The Guardian Host serving the Christos Mission will never initiate contact through urgency, coercion, demands, manipulation or use force. They will never accept involvement in any mind control agenda or that which violates natural laws, or violates the rights of any human being or life form, and consistently emanate the highest Krystic ethics conducting themselves within the Law of One principles and the scientific laws that govern the mechanics of creation. Authentic Guardian races will assist any sincere spiritual seeker that addresses them through principles of the Law of One, whereby they are committed to the expression of unconditional love, truth, respect and reverence for life.
Assorted offerings are being marketed to the new age community as a method to manipulate those on the Earth surface to believe that putting people in danger through group gridwork in the midst of grid warring, or going underground, leaving the Earth, with an otherworldly escort to the inner earth timeline would be much more beneficial for them on the ascending path. The dark cabal is utilizing this narrative as a premeditated programming bargaining chip, as they have been planning several options of fake alien invasion scenarios during the final conflict battle of the timeline wars, in order to create a 'good alien space god versus the bad aliens' to further confuse the surface inhabitants. This is an false flag attempt of negative factions to use hostages to ride out of interdimensional access portals through the hijack of Indigo or Starseeded lines, as well as an attempt to gain control over timelines. Some of this agenda is being carried out through the guise of gridworking groups that are being led into demographics with highly active grid wars, where the dark ones desire to hitchhike upon the participants collective consciousness for a multitude of reasons.
The Guardians caution all ascending people to be awake and aware in order to take good care of ourselves and not accept hidden or secret offers that are glamourized as personal tickets to a promised land for special people. Whether it is an offer to go to Mars, offers to be in secret space programs, offers to travel underground, or offers to travel with special gridworking teams on important missions, please be aware that the benevolent and independent forces working to free humanity are not involved in these recruiting schemes. At this stage of the final conflict, there is a high likelihood of NAA hitchhikers manipulating these offers from behind the scenes or that it involves galactic trafficking.
Those of us involved in the Christos Mission, may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ Consciousness Traps that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and holographic inserts. Guardian teams have been working underground in the Crystal Caverns and have been involved in more retrievals, some secretly rescuing underground hostages or stasis beings.
Thus, certain areas on the Earth that are weakened through the damage and bifurcation in the Timelines, will simultaneously increase energetic chaos which amplify descending energy pockets. At this time, many of us may be re-assigned to a new demographic or place of residence, because our timeline mission with certain areas of earth are expiring. We have completed a cycle in the timeline and our new residence will reflect a higher degree of value exchange and energetic balance to support our foundation to the next stage of our spiritual mission. This means some of us will actually be guided to stabilize in a certain area, and the nomad stage will end.
We are needed to be physically located and stationed in certain areas of the planet, in order to environmentally harmonize and work with those particular fields and coordinates.
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Your Divine Oath for you, of you ~ Is Your Path ~ 5D New Earth
Mind, brain, cells, synapse patterns, all under your commandment to achieve higher vibrational intelligence
The body is spirit matter; you are 100% capable in preparing IT for light body, contact, traversing the multi-verse ~ you are the loving commander of you, the fullness and grandness of you -
You can fully be attuned for and feeling into 'what is a DNA activation and how walk adoringly and devotedly with your preciousness'
Blessings and light
#healingbeauty #beauty #grace
#ascension #enlightenment #awakening #DNAactivations #healinghumanity #ascensioncycle #ascensionatunement #preparingforfirstcontact #ascensionbooks #multidimensionality #multidimensionalbeings #5Dleaders #5Dbooks #Source #God #celestialteams #celestials
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Gridworker Mission.
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As a Planetary Gridworker there are a variety of possible tasks and jobs that may be presented during phases of the Starseed mission that are relative to the current planetary crisis or issues that are directly impacting the earth body and collective consciousness, at any given time. Many of us work with past, present and future timelines simultaneously, to effect positive changes in the future evolutionary direction of humanity on the earth, and beyond. We each have a personal mission directive based on our special talents and skills, and those skill sets fit into the position we have that connects our service work with the larger group in the Starseed and Indigo mission. Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid. To activate the Starseed potential, many of us will be led to the Law of One, 12D Ray platinum white or rainbow field, Alien Implant removal as well as studying the 12 Tree Grid, in order to stimulate our spiritual awakening and consciousness memory to activate our higher potentials or skill sets. The written instruction set included in our Lightbody contains the information that defines our Consciousness history, Blueprint, star origins, spiritual purpose and role with the earth to serve the divine source plan for activating the higher evolution potentials for all of humanity. As an example, a Planetary Gridworker mission may include such tasks as:
Providing conduit while in a body for higher frequency transmission or for the direction of running energetic currents, working to align the multidimensional connection and correction of the many planetary grid networks. The physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the earth to run higher frequencies and DNA star coding for a variety of positive applications.
Traveling to assigned locations or remote viewing to observe consciousness records or energetic signatures that manifest impacts in the earth's holographic Lightbody, to view false or real Timelines inserted into the field that reveal the historical record of the planet, track the source of major trigger events in the timelines, such as tragedies, war, holocaust, genocide, Blood Sacrifice, Alien Implants, abduction, breeding-hybridization programs, to recollect accurate historical records, reorganize the time fields, measure energetic impacts, and track the causality of events that manifested destructive or harmful events in time.
Survey energetic current and spiral forces, recode EMF ray spectrum, observe how energetic current is running in horizontal Ley Lines and vertical Axiatonal Lines that impact the black and white hole spin and their systems of energy. Many of us are recoding the planetary grid network from running bi-wave code to elevate into tri-wave code or to run Trinity Wave frequency sets that feedback into the source fields.
Reconnect Geomantic Structures, holographic geography or build light networks to help open portal systems, activate power vortices or hubs in megalithic or ancient builder race structures hidden throughout the earth, reconnect to celestial bodies and stars in collaboration with the Guardian Host. Clear black magic grids and alien technological abuse of these systems.
Inspect, recon work or take inventory of extremely damaged planetary grid networks, damaged areas of the earth field, dormant or inactive portal systems, Alien Machinery, Holographic Inserts, and artificial intelligence technology networks used by NAA or human military organizations working with the NAA. Examples: Crucifixion Implants, Anubian Black Heart, Metatronic Reversal, Black Magic Grids, Thothian Grid, GEG, Alien Machinery.
Identify, locate, remove and repair false records implanted in the timelines, clear out destructive events that have manifested DNA damage, as well as biological and neurological damage to the earth and humanity.
Provide transit services for many human and non human entities that must be moved out from that time space continuum, or sent back to the Mother. Many people have been stuck in Consciousness Traps or are confused souls that do not know how to leave or evolve beyond where they have been trapped in time.
Provide reading of rights, eviction notice and transit services for Imposter Spirits, Negative Aliens and other entities.
Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.
The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.
Reference: Ascension Glossy.
Post art by : cosmicsvati
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Aloha from Hawaii & Happy Year of The Dragon!
Today I'd like to share about
Reality Bubbles.
With all the mental data and personal content that is being collected from the masses, any and all means to grow the online data collection industries, including the gathering of DNA samples is in full steam ahead. These industries and technologies are being funded by unlimited deep pockets for this end game purpose of building clusters of artificial neural networks.
In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives.
They seek to get people to tune into certain reality bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be.
Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting republican or democrat matters. These are methods of divide and conquer played out in the inverted system, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception.
They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension.
Artificial Cloned Versions
Although the NAA cannot stop planetary ascension, or the Guardian groups and Starseed missions that are helping the planet undergo ascension, they can scan the field to see these events and structures in the field, and then use technology to project distorted or artificially cloned versions of them through assorted holographic inserts. These cloned and artificial versions of the positive agendas for global ascension, can be tracked as AI technology being used to direct the thoughts and perceptions of the masses away from the positive agendas that support personal sovereignty and consciousness freedom.
Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion and chaos in spiritual communities, especially targeting those working towards disclosure.
The NAA replicate cloned images of personas and scenarios that are held sacred and holy by the people of the earth, such as manipulating the sacred content in traditional religions or new age spirituality, to divert people into submission and blind obedience to external sources of power. Again, by using holographic inserts of beloved people and personal gurus like Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael or others, the deceiving entities mask themselves as light beings, in order to trick people into beliefs, behaviors or actions that serve their selfish interests. This is the nature of Imposter Spirits that use false light and holograms to deceive people. By promoting philosophies that demand the following of religious or spiritual authorities, the masses are told to implicitly trust the interpretations given to them by these authorities. This is a form of hijack to interfere with the direct spiritual connection and to confuse a person’s inner spiritual guidance system. It is each person’s responsibility to remember it is best to develop a direct relationship with God and Self, removing all intermediaries and authorities that would tell you differently. When we dedicate our life to the process of spiritual healing, we learn how to open our heart to express unconditional love and experience trust in our own inner spiritual guidance.
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We have reached the snap point.
This current cycle finalizes the bifurcation in time, between the type of matter formed on the third dimensional earth and the type of matter formed on the fifth dimensional earth. The easiest way to comprehend this is that the planet is shifting timelines into the next density that opens into future timelines, which exist in much higher dimensional spaces. The way the human mind directs intelligent consciousness energy to manifest into matter forms is forever changed on planet earth. The Separation of Worlds delineates the morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density creations in the third dimension, and second density creations in the fifth dimension and above. There is a bifurcation in the planetary field between creations or bodies formed in the third dimensional frequencies in telluric matter, and those creations and bodies formed above those frequencies. Essentially, there is a frequency split occurring at the subatomic level of the blueprint of consciousness that is inherently connected to everything in creation. There are groups of humans that are connected to a third dimensional morphogenetic blueprint, and there are groups of humans connected to a fifth dimensional morphogenetic blueprint. Further, the first Ascension waves of Starseeds and Indigos are holding a blueprint beyond the fifth dimension where the GSF timelines for full liberation of consciousness exist. Starseed groups are also holding both the Galactic shield and Christos shield for the earth, as she undergoes the current phase of the Separation of Worlds occurring at the subatomic level.
The core manifestation template or blueprint is what genetically expresses our DNA into matter, creates human bodies and projects holographic realities. The frequency split is delineated by what is being created organically in consciousness, by what embodies or holds spirit, by the vibrational quality of the mind that created it, by what dimensional laws of structure it is subjected to, and by whether artificial intelligence is being used. On the Ascension path, we will be asking the question, “Is the consciousness that created these blueprints an organic living consciousness or is it an inorganic artificial intelligence software projecting out these holograms?” We are entering a whole new world in the way types of matter are being formed. With pure intention and pure heart, we must access Krystal clear intention through all things that we co-create with God Spirit, in order to manifest from the higher dimensions with personal responsibility, purpose and energetic balance.
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Bifurcation Madness
Dearest Children of The Sun,
Many of us are aware and observing the accumulative effects of the Bifurcation in which a Point of Divergence has occurred in the perception of reality and the chasm between the 3D Controlled Narrative and those on the ascending path is growing rapidly. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the Bifurcation Madness on the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the path of the Dark Night of the Soul. There are groups of humans that are connected to a third dimensional morphogenetic blueprint, and there are groups of humans connected to a fifth dimensional and higher morphogenetic blueprint. This energetic chasm generates difficulty in connecting or communicating with those on the descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving.
We will have some casualties at this time, with those who are not awake and are suffering from trauma-based mind control and the uncontrollable impulses of GOAT Mind. However, it is important to know that the planetary Ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. Many incredible things to support humanity are happening from behind the scenes and within the planetary architecture which confirm that the current dark reign of terror and genocidal campaigns are temporary.
Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with the stress and chaos of the environment and knowing when to exercise discernment by limiting our daily exposure to a host of Mind Control-based deceptions. No person on this earth is exempt from sensing the massive fields of fear, chaos and Confusion that exist in the collective mind of humanity and the spiritual warfare that is being transmitted from the darkest non-human fields of Anti-Christ. In every area of our lives, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are circulating in the environment.
Moving forward, we need to seek inner truth and divine purpose to neutralize the external forces of chaos as the energetic content that we send out into the field will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to connect to our heart and find our inner stillness in prayer and Meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, Forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe as possible. Some of us will be placed in a very uncomfortable position where we will have to take a stand for what is right and truthful in a situation. The only barometer will be the instantaneously powerful sensation of what your heart guides you to do in that exact moment, which is the right action to take even if it is unpopular. These are times in which we must choose to listen to our inner spirit and God above all things.
The current agenda is painful to witness as it comes with consequences to those we love and care for. We can observe the terrorization of humanity to become complicit and compliant to a massively orchestrated global genocidal campaign, along with the roll out of experimental toxic injections and testing swabs filled with Nanotechnology, Faulty Proteins, prions and Morgellons fibers. Sadly, many people have fallen prey to the predator’s Propaganda, who desire to destroy as much as they can as they rapidly lose power in the world. On a positive note, there are many doctors, microbiologists, pharmaceutical professionals and concerned citizens that are warning the public and providing hard evidence of the genocidal agenda which is being reported through alternative media.
If we can see the current soft kill measures in the environment that have been methodically put in place through the well thought out long-term planning of the Controllers, we can easily see the hidden purpose of these genocidal methods, including the eugenicist policies and censorship put in place by the Global Health Mafia. An example of active soft kill agendas is the enforcement of legal poisoning in the general public through vaccinations, water fluoridation, GMO, Chemtrails, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs, aborted fetal tissues, nanotech and other pathogenic biological weapons. All of these examples change the electromagnetic frequency and chemistry of the human body, radically impairing the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, immunity and RNA-DNA communication signals. To ascend and embody our Inner Christos, we need a relatively functioning Bio-Neurology that connects the Soul and Monadic layers into our physical body via our Brain, nervous system and bodily fluids
.The latest mRNA vaccine abomination is targeting the human Brain and bio-neurology in such way that the spiritual layers of the consciousness body are shown to disintegrate at cellular levels and then disconnect from the physical matrix entirely. This is the retaliation tactic to counter the impacts of the current planetary Plasma Activations in which Solar Synthesis is occurring, but is being blocked by those who are terrorized in fear while running AI mind control algorithms in their Limbic System, which is referred to as GOAT Mind.
The most empowering step we can take now is to refuse to be terrorized in fear and complicit with this human genocidal campaign by compassionately educating others, finding others that know the truth behind this agenda and commit to developing our heart-based relationship to our higher self. We must find within our heart the direct connection to God, our highest power, and to seek inner guidance and higher truth to help direct us forward. When we are spiritually connected, we gain the inner strength, courage and higher intelligence that lends itself to the coping skills we need to overcome this phase of the dark night of the soul and the aggressive effects of spiritual and biological warfare. We came to this earth to hold the light in the darkness, and this is the time we have been called to show up for God, Christ and all Children of the Sun. (For those new to ES we suggest the newsletters; Transhumanism, Bio-Neurology, Pestilence Program, Groupthink and Genetic Modification of Human DNA for further research on the long-term Controller agenda to hack the human bio-neurology for OWO global mind control and transhumanist purposes.
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Freedom Teachings & Guradian Material for A Waking Earth & The Voyagers.
Correcting The Un-Sacred Science /Geometry.
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There is nothing Sacred about the un-sacred.
It's time to choose your time line for future Earth.
Ascension into a higher Consciousness & timeline?
Or suffering on repeat in a 3D Fallen Matrix?
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