capncaprisun · 6 months
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dogsdontdie04 · 2 months
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his ass is not charming
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safekeeperscosm · 1 year
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idc if the timeline doesn't add up there are scenarios in my head !!!!!!!!!!
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kevbree · 6 months
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radio-star8 · 2 months
yaoi could have saved them....
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first contribution to the ben ten fandom feeling good.
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kariachi · 3 months
If there is one thing I need from Argit going into politics it is, every time Ben destroys public shit like roads, him calling the Plumber base with a smile and detailed breakdown of how much the Plumbers are paying to fix that shit.
Could he go to Ben about this, with all the money he must receive from the use of his likeness (like fuck Kevin at least did not make sure that was capitalized on)? Yes.
Is he going to go to the Plumbers anyway because fuck those people? Also yes.
Does the fact that he keeps making sure these things are repaired in a timely manner without the use of tax dollars only make him more popular with voters? You know it.
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insane-mane · 11 months
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And who could forget dear old Ratboy- I mean Argit
(Please Do Not Reupload or Use My Art)
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electraslight · 1 year
there arent enough kargit shippers out there even though argit being kevins ex is way more plausible than kevin supposedly having multiple girlfriends he never talks about mentions or even proves the existence of
like whats more realistic. a guy as repressed as getting multiple girls before the age of 16, or him dating his companion of 5 years and breaking it off because of their canonical unhealthy codependency, argit crawling back to kevin over and over again because he knows kevin loves too easy, until kevin breaks and argit must discover that although his reason for living is survival, he truly loves kevin and thinks of him highly, defending him to his own girlfriend and admitting he has faith in him 🤨🤨🤨🤨
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leeisjustlee · 7 months
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Alien characters as humans
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whatudottu · 1 year
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When you meet a walking talking jackhammer who will crash castles for the low low price of free burritos :D
AKA, Argit finds another stray and Andreas doesn't have to worry about what to eat on this strange unfamiliar planet-
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msnihilist · 3 months
more of that au please!!!! sounds so interesting so far!!!!
Background to this AU.
So, Kevin is an orphan in this AU. He grew up on the streets taking care of himself. He's joined by Argit, who Kevin sees kind of as a younger brother. Since there's no aliens in this AU, Argit was born fully human, but was cursed by a wizard whom he stole from and inflicted with a mutated, animal-like appearance.
Kevin is also considered a freak since he's a magic-user as well. He's freaky even among other witches because he absorbs power rather than releasing it.
Suffice it to say, the two of them only fit in with each other. They're all they've got.
Well, they end up owing money to the richest guy in town after stealing (and immediately losing) his prized horse. But Michael agrees to forgive the transgression if they pay him back within the month, otherwise he'll kill them.
Kevin and Argit are broke as shit so, in a fit of desperation, they decide to loot the old, cursed castle that everyone in the region knows to avoid. The story says that everything was fine until, one day, the evil witch inside who had been bidding her time froze everything solid, killing everyone in the process.
Argit, for obvious reasons, doesn't want to fuck with a witch. Kevin talks him into it by boasting his absorption powers, promising to protect him.
As the two of them approach the castle, the sky turns grey. It's hard to tell if the sun is even up anymore. The grass dies and crunches beneath their feet, like they're slowly entering an aura of rot and death. They pick their way through the abandoned, snowy village and up the hillside to the frozen castle.
Inside, there's no one to be found. Kevin and Argit ignore the frozen bodies and start gathering up valuables.
And right when Argit is starting to relax, he sees her. The witch. She doesn't even look human. She's made entirely of magic, her body glowing with pure power, and she regards Argit as one would regard an ant marching across their floor.
"You can't be here," she says. Argit very much agrees, but he can't find the words to say so. "And you can't leave, either."
Argit screams, and Kevin comes running. The witch explains disinterestedly (with her hand on Argit's throat) that she doesn't want anyone to know about this castle. Visitors must be killed. (The last time she wasn't careful with her location, everything fell apart.)
Kevin offers to stay with her as collateral. Argit will go, and he won't tell anyone because, if he does, the witch can just kill him. The witch considers this, and finds it acceptable. She releases Argit.
Kevin gives Argit all of the valuables they managed to grab, and forces him to leave. Argit doesn't want to, but he is also too cowardly to stay. The doors slam shut behind him, and they lock.
As awful as he feels, saying goodbye to his old life and freedom, Kevin asks the witch if he can at least have her name. She doesn't answer at first, like she has to think long and hard about it.
Finally, just when Kevin has convinced himself that she won't tell him, she looks at him with her blank, emotionless eyes and says, "My name is Gwen."
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capncaprisun · 3 months
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dogsdontdie04 · 7 days
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slowly getting closer to how i wanna dress argit
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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edgybluerat · 1 year
What social network Ben 10 characters use and for what:
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Disagreements? Anything to add?
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I just remembered this but Kuro mentioned, at 13:00, UAF having a 1950s aesthetic and then it hit me. Ben, Gwen and Julie are Socs whereas Kevin and Argit are Greasers, yet there’s no beef between them except for Argit. Darkstar is a Soc though and had beef with Kevin from the moment they met.
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