#Anyway I'm just gonna take the biggest moment to just gush in the tags
reksink · 2 years
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Once I post this'll be my 413th post, so I'm going back to roots and drawing a nice MSPA to celebrate 💚
Everyday I live in the complete fear & dread knowing I will never escape this webcomic 👍
Thank you so much for sticking around and deciding to follow, it means the absolute world to me!!
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karasuno-writings · 5 years
Yo. I'm new to your blog, so I'll try my best to be appreciative and polite to you. Doing this gotta be hard. So, I ain't gonna act like you inhuman. This is your work, and its darn good. You got support for that. Anyway, I hope this ain't a weird request. Decline if your wanna, no hard feelings. How about headcanons with Tsukishima, Hinata, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Kenma. Them having a sleepover with their s/o, and they put their head in their lap, and sing to them? Is that confusing, or too many?
Ah thank you so so much for your kind words, I’m really thankful of how thoughtful you are! It is a perfect request and a very wholesome one honestly!! Yes I loved this and don’t worry it was just right! Thank you so so much again!
And thank you all who helped yesterday, I am sorry if it was bothersome for me to make my breakdown public but honestly?? It was all of you who made me feel better. Special thanks to @normiewrites @bakupecs @leiawriteshaikyuu @oyaoyaoyoya @wolfishwriting and @a-q-rp  (If you guys don’t want to be tagged just tell ma and sorry about that!) but if you wrote to me I really appreciate it, thank you all so much. 
You went to his house due to a storm that hit Miyagi late at night after a date the two of you had. Considering you were close to his home that is where the two of you rushed towards. At arrival you were soaking, and he definitely could not let you go home while it was dark and pouring, so he suggested for you to stay the night.
Of course you agreed, so he handed you some pajamas and let you take a hot shower, how horribly irresponsible of him would it be to leave you freeze and catch a cold after all.
Depending on your size you either wore the full set or you found the pants to be too big but just the shirt perfect. Either way they were Dinosaur print pajamas, and he was blushing when you came out of the bathroom. 
He was wearing pajamas with a shark on the shirt, and looked way too cute for the frown that he has as a cover up for his slightly pink cheeks. 
His gaze softens quick enough though, the two of you have been dating for a long time and he trusts you, he didn’t feel vulnerable as he thought he would, that was the biggest relief.
It was early enough so the two of you sat down to watch a movie, his pick was interstellar, and you didn’t complain so it was set. 
15 minutes into the movie he pressed his lips on top of your head silently, your hair still wet from the shower, he could smell his shampoo which he immediately thought suited you, it felt so personal. 
That’s what made him shift so your head rest on his lap. You were clearly confused by his actions but complied to rest your head on his legs, pleased at the affection that he was only prone to show in private.
Your wet hair was fresh to the touch and soft in his hands, so he absentmindedly ran his fingers through it, dividing stands and twisting strands, all while immersed in the movie. 
Halfway through while being fully immersed, half conscious of what he was doing he started humming softly
You did not say anything as you knew better, but it however felt so heartfelt? It was truly a precious moment between the two of you.
Ever since that moment it is an unspoken habit between the two of you
He does it often, however it’s only late at night and while the two of you are enjoying quality time silently.
He invited you over to his house for no real reason, he just wanted to spend more time with you and he thought it would be a nice “date”. So once you were at his house the first thing the two of you did was make a pillow fort
It was pretty big as you sat inside with your laptop playing some background music as you were just chatting it up. However he wanted to be closer to you so he just shuffled over. 
Once next to you he grabbed your head and placed it on his lap, probably a little on the harsher side because of his excitement. “Let me play with your hair Y/N it just smells so good!” 
As you nodded and chuckled he began untangling it and running his fingers through it. He either plays with it making small braids that he learned to do thanks to Natsu if it is long enough, or just gush about how nice it feels if it is short. 
He is talking to you about all his aspirations and you know volleyball until a song comes into his head, and he just kinda starts drifting away and starts singing it to you
He is smiling the whole time as he sings, brushing his fingers over your hair and taking loose strands off your face while looking into your eyes.
He smiles when he is done singing and he just silently plays with your hair for a few moments, he is very talkative but the moments of shared silence are so genuine and he is just admiring you
He started lowkey crying because he loves you so much, when you notice and ask he just hugs you and tells you that he just can’t believe he has you???
He is such an angel, this started happening frequently ever since, like whenever you are on a date in a more chill plan like staying at home he is very much singing to you while stroking your hair 
Please do it for him too, if you sing to him he will sing along with you and honestly karaoke duets happen very often between the two of you 
The first time you stayed over was because he had just lost a pretty important match and you wanted to support him. He really appreciate the offer and the fact that it was your idea was so much better, he just wanted to take his head out of the game. 
When he saw you wearing pajamas he had this adorable blush on because honestly you looked great. He usually sleeps in boxers but he is a gentleman so he had some comfortable shorts on. 
You both were chilling on his couch, this was after all a plan the came up out of the blue, so you were eating snacks while watching your favorite series. His arm was draped around you in a really lazy way, and his rough fingertips brushing your arm tenderly. 
As you watched the last chapter together he felt  you getting heavier against his chest and he looked at you, confirming that you were indeed asleep. 
He started at you for a few moments, you looked so soft with you eyes closed, he didn’t want to disturb you so he panicked for at least five seconds.
After that he relaxed and very carefully help you lie down on the couch, resting your head on his lap.
He pressed a kiss to you forehead and changed the finale so you would not miss it, and put on an animated film because he is a sucker for them.
He loved your hair so he began playing with it, knowing it would help you relax, he almost does it as a scalp massage, he is so good as helping you relieve stress. He was tender but rough, pretty much like he is with most things. 
You woke up slightly to hear him singing, he was not singing along to anything particularly, he just felt so at calm with you sleeping on his lap. 
You did not stir until he finished singing, that is when he noticed you were awake once more. The blood rushed straight up to his cheeks after that, he was very embarrassed.
That is until you pressed a soft kiss on his lips as you shuffled to look at him. His hands found their way to you back and he was smiling onto your lips. He just loves you so much.
He does it often, but the singing is a rare occurrence 
Neither of you planned the sleepover, however when the two of you decided to take a break from playing you discovered that it was incredibly late, so he asked you to stay the night.
He had this small smile as he said it, he liked the idea of getting to spend more time with you, specially if it meant he got to cuddle you
He lent you some pajamas or comfy clothes of his, he liked when you wore his clothing, it was a small gesture of what you meant to him. He is a firm believer that to date you just need a really deep friendship so he likes those small details that give off they you are indeed dating. 
The two of you had been playing games but now he just wanted to watch you play, so the two of you sat on the floor, his legs wrapped around you as he rest his chin on your shoulder, his arms loosely wrapped around you as he held his gaze on the game. 
It was late at night, the two of you had watched a movie and played some board games, he is unsurprisingly good at them, and now you were laying on his bed, head on his lap. 
The two of you were quiet as his hands found his way onto your hair, he then started playing with it, soft fingers meticulously dividing strands and tenderly running up and down your hair. 
He then started humming, a soft and almost ethereal tune,  as his eyes become droopy and his hands touched your hair carefully.
He has a beautiful singing voice, he however will not sing often, just in these precious moments.
Like that the both of you drifted asleep, only shifting almost in the morning, as you snuggled up to him. 
It started as a study date, the two of you knew exams were approaching so it always helped to study together, however when you suggested staying over this boy was ecstatic. 
When you arrived the two of you did study, long enough to get worn out. The second he saw you stress he decided to call it quits. He had prepared everything for this moment, from the movie the two of you would watch to the games you were to play.
When the two of you went to put on you pajamas he just smirked and mocked you, you just looked adorable and he honestly didn’t know how else to cope.
This dork lay blankets on the floor and pillows surrounding it, for the two of you to be comfortable so he literally lift you up and lay you down on the little place he had set up. He was about to put the movie but he got really caught up with talking to you and joking around to make you relax.
Then the two of you decided to actually watch the movie, some disney movie you had always loved, and before you could make yourself comfortable he was behind you, softly laying your head on his legs.
His hands quickly found their way to your hair he loved to play with it as a side distraction from the movie, and knowing it was something you liked made it all better. 
He sang along to every single song in the movie and honestly he played with you hair almost the entirety of it, you ended up very relaxed and his he now smelled like you, he was really happy about it. 
If you sing with him he will be beyond happy, making voices for different characters and all.  
However after it ended the two of you remained there, and as he saw you he smirked and sang you a song very dear to him, it was soft and honestly he just appreciated that he could spend this moments with you. 
You closed your eyes because it felt really good and just before you opened them he kissed you softly, smiling lightly. He was happy he took you by surprise. 
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crazy4myself · 3 years
Okay so get ready for a long ass ask, because I am ready to gush about 'No harm list' (I'm sorry in advance for it, please forgive me)
So I started yesterday because I love Mafia AU, and right from the start the story was so interesting with the fight, how she helped him but then it ended up being him helping her, and then helping each other (yay teamwork!!) And I just wanted to know how it was gonna develop!! And then there was the whole story with daewon and hoseok (who hides his secrets very well) but I mean he had to be in a gang because he literally killed the guy who killed his sister... and in my head, it was blaring alarms everywhere!!! But dumb ass reader was too much of an idiot to put 2 and 2 together... as always!!
And then they all grew on her (I mean how could you resist any of them really). I'm not gonna lie, I thought something was gonna happen with jimin... because he is the best, come on!!! He is sweet, caring, hot, intelligent, etc. (Also I don't if I was just dumb or really hadn't read correctly coz I didn't know Jin and Namjoon were thing until he woke him up with the contract in the morning, but I do have the attention span of a fly)
The characters are super interesting, especially taehyung and namjoon. The former because he's hot then he's cold (yes I just referenced Katy perry), but he has so much history and such a difficult background and there is so much potential with his character!!! Especially with the whole kissing thing from chapter 10, that was something I definitely did not see coming... And namjoon.... aaaah namjoon, I honestly dont know what to do with him!! Like I think he is intelligent and he knows what he's doing, and he's caring and then he pulls shit like with taehyung and suddenly the only thing I wanna do is strangle him!!! But he must have more things to him that explain why he's acting like that, and I wonder when we're gonna learn about his backstory and what are him into this weirdly ruthless leader that still cares.
And I'm so happy that hosoek is back to being her friend!! I was over the moon when that arrived!!!
And to finish, I really wonder how the whole kissing jungkook-kissing taehyung thing is gonna go down... is she gonna go to taehyung because she thinks that jungkook is acting like that because he's indebted?? Is she gonna go to jungkook because taehyung can be a little cold?? Is she gonna go to neither?? Is she gonna pull a weird move and kiss jimin so she doesn't have to choose?? (I know far fetched but I really want something to happen between them!!! Yes I'm acting like a 5 year old that doesn't get what she wants and constantly talks about it)
Anyway, all of that to say that I simply adore this story. I love the storyline you came up with and I can't wait to see what happens next!!! But please take care of yourself, eat and drink enough, take some breaks and sleep especially during exams season!!!
All the love from a fellow student, although I'm from another country... All the love ❤
I am overwhelmed in the best way possible this is such a kind and loving review! I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed the story thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!!!
I don’t get ask very often and I always get so excited when I do so to get one this long is just 😭🥺💕 so let’s dive in
First off yess thank you for calling out my dumb ass for not letting the reader catch on on Hoseok was in BTS I think that’s one of my biggest plot holes, and the main reason why is bc I changed my mind abt her knowing abt BTS pretty last minute in the drafting process when I was writing last year. So some of the details in the backstory and her time with Hobi is pretty muddy. I constantly think about going back and changing it lmao but at that moment I’m content with her being dumb.
As for the shipping... I don’t plan to drag out this love triangle nonsense for too long I hate any kind friendships getting complicated over love interests, so you will have answers soon. Unfortunately, I can tell you for sure that it is not Jimin. But don’t fret! Jimin actually gets his own spin off story one day! It’s About him falling in love with an environmental activist who hires him to make bombs. It’s going to be such fun to write! You may be able to find some more details on it if you explore the tag No Harm List on my blog it might be pretty deep tho.
As for Namjin. Believe it or not you are not the first person to say you didn’t get that they were together. Which is interesting bc I feel like I leave some good hints and have them refer to each other as “lover” a good bit along the journey but that’s definitely a plot point I should go back and polish somewhere for clarity sake. Thank you for pointing it out!
As for Namjoon you’ve heard a good bit of his back story from other peoples POV like suga and J-Hope. And honestly there’s not too much more to say at the moment. The reason he is the way he is is because power is hard. It’s hard to get. It’s hard to keep. And when you’re a mob boss you need to be ruthless and sometimes that ruthlessness hurts the ones you care about. I do have to say I think he’s one of my weaker characters on the emotional spectrum. I’ve only approached big picture plot points from his POV. But I think I will challenge myself to think a bit more in his perspective and delve into his character a bit more for clarity sake.
Thank you so much for this amazing review it also gave me a lot to reflect on as well which I really appreciate!
And thank you for your well wishes I have four more exams left but I’ve taken down two and final a paper so far! So we’re going strong!!!
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