pangeen · 2 years
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“ Asgård “ // Norris Niman
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dndandfantasyvibes · 2 years
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marcusmettalus · 2 years
Where Land and Myth Tread.
Part 3
(Continued from here)
Ostia Haldus coughed violently as she staggered off the elevator platform, gripping with one hand onto a convenient guard railing as she tried to clear out her lungs. The other elevator passengers were giving the outlander woman a wide berth as they made their way down the platform towards the various arrival terminals surrounding the Space Elevator.
Grand Dame Noémie Durand of Karseille was letting the Imperial guest go through their coughing fit in peace, the air here on Midgård was quite different in comparison to the smog choked Hive Cities that many Imperial were accustomed to, or the factory choked Forge Worlds. Midgård was the capital world of the Kingdom, the seat of power for not only the Riksdag but also High King Surtr.
"Frakk, urgh,, I feel like I might spew in a minute. What kind of machine spirit cursed contraption was that? You said it was an elevator, not a bloody dropper. My heart and stomach just swapped places!" Ostia glares at her supposedly benevolent guide during this trip to Midgård, and now she felt like Noémie was actively trying to make her sick or something.
"Oh do not be so dramatic, it is an elevator for all intents and purposes. It rather jarring for all people when they first take I assure you. The ride up to the space port is much more comfortable I dare say however. Now Ostia cheri, let's keep moving so we don't block traffic. Allonz, Allonz." Noémie hooks an arm with Ostia's free arm, helping the Scion back upright and making their way down the walkways to arrivals.
Ostia grumbled some more under her breath while using the back of her hand to rub off anything from her mouth, giving a short glare at Noémie's very nonchalant approach to everything in life. It's already been one heck of a joy-ride these past few months, and if the galaxy had anything to say about this, it was that the ride was not going to calm down anytime soon. No matter what came round the next bend, it was almost something either a pleasant surprise or a serious head-turner.
Ostia still recalled when Noémie did a tour of the various Knights the various Dynasties of Karseille had in their hold, before getting the real surprise of witnessing the Knight called Dominion move on its own volition and even spoke. Though calling it actual human speech is another thing, the substance and tone was there in its words regardless.
"There should be a little time before we are truly required to make our appearance with the Ambassadors and the High King, so we can take in some sights here within the Capitol. Surely you would like to see something of their unique culture and faith? You are clearly more open minded in comparison to those frankly uncouth Inquisitive types,," Noémie rattles on some more, breaking Ostia out of her thoughts and now aware the duo had already made it through the arrival halls and toll gates. Ostia turned her gaze round to see what Noémie pointed out prior, before freezing in her tracks.
The city outskirts spread out across the valley before Ostia, and perched on the horizon were great edifices of stone and iron, towers and buttresses dotted along various monuments and constructs. Nowhere near the sheer scale of Imperial Hives or the like,, but the breadth of colors and materials mixed in the streets and boulevards, the clearly newer homes and skyscrapers being neighbors with centuries old brick mansions and malls. Ostia felt as if she was looking at an old relic tapestry from a bygone age, a mural depiction of what a civilization from before the Emperor or his like ever came to power. Locked in a time before Imperial modernisation and culture shifts.
On Imperial worlds and stations, one was always reminded of the present wars across the Imperium: vox hailers and Ecclesiarchy priests crowing at the citizens, propaganda and recruitment billboards and vox-net, the flotilla of Imperial Navy patrolling to and from almost every port. But here,,
"Do they even know that there is war going on? Out there in the Galaxy?" Ostia finally spoke, her eyes following the miniatures of citizens milling through the avenues and workplaces. "They know. Every single one of them." Noémie nods solemnly, a more neutral tone in her voice this time as she senses Ostia's mood change.
"But,, this doesn't feel like one being affected by the war. It's almost,, idyllic, calming even. Is this really the capitol?" Ostia still held onto Noémie's for a bit longer as she looked across the expanse of the city. Broad roads of cobblestones, foot bridges of wood and steel crossing over streets and canals, heaving open-air markets dotted through the districts.
"In the eyes of Midgårds people, yes. Kalmaholm was never meant to become a metropolis, but with Surtr's reign and the love of his new people,, it went through changes to accommodate the new center of a growing power." Noémie sighs gently under her breath, a softer gaze across her face as Ostia tries to spot where the High King may have his Palace or such like.
"Grand Dame Durand! What a welcome sight on your return." Ostia and Noémie turned to find the owner of the new voice, and spot the approaching men. Ostia has another heart skip however,, the man in question addressing her guide was not only huge, but had clearly visible neuro-ports dotted along his bared forearms and under his vest collar. Was he an Astartes?
"Ah! Löjtnant Lukas Tøva, so good to see you in warm health. And so well groomed as always, I must compliment you Midgårdians on your spring outfits." Noémie quickly releases her guest and regales Lukas with praise. If Ostia didn't know any better, she might have guessed the Dame was interested in the guy.
This Tøva character stood tall over Noémie and Ostia, easily half a head above R'tan in height though the main difference was his build. A broader chest and shoulders, with an overall heftier stocky appearance than the usual Astartes chiseled image that Imperial Propaganda would have one imagine. Tøva was clad in simple clothing of a dyed leather vest with a long sleeved linen tunic beneath, thicker weave trousers and what appeared to be rubber-soled slippers or shoes. The only thing which made Tøva distinct from his attendets was the metal badge pinned to his vest, with the seal of office he held.
"Hahaha you flatter me Grand Dame. I trust your journey here was without trouble? And I was informed you had brought guests however, ones that were not formally announced till you had already traversed The Veil." Tøva changed his tone while addressing Noémie, while his eyes turned to focus onto Ostia some meters behind.
The hairs on the back of her neck immediately stood on end, breath catching a scant moment when Tøva's eyes locked onto Ostia's. She always felt the gaze from an Astartes was cold or distant, but with R'tan it was vastly different, those held warmth, mirth and tender care. Tova's was something else entirely.
It felt as though Ostia was staring down the barrel of a bolter, having caught the attention of some apex predator in the bushland and locking eyes with them. The eyes were amber jewels beneath the trimmed brow, glinting sharply with calculating intent and precision. Ostia needed to reach for her weapon, her bolt pistol, something in hopes to get those eyes off of her. Now.
"Löjtnant Lukas, please be at ease. No need to scare my friend like so, she is a representative of House Haldus from the Imperium! Her House are allies of mine in this conflict with the enemy. Our, Enemy." Noémie firmly jabs the Astartes in the chest with an scolding finger, not enough to jostle the man but plenty enough to break his gaze with Ostia and scowl a little at Noémie.
Ostia felt her lungs open up again, her sudden tension and axienty melt away just as quickly they were forced onto her. Not exactly the most heartwarming of greetings she has had on a new world, but it wasn't the worst welcome she's had either. Her time here on Midgård is going to be eventful she thought while she cursed under her breath.
(Ostia Haldus belongs to of course @rowscara!)
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lokislynx · 9 months
Imagine if Sigyn was in the midst of baking berry pies when Odin and the others carried Loki to Asgård. She saw them kill her sons and bind her husband and she was so shocked she followed it all with the baking bowl in her hands. Still in shock she held the bowl upon her husbands face to protect him from the venom. The venom mixing in the baking incredients.
A pie fit for Odin when the time comes.
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vi-sigoth · 8 months
Mon ej Thor har forladt Asgård,
For atter at våge over Midgård?
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norsesuggestions · 2 years
The guardian of the bridge to asgård, a cow?
We were playing a swedish produced question table top game with my family the other day. And the question was:
"Who guarded the rainbow bridge to asgård. And had a mighty horn to blow when danger approached?"
My mother, literal archeologist specialised on the scandinavian iron age:
"Ymir, no that was the first being ever. Hmmm. That can't be it. Oh i know! The cow! The first ever cow that licked on the ice!"
My brother, who read the question card:
*visible judgement*
Ps. The answer is heimdall
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sarahscribbles · 1 year
You have candy in Asgård, right? Not just dried fruit, nuts and grapes. Not that there is nothing wrong with them obviously. But let's put this subject to rest once and for all. You've got chocolate, sugar and such.
As always, I remain, your somewhat obidient servant but an affectionate friend
And I'm your darling. You all know how to make even a god feel wanted.
To answer your question, yes we have candy. While it isn't as easily accessible or readily available as on Midgard, I can assure you it's there. Perhaps I could take you on a candy tasting date? I'm certain Asgard has more than a few delicacies that you Midgardians haven't even dreamed of.
Your darling
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hedonistbyheart · 10 months
I love the way Alan Wake II uses norse mythology. I'm a big fan of applying the myths creatively in service of new storytelling and because the devs are Finnish they have a good understanding of the core mythology and blisfully pronounce everything right. I've gotten very tired of hearing the d in Asgård and the nonexistent h i Tor pronounced lol.
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nefrumeritblog · 1 year
Choreo - Nefru Merit
Dancers - "La Serpent Star" dance group
Operator - Petr Kvain
Танец в стиле трайбл фьюжн с шаманским бубном
I mørke aabne dale, Høres galm og høje Tordenskrald Mon ej Thor har forladt Asgård For atter at våge over Midgård. Hagall, Maðr, Ár, Ræið Ís, Sól, Valknutr
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sagnaevi · 1 year
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GOD OF FIRE, LAUGHTER AND MADNESS. Shifter of Shapes, the Catalyst of Change. Untamable and volatile, troublesome, tester of minds. A wild flame that inspirires creativity and life.
NAME: Loke Laufeyjarson TITLES:  Bekki, Blind, Gammleid (leader of amusement), Haloge, Hveðrungr (roarer), Lokabrenna (loki’s torch/burning by loki), Lóðurr, Logaþore, Loge, Lôgna, Logi, Lokkji, Loptr (lofty), Lucky, Loki, Laugaz (blazing god), Laugatjanaz (blazing one), Rogur (slanderer), Slaegi (sly), slaegurtyr (sly god), Wildfire, Villieldr (blazing) ,Dogstar, Sataere (the thief in ambush), Lævatein, Hævatein, Trickster, Liesmith, Truth-speaker, Fire-Bringer, Scarlip, Fireball, Demon, Silvertongue, Vaelandi (debasing), Shifter Of Shapes.
God of Fire and Chaos, God of Mischief and Creativity, God of Laughter and Mirth. God of Madness and Change.
Son of Laufey, Farbauti’s Son, Begetter of Serpents, Father of Wolves, Sire of Half-Born Hel, Mother of Horses.
Brother of Byleist, Brother of Helblinde, Blood Brother of Oden, Confidant of Thor, Friend of Oden, Friend of Thor, Fromkveda Flaerdanna (seductive speaking), Gift bearer, Harmer of Sif’s hair, Prisoner of Geirrodr, Sea Thread’s Father (the sea thread is a kenning for the midgard serpent), Sky-Walker,  Staunch Friend of Hoenir, Thief of Brisingamen, Thief of Giants, Thief of Idunn’s Apples. The Sky Traveller, Architect and Destroyer of Worlds, Opener of Forbidden Doors,  Builder of Asgard, Lighter-than-Air. 
Bonus: One kenning used to identify Thor is Bragdmilldr Loka (compassionate to Loki).   
AGE: older than the creation of midgard, exact age unknown. SPECIES: Jötun and Aesir God. GENDER:  Born male, but is able to shapeshift to the opposite gender. ORIENTATION: Pansexual/Demi-romantic. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Old Norse, Runic, Allspeak. LOCATION: Verse dependent. Mainly Asgård or Midgård, can also be seen on Jötunheimr.
Laufey ( mother )
Farabute ( father )
Byleist ( brother )
Helblinde ( brother )
Oden ( brother through blood-pact)
Balder, Thor, Vidarr, Hodir, Tyr ( sort-of nephews; sons of Oden) 
Sigyn ( wife / verse dependent )
Angrboda ( lover ) 
Narfi and Vali ( twin sons )
Fenrir ( son ) 
Jörgumandr ( son ) 
Sleipner ( son )
Hel ( daughter ) 
Moder ( daughter )
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Loke often appears with the height of 7'5"ft ( 229cm ); he is taller than most humans, but he is shorter than most Jötnar. His mother still towers above him. But to his height is average to that of an Aesir male.
He mostly take the form of a 27-30 year old man or woman to others, but can change his physical age. His body is athletically built with defined muscles, however not as muscular and large as other male Aesir such as Thor or Tyr.
The Trickster has sharp but not unpleasant features, to most he is beautiful to look upon, no matter the gender. He wields an alluring aura. Like fire, Loke’s eyes are bright and intense. A flame-like red and yellow, wich gleams even in the faintest of shadows. Black dots under the lower lashes frame the eyes. He has many freckles sprinkled across his face, most notable over his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose and above his eyebrows. 
Curved horns with old-nordic patterns engraved into their surfaces decorate the top of his head. They are his most striking features alongside his fiery red hair; untamed and wild just like his nature. It is lenghty and reach past his hips, and curl around his horns and spread out as if the laws of gravity does not apply to his hair, he often let the hair be braided into one or three braids that drape over his shoulders. His skin is pale and on syren tinted lips are permanent, rough jacks and scars, a result after the punishment where he got them sewn together. His ears are pointed, and his nails are sharp like claws, often painted black.
HEIGHT: 7'5"ft / 229cm (can be altered, true heigh is giant) EYE COLOUR: Fire-red and yellow HAIR COLOUR: Fiery red with a gradient to bright yellow at the hair’s edges. SKIN COLOUR: Slightly tanned with freckles BUILD: Athletic
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Loke takes interest in things that pleases him. Mischief; pranks and a bit of chaos entertains him greatly, but so does also the entertainment of others. He often interacts with mortal beings; either to chat or to cause minor trouble, eitherway it amuses him most of the time. He also enjoys horseback riding, sex, food and alcohol.
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He’s a very light-hearted God, who often wear a sly smile on his face. It is uncommon to find him in a serious mood, even when the situation would call for it. He is compassionate and giving to those who are devoted to him, most of his actions aimed at his worshippers have good intention, but his methods are that of rough love; making others face the hard truth, face their insecurities as he guides them to their fated path. This doesn’t make him any less of a mischevious trickster,however, even to his followers. He will find amusement along the journey, be it on their behalf, others, or his own.
But despite his easy-going and wild nature, Loke is capable of great anger, of wrath, an emotion one does not wish to evoke from him- as the lenghts he will go to get that sweet revenge are great and have no limits. He is not beyond killing someone out of spite or sheer annoyance. To get on Loke’s bad side is to wish for a life filled with unrest. And with Hela, the Goddess and Ruler of the Unworthy dead, as his daughter, not even death may be peaceful.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, intelligent, humorous, playful, curious, creative, ambitious, patient, loyal, passionate, caring, generous.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, crafty, mischevious, decietful, distrustful, violent, chaotic, impulsive, rude, hateful, jealous, vengeful, volatile, unpredictable, unscrupulous, dishonest, juvenile, proud, stubborn.
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INTELLIGENCE: Loke has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge and wisdom. He is often valued as many mortal’s pateron god not only for his mischevious and light-hearted nature, but for his advice and knowledgeable mind. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and a highly skilled; charming and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loke repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Gods, despite his numerous deciets.
SKILLED COMBATANT: Loke is a formidable combatant, as a hand-to-hand fighters, and particularly as a swordsman or in the use of seidr during combat situations. Against mortal beings (super-human or not) Loke will win with overwhelming easy victory, the strenght of a god is not to be underestimated or down-played. The sheer force of his screams are powerful enough to cause violent earthquakes on Midgård(earth) when he is not even present on that world.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: Loke, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possess strenght far FAR greater than that of an average human male, even mortal beings enchanced with superhuman abilities or strenght ( keep in mind that just the pure force of his screams is powerful enough to cause destructive earthquakes on Midgård when he is not even on that realm; hence the name Roarer ).  However his physical strenght is average in comparision to the most skilled warriors of his fellow Gods such as Tyr, Freyr and Thor.
FIRE-RESISTANT: He is resistent to fire, all kinds of fire. Fire will not harm him.
SUPERHUMAN LONGEVITY: Loke will not die unless killed by another God. Only Gods are able to truly harm him and mortally wound him, and even kill him. If killed he reincarnates.
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DREAM-VIEWING: Loke can enter; watch and interact with other beings’ dreams. There he can see their desires; ambitions and personality traits. He can gain knowledge of secrets kept away if the person is not strong-willed enough to keep it hidden in their dreams.
TELEPORTATION: He can teleport himself or others across dimensions and space and time.
PSIONICS: Loke has powerful psionic capabilities He has the ability to project his thoughts telepathically well as potent hypnotic capabilities.
SHAPE-SHIFTING: Loke possesses shape-shifting abilities through his own biology. He is able to adopt any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects— and gaining the abilities of whatever form he takes. The only limit is his own imagination.
PYROKINESIS: Loke is a God of Fire. He is able to control the elements of fire as he so see fit. He can summon flames to physically appear in his hands and around his body or use his sorroundings to control it at will. There is no limit to the amount of fire he can produce, nor how high he can turn up the temperature- if he wanted to, he could melt down buildings made out of rock, and metal. He could make a planet’s earth crumble under the heat. This also makes him invulnerable to fire, all types of fire.
RESSURECTION: Just as his fire may bring destruction and chaos and death, it can also bring warmth and life.  He is able to bring life to the recently deceased, and is thought to be one of the Gods who created the first humans (together with Höenir and Oden). 
INVISIBILITY: Loke, like his fellow Gods; is able to render himself unseen to the eye of other beings. A nice quirk benefitting Gods as they can shred themselves of physical flesh and roam as shapeless entities in any realm, or in mortal minds. He can remain unseen to mortal eyes for as long as he so desire, and only shows himself for those he wants to see him. However sharp-minded and attentive beings can possibly sense something is there, but not actually see him.
ILLUSIONS: Loke is able to fool his enemies who try to attack him with illusions of himself. He can also cast illusionary images inside mortal beings minds— fooling them by making them think what is not there, exists, as well as affect their senses while they're in that illusionary reality.
PROJECTION: Loke, like all other Gods, is able to be at multiple places at the same time, without loosing any attention or power. With many devoted to their Pantheon, there are many beings’ prayers to pay attention to.
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Loke is the son of the giants Farabute and Laufey, and brother to Byleist and Helblinde. By the Giantess Angrboða, Loke is the father of Hel (the Goddess of Death, and ruler of Helheimr), the Giant Wolf Fenrir, and the World Serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loke is the father of Narfi and Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loke is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
Brought from the realm Jötunheimr by Oden, Loke was recruited to assist the Gods. Oden and Loke saw kinship in eachother as they both were equal in their cunning, wisdom. knowledge and trickery. They held great mutual respect for eachother, and enjoyed the other’s company enough to share their blood, therefore becoming blood-brothers.
“ Remember, Oden, in olden days... That we both our blood have mixed. Then you promised, no ale to pour, unless it were brought for us both. ”
Their relationship is a complicated story of trust and deciet and betrayal. They see eachother as friends, and brothers. Making a blood-pact oath to treat eachother as family. Oden and Loke are and were closer than any of the other Gods were in relation to the All-father, aside from Frigga, Oden’s wife, and his children. With time this trust was broken, both sides to blame — and their feud would come to bring upon the end of all the Realms. Ragnarök.
Loke’s relation with the Gods varies. Loke sometimes helps the Gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loke is a powerful user of seidr, a shape shifter and a God of Fire and Madness and Chaos and Mischief. But he is also known as the God of Laughter and Mirth, Creativity and Change. Nothing with the Gods is black or white. They are all assholes and good people. Human and mortal logic and morals are not to be expected from them.
Loke’s positive relations with the Gods end with his role in, out of jealousy and resentment, engineering the death of the god Baldr, Oden’s son. He also appeared as a foe of the Gods, entering their banquet uninvited and demanding their drink. Loke is eventually bound by the Gods with the entrails of his sons, Narfi and Vali as punishment for killing the God of Light.
Depending on the timeline, Loke is loyal to Asgard and often ally with them— but, past complicated events that lead to Loke loosing trust in the Aesir, Loke flips the switch and grows hateful of the Aesir. He becomes so spiteful and vengeful he engineers Baldr’s death, and as punishment he is bound to to a rock where the venom of a snake is to drip onto Loke’s face forever, with his wife Sigyn keeping him company during his punishment. Eventually he escape from his bonds; more vengeful than ever. He wish to gain revenge upon those he feel have wronged him. With the Gods no longer countable, Loke takes the opposing side of the Aesir during Ragnarök; the End of All Worlds- he chose to oppose them alongside his children ( who also sought revenge for their mistreatment by the Aesir) and be responsible for their ruin.
After Ragnarök, Loke had ‘died’ during the war and was reincarnated, like the other deceased Gods. As the Worlds healed and became hospitable for life, Loke opted to lay low until things began moving in the Realms once more.  
Past Ragnarök he is no longer fueled with rage and a thirst for revenge. He is tired and avoids the Gods most of the time; having grown past their previous disputes, as it does not serve immortal dities well to hold an eternal grudge. He is still drawn to chaotic events and mischief; his charm and impish and playful attitude intact, but he is less likely to cause major trouble.
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legofrans · 1 year
Jesus Christ Asgård looks like shit
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metaleterno · 2 years
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Iniciaba el año 2023 con una de las bandas más importantes del metal sinfónico a lo largo de la historia del metal, Therion desde Suecia llegaba con el "Leviathan Latinamerican Tour" de nuevo a Buenos Aires para brindar un excelente show que servía como promoción de su último disco "Leviathan". A las 20:40 pasaban a mi lado los músicos junto a un cordón de seguridad si " 'Christofer' 'Christian' 'Thomas' 'Chiara' 'Rosalia' " los míticos Therion ya a las 21 horas marcadas en el reloj y podíamos escuchar "O fortuna" así comenzaba este recital con un gran poder y magia que solo te puede transmitir esta leyenda viviente del género, alucinante el tema del disco "Sirius B" "The Blood of Kingu" uno de los tantos discos tan interesantes que ha logrado gestar "Christofer Johnsson" a lo largo de tantos años de carrera. Pudimos viajar en el tiempo recorriendo varios temas del brutal disco "Vovin" el más vendido hasta la fecha por la banda, de igual forma "Leviathan I" y "Leviathan II" fueron parte fundamental del set de la noche por cierto par de discos grabados en plena pandemia. Momento bastante emotivo en la noche "Christian Vidal" tomaba el micrófono para interactuar con el público con todos sus compatriotas arrancando aplausos y gritos. Muchos puntos altos en el show sobre todo el gran registro vocal de "Chiara y Rosalía" sin dejar atrás a Thomas un gran frotman. Un especial cierre de show con dos megas clásicos "The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah" arrancando gritos al público para luego despachar otro clásico "To Mega Therion" y culminaban la noche con "Quetzalcoatl" un show increíble el que logramos disfrutar esa noche. Reseña: @aletorres1987 Material cortesía de nuestro equipo en BA. Setlist: O Fortuna The Blood of Kingu Birth of Venus Illegitima Litany of the Fallen Tuonela Ginnungagap Lemuria Abraxas An Arrow From the Sun Wine of Aluqah Cults of the Shadow Leviathan Asgård Pazuzu Codex Gigas Son of the Staves of Time Encore: The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah To Mega Therion Encore2: Quetzalcoatl #therion #Icarusmusic #elteatrito #metaleternopresentes (en El Teatrito) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2VuAcJQ9M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyrics365 · 2 years
Midgård brinner
Det är dags, låt oss vandra mot Muspelheim (Låtom oss dräpa varje son) Tiden är nu, låt mig höra er (För Asgård och Midgård, för vår värld) Vi har väntat så länge på denna dag (Då gudar och män går ut i kamp) Mot en fiende av sot, eld, styrka och hat Skona ej någon, krossa alla Midgård brinner Och skriken hörs Genom alla världar Elden stiger upp mot skyn Dräpta krigare i dyn Se Muspels flammor…
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lokislynx · 11 months
My thoughts are branching out all over.
So here's a few.
Like is it so hard to give him an ending that would be something other than a nightmare?
Come on! A throne! He never wanted a throne! Some truly sick sense of irony there! I don't even want to go dig into the sewers of my mind for other stuff about that one.
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There! All seeing god sitting on his throne... throne...
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And always, always wanting to put chaos into a box or tie it down! WHY?! To suit your views and values! So that's now done, is it?!
Is it because he is what he is, that he needs such endings? Death, death, worse than death...
Christians turned him into the Devil. Tried to make people forget him and the old tales. Or twisted them. All that is beautiful in this world turned to reprisent all that is vile. Nature versus humanity, chaos versus order. When even Odin knew and accepted chaos was a part of... EVERYTHING and death part of life itself.
Out of myths and back to newer stories.
If he was such a narcissist all along, would he sacrifice himself over and over and over and over and over and over again for others?
Yes let's count: Thor 1 suicide, Thor 2 "died" for bro, Ragnarök endangers himself two times with great odds he'd die (returning to Asgård for others and then distroying Asgård), then infamous neck snap and now this...
How is this character development?!
How is this learning to love himself?!
"Hey, I'm worthless like everybody's been telling or making me feel all my ridiculously long life, so I'm going to..."
*Poof* "I am Groot."
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alien-1508 · 5 years
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“Those vikings are nothing but barbariens. Driven by violence and war. They seek nothing but metal, silver and gold. Those are not warriors, but wild animals...”
Chief Wolf Teeth, leader of one of the northern tripes.
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norsesuggestions · 7 years
approching asgård!
🌈 🍎🏰🏞️
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