#Atosen watches
beafocal · 5 years
atosen replied to your post “anyone have recommendations for good story-driven podcasts? I’m...”
In the category of RPG campaigns, Critical Role and Dice Friends are the other big names. I've heard good stuff about Friends At The Table too.
TY! I know Critical Role exists, and statistically speaking I would probably like it, but as far as I can tell it’s videos and has a Watching component? And I generally look to podcasts for like, walking the dog etc. 
I could be wrong, please advise me if I am. I’ll defs check into the other two, tho, I appreciate. 
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atosen · 7 years
foursight replied to your photoset: Not settling for being the cutest dragongirl ever,...
ok now do nidhogg ex :3c
please no what did I do to deserve this
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howdoponieswork · 7 years
atosen replied to your post: “Someone posted a Let’s Play of the game on youtube and I’m nervous to...”
Would you like someone else to watch it first?
Heh, actually Scott found it coincidentally and watched a bit of it. Apparently it was being played by some guy who had never seen the show and didn’t know anything about the characters, but a My Little Pony visual novel made him curious. And I guess a lot of the LP was just him reading the dialogue out loud. But Scott didn’t watch all of it so I dunno what his ultimate impressions were.
I’m admittedly somewhat curious to see how well he could follow it, but the idea of watching a video that amounts to me telling someone about MLP and my ships and headcanons when they don’t know anything about it sounds like the most embarrassing thing in the universe, so I probably can’t watch it myself.
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beafocal · 7 years
atosen replied to your post “stop! putting! frontline combatants! in THIGH-HIGHS AND GARTERS!”
So I shouldn't tell you about my new superhero character, Garters Girl?
I’m watching you.
I get angrier about armor-garters than spandex issues, but rest assured I have a deep well of salt regardless.
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atosen · 8 years
Last night I finally watched RWBY season 3.
The main draw of RWBY was always the fight scenes. I was worried that without Monty’s vision, the choreography would be worse. And... it was, a bit. It often felt like the characters who weren’t currently in focus were just standing still not doing anything; the sense of flow is weaker.
But that’s been made up for by a huge surge in writing quality. This season was incredibly dramatic. Dialogue and voicework was better, revelations were smoother, dilemmas were more believable, pacing was faster. They way upped the stakes, and burned the status quo to the goddamn ground.
My girlfriend pointed out that the tone got a lot darker, and it’s understandable why some people might not like it. But we loved it. I, for one, can’t stand “gritty" (Game of Thrones) but absolutely adore “dark” (Madoka Magica), and RWBY is now hitting the latter note brilliantly. A telling moment: Me: “Absolutely everything that could go wrong...” Her: “Not everything.” And then more things went wrong.
A few isolated points:
I still don’t get the point of season one’s villain arc, but season two’s villain arc -- which I found to have a really unsatisfying ending -- suddenly fits neatly into a larger whole.
I don’t hate Jaune anymore! They stopped forcing him as a protagonist. He’s still a central character, but no longer to the exclusion of others; he can take supporting roles when he needs to.
There were so many climaxes. It’s a roller coaster. I said earlier that the combat choreography was weaker, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like the fights; quite the opposite, every fight in the latter half of the season left me saying “yessss” or “D:” or “...wow,” sometimes multiple times in a fight.
We’ve been left with a lot of questions, but in a good way this time. It’s very rare that a work leaves me trying to hypothesise what will happen next, but RWBY S3 managed it.
Our Weiss/Blake and Ruby/Penny ships are sailing magnificently, despite... ahem... minor setbacks.
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atosen · 9 years
*rewatches ‘My Past Is Not Today’*
*suddenly realises Sunset was singing on that roof for an entire night, dusk to dawn*
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atosen · 9 years
Yesss, more dreamwalking. And actually passing messages / having meetings through dreams! <3
I like that cutie marks are defined here as “who you are” and always fitting you, although still a potential source of stress.
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atosen · 9 years
45 seconds into the new horse. Already sad.
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atosen · 9 years
"Serein" by slimed (warning: implied suicide)
This is what watching Nichijou is like, right?
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atosen · 10 years
Disappointed with the current direction of Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru. I have mixed feelings about the pacing, the setting is vague, and they felt the need to explain Togo's disability. And as of episode 8, it's turning into a show all about disability and they've pretty openly said "better dead than disabled." So... yeah.
Togo's representation before now has been rad, though -- they put effort into her depiction that few shows do. And the characters are all hilarious. So I guess I'll see it through to the end.
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atosen · 10 years
Kokoro Connect is a tricky show to watch.
I've actually ended up taking notes.
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atosen · 10 years
Oh-woah Oh-woah You didn't know that you fell Oh-woah Oh-woah Now that you're under our spell AND THE SOUND THAT WE HEAR IN OUR HEARTS MAKES A CRESCENDOOOO
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atosen · 10 years
Today I watched Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.
It was one quarter teenage romance, one quarter slice-of-life superpower shenanigans, one quarter friendships between neat characters... and one quarter magic and drama and gods.
There was a disappointingly small, but explicit and canon, positive lesbian subplot. I'm not used to seeing that, especially from anime.
Also it was visually beautiful.
(Warning on the whole thing for "sister complex" i.e. incest. It's not tolerated, and it's played for comedy-via-creepiness, but it's very much there.)
I give it a good 7/10.
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atosen · 10 years
Just watched the ep. (Only the second time I've watched an ep live, since in my timezone I have to stay up late.) My stream stuttered badly and I need to watch a smooth version tomorrow morning, but my first uncritical impressions ...
That was excellent payoff.
I have mixed feelings about Discord.
That fight scene.
That worldbuilding.
I want to see where they take this next.
P.S.: ships.
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atosen · 10 years
No, Twilight, you don't get to turn back time just to let Spike re-do the ceremony. No! Stop thinking about it!
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