#I thought her name was Neptuna
emilou-keen-gear · 1 year
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I've been thinking about my Darkwing Duck Reboot story for years, and I know that what I wanted to do with it is bring characters from the old show but to give them my own personal touch. While Neptunia was a crucial character in the Justice Ducks episodes, I felt that she was merely a character that the creators used to spoof Aquaman and as another body for the Justice Ducks team. She was only in two episodes, and I feel that she is by far one of the least favorite characters of fans and creators alike (I haven't read the comics, so I don't know how much she appears there).
For my reboot, I do want to bring Neptunia in but with a different backstory and more character. And I'm afraid I am going to make her more villain than her, kind of opposite of what she had been.
A little backstory which I'm still tweeking since I haven't yet gotten to her part with my chapter summaries, she used to be a duck that was poisoned with toxic waste and turned into half-fish (opposed to the original who was a fish). She was an environmental protestor back in the sixties when she ran afoul of a greedy corporate CEO who tried to get rid of her. Instead, it transformed her and she lay at the bottom of the sea bed in a sort of hybernation for almost sixty years. When she wakes up, she's a bit confused with her transformation and is covered in barnacles, seaweed and coral (which you can see a little in the picture). Half-crazy from waking up, she immediately wants revenge for almost being killed, which is a moot point since the CEO has been dead for quite a while. In the end, she has determined to sink St. Canard into the bay.
It's a little cliche, and I'm still working on the story. Will Neptunia eventually turn into a good guy and join the Justice Ducks? I'm not entirely sure. Right now, I don't think so, but my stories change a lot between brain storming and the finished works, so we'll see.
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lazyraton · 2 years
Green Emerald; Nature
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I got inspiration from two anime for shadow, Panty n Stocking with GarterBelt and Kill La Kill. I think they go well with shadows stubborn n straightforwardness. Very intense
Shadow posses Nature, represents Mother Nature, Growth, Protection, and Healing. He’s a more tragic character, but no matter what. He’ll keep his promise to protect all life on earth, especially the people. Even if they’ll turn on him eventually. Slowly healing from his amnesia and his past. This emerald fits him.
Blue Emerald; Cosmos
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Silver’s sequence is inspired by anime Magia Record, specifically Rena Minami’s transformation. It was a quick change from Hyperdimension Neptuna to Magia Record when I watched Rena fall through several mirror portals to change into her magical girl outfit. Truly enchanting
Silver posses Cosmos, represents depth, speed, wisdom, and integrity. Able to to turn thoughts into power, trigger visions, and astral traveling. Silver’s destiny to save the future and bring peace between universes through dimensional travel. He can pull knowledge from anywhere and everywhere. The Blue Emerald favors his great mind.
Names and descriptions of the Chaos Emeralds belong to DeviantArt user MintStarMari. They gave a better explanation of them and went into more detail :> a really good job
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Part 2 - Chapter 51 - An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure
Blank Canvas Part 2
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Heyo! It's update time! Let's find out what Aizawa wants to discuss with Izuku. ^___^ Nothing bad relatively speaking but it does have to deal with a punishment of sorts. You'll see. :P
Oh, as a heads up, I think we might be really close to the end of part 2. Like within the next couple of chapters because I figured out a really good stopping point that just fits so perfectly with this part and all the themes surrounding it. Just wanted to let you know so there's no freaking out like last time. :P But yeah, part 2 will be drawing to a close soon and part 3 will being. How many parts will this AU be, who freaking knows? I certainly don't. We'll just have to wait and see!
Now let's get to the chapter!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
See? The punishment isn't so bad. Izuku just has to stand in front of 39 students and a couple of teachers and talk to them about Vigilantism and it's consequences. Easy peasy, right? Thanks goes out to Audrey, Neptuna, Rijus_Hope, gac102, pumabox, TheSilentOak, and Suyumi for helping me figure Izuku's punishment for hiding his relationship with Stain and then pointing him towards Endeavor. :)
Now with this presentation I would very much appreciate ideas for said presentation. Such as laws and consequences of breaking them. Even fun things regarding the history of vigilantes or even examples of known vigilantes. Like maybe an OC someone made could be fun. I dunno. I'm still thinking about what I want to do with that exactly. :P But any and all ideas are welcome as always!
There is a plan to get Shouto away from Endeavor though I won't say what exactly yet. But I do plan to have getting Shouto somewhere safe happening separate to Endeavor getting a healthy dose of karma. As in their not going to be at the same time if that makes sense. But I'll leave you to ponder that on your own. ;P
More progress on Izuku having a dual hero identity! Sh-sh-shout out to Rubyred21 who had suggested Admin as Izuku's potential underground name super long ago. It was somewhere in part 1 I believe. I liked the idea a lot but as I was fleshing this plot point more, I thought the use of Hiro instead was a better choice. It was good suggestion though! So thank you!
There's gonna be a new suit change coming up in the future! :D If anyone has ideas or advice on what to look at for reference or what kind of technology that would involve, please let me know. I do have some ideas in mind but never hurts to brainstorm together! Also I do know that there were some concerns when it came to the scarf. Really I wasn't intending for it to be a permanent feature. Just a temporary homage to Stain before the scarf gets carefully tucked away.
By the way, the pencil costume is canon in this AU. It was referenced back in chapter 14 of part 2 while they were doing Hero names. :P In case you forgot.
Aizawa now knows that Izuku knows about them taking Hitoshi in. Not really surprising that he does but at least now he officially knows. Cause then that could open up the possibilities of potential sleepovers. But really only with Izuku though. I don't see Aizawa allowing Mei and her chaos into their home. And maybe not Shouto either but more just because I think his conspiratorial mind would explode. But anyway, he knows.
Fun Facts About Japan:
So Izuku's presentation detention was partially inspired by the peeps on the discord, but also from an experience I had in Japan. They are very dedicated when it comes to learning English as a second language. So much so they start learning it in elementary school and up through high school and potentially college. They also have associations that focus on practicing English and promoting international relations. For my city we had the Yachiyo International Association (YIA) that put together events and meet ups like flower watching (hanami) or tea ceremonies.
And another kind of event that may have also been in conjunction with city hall and the board of education was a lecture in English. It could be about anything as long as it was in English. I got roped into giving one and basically ranted about the benefits of art education. I hate talking in front of a lot of people but did it anyway and have it as a memory now. It also reminded me of all the times I had to give a short speech in front of all the students when starting at or leaving a school. Just so many eyes on you...it's so nerve-wracking. :P
That's all for now! Hitoshi doesn't want to go home quite yet. What does he want to do with Izuku? We'll find out next time! ^_____^ Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a great rest of your day. See ya!
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heavenlyborne · 4 years
"thoughts on" + Shirahoshi
Send me "Thoughts on" + a Character name and my muse will give their opinions of that character.
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“Just another obnoxious fish. Why she came up to the Holy Land is beyond me, trying to mimic that Otohime flounder...” Shalria groused. Whoever heard of a fish being a princess? Especially one as big as that, and she felt a renewed flash of annoyance towards her brother for even attempting to think he could keep it. Where would you put a mermaid that big? “I do wonder just why she’s so much bigger than her mother. Takes after Neptuna, apparently.”
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