#As in Nep-Tuna a play on both Neptune and Tuna but I don't think that works
emilou-keen-gear · 1 year
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I've been thinking about my Darkwing Duck Reboot story for years, and I know that what I wanted to do with it is bring characters from the old show but to give them my own personal touch. While Neptunia was a crucial character in the Justice Ducks episodes, I felt that she was merely a character that the creators used to spoof Aquaman and as another body for the Justice Ducks team. She was only in two episodes, and I feel that she is by far one of the least favorite characters of fans and creators alike (I haven't read the comics, so I don't know how much she appears there).
For my reboot, I do want to bring Neptunia in but with a different backstory and more character. And I'm afraid I am going to make her more villain than her, kind of opposite of what she had been.
A little backstory which I'm still tweeking since I haven't yet gotten to her part with my chapter summaries, she used to be a duck that was poisoned with toxic waste and turned into half-fish (opposed to the original who was a fish). She was an environmental protestor back in the sixties when she ran afoul of a greedy corporate CEO who tried to get rid of her. Instead, it transformed her and she lay at the bottom of the sea bed in a sort of hybernation for almost sixty years. When she wakes up, she's a bit confused with her transformation and is covered in barnacles, seaweed and coral (which you can see a little in the picture). Half-crazy from waking up, she immediately wants revenge for almost being killed, which is a moot point since the CEO has been dead for quite a while. In the end, she has determined to sink St. Canard into the bay.
It's a little cliche, and I'm still working on the story. Will Neptunia eventually turn into a good guy and join the Justice Ducks? I'm not entirely sure. Right now, I don't think so, but my stories change a lot between brain storming and the finished works, so we'll see.
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