#Avenging Angel || Citrine
dragonsxng · 4 years
“Haaah...” The smaller dragon sighed for yet the thousandth time this outing. They had thought it impossible, but... “I am starting to envy Nocte’s designation as today’s babysitter.” They growled out, staring at the ring on their right ring-finger with mixed emotions. Oh, how the mighty fall. Not even a day into this trip and they were preferring yelling spawn children to the absolute nothing going on in this world.
The taller, red-headed dragon cackled as they tucked some seeds away into their pack. “I never said you had to come with. Actually, I distinctly remembering warning that you wouldn’t enjoy this trip.”
The shorter scoffed as a purple hue rose to their face, “Tch. Shut up... Are you done gathering from this spot?” Yet even without confirmation, they started to stray and wander from their beloved. It wasn’t long before the unmistakable stench of blood and death met their senses, a fist going to cover their nose before their thoughts could spiral, scolding themself that they were supposed to be doing better.
And compounding on doing better, they advanced to look for any sort of source or survivors. Both of which seemed to have long since fled the scene. “Ignis!! Something happened over here!” They called out, hand leaving their face to draw in a breath they weren’t aware they had been holding. Pointed ears twitched upon hearing a distraught sound of disgust, rushing over to support their partner.
“What happened here...?” The red-head murmured, coiling their tail around their waist and hands going to hold their hair above the ground- not even daring for a moment to let the scene stain their person.
After an underwhelming amount of discussion, the duo agreed to go investigate. Following the trail of blood and any footprints left behind. Soon enough winding up at Doma Castle. The shorter was quick to express their displeasure, scoffing while staring up at the structure. “Mortals sure think highly of themselves... Especially with such atrocities they regularly commit.”
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dragonsxng · 4 years
A curious place their travels landed them this time. A land so colorful, rainbows glistening from gems spiking out from the ground.
Citrine had to be honest, this place was so incredibly beautiful, despite how much it reminded them of the faes’ forests back home. Though... looking at that castle in the center of the land, ethereal wings branching out from it. Perhaps this place wasn’t so different from the fae lands they knew of.
Mismatched eyes fell closed as they breathed in the scent of flowers all around them. Wings spread briefly before they fell back, falling onto their back into a bed of flowers. It felt nice, being close to such nature. 
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dragonsxng · 4 years
Fiery portal closing behind them, Citrine looked around. ...No idea where they were. Excellent! They spun a bit in place, promptly getting tangled up in both braid and tail. Even more excellent! With a pout, they blew a strand of hair from their face and slowly started to untangle themself. They weren’t even really sure how they managed that. Regardless, time to poke around and get some sense of where they wound up for this little adventure. They sent their partner a quick message to inform that they had gone through safely, before tucking the phone away and beginning to walk.
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dragonsxng · 4 years
Just where had they wound up...? The people inhabiting this world reminded them of their family in appearance. So when they wound up in the black market and saw the ‘products’ their stomach churned.
Citrine clamped a hand over their mouth, trembling a little bit. They had arrived in this world so close to the black market, they weren’t sure where they should go to get away from this place. The stench of blood was invading their senses, making their stomach churn even more.
“I need to get out of here...” The dragon whimpered, trying to spread their wings to just fly away. But it was too tight a space, and too tightly packed...
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dragonsxng · 5 years
Citrine was sitting at a desk at the library, a pile of books stacked high next to them. One book was in hand, the dragon reading intently. The books were piled around them, obscuring their view of most of the surrounding area. Earbuds were dangling loosely from pointed ears as the dragon listened to music while they read. They even hummed softly as they continued to be absorbed into the material they were looking at. Off in their own little world~
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dragonsxng · 4 years
Green flames opened up a rift between worlds. Citrine stepped out from the portal a little ways away from the temple, still on the beach. They looked around, noting the large structure in the distance. Mismatched eyes looked it over while they thought about going over there.
It looked important, so they were hesitant to approach. Though on the same side of the coin, it looked important, so someone could possibly help them get a sense of direction.
After a few minutes of going back and forth with themself, they approached the structure. Wings stretched briefly as they looked around, checking to see if anyone was outside and could help before they risked bothering anyone inside.
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dragonsxng · 4 years
Citrine had just landed at their newest destination to explore, tucking their hair back some before starting to wander. Their wings tucked in as they looked around, mentally mapping out what they could see of their surroundings.
They started walking, obviously very out of place. Standing tall at 8′, bearing horns, fluffy feathery wings, and a tail on their body. Seeing how...short most of these people were compared to them, and compared to many mortals back home. This was...proving some difficulty in getting around and not bumping into anyone.
Citrine was doing rather well, until they ended up bumping into someone. The redhead stumbled back a little, looking down with a hand outstretched to try and help whoever they had potentially knocked over.
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dragonsxng · 4 years
have a little fact as a treat.
citrine forges both their and fayalite’s weapons, which is why most of said weapons look rather elegant (but no less functional)
fayalite regularly protests the weapons looking pretty, but citrine insists that if fayalite has to look at it everytime they get in a fight with someone/something (which is almost daily), it should at least look nice.
even with all their protesting, fayalite’s weapons are kept in pristine condition, despite all the usage.
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dragonsxng · 4 years
hi hiiii~! i’ve finished up with the redesign sketches for my main two. i’ll work on the digital portion of the art tomorrow and monday, and will hopefully have things more lively on here by then or sooner!
sketches are under the cut for those curious, colors will be pretty much the same from current art! <3
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dragonsxng · 5 years
Well... This place was wholly unfamiliar to them. The dragon looked about nervously, letting out an occasional anxious sounding whine. Everything was so...foreign... So much more advanced than other mortal domains they had been to-
“Oh gods... where have I wound up this time?” Citrine tucked their wings in uncomfortably close, trying to get some sense of direction in this place. And then, they spotted her. By the naked eye, just an ordinary mortal girl. But there was a hunch that they couldn’t shake. That, unassuming as she seemed, she could help them.
They hurried over to the pink-haired girl, boots tapping against the pavement. The redhead towered over the poor thing, looking down at her with an apologetic expression. “E-Excuse me...? I seem to have gotten myself lost...”
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dragonsxng · 4 years
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(slapping a super old icon down cause i dont have any more recent headshots XD)
Name: Citrine Ionred Ri’fyre
Age: 20,000 (20)
Height: 8′
Species: Cloud Dragon
Gender: Nonbinary
Nationality: Non-Applicable (original world)
Birthday: August 15
Star sign: Leo
Residence: The Sapphire Sanctum (currently), The Dragon Kingdom (formerly), [REDACTED] (never considered it home.)
Marital status: Happily married to one of their loves of their life, planning to propose to the other. (polyamorous)
Alignment: Neutral good
Drink: Tea
Food: Chocolate
Day or night: Night
Snacks: Anything and everything sweet
Pet: Duke (ragdoll cat), Earl (british shorthair)
Color: Green
Flower: They don’t have a favorite, they prefer to cultivate all sorts of flowers
Sexuality: Demisexual
Blood type: Magic~
Eye color: Green (left), Red (right)
Hair color: Red
tagged by: stole from/tagged by @startingovertime​
tagging: everyone! (only if you want to, though, no pressure!)
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dragonsxng · 5 years
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Books. Citrine wasn’t a hundred percent sure on how they wound up here. But, they were absolutely sure they knew a fantastic library when they saw one. The dragon may as well have ascended into the heavens with the vast expanse of knowledge they saw at the ready. They didn’t see anyone in their immediate line of vision.... soooo...
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Time to explore!! Citrine hurried deeper into the library, glancing over each and every book’s spine, piling up their arms with books to start off with. Little flowers popped into existence to mark where each book was supposed to go once they were done.
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dragonsxng · 5 years
The sounds of music, cheering, and mugs against counters filled their ears. The redhead wasn’t hard to miss in the slightest, due to how they tended to tower over the average person. Citrine was just watching for now, having reservations about getting a drink themself.
If they were being honest- they practically never drank. So, they were unsure of how they’d handle a little booze. Rather than find out and risk getting stranded in another world while drunk, they just held back on participating in the revelry.
Their wings ruffled a little before tucking in close to their back again. Tail was tucked, and wings tucked even more painfully close. Not the most comfortable way to spend the evening... But it was much preferable and better than taking up unnecessary space.
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dragonsxng · 5 years
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This was a place unfamiliar to them. They could recall exploring worlds they looked like this, but never worlds which contained this much hostility. The confused, hostile looks they were receiving had them on edge. A sinking feeling settled in their stomach as they realized something.
If they were human...things would be so, so much worse...
Feeling on edge, they decided to add a factor of intimidation to their appearance. They summoned and drew their bow, knocking an arrow to the string and held at the ready. That thankfully seemed to keep most at bay, thankfully.
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dragonsxng · 4 years
Enneagram Test
Type 2: The Giver
Ego Fixation: Flattery and Manipulation Holy Idea: Will, Freedom Basic Fear: Being unloved Motivations: Wanting to be loved, wanting to express their feelings for others, needing to be appreciated and valued, wanting to prove themselves Virtue to Learn: Humility
The basis of The Giver type personality arises from a distortion of the Holy Ideas of Will and Freedom. Holy Freedom is the idea that all acts by a human are not separate from the totality, or "Will," of the cosmos. From an absolute perspective, it is impossible to act in any way that is not part of the will of existence.
When this understanding is lost or distorted, it results in a personality type that anxiously believes itself to be separate from existence. Therefore, The Giver tends to habitually seek the approval of others, and sometimes may even resort to manipulation or flattery to gain approval. This people pleasing defense mechanism was learned early on in life as a result of the belief that when others are happy, safety ensues.
On the other hand, Giver's are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted people. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing.
The Giver typically has problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs before others.
Type 8: The Boss (or Challenger)
Ego Fixation: Vengeance (objectification) Holy Idea: Truth Basic Fear: Being harmed or controlled by others Motivations: Wanting to be self-reliant, desiring to prove their strength and resist weakness, wanting to be important, needing to dominate and to "stay in control" of life Virtue To Learn: Innocence
The Holy Idea of "Truth" is the understanding that All is One: the entire universe, with all of its levels and dimensions, is an expression of the One no matter how fragmented the subjective mind perceives it.
When this fundamental understanding is obscured or lost, it can result in a personality type that sees reality in a very dualistic way (justice/injustice, strong/weak, good/bad etc.) and sees itself as essentially "bad" or "guilty." To numb the pain of this core wound, The Boss overcompensates by controlling others or by dominating situations so that they don't feel vulnerable.
'Active Bosses' tend towards intensity and rigidity, being disciplinarians given to conflict and aggression, and protectiveness towards the weak. 'Passive Bosses,' on the other hand, incline toward hedonism and indulge in excess. The Boss' behavior comes as a result of growing up in an environment where weakness (showing vulnerability) is frowned upon. Thus, The Boss learns that success lies in controlling others, not in being controlled by them.
On the other hand, The Boss tends to be fair, confident, and self-reliant.
Tagged by: @magicalgirlfumiko
Tagging: @promiseofdawn @bleppiesabundance @midgarmerc @pcrles @roseicicles @sphinxsmuses @phoh-rerereboot
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dragonsxng · 5 years
REPOST || BOLD WHICHEVER APPLIES TO YOUR MUSE || Italic being occasional and situational
Chosen muse: Citrine Ionred Ri’Fyre
bruised knuckles | bloody noses | eye-rolling | empty bottles | messy hair | sarcasm | lip biting | unwashed jeans | coffee breath | loud music | broken neon signs | chipped nail polish | leather jackets | always wearing headphones | swearing | sneaking out at 3 am | dark lipstick | frown creases | burning cigarettes | plaid shirts | under eye circles | dark colors
honey tea | flower crowns | giggling | blowing kisses | dancing without worries | white lace | soft textures | fluffy throw pillows | using too many heart emojis | empathy | constant daydreaming | handwritten letters | fairy lights | bullet journals | designated driver | warm hugs | garden picnics | quiet | smile lines | optimism | flowy clothes | pastel colors
Tagged By: @fxtelism
Tagging: @bleppiesabundance | @thealphashypal | @fcrscken | @roseicicles | @pcrles | anyone else who may want to do this!
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