#Arabic Kaftan Dresses
themakeupbrush · 8 months
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Miss Grand Türkiye 2023 National Costume
"Ottoman-Turkish Henna Kaftan Dress" Women wear this traditional costume on special occasions such as weddings, henna nights and engagement ceremonies. Henna night, which is one of the most entertaining celebration nights of the bride, is very common especially in Turkish and Arab culture. The henna night, which is among the most well-known traditions of the marriage process, also offers a spiritual night between the bride and her family.
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gritsandbrits · 5 months
Wish II JAS: Trivia about Omari
Prince Omari lives in the kingdom of Wahatan. It is located miles away from the sea. Wahatan means "oasis" in arabic, and true to its name, the capital city settles within a large oasis.
Wahatan is also home to various institutions that teaches a variety of subjects like art, science and mathematics. Wahatan is also known for its calligraphy and pottery.
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The royal family resides in a beautiful castle at the heart of the capital. Inspiration: Great Mosque of Djenné.
Royal Family: It is believed that the royal family is descended from the legendary figure Sundiata. In real life, Sundiata was the first king of the Malian Empire. In this context his reign is fictionalized for the sake of plot.
King Jabbari is the current ruler of Wahatan. He inherited the throne at the age of 16. He is a stern yet friendly monarch, however he is often too busy with work to look after his son. When Omari was eight, Jabbari's beloved queen Suli died of illness. Jabbari is pressured by his court to find a new wife, but Jabbari is not sure if he wants to move on.
Princess Khadija is Jabbari's sister. She is a sneaky woman who uses magic and alchemy to achieve her goals. Khadija is jealous over being lower in line for the throne, and plots to overthrow her own brother. Shockingly, she is happily married to one of the royal advisors, Sharun. Besides bossing people around, she enjoys the finer things it life. Her name may mean "trustworthy" in Arabic, but honest she is not!
Sharun is Khadija's husband and Jabbari's advisor. Like his wife he is also sneaky and plans on taking control of the throne. He does not have magic powers but makes up for it with his silver tongue. The only thing Sharun loves more than power is his wife. In fact he was the one who suggested stealing the stars, just to make her happy. His name is derived from the Arabic word for evil, "sharir."
Omari is Jabbari's only son. As the crown prince he is taught multiple disciplines, but astronomy has become his favorite. His dream is to create a new way to study the stars. Omari doesn't trust magic. He blames it for not helping his mother recover from her fatal illness.A quiet loner, Omari only has one other companion: his pet lamb. Omari is nervous to go to Rosas as it is the first time he travelled outside his kingdom. His name means "flourishing" in Swahili.
Layla: Layla is the royal lamb. She follows Omari around everywhere. She was named after her luscious black fur. When Layla gained the ability to speak she talks in a quiet, anxious voice. Her name means "night" in arabic.
Bahlwan: The main jester whose job is to entertain the royal court. He loves to play pranks his main targets mostly being Khadija and Sharun. His name means "clown" in Arabic.
Most people in the kingdom wear durable linen fabric that keeps them cool and protected from the sun and winds. The richer citizens and the royal family wear jewellery made of precious stones and metal. A lot of times you see jewellery made of wood, plants and seashells.
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A popular style of dress are made of "mud cloth." Mud cloth are created using fermented mud and plant dyes, creating gorgeous colors and patterns. Other types of attire include kaftans, tunics, and imported fashions from other nations.
The royal family wear warm colors. King Jabbari and his son tend to wear orange and yellow. Khadija and her husband favor red and gold.
Music; Because it's not a Disney movie without awesome music
The music of Wish 2 is inspired by Arabic and subsaharan styles. I also took bits from gamer music (think Steven Universe & vaporwave), gospel. Really I wanted to have a variety of music primarily inspired and created by black people.
My search takes me to songs created by Mali artists: links to playlist
Another thing with the music i want there to be a blend of modern and traditional. Sweeping orchestral with whimsical gamer energy. Yeah.
Story: King Jabbari and his court visit Rosas a year or two after the events of the first movie. Jabbari's son, Prince Omari, meets Asha and at first they don't get along due to opposite interests and personalities.
However, Omari discovers his aunt and uncle is plotting to overthrow his father by stealing at the stars in the galaxy. He begs Asha for help. Together the two travel to different dimensions/planets aboard a magical flying contraption to try to stop the wicked couple from bringing about eternal darkness.
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I miss seeing Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco.I confess this because she was the first Arab Royal that I became interested in. I first saw a photo of her at William & Catherine's Wedding in 2011. I remember thinking how gorgeous she looked, dressed in a pale pink and gold kaftan. She also attended the Dutch Inauguration in 2013. More importantly, Salma founded a cancer prevention association in Morocco and she also became involved in HIV/AIDS prevention in Africa. She was also the first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have been publicly acknowledged and given a royal title. I wish we would hear about her again.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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dyggtheway · 6 months
Black Contribution to Fashion and Wardrobe in the West: Past, Present and Future
How We Arrived | A Brief Recount with Many Threads
Fashion is a form of communication that reflects the identity, culture and values of individuals and groups. Fashion is also influenced by the social, political and economic contexts of different times and places. Throughout history, Black people have contributed to fashion and wardrobe in the West in various ways, from creating original styles and trends to challenging stereotypes and discrimination. In this article, we will explore some of the aspects of Black contribution to fashion and wardrobe in the West, and how they might shape the future of fashion.
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The Origins of Black Fashion
Black fashion has its roots in the diverse cultures and traditions of Africa, where clothing was not only a functional necessity, but also a symbolic expression of status, religion, ethnicity and aesthetics. African textiles, such as kente, adire, bogolan and shweshwe, were made with intricate techniques and patterns, and often dyed with natural colors from plants and minerals. African clothing, such as dashikis, kaftans, boubous and agbadas, were designed to fit the climate and the lifestyle of the people, and often embellished with beads, shells, feathers and metalwork. African fashion also reflected the influence of other cultures, such as Arab, European and Asian, through trade, migration and colonization.
The Impact of Slavery and Colonialism
The transatlantic slave trade and the colonization of Africa by European powers had a profound impact on the fashion and wardrobe of Black people in the West. Enslaved Africans were stripped of their cultural identity and forced to wear the clothing of their oppressors, which was often cheap, coarse and ill-fitting. However, enslaved Africans also resisted and adapted to their situation by modifying, embellishing and personalizing their clothing, using scraps of fabric, buttons, ribbons and jewelry. They also preserved and transmitted some of their cultural heritage through their clothing, such as headwraps, turbans, bandanas and scarves, which were worn for protection, modesty and dignity. Some enslaved Africans also managed to acquire or make finer clothing, especially for special occasions, such as weddings, funerals and holidays, which allowed them to express their individuality, creativity and pride.
The Rise of Black Fashion Movements
The abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement in the 19th and 20th centuries gave rise to various Black fashion movements that challenged the dominant norms and standards of beauty, and celebrated the diversity and richness of Black culture. Some of the examples of these movements are:
The Harlem Renaissance: A cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s in Harlem, New York, where Black artists, writers, musicians and intellectuals created a vibrant and influential scene that showcased their talents and achievements. The Harlem Renaissance also influenced fashion, as Black people adopted and adapted the styles of the Jazz Age, such as flapper dresses, zoot suits, fedoras and pearls, and added their own flair and elegance. Some of the icons of this movement were Josephine Baker, Billie Holiday, Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston.
The Black Power Movement: A political and social movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, where Black people demanded their rights, freedom and justice, and asserted their identity, dignity and self-determination. The Black Power Movement also influenced fashion, as Black people embraced and reclaimed their African roots, and expressed their solidarity and resistance. Some of the styles of this movement were Afros, cornrows, braids, dashikis, leather jackets, berets and sunglasses. Some of the icons of this movement were Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Huey P. Newton and Kathleen Cleaver.
The Hip Hop Movement: A cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s in the Bronx, New York, where Black and Latino youth created a new form of music, dance, art and fashion that reflected their realities, experiences and aspirations. The Hip Hop Movement also influenced fashion, as Black and Latino youth innovated and experimented with different styles, such as baggy jeans, sneakers, tracksuits, baseball caps, gold chains and graffiti. Some of the icons of this movement were Grandmaster Flash, Run-DMC, LL Cool J and Salt-N-Pepa.
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The Influence of Black Fashion on the Mainstream
Black fashion has not only been a source of inspiration and empowerment for Black people, but also a source of influence and appropriation for the mainstream fashion industry and culture. Black fashion has often been copied, imitated and commodified by white designers, celebrities and consumers, who have profited from the creativity and originality of Black people, without giving them proper credit, recognition or compensation. Some of the examples of this phenomenon are:
The minstrel shows: A form of entertainment that originated in the 19th century in the United States, where white performers wore blackface and exaggerated costumes to mock and stereotype Black people and their culture. The minstrel shows also influenced fashion, as white people adopted and adapted some of the clothing and accessories of Black people, such as hoop skirts, bandanas, gloves and canes, and used them for amusement and mockery.
The orientalism: A form of representation that originated in the 19th and 20th centuries in Europe and the United States, where white artists, writers and scholars depicted and distorted the cultures and peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East as exotic, mysterious and inferior. Orientalism also influenced fashion, as white designers, celebrities and consumers adopted and adapted some of the clothing and accessories of these regions, such as turbans, kaftans, kimonos and harem pants, and used them for fantasy and fetishism.
The cultural appropriation: A form of exploitation that occurs in the contemporary globalized world, where white designers, celebrities and consumers adopt and adapt some of the clothing and accessories of marginalized and oppressed cultures, such as Native American headdresses, Indian bindis, African prints and dreadlocks, and use them for fashion and fun, without respecting or understanding their meanings and histories.
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The Future of Black Fashion
Black fashion has a long and rich history that reflects the struggles and achievements of Black people in the West and beyond. Black fashion also has a bright and promising future that offers new possibilities and opportunities for Black people to express their identity, culture and values. Some of the trends and developments that might shape the future of Black fashion are:
The Afrofuturism: A form of imagination that envisions the future of Black people and their culture in relation to science, technology and innovation. Afrofuturism also influences fashion, as Black people create and wear clothing and accessories that combine elements of their African heritage and their futuristic aspirations. Some of the examples of this trend are the movie Black Panther, the singer Janelle Monáe and the designer Mowalola Ogunlesi.
The sustainability: A form of awareness that recognizes the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry and its practices. Sustainability also influences fashion, as Black people create and wear clothing and accessories that are made with ethical, organic and recycled materials, and that support local, fair and diverse production. Some of the examples of this trend are the brand Lemlem, the model Adwoa Aboah and the activist Dominique Drakeford.
The diversity: A form of inclusion that celebrates and respects the differences and similarities among Black people and their culture. Diversity also influences fashion, as Black people create and wear clothing and accessories that reflect their various identities, such as gender, sexuality, class, religion and disability. Some of the examples of this trend are the magazine CRWN, the actor Billy Porter and the designer Sinéad Burke.
Black fashion is a powerful and dynamic phenomenon that has contributed to fashion and wardrobe in the West in many ways. Black fashion is also a potential and transformative phenomenon that can contribute to fashion and wardrobe in the West in many more ways. Black fashion is not only a form of communication, but also a form of expression, resistance and liberation.
Amid a period when history classes might opt to reinterpret the Black influence, fashion schools are progressively integrating Black fashion history into their curricula, all credited to the efforts of committed educators. These educators employ diverse methodologies—lectures, discussions, and practical projects—to impart the narrative of Black fashion history. Additionally, they actively strive to broaden the spectrum of Black fashion designers and styles presented within the classroom setting.
Here are some of the experts, educators and advocates for continued education in the evolutionary process of Black Fashion:
- Dr. Jonathan Square, assistant professor of Black Visual Culture at Parsons School of Design and founder of Fashioning the Self in Slavery and Freedom, who teaches courses on Black beauty culture and Black fashion history, and organizes events and exhibitions on these topics
- Dr. Tanisha C. Ford, associate professor of Africana Studies and History at the University of Delaware and author of Liberated Threads: Black Women, Style, and the Global Politics of Soul, who explores the connections between fashion, activism and social movements, and co-curated the exhibition Black Girlhood and the Power of Belonging at the Delaware Art Museum.
- Dr. Monica L. Miller, associate professor of English and Africana Studies at Barnard College and author of Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity, who examines the role of fashion in shaping Black identity and culture, and co-edited the book Black Dandyism: A Reader.
- Elizabeth Way, associate curator of costume at The Museum at FIT and co-curator of the exhibition Black Fashion Designers, who researches and showcases the work of Black fashion designers from different eras and regions, and organizes public programs and publications on Black fashion history.
*see also The Experts Bringing Black Fashion History to Fashion Education: https://fashionista.com/2023/10/experts-teaching-black-fashion-history by Fashionista:
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Empowering Movements in Black Fashion
The unique expression and activism within Black culture persistently shape fashion's diversity and interconnectedness. This influence resonates through the multicultural fabric of humanity, impacting even mainstream trends, notwithstanding past challenges of appropriation and insufficient acknowledgment.
Discover the world of Black fashion and become an active participant in its vibrant tapestry! Here are actionable steps to engage with and support Black fashion:
Attend Exhibitions: Showcasing Black designers and movements. 
Support Black-Owned Businesses: Empower Black entrepreneurship by consciously choosing to support Black-owned fashion brands.
Educate Yourself: Explore the rich history of Black fashion, discover how these contributions have effected your style.
Black fashion is a global style panorama. Thank you for reading, comment, like and follow.
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dezangofashionzone · 1 year
Kaftan and Boubou styles for African Queen
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From safaris to weddings, African queens know how to be the center of attention. Whether you’re looking for a style that stands out in a crowd or something to keep you cool during hot days, the kaftan and boubou styles are must-haves for any African queen. In this blog post, we will explore the various fabrics and designs available in these two unique styles so that you can find the perfect look for any occasion. Read on to learn more about how to rock these breathtaking looks like an African queen!
What is a kaftan?
A kaftan is a type of loose-fitting robe or tunic that is worn by men and women in many different cultures. The kaftan originated in Persia and was later adopted by other cultures, including the Arabs, Turks, and Russians. In Africa, the kaftan is commonly worn by women as a sign of status and royalty. The kaftan is usually made of brightly colored fabric and is adorned with intricate designs. Kaftans are often worn on special occasions, such as weddings or religious festivals.
What is a boubou?
A boubou is a traditional African garment that is typically worn by men. It is a loose-fitting, sleeveless tunic that reaches down to the knees or lower. Boubous are usually made from brightly colored fabrics, and they are often adorned with intricate designs. Traditionally, boubous were worn as everyday clothing, but they are now also commonly worn for special occasions such as weddings. Download Kaftan and Boubou styles for African Queen App For free
How to style a kaftan
If you are looking to add a touch of royalty to your wardrobe, then consider investing in a kaftan. Kaftans are loose-fitting, often brightly coloured tunics that originate from North Africa. They are usually made from cotton or silk and can be adorned with intricate embroidery or beading. While they may seem like a simple garment, there is an art to styling a kaftan. Here are some tips on how to style a kaftan so that you can look like an African queen: - Choose a kaftan that is the right length for you. If you are petite, then go for a kaftan that falls just below the knee. If you are taller, then opt for a longer kaftan that reaches the floor. - Consider the neckline of your kaftan when choosing what to wear underneath. If you have a V-neck kaftan, then you could wear a camisole or tank top underneath. If your kaftan has a round neckline, then you could layer it over a collared shirt or blouse. - Accessories your kaftan with statement jewellery pieces such as chunky bracelets or long necklaces. These will help to dress up your look and make it more formal. - Finish off your outfit with a pair of sandals or heeled shoes. Avoid wearing flats with a kaftan as this can make your
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How to style a boubou
There are many ways to style a boubou, but here are some of the most popular methods: - The classic boubou look is achieved by pairing the garment with a pair of pants or a skirt. This is a great option for those who want to cover their legs but still show off their stylish outfit. - Another popular way to style a boubou is by wearing it as a dress. This look is perfect for those who want to show off their curves and create an illusion of a longer frame. - For a more casual look, try pairing your boubou with some jeans or shorts. This is a great option for days when you want to be comfortable but still look put together. - If you really want to make a statement, go for an all-white ensemble. This look is chic and timeless, and it's perfect for special occasions.
African Queen kaftan and boubou styles
African kaftans and boubous are among the most popular and stylish garments worn by women on the continent. They are often made from brightly coloured fabrics and are loose fitting, making them perfect for hot weather conditions. Kaftans can be worn either as a dress or as a top, while boubous are usually worn as a dress. Both styles of clothing are often embellished with intricate embroidery, beading or Sequins work. Kaftans and boubous originated in North Africa, although they have since become popular throughout the continent. In recent years, they have also gained popularity in Western fashion circles. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Rihanna and Solange Knowles have all been spotted wearing kaftans and boubous on various occasions. If you're looking to add some African flair to your wardrobe, then kaftans and boubous are definitely worth considering. They are versatile garments that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Plus, they are sure to make you stand out from the crowd!
Kaftan and Boubou styles are a great way for African Queens to express their beauty, grace, and culture. Whether you are off to a traditional gathering or modern event, the perfect kaftan or boubou will make your outfit stand out from all others. Be sure to find the best fit for your body type and pair it with chic accessories that showcase your individual style! With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to take on any occasion as an African Queen! Read the full article
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carneyryberg53 · 4 days
Nine Reasons To Love The new Mens Outfits, Casual
National Middle of People Tradition "Ivan Honchar Museum". Lumberjacks of Quebec and Ontario - Traditional logging put on contains mackinaw jackets or flannel shirts, with headgear being a tuque or trapper hat; a good example is seen with folks characters like Huge Joe Mufferaw. Those pictures come from the traditional 1942 movie of the identical identify, in fact, and aren't necessarily reflective of Casablanca, or Morocco, at the moment. The country's most well-known cities, moreover, are identified the world over: Casablanca, after all, but additionally Rabat, the capital; Fez, one in every of Islam's holiest cities; and Marrakech, house to Morocco's largest souk. https://maddysfishbar.com are distinguished by their thriving souks, or open-air markets, and their architecture and design, which function geometric patterns, Islamic calligraphy and bold colors.
Moroccan proverb, for example, and it's not unusual to be invited to somebody's residence for a meal. From that time on, the land turned dwelling to both Arabs and Berbers, who frequently battled for management. Thousands of years ago, the land now known as Morocco was occupied by the Berbers, an indigenous folks spread throughout northern Africa. While visitors do not forget the individuals of Morocco, they're also typically wowed by its towns. Mention Morocco, and many individuals's thoughts immediately turn to Casablanca: Its crowded streets and markets, the palm trees swaying in the breeze, Sam sitting at the keyboard in Rick's Café.
The truth is, whereas folks have long been fascinated by this compact country sitting atop northwestern Africa, most do not know a lot about its historical past or traditions. While many student sections really feel the necessity to gown up in uniformity, The Present prides itself on its creativity and individuality. Knee highs turned common throughout the 1960s and 1970s, worn in common knee excessive length or high of the knee length so that they could be folded over at the top, with the rise in recognition of the mini dress and miniskirt. Conventional women's dress typically consists of a djellaba (a long, unfastened gown), a button-down blouse called a kaftan and a headscarf.
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shereen1 · 2 months
Transport Yourself to a Fairytale: The Emalina Arabian Nights Kaftan
Embark on a journey of exquisite style and timeless elegance with the Emalina Arabian Nights Kaftan. Inspired by the captivating tales of the Arabian Nights, this stunning garment embodies the mystique and allure of the Orient.
A Legacy of Luxury: The Kaftan's History
The kaftan, with its rich history dating back centuries, has graced the wardrobes of royalty and socialites across various cultures.  Its flowing silhouette and luxurious fabrics offered a sense of comfort and sophistication, making it a coveted garment. The Arabian Nights Kaftan takes inspiration from this legacy, reinterpreting it for the modern woman who desires a touch of the exotic in her wardrobe.
The Emalina Difference: Design Details That Dazzle
The Emalina Arabian Nights Kaftan is more than just a beautiful dress; it's a meticulously crafted masterpiece. Here's what sets it apart:
Luxurious Fabrics: We use only the finest fabrics that drape beautifully and flatter your figure. Imagine soft silks that caress your skin or shimmering chiffons that create a dreamlike aura.
Exquisite Embellishments: Inspired by the ornate descriptions in the Arabian Nights, the kaftan may feature intricate beadwork, delicate embroidery, or shimmering metallic threads. These embellishments add a touch of grandeur and evoke the opulence of a bygone era.
Flattering Silhouettes: The kaftan's loose silhouette is universally flattering, accommodating various body types. The Emalina design team takes this a step further by offering variations with cinched waists or strategically placed ruching to create a beautiful, elongated silhouette.
Rich Colors: Channel the vibrant world of the Arabian Nights with a kaftan in a jewel-toned palette. Think emeralds, sapphires, rubies, or even a classic and mysterious black. We also offer softer hues like ivory or champagne for a more understated elegance.
Beyond the Look: Versatility for Every Occasion
The Emalina Arabian Nights Kaftan is not just for grand soirées. Because of its adaptability, you can wear it to a number of events:
 A Night to Remember: Make a dazzling entrance at a gala or formal event. The kaftan's luxurious fabrics and embellishments will ensure you turn heads.
A Touch of Magic for Eid or Ramadan Celebrations: Embrace the cultural significance of the kaftan and add a touch of elegance to your religious celebrations.
Effortless Summer Style: The kaftan's loose silhouette makes it perfect for a summer evening out. Pair it with statement jewelry and sandals for a relaxed yet glamorous look.
Poolside Chic: Looking for a luxurious cover-up for your next poolside adventure? The kaftan's flowing silhouette offers both style and sun protection.
Accessorize Like a Scheherazade
To complete your Arabian Nights fantasy, accessorize your kaftan with:
Statement Jewelry: Bold earrings, chunky necklaces, or elaborate headpieces inspired by traditional Arabic adornments will add a touch of drama.
Luxurious Sandals: Opt for jeweled sandals or metallic heels to elevate your look.
A Sheer Scarf: Drape a sheer scarf over your shoulders for a touch of mystery and added elegance.
The Emalina Arabian Nights Kaftan is more than just a garment; it's a portal to a world of enchantment. With its exquisite design and rich cultural references, it allows you to express your inner fashionista while embracing the timeless allure of the Arabian Nights.
Visit the Emalina Fashion website today and discover the Arabian Nights Kaftan that will transport you to a fairytale. Don't forget to browse our collection of other stunning kaftans and evening gowns to find the perfect piece for any occasion.
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iqraboutiquefashion · 3 months
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dulce-couture12 · 3 months
Embrace Elegance and Modesty with Dulce Couture's Stunning Kaftans and Abhayas
In the bustling streets of the United Arab Emirates, where tradition meets modernity, there's a growing demand for fashion that seamlessly blends elegance with modesty. Enter Dulce Couture, a beacon of sophistication in the world of women's clothing, offering an exquisite collection of kaftans and abhayas that redefine modest fashion.
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In a region where cultural values are deeply ingrained, finding clothing that caters to both style and modesty can often be a challenge. However, Dulce Couture effortlessly bridges this gap, providing women with an array of stunning options that exude grace and charm.
Kaftan dresses have long been synonymous with effortless glamour, and Dulce Couture takes this iconic garment to new heights. Crafted from the finest fabrics and adorned with intricate embellishments, each kaftan in our collection is a work of art. Whether you're attending a lavish event or simply lounging at home, our kaftans offer unparalleled comfort without compromising on style.
For those seeking versatility without sacrificing modesty, our abhayas are the epitome of refined elegance. From classic black to rich jewel tones, our abhaya collection caters to every taste and occasion. Whether you prefer intricate embroidery or understated sophistication, there's a piece in our collection that's sure to captivate your imagination.
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At Dulce Couture, we understand that modesty is not about hiding, but rather about celebrating one's femininity with grace and dignity. That's why each garment in our collection is designed to empower women to embrace their individuality while staying true to their values.
Shopping for women's apparel online has never been easier, thanks to Dulce Couture's user-friendly website and seamless shopping experience. With just a few clicks, you can explore our entire collection from the comfort of your home and have your favorite pieces delivered straight to your doorstep.
Whether you're a fashion-forward trendsetter or someone who prefers classic sophistication, Dulce Couture has something for everyone. Our commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a trusted name in the world of modest fashion.
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So why wait? Elevate your wardrobe with Dulce Couture's exquisite kaftans and abhayas and embrace the perfect blend of style and modesty. With each garment, you'll not only look stunning but also feel confident knowing that you're representing the essence of elegance in the UAE's fashion landscape. Experience the allure of modest fashion like never before with Dulce Couture. Shop online today and discover the magic of kaftans and abhayas that will leave you feeling effortlessly chic and undeniably sophisticated. 
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kashifabbasi99 · 4 months
The Top 3 Arabic Dresses for Women
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Arabic dresses for women are a symphony of tradition, sophistication, and modern flair. These garments not only showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Arab world but also embody the essence of femininity. In this blog post, we will delve into the enchanting realm of Arabic fashion and highlight the top three dresses that have become iconic symbols of style and grace.
The Timeless Abaya:
The abaya stands as an enduring symbol of modesty and grace in Arabic fashion. This full-length, loose-fitting cloak is typically worn over regular clothing and extends from the shoulders to the ankles. Traditionally black, the abaya has evolved, with contemporary designs featuring various colors, fabrics, and embellishments. Despite the evolution, the abaya remains a wardrobe staple for many Arab women, seamlessly blending tradition with modern trends. Its simplicity allows for versatile styling, making it suitable for both everyday wear and formal occasions.
The Elegant Kaftan:
The kaftan is a masterpiece of Arab fashion, known for its flowing silhouette and elaborate details. Originating from the Ottoman Empire, the kaftan has transcended time and is now embraced across the Arab world. This ankle-length dress is characterized by its loose fit, wide sleeves, and ornate embroidery or embellishments. Kaftans are often worn during special occasions, such as weddings and celebrations, where the intricate detailing adds a touch of luxury. Contemporary designers have further elevated the kaftan by experimenting with various fabrics, colors, and modern cuts, making it a versatile and timeless choice for women seeking both tradition and glamour.
The Stylish Jalabiya:
The jalabiya, also known as the djellaba in some regions, is a traditional dress with roots in North Africa. This ankle-length, long-sleeved garment is recognized for its loose and comfortable fit. What sets the jalabiya apart is its distinctive hood or headpiece, providing an additional layer of modesty. Often made from breathable fabrics, the jalabiya is well-suited for warm climates. Modern interpretations of the jalabiya include vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and contemporary cuts, making it a popular choice for both casual and formal wear. Its versatility and cultural significance make the jalabiya a must-have in the wardrobes of many Arab women.
The Top 3 Arabic Dresses for Women
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dorozco · 6 months
Defying Gender Norms at Paris Fashion Week 2023
Renowned fashion designers who defy societal norms of gender on the runway challenge traditional perceptions of gender. Their showcased pieces illustrate gender fluidity, pushing boundaries and redefining conventional notions of how clothing relates to gender identity. These illustrations were heavily seen during this year's Paris Fashion Week.
Creative Director Anthony Vaccarello for Saint Laurent.
Androgynonyous can be used to describe this show.
During the recent Paris Fashion Week, the designer, presented their latest collection, which showcases a unique direction: “to make no gender-based distinctions,” (Brewer, 2023). This collection effectively combines the iconic 1980s power suit and oversized blazers with a modern twist. A standout ensemble from the collection featured a sleek black suit with pronounced broad shoulders and tailored, slim trousers, accompanied by a sheer black cape. This reimagining of a timeless style presented a compelling new viewpoint. Ultimately, Saint Laurent achieved a fusion of feminine and masculine elements in their fashion, blurring traditional boundaries.
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"'For our generation, everyone can wear a dress or jeans -- it's about expressing yourself,' says Florentin Glemarec, one half of the young design duo Egon Lab..." (Hirschmiller, 2023).
Creative Director Ludovic de Saint Sernin for Ann Demeulemeester.
This particular look for the designer's latest collection at PFW 2023, challenges multiple traditional fashion gender norms. The cropped jacket, embellished with fringe-like fur on the sleeves and along the jacket's opening, stands out as a statement piece that defies conventional expectations.
This dress challenges societal norms that dictate gender and clothing choices. There's often discomfort when someone who doesn't fit the typical female image chooses to wear a dress. Ludovic de Saint Sernin boldly defies these stereotypes and expectations by making the dress transparent, pushing boundaries further. This transparency adds a layer of vulnerability to the designer's captivating creations, offering an inclusive perspective that welcomes anyone to embrace wearing a dress.
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Creative Directors Benjamin Huseby and Serhat Isik for GmbH.
In their latest showcase at PFW 2023, Huseby and Isik celebrated the rich heritage of South Asian and Arab cultures. He achieved this by incorporating the classic style of a kaftan. Huseby and Isik's selection of a light blue mini kaftan notably challenges conventional gender clothing norms. By blending a garment as traditional and timeless as the kaftan with contemporary and more progressive elements, Huseby and Isik take a bold step. Opting for a shorter, mini kaftan explicitly promotes gender fluidity. What's more, the deep V-cut neckline and the pairing of the kaftan with long white boots align perfectly with Huseby and Isik's signature boundary-breaking style.
Despite these elements often associated with "feminine" fashion, Huseby and Isik embrace and normalize this style for men, defying stereotypical gender clothing rules. Huseby and Isik elegantly create a unique blend of traditional and progressive elements.
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Paris Fashion Week 2023 served as a platform where designers boldly challenged traditional gender norms, presenting collections that epitomized the fluidity of gender on the runway. Figures like Anthony Vaccarello for Saint Laurent, Ludovic de Saint Sernin representing Ann Demeulemeester, and the innovative duo Benjamin Huseby and Serhat Isik of GmbH showcased collections that seamlessly intertwined masculine and feminine elements. These displays of gender fluidity redefined the boundaries of clothing and identity. Whether it was Saint Laurent's fusion of masculine tailoring with feminine accents, Ludovic de Saint Sernin's transparent dress challenging gender stereotypes, or Huseby and Isik's modern interpretation of heritage garments, each designer's creations embodied a spectrum of gender expressions. This collective effort among visionary designers represents a significant step toward a more inclusive and diverse fashion landscape, celebrating fashion as a vehicle for personal expression beyond traditional gender constructs.
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afifakhanarabicattire · 11 months
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Make your Mid-year Excursions Important with optimal Wholesale Kaftans in Italy
Numerous ladies like to go to the seashores throughout the mid-year occasions. Who would rather not loosen up on the coastline by getting some downtime for himself from the everyday cerebral pains or occupied life? In such a circumstance, sunbathing is a decent and agreeable choice. The majority of the ladies are stressed over their figure and take incredible consideration of their body. Furthermore, they know well how to exploit these occasions, showing their bends, joining photograph shoots, wearing discount Wholesale Kaftans and sarongs and feel like a model. Yet it is vital to remember a few things, it is vital to get ready well prior to going on summer excursion. Buy kaftans from ECC  summer kaftans wholesalers, Arabic kaftans manufacturers, wholesalers in India.
You need to take great consideration of what sort of garments will be ideal for your late spring occasions and which ones are not. A beachwear conceal is a significant thing for your get-ways on ocean side since it assists with shielding from the exceptionally extreme sunrays and protect your humility too.
How significant a Wholesale Kaftans from summer kaftans wholesalers, manufacturers is?
The concealment is something that a many individuals disregard as late as possible and this ought not be the situation. Each lady realizes that the main embellishment in summer is the mid year Wholesale Kaftans, which can have us look superb while lying in the sun and swimming in the ocean.
A delightful kaftan from Arabic kaftans manufacturers, wholesalers is the item which is ideal to contribute for each individual for summer get-aways. Besides, every young lady realizes that there is an ideal piece out there, which will show her best resources and conceal her imperfections. Picking a kaftan in a variety that suits you is likewise significant. In the event that you're now genuinely tanned, a splendidly shaded kaftan will show your tan off really, while a dim hued kaftan will be more appealing on individuals without a tan. In the event that you are slim, a mid year kaftan with all-over examples can look perfect.
Remember to add a wonderful kaftan to your Baggage
In the event that you are going to pack your gear to spend your days off near the ocean then remember to have a pleasant kaftan as of now. Kaftan ends up being adorable and lovely. Its most recent styles and plans improve and praise your magnificence. Purchasing kaftans from a decent web-based store can make your mid year excursion vital. English Manifestations Wrinkle is known for furnishing items to its clients fabricated with great quality and present day design.
The Best spot to find one for your
It's basically impossible that that you can deny or dissimilar to the item you get from the web store. They are made under the experts and present day fashioners, impeccably intended to be accessible for people for each shape and size. Regardless of the amount you scale on the weight, here is something for everybody. Style doesn't request age also, a broad scope of current kaftans discount, beachwear kimonos and silk scarves is accessible for ladies of each and every age. You simply have to have a decent eye on the item you need any other way you can redo your item by referencing your personalization while submitting a request for your best pick. Blissful Shopping!
This simple to-wear piece of clothing offers outrageous solace and breathability to ladies, making the outline a critical piece of their everyday dress.
 Kaftan Kurta
The complimenting and unreservedly streaming clothing has cleared huge number of hearts away. With a Kaftan, you make certain to intrigue everybody around and stop people in their tracks perpetually on you. A kaftan suits different events, however is viewed as great for relaxed get-togethers.
 Allow us to investigate the justifications for why a Kaftan Kurta is an ideal counterpart for Relaxed Trips.
 Keeps you agreeable all the day
A kaftan kurta is a knee-length piece of clothing that has long, free and flowy sleeves. This free dress was initially worn by people in the Center East as a robe. Kaftans kept them cool and agreeable in the singing intensity of the day. Essentially, even today the Kaftans have safeguarded their solace and the wearer's vouch for the straightforwardness and unwinding the clothing offers, on an easygoing day of outing!
 Offers a Staggering assortment
Kaftans are accessible in different materials like silk, cotton, velvet, and then some. A few kaftans are sewn in imperial and extravagant textures. To have a go at something colorful and elite for an extraordinary easygoing social occasion, then purchase Kaftan Kurta
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arabicattire · 1 year
🕋 Short Sleeve Kaftan Fancy | Dubai Style | Georgette Fabric | Machine W...
🌟 Introducing our exquisite Short Sleeve Kaftan Fancy! 🌟 Discover the perfect blend of elegance and tradition with this stunning piece from Arabic Attire.
✨ Elevate your style with our handcrafted kaftan dress, featuring intricate embroidery and a flattering silhouette. It's the epitome of modest fashion and cultural beauty.
🌸 Whether it's a special occasion or simply embracing your unique style, our Short Sleeve Kaftan Fancy is the perfect choice. Its high-quality fabric ensures comfort while making a fashion statement.
✨ Shop now at ArabicAttire.com and experience the charm of Middle Eastern fashion. Don't miss out on this versatile and timeless piece that will make you feel confident and beautiful! 💫
🔥 #ArabicAttire #ShortSleeveKaftan #ModestFashion #CulturalBeauty #ElegantDesign #FashionStatement #MiddleEasternFashion #VersatileStyle #HandcraftedDetail #ShopNow #WomenFashion
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beyondshoping · 1 year
платье Moroccan Kaftan Formal Evening Dresses Lace Appliques Arabic Muslim Special Occasion Dresses платье для свадебной вечери
1. The price is only for the dress, not include any accessories such as gloves, veil and petticoat. 2. We can also make custom size for free. This will make the dress more suitable for you. Choosing custom made size need to measure following size. (Unit: cm/inches) 1) Bust =2) Waist =3) Hips =4) Shoulder to shoulder =5) Hollow to floor (without shoes)=6) Height(whitout shoes)=7) Shoes height=8)…
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