#Anyhow. Overall. I agree with you. Melia act really strange.
heretodefyfate · 8 months
These thoughts are plagging my brain and need the rejuv-nation to suffer with me.
Have you noticed that Paragon!Melia is....off? Ever since waking up from the dream/alternate universe, she has been acting strange- she even wore pigtails at one point (post Terajuma) which I figured she'd avoid bc of Melanie- kinda detached, even? But still nice.
So, here is what I think. I think Paragon!Melia is M2 too, but she has been subdued in anger because of the positive memories in Melia's body, so she is playing her role to help us until our friend comes back properly.
I too think she act a bit off, especially right after she met the real protagonist in the "wilted" world
And ngl, when Melia requested to be added into Zeight, i...did not trust her. Like you've said, she feel off and if you play renegade route or watched it, it's understandable that you would assume that M2 is replacing our Melia. I thought me popping right outta the Zeight, that would trigger Melia to say st else but nope, nt happened.
Personally, i don't think M2 is possesing paragon_Melia body, cuz' in renegade, it shown that M2 don't have any memories of the host she in so i don't think her emotion would be skewed by Melia's posistive thoughts.
My theory is that, that is still our Melia, the current version_Melia of the world we are currently living in. And...the reason for her odd behaviors was that, she is coping.
Like, put yourself in her shoes...
She got the whole team Xen after her;
Discovered that she have some god-like power which was placed in her since birth, then discover that the same thing is giving her some sort of rare disease;
Is sorta having identity-crisis about herself (Maria-Marianette-Melia);
Going through multiple bad timelines and one of them feature the world is in literal state of static (PMD explorer of sky reference, lol), and the reasion was that she and the protagonist failed.
And then the whole revelation about karma
Like, that must fucked up your mental health a lot
And another thing is...there is no other options than keep moving on.
So like, Melia has all these responsibilities on her and yet, in the end, she still gonna died to a disease anyway, unless the interceptor manage to change it (which i think Melia is very hopeful about). So that's why her action can come off as off and...secrety, at least to me
Adamant on getting into zeight, her fucking up the time zone in there seem to be another way for her to slow down her death time
Making End-of-Nights, hinted that she know Renegade MC and had communicated with them, without fully explaining this to anyone else on the team, so she is doing things alone...again.
Breaking up with Venam, which is...idk, this action seem weird, sure, we are too busy saving the world, relationship come seconds but like, idk, like, you doesn't have to stop acting lovey dovey while on the jobs, you know? Idk, this decision from her is lowkey strange, i know you're gonna die so why lock yourself out of any happiness.
As for pigtails, i don't think it meant anything tbh
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