#Autie-biographical Comics (Facebook)
my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
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Auditory processing disorder and Hyperacusis is a pain
Autie-biographical Comics
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Hi! I really hope it's not rude to ask, but I'm searching for resources on autism because I want to understand more about autistic people. My boyfriend is autistic and often I have a hard time understanding things about his experience. Could you recommend me some resources or blogs to follow? Thank you so much
Sure, I’ll tag some of my favourite autism blogs :)
@positiveautistic, @autistickeely, @autie-j, @butterflyinthewell, @autismisaokay, @living-with-autism
On Facebook, there’s also Neurodivergent Rebel, Agony Autie, Autie-biographical Comics, I also have my own Facebook page appropriately titled “Autistic Questions”
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