#Ariana grande just coming out of nowhere riding with gay demons and throwing dark magic everywhere
demilillith · 6 years
Really tempted to have Ariana just... fucking show up in my OC world from the interdimensional rift in her dangerous woman outfit and using high class magic like it's nothing while forming a concert in the District. Demi goes because of course, big fan, but then there's a huge demon infestation because a long dead singer (fueled by greed and salt) tries to silence Ariana with curses and hexes which leads to Demi getting involved ala
"Hey! I'll help!!! I also really love your CDs!!! Can I get an aut--"
Ariana: *Straight up rains down thunder and opens up an unholy portal to send threats away by blowing a kiss and singing a verse*
Demi: "You just destroyed an entire... army..."
Ariana: *Swiftly turns away* "And what about it?"
Like... she had so much crap in FFBE it's high time I take the magic attacker and put her on the top like she belongs.
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