#Aramau the Fiery Secretary
dogicrimsonofficial · 15 days
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Lightning Bliss, Aramau and myself share a birthday week, and for at least 3-4 years now, I've drawn the three of us together for it.
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jt2zemax · 5 years
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@joshscorcher and Aramau's wedding is less than a month away, and... the pressure's definitely on. And in regards to Ari's comment in the comic, in real life, me and @midnightbluerose93 are on opposite sides of the world (Australia for her, USA for me) and neither one of us is doing that great financially, so marriage might have to wait... but that doesn't mean I don't love her with all my heart! In fact, what I REALLY want is to just be able to see her in person again :(
Jasper's ACTUAL Thoughts: THE RUT IS OVER!!!! Yeah, the episodes in between Summer Sun Setback and this one... I thought were kinda bad... ESPECIALLY "Daring Doubt". I was worried that was gonna be the case for this one since the premise was SO PROMISING!!! And, thankfully, it ended up being a beautiful episode! The callbacks to "The Perfect Pear" and previous Big Mac episodes -ESPECIALLY the ones involving Sugar Belle, the clever way we got to see both halves of the same story from the bride and groom's perspective, the comedy (Like how Granny Smith's dream was basically Star Trek), and.... just the shipping feels! I also really loved how the characters are presented here - Big Mac taking a big step out of his comfort zone for someone he loves, Spike and Discord being his bros who kinda mess things up but they still have his back, Mrs. Cake getting a more prominent role (Kinda wish MR. Cake got the same respect), Sugar Belle's still a sweetie who wants Big Mac to be comfortable and happy, the CMC wanting to make amends for the last few times they kinda muddled in Big Mac's love life, and just... everyone was delightfully in character here. I think the one thing I don't really get was why they had it with little confessional scenes in between... not complaining, I liked them and they payoff that they were telling the story to Applejack (Full of liquid pride, no less) was a nice touch... just curious what made them decide to go that route. Add to it, overall, I really liked the episode's moral - somethings don't always go as planned, but sometimes the simplest acts done with a lot of heart are the ones that really matter. And yes, I DID see Lyra and Bon Bon proposing in the background.... nice to see that the staff decided "to hell with subtext! It's the final season, and we all know what 'best friends' is really implying for these two!"
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Screenshot on Jasper's laptop: https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/File:Big_Mac_gives_Sugar_Belle_an_engagement_ring_S9E23.png
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