#Auto Accident Lawyer Brooklyn
lawpllc · 2 years
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gabriellegalblog · 4 months
Exploring Legitimate Difficulties: The Job of a New York Workers Compensation Lawyer
In the clamouring city of New York, the streets of Sovereigns and Long Island beat with the steady mood of traffic, business, and day-to-day existence. Nonetheless, in the midst of the hurrying around, mishaps can occur in a matter of moments, leaving people with wounds, injury, and legitimate intricacies to explore. In such testing times, the mastery and promotion of a talented lawyer become priceless. This essay looks at the crucial role that a New York car accident lawyer plays in supporting and representing people who have been hurt in car accidents.
Sovereigns Fender Bender Legal counsellor: Sovereigns, with its assorted areas and occupied lanes, witnesses its portion of fender benders. A Queens Car Accident Lawyer is a legitimate partner who exhaustively comprehends the neighbourhood regulations, traffic examples, and subtleties of Sovereigns Roads. These legitimate experts offer customised consideration regarding casualties, directing them through the complexities of protection cases, dealings, and prosecution cycles to get simply pay and work with the way to recuperation.
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New York Laborers' Pay Attorney: Notwithstanding auto collisions, work environment wounds present critical difficulties to people across New York. A New York Workers Compensation Lawyer has practical experience in pushing for labourers’ freedoms, guaranteeing that harmed representatives get fair remuneration, health advantages, and backing during their restoration process. With their skill in labour regulations and pay guidelines, these lawyers assume a crucial part in defending the interests of labourers across different businesses.
New York Auto Crash Attorney: New York Car Accident Lawyer presents interesting difficulties for drivers and walkers alike. A New York fender bender legal psychoanalyst fills in as a signal of help for those wrestling with the result of impressions, whether they happen on packed city roads or extensive roadways. These legal specialists use their expertise and resources to seek justice and accountability on behalf of their clients, conducting surveys at the scene of an accident, negotiating with protection companies, and appearing in court to advocate for their clients.
New York Car Crash Legal Counsel: Car collisions can have sweeping results, going from actual wounds to close-to-home injuries and monetary strain. A New York Auto Accident Lawyer has the skill and assurance to advocate for people influenced by such episodes. With a profound comprehension of state transit regulations, obligation rules, and insurance contracts, these lawyers make key legitimate arrangements custom-made to every client's remarkable condition, endeavouring to get greatest remuneration and ease the weights forced by the mishap.
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Long Island Auto Crash Legal counsellor: The beautiful streets of Long Island coax occupants and guests the same, however, they likewise witness their portion of fender benders and impacts. A Long Island Car Accident Lawyer is a trusted partner for people exploring the intricacies of individual injury claims and judicial procedures emerging from such episodes. With their nearby information and unflinching obligation to client backing, these lawyers give humane direction and considerable portrayal, enabling mishap casualties to attest their privileges and look for review for their misfortunes. 
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thebaumlawfirm · 1 year
Personal Injury Lawyers in Palm Springs for Dog Bite Injuries
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite or another animal attack, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The physical and emotional trauma that can result from an animal attack can be overwhelming, but fortunately, there are legal remedies available to help ease your burden. At the Baum Law Firm, we understand how devastating these situations can be and our professional lawyer of Dog Bite Personal Injury in Palm Springs possess years of experience in handling this type of case. We will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure that you receive full reimbursement for any medical expenses incurred due to the incident as well as compensation for pain and suffering and lost wages resulting from missed time at work.
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One of the most important things that we can do for our clients is to help them understand their rights under the law. We will work tirelessly to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to secure maximum compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, among other damages. our Palm Springs Dog Bite Attorney have extensive knowledge of strict liability laws regarding dog bites which means that even if the owner didn't know their pet was dangerous or aggressive at the time of the attack; they are still responsible for compensating victims. With years of experience advocating for clients in personal injury cases involving animal attacks throughout Palm Springs area these lawyers are highly dedicated professionals who will fight relentlessly for their client's rights while providing compassionate counsel during this difficult time.
If you've been injured by a dog bite in Palm Springs, California, you may be able to pursue compensation for your damages. While dog bites are not uncommon, they can have serious consequences if not dealt with properly. When a dog bites someone, it's important to get medical treatment right away. Some types of dog bites require emergency care and others will require stitches or other forms of treatment to help prevent infection and pain. If you're unsure what type of injury you've sustained, Contact us today at (760) 325-2681 to schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys who will guide you professionally through every step of the process toward achieving justice! Visit us at: https://baumlawfirm.com/
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Personal Injury Attorney Brooklyn Fights Civil Negligence Cases
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People in Brooklyn have seen a fair share of accidents but some victims never resort to legal help to fight these civil negligence. Most of these victims do not even know that they are entitled to compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, and all the suffering. With the help of a personal injury attorney Brooklyn victims can raise their concern on this matter, and claim what is rightfully theirs – compensation yes, but more importantly honor and integrity. Michael, Astrid, and other capable injury lawyers from Ribowsky Law will fight for your legal rights if you ever get into a slip-and-fall, auto accident. To get a free contingency-based legal consultation on all these matters, especially negligence, premise liability, falls, and car accidents feel free to reach us.  
Ribowsky Law
Personal injury attorney
333 Stanley Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207, United States
Phone No:
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rmfwlawnyc · 1 year
Brooklyn Bicycle Accident Lawyer: How Do You Deal With A Bike Accident?
Bicycle riders are more vulnerable to catastrophic accidents and injuries on Brooklyn roads compared to motorists. Unlike car drivers, bicyclists do not have any strong protection available that could mitigate their risk of injury. If you or someone you love finds yourself in a bicycle accident, you should speak with an experienced Brooklyn bike wreck lawyer to learn more about your legal options. Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Brooklyn Bicycle accidents are on the rise in Brooklyn as well as other places in New York. Here are a few common reasons for bike accidents: Speeding: Cars routinely speed around bicycles. Many bicyclists try to match the speed of a vehicle when it tries to cross them. Weather and other related conditions can result in an accident. Distracted driving: Car drivers routinely text while driving or fiddle with the entertainment console. This can make them take their eyes off the road causing an accident. Riding close to traffic: Drivers should leave a minimum of 3 feet between their car and the bike. However, they often come too close to bicyclists while navigating the streets. Intersection accidents: Many auto drivers don’t give the right of way to bicyclists causing an accident Driveways and parking lots: Drivers that pull in or out of driveways and parking lots don’t always keep an eye out for bicyclists Determining Liability in Brooklyn Bicycle Injury Lawsuits The at-fault person or the liable party is responsible for paying for damages or the injured person’s expenses. If someone’s negligent actions result in a bicycle injury, they may owe damages to the plaintiff. You can seek compensation for your property damage, medical treatment, lost wages, and other associated living expenses. You may also be able to recover financial damages for your emotional distress, including pain and suffering. Negligence occurs when a person fails in meeting their duty or obligation. Anyone that uses a sidewalk or roadway owes a duty of care towards the people around them. Every bicyclist, pedestrian, and motorist are required to exercise this duty of care for reducing the likelihood of anyone else getting injured. You should speak with competent bicycle accident attorneys Brooklyn for maximizing your damages. New York’s Comparative Fault Law Most accidents, as per the New York legal system, is not the fault of just one person. In many cases, the plaintiff may be partially responsible for the accident as well. They may not be completely at-fault. Based on this, there could have been things that may have been done differently to prevent the injury. The amount of damages owed to you will be reduced by the percentage of fault. This is why you should not delay in working with a bicycle accident lawyer near me if involved in an accident. Poor Road Conditions Can Result in a Bicycle Accident Bicycle accidents don’t always involve motor vehicles. Bicyclists may crash because they need to avoid obstacles or pedestrians. The bike may go off course or veer from the road if it hits debris, a rut in the pavement, or some other hazard. These falls can result in significant injury. According to premises liability law, the owner of a property is responsible for keeping it well-maintained. The lanes used by bicyclists are usually owned by the town, city, or county and they are responsible for maintaining it. Your case may get more complicated if you have a claim against a government entity. You should consult with profound and personable Brooklyn bike accident lawyers to file a successful claim. These are pros who have been through the legal battlefields before and know how to handle situations that are extreme. Steps to Take Following a Bicycle Accident in Brooklyn, NY All motorists in New York are required to obtain no-fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. The purpose of this insurance is to allow victims of an accident to get immediate medical attention without having to assign fault for the accident first. Generally, Personal Injury Protection only applies to the policyholder and any other passenger in the vehicle. However, in the event of an accident with a bicyclist or a pedestrian, the policy also extends to the injured person. If you are a bicycle rider that is involved in an accident with a car, you should take the following steps to protect your claim: Ask for first aid Most bicycle injuries are in the form of bruises and small cuts. You probably won't need to call an ambulance. However, before you stop the bleeding, you should preferably have the area sanitized with a hygienic antiseptic solution or wet wipes. This will help avoid a possible infection. Go to a hospital or to a doctor if you have any doubts about the condition. This is especially important if you hit your head in the accident. Move your bicycle out of the way If you haven’t suffered any major injuries and can move independently, you should try and get your bicycle out of traffic. This rule typically applies to road accidents that happen on busy streets. Ongoing traffic can put you at further risk. Ensure your bike is in a decent condition Don’t be in a hurry to get up and dust off. You should check for strains, cuts, bruises, and broken bones. You should also check your bike for damages. Don’t try to ride the bicycle until you have checked the frame and fork. There should not be any cracks or bends. You should ensure the wheels are spinning normally and that they are straight. There should not be any spokes missing. Gears and brakes should be working properly as well. Call the police You should call the police even when your injuries seem minor. The police will draw up an accident report that can serve as evidence for your claim. Your Brooklyn bicycle accident lawyer will get a copy of the police report and use it to prepare a strong case. You should take this step regardless of whether you are thinking about pursuing a lawsuit or not. Get medical evaluation There are certain injuries that won't appear right away. For instance, head injury, back pain, and neck stiffness are not readily apparent. You will require medical evaluation to document your injuries and your condition at the time of the accident. You can either visit your regular physician, urgent care center, or a hospital emergency room. It may get difficult to prove that the injuries are a result of the accident if you delay getting a medical evaluation. Insurance carriers are quick to deny claims or reduce compensation amount where the injured plaintiff has not sought immediate medical assistance. Your Brooklyn bicycle accident lawyer will use the medical records to calculate an accurate worth of your claim. Contact information of witnesses Other motorists and bystanders can be important to your claim in the form of witnesses. These people are important since they may have observed the events leading up to the accident. You should get their contact information, including the name and number. Bike accident attorneys Brooklyn usually need this contact information to prepare a strong claim. The insurance company will take you seriously when they know that your side of the story is corroborated by other people’s account of the accident as well. Get the driver’s information You need to get the driver’s information so that a bike accident attorney near me can easily file a claim against them. You should get the driver’s name, driver’s license number, insurance card information, license plate number, and registration. You should also make a note of the make, model, and color of the vehicle. Take photographs and make videos It is better if you can gather more evidence about road conditions, traffic signals, debris, signs, and other elements. You should make as many videos of the accident scene as possible. Don’t forget to take multiple photographs of your injuries, damage to the vehicle, and other property damage. You should also take photographs of road markings, visibility conditions, and anything else present at the scene. Your attorney will use the photos and videos as evidence for preparing a strong claim. Call an attorney Medical expenses associated with the accident should be covered by the driver’s PIP insurance. Taking this into account, it won't cover property damage. This includes the cost of replacing a damaged bicycle. PIP is designed for covering immediate expenses. This is so that a victim can quickly receive the medical treatment they require. You should take your bicycle to a professional bike shop so that it can be evaluated for repairs. Knowledgeable Brooklyn bicycle accident attorneys will do everything possible to obtain compensation for property damage. This includes getting compensation for buying a new helmet if yours gets cracked in the accident. You are in the Hands of a Fighter: Get Legal Representation from an Experienced Bicycle Accident Attorney in Brooklyn If you or a loved one was injured in a bicycle accident and need legal help, you should get in touch with the knowledgeable and proven Brooklyn bicycle accident attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP. Our attorneys have helped obtain over $1 billion in compensation for bicycle accident victims. You can trust our attorneys to review the individual circumstances surrounding your accident and to determine the best possible strategy for maximizing your compensation. At Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP, our attorneys have a 95% success rate and over 100 years of experience. Schedule your free and confidential consultation with us today. Call 212-LAWYERS or 212-344-1000 or write to us online.
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lawpllc · 2 years
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rmfwlawnyc · 1 year
Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyer: When Can You Sue For A Car Accident In Brooklyn?
According to New York personal injury law, auto accident victims in Brooklyn are required to collect damages from their own insurance company. This is true even if the accident was caused by someone else. You can seek additional financial compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance provider if the injuries are “serious.” An accomplished Brooklyn car accident lawyer can help you determine grounds for maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. New York Statutes for Auto Accidents Duty of care for New York motorists is detailed under NY Veh & Traf L § 1146. Motorists have to take all necessary precautions to prevent collisions with pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles. They are also required to honk their car’s horn to give fair warning before colliding The statute adds that any motorist that collides with another vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian can be held responsible through imprisonment or fine, depending on the nature of the crash. As per the law, an at-fault party can also be held financially liable if they violate the duty of care and cause an accident. You may be able to file a personal injury claim against any motorist that do not uphold their civic duty. No-Fault Insurance Coverage in New York You cannot sue for every auto accident in New York. This is even when the other driver is 100% at fault. In general, each party’s insurance provider will pay for the injuries. If a pedestrian or a cyclist gets injured, the driver’s insurance will pay for the damages. With that said, establishing fault is not a priority. No-fault insurance is helpful in most minor accidents since it covers medical and rehabilitation expenses, lost earnings, and transportation expenses. Moreover, there are limits to the coverage. For instance, 80% of lost wages are covered to a maximum payment of $2,000 Maximum of $25 per day for transportation expenses (for medical treatment) and household help $2,000 death benefit This is helpful in keeping insurance rates low and allows for quicker settlements up to policy limits. Taking this into account, it also leads to less accountability for driver behavior. Right to Sue after a Car Accident – “Serious Injury” Threshold in New York The only time a victim has the right to sue for a car accident is when they meet the “serious injury” threshold. You should not hesitate in getting in touch with an accident lawyer Brooklyn NY to identify whether you can sue the at-fault party. These are a few types of injuries in which you can sue the responsible party: Dismemberment Disfigurement Permanent loss of bodily function and system Loss of fetus Temporary disability lasting over 90 days Permanent loss of bodily organ Death You can get more money by suing the responsible party. This is due to punitive damages, reduced earning, lost wages, and pain and suffering component. If a car accident results in the death of a loved one, the deceased’s estate can also file a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party. A seasoned auto accident attorney in Brooklyn will make sure that all aspects are included in the claim to maximize damages. Suing for Property Damage Following a Brooklyn Auto Accident You can sustain losses in a Brooklyn auto accident even when there are no physical injuries. These are usually in the form of property damage. Car accidents can cause extensive damage to the vehicle. At-fault drivers are required to compensate victims for property damage. You can file a claim with the insurance company of the negligent driver if your vehicle was damaged in the accident or you suffered other losses. You should strongly consider hiring the best car accident lawyer in Brooklyn. This won't just improve the likelihood of you collecting compensation – it will also ensure that the amount is fair and justified. Insurance companies are always on the lookout for denying or reducing compensation. Generally, insurance companies state that there is not enough evidence corroborating the claim. Car accident claims require detailed investigation. A reputable Brooklyn car accident law firm will have seasoned investigators on their team to prove damages and maximize compensation. Individuals usually don’t have enough time or resources for initiating this process. Your auto accident lawyer Brooklyn will investigate the accident, identify the responsible parties, and gather evidence for you. It takes an attorney to negotiate a fair settlement on behalf of the victim and their family. Suing for Pain and Suffering After a Car Accident in Brooklyn Insurance providers are required to compensate for noneconomic damages and are available in many forms. Your Brooklyn accident lawyer may also be able to compensate you for emotional and mental trauma. Even if you were not injured in an auto accident, you may be left with unsettling anxiety and PTSD after the experience. Anxiety can be disrupting in several ways. For instance, You may have nightmares after the car accident You may suffer from insomnia You may not want to drive again, which may impact your ability to engage in activities and travel to work A competent Brooklyn car accident lawyer will maximize damages by suing the insurance company for your losses. Furthermore, it can be challenging to prove noneconomic damages. This is especially true if there are no physical injuries. You will need to coordinate with medical professionals to show that your anxiety and mental health concerns are because of the accident. A capable car accident attorney Brooklyn NY will help gather the evidence required for maximizing settlement. Calculating Accurate Worth of Damages After a Brooklyn Auto Accident You need to calculate an accurate value of your damages if you want to file a car accident claim in Brooklyn, New York. This can be a challenging process. Most victims receive less than fair compensation because they miss out on including noneconomic damages while calculating the value of the claim. Experienced Brooklyn vehicle accident attorneys can help you assess the worth of your claim, including the value of emotional distress. Your attorney will help you determine the accurate monetary value of both economic and noneconomic damages. They will look at physical and psychological aspects of the injury. You may need to visit different medical professionals for determining the extent of emotional trauma. It may be connected to a diagnosable psychological condition or physical ailments. Emotional distress can have far-reaching consequences. In severe cases, it may result in a physical reaction in the body. People suffering from severe PTSD find it difficult to eat and make lasting connections. You may lose weight because of your incapacity to eat. Stress can have physical symptoms if not managed timely. You may notice skin irritations, headaches, fatigue, and hair falling out from all the stress. Emotional distress doesn’t always show outward physical symptoms. A seasoned auto accident attorney in Brooklyn may be able to help you get compensation for severe anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. You will be referred to a mental health professional that helps in determining the extent of distress. Suing a Government Entity After Your Car Accident There are strict procedures to suing the city after a car accident. You can sue the New York City, its representatives, employees, and other government entities, such as the metropolitan transit authority, health department, and parks department among others. Moreover, you may need to work with a Brooklyn car accident law firm since there are different procedures and limitations for suing a government entity. These are people who have been through the legal battlefields before and know how to survive in a diverse set of environments. The Notice of Claim has to be filed within 90 days of the event. The city then gets 30 days to request a hearing. You and your Brooklyn car accident lawyer will need to prepare the case within the statute of limitations. You cannot put off taking action if your car accident was with an ambulance or city bus. Reasons to Hire a Brooklyn Car Accident Attorney Losing a loved one or getting injured in an auto accident can take a financial, physical, and emotional toll. You can relieve your stress and enjoy peace of mind by having a capable and experienced auto accident lawyer Brooklyn work on your claim. An attorney’s primary goal is to obtain maximum financial compensation.
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jmlawyerus-blog · 4 years
Jacoby & Meyers, LLP
8701 3rd Avenue Brooklyn NY 11209 USA 1-877-488-1707 [email protected] https://www.jmlawyer.com/ny/brooklyn/
The Brooklyn personal injury lawyers of Jacoby & Meyers, LLP are dedicated to providing seriously injured individuals with personal service and unsurpassed legal representation. Each Jacoby & Meyers, LLP client is assigned a dedicated legal team. Led by an experienced attorney, our teams have the expertise necessary to meet the unique needs of each case. Our injury lawyers have successfully obtained countless verdicts and settlements on behalf of individuals injured in motor vehicle crashes, motorcycle crashes, construction site accidents, and other complex and catastrophic injury cases. If you’ve suffered a personal injury accident in New York or New Jersey, call us right now for your free consultation or you can contact us to submit your case for review.
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ozerilawfirmi · 3 years
Advantages of hiring a personal injury lawyer
Mitchell has the knowledge and experience to take on any case.
He is well versed in personal injury law , including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian injuries, wrongful death claims, and other accidents.
Mitchell Ozeri will be able to guide you through every step of the process.
Call for a free consultation at (718) 859-4686.
Contact Us:
Ozeri Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyers Address: 1 Hillel Place, Brooklyn, NY 11210, US Phone:(718) 859-4686 Email:[email protected]
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How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help - 8 Dos and Don'ts For Car Accident Victims
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Insights show that most Americans will be in at any rate one auto collision during their lifetime, and auto crashes are additionally the main source of death for individuals 34 years of age and more youthful. These realities can be credited to a great deal of things: tanked driving, phone use while in the driver's seat, inability to wear safety belts. Whatever the reasons, the reality stays that you, at the end of the day, might be associated with a car collision when you wouldn't dare hoping anymore.
In light of this, here are 8 significant Rules and regulations for car crash casualties. These tips can help manage you should you be engaged with a car crash and may be considering recruiting an auto collision legal advisor.
4 Dos for Fender bender Casualties
1. Look for clinical treatment after the mishap in the event that you are harmed. Adrenaline or stun may cause you to feel like you're okay, yet you actually need a specialist to affirm that you're alright. In case you're not feeling great, portray to your doctor the wounds you have. Try not to overstate. Simply ensure you totally relate what you've experienced and where you need assistance.
2. Whenever asked by your primary care physician to return for a reverify, do as such. Once more, you may feel like you're now alright, yet. It's ideal to follow physician's instructions
3. Have all your doctor's visit expenses charged to your health care coverage organization. The at-fault insurance agency will at last cover the bills yet that doesn't occur until the case is settled. Meanwhile, your health care coverage organization will deal with your doctor's visit expenses.
4. Take pictures that show any property harm your vehicle has because of the mishap. It's acceptable practice to have visual proof of the harm for documentation purposes.
4 Don'ts for Fender bender Casualties
1. Try not to give a recorded assertion of what befell anybody without first talking with an auto collision legal advisor. This is just to ensure you don't utter a word that may contrarily influence your case should you choose to seek after a case.
2. Try not to sign approvals for the arrival of your clinical records. Again, without appropriate legitimate guidance from a specialist auto crash legal advisor, marking anything is never a smart thought. Before you give anyone approval to do anything, ensure you totally comprehend your privileges. More here Brooklyn no fault physical therapist
3. Anyway enticing, don't post anything about the mishap or your wounds on any informal communication locales. By no means tweet or post on Facebook about how you were in an auto crash, except if you get earlier endorsement from an auto collision attorney. Make an effort not to impart any mishap data to anybody.
4. Try not to expound on the mishap, your wounds, or clinical treatment in your journal or diary. Once more, don't make any composed or recorded record of your experience without talking with an auto crash legal counselor. This isn't on the grounds that you're considering recording a claim, however to ensure you don't do whatever may undermine your case in the event that you would choose you like to document one.
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lawpllc · 2 years
According to the team at Levine & Wiss, the best auto accident lawyer Brooklyn has in practice, over the past few years, the borough of Brooklyn has had more and more car accident claims filed each year. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the most important factors is that individuals across Brooklyn are simply becoming more educated on their rights as victims. For more information about your car accident claim, be sure to contact Levine & Wiss today.
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newyorklawnow · 4 years
Personal Injury And Litigation Practice At Godosky & Gentile
At Godosky & Gentile, we are knowledgeable and skilled in personal injury and related litigation for New York City.  
At Godosky & Gentile, we are knowledgeable and skilled in personal injury and related litigation for New York City and throughout the surrounding area. We can work to hold parties responsible for any injury you have suffered.
In addition to medical malpractice, premises liability, construction and work-related accidents and motor vehicle accidents, we also take on a number of other personal injury cases, including:
Products     Liability (including, defective construction or auto/truck parts)
Police     Misconduct (false arrest, assault-related injuries, police shootings)
Business     Litigation/Disputes
Sexual Harassment
Wrongful     Death Claims
Personal Service And Responsive Staff
We pride ourselves on giving personal attention to our clients and being responsive to their needs. This is just as important to us as the quality of our legal representation.
Our lawyers do not take a volume of cases, but rather we are selective and take a few so that each client receives more attention. At Godosky & Gentile, we work as a team and make sure you get the answers you need.
Some of our notable cases in personal injury and litigation have included:
$25 million verdict for a     Brooklyn man who was shot and claimed excessive force by a New York City     police officer.
$3 million verdict in     favor of an 11-year-old child falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted     by the New York City Housing Authority.
$2.75 million settlement     on behalf of the family of a man killed in an airline crash.
Our results speak to our experience and skill. Read more about our successful verdicts and settlements here.
Free Initial Consultations
If you would like an attorney to evaluate your claim, call Godosky & Gentile directly at 212-742-9700, or contact us online today. We serve clients in the Bronx, Brooklyn and across the entire tri-state area.
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Personal Injury Attorney Brooklyn Fights Civil Negligence Cases
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People in Brooklyn have seen a fair share of accidents but some victims never resort to legal help to fight these civil negligence. Most of these victims do not even know that they are entitled to compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, and all the suffering. With the help of a personal injury attorney Brooklyn victims can raise their concern on this matter, and claim what is rightfully theirs – compensation yes, but more importantly honor and integrity. Michael, Astrid, and other capable injury lawyers from Ribowsky Law will fight for your legal rights if you ever get into a slip-and-fall, auto accident. To get a free contingency-based legal consultation on all these matters, especially negligence, premise liability, falls, and car accidents feel free to reach us.
Ribowsky Law
Personal injury attorney
333 Stanley Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207, United States
Phone No:
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edwardryoung-blog · 4 years
personal Injury  Bronx NY
Tips to select the best accident attorney Some of the benefits of hiring an attorney
If you have involved in any car accident resulting in personal injury or sidewalk accident or monetary losses in Bronx NY, Brooklyn NY, Long Island, Suffolk County NY, Nassau County NY, it is better to hire a personal injury attorney. Without a personal injury lawyer, when you approach your insurance company for an insurance claim, there are chances of denial with some lament reasons.
A personal injury lawyer in Long island can guide you face the insurance company and officials. They can do the procedure in receiving your claim benefits on time. A personal injury attorney can efficiently handle the cases, bringing the best legal possibilities. They will be your advocate for the entire case period, thus bringing you a positive outcome.
After deciding to hire an auto accident lawyer in Brooklyn NY, you should look for certain most important things regarding the accident lawyer. Here are some of them:
Right lawyer for right purpose: Nassau country NY offers you different lawyers who focus on a different area of the accident. Make sure you hire the correct accident attorney like for a slip and fall or sidewalk accident. For instance, if you recently had a dog bite accident, Dog bite attorneys are well available in Bronx NY.
Proper research on accident lawyer’s reputation: It is important to look for other people’s opinions. Here from people about the best car accident attorney in Suffolk country NY, this will help you choose the right one with a profound reputation. It maximizes your chance of winning the case.
Look at the availability of the auto accident attorney: If your chosen auto accident lawyer is fully occupied, and they are unavailable for taking your claim immediately, it is better to choose a different auto accident attorney.
Evaluate your comfort level with car accident lawyer: Only a good rapport between you and your attorney will ease the claim process. Your slip and fall attorney should start feeling your comfort level from the beginning. Decide where you want to hire this lawyer or not.
A sidewalk accident attorney will streamline the claim process fast
They offer you with compassionate and knowledgeable support in case of any insurance claims
The sidewalk accident lawyer will patiently and honestly address your concern and questions
They will assess your claims thoroughly and explain the legal options with clarity
Manage all your legal aspects, for easily recovering of the claim
These legal experts also consult with specialist and experts for loopholes of the case
They help to protect the validity of the claim
All your injury claims require an experienced attorney for a better solution. Whether you need a crane accident attorney or a dog bite lawyer, look for the above-mentioned factors check if you can reap the major benefits from them. Your cases will not remain in the paper for a long time with the best attorney for your guidance.
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jmlawyerus-blog · 4 years
Jacoby & Meyers, LLP
8701 3rd Avenue Brooklyn NY 11209 USA 1-877-488-1707 [email protected] https://www.jmlawyer.com/ny/brooklyn/
The Brooklyn personal injury lawyers of Jacoby & Meyers, LLP are dedicated to providing seriously injured individuals with personal service and unsurpassed legal representation. Each Jacoby & Meyers, LLP client is assigned a dedicated legal team. Led by an experienced attorney, our teams have the expertise necessary to meet the unique needs of each case. Our injury lawyers have successfully obtained countless verdicts and settlements on behalf of individuals injured in motor vehicle crashes, motorcycle crashes, construction site accidents, and other complex and catastrophic injury cases. If you’ve suffered a personal injury accident in New York or New Jersey, call us right now for your free consultation or you can contact us to submit your case for review.
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Ribowsky Law
Ribowsky Law Is An Award Winning Personal Injury, slips, falls & auto (cars, trucks & motorcycles) Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn, NY 11221 in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Kings County. We are located near the 11206 (Bushwick), 11237 (Williamsburg), 11233 (Weeksville) & 11213 (Crown Heights) postal zip codes. Call our visit our top rated staff today at: Ribowsky Law 843 Lexington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221 (347) 201-1042 https://www.mrinjurylawyerny.com/bedford-stuyvesant/. We maintain the highest ratings online from Google, YELP, AVVO, Nolo & More. Call now for a free contingency based legal consultation on all legal matters pertaining to negligence, premises liability, falls, accidents, injuries and much more. https://www.mrinjurylawyerny.com/bedford-stuyvesant/
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