#Ask the Saudade Characters (BATIM AU)
Hey Grant, did you ever get a chance to take a closer look at that magazine you got from the pharmacy? Was there anything interesting in it?
Grant: “Y-Yes.. I did get a closer look w-when I got home. I-It was really just a regular m-magazine.. I remember seeing them b-before this all started. It’s j-just that seeing it now made me miss everyone s-so much more.. I hope they’re all still alive..”
Sorry! I was going to try and draw the magazine for this one but it was just way too hard. I’m sorry. I hope the answer is okay though. Thank you for the question! It was fun to answer!!
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
Hey Grant can you fight zombies with a book just like John Wick
Grant: “I-I don’t think f-fighting zombies with books would be very e-effective.. plus it might ruin the books..”
Grant loves books too much to use them like that. Although that would be pretty funny. (Also is John Wick the guy with the puppy? I can’t watch that movie because I heard it’s really sad..) Thanks for the question Ryn! Sorry I took awhile to answer! 😅😅
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Are you sure it’s a good idea to hide that bite, Grant? What if you turn when Shawn’s defenseless? You might infect him too
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Grant: “I-I’m not infected.. I’m n-not going to hurt S-Shawn.. it won’t happen. I-It’s not going to happen..”
Grant is still kind of in the denial phase, it’s hard to accept that you’ve only got a few hours left to live after all, and that you could end up attacking friends and family. 😆😅
Sorry about the poor picture quality by the way and sorry if the answer isn’t good! I hate how they look shiny when I crop it. My phone has the worst camera. 😭😭
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You're not looking so well, Grant... You seem really stressed. Maybe this question will help keep your mind off of what's worrying you for a moment or two. Did you always know you wanted to be an accountant? What made you choose that job? Looking back on everything, are you glad that you became an accountant at Joey Drew Studios, or do you wish you could have tried a different job? [I hope this question isn't weird at all. I tried to think of a good question to ask =) ]
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Grant: “N-No.. being an a-accountant wasn’t my first choice.. I just w-went with what I’m good at. I-I’ve always been good at math.. and when I g-graduated early and needed m-money I saw t-that Joey Drew Studios was hiring s-so I just took a chance.. I-I’m actually glad I got hired though.. because I m-managed to make friends. L-Like Shawn and Lacie..”
Sorry if this answer isn’t good! I actually wasn’t sure how to answer this properly. I don’t know a lot about careers in real life. So I’m thinking maybe Grant possibly lied about his age to get the job? Nah that probably wouldn’t work, Joey probably didn’t care enough to actually check or something. That sounds like something he’d do. I don’t know. I need to think about it. Thank you so much for the question though!! It was fun to answer!
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How are things going with you, Shawn?
Shawn: “Just fine. Grant’s got watch-duty right now so I’m just trying to get some sleep. We’ll switch in a few hours. I’m really glad that he wasn’t hurt too badly at the store today.. I don’t know what I would do if he had been bit.”
(Sorry I don’t know how to draw someone resting in a sleeping bag. So I couldn’t draw this one. I hope that’s okay. 😅)
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Ask Survivor!Shawn and Survivor!Grant
Hey guys! I meant to post this yesterday but I forgot. I thought that maybe I should do another Character ask event thing since I posted the new chapter yesterday! So if you have any questions for Shawn and Grant please ask away! I might try to draw them too!
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Lacie, what's the funniest thing Bertrum has done that you can remember?
Lacie: “The funniest thing Bertrum has done? Probably the time he tried to chop some some wood for the fireplace and accidentally missed, hitting a zombie that he didn’t see coming for him. After he saw what he had done he screamed like a little girl! I had to stop myself from laughing, and if you mean back at the Studio, well I once saw him sneak a sandwich that Wally put in the fridge for lunch. Caught him red handed!”
Hey Circus! Thanks again for your question! It was fun! I hope that this answer will make you laugh! 😄
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How's it going, Grant?
Grant: *His head hurts. All he can think about right now is food. He has a feeling that he’s doing something wrong but he’s not sure what it is. Is he supposed to be somewhere else? Where is he going? He’s just following the “Things like him” maybe they know where the food is. His stomach is aching too much and he’s certain he forgot something important. Wait. What’s his name again?*
Hey thanks for the question! Sorry if the answer is weird! For explaination, In the story yesterday Grant wandered off with a group of other zombies. He had been getting more aware and a bit smarter in the few weeks since he and Shawn met up with Lacie and Bertrum. But since the zombies in my AU have a kind of mob-mentality Grant gets easily drawn into their groups and quickly loses the awareness he’s been building up. Causing him to go back to behaving like a dumb little flesh-eater. 😆😅
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Shawn, have you ever accidentally referred to Grant as your son? Has Grant ever called you "dad" before?
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Shawn: “Yeah. I’ve accidentally called Grant my ‘son’ a few times. It’s a little embarrassing I know. But he really is like a son to me. That’s why I need to make sure nothing happens to him again.. Grant has called me ‘dad’ sometimes too. He seemed just as embarrassed as I did when I accidentally called him my ‘son’ but hearing him think of me as his father meant so much to me.”
Shawn: “It’s probably silly, but I think the kid thinks I’m his actual dad now..”
Hey! Thanks so much for the question! Sorry I took awhile to answer it! It was because I wanted to try drawing for it! I hope you like it and that the answer was okay. (Sorry is Shawn looks too young! I don’t know how to draw people who look older very well and I don’t know how to draw facial hair. 😅😅) Anyway thank you so much for the question! It was fun to answer! 😄
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How much does everyone hate Joey Drew for starting a zombie apocalypse?
Shawn: “...”
Lacie: “...”
Bertrum: “...”
Zombie!Grant: *Not even listening, just wants to paint on his painting pad* lol
Shawn: “Joey did WHAT?!?!?!”
Hey! Sorry I didn’t see your question! For explaination, No one actually knows that Joey is behind the zombie apocalypse yet! He’s actually the leader of a group of survivors from the Studio! Shawn, Grant, Lacie and Bertrum, used to be part of it until Shawn and Grant either got separated from the group during a supply-run, or just left. Lacie and Bertrum left Joey’s group because they were distrustful of the way he ran things. (Basically they felt that he didn’t actually care for anyone in the group and didn’t have their best interests at heart.) So basically Joey is using the whole survivor group thing as a cover to hide what he did. Figuring that no one would suspect him of being behind the apocalypse if he was a leader of a survivor group.
Sorry if this answer isn’t good! I tried my best to answer it. Thank you for the question! It was fun to answer! Thanks again! 😅
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Have either of you seen Joey since this all kicked off?
Shawn: “Not much actually. Grant and I were with his little group of survivors for a little while on the first day but decided to split up from them. Last time I heard Lacie and Bertrum decided to leave the group too, which I’m glad about. I’ve never had a good feeling about Drew. Sammy and Wally decided to stay though. I hope they get the right idea and leave too. Something about Joey just never seemed right..”
Hey! Thanks for the question! It was fun to answer! There’s actually quite a few people in Joey’s group. I’ll try to explain more about that later. Thanks again for the question! 😄
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Hey, Lacie? How are you dealing with the whole...Grant being a zombie thing?
Lacie: “It’s.. hard. I’ve seen a lot of things. People having to shoot their own friends after seeing them be bitten, I’ve seen undead kids trying to eat their own parents. I care about Grant. I really do. He was a good kid.. but I can’t be expected to believe that not all of them are monstrous flesh-eaters. I know Shawn trusts the kid, and I want to trust Grant too.. but I can’t let my guard down in case he snaps. I can’t let any more people I care about get bit.”
Thanks so much for the question! It was very fun to answer! Sorry if Lacie doesn’t sound good though. I’m still figuring out how to write her. 😅
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
Have you heard anything about any of the others you knew from the studio? Do you hope to run into any of them and that they will join your group, or do you prefer to keep the group you have now and not have any new members? [For Bertrum or Lacie?]
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Lacie: “Well.. if we were to run into anyone else from the Studio we’d definitely let them in. Even though there will be more mouths to feed and more people to look out for. Bertrum and I are okay on our own, Shawn and Grant is definitely manageable but I’m not sure how we’d be able to handle a large group. I guess we’ll just have to figure it out if and when it happens I guess. About hearing anything from the others.. we were able to call Sammy and Wally a few days ago. They’re still in Joey’s big group, but they say it’s getting harder over there. More zombies in the area or something. Getting way more dangerous. I hope they’re doing alright. We haven’t been able to contact anyone since. My phone lost its signal.”
Hey! Sorry I took awhile to answer this! I was trying to draw for the answer! Sorry Bertrum isn’t there, I don’t know how to draw him yet, but I’ll try to figure it out! Sorry if the picture quality is very bad I had a really hard time trying to take a good picture of the drawing, and I couldn’t figure out how to draw Lacie’s pony-tail this time so I made it into a braid! I hope the answer is okay despite these things. Thank you so much for the question it was very fun to answer! 😅
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Bertrum, how long have you and Lacie been surviving together in your own group? Do you two get along well?
Bertrum: “Well.. If I recall correctly, I think we’ve been together since we left Joey’s ‘survivor group’ fiasco. I never trusted that little brat and neither did Lacie. We both highly doubted that he, of all people could properly lead a group of survivors, so we left a few hours after the first day of the apocalypse. What worries me is that a most of the other employees from the Studio stayed with him. I hope they’ll be alright, and that Joey’s leadership won’t get anyone killed or eaten. As for how Lacie and I get along? We get along very well! We’ve always been friendly at work. We make a good team if I do say so myself. Regrettably, I’m not the greatest fighter.. so I have to rely on Lacie for handling most of the zombies we come across. I try to make up for this by helping her with her traps however.”
Hey Circus!! Thanks for the question! I hope this answer is okay! I’m still figuring out how to write Bertrum. So I hope it’s not too bad. 😅 Anyway thanks for the question! It was fun to answer and it really made me think! 😄
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Shawn, were you worried Lacie and/or Bertram would kill Grant when they saw him?
Shawn: “Oh I was terrified. It didn’t help that Grant was hungry at the time and tried to lunge at them! Thank goodness I managed to calm him down.. Lacie nearly shot him and Bertrum was ready to hit him with his fire-axe. They only backed down when I told them about all the times the kid never tried to hurt me when he could’ve. I still don’t think Lacie and Bertrum trust him that much but I understand. I couldn’t believe it at first either. I’m just glad no one got hurt.”
Thanks for the question!! I hope the answer is okay. It was a good question and it was fun to answer! Thank you! 😄
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Shawn, do you know how this all got started?
Shawn: “No.. no one knows how this happened, but I remember when things got out of control. It was my day-off from the studio and I was at home. Grant was over because it was also his day-off and we usually like to hang out together outside of the studio. We were watching TV when suddenly the news turned on. The news kept talking about some sort of disease.. or virus. And the reporter was talking about a list of symptoms, what to do if we see someone who fits the description of the symptoms, and the number of deaths that started popping up. The reporter said that the government was setting up quarantine zones and that anyone infected should head there to try and be treated and to not get anyone else sick.”
Grant: “T-Things got really scary after that.. l-like maybe an hour or two later we started hearing s-screams in the streets! T-The news came back on and talked about p-people who were c-confirmed dead suddenly walking a-around and attacking people in t-the streets!”
Shawn: “Yeah.. I didn’t really believe it until I looked outside. It was chaos out there. I grabbed my father’s old hunting rifles and packed some food and water into some backpacks with Grant after that. I don’t really like thinking about it much. All those people screaming.. it was awful.”
Hey! Thank you so much for this question! It was very fun to answer! Sorry if it wasn’t very good though! I tried my best to answer this well! Anyway thanks again for the question! 😄
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