#Artem is actually in the mood to fight so I might make my bed and do another sorta drabble with them fighting each other
prerodinu · 9 months
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I think the great thing about Katia and Artem is they both sorta correct each other. Katia is all do first and ask question’s later. Artem is a ask question’s first take action afterwards. So in a fight they are lethal together because Artem make’s sure katia know’s where to hit first instead of just going off her instincts. 
That being said she doesn’t have her brother around? She won’t stop until someone is dead. Her or the person she is fighting. It’s her nature after being made to kill her own kind for so long. Kill or be killed. Getting into a fight with her is a one way ticket. Either you survive and you killed her or she kills you. Unless her brother is there and then well. Then you have a shot at living. 
Katia is powerful in fighting hand to hand combat or with knives. 
Artem is powerful in strategy. 
Underestimating either of them is a big downfall in a fight. 
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a-prekliatyvlk · 4 years
I think the great thing about Katia and Artem is they both sorta correct each other. Katia is all do first and ask question’s later. Artem is a ask question’s first take action afterwards. So in a fight they are lethal together because Artem make’s sure katia know’s where to hit first instead of just going off her instincts. 
That being said she doesn’t have her brother around? She won’t stop until someone is dead. Her or the person she is fighting. It’s her nature after being made to kill her own kind for so long. Kill or be killed. Getting into a fight with her is a one way ticket. Either you survive and you killed her or she kills you. Unless her brother is there and then well. Then you have a shot at living. 
Katia is powerful in fighting hand to hand combat or with knives. 
Artem is powerful in strategy. 
Underestimating either of them is a big downfall in a fight. 
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Part 5
You crossed hands on your chest. Except a cool wind on your face and tiredness, you felt pressure in your stomach. Kostya was just going down the stairs from a building of a studio. Artem was going to pick him up home at the same time when he was driving you to work. You didn't think it was a good idea after your fight but it would it be ridiculous to avoid Kostya all the time.
-Hi- he said, buttoning his dark coat. He seemed tired after whole night of working. It must have been childish but as soon as you saw Kostya moving to back doors, you changed direction and took a seat next to driver. Boys exchanged few words but there was long silence for next minutes of driving. You looked away when you caught Kostya's gaze in front mirror.
- We should all go out for drink when we're done - Artem suggested when he stopped on parking.
- Who do you mean?- Kostya asked without any enthusiasm in his voice.
- Who else? All of us. Like always.
- I don't think I'll have time - You added quickly - I won't get free day from my boss so- no.
- I meant evening..
- I'm not in mood- You interrupted Artem, trying to hold your anger.
- Okay. Thanks for picking me up - Kostya sighed like he was tired of listening both of you and he opened doors to leave car - Bye.
- Bye..- Artem murmured. You wanted to yell at him but you kept looking at window in silence when he started car again.
- No free day? Really?
- Really - You snarled - Don't suggest some time together when it's so unbearable for you to see me with Melovin.
- It was annoying when you acted like some lovebirds but I want us to be like we were at the beginning.. - Artem stared after some break for contemplation- But now you're acting weird.
The problem was there was no chance for things to be like they were. And now he was blaming you?
- Because you made me feel guilty and now you blame me for feeling uneasy! - You raised your voice - Like I did something wrong. I don't know how to act to not to make you angry.
It wasn't about trying to make Artem feel more important and not giving him reasons to feel jealous. You was fighting with your own feelings but you also felt that your boyfriend only thought about his own. It's been a while since you started to get irritated by more things that he was doing.
- Okay. I might overreact about your friendship with Mel but I was scared that we're growing apart. I'm sorry. - Artem said calmly, seeing your emotional reaction. He stopped a car in front of office and slowly pulled you close. When he hugged you, it suddenly felt even worse. It was like you was a traitor by letting him comfort you after what you've been imagining about Kostya before.
- I gotta go to work. I'll be late - You said and left without goodbye before Artem did something that might make things worse like kissing you.
Looking at your phone and sitting. That's all what you was doing at studio. Things were taking too long time so you stood up and grabbed your bag.
- Did you lost your voice today?- You heard Kostya's voice behind your back - You didn't say a word since you're here.
He didn't talk to you till now. He actually ignored you all this time and it was annoying. You hoped things to be like they were before but for some reason you felt upset and it seemed that Kostya did too.
- Why would I talk? I'm not in mood - You said with anger in voice. You looked at doors. Artem was still away. You even didn't know where he went. He just answered phone and left.
- Who the hell he thinks I am? Some middle school kid that he can take to his job anytime he wants? - Your thoughts turned into words. Kostya putted away his notes and looked at you.
- If you hate coming here, who forced you to come?
- Oh, I'm sorry that I offended you with my presence - You snarled. Your expression must have looked quite scary because Kostya's gaze softened.
- What's gotten into you today?- He asked you very calmly what surprised you.
- Nothing. You're right that I shouldn't come here. I don't even know why I wanted to come here earlier.. I'd rather lie in bed whole day - You said, turning to exit but Kostya grabbed your wrist.
- Hey..- He started, waiting till you will look at him. He seemed worried.- What happend? What's bugging you?
- I'm just tired - You cut off - Please, just tell Artem I went home.
He was going to say something to stop you but his editor entered room. You used this opportunity to get away with conversation and leave but you didn't realised how stubborn Kostya was. Few hours later your phone started ringing. You hesitated to answer at first but you knew that he would eventually call you again.
- Hey. How are you feeling?
Kostya's caring voice caught you off guard but it was so pleasant to hear and you couldn't deny it.
- I'm.. fine.
- I'm on my way.
- What?- You almost coughed up - Are you serious?
- Why? What's wrong about it?
- You don't need to come - You said quickly, walking nervously from room to another room.
- But I want to - Kostya said before you foud another excuse - I want to talk with you.
- About what?
- I'm will be in ten minutes. See you.
You cursed when he disconnected. When you heard footsteps, you came to doors. You had no idea why you opened them before Kostya even rang or knocked but it was just impulse. He was clearly surprised, seeing you.
- Hi.. You couldn't wait to see me?
It seemed like he tried to joke but his laugh seemed forced.
- What's going on?- You asked, closing doors behind him and moving to guest room. Kostya stood in front of high table. You didn't sit either.
- When Artem is still not here I wanted to ask you if everything is fine between you and him..- He started and awkwardly looked away when your eyes met with his- Stupid to ask. It's clearly something wrong. He didn't want to tell me but I can see something is off.
- I told you before. He seemed jealous. I was right. He didn't like us being that close. He felt left out.
- So that explains why you're angry lately.. But maybe he has a reasons?
- Bullshit- You said impulsively. What was he implying? It took him a while before he looked at you again and continued.
- I started wondering when Dasha scolded me - He murmured.
- Scolded you?
- She asked me why I was flirting with you and called me dumbass.
Kostya's gaze was blending into you and it was a kind of gaze you've seen when you talked alone in kitchen at his flat. You was as tensed as you was right now. Kostya followed you when you tried to distract yourself and do something in room. When you moved chair, you felt his hand and your arm.
- Why are you acting this way?
- I mean.. Who cares about some slander?- You said and he grabbed your arm when you tried to walk away. - It's not true. She was reading too much into it. This conversation is just pointless..
- But what if I was really doing it?- He interrupted you- What can I do then?
You was trying to understand if you wasn't wrong. He meant that he intentionally wanted you to feel attracted to him.
- Why did you do this? - You asked him with weak voice, feeling scent of his skin close to you. His hands were warm and his eyes were glowing. Before you realised that he moved closer, sudden touch of his lips stopped on your lips. Your heart beated very fast and your fingers clenched on material of his shirt. You didn't kiss him back but you also didn't want to stop him and your hand stopped on his chest. You moved away and took deep breath.
- Stop..
- I'm sorry - You heard his whisper when you turned away.
- It’s crazy- You murmured, nervously fixing your hair.
- You think I don't know it? I just ruined everything but it was driving me crazy- Kostya started talking and moving to your direction- I only wanted to talk to you but I just wanted to kiss you and I would do it again but..
- Kostya, please..
- Let me finish. I never knew it will end up like this but I started to like you more and more - He continued and didnt get discouraged, seeing you shaking your head with disbelief- I thought it's just a short crush and I tried to hide it but I'm not good in such things. That time when I said I chose wrong number, I lied. I stopped myself but you called me back. I started to feel annoyed when I was seeing you with Artem so I tried to avoid you. It's been long time since I had feelings for someone but I don't think I felt this way for anyone before.
- You..
- I think you charmed me right when we met and I felt we're soul mates. I wanted you to know because I can't stand acting that everything is fine. I feel bad because I hate seeing you with Artem.
- Kostya.. You know it's wrong. I don't know what to say - You said, sitting down, avoiding his gaze.- I would never know it will turn into something serious.
- Me too- He sounded sad. For a second you wanted to comfort him. - But you don't need to say anything. I'm going to move out to other city to not to see you. So since now don't be surprised that I'm not around and let’s not contact each other. I don't want to interfere between you two.
- I understand- You murmured.
- I'm sorry for my behaviour- He said after he slowly stood up from chair- I had no right. I'll better go now.
- I can't tell Artem anything- You added, staring at back of shiloutte. He stopped. - I don't want to hurt him.
- Me neither. I hope you both will be fine soon.
He didn't turn to you and left in silence. When doors were closed, you let yourself to release your feelings. You started to cry.
- No. We won't.
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