#Ariana grande eternal sunshine
theboyisminetf · 3 days
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prplocks · 7 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: ᴀʀɪᴀɴᴀ ɢʀᴀɴᴅᴇ
eternal sunshine
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tayrianazicons · 6 months
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Ariana Grande for SNL Icons ☀️
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ifsnasty · 4 months
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𓂃 ᨓ 。ariana grande icons 🩵
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userstuf · 7 months
• etrnsun
• supnatrl
• ordthing
• boymne
• byefav
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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whamicon · 6 months
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you’re just my eternal sunshine, sunshine
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imawgine · 3 months
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♡ Icons and Headers Ariana Grande + header bônus cat woman ♡
♡ se pegar, gostar deixa um like pf ou dê créditos no twitter @imawgine ♡
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swiftwice · 8 months
could you please do eternal sunshine ariana grande layout?
much lovee, dora 🩷
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hope you like them! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
headers by me 🫶
like or reblog if u use. do not repost
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crimson-lilly · 6 months
~ Icons: Ariana Grande ~
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like/rt or credit Crimsonlilly on Twitter if you use. <3
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lm4gxne · 7 months
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knotmycupofchai · 3 months
Ariana Grande Solar Return, Progressions and Astrological Observations 🪐🌃
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Jupiter in Gemini transit her 5H- 6H
Themes health, fun, pleasure, inner child, romantic life, lovers/ hookups, romanticism, habits and routines, work life, self-care/ balance
Jupiter transiting Ariana’s 5H will likely make her come out of shell more. As we’ve already seen she is more active on social media ( not as before, but still active) she’s doing a lot more than promotion. As Ariana is naturally gifted at impressions of others, funny skits and just her being herself in videos— while this side of her has been limited, it could come back out to play. We might see the side of Ariana from her teen years, as 5H and gemini rules youth, children, and expression. However, she needs to remember to balance and incorporate time for herself, with a 6H Pluto SR. She’s going to be very busy, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important— especially with the shadow work needed. Creative expression will likely be a huge outlet for her, to release emotions, depict trauma, wounds and heal.
Ariana Grande Solar Return 2024- 2025
Cancer Venus in Cancer 12H SR square Aries North Node SR
Ariana will be pulled into deep healing regarding her current relationships, hidden relationships, things happening behind the scenes and her independence. Wouldn’t be surprised with Aries Chiron and Aries North node, if Ariana was being called to be more independent or single. This could aspect could have her questioning her current or past relationships, her position in them and mistakes she’s made. It gives the energy of thinking back to how her fear of loosing familiarity, getting out of her comfort zone, not trusting in herself or fear of being alone; caused her to jump into circumstances that allowed her wounds to fester and enabled unhealthy patterns. The Aries NN in Aries 9H means Ariana could be pushed to be single; become more bolder in how in her expression and appearance or learning and travel. Chiron being in that 9H indicates that being single for awhile or going on a healing journey by herself will be beneficial for her. She’ll come out on the other side more confident, bold, independent and wise. Without the distractions of a relationship and any other escapism tendencies— she can carve out space to devote to herself. She’ll learn a lot more about herself and the world around from a different perspective. This be a great time for solo travel; spiritual/ nature retreats; self-discovery; religious or spiritual discovery; new hobbies; higher learning or studying a new language, moving abroad or immersion into a new culture or belief system.
This can also indicates a new routine, health regimen & habits for Ariana with 6H Pluto squaring Aries Chiron.
Aquarius Pluto square Chiron
Issues with assertion already come into play with the Aries energy, but is further confirmed again with the Leo ASC. Healing through action will be great for Ariana; taking the lead in her daily life, routines and work space will help her face her fears. She’s most likely to set boundaries, set the record straight and stand up for herself a lot more this next year. Another thing ( besides being single or taking break from love) that will help her is—again, her daily routine and putting herself first. This can look like getting up in the morning, mediating, singing and doing a lil spa day for self-care for herself, instead of immediately thinking of how everyone else is doing or what they’re doing for the day. The minute she wakes up in the morning, she should have a special treat, task or space for herself— even if it’s just 1 hour to herself. She needs to make sure she loves what she does and has things she loves outside of work as well.
Power dynamics in her childhood, adult themes or
infantilization and rose-colored lenses on her childhood.
Aquarius Pluto ( in Capricorn 6H) opposing Leo ASC: While this aspect can reiterate themes around health and work— the 6H of innocence brings up how her childhood experiences altered her relationships to her health, psyche, routine, and work environment. While revisiting and unpacking past trauma, Ariana will maintain a confident and strong image in the public, and she’ll be learning to navigate any public scrutiny or threats while dealing with these personal and sensitive issues. Ariana will need to set boundaries regarding just how much she shares her trauma with the public. As I’ve stated before Ariana is doing ALOT of healing in regards to circumstances where she gave up her power knowingly and unknowingly— this includes as a child or teen who cannot gives consent or really grasp what’s going on. This could experiences where she had to mature quickly, where was exposed to adult or complex situations at a young age OR she witnessed this with someone close to her like a co-worker. This could be a year where similar themes from her youth or mirrored within the present.
This aspect also brings light and challenges with Ariana maintaining a health and vibrant appearance while dealing with underlying health or emotional/ mental health issues. This shows that now and in the past it was difficult for her to do public appearances while dealing with issues behind the scenes.
While Ariana is already healing from a multitude of things, this shows the unpacking of past and childhood trauma that could have dissociated her.
Shadow work; Healing and deep dives into her trauma and past cycles Key: Self-worth
Emphasis on 8H ( Natal Leo 8H & Pisces SR 8H) — Trauma; Situations where she gave too much & ended up disempowered. How much she gives in relationships ( includes money; clout or opportunities that come from being associated with her)
Those could be actual resources like money, investments; contracts, legalities, advisors OR psychological ( mental, emotional & spiritual) self-help book; crystals; tarot; a therapist; tarot reader or astrologer.
Ariana Grande’s natal Leo Chiron is in her Cancer 7H— this indicates her wounds regarding her relationships and maintaining her true identity, independent, light and power within them ( especially w/ her Leo 8H). Her Leo 8H makes me think she could have cycles of giving her power up for men or people she loves. I think this also shows she’s more likely to dim her light so her friends, lovers and family can shine.
This also can show expressing trauma through creativity, performance and humor. She could make playful jokes about her pain as a coping mechanism and escape through work ( Capricorn AC & Capricorn Neptune in 1H/ASC).
Majority of her healing comes through her relationships & her career in the public eye as a star. Her relationships mirror her insecurities. She uses her relationships to find security, because there are challenges with self-esteem, how she sees herself and values herself. Parental/ family cycles most likely play out in her relationships as well, she might carry not only trauma, but mirror her dad and mom’s relationship.
Progressed chart (as of June 20th, 2024)
PRO Scorpio Moon in Scorpio 9H
Ariana will be called to share her experiences or knowledge with others. While it shows in Ariana’s SR a more solo journey, spiritual and physical; this could Ariana could also share this emotional and spiritual journey with others when she’s ready. The scorpio energy can indicate that this could remain private, but shared to the public through interviews, a book, art, pictures, live streams, podcasts or it could be her discussing deep truths and taboo topics with her audience. The scorpio energy is more private, so it doesn’t have to be about her trauma per se. She might just vaguely allude or talk about things that could or could not relate to her, and her own trauma or transformative experiences.
Authenticity, independence, healing and learning being a huge theme in Ariana’s journey. Ariana is moving away from anything that doesn’t align with her truest self or her values. Her inner world with transform her outer world, so you can expect to see changes in her appearance, the way she dresses or carries herself, what she chooses to speak on, what roles or projects she takes, her political or religious/ spiritual beliefs etc...
PRO Leo chiron and Leo Sun in Leo 6H
Her Leo Chiron and scorpio automatically mirrors and reflects her wounds. She has karmic wounds regarding self-expression, authenticity especially publicly, so her ending up famous amplifies her wounds. While her career as a famous musician allows her music and talents to be therapeutic, unfortunately her wounds manifest in her career and daily life. If she hasn’t already she may deal with work related or overall publicity related stress and chronic illness. This reiterates the balance of work and her personal life. This really emphasizes health issues that ended up showing in her appearance or exposed to the public — ex: Lupus; stress; anxiety; weight fluctuations; mental health issues
PRO Gemini Venus in Gemini 4H trine Aquarius ASC
With all these themes of learning coming in for Ariana, she’s more likely to be drawn to anything that peaks her interest on a mental/ psychological level. All these changes, learning and healing will allow Ariana to use her intellect more and make her more flexible. The adaptability will allow a smooth transition between her private and public life, which will allow her to continue to be authentic and true to her values. Majority of the public will receive this well, for the first time you will Ariana without a mask, shell or persona solely to hide behind. As Ariana rediscovers herself and expands her horizons, she’ll gain new interests, beliefs and routines. Ariana will incorporate what she learns into her personality and creative expression. During this time Ariana is likely to gain a sense of where she fits in and what she stands for politically or moral wise, so you could see her involved in protests, anything involving politics and injustices— like her recently donating for Palestine. Ariana likely took time responding to the tragedies of Palestine due to trying learn more, and figure out where she stands in the world regarding these events.
This shows that Ariana is moving towards her life purpose. Her natal Sagittarius north node is aligning with her progressed Sagittarius MC, meaning she will move towards more societal, cultural, international and group themes. She’s meant to discuss and be involved discussions where she can express her compassion and connect deeply with an audience. It’s part of Ariana’s purpose to focus on community and humanitarianism. Ariana will be great at public speaking and advocacy for mental health, gun control, human/ women’s right and for tragedies like Palestine. This would be a great time for Ari to talk about anything she’s passionate about incorporate that into her projects. Expect to see international tours, press conferences, interviews and engagements with philanthropists, protesters, teachers and foreigners in the future.
Square Virgo Mars in Virgo 7H
As Ariana openly embraces the new and true her, it will cause conflicts internally and external with her fans, friends and family. As others struggle to understand and resonate with this version of her, it will bring criticism and conflict. Her new beliefs will change her perspective on relationships as well. I can see Ariana wanting more of a intellectual connection, someone she can learn from and with vs an idealized dramatic connection where she relinquishes her power to serve the other person or relinquishes her authenticity to mold into the more preferred feminine roles for her partners. Her natal Leo 8H and Sagittarius north node can bring instances where she may have had to ‘perform’ for partners or people in general for their pleasure or comfort. Others can be triggered or threatened by Ariana being herself, because it challenges their desires or need for power. She may have had to put on a persona suitable for someone she with, which brings about the chameleonism. She’s a natural chameleon with a natal 7H Mercury and libra moon.
Progressed Jupiter in Libra in Libra 8H sextile Sagittarius North Node in Sagittarius 10H
Ariana will benefit from collaborations, partnerships, shares resources like donations and fundraisers— especially if they involve foreigners, international causes and cultural or societal concerns.
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theboyisminetf · 2 months
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vanessa-rafesgirl · 6 months
the. boy. is. mine.
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(let's get intertwined) the stars, they aligned.
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tayrianazicons · 3 months
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Ariana Grande on set for “the boy is mine” Music Video Icons
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ifsnasty · 4 months
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𓂃 ᨓ 。ariana grande pack the boy is mine mv 🖤🐈‍⬛
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crybbyology · 8 months
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Eternal Sunshine out march 8th <3
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