#Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction
graedari · 3 years
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*hands you AA7 hc redesigns*
Please ask about my AA7 ideas.
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graedari · 2 years
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AA7 hc on the mind. Always. Anyhow- can I get a case 4/5 with the defense attorney defending their rival prosecutor under mysterious circumstances for $500?
[Image ID: A pencil sketched comic page of the characters Klavier and Apollo from the Ace Attorney series. They are depicted as their designs that tumblr user @/graedari's head canons for a 7th installment for the Ace Attorney series. Klavier is drawn in the center frame, nervously playing with his hair, a smile on his face. Eye imagery is drawn around him to frame him, implying Apollo's Perceive ability has activated. Apollo is drawn underneath that frame, an alarmed look on his face, clutching his wrist with his bracelet on it. Two frames show two other nervous ticks that Klavier is displaying that Apollo is picking up with his ability. The one to the right shows his new leather fingerless gloves that have a very similar imprinted to the shape of the skull scar on Kristoph's hand. The other frame shows a close up of Klavier's face that he isn't making eye contact with Apollo. A dialogue box drawn to look like the ones in Ace Attorney is above the comic and has Klavier's dialogue. It reads, "Why would you think this has anything to do with three years ago, Herr Forehead?" The text "three years ago" is written in orange text similar to how the games will color important words in the dialogue. /End ID]
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graedari · 2 years
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lI really want to play around more with Trucy and her Mitamah Artifact.... Eventually I will....
[Image ID: Two traditional drawings on a piece of paper. The one to the left is of Trucy Wright from the Ace Attorney series in her design from tumblr user @/graedari's head canon for a 7th installment to the series. In her left hand she is holding up a Mitamah Artifact to her left eye and looking through the hole in the middle. Behind her is a lighter sketches Mitamah shape that has been mixed with the imagery for the Perceive ability that her and Apollo share.
The drawing to the right is of Dhurke Sahdmadhi from the Ace Attorney series. He is smiling, holding his left arm in his robe. Around him are flowing details and several Khura'inese butterflies. He is framed within a circle. An Ace Attorney styled text box is below him and the name is listed as "???" The dialogue reads, "My wife did a superb job with that spiritual charge, huh? I was wondering how long it would take you to figure out how to use that Mitamah Artifact. Should've known it wouldn't take you too long; you're pretty sharp, kid! Ha ha ha!" The words "Mitamah Artifact" are written in orange pen to mimic the usage of colored text in Ace Attorney to speficy that something of importance is being said in a sentence. /End ID]
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graedari · 3 years
pssppspspsps aa7 headcanon thoughts? i'm obsessed with the band
I will ramble about the band then <3
So, the band is obviously comprised of Klavier, Sebastian, and Simon (I think I've only talked about the band as a whole in like the page of doodles of them lol)
Klavier is a vocalist and does piano and guitar depending on songs
Sebastian is their drummer, often a back-up harmony on main songs
Simon is also a vocalist and mostly sticks to that, but can pick up rhythm guitar for them when necessary on songs or occasionally play additional sounds from their keyboard as well
They all collaborate on making songs, Klavier normally takes the lead though when it comes to the actual composition since he's the one with the most experience out of them
The band is called the Prosecutors (very original guys) and the fanbase calls themselves the "Prosecuties" or "Prosecuted"
Their dynamic is very chaotic.
Simon sorta acts as an older brother to Klavier and Sebastian
The band gained instant recognition, surprisingly without Klavier promoting it, as he initially didn't put his name on the project (however dedicated Gavinners fans easily identified his voice and spread it like wildfire)
The band is set to go on their world tour when AA7 is taking place. They are currently still in the Japanifornia area when the games begin as Sebastian and Simon both act as Prosecutors in Athena's version of the game Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney - Evident Destiny
As a little bonus, I am going to give some sneak peaks of their designs (which only haven't been posted yet because Sebastian's is taking literally forever to build up from scratch lol you can tell it is very much still in progress from the sneak peak)
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And now that there's some context from those sneak peaks have this doodle also
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Image ID for drawing under the cut:
[ID: A digital drawing of Klavier Gavin, Simon Blackquill, and Sebastian Debeste from the Ace Attorney series respectfully in that order from left to right. Klavier is posed, flipping his hair with his right hand and his left hand is resting below his chin, his eyes are closed. Simon is staring disapprovingly at Klavier, his arms crossed. Sebastian stares at them both with a concerned expression on his face while he bends his extendable baton he carries in both his hands. They are all slightly redesigned from their canon designs and drawn in a chibi-style. Klavier's hair is now cut to shoulder length and is up in a half-up half-down style. He wears sunglasses on his head. He wears a dark purple button down that's sleeves have been ripped off at the shoulder. On his hands he wears fingerless leather gloves with chains by the wrist. There is embossed detailing of a 3D skull that's mouth is stitched shut; similar to the scar that is depicted on Kristoph Gavin's left hand in his tell from the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney game. Simon still wears his samurai styled over-coat and now wears a sleeveless kimono-styled white shirt. He also has a yellow ribbon wrapped around his middle finger leading to his wrist on his right arm. Sebastian is wearing a black tank top that is under an over-sized blue tank top. Around his left arm is a white cloth tied right on his bicep. He is wearing a light teal dangly earring in his left tear. Above Klavier he speaks in purple dialogue, "New look <3". Simon responds in a dark grey text to the viewer's right between himself and Sebastian, "I didn't really ever think the phrase 'wearing your trauma' would ever be so literal..." /End ID]
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graedari · 3 years
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Clay Terran Week 2021: Day 7 - Future (Part 2)
"... Trucy?"
"Nothing- Nothing..."
Taglist below the cut:
@booklover223 @anitamta
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graedari · 3 years
*asks you about your AA7 ideas*
(the redesigns blew my mind 😭)
I'm gonna go on a small rant about details in Apollo's design because I spent forever doing his redesign-
If you wanna see more about my AA7 ideas (for Apollo's version of the game) check out the hashtag #Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction)
Long post below cut:
So in Apollo's design I really wanted to focus on the split influence from his Japanifornia life and his new (but also kinda old cause he started there lol) Khura'in life
Apollo's outfit is clearly influenced by Dhurke's:
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The shirt style is the same, as well as them both bearing a sash around their waist (I was planning on making it the same sash, but decided to just color it the same as Apollo's tie instead)
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His boots are influenced both by the styles of Nahyuta's and Dhurke's (I sorta just tried to find a happy medium between the two so I wasn't just outright giving him one of their shoes. And then they just kept the coloring of his old dress shoes)
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The detailing on the boarder of his shirt is actually the pattern from Jove's guitar strap! (which I really like as homage to his father whom he finally got some closure on during the last case of Spirit of Justice)
And my favorite detail for his design is the left vs. right side
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On Apollo's right is his new inheritance- his Khrura'inese Defense Attorney Badge (Dragon's Eye) and his new Defiant Dragons tattoo
However, on his left is his old inheritance- his bracelet from his biological mother that allows him to use Perceive, and his Japanifornia Defense Attorney Badge (which he now wears as an earring).
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graedari · 3 years
Yoooo tell me about your aa7 ideas!!!
Okay- here’s the scoop, I'm gonna rant about Trucy's Ability for this game:
Trucy finds a Mitamah Artifact while walking through the bazaar with Apollo before Case 1. She holds onto it to ask Apollo about later.
Case 2 opens with them visiting the palace- Trucy finally remembers to ask Apollo, he explains its just a charm, but Amara asks to see it closer and offers to charge it for Trucy (Trucy recognizes that its like the Magatama that Phoenix carries around, but isn't entirely sure what it does since Phoenix never explained it to her)
Leaving the palace, Trucy stops Apollo because she's pretty sure she heard someone say his name, but there's no one there. Odd.
Case 2 begins or whatever, and while Apollo is going through the crime scene, Trucy is down about something (perhaps just lost in thought about home) while mulling over the charged Mitamah.
It's pretty noisy with the cops, Apollo arguing with both Rayfa and Ema about not touching the crime scene, and general noise of wherever they are that Trucy doesn't think too much about an extra voice that she couldn't quite place-
That is until she holds up the Mitamah to study is closer when she sees an extra figure through the hole of the artifact who wasn't there before.
Huh. That's weird.
She calls Apollo over to see what she's talking about, and when Apollo takes hold of the Mitamah to look through, he sees the person too, but everything is too focused now- holy crap he has a migraine
So... Trucy looks again- the man looks familiar, when he looks back at Trucy he seems to understand that she can see him.
"My wife did a superb job with that spiritual charge huh? I was wondering how long it would take you figure out how to use that Mitamah artifact. Should've known it wouldn't take you too long; you're pretty sharp, kid! Ha Ha Ha!"
Wanna read more about my AA7 ideas (Apollo's version specifically)? Check out the hashtag #Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction !
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graedari · 3 years
tell me about your AA7 ideas.
I will- you really don’t need to tell me twice 
So the reason Trucy ended up over in Khrua'in is because Phoenix may have dropped the "Apollo is your brother and your mom is that woman you met, Lamiroir" bomb
Trucy didn't take it well (mostly because she's upset he would keep that from her)
So Trucy decides that she needs space from everything and arrives in Khura'in to see Apollo (she doesn't tell Apollo what she knows, and the player will not know that Trucy is aware of their relationship until later in the game)
Trucy offers to help Apollo "like old times" when a case pops up while the two are out catching up and Apollo accepts
Trucy is a bit more blasé with her emotions in this game- she isn't always cheery and often isn't sure of herself (she grows more confident by case 3 and is stepping up in the investigation segments of the game)
Ema acts as the detective for this game again, working with Nahyuta on his cases.
She's surprised, but excited to see Trucy is in Khura'in for all of the cases and revels in having the two of them working together ("...without that glimmerous fop." she'll add)
Speaking of a glimmerous fop- he is acknowledged in the first few cases! Trucy brings up that his new band is going on a world tour when they are catching up, and Apollo mentions that one of the stops is surprisingly Khrua'in and he's excited to finally see Klavier again and see how he's doing! (with free tickets this time- thank you Klavier. You don't make your friends pay for a concert).
Apollo mentions sending a text to him to ask about a ticket for Trucy too, if she plans on sticking around in Khrua'in for that long
If you wanna see more about this fan idea for an AA7 (Apollo's game specifically) check out the hashtag #Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction !
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graedari · 3 years
Please tell me all about your AA7 thoughts!! Amazing art btw, I truly thought it was real and CAPCOM-released
First of all- catch me crying in the club 😭 thank you!!! 
Since you also mentioned the designs, I think now is a perfect time to explain Trucy's design (because it important)
For more info on the ideas for my AA7 hcs (for Apollo's release of the game) check out the hashtag #Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction)
Long post below cut:
Okay- so some may have noticed Trucy isn't in her usual magician attire, why's that? Well... A metaphorical bombshell may have been dropped back over in Japanifornia and now Trucy isn't exactly ready to be thinking about her lineage right now...
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I'm pretty sure everyone was able to piece together that Trucy ended up with her dad's jacket when she went away to Khrua'in. Despite having gotten in a pretty big fight with him, she still cares for him deep down and wants a bit of comfort to remind her of him while they let some steam blow off...
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It's also pretty clear, I still kept her card suit motif in her socks, because while she may be trying to ignore her family ties right now, she still seeks the comfort of her usual persona.
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And my favorite detail that may not be noticeable right away is that Trucy actually ended up borrowing Apollo's old dress shoes!
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Also- what a weirdly shaped Magatama... Oh- no wonder! It's actually a Mitamah artifact! I wonder what it can do when it's spiritually charged like that...
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graedari · 3 years
I'd like to hear about your aa7 ideas
Okay okay okay-
So I would actually make a split release. Right? (this came about because I could legit not decide if I wanted to put Apollo or Athena's name in the title lol)
So, Apollo's release is "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction", which follows you playing as Apollo in Khura'in with Trucy as his co-counsel (I will talk about Athena's release once I have her redesign posted! :))
The games take place a year and a half after Spirit of Justice
Apollo and Nahytua have mostly caught up on backlog, and are able to focus on current cases again
Trucy drops a surprise visit on Apollo; something about having gotten in a big fight with Phoenix over something? But she won't elaborate.
The game starts with the two of them catching up on a walk around the Bazaar and Plaza of Devotion, where Trucy finds an odd Mitamah artifact. She is about to ask Apollo what it is when there's a loud scream and chaos- first case begins :)
(I have more ideas, but I'm splitting them up into multiple asks since several people asked about the ideas! Check out the tag #Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Dual Extraction for more info about it!)
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