#Anyway anon what ring size do you wear? Because I'm proposing ๐Ÿ’
total-drama-brainrot ยท 4 months
iโ€™ve been seeing the anon hate for the rice krispies fic, and i dint really get it?? like, its so well written, and such a cool concept
also, the biggest anon hate thing is about non-con, which is usually in reference to.. unpleasant sexual advances on ao3, right? alejandro doesnt do that in the fic, he (from what we know so far) makes noah be more honest, and has an obedience trigger, as to not have him betray him
and you make sure to keep it tagged correctly, so people can filter out what they do or dont want to read, nobody is forcing them to read it, al la matchsticks on the eyes with a massive version of the fic on a wall, are they?
anyway, point is - the rice krispies fic is genuinely so cool, and an interesting way to explore their characters and others in regards to the plot
keep at it!! its so cool!! (i also thought id try and cancel out anon hate by sending anon love)
Anon, we shall have a spring wedding. /lh
I kind of glossed over it in the initial ask, but the use of 'non-con' in relation to my fic really rubbed me the wrong way, because it is usually reserved for SA and related offences- which isn't something that's going to happen in my fic.
RK!Alejandro's an obsessive, possessive creep, yes, but there are certain lines that I as an author am simply against crossing. Even in fiction that explores darker subjects.
I know they're likely making assumptions based on the whole 'hypnosis' concept- since the majority of hypnosis content used in fanfiction is sexual in nature, something I didn't find out until after publishing the second chapter, much to my embarrassment- so I'm considering adding a "Non-Sexual Hypnosis" tag to the fic itself, just for extra clarification.
(They're teenagers, why would I want to write SA content about them?! I'm far too ace to understand why people would jump to this assumption...)
But otherwise I think I've made it pretty clear that what I write in the context of the RK fic is intentionally messed up for the purpose of storytelling. It's a horror fic. It's going to be unsettling, and the characters are going to be less than moral. That's why I've tagged it as appropriately as possible (though if there are any tags you can think of that I've omitted, please tell me) and added the Dead Dove tag- fanfictions are tagged for a reason!
Sorry to go on a bit of a tangent there, I just really don't want people making unsavoury assumptions about me and my writing when I'm just trying to explore an interesting concept/plotline.
On a more important note; thank you so much for the support! It means so much to me, you don't even realise.
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destinyc1020 ยท 3 years
Iโ€™m not one of those fans that is trying to force the idea of engagement but that ring situation is so sus to me. I think itโ€™s totally cool for a brand to gift you something like that if you work with them, thatโ€™s is what I thought happened, but when homegirl said something about employee discount implying that the ring was purchased that was super suspect to me. I think that interview threw z off and she just said something in the moment. I donโ€™t care how much money I have if I am in a relationship with a guy like Tom I would not buy myself an engagement looking ring, I would wait for him to propose one day. Also a ring that expensive I wouldnโ€™t be wearing it in the house in my sweatpants on an off beat day unless it is very meaningful. I would know because I am married and I never take my ring off not even to sleep. It possible she picked the ring and Tom purchased it or it can be a promise ring, he could have proposed, who knows. but for Z to buy that expensive ring herself that is so bizarre to me. Some women do buy rings like that but it doesnโ€™t seem like something Z would do. Especially when she posted that future husband post and the ring matched that aesthetic. I could be totally wrong just giving my two cents.
THANK YOU!!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ It is sus!
I'm not sure what's going on with that ring either Anon, but one thing we do know is that it IS an engagement ring style ๐Ÿ‘€That's already been proven.
And like you, I personally wouldn't buy myself a huge rock like that either, especially if I were already dating a guy seriously. It would just seem kind of weird... to ME.
Look, I'm all for women buying expensive stuff for themselves if the feeling suits them. Even buying an expensive ring ๐Ÿ’ for yourself isn't an issue at all imo.
But would I as a woman who's dating a guy buy such a HUGE expensive "engagement" style ring for MYSELF when I'm already dating a guy seriously... esp if he and I already have a history of dating each other for years? ๐Ÿค” Tbh, I feel like it would cause a lot of ppl to start to wonder if I'm engaged, ask me a whole bunch of questions, etc.....And if I'm NOT really engaged, would I really want that attention on myself? ๐Ÿฅด
Plus, part of me would be worried that my bf would now feel pressured to propose to me if I'm already buying rings that size for myself lol. ๐Ÿ˜‚ And what if he couldn't afford such a huge rock? He might feel pressure to buy a rock that's BIGGER than the rock I bought myself, simply because a smaller engagement ring would just pale in comparison to my already huge engagement style ring that I already bought for myself lol. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
Idk.... it just seems like an odd decision imo. But hey.... what do I know?
I just know that I personally would feel weird. I might buy a pretty stone ring, or a even a really pretty band ring for myself, but a HUGE engagement style ring for myself? ๐Ÿ‘€ I mean.... Idk. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ Maybe I'm just a simple girl, but it would feel a tad bit weird to wear smthg that huge whether I'm single OR in a rlshp, UNLESS the ring was a gift given to me, or an engagement ring.
But anyway, maybe Z did buy the ring for herself and just likes wearing it everywhere. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ I guess the only way we'll know for sure is if she and Tom break up and she no longer wears the ring much again.... ๐Ÿ‘€
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