#Oh sweet bald summer child what have I cursed you with
reksink · 2 years
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Once I post this'll be my 413th post, so I'm going back to roots and drawing a nice MSPA to celebrate 💚
Everyday I live in the complete fear & dread knowing I will never escape this webcomic 👍
Thank you so much for sticking around and deciding to follow, it means the absolute world to me!!
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officialleehadan · 5 years
Old Friends
This one is for Kateland, one of my AMAZING subscriber-drive patrons! Here it is, darling. I hope you like it!
“I like your daughters.”
Eskyl turned a little too fast for his healing side and muttered a curse. Zain only watched him, unbothered by both pain and cursing.
Not unusual, for what was arguably the most powerful necromancer on the continent.
“They’re not-“ he started, and glared when Zain only raised a judgmental brow at him expectantly. “My daughter was murdered, Skull-cap. You know this.”
“She was,” Zain relented ever so slightly and joined Eskyl at the railing. The balcony was one of the highest in the tower and overlooked the immense forest beyond. Surrounding the foot of the tower were deep, knife-like crags that rose up, impossible to climb and worse to march through. “You traveled with Bald-Face and I for quite a while, before and after.”
“So why the comment?”
“A man can have more than one daughter, you moronic swordsman.”
“I’ve killed men for less.”
“I’ve never been killed, but do try. It sounds interesting.”
Eskyl glared harder. Zain continued to ignore him. Unfortunately, killing him really wouldn’t do much. Eskyl was no fool, no matter what Zain thought to the contrary. Zain was well-prepared for whatever came after life, and would probably get right back up if Eskyl ran him through.
Ah, the perils of a life-long friend.
“They’ve stolen whatever heart I had left,” he confessed after a while, and turned to look inside the shadowy tower. His girls, and his young godson, where playing together. Little Kia was armed with a soft-padded sword and was facing off with the Terrible Dragon. Trevor had a sheet over his shoulders to make wings, and was playing the part to the hilt, chasing the toddler this way and that, growling terribly.
Adelaide presided over the whole thing with a serenity she much have learned from her mother, although she couldn’t hide her giggles, even as Zain’s dark-elf lover braided her hair up into a complicated nest of perfect braids.
Elves. No elf would ever risk a child. They were too rare and too precious, and so even a dark-elf, one who bore the silvery tattoos of a blooded assassin across his black-skinned cheeks, turned into a doting nursemaid. Give him a strong young woman, her admirer, and a happy toddler, and he immediately melted.
Eskyl was more relieved than he wanted to admit that his brood now had more than one pair of eyes watching over them. His alone were not enough.
“Nahalis will watch them,” Zain said quietly, and prodded Eskyl in is bad side remorselessly. “Come speak with me, old friend. Nothing within this tower will harm them.”
“Even the mostly-dead ogres in the basement?”
“Oh, I sent them to Bald-Face a while back. He’s giving them a bit of his special touch.”
“Druids are scary.”
“Oh, very. Now,” Zain kept prodding until Eskyl left the sprawling living area and followed the stairs down into Zain’s workshop. It was, as always, somewhat horrific. That was alright though. Eskyl was long-since used to his ghoulish friend’s ways. “Tell me what stabbed you. It takes a good bit to get through your armor. I know. I helped you make it.”
“It didn’t go through,” Eskyl muttered bitterly and accepted the mug Zain handed him. A single sip sent warmth through his blood and left the taste of joyful summer on his tongue. Rich forest berries cut the cloying sweetness of honey that came from flowers few mortals ever saw. “I was stupid and wasn’t wearing it. One of Bald-Face’s brews?”
“He trades me for spices and dead flesh for his ladies,” Zain raised his own much in cheers to their absent friend. Eskyl clunked the heavy mug against his and drank again, more cautiously. He had a few of Bald-Face’s bottles tucked away in his lair. It was delicious, and ridiculously potent. “What in the world possessed you to go off not wearing your armor?”
“It’s heavy, and it’s hot,” Eskyl said, somewhat defensive, although not terribly bothered. “And I wasn’t expecting combat. You’ve heard about the young upstart claiming to be the Master of All Evil, off east of here?”
“Ah, yes. We had a conversation, he and I.”
“His name is Coil.”
“I know. The poor darling. His birth-name must have been something properly awful to pick that for himself.”
Eskyl snickered into his mead at the frankly unimpressed expression on his old friend’s face. “Kia is a princess.”
“Is she?” Zain tilted his head, attention captured by the new information. “I thought Adelaide was the elder sister.”
“She’s bastard-born.”
“Ah. And so the young princess seeks…”
“At the moment, a dragon to slay,” Eskyl could hear the children’s laughter echoing down the stairs. “Her sister tracked me down. The upstart murdered their parents.”
“How impolite. Overthrowing bad rulers is one thing, but murdering good ones always makes trouble,” Zain commented wryly, fingers tracing over his vast collection of gemstones carved in the shape of skulls. Eskyl recognized several as gifts he had sent, and was oddly touched that Zain kept them. “So you’re going to have a word with him?”
“Several on their behalf, and several more on my own. He stabbed me.” Eskyl was still mad about the stabbing, even without the persistent twinge in his side. Zain was a master healer, and could have erased the damage completely, but it was always better to heal slowly. Magical healing took its own price after a while. It was enough to have the curses and the infection and the poison handled. “Do you know how long it’s been since I was stabbed?”
“A good while,” Zain considered. “Does your arm count? If not, it was that incident with the manticore.”
He had done a good deal of the spellwork on Eskyl’s metal arm, but the crafting of it took a great deal in the way of rare components. Eskyl spent the better part of a year tracking everything down. It was worth it to have his sword-arm back, even if it wasn’t the flesh it once was.
“You have a long memory,” he tilted his mug to Zain. “I need a favor.”
“You have several stored up.”
“I need a big favor.”
Zain was silent for a while as he thought, drank, and fiddled with his skill collection some more.
“There are two people in this world to whom I owe my life, and who owe me theirs in return,” he said at last, and refilled his mug and Eskyl’s. “Who have never questioned my talents, and who have given me the trust of home and family even when I drew too close to the edge of madness. Tell me what you need.”
Eskyl smiled a smile that would have made his children cower if they saw it, and raised his mug to Zain, who raised his in return.
“I need an army.”
Unforged, Unforgiven:
Fourteen years ago, Eskyl’s  wife and child were murdered. Fourteen years ago, Eskyl’s rage leveled  half the country, and left thousands running in terror. Fourteen years  ago, Eskyl vanished.
But now the heroes are dead, and the only one who can challenge a terrible new evil is one Old Monster.
Old Monster
Into the Lair
Taking out the Trash
When the Ice-Wind Blows
Under Tree, Over Blade
Flower Crowns and Dancers
Under Cover of Darkness (Subscriber Only)
Age-Old Promise
Curse-Blade (Subscriber Only)
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xanthicantag · 6 years
do all the ocean asks 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
FINALLY, i’ve been waiting hours for this!!!!!!!
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
i’d kinda just wanna travel and see people who i know around the world tbh cause i think that’d be neat
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Option 1. Haku from nartuo, 2. Rock Lee but he’s not bald, 3. just kinda someone who’s nice to me and doesn’t wanna pry into my past 4. Naruto
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
none? i bite at my hands too much for nail polish and boy howdy do i sweat
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
hnnnnnnnnnnnn, werewolf big, vampire sexy, probably werewolf tbh but like, a dnd werewolf so i cann just flex on someone as a huge wolf
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
oh god like every 5 minutes of my life. or when on a phone interview where i was asked if i was a U.S citizen i said” Well I’m born and raised in the USA, i guess” or when i fucked up a math problem that was basic addition in calc 3, really a lot of moments
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i was at work, and a child leap on the counter and turned his face into a black hole, stealing all the spoons and then left, so i had no spoons and people were yelling at me about the spoons and like, shit that boy just, he just became a space anomaly
waves: favourite season and why?
fallllllllll because i can’t stand the heat or the cold
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? maybe maybe not
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
it’s the sokka arc from the third book, but i’m sokka and it’s sick as hell
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
i wouldn’t keep the shark as a pet, but him and me are bffs and i swim with him everyday
sunlight: least favourite song?
oooooooooooooo boy oooo man this is tough, uhhhh, hm, that taylor swift song, you know the one
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
only if i could get some kinda sick as hell thing from it, like eyes that work, or a sword that is my spine
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
my hair? or my butt, or my eyes?
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
i don’t have any?, i don’t hate em
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
so, as a hardcore NaruHina shipper first off, I was right, secondly, canon naruhina is not what i’m about since there was no build up for it, so really i’m here for narusasu or narugaara for canon
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, mac and cheese, it’s reliable and sometimes funny, but at the end of the day i’m noodles and cheese
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
so i am in fact a slut for like cool ass gothic buildings, but also i like smaller decor to have more space
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck man i hate scary movies and refuse to watch them, but probably the uh, purple people eater movie?
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
WARRIOR (i love me a big ol sword), or like a mage if warrior just isn’t viable
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?
Aggron motherfucker, spent, 6 days shiny breeding an aron sophomore year
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe everything, yeah everything
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
i confess to loving naruto, they also confess they love naruto, we naruto run somewhere and eat some yummy food, maybe see a movie or do something else that’s like fun but also casual
brine: gold or silver?
hmrmmmmmrmrm, gold shiny, silver shiny, me brain say both food
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
so like, i’m gonna reaaaaaaach here, and go way back to when i had a pesterchum and had a sweet ass purple color for the handle
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
i don’t really get to fence anymore but god i love sword fighting
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
8 of my friends have recieved a summons from me to a location on a cliff over looking the ocean. they all arrive because it says i’ve mysteriously died and only they can solve it.  I trap them all there and force them to play curse of strahd until they win, the whole time i am dressed as strahd
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
i don’t really go to starbucks so just whatever strikes my fancy the second i see it
voyage: what are your favourite names?
so recently i read a dnd book and the one race has a cool ass naming convention set that is illogical as hell and also logical as fuck so all the names like that, example Arkahtahn (my wizard boy)
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
Tiffany is the ultimate dnd character i’ve ever played, and my ultimate oc. she big, she shoot lightning, accidental is a scion of a kinda evil god, big ol hammer, gay
cerulean: do you believe in true love? 
i mean, i guess? depends on what you think of as true love?
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
arabic so i can be gay with my partner in their langauge
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
I am in a giant shark outfit, i’m talking shark shoes, shark socks, shark pants, shark underwear, shark shirt, shark gloves(it’s a gloves look you know) a sick ass shark jacket, and to top it all off, a naruto headband, to let the people know who i am 
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
fuck man idk, i like reading a book alone and doing a rail of cocaine with my 80 closest friends so who knows?
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
hmmm, i collect these stickers, which are labels for feta cheese, and i use them to torment my friend Alison by hiding them on her person or in her living places.
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