#Anyway; Macaque decided 'Fuck it' XD
siixkiing ยท 1 year
"The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me." for mac <3
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There is a lengthy debate going on inside the shadow simian's mind right now. Several ways in which he could respond to the sage. Which one was the best? Especially to knock that smug look off his damn face. An easy one would be to react violently and it was tempting BUT he decided against that route. Not with the possibility it would add fuel to the fire in one way or another.
Well, he did say it was the easiest way to shut him up after all. Not wasting another second before grabbing the end of his scarf and yanking him close. His own lips slamming to met the golden king's own a second later. It was a deep one even a little bruising but it was quick. Pulling away now, a smug grin gracing his features when he got an eyeful of Wukong's expression.
Oh, was he not expecting that? It caused a chuckle to rise from his throat in the moment. Good.
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"Well well well, what do you know? It was the quickest way to shut you up after all, Peaches~"
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mexcraziness ยท 2 years
whats the 4+1 AU for mac??? ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Oh man, where do I begin... xD
The 4+1 AU a.k.a. 4+1 Monkeys AU is my main Monkie Kid AU It's a Post-Canon mostly Canon Compliant semi NextGen AU (it has 3 Parts and only Part 3 is the NextGen part) The largest and pretty much only canon-contradicting change is Macaque not coming back to help in the S3 Special, so his "redemption" (if you can call it that) doesn't happen, because it's going to happen in kinda Part 1 but mostly Part 2 of the 4+1 AU So, for the AU itself I'm just going to keep it simple because it's long and I don't have 100% all the details yet (it's called 4+1 Monkeys AU because it centers around the 4 Spiritual Monkeys, and it turns out MK is the lost 5th Spiritual Monkey) So, basically, Part 1: Heaven fucked up and there's an End of the World event approaching, Plan A is to sacrifice one of the Spiritual Monkeys to stop it (Macaque) Plan B is the Spiritual Monkeys working together to stop it, they capture Macaque but last minute decide to go with Plan B, keeping Macaque as their prisoner since they need all the Spiritual Monkeys, he has a whole Pretend Redemption Arc over the course of months with the end of goal of getting them to trust him so he can betray them and escape, he plays himself because he's not immune to faking it till making it, drama happens, he betrays them anyways and doing so triggers the whole End of the World Thing, very much regrets everything, and very much not wanting to face All Of That so the last second goes with Plan A and sacrifices himself, excep Yama snatches his soul after he dies like "That was sick, anyways, we need you alive, sooo" and yeets him back to life, so he very much has to face All Of That and Part 2: is just Macaque slowly working through his actual redemption, initially alone then slowly making amends with everyone and just step by step trying to find himself and learning to actively do the right thing This is like the barest bones of a summary, I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense there's just so much shit in this AU it's really hard to condense it down TT
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