#Arkh Ch4
potential-fate · 1 year
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Jorah laughed then, looked down at him, “I’m pretty sure you could pull off whatever you wanted, and no one would question it.”
“Why can’t you do the same thing then?” Nathan smiled up at Jorah, “Just gotta do it with confidence.” 
“People would make fun of me if I dressed how I wanted.” Jorah shrugged, “I mean, they kinda already do. Everyone either thinks you’re too cool, or they’re too scared of you to tease you.” 
“By now they should be too scared of me to tease you either” Nathan grumbled under his breath. When Jorah gave him a dirty look, he quickly changed the subject, “So that means you do like the cute dino bandaids.” 
“Shut up, Nate.”
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potential-fate · 1 year
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End of Chapter 4...
Melvin: [groans] That woman insists on ruining everything. Sheldon: What happened? Melvin: Here, come look. [sighing] It’s already circulating news circles. Sheldon: Well, that’s not good. Melvin: This is going to make everything more complicated… ---
Hunter: Hey babe…? Salem: Manners, son. Your wife and I were talking business. It’s rude to interrupt. Hunter: Sorry, Sir… but… Wanda: It’s fine. Arguing against you is a fruitless endeavor anyways, Salem. What is it, honey? Hunter: I know you don’t like Alex’s trash news but… you’re going to want to see this. ---
Pia: Well, We might need to introduce the “new” you, sooner rather than later, Mom…. But otherwise this shouldn’t affect us, right?  Giovanni: It should be fine. We’ve been far removed from the Helios family long enough. Giovanni: Besides, it could be a good thing. I’ll let the dust setting and then reach out. Pia: Are you sure that’s a good idea? Giovanni: Better to be ahead of the curve. ---
Elaine: Who the hell do you think you are?! I don’t care if you married my father, this is a family affair! Ian: Dear… the children are right— Elaine: You gold-digging harlot! How dare you keep this information from me! Jorah: Your mom seems really upset… Nathan: Jorah, I cannot begin to explain to you how much I do not care. Jorah: But your family—  Nathan: [rolling his eyes] I. Don’t. Care. Can we please go back to playing the game ---
Callum: But it’s an actual gig! Just because it’s in Copperhead City— Abe: I can’t just move without any warning Callum… Callum: You promised this was temporary. I’m sick of working at that stupid music and tech shop. Abe: Then don’t? It’s not like we have rent. I can pay the bills we do have on my own. Callum: That’s not— [muttering] That’s not the point!  [phone ringing]  Abe: I uh… I need to take this.  Callum: By all means, it’s not like we were in the middle of something. Abe: Callum… come on. It’s my mother.  Callum: Of course it fucking is. God forbid you do anything that might upset her. Callum: [pauses] ….What happened?  Abe: I… It’s my grandfather…. He’s… He’s alive. 
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potential-fate · 1 year
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“Yo, Jorah.” Nathan waved a hand in front of the other boy’s face, but instead of finally focusing on Nathan, he just fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt. 
Nathan frowned in annoyance. If Jorah had something to say to him, he’d better get to it, “Did I piss you off or something?” 
Jorah looked up quickly, “what?! No! I’m not mad at—”
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potential-fate · 1 year
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“I– well, I…” She tried to read his expression, “that sorta depends on how you feel about it?” 
“Well, I always wanted children…” he said, “and I love you.” 
Pia looked at him hopefully, “so… you’re… okay with all this…?” 
“Sweet Pea, of course…” Thomas kissed the back of her hand, “Actually…” 
He pulled away for a moment, and Pia tried not to frown. But he was still smiling, so she forced herself to relax. He straightened his jacket slightly, looking back at her, “I was going to try to do something a bit more romantic…” 
He looked down at his lap, “but I fear if I don’t say something now, then you might think I’m doing this for the wrong reasons…”
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potential-fate · 1 year
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After that, he practically climbed into Roman’s lap and pulled his face up to meet his lips. Pelle wove his hand in Roman’s hair, and for a moment, Roman got caught up in that kiss. 
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“For the love of— Pelle!” Ashe exclaimed, “it’s a game night, not an orgy, jeez!” 
“Ack!---” Pelle screamed as Ashe shoved him over, quickly dissolving into giggles.
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potential-fate · 1 year
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Leaning over towards Roman, he said, “don’t mind Pelle. Someone’s had too much to drink.” 
Roman let out a short laugh, as he watched Pelle kiss Adrian on the cheek. Despite this, Adrian turned an even darker shade of red. 
“Pelle, are you gonna keep daring people to kiss until you’ve gotten to everyone?” Jun asked, laughing. 
“I would never—” 
“I’ll save you the trouble.” Jun rolled his eyes playfully, “I dare you, just get it over with, why don’t you just kiss anyone you haven’t before, you brat?” 
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potential-fate · 1 year
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Tonight they had a box of Cards against Humanity, several bottles of liquor, and a random episode of Gossip Guy playing in the background. Almost everyone was at least three drinks in. 
“Can we do something actually interesting?” the man across from him whined, and Roman held back an eyeroll. The boy with long hair and pretty makeup was new. Or at least he was new to Roman. When the new boy had gotten to the house, Adrian had invited him in, all while flirting in the most obvious way possible. Roman wasn’t going to say anything, but the dude could have at least pretended to enjoy himself.  
“Adrian,” The boy glanced over at Adrian, rolling his eyes. “I thought you said your friends were fun.”  
“Stefan–...” Adrian frowned awkwardly. He was clearly uncomfortable; stuck between wanting to impress this dude, and not insult his friends, “I…” 
“I think they’re fun.” Roman said, shrugging, “What’s wrong with this?” 
Adrian visibly relaxed as Stefan turned his attention to Roman, “Don’t you think Cards Against Humanity is a bit… I dunno. Lame? It’s a bit played out, don’t you think?”  “Let’s do something different then!” Maura jumped in, half slamming her drink down on the carpet, “Let’s do something more fun.”
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potential-fate · 2 years
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“Good, I didn’t want to have to hit someone I’d never met.” Lucy said, quickly swinging a punch toward Abe’s shoulder. 
“Ow— what the fuck!?” Abe swore, that punch being double what a playful punch should be between siblings. 
Lucy frowned, “You deserved that and you know it.” 
“What the hell did I ever do to you?” Abe rubbed his arm, wincing slightly.
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potential-fate · 1 year
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After a moment, his gaze settled on the one person who was definitely safe, “Maura, do you mind?” 
Ashe laughed again next to him. 
“You picked the one person in the room who’s actually in a relationship.” He continued laughing, “You really do have terrible ta—” 
“I don’t mind.” Maura smiled at him. She glanced to the side at Jun quickly, “Unless you do?”
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“Hm?” Jun raised an eyebrow, “nah, it’s just a game, right?” 
Her smile dropped almost imperceptibly. ‘Ah. she was hoping to make him jealous.’ 
Roman didn’t really care about being a pawn in some silly scheme, as long as Jun didn’t decide to hit him for kissing his girlfriend. He scooted over quickly, and gave her a chase kiss almost as fast, glancing warily at Jun after, just in case. Luckily, Pelle moved on quickly, while Roman moved back to his original seat.
“Adrian, dare this round?” Pelle asked looking to his right, Adrian gave a distracted nod in agreement. 
“Kiss your boy then!” Pelle giggled again. 
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potential-fate · 1 year
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Nathan threw his backpack over the back of the couch before swinging himself over the same way, planting himself next to Jorah in one graceful movement. Sighing deeply, he spread out on the couch. It took him a moment to realize that Jorah hadn’t said anything in response to his somewhat dramatic entrance, and more importantly, had barely even looked at him. 
He glanced over at the other boy, noting the continued lack of eye contact, “you okay?” 
“Mmhmm” Jorah said, continuing to look glued to the tv. Nathan frowned. Normally it didn’t take much to get his friend’s attention.
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potential-fate · 2 years
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Abe pursed his lips and crossed his arms defensively, “who said I care?” 
“Dude.“ Lucy gave him a disparaging look. 
“Okay, okay, that is what I was gonna ask…” Abe played with the hem of his shirt rather than look back at his sister. 
“What answer are you looking for?” She raised an eyebrow, “are you hoping he’s miserable without you around suddenly?” 
“...Is he?” Abe’s face was unreadable. 
Lucy’s irritated tone returned, “You’re the one who broke up with him” 
“It was mut—....” Abe faltered when Lucy gave him a look that could kill. She knew her brother knew better than to finish that sentence.  
“If anything, he should be the one hoping you’re miserable.” She raised a brow. Her brother almost looked hopeful, which only served to irritate her more, so she continued, “but as far as I can tell, he’s not. Hoping that you’re pining, I mean. Or doing so himself.” 
Her brother’s face fell almost imperceptibly. Good. She thought. It was only half a lie anyways. Roman did seem to be doing better recently. Especially after dragging him to that party a week and a half ago. He’d made his own friends, ones that weren’t Abe’s friends first, for the first time in his life, and that seemed to be helping. 
“Oh that's… That’s good.” Abe said, “I don’t… want him to be miserable.”
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potential-fate · 2 years
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Roman chuckled half-heartedly at that, “Well, seeing as Ulyssa is at the bar over there getting wasted, I don’t think any of the people here would.” 
“You tell her I said this and I’ll kill you,” Lucy paused, “but even she knows you’re... “obnoxiously attractive” as she put it.” 
Roman almost choked, “Ulyssa said that?”
“And I say again, if you ever tell her I told you that, I will kill you. In the most painful way imaginable. She is one of my best friends, and she will never forgive me for telling you.” 
“Okay, okay.” Roman put his hands up in defense, “threat understood.” 
“The point is, don’t let my brother ruin too much of your time.” Lucy said. 
“Lucky me, at the moment, I’m too pissed off about him to wallow” Roman snorted, “So, uh… thanks for that I guess.” 
“My pleasure.” Lucy smirked. As Roman stood from the couch they were on, Lucy asked, “hey, where are you going?” 
Roman shrugged, “I’m gonna go find out if that girl in the corner who’s been glaring at you for the past 20 minutes wants to distract me.” 
“Oh… you hooking up?” Lucy laughed sharply, “I really did irritate you with that info, didn’t I?” 
“Absolutely,” Roman frowned agian, and rolled his eyes, “that’s not on you though.” 
“Well…” Lucy smirked at him, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do~” 
“That’s a short list.” He said, and Lucy started laughing unceremoniously. 
“Fair enough.”
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potential-fate · 2 years
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“You good?” Lucy repeated the question she’d asked when she first sat down. Roman gritted his teeth, then nodded. 
“Look, Ro…” Lucy bit her lip for a moment, “even with all that, he didn’t ruin your life.” 
Roman only glowered. 
“I mean it,” She said, “Maybe his own life, cause he’s an idiot. But dude, he’s the one missing out. Anyone in this bar would date you if you even looked their way.” 
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potential-fate · 2 years
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“Wait, what?” Roman scowled. 
“Oh, uh….” Lucy wavered slightly, “I… I thought you knew that.” 
“Nope.” Roman frowned, “So explain. Now. Cause I’m tired of everyone walking on eggshells around me.” 
As Lucy explained what was happening back in Arkhelios, Roman’s expression darkened. Abe had really brought Callum back to Arkhelios? To live in a house Elaine had picked out for him, all domestic and shit?  The only good thing about Lucy’s information was that it was clear that Abe was still too afraid of his mother to admit he liked boys. If he’d managed to do that for Callum, Roman would have been hard pressed not to completely freak out.
After the half-assed text explanation he’d gotten from Abe after the incident about how ‘Abe just wasn’t sure that was the life he wanted’, hearing he’d gone and done exactly that with Callum instead was making Roman want to scream.
He dug his nails into his palms instead. If he made a scene now, no one would ever tell him anything again.
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potential-fate · 2 years
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She melted into him at this, the stress finally dissipating. He sighed quietly, a few of her previous words echoing in his head and making him frown once more. 
“You’re not broken.” He muttered quietly.  
“What if I can’t…” She trailed off. 
“Then we’ll figure something else out.” He said, “Maybe there’s a solution on that side of your family?” 
She looked at him curiously, “I… I hadn’t thought to… maybe… but–” 
“And if there’s not, There’s always the obvious solution.” He said, giving her a gentle smile. She looked at him in confusion. 
“Baby… “ Hunter chuckled quietly, “I’m adopted.”  
“Oh… Oh.” Wanda said, “I assumed you’d want…” 
“I would love to have biological children with you.” He wrapped his arm around her once more, “But I will be equally happy to adopt a child as well.”  
“O-okay.” She said, “Then that’s… that’s a good option as well.” 
He brushed his lips against her temple, “Thank you for trusting me with this secret of yours, baby.” 
He felt her lean into him and she shuddered slightly before raising a hand to her face, quickly wiping away tears and nodding quickly, “I– I’m sorry it took me so long” 
She buried her face in his chest, and muffled a ‘thank you’ in his shirt. 
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potential-fate · 1 year
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“What happened to your face?” 
“Shit.” Jorah swore, immediately looking down at his shoes. Nathan raised an eyebrow; Jorah rarely swore at all. He leaned over to get a better look at the other’s face. 
It wasn’t that bad, not really. His cheek was scratched up, and what had first caught Nathan’s eye, he now realized, was mostly just dried remnants of what looked to be a bloody nose. 
“So you wanna tell me what happened?”
“....I tripped.” Nathan gave him a withering look. Jorah was clumsy, but not that clumsy. He was also a bad liar. 
Seeing Nathan’s disbelieving look, Jorah sighed, “Okay. someone tripped me.” That was more honest. Nathan gritted his teeth, “Alright. Who do I need to kill?” 
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