 (6) (↗9)
Birger - 19924 / 2435 (8) (=8)
Edmund - 2582 / 193 (7) (↗8)
Josua - 1348 / 101 (…) (↗8)
Sten - 4207 / 10396 (3) (↗8)
Abel - 3401 / 448 (14) (↘7)
Abraham - 15088 / 644 (9) (↘7)
Anders - 538729 / 78409 (3) (↗7)
Bengt - 31346 / 43912 (…) (↗7)
Erland - 8271 / 1330 (8) (↘7)
Isidor - 6598 / 237 (7) (=7)
Petrus - 17313 / 547 (2) (↗7)
Esaias - 1761 / 90 (…) (↗6)
Hans - 60797 / 48855 (9) (↘6)
Ingemar - 1039 / 8000 (13) (↘6)
Sigfrid - 34705 / 273 (2) (↗6)
Tyko - 2414 / 173 (14) (↘6)
Cornelius - 1926 / 197 (9) (↘5)
Fritz - 18067 / 992 (3) (↗5)
Kurt - 1167 / 14993 (3) (↗5)
Mats - 8918 / 44120 (5) (=5)
Per - 367100 / 67642 (6) (↘5)
Rolf - 1040 / 25868 (2) (↗5)
Tufve - 1006 / 119 (5) (=5)
Alexius - 6849 / 39 (2) (↗4)
Bernhard - 53932 / 448 (2) (↗4)
Evald - 8863 / 381 (10) (↘4)
Ferdinand - 44877 / 163 (8) (↘4)
Herbert - 4219 / 710 (4) (=4)
Håkan - 10536 / 26009 (…) (↗4)
Immanuel - 1071 / 80 (2) (↗4)
Leander - 13486 / 80 (5) (↘4)
Lennart - 2309 / 24994 (5) (↘4)
Levin - 5385 / 96 (12) (↘4)
Noak - 1704 / 170 (3) (↗4)
Ola - 38576 / 9641 (5) (↘4)
Salomon - 11349 / 182 (4) (=4)
Ulrik -  6809 / 1100 (…) (↗4)
Botvid - 1193 / 31 (…) (↗3)
Börje - 2834 / 7382 (3) (=3)
Esbjörn - 1060 / 506 (…) (↗3)
Gerhard - 9721 / 952 (…) (↗3)
Halvar - 2075 / 73 (3) (=3)
Justus - 4183 / 195 (7) (↘3)
Osvald - 1904 / 100 (2) (↗3)
Eugen - 9898 / 303 (3) (↘2)
Israel - 7623 / 112 (…) (↗2)
Jean - 1782 / 1150 (3) (↘2)
Mickel - 1409 / 266 (3) (↘2)
Nestor - 1573 / 139 (…) (↗2)
Paulus - 4670 / 105 (2) (=2)
Rudolf - 26482 / 547 (…) (↗2)
Sigurd - 7276 / 564 (7) (↘2)
Simeon - 2890 / 195 (2) (=2)
Adolf - 143678 / 197
Alarik - 1357 / 16
Albrekt - 1224 / 14
Alfrid - 14358 / 1
Ander - 1686 / 16
Ansgarius - 1694 / 0
Ans(h)elm - 5611 / 16
Antonius - 2827 / 69 (2) (↘…)
Augustinus - 2438 / 5
Bernt - 5160 / 9593
Brynolf - 1566 / 72
Ehrenfrid - 992 / 3
Engelbert - 4782 / 17
Engelbrekt - 2031 / 11
Erhard - 3667 / 48
Ernfrid - 3015 / 15
Florentin - 1130 / 23
Fridolf - 13224 / 64 (2) (↘…)
Fritiof -  18535 / 126 (3) (↘…)
Gotthard - 9911 / 39
Göran - 8228 / 26048
Heribert - 4324 / 12
Janne - 12550 / 1171
Jeppa - 2079 / 3
Justinus - 995 / 2
Jöns - 67561 / 223
Konstans - 1003 / 2
Kristen - 1300 / 18
Krister - 1020 / 32621
Lambert - 2591 / 15
Laurentius - 6184 / 4
Leonhard - 1086 / 26
Manfrid - 1317 / 9
Mårten - 16288 / 3102 (3) (↘…)
Napoleon - 4916 / 63
Nikanor - 2448 / 8
Nikolaus - 11976 / 100
Olander - 1107 / 0
Olaus - 14759 / 10
Pål - 5492 / 564
Reinhold - 33651 / 280
Rupert - 1143  / 45
Sanfrid - 4649 / 19
Severin - 13265 / 62 (2) (↘…)
Severus - 1044 / 2
Sixtus - 1324 / 2  
Stefanus - 1907 / 6
Svening - 1046 / 21
Teofil - 1182 / 27  
Torvald - 2482 / 273 (2) (↘…)
Valfrid - 36607 / 65 (5) (↘…)
Villeha(r)d - 1394 / 2
Vitalis - 4567 / 18
Yngve - 3393 / 3112 (5) (↘…)
Zacheus - 1400 / 15
Zakris - 1413 / 20
0 notes
1800-talsnamn · 6 years
⚫ 1-271: 1900
Karl - 1186188 / 43674 (279) (↘243)
Johan - 1177526 / 74445 (48) (↘37)
Gustaf - 630330 / 7232 (419) (↘369)
Anders - 538729 / 78858 (3) (↗7)
August - 479279 / 3986 (317) (↗377)
Erik - 448390 / 58625 (378) (↘319)
Per - 367100 / 60053 (6) (↘5)
Nils - 339094  / 38772 (550) (↘487)
Olof - 303280 / 11681 (101) (↘91)
Oskar - 272423  / 17703 (875) (↗892)
Axel - 235908 / 18769 (550) (↘524)
Vilhelm - 215470 / 5006 (221) (↗222)
Fredrik - 202840 / 51801 (16) (↘12)
Lars - 201039 / 90673 (17) (↘16)
Peter - 197549 / 62279 (17) (↗24)
Alfred - 180696 / 7692 (541) (↘496)
Sven - 169660 / 37310 (57) (↘53)
Emil - 146610 / 30644 (414) (↘373)
Johannes - 145178 / 9907 (85) (↘72)
Adolf - 143678 / 197
Frans - 125042 / 2647 (210) (↘205)
Jonas - 122206 / 40214 (45) (↘40)
Magnus - 113053 / 41640 (6) (↗9)
Edvard - 110495 / 1206 (140) (↘108)
Viktor - 103852 / 32784 (471) (↘392)
Albert - 101994 / 2928 (96) (↘86)
Petter - 99024 / 5325 (16) (↘14)
Emanuel - 90877 / 3062 (91) (↘89)
Otto - 89051 / 3628 (225) (↗256)
Ernst - 88412 / 2980 (5) (↗9)
Hjalmar - 78549 / 2676 (229) (↘197)
Anton - 74406 / 27438 (294) (↘244)
Jöns - 67561 / 223
Arvid - 65729 / 10464 (507) (↘453)
Albin - 65405 / 15774 (374) (↘343)
Ludvig - 62872 / 9915 (565) (↘512)
Leonard - 62384 / 1408 (57) (↗74)
Hans - 60797 / 49916 (9) (↘6)
Herman - 60689 / 2469 (86) (↘81)
Bernhard - 53932 / 447 (2) (↗4)
Jan - 52395 / 61560 (33) (↘25)
Henrik - 52280 / 30638 (33) (↘25)
Teodor - 52104 / 7288 (475) (↘454)
Edvin - 50775 / 8140 (454) (↘396)
John - 50691 / 22352 (179) (=179)
Gottfrid - 50042 / 261 (8) (↗18)
Julius - 49378 / 2456 (136) (↘119)
Jakob - 45188 / 10147 (288) (↗297)
Martin - 45117 / 38997 (53) (↘46)
Ferdinand - 44877 / 160 (8) (↘4)
Robert - 44853 / 27207 (11) (↗19)
Knut - 44815 / 5110 (103) (↘87)
Klas - 43935 / 16165 (15) (↘10)
Andreas - 40440 / 43777 (27) (↘24)
Ola - 38576 / 9898 (5) (↘4)
Gunnar - 38234 / 16678 (61) (↘58)
Valfrid - 36607 / 65 (5) (↘…)
Josef - 36556 / 4999 (318) (↗364)
David - 35726 / 31735 (188) (↘157)
Georg - 34975 / 4583 (13) (=13)
Sigfrid - 34705 / 168 (2) (↗6)
Reinhold - 33651 / 280
Henning - 32630 / 1695 (67) (↗70)
Valdemar - 31390 / 1788 (77) (↗87)
Bengt - 31346 / 45165 (…) (↗7)
Ivar - 31299 / 3490 (185) (↗199)
Richard - 30997 / 9080 (19) (↘12)
Daniel - 30573 / 55414 (172) (=172)
Bror - 29996 / 5472 (19) (↗29)
Konrad - 28398 / 906 (32) (↘26)
Hugo - 28349 / 16391 (688) (↘670)
Samuel - 26557 / 11736 (175) (↗199)
Rudolf - 26482 / 522 (…) (↗2)
Verner - 26418 / 760 (10) (↗11)
Aron - 25682 / 2594 (213) (↘209)
Alexander - 23663 / 36530 (668) (↗701)
Isak - 23642 / 10797 (475) (↗528)
Einar - 23530 / 2208 (80) (↘74)
Algot - 23044 / 1738 (127) (↘126)
Mauritz - 22739 / 616 (10) (↗13)
Kristian - 22734 / 25379 (80) (↘71)
Harald - 20972 / 2680 (53) (↗58)
Jon - 20832 / 3302 (15) (↗35)
Elof - 20093 / 539 (12) (↗18)
Birger - 19924 / 2535 (8) (=8)
Fritiof -  18535 / 126 (3) (↘…)
Ture - 18313 / 2971 (123) (↘121)
Fritz - 18067 / 952 (3) (↗5)
Petrus - 17313 / 535 (2) (↗7)
Elias - 16974 / 19110 (664) (↗681)
Mårten - 16288 / 3102 (3) (↘…)
Natanael - 15666 / 960 (31) (↘26)
Niklas - 15513 / 22450 (21) (↗22)
Ragnar - 15105 / 2115 (34) (↗35)
Abraham - 15088 / 616 (9) (↘7)
Olaus - 14759 / 10
Svante - 14635 / 4649 (121) (↗127)
Alfrid - 14358 / 1
Hilmer - 14239 / 212 (25) (↘22)
Mathias - 13977 / 9747 (72) (↘71)
Leander - 13486 / 72 (5) (↘4)
Art(h)ur - 13379 / 1477 (65) (↗73)
Severin - 13265 / 62 (2) (↘…)
Fridolf - 13224 / 64 (2) (↘…)
Helmer - 13008 / 733 (59) (↘43)
Janne - 12550 / 1171
Nikolaus - 11976 / 100
Elis - 11879 / 2809 (187) (↘185)
Joel - 11778 / 14573 (179) (↘172)
Efraim - 11469 / 125 (7) (↗9)
Salomon - 11349 / 177 (4) (=4)
Amandus - 11177 / 199 (15) (↘10)
Enoch - 11106 / 123 (7) (↗12)
Måns - 11044 / 4526 (67) (↘50)
Håkan - 10536 / 26141 (…) (↗4)
Linus - 10308 / 19604 (126) (↗128)
Filip - 10249 / 19044 (561) (↘469)
Simon - 10019 / 30435 (192) (↘166)
Gotthard - 9911 / 39
Eugen - 9898 / 203 (3) (↘2)
Gabriel - 9821 / 10297 (341) (↗355)
Hilding - 9726 / 752 (47) (↗48)
Gerhard - 9721 / 791 (…) (↗3)
Lorentz - 9666 / 220 (15) (↘14)
Kristoffer - 9266 / 7187 (46) (↘38)
Helge - 9138 / 2007 (17) (↗25)
William - 9101 / 23799 (850) (↗941)
Mats - 8918 / 42105 (5) (=5)
Evald - 8863 / 373 (10) (↘4)
Paul - 8555 / 6261 (20) (↘16)
Erland - 8271 / 1361 (8) (↘7)
Göran - 8228 / 26048
Fabian - 8128 / 4331 (62) (↗68)
Adrian - 8089 / 7754 (556) (↘506)
Israel - 7623 / 104 (…) (↗2)
Sigurd - 7276 / 580 (7) (↘2)
Torsten - 6940 / 4217 (13) (↗22)
Alexius - 6849 / 36 (2) (↗4)
Ulrik -  6809 / 1100 (…) (↗4)
Isidor - 6598 / 221 (7) (=7)
Valentin - 6584 / 788 (32) (↘31)
Harry - 6340 / 5584 (479) (↘451)
Laurentius - 6184 / 4
Ossian - 6170 / 1396 (83) (↘79)
Konstantin - 6084 / 358 (15) (↘12)
Leopold - 5872 / 504 (28) (↘23)
Ivan - 5733 / 4033 (49) (=49)
Gösta - 5696 / 5748 (21) (↗32)
Charles - 5660 / 1607 (52) (↘36)
Ans(h)elm - 5611 / 16
Patrik - 5536 / 27986 (18) (↗26)
Pål - 5492 / 564
Bertil - 5448 / 11918 (32) (↗48)
Levin - 5385 / 96 (12) (↘4)
Melker - 5347 / 5522 (329) (↗336)
Gideon - 5345 / 216 (17) (↘9)
Pontus - 5324 / 13252 (51) (↘33)
Bernt - 5160 / 9593
Åke - 5115 / 15438 (21) (↗28)
Malkolm - 5028 / 872 (26) (↗42)
Mikael - 5006 / 56244 (88) (↘75)
Napoleon - 4916 / 63
Adam - 4900 / 21140 (579) (↗613)
Uno - 4885 / 2147 (25) (↗29)
Engelbert - 4782 / 17
Eskil - 4731 / 1761 (56) (↗75)
Sanfrid - 4649 / 19
Paulus - 4670 / 100 (2) (=2)
Vitalis - 4567 / 18
Manfred - 4564 / 1010 (57) (↘46)
Folke - 4424 / 3817 (151) (↗158)
Heribert - 4324 / 12
Olle - 4276 / 12918 (414) (↘388)
Zakarias - 4263 / 1968 (69) (↗76)
Herbert - 4219 / 741 (4) (=4)
Sten - 4207 / 10576 (3) (↗8)
Justus - 4183 / 187 (7) (↘3)
Henry - 4179 / 4799 (294) (↗306)
Tor - 4166 / 3831 (165) (↘145)
Ruben - 3730 / 2090 (89) (↗92)
Seth - 3709 / 1362 (57) (↘45)
Valter - 3683 / 5234 (476) (↗538)
Erhard - 3667 / 48
Tomas - 3449 / 59064 (27) (↘26)
Abel - 3401 / 423 (14) (↘7)
Yngve - 3393 / 3112 (5) (↘…)
Alrik - 3386 / 172 (5) (↗9)
Sixten - 3300 / 5063 (359) (↘356)
Markus - 3122 / 12997 (76) (↘64)
Ernfrid - 3015 / 15
Benjamin - 2978 / 9090 (452) (↘382)
Tage - 2974 / 4587 (258) (↘240)
Agaton - 2972 / 246 (14) (↗20)
Sture - 2904 / 4854 (20) (↘15)
Simeon - 2890 / 191 (2) (=2)
Börje - 2834 / 7502 (3) (=3)
Antonius - 2827 / 69 (2) (↘…)
Lambert - 2591 / 15
Edmund - 2582 / 183 (7) (↗8)
Allan - 2566 / 5333 (82) (↗110)
Felix - 2530 / 11345 (256) (↘209)
Torvald - 2482 / 273 (2) (↘…)
Nikanor - 2448 / 8
Augustinus - 2438 / 5
Tyko - 2414 / 166 (14) (↘6)
Holger - 2342 / 1757 (57) (↗62)
Lennart - 2309 / 25434 (5) (↘4)
Jeppa - 2079 / 3
Halvar - 2075 / 73 (3) (=3)
Alexis - 2044 / 557 (33) (↘29)
Evert - 2043 / 1983 (5) (↗15)
Engelbrekt - 2031 / 11
Bruno - 2008 / 1787 (27) (=27)
Cornelius - 1926 / 175 (9) (↘5)
Stefanus - 1907 / 6
Osvald - 1904 / 102 (2) (↗3)
Leo - 1816 / 11552 (538) (↗548)
Arnold - 1794 / 667 (5) (↗10)
Jean - 1782 / 1134 (3) (↘2)
Kasper - 1766 / 7493 (300) (↘236)
Alvar - 1763 / 1646 (122) (↘118)
Esaias - 1761 / 84 (…) (↗6)
Levi - 1752 / 1141 (123) (↗141)
Noak - 1704 / 170 (3) (↗4)
Ansgarius - 1694 / 0
Ander - 1686 / 16
Joakim - 1612 / 26339 (26) (↘16)
Nestor - 1573 / 133 (…) (↗2)
Brynolf - 1566 / 72
Rasmus - 1565 / 15897 (159) (↘100)
Truls - 1543 / 581 (20) (↗33)
Tore - 1531 / 5753 (51) (↘41)
James - 1495 / 2269 (73) (↘64)
Vilgot - 1490 / 3095 (189) (↗192) 
Tobias - 1478 / 21732 (19) (=19)
Zakris - 1413 / 20
Mickel - 1409 / 266 (3) (↘2)
Zacheus - 1400 / 15
Villeha(r)d - 1394 / 2
Jonatan - 1382 / 22899 (216) (↘173)
Alarik - 1357 / 16
Louis - 1356 / 456 (14) (↗27)
Josua - 1348 / 101 (...) (↗8)
Sixtus - 1324 / 2
Manfrid - 1317 / 9
Alex - 1300 / 5717 (125) (↘115)
Kristen - 1300 / 18
Albrekt - 1224 / 14
Botvid - 1193 / 27 (…) (↗3)
Teofil - 1182 / 27
Kurt - 1167 / 14993 (3) (↗5)
Rupert - 1143  / 45
Florentin - 1130 / 23
Manne - 1110 / 687 (28) (=28)
Olander - 1107 / 0
Hampus - 1106 / 11082 (109) (↗128)
Leonhard - 1086 / 26
Immanuel - 1071 / 64 (2) (↗4)
Esbjörn - 1060 / 509 (…) (↗3)
Svening - 1046 / 21
Severus - 1044 / 2
Rolf - 1040 / 26648 (2) (↗5)
Ingemar - 1039 / 8157 (13) (↘6)
Alfons - 1032 / 1644 (75) (↘65)
Krister - 1020 / 32621
Alf - 1017 / 9880 (13) (=13)
Tufve - 1006 / 100 (5) (=5)
Konstans - 1003 / 2
Malte - 1002 / 5173 (319) (↘301)
Justinus - 995 / 2
Ehrenfrid - 992 / 3
0 notes
1800-talsnamn · 6 years
1-233: 2017
William - 9101 / 25308 (850) (↗941)
Oskar - 272423 / 39048 (875) (↗892)
Alexander - 23663 / 38523 (668) (↗701)
Elias - 16974 / 20319 (664) (↗681)
Hugo - 28349 / 17046 (688) (↘670)
Adam - 4900 / 22207 (579) (↗613)
Leo - 1816 / 12196 (538) (↗548)
Valter - 3683 / 5859 (476) (↗538)
Isak - 23642 / 17284 (475) (↗528)
Axel - 235908 / 19513 (550) (↘524)
Ludvig - 62872 / 15110 (565) (↘512)
Adrian - 8089 / 8529 (556) (↘506)
Alfred - 180696 / 8196 (541) (↘496)
Nils - 339094  / 38565 (550) (↘487)
Filip - 10249 / 31500 (561) (↘469)
Teodor - 52104 / 7797 (475) (↘454)
Arvid - 65729 / 11027 (507) (↘453)
Harry - 6340 / 6726 (479) (↘451)
Edvin - 50775 / 11362 (454) (↘396)
Viktor - 103852 / 34515 (471) (↘392)
Olle - 4276 / 13230 (414) (↘388)
Benjamin - 2978 / 9807 (452) (↘382)
August - 479279 / 4590 (317) (↗377)
Emil - 146610 / 31213 (414) (↘373)
Gustaf - 630330 / 27859 (419) (↘369)
Josef - 36556 / 13141 (318) (↗364)
Sixten - 3300 / 5403 (359) (↘356)
Gabriel - 9821 / 10776 (341) (↗355)
Albin - 65405 / 16126 (374) (↘343)
Melker - 5347 / 5875 (329) (↗336)
Erik - 448390 / 67738 (378) (↘319)
Henry - 4179 / 5448 (294) (↗306)
Jakob - 45188 / 22697 (288) (↗297)
Otto - 89051 / 3875 (225) (↗256)
Anton - 74406 / 28202 (294) (↘244)
Karl - 1186188 / 66381 (279) (↘243)
Tage - 2974 / 4678 (258) (↘240)
Kasper - 1766 / 8294 (300) (↘236)
Vilhelm - 215470 / 5290 (221) (↗222)
Aron - 25682 / 3795 (213) (↘209)
Felix - 2530 / 11677 (256) (↘209)
Frans - 125042 / 3173 (210) (↘205)
Ivar - 31299 / 3628 (185) (↗199)
Samuel - 26557 / 12108 (175) (↗199)
Hjalmar - 78549 / 2901 (229) (↘197)
Elis - 11879 / 3229 (187) (↘185)
John - 50691 / 22668 (179) (=179)
Daniel - 30573 / 56671 (172) (=172)
Joel - 11778 / 14902 (179) (↘172)
Simon - 10019 / 30750 (192) (↘166)
Folke - 4424 / 3817 (151) (↗158)
David - 35726 / 32711 (188) (↘157)
Tor - 4166 / 3926 (165) (↘145)
Levi - 1752 / 1444 (123) (↗141)
Linus - 10308 / 19833 (126) (↗128)
Svante - 14635 / 4752 (121) (↗127)
Algot - 23044 / 1869 (127) (↘126)
Ture - 18313 / 3011 (123) (↘121)
Julius - 49378 / 2612 (136) (↘119)
Alvar - 1763 / 1737 (122) (↘118)
Allan - 2566 / 5331 (82) (↗110)
Edvard - 110495 / 3776 (140) (↘108)
Rasmus - 1565 / 16216 (159) (↘100)
Ruben - 3730 / 2295 (89) (↗92)
Olof - 303280 / 14652 (101) (↘91)
Emanuel - 90877 / 3748 (91) (↘89)
Knut - 44815 / 4935 (103) (↘87)
Valdemar - 31390 / 1876 (77) (↗87)
Albert - 101994 / 3044 (96) (↘86)
Herman - 60689 / 2692 (86) (↘81)
Ossian - 6170 / 1511 (83) (↘79)
Zakarias - 4263 / 2047 (69) (↗76)
Eskil - 4731 / 1816 (56) (↗75)
Mikael - 5006 / 79677 (88) (↘75)
Einar - 23530 / 2353 (80) (↘74)
Leonard - 62384 / 1516 (57) (↗74)
Art(h)ur - 13379 / 2430 (65) (↗73)
Johannes - 145178 / 10067 (85) (↘72)
Kristian - 22734 / 27315 (80) (↘71)
Mathias - 13977 / 41633 (72) (↘71)
Henning - 32630 / 1736 (67) (↗70)
Fabian - 8128 / 4465 (62) (↗68)
Markus - 3122 / 42692 (76) (↘64)
Holger - 2342 / 1764 (57) (↗62)
Gunnar - 38234 / 16195 (61) (↘58)
Harald - 20972 / 2683 (53) (↗58)
Sven - 169660 / 36133 (57) (↘53)
Måns - 11044 / 4761 (67) (↘50)
Ivan - 5733 / 4188 (49) (=49)
Bertil - 5448 / 11485 (32) (↗48)
Hilding - 9726 / 786 (47) (↗48)
Manfred - 4564 / 1046 (57) (↘46)
Martin - 45117 / 39131 (53) (↘46)
Seth - 3709 / 1494 (57) (↘45)
Helmer - 13008 / 777 (59) (↘43)
Malkolm - 5028 / 910 (26) (↗42)
Tore - 1531 / 6083 (51) (↘41)
Jonas - 122206 / 40994 (45) (↘40)
Kristoffer - 9266 / 29607 (46) (↘38)
Johan - 1177526 / 75146 (48) (↘37)
Charles - 5660 / 1649 (52) (↘36)
Jon - 20832 / 3393 (15) (↗35)
Ragnar - 15105 / 2071 (34) (↗35)
Pontus - 5324 / 13338 (51) (↘33)
Truls - 1543 / 667 (20) (↗33)
Gösta - 5696 / 5404 (21) (↗32)
Valentin - 6584 / 946 (32) (↘31)
Alexis - 2044 / 627 (33) (↘29)
Bror - 29996 / 5152 (19) (↗29)
Uno - 4885 / 2084 (25) (↗29)
Åke - 5115 / 14970 (21) (↗28)
Bruno - 2008 / 1783 (27) (=27)
Konrad - 28398 / 1256 (32) (↘26)
Natanael - 15666 / 1024 (31) (↘26)
Patrik - 5536 / 35243 (18) (↗26)
Tomas - 3449 / 60755 (27) (↘26)
Helge - 9138 / 1908 (17) (↗25)
Henrik - 52280 / 32787 (33) (↘25)
Jan - 52395 / 61187 (33) (↘25)
Andreas - 40440 / 45465 (27) (↘24)
Peter - 197549 / 62737 (17) (↗24)
Leopold - 5872 / 538 (28) (↘23)
Mattis - 2833 / 927 (37) (↘23)
Hilmer - 14239 / 235 (25) (↘22)
Niklas - 15513 / 39786 (21) (↗22)
Torsten - 6940 / 4289 (13) (↗22)
Agaton - 2972 / 290 (14) (↗20)
Robert - 44853 / 27920 (11) (↗19)
Elof - 20093 / 541 (12) (↗18)
Gottfrid - 50042 / 298 (8) (↗18)
Joakim - 1612 / 32405 (26) (↘16)
Lars - 201039 / 89046 (17) (↘16)
Paul - 8555 / 6229 (20) (↘16)
Evert - 2043 / 1932 (5) (↗15)
Sture - 2904 / 4640 (20) (↘15)
Lorentz - 9666 / 431 (15) (↘14)
Petter - 99024 / 5342 (16) (↘14)
Georg - 34975 / 4594 (13) (=13)
Mauritz - 22739 / 618 (10) (↗13)
Enoch - 11106 / 169 (7) (↗12)
Fredrik - 202840 / 54535 (16) (↘12)
Konstantin - 6084 / 824 (15) (↘12)
Richard - 30997 / 26020 (19) (↘12)
Verner - 26418 / 742 (10) (↗11)
Amandus - 11177 / 211 (15) (↘10)
Arnold - 1794 / 661 (5) (↗10)
Klas - 43935 / 18133 (15) (↘10)
Alrik - 3386 / 192 (5) (↗9)
Efraim - 11469 / 157 (7) (↗9)
Ernst - 88412 / 3001 (5) (↗9)
Gideon - 5345 / 234 (17) (↘9)
Magnus - 113053 / 41638 (6) (↗9)
Birger - 19924 / 2435 (8) (=8)
Edmund - 2582 / 193 (7) (↗8)
Sten - 4207 / 10396 (3) (↗8)
Abel - 3401 / 448 (14) (↘7)
Abraham - 15088 / 644 (9) (↘7)
Anders - 538729 / 78409 (3) (↗7)
Bengt - 31346 / 43912 (…) (↗7)
Erland - 8271 / 1330 (8) (↘7)
Isidor - 6598 / 237 (7) (=7)
Petrus - 17313 / 547 (2) (↗7)
Esaias - 1761 / 90 (…) (↗6)
Hans - 60797 / 48855 (9) (↘6)
Sigfrid - 34705 / 273 (2) (↗6)
Tyko - 2414 / 173 (14) (↘6)
Cornelius - 1926 / 197 (9) (↘5)
Fritz - 18067 / 992 (3) (↗5)
Mats - 8918 / 44120 (5) (=5)
Per - 367100 / 67642 (6) (↘5)
Alexius - 6849 / 39 (2) (↗4)
Bernhard - 53932 / 448 (2) (↗4)
Evald - 8863 / 381 (10) (↘4)
Ferdinand - 44877 / 163 (8) (↘4)
Herbert - 4219 / 710 (4) (=4)
Håkan - 10536 / 26009 (…) (↗4)
Leander - 13486 / 80 (5) (↘4)
Lennart - 2309 / 24994 (5) (↘4)
Levin - 5385 / 96 (12) (↘4)
Noak - 1704 / 170 (3) (↗4)
Ola - 38576 / 9641 (5) (↘4)
Salomon - 11349 / 182 (4) (=4)
Ulrik -  6809 / 1100 (…) (↗4)
Börje - 2834 / 7382 (3) (=3)
Gerhard - 9721 / 952 (…) (↗3)
Halvar - 2075 / 73 (3) (=3)
Justus - 4183 / 195 (7) (↘3)
Osvald - 1904 / 100 (2) (↗3)
Eugen - 9898 / 303 (3) (↘2)
Israel - 7623 / 112 (…) (↗2)
Jean - 1782 / 1150 (3) (↘2)
Nestor - 1573 / 139 (…) (↗2)
Paulus - 4670 / 105 (2) (=2)
Rudolf - 26482 / 547 (…) (↗2)
Sigurd - 7276 / 564 (7) (↘2)
Simeon - 2890 / 195 (2) (=2)
Adolf - 143678 / 197
Alfrid - 14358 / 1
Ander - 1686 / 16
Ansgarius - 1694 / 0
Ans(h)elm - 5611 / 16
Antonius - 2827 / 69 (2) (↘…)
Augustinus - 2438 / 5
Bernt - 5160 / 9593
Brynolf - 1566 / 72
Engelbert - 4782 / 17
Engelbrekt - 2031 / 11
Erhard - 3667 / 48
Ernfrid - 3015 / 15
Fridolf - 13224 / 64 (2) (↘…)
Fritiof -  18535 / 126 (3) (↘…)
Gotthard - 9911 / 39
Göran - 8228 / 26048
Heribert - 4324 / 12
Janne - 12550 / 1171
Jeppa - 2079 / 3
Jöns - 67561 / 223
Lambert - 2591 / 15
Laurentius - 6184 / 4
Mårten - 16288 / 3102 (3) (↘…)
Napoleon - 4916 / 63
Nikanor - 2448 / 8
Nikolaus - 11976 / 100
Olaus - 14759 / 10
Pål - 5492 / 564
Reinhold - 33651 / 280
Sanfrid - 4649 / 19
Severin - 13265 / 62 (2) (↘…)
Stefanus - 1907 / 6
Torvald - 2482 / 273 (2) (↘…)
Valfrid - 36607 / 65 (5) (↘…)
Vitalis - 4567 / 18
Yngve - 3393 / 3112 (5) (↘…)
0 notes
1800-talsnamn · 6 years
⚫ 1-232: 1900
Karl - 1186188 / 43674 (279) (↘243)
Johan - 1177526 / 74445 (48) (↘37)
Gustaf - 630330 / 7232 (419) (↘369)
Anders - 538729 / 78858 (3) (↗7)
August - 479279 / 3986 (317) (↗377)
Erik - 448390 / 58625 (378) (↘319)
Per - 367100 / 60053 (6) (↘5)
Nils - 339094  / 38772 (550) (↘487)
Olof - 303280 / 11681 (101) (↘91)
Oskar - 272423  / 17703 (875) (↗892)
Axel - 235908 / 18769 (550) (↘524)
Vilhelm - 215470 / 5006 (221) (↗222)
Fredrik - 202840 / 51801 (16) (↘12)
Lars - 201039 / 90673 (17) (↘16)
Peter - 197549 / 62279 (17) (↗24)
Alfred - 180696 / 7692 (541) (↘496)
Sven - 169660 / 37310 (57) (↘53)
Emil - 146610 / 30644 (414) (↘373)
Johannes - 145178 / 9907 (85) (↘72)
Adolf - 143678 / 197
Frans - 125042 / 2647 (210) (↘205)
Jonas - 122206 / 40214 (45) (↘40)
Magnus - 113053 / 41640 (6) (↗9)
Edvard - 110495 / 1206 (140) (↘108)
Viktor - 103852 / 32784 (471) (↘392)
Albert - 101994 / 2928 (96) (↘86)
Petter - 99024 / 5325 (16) (↘14)
Emanuel - 90877 / 3062 (91) (↘89)
Otto - 89051 / 3628 (225) (↗256)
Ernst - 88412 / 2980 (5) (↗9)
Hjalmar - 78549 / 2676 (229) (↘197)
Anton - 74406 / 27438 (294) (↘244)
Jöns - 67561 / 223
Arvid - 65729 / 10464 (507) (↘453)
Albin - 65405 / 15774 (374) (↘343)
Ludvig - 62872 / 9915 (565) (↘512)
Leonard - 62384 / 1408 (57) (↗74)
Hans - 60797 / 49916 (9) (↘6)
Herman - 60689 / 2469 (86) (↘81)
Bernhard - 53932 / 447 (2) (↗4)
Jan - 52395 / 61560 (33) (↘25)
Henrik - 52280 / 30638 (33) (↘25)
Teodor - 52104 / 7288 (475) (↘454)
Edvin - 50775 / 8140 (454) (↘396)
John - 50691 / 22352 (179) (=179)
Gottfrid - 50042 / 261 (8) (↗18)
Julius - 49378 / 2456 (136) (↘119)
Jakob - 45188 / 10147 (288) (↗297)
Martin - 45117 / 38997 (53) (↘46)
Ferdinand - 44877 / 160 (8) (↘4)
Robert - 44853 / 27207 (11) (↗19)
Knut - 44815 / 5110 (103) (↘87)
Klas - 43935 / 16165 (15) (↘10)
Andreas - 40440 / 43777 (27) (↘24)
Ola - 38576 / 9898 (5) (↘4)
Gunnar - 38234 / 16678 (61) (↘58)
Valfrid - 36607 / 65 (5) (↘…)
Josef - 36556 / 4999 (318) (↗364)
David - 35726 / 31735 (188) (↘157)
Georg - 34975 / 4583 (13) (=13)
Sigfrid - 34705 / 168 (2) (↗6)
Reinhold - 33651 / 280
Henning - 32630 / 1695 (67) (↗70)
Valdemar - 31390 / 1788 (77) (↗87)
Bengt - 31346 / 45165 (…) (↗7)
Ivar - 31299 / 3490 (185) (↗199)
Richard - 30997 / 9080 (19) (↘12)
Daniel - 30573 / 55414 (172) (=172)
Bror - 29996 / 5472 (19) (↗29)
Konrad - 28398 / 906 (32) (↘26)
Hugo - 28349 / 16391 (688) (↘670)
Samuel - 26557 / 11736 (175) (↗199)
Rudolf - 26482 / 522 (…) (↗2)
Verner - 26418 / 760 (10) (↗11)
Aron - 25682 / 2594 (213) (↘209)
Alexander - 23663 / 36530 (668) (↗701)
Isak - 23642 / 10797 (475) (↗528)
Einar - 23530 / 2208 (80) (↘74)
Algot - 23044 / 1738 (127) (↘126)
Mauritz - 22739 / 616 (10) (↗13)
Kristian - 22734 / 25379 (80) (↘71)
Harald - 20972 / 2680 (53) (↗58)
Jon - 20832 / 3302 (15) (↗35)
Elof - 20093 / 539 (12) (↗18)
Birger - 19924 / 2535 (8) (=8)
Fritiof -  18535 / 126 (3) (↘…)
Ture - 18313 / 2971 (123) (↘121)
Fritz - 18067 / 952 (3) (↗5)
Petrus - 17313 / 535 (2) (↗7)
Elias - 16974 / 19110 (664) (↗681)
Mårten - 16288 / 3102 (3) (↘…)
Natanael - 15666 / 960 (31) (↘26)
Niklas - 15513 / 22450 (21) (↗22)
Ragnar - 15105 / 2115 (34) (↗35)
Abraham - 15088 / 616 (9) (↘7)
Olaus - 14759 / 10
Svante - 14635 / 4649 (121) (↗127)
Alfrid - 14358 / 1
Hilmer - 14239 / 212 (25) (↘22)
Mathias - 13977 / 9747 (72) (↘71)
Leander - 13486 / 72 (5) (↘4)
Art(h)ur - 13379 / 1477 (65) (↗73)
Severin - 13265 / 62 (2) (↘…)
Fridolf - 13224 / 64 (2) (↘…)
Helmer - 13008 / 733 (59) (↘43)
Janne - 12550 / 1171
Nikolaus - 11976 / 100
Elis - 11879 / 2809 (187) (↘185)
Joel - 11778 / 14573 (179) (↘172)
Efraim - 11469 / 125 (7) (↗9)
Salomon - 11349 / 177 (4) (=4)
Amandus - 11177 / 199 (15) (↘10)
Enoch - 11106 / 123 (7) (↗12)
Måns - 11044 / 4526 (67) (↘50)
Håkan - 10536 / 26141 (…) (↗4)
Linus - 10308 / 19604 (126) (↗128)
Filip - 10249 / 19044 (561) (↘469)
Simon - 10019 / 30435 (192) (↘166)
Gotthard - 9911 / 39
Eugen - 9898 / 203 (3) (↘2)
Gabriel - 9821 / 10297 (341) (↗355)
Hilding - 9726 / 752 (47) (↗48)
Gerhard - 9721 / 791 (…) (↗3)
Lorentz - 9666 / 220 (15) (↘14)
Kristoffer - 9266 / 7187 (46) (↘38)
Helge - 9138 / 2007 (17) (↗25)
William - 9101 / 23799 (850) (↗941)
Mats - 8918 / 42105 (5) (=5)
Evald - 8863 / 373 (10) (↘4)
Paul - 8555 / 6261 (20) (↘16)
Erland - 8271 / 1361 (8) (↘7)
Göran - 8228 / 26048
Fabian - 8128 / 4331 (62) (↗68)
Adrian - 8089 / 7754 (556) (↘506)
Israel - 7623 / 104 (…) (↗2)
Sigurd - 7276 / 580 (7) (↘2)
Torsten - 6940 / 4217 (13) (↗22)
Alexius - 6849 / 36 (2) (↗4)
Ulrik -  6809 / 1100 (…) (↗4)
Isidor - 6598 / 221 (7) (=7)
Valentin - 6584 / 788 (32) (↘31)
Harry - 6340 / 5584 (479) (↘451)
Laurentius - 6184 / 4
Ossian - 6170 / 1396 (83) (↘79)
Konstantin - 6084 / 358 (15) (↘12)
Leopold - 5872 / 504 (28) (↘23)
Ivan - 5733 / 4033 (49) (=49)
Gösta - 5696 / 5748 (21) (↗32)
Charles - 5660 / 1607 (52) (↘36)
Ans(h)elm - 5611 / 16
Patrik - 5536 / 27986 (18) (↗26)
Pål - 5492 / 564
Bertil - 5448 / 11918 (32) (↗48)
Levin - 5385 / 96 (12) (↘4)
Melker - 5347 / 5522 (329) (↗336)
Gideon - 5345 / 216 (17) (↘9)
Pontus - 5324 / 13252 (51) (↘33)
Bernt - 5160 / 9593
Åke - 5115 / 15438 (21) (↗28)
Malkolm - 5028 / 872 (26) (↗42)
Mikael - 5006 / 56244 (88) (↘75)
Napoleon - 4916 / 63
Adam - 4900 / 21140 (579) (↗613)
Uno - 4885 / 2147 (25) (↗29)
Engelbert - 4782 / 17
Eskil - 4731 / 1761 (56) (↗75)
Sanfrid - 4649 / 19
Paulus - 4670 / 100 (2) (=2)
Vitalis - 4567 / 18
Manfred - 4564 / 1010 (57) (↘46)
Folke - 4424 / 3817 (151) (↗158)
Heribert - 4324 / 12
Olle - 4276 / 12918 (414) (↘388)
Zakarias - 4263 / 1968 (69) (↗76)
Herbert - 4219 / 741 (4) (=4)
Sten - 4207 / 10576 (3) (↗8)
Justus - 4183 / 187 (7) (↘3)
Henry - 4179 / 4799 (294) (↗306)
Tor - 4166 / 3831 (165) (↘145)
Ruben - 3730 / 2090 (89) (↗92)
Seth - 3709 / 1362 (57) (↘45)
Valter - 3683 / 5234 (476) (↗538)
Erhard - 3667 / 48
Tomas - 3449 / 59064 (27) (↘26)
Abel - 3401 / 423 (14) (↘7)
Yngve - 3393 / 3112 (5) (↘…)
Alrik - 3386 / 172 (5) (↗9)
Sixten - 3300 / 5063 (359) (↘356)
Markus - 3122 / 12997 (76) (↘64)
Ernfrid - 3015 / 15
Benjamin - 2978 / 9090 (452) (↘382)
Tage - 2974 / 4587 (258) (↘240)
Agaton - 2972 / 246 (14) (↗20)
Sture - 2904 / 4854 (20) (↘15)
Simeon - 2890 / 191 (2) (=2)
Börje - 2834 / 7502 (3) (=3)
Antonius - 2827 / 69 (2) (↘…)
Lambert - 2591 / 15
Edmund - 2582 / 183 (7) (↗8)
Allan - 2566 / 5333 (82) (↗110)
Felix - 2530 / 11345 (256) (↘209)
Torvald - 2482 / 273 (2) (↘…)
Nikanor - 2448 / 8
Augustinus - 2438 / 5
Tyko - 2414 / 166 (14) (↘6)
Holger - 2342 / 1757 (57) (↗62)
Lennart - 2309 / 25434 (5) (↘4)
Jeppa - 2079 / 3
Halvar - 2075 / 73 (3) (=3)
Alexis - 2044 / 557 (33) (↘29)
Evert - 2043 / 1983 (5) (↗15)
Engelbrekt - 2031 / 11
Bruno - 2008 / 1787 (27) (=27)
Cornelius - 1926 / 175 (9) (↘5)
Stefanus - 1907 / 6
Osvald - 1904 / 102 (2) (↗3)
Leo - 1816 / 11552 (538) (↗548)
Arnold - 1794 / 667 (5) (↗10)
Jean - 1782 / 1134 (3) (↘2)
Kasper - 1766 / 7493 (300) (↘236)
Alvar - 1763 / 1646 (122) (↘118)
Esaias - 1761 / 84 (…) (↗6)
Levi - 1752 / 1141 (123) (↗141)
Noak - 1704 / 170 (3) (↗4)
Ansgarius - 1694 / 0
Ander - 1686 / 16
Joakim - 1612 / 26339 (26) (↘16)
Nestor - 1573 / 133 (…) (↗2)
Brynolf - 1566 / 72
Rasmus - 1565 / 15897 (159) (↘100)
Truls - 1543 / 581 (20) (↗33)
Tore - 1531 / 5753 (51) (↘41)
0 notes
saxmoments · 6 years
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Saxophon live, Willenscharen (24616)
Saxophon live Am Sonntag, 20.05.2018 ab 11:00 Uhr gibt es Saxophon-Hut-Konzert der besonderen Art im Bauernhofcafé Ansgarius (Am Wallberg 2, 24616 Willenscharen (www.hofansgarius.de). Genießen Sie kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu chilligen Saxophon-Klängen". Erleben Sie eine entspannte Wohlfühl - http://saxmoments.com/Veranstaltung/saxophon-live-willenscharen-24616-3/ - Saxophonist in Kiel, Hamburg und Bremen
0 notes
saxmoments · 6 years
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Saxophon live, Willenscharen (24616)
Saxophon live Am Donnerstag, 10.05.2018 ab 15:00 Uhr gibt es Saxophon-Hut-Konzert der besonderen Art im Bauernhofcafé Ansgarius (Am Wallberg 2, 24616 Willenscharen (www.hofansgarius.de). Genießen Sie kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu chilligen Saxophon-Klängen". Erleben Sie eine entspannte Wohlfühl - http://saxmoments.com/Veranstaltung/saxophon-live-willenscharen-24616-2/ - Freier Redner & Saxophonist - Heiko Frehse
0 notes