#Astro colt AU
canisbeanz · 7 months
Screenshot redraw!
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Version with no blur and original image
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I'm pretty proud of this and I'm becoming quite fond of all my pony designs lol I'm considering opening requests for characters to be pony-fied so I don't miss anyone :)
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Best friends forever!
A screenshot redraw (and background edit) that doubles as fanart of this wonderful person's @canisbeanz Astro colt au! ^^ the designs I used belong to them!
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(make anything inappropriate out of these two and I will climb into your walls and force you to step on Legos)
Screenshot that was used:
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I hope you all have a lovely day! :D
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senkou-lights · 7 years
Does AU Senkou have kids?
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“Oh, you want to hear about my kids? Well…”
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“In total, there are six of them. Most are foals that Onyx and I have adopted, though three of them are related to us biologically, thanks to the wonders of magic!
“First is…”
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Oracle Lights and Rampage.
“These are our first two foals. Both of them are related to us biologically, thanks to a little help with magic…” Senkou paused a bit… carefully leaving out exactly how these two were birthed. That was a memory he’d rather not revisit. “Oracle is a sweet young colt, very interested in science and the wonders of magic. Truthfully very intelligent for his age.
“Rampage takes after his father… That is to say, he takes after Onyx in personality. Kind’ve brash, protective, and a tough colt. Even for an Earth pony, he is incredibly strong, so much so that it’s sort of bordering super-pony status. He takes it upon himself to protect Oracle, and this was partially fueled by… past events… that happened in their early life.”
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“Next is Wild Spirit. She is a young filly that Onyx honestly “found” and brought home one day, much to my surprise… She’s a huge history buff, constantly running around, and highly imaginative, Wild Spirit kind’ve made sure our hooves were always full, but she’s always a good little filly. Doesn’t really break rules or disrespect her elders… In fact, she idolizes all of my family, since the Unkens were a huge part of history which she is very knowledgeable about.
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“Astro Lights. He, um… is kind’ve interesting in his origin. We opened the door one day, and literally found a baby on our front doorstep. It’s kind’ve sad, really… Somepony must’ve just abandoned him there? We alerted the authorities, and let everypony know that we found him, but… Nopony came to claim him. But, it’s not all bad. He’s such a sweetie pie, even if his origin is a mystery… Very quiet, reclusive, and a complete daddy’s colt (He’s my little foal
“Astro has some… strange qualities. He grows very slowly, physically speaking, which have resulted in a few… difficulties. It seems like he’d prefer to be by my side, always craving the attention of his daddy, but I often worry about his lack of friends and social life…
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“Next up is Flash Bolt. He’s, um, being very shy in this photo, but… his story is not one I’d like to advertise too much. Flash has always been a good friend of Oracle and Rampage, Onyx and I got used to seeing him come over a lot, even staying the night. One thing I noticed with him is that he seemed to… always be hungry, and often could stay over without needing to ask the permission of his parents… It later turned out he only had a father, and he wasn’t very… active, in Flash’s life.” Senkou frowned, not quite liking to bring up this next part.
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“And then.. Flash’s father was… killed. You see, his father was part of the military, and… he simply died in the line of duty. Flash had no where to go, or more specifically, no where he wanted to go. So… we sort’ve took him in. We try to take good care of him, and he does seem quite happy, but… y-yeah…
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“Last, but certainly not least, is the youngest of our family. Prismsnow. Just like Oracle and Rampage, she is biologically related to Onyx and me. Right now, she’s just a little baby, but already the sweetest thing. Everypony adores her in our family, especially Astro and Wild.”
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“And those are all of my foals! Honestly? I could talk for hours about each and every one of them. I truly love all of my babies… But I’ll spare you the ranting and just leave it at introductions. I certainly wouldn’t mind more questions about my fillies and colts though!”
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canisbeanz · 1 year
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Bad and Naughty Scientists get turned into horses. Cutiemark design partially yoinked from @mintleflower bc I'm absolutely terrible at designing them myself.
Nakey mode ˅
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canisbeanz · 1 month
Individual Artfight attacks (2/2)
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Rainbow Mist owned by @thiscatdraws
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Peepy owned by VicAsh
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canisbeanz · 8 months
The tiny menace's turn to be equineified
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I love Uran a lot so I was very excited to make her and I think I did a pretty good job if I may say so! She's pretty simple but I think she looks very cute :) I tried to make her look like Astro but also different enough so you could tell she was built by somepony else. I HC (in normal Astro boy not just this au) that Ochan is a lot better at making organic-looking robots than Tenma, so I think Uran would pass a lot better as a pony (/human) than Astro. I gave her a pink band in her tail to match Astro's, his was meant to be reminiscent of his belt which ik Uran doesn't have but I thought she looked a bit bland with no other colour on her and it helps them look more related.
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Ochanomizu built her with a cutie mark on her already but she ended up earning one on her own that just kinda replaced her old one lol.
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canisbeanz · 9 months
Tamao, the boy of many clothing items!
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This guy has by far the most accessories out of all the ponies I've made so far but I didn't wanna get rid of any bc I feel like they're very iconic to his design. also he's a very similar shade of yellow to Ochan and I wanted to make sure they didn't look too much alike.
His cutie mark is the flag of the ship (the Captain Go I think? I've seen it called like 3 or 4 different things lol) he earns it in episode 4 "Lightning" when he takes everyone flying. He's also the only one of Atom's friends (besides Uran) who gets his mark on screen!
His talent is creating fun flying machines and extravagant and pretty other kinds of transport.
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If Tobio lived they would've ended up being co-workers :)
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canisbeanz · 1 year
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The horse children to go with my last post. Tobio would've gotten his cutie mark after the accident if it didn't kill him lol. He would've gotten it by attaching rockets to his scooter to impress his dad, launching himself so high he could see stars and deciding to be an astrophysicist/ engineer specialising in transport.
Nakey and ghost mode for Tobio
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canisbeanz · 2 months
it's horse time, lads! Daichi and Atlas
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I considered making Daichi a unicorn so he could hold a paintbrush properly, but I ended up deciding that an earth pony fit him better (not to mention the obvious, "daichi" literally means "earth") Daichi's cutie mark fades a tiny bit when his painting is burned because he feels less connected to his special talent afterward. Daichi's cutie mark that was put on Atlas slowly fades off over the course of episode 6, until he's a blank flank by the start of episode 7. He then earns his own mark to replace it when he decides not to kill his dad and falls out into space like the drama queen he is. You can't really put Pre-assigned cutie marks on sentient robots in this AU because 90% of the time they just earn their own that replaces the old one. You can't remove an earned CM either, you can paint over it as many times as you like and it'll just appear over it lol. Even if you take off all the top layers of the pony it will just appear on the base metal instead.
Atlas with armor/ with and without wings and nakey mode daichi.
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canisbeanz · 8 months
Yo, dudes! The robot uprising is pretty chill. Maybe you could like, join it or something?
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Here's Atom's king of robots upgrade. His horn is made of a crystal of some kind, for no real reason other than I thought it looked cool and the human version has a gemstone thing on his forehead. As well as massive wings and a shiny new horn Tenma gives him a new "better" cutie mark that he thinks would fit a king better.
The only decent pics of his upgrade are in really strong lighting so the colours are a bit off.
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Version without the gigantic wings in the way ^
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canisbeanz · 10 months
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First little drawing of the Astro pony in my actual style and not a knockoff of the show style ✨
(my style is mostly just a slightly off version of the movie style tbh)
I'm so bad at taking pics of my sketchbook smh Additional bright orange and out of focus one I took at 1 am and for some reason thought looked ok lmfaooo
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canisbeanz · 8 months
What is your opinion on a pony version of shinichi [ silly guy from episode two, Aka Charles in the English dub ]
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Honestly, I kinda forgot he existed lol I do like him tho so I wouldn't mind making him a pony version :)
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canisbeanz · 11 months
It's time for more ponies, come get your juice!
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I decided to make people from Mayura Kirin because they're related to dragons, are connected to nature a bit more than ponies and also just bc I thought Kaya would look really pretty as one.
Princess outfit and sneaky disguise.
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I added bandages to her horn in the disguise outfit bc I feel like if you're trying to hide a Kirin leaving their huge very uniquely shaped horn uncovered would be a super dumb move lmao.
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canisbeanz · 1 year
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Denkou the beloved! (with and without cape)
Crystal form and transparent version
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This is by far the most complicated one I've done so far, the crystal pony effect took some figuring out but I'm very proud of them :)
I made them an alicorn bc they're a magical little fella and I thought it fit, It's not that uncommon for robots to be alicorns bc it's obviously more useful to have wings and a horn rather than one or the other lol.
I decided not to give them a cutiemark bc they're so young and it made the design a bit cluttered. When they turn invisible they go into crystal form just on very very low opacity.
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canisbeanz · 1 year
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Shut up it's Kenichi horse time
no plasters and nakey mode
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his mark is like that bc I thought the tiny fairly plain-looking colt who can't fly yet having a massive super complicated cutiemark was funny. And here's a cutiemark dump, including two for ponies I haven't designed yet, if you can guess who they're for you get a virtual cookie🍪
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canisbeanz · 7 months
That fukin horse that I hate
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Here's the guy for everyone who asked for him! I can't lie, I really don't like Shibugaki in 03 he's really mean and mostly useless, but I DO really like his 03 design so I'm glad I also like how his pony turned out. I wasn't really sure what to make his cutie mark (because of the aforementioned mostly useless status he has for the majority of episodes) but I ended up settling on one of those squirty prank flowers, for no deeper reason than I think he'd be a fan of pranking people if he got more than five seconds of character establishing screen time to himself.
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It's a shame I dislike him so much in 03 because I really like him in every other adaptation he's in. He's close as my pick for favorite character in the 80s anime.
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