#Astrophel commits accidental arson sometimes
galakianexplosion · 1 year
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🏵oc stuff+ Meta&Kirby+Afternoon in Merry magoland🏵
Would any of you mind if i made Galacta knight and Apollyon friends? [Already kinda did but should i continue with this idea or not-]
Kirb&Astrophel are friens as i stated earlier
Also the fact that Astro has a Zero mask is ironic, he shouldnt have that😭
Also the gun scene between Kirb and Meta is originally a drawing from my brother that i saod would redraw(and did)
Also galacta already having is horns is probably an idea i will remake because idk should he already have horns as a young guy or should he have them later?
Also i still wonder if i should make a separate account for asks or not
Ill probably post some saint seiya art soon
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