deidrefromthenorth · 3 years
Please write a Part two, of this one, with this Picture Here 🙏🙏, i fucking Love the Story!
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Remember me? (part 2)
Fanfic : Avi x Female Reader
You were walking quickly down the street because it had started to rain. Again. You held the hood of your raincoat so it wouldn't fall back and get your head wet. You never used an umbrella. You hated them since you were a child and your mother always asked you to carry one. "Carry an umbrella!" she always yelled at you before leaving the house, even though there was only a single harmless cloud in the sky. "If it rains, I prefer to get wet" you told her before she had time to scold you. In any case, an umbrella would have been useless in the wind that had begun to blow very strongly.
You were waiting to getting home soon, changing your clothes and making yourself a nice hot cup of tea. Your day had been hard and you felt like the time to leave work would never come. When you turned the corner of the street, the wind began to blow stronger and the rain was heavier. You felt like your shoes were starting to fill with water. That day you didn't feel like wearing your high boots and you chose some nice blue leather shoes with laces. That decision would not go down in history as the best you ever had. You sheltered from the downpour under the awning of a local with more people and waited. You didn't want to get sick just because you got home five minutes early. Anyway, anybody wasn't waiting for you. That thought made you a little sad.
A few days ago you had met Avi. He had been such a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Loneliness never bothered you, it had been quite some time since you had ended your previous relationship, but you were in no hurry to meet someone new. Fate brought Avi to your door, literally, and something inside you had awakened. You really liked him when you met him and he seemed to show an interest in you too. You had talked about meeting up to go out together sometime, but days had passed and he had never called or seen you again even though he was right at the house across the street from you. You could have called him, but you were shy about it. You were deep in thought, upset that more people were starting to gather there and there wasn't enough room for everyone. You feel overwhelmed when other people invade your personal space, especially if they are strangers. That makes you feel very upset and uncomfortable. Someone steps on your foot and you complain loudly, someone else shoves you and your bag almost falls to the ground. "Oh please, if it's just rain, what's wrong with these people?" you thought. At that moment, you feel that someone speaks behind you. "Heyyy" says a male voice, very deep. You were angry and you didn't feel like being bothered by any guy. You bowed your head and hoped he wouldn't speak to you again. You just wanted to get home. The guy insisted and you wanted to turn around and tell him to leave you alone. You were about to, but you heard him call your name and gently touch your elbow. "Avi?" You looked at him surprised. He was was walking out the door and addressing you with the most beautiful smile. You looked around trying to understand what he was doing coming out of a Hairdresser Salon for ladies. He laughed when he saw the expression on your face and explained that he had gone to accompany his grandmother to do her hair. He points inside the place. He tells you that they just arrived. He asks if you want to join him for coffee because he's going to have to wait at least two hours for his grandmother to be ready. "Then I'll take you home" he said "I drove my grandmother's car here." You smiled and accepted. He went back inside to get his coat and tells to his grandmother, then came out to meet you. It was still raining a lot, but he had an umbrella. "Good idea" you told him amused showing him your empty hands. He laughed and told you that he had brought it because his grandmother had asked him to so that her hair would not be ruined by the rain. "I never use an umbrella," he said. “Yeah, me neither” you said. "I prefer to get wet" you both spoke at the same time and you started laughing. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders bringing you closer to him so the rain wouldn't wet you. It was a small natural gesture, but you felt your heart warm a little. You walked leisurely towards a small cafeteria.
It was a quiet place and good music was playing. You sat at a table by the window and the waitress attended to you right away. She was a very pretty young girl who gave Avi a flirtatious smile. It seemed that he hadn't noticed her, or he was pretending hadn't noticed her. She soon brought you two hot lattes and you thanked her, but she just smiled back at Avi and you thought she had surreptitiously winked at him. You didn't say anything and neither did he. As soon as the girl left, you were silent for a moment and you couldn't help but fix your eyes on him. You liked to notice that his appearance seemed more rested. He looked down and smiled. His smile seemed broader and more relaxed as well. You noticed that he wore lighter colors and gray suited him very well. After a while, the girl returned with a small tray of cookies. “A present from me” she said with her charming smile on her lips “They are gingerbread cookies that I make myself”. We both thanked her and she ignored me again. I cleared my throat and tried not to let that bother me, but I thought she was being pretty rude. You was upset, but it bothered you more to feel like you was being jealous. Avi wasn't your boyfriend, but why was that girl trying to seduce him in front of you? As soon as she was gone again, Avi grabbed a cookie and took a bite. "They're good" he said and he brought the tray to you so you could try them too. “No thanks” you replied. “I'm not hungry” Actually you was, but you just didn't want anything from that girl. Avi smiled and took another. "I'm always hungry," he said shyly, and the words tangled a bit on his tongue. You smiled and told him that you had already noticed. That made him laugh heartily and you relaxed a little more.
You talked a lot. He told you that he had been very busy those days and that he was looking forward to nice weather so that the two of them could go for a walk in the woods. "Don't think I've forgotten," he said. You told him that during the week you was quite busy too, but on weekends you had free time. Right away you started to organize a small bike tour. You had thought it would be nice to take the path through the woods to the lake. He was excited when you proposed it to him because he had very fond memories of when he was a child.
Time went by so fast and you were both having a great time. If it wasn't for the waitress's behavior at the beginning, this might have been your favorite cafeteria. You were excitedly talking about leaving early on Sunday and having a picnic by the lake, when a song started playing and you noticed Avi was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. He looked at his watch and shifted in his chair. You continued talking, but he interrupted you to tell you that he was going to the restroom. You was surprised by the change in his attitude and you wondered what had happened to him. You watched him as he walked towards the back door. The waitress said something to him and he waved at her. When he came out, he walked over to the bar and talked to the waitress. You saw him take his wallet out of his pocket, but the waitress wouldn't let him pay for the coffees. You frowned as she handed him a piece of paper and he wrote something down and slid it across the counter to the girl who read it with eyes sparkling with delight. When he returned to you, he suggested that you leave because his grandmother would be ready. You nodded and tried to smile, but you couldn't. You put on our coats and went outside. It was still raining, but very little. He opened his umbrella and you felt the warmth of his body as he walked up to me. “Nice place” he said looking at you. “Yeah” you mumbled “good music” He blushed and laughed. "Wow… I thought you hadn't noticed" You looked at him, but didn't say anything. You really didn't know what he was talking about. “When my song came on,” he continued, explaining with a laugh, “the girl put it on because she's a fan. She has invited us so I have signed an autograph for her ” You was surprised and felt a bit silly. "She has also told me that my wife is very pretty," he said. You froze thinking he was married, you did not think to whom the girl had referred, but suddenly, at that moment you realized and blushed. He put his arm around your shoulders again, although it wasn't necessary because it had stopped raining and you were the only ones walking under an umbrella on the street.
The End.
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