#Anyway mindflayer coming soon because I'm a day behind so I'm chewing through these like rats through electrical cables
hrokkall · 11 months
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EDIT: Good ending addendum by request of the ultrabrainrot server
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bigsisterbabysitter · 5 years
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His Girl 》Part 1
Promt: What happens when Billy survives the Mindflayer, he was trying to change himself and now his mind is broken. But a sunny girl brings light to his life when he thought he'd never see it again a girl who's been through the same events. Both dealing with their Truama they are drawn to eachother in more ways than just friendship.
Paring: Billy x Henderson!Reader
Warnings: blood, mentions of truama, mentions of abuse
She had worked at this dingy Gastation since Senior year, taking shifts when she can but after the summers passed events... She took up the shift nobody wanted the shift from 8pm to 5am. She couldn't sleep not soundly, not at night. Night terrors left her screaming and crying it got so bad she briefly had to sleep on the floor of her little brothers room just to be sure he was safe. But soon as his Freshmen year rolled in Dustin requested his space, she kindly gave it to him not wanting to add to his own stress.
So there she stood behind the clerk's counter her head down on her arms at 3am as she stretched her aching back. No one had been in for a good hour and a half but then as luck would have it the familiar chime of the door sounded and she stood up right and was met with a familiar tired face.
Billy Hargrove the man who lived being torn apart by the Mindflayer before her very own eyes walked up to the counter his hair a mess eyes bloodshot and bagged. He walked more sunken into himself. It was clear he hadent been sleeping. It had been like this the past 2 months. It was almost mid October and once he was healed he was given the okay to return home... like nothing happend. So he started to come to the little gastation in the center of town to buy a pack of cigarettes and a warm smile from the young woman whom his Step Sister adored.
"Its been a few days" the woman comments sliding him his normal pack of cigarettes along with the ashtray that sat beside her register. He gave a gruff thanks before slipping her the cash and opening the pack. Lighting one up he took a deep inhale and slowly blew out warm grey smoke. Y/N eyed him and took the cigarette from between his fingers as he leaned against the counter and took a drag herself tapping the ash into the tray on the counter between them.
"Been busy" he mutters his fingers playing with the loose edge if her countertop absently Y/N handed the cigarette back blowing out the smoke with a nod "understandable" she says to him. Walking from around the counter she strolls to the cooler pulling a coke she walks back her light wash jeans sar high waisted with a plain white tshirt tucked in to them and a sunny yellow cardigan that was a size to big on her smaller frame hung over her hands slightly. Setting the drink down before him "on the house. You look rough" she states
Her comment elects a smirk from the mans lips. "Thanks Henderson" he cracks it open taking a long drink. The unusual pair had grown close due to his nightly visits. They were each a welcomed destraction to one and other. She bites her lip in the comfortable silence the radio playing some newer song softly over the speakers neither if them really listened they just looked at eachother quietly. Finally Billy pipes up "why are you so nice to me" he asks I a serious tone.
Since the incident over the summer Billy's mind was in pieces, a shell of the man he used to be. He had been trying to change his ways once he realized he had started to become his father pointed out by Max when he showed up the the Byers house in a rage to find her after he and Harington went a few rounds she stuck a needle in his neck and threatened his manhood with a spiked bat. Then the worst thing happened some crazy demon shadow whatever he didnt know exactly still to this day had take over him. Made him do horrible things worse than ever before... it almost killed him, sometimes he could still feel it as if it was still inside his body cold and lying in wait.
Y/N didnt answer right away she glanced at the man. At first when he had showed up he bullied her friends, beat the hell out of Steve and scared the fiery red head she knew as Max half to death so she wasnt was welcoming in the beginning. But she started to see his change and that summer she had planned to make peace but then things took a turn when he was possessed.
She didnt really know the reason why. Maybe it was because she saw him fight to save them, maybe she saw the fear that lingered in his eyes, maybe it was the fact that as much as she hated it she had fallen for the Son of a Bitch once he started comming around during her night shift she finally speaks "because where you see a monster o see a hero" she chews her lower lip thoughtfully a moment "you're not a bad person. Not any more you came to terms with your mistakes and you have begun to mend them" she reaches out touching his forearm with a soft hand over his leather jacket "what happend to you over the summer.. that thing.. that wasnt you and it was not somthing you could control. I want tou to remeber that" her words were reassuring to the Male and she glanced over catching Y/E/C eyes with his own deep blue ones and nodded slowly content with her answer for now. He ran a hand through his messy blonde curls once again with a sigh
She gave him a sad smile as he looked away "hey anytime you need light conversation day or night I'm your girl" she nudged him playfully nit really hearing her own words at first. Those words.. 'His girl' it made him smile and look at the floor "thanks kid" he said softly and shoved his hands in his pockets "I'll see ya around Y/N" he says walking to the door she gave a small wave "See ya around Billy" God the way her gift voice said his name his heart skipped a beat
Chapter one, Pebbles at the Window:
It was mid Febuary so it was brisk outside. Valentines day had gone and passed leaving Y/N relieved." it was a stupid hallmark holiday anyway", she had pouted as her brother had rolled his eyes "well maybe to tou because you're single I have Susie" and with that he had went off to call her. So now at 1am she lays on her bed spread feet against the head board wearing a tshirt that's too big, a pair of Y/F/C panties and some warm wool socks that scrunched up at the ankles. A magazine in her face she paused hearing a soft tink sound against her window. She sat up slowly and stared at it. Again. Tink. She stood up and walked over moving the curtains aside slight fear in her eyes and confusion.
Her look soon turned to horror at what she saw. Bellow in the faint light she saw it. Billy Hargrove in a pair of sweat pants and a leather jacket with no shirt beneath it. His face was bleeding and starting to bruise. He looked scared. Y/N flew to the door quickly throwing it open to find him now standing on the porch. He said nothing he walked straight to his friend and wrapped his arms around her making her gasp softly
They stood embracing eachother for several moments in the open doorway her arms wrapped around his neck and he held her close around the waist his face buried in her hair as he tried not to cry. She shushed him softly stroking his blonde curls with one hand. Her legs were bear and feeling the cold but she didnt care she held him tightly his exposed chest was freezing she could feel it through the thin fabric of her night shirt finally she pulled him inside and shut the door softly whispering as not to wake her mother and brother in their rooms. "Billy what on earth happend??" She asked leading him to her room sitting on her bed. But really she already knew. For months Max had been confiding in her, scared for her Step Brothers life as his father was psychotic.
Their relationship had improved greatly and he had grown protective of his Step sister so when Neil came after her about being around Lucus again Billy wasn't having it. He told Max to go to her room as he took the beating leaving her crying scared he would die for a moment. But after Neils anger was gone Billy got up, reassured her that he was going to a friends while Neil passed out drunk on the couch. And now hear he was. He looked up at the woman before her, the woman he had grown to care a lot about and just took a shakey breath explaining it all. Y/N gathered supplies shaking with rage as she cleaned him up. That's it she wasnt having it any longer they needed help. After cleaning him up giving him a glass of water and Apsrin she made him lay down "no if and or buts Hargrove you are sleeping here tonight" she snaps pulling the covers over his waist once his boots and jacket were off. She climbed in beside him laying on her side and he slowly turned over to look at her with a heavy heart. "Thank you Y/N" he said softly his eyes glassy with tears. She reached a soft hand out to him causing him to flinch. She cupped his jaw softly "Any time Billy" he whispered back. That night was the first night in months either of them slept through the night.
When morning arrived Billy woke up alone and confused looking around the young womans room. Climbing out of bed sorrly he paused catching a glimpse of himself in her full length mirror. Scars from the mindflayer attack ran jagged across his muscular chest. His left cheek bone held a large blueish black bruise that went up under his eye which thankfully wasnt swollen. He sighed heavily running the back of his neck and opened the door curiously looking up and down the hallway "Y/N?" He whisper yelled. Then he heard something and paused. Laughter from the kitchen. Carefully he walked down the hall twords the sound and found Y/N and his step sister cooking lunch. When Max spotted him she gasped and ran over hugging him tightly Y/N smiled softly Billy stroked the younger teens hair "I'm alright" he promised "what's going on?" He looked confused
Max spoke before Y/N could "Y/N called in a favor from Hoppers friends!!" She pulled away looking up "Neil got taken into custody this morning my mom was a bit upset as shes being questioned since she never reported anything" she bit her lip "But they are gonna take care of everything and Ms.Henderson said we can stay here until it all blows over!" Y/N just smiled down at the pan with the grilled cheese sandwich she was flipping and stired the pit of tomato soup.
Billy just looked shocked he walked over grabbing Y/N by the shoulders spinning her around "Thank you" tears fall from his eyes and he Grips her tight "thank you so much" Y/N just smiled "any time Billy I'll always be there"
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