#Aurefer remembers
Walking through the old halls of this derelict brought a longing to Aurefer. She remembers these old halls as she used to walk them so proud and mighty as the pure white and golden halls shined and the lights made the place seem heavenly, the people who were around giving her way as she was one of the great Seven. But now the halls are so empty, dark and cold. The only sounds being her footsteps and breathing as she walks through the halls.
Eventually she finds herself in a familiar room, it wasn’t much now as it was broken down with rubble and cobwebs around, but the room still had the old, decorated furniture in the places she remembered. A table with chairs at the center of the room with cabinets for food and cutlery on the right most wall with a window to the outside in the furthest wall of the door she was looking through. On the left was a doorway to another room where she knew would be a living room area. This was her own living area while she was an Executioner all those years ago after all.
Aurefer stepped inside the dining hall and went to look at the room to her left. The couch there was torn and broken after all this time had passed as everything had a clear layer of dust, the bookshelves still had some of the old books there though she could tell some were clearly going to crumble if she wasn’t going to be careful when looking through them.
She decided not to spend too much time in this room as there wasn’t much she could use, though she did decide to bag a few of the old books as it didn’t hurt to have something to keep one’s mind occupied when not out salvaging for food or other materials to survive. Aurefer then went into the final room which was the bedroom. Again, the room wasn’t as beautiful as it once was and the furniture and bed were badly broken down and almost unusable, she looked through the desk she had next to the table and in there she found an old necklace. Aurefer had forgotten that she had it there and decided to pick it up and look at it. It had a layer of dust like everything else and so she used a bit of the cloth fabric she wore to clean it as best as she could with one arm before looking at the heart nyth gem that was embedded in a golden medallion with finely cut decorative markings around it, the medallion attached to a beautifully put together golden chain. While Aurefer did like how it looked the memories this necklace brought back up to her did cause her to tear up a bit. It was a gift by one she held dear after all. Aurefer held the necklace close to her as she muttered “If only you weren’t such a fool… I still don’t understand why you did it… But I doubt I’ll ever see the beauty I fell for back then now…”
She put the necklace within the bag she carried before leaving the room and continuing forward to look for anything else she could find…
The screeches of the infested echo in the halls as Serafima walks within the halls of old lab. She was a bit surprised to have gotten her way back here to Eris, but she knew there was one specific place here she wanted to go to, even if the infested side of her wasn’t making it easy. She went through the broken and infested halls as the creatures walked close by. Watching her. Serafima knew they were partially afraid of her as she refuses their influence on her, but she knows they won’t attack her either. She is still one of them after all and some even call her an alpha of sorts due to the “purity” of her infestation.
After some time, Serafima found the familiar door and did have to slightly force it to open as the locking mechanism was broken. Behind the door was a large room with a large table to the middle left of the room with an assortment of medical equipment, herbs and liquids. To the right of the room was a broken glass tube that could fit a humanoid inside it with some of the pipes attached to it having broken and fallen on the floor. Next to it was an operating table with straps to make sure whatever was on it couldn’t leave. Back then she was indifferent to what she did, but now she does realise how grim the room must’ve been to those she worked on. Though Serafima wasn’t too bothered by that thought as she still didn’t fully see the wrong in her work, she did create quite a few cures after all. Sacrifices had to be made to do so for science.
Serafima stepped inside the room and went to another door to the far end of the room and opened it. Inside this room was a table with a chair to the right of the room, on the table was an old notebook, the cover of it being a worn white and golden color. On the opposite wall were large bookshelves with a lot of old and worn books, a few of them having fallen on the floor as the infested seemed to have knocked them down. Serafima went to the table and opened the notebook, inside of which were her old logs she had written when she had done her tests.
As she looked through the notebook, she did notice something underneath a few of the loose papers on the table. Serafima moved the papers and saw a necklace underneath. She grabbed it to take a better look at the gem it had in the middle. The radiant zodian gem still far clear and clean, it was embedded in a beautiful and decorative golden frame that’s attached to the gold and blue chain. Serafima frowned as she remembered what this was. It was the gift she got from her love.
“Would she ever forgive me if I explained myself to her?... Or is it too late for me to ask for forgiveness?” She quietly mumbled to herself as she put the necklace around her neck as she looked at it.
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