#Are your balls safe from the springlocks
bewitchedmold · 7 months
I WANNA DRAW JOTAKAK FANART SO BADDD like I've never really cared for drawing ship art unless it's satire but I've gone down the jotakak ship rabbit hole and now I'm an obsessed little freak like omg dawg wtf😭
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Glamrock Freddy Through The Ball Pit Part 2
“Nothing could possibly go wrong!” Famous last words, and nothing at all like what Mike was thinking when he and his friends grabbed Evan in preparation to carry him closer to Fredbear. He was thinking more along the lines of “would you shut the fuck up?!” at the general vicinity of the voice in his head.
“Hey guys, I think he wants to give Fredbear a big ol’ kiss!”
Freddy could only watch as Mike and his friends raised Evan towards the gaping mouth of the golden bear animatronic. “No, that is not safe! Michael, this is not safe!”
Michael faltered slightly, not pushing Evan towards the death trap, but not protesting as his friends kept going.
Freddy was frantic. If he didn’t do something, the poor sobbing little boy would be seriously injured, if not killed. The springlock suits were decidedly not safe. Gathering all his metaphorical strength, the bear tried something he hadn’t even considered before. He pushed.
Everything settled into sharp clarity and to his shock, Freddy was able to pull the little boy towards him. “No! That suit is n-n-not safe to play with like this!”
The other three, Mike’s friends, seemed taken aback by the sudden change in their friend as Freddy sinks to the ground with Evan in his, Michael’s, arms.
“Chill dude!” The Chica masked teen held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Nothing was going to happen!”
“You do not know that!” Freddy responded, pulling Evan closer in a tight hug, hoping to comfort Michael’s younger brother. It didn’t seem to be working.
“What on earth were you thinking?!” Michael’s father, William, rushes forward, scattering Mike’s friends who leave with confused and disgusted looks. “Michael, answer me!”
Freddy blinks, realizing he would have to answer. “It was supposed t-to be a prank.” He says, at a loss as William grabs Evan from him.
William simply looks at him with narrowed eyes before turning towards the entrance of the diner. “Get up and grab your sister, we are leaving.”
Freddy stands, frowning at the tall man before scanning the crowd for the blonde girl. Elizabeth is standing to the side but steps forward when his eyes land on her. He holds out a hand and she takes it silently, a curious look on her face as she studies him while they follow William out of the diner.
Mike had zero clue what was happening to him, and he was freaking out. His body was moving on its own, following Father to the car with Lizzie in tow. He could only watch as he piled into the backseat with his siblings, feeling as his face shot a worried look at a quietly sniffling Evan.
Something was very, very wrong.
He watched as his family went home, as his voice quietly asked if Evan was okay, saw Evan frown in confusion before going to his room. He felt as his body sat down on his own bed, looking down at his hands.
“Wha-what’s happening?” He managed to squeak out past his horror. He felt his body jump slightly.
“Oh! Hello, Superstar!” His voice responded, soft enough that he didn’t think anyone outside his bedroom door would be able to hear. “I am… not ac-cutually sure…”
“What?!” Mike squawked. “How do you- who are you?!”
“I am Freddy Fazbear. I am unsure how this has happened. I am sorry if I have caused you any distress.” His voice replied.
Mike blinked, or he would have if he had control of his own eyes. “Freddy? You mean like Fredbear?”
The newly identified Freddy hummed as if thinking it over. “Sort of, but not quite. I am not Fredbear, though I was modeled after his later model.”
Mike had so many questions.
It took much longer than either anticipated for Mike to regain control of the body that he now apparently shared with a version of his Uncle Henry’s animatronic. Freddy had been forced to pilot for nearly a week, which they spent in Mike’s room while they tried to figure out how to switch back and forth between who got to be in control.
Mike learned a lot about Freddy in that time. Like how Freddy was apparently something called ‘artificial intelligence’, which Freddy explained meant that he was basically a sentient robot. Which, cool!
Freddy had no idea how any of this had happened however, just explaining to Mike that one moment he was being attacked by bots, and the next he was staring at Mike’s reflection in the mirror.
Freddy also told Mike a lot about his friends at the pizzaplex while staring up at Mike’s bedroom ceiling. He told him about the boy he had met before this whole mess started. Mike personally thought that this Gregory boy would be pretty fun to hang out with, even if he was Lizzie’s age.
Mike in turn, told Freddy about how he was helping Father and Uncle Henry design new versions of Fredbear and SpringBonnie, even adding two new characters to the crew. Mike explained how his favorite new character was Foxy “Because he’s a pirate and I love pirates, and foxes. They always look so soft and fluffy!”
Freddy would smile, just a little sadly, and say that he liked the idea. Secretly, Freddy was glad Chica would get arms instead of wings like Mike’s drawings had shown. His friend would not be able to do as much if she had wings.
There wasn’t a lot of time actually spent on figuring out how to switch body controls, it being both mentally and physically exhausting for both, but after a few days, Mike finally managed it.
Pushing to the front after what felt like years, Mike could hear Freddy cheering in celebration. A “Great job Superstar, I knew you could do it!” putting a wide smile on his face.
After walking around for a while, stretching and getting the hang of doing so himself again, Mike sat back down on his bed.
“Right, Fred, if w-we’re gonna do this, we gotta be able t-to switch back-k n’forth without t-trouble.” Mike paused at the new addition to his speech. He’d never stuttered this much before, why now?
“If you are sure.” Freddy said, an encouraging tone behind his words, before he tried pushing forward again. This time was much smoother and Mike didn’t feel quite as detached as he had before. “That was m-much better! Your turn, Michael!”
Mike tried pushing, as he’d done just a few minutes before, pleasantly surprised when he cut to the front with almost no resistance, Freddy taking a step back at the same time. “Wow!”
“That was much easier.” Freddy voiced what they were both thinking. “It appears that this whole situation will be fairly easy to get used to.”
Mike agreed, though not audibly, as some other noise had caught his attention. “What’s that?”
“It sounds like a child is crying.” Freddy informed him, though Mike could hear it fairly well himself now, having gotten up and opened his bedroom door. The cries sound more like quiet screams now that there is one less door in the way.
“That’s Ev.” Mike whispers to Freddy, walking across the hall to his brother’s door. “Why is he screaming like that?”
Freddy didn’t have an answer, but silently urged Mike to find out.
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