Trina: Serafima come play with me! I'm bored!!! What should we play :D
"Oh! I know a wonderful game that would be lots of fun to play! We find Darius, then we tackle him to tickle him!"
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"It's a great idea and he loves being tickled."
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Been a while since we last spoke! But we're still alive and even got some new people to join us in answering questions and making appearances!
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First we have Keiro Liv from the Anyo Corp. He's been working in the Index for quite a while now and despite his age is still going strong. Even if now his main focus is in making profit to Nef Anyo above all else...
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Next up we have Zyro. An unfortunate manic who got too close with an infested encounter. But she's able to control herself to at least be able to answer questions for you all!
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Last but not least, we have Eve and Lyn. This double headed infested creature is certainly a curious case of siblings now being stuck together forever.
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Kepler: "A-Asking for a friend but erm... Is the Orokin Preacher Single?"
Darius: "I wasn't expecting this to be the first question here. Though to answer your question this you'll hear. I haven't found anyone to call my own. That is what I will let you know..."
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“I admit I miss those days.. Things were simpler..”
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Finished drawing the Renatus family together From left to right: Ava (Mother), Serafima (Daughter), Kai (Father)
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Aurefer: “I think I remember him. Though I bet he’s not around anymore. At the very least I haven’t seen him since the Old War. He was good at what he did though and quite useful in helping catch criminals.”
Even the Orokin got to have had their own preacher
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“Khali look at all this! They’re colored like you!” “Yes Zaira... I know.. Those are fallen leaves...”
“Thank you for letting me play with Kenny and Jaya again.” “Hey. No problem, Khora! They enjoy playing with you and this time of the year is their favourite.”
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"Oh admit it. You're just jealous of me Liodia. As the youngest, you'll always be second best."
"Oh I am not! You know for a fact I'm the better one of us two."
"Keep dreaming, sis. Keep dreaming."
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"I swear I'm gonna smack your head someday you damn moa-legged b-"
"Language Liodia!"
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"Besides that rookie annoyed me first so they had it coming!"
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“So. Do we have a deal?”
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“Sorry for our silence at times. Dox seems to enjoy chewing on cables....”
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“Serafima has been trying to control him, but it’s not working too well since he’s surprisingly sneaky.”
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“I wonder if you still have your violin, Sera? I do remember how well you played it.”
“Yes, though it has been a while since I last played it... for an obvious reason...”
“True. True..”
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Finished this drawing of my oc’s Serafima and Aurefer together during the Orokin Era to the lyrics from Fairytale by Alexander Rybak because it fits them
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“If you think I wouldn’t notice any wrong doings you underestimate me. So you better behave.”
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(OOC updated Executioner Aurefers look as it didn’t feel right with how it came to her status, but now it looks way better)
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“I used to be more like you then you may realise.. A part of me does miss those days. I don’t miss my mortality, but... I do miss my old companions..”
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"Should I worry for what may happen to me? It doesn't look like the most... appealing of outcomes.. considering how torn my armor is."
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Khalina Kherhu and Khora are receiving some updates to their designs soonish for story reasons
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The cold wind of Orb Vallis blew past Dei as she was walking the harsh environment all by herself. She stayed deathly silent as she was going towards a specific mountain near the edge of the Vallis as she was in thought. Every year she’d come here at this time. Taking the same route, though this time it was different as now she didn’t have to worry about the Exploiter Orb coming near her chosen route as it was finally destroyed. Dei was both glad and saddened that it was but didn’t pay as much attention to that thought as she got close to a cavern opening behind the mountain.
Inside as she walked the warm and dark cavern as the only sounds were her metallic footsteps against the stone and water dripping down from the stalagmites above her down to puddles and a small river inside. Soon enough she found an old locked and automated metal door inside and as she stepped near the console, she could feel a deep sadness starting to grow within her. She pressed in the code she knew by heart by now and let the door open as she stepped inside, the flooring turning to metal as it was clearly built there.
As the door closed behind her, she looked up at the sight of abandoned construction attached to the walls and the empty containers scattered around. There were still large piles of rubble around a large opening to the outside on the far end ceiling of the mountains side and a few holes from explosions on the ground. Even if the only noise was the wind echoing as it went through the empty buildings through from through the opening, she swore she could hear an all too familiar song within it. It sounded ghostly in her ears as the wind blew her hair out of the way as she stepped to kneel in the middle of the whole area. Dei looked down at the ground as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists a bit as the memories came back. The screams and explosions as families were torn apart by the Exploiters attack. The sight of fire and the rumbling of the whole mountain as its voice boomed within the place, drowning out any other voice as she could do nothing against its rampage and could only help others try to escape, along with the help of Eudico and Zuud.
Dei felt tears forming in her eyes as she remembered and did not stop them from flowing, like she’s usually done as she managed to speak quietly, almost as if speaking to any possible ghost within.
“I still wish… I could’ve helped you all. To have saved you all...”
She slightly cleaned the tears from her eyes before continuing
“But I couldn’t. I was weak back then. But I… I hope you can now at the very least rest in peace… knowing the Exploiter Orb is gone. Destroyed in… in honour of your memory. I promise to not forget you all despite it though. I will always keep you all close to my hear. We were all family after all... We all suffered under him. We all lift together.. No matter what.”
Dei opened her teary eyes as she looked up at the whole in the ceiling as she took a deep breath to compose herself and quietly hummed to herself as she felt the cold wind against her face again…
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"Where is that... one who did this to me!"
"Oh Sera if only you let me take hold you'd see just how powerful we are."
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Sketched these two for fun
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