#Awesome Income App review 2015
lowbrokerspost · 4 years
Does Zerodha have Reliable Trading Platform and Products?
This is one of the most popular queries that investors have in their mind as it is quite tough to deposit your hard-earned money and leave it on sole-discretion, authority of a discount brokerage firm. Investors must have a clear idea about the features of trading platforms, products and involved terms and conditions. Besides the easy zerodha account opening process, Zerodha has some awesome features to offer. In this Zerodha review we try to cover the various products and trading platforms involved.
1. Kite 3.0 (Zerodha’s Web-based Trading Platform)
Kite was launched in November 2015. It is a web-based HTML 5 fast & lightweight trading platform that is efficiently used for trading on tablets, mobiles as well as web browsers. Kite has been developed Zerodha’s team under guidance from is trade experts who’ve tried their level best to inculcate required features. The platform has undergone rigorous updates to absorb changes and stay relevant with investor’s needs. The platform offers extensive features such as extensive charting facility with more than 100 indicators and 6 charting types, a full market watch facility, advanced ordering facilities like cover and brackets. Traders can access it free of cost.
2. Kite iOS/Kite Android (Zerodha’s Mobile Trading App)
Kite is Zerodha’s smartphone application offering for iOS and Android platforms. Kite mobile app is free of cost available for everyone to satisfy their monitoring and trading needs in fields of commodity and stocks market. Kite mobile app can be considered the most advanced trading apps available within the country that also offers data live streaming facility from the NSE, BSE and MCX.
3.  Zerodha Console (Dashboard reporting facility)
Console is Zerodha’s back office platform offering. It is Zerodha’s reporting and trade dashboard facility that lets Zerodha’s customers monitor and view all their investment segments like derivatives, stocks and mutual funds etc. at a single place. Investors also get the luxury of accessing various stock reports, get account statements, download contract documents and place withdrawal requests. The ‘Console’ also offers you analytics tools like heatmap and tradebook.
4.  Zerodha Sentinel (Zerodha’s tool for price alerting)
Sentinel is Zerodha’s cloud-based tool that lets Zerodha customers set price notification and alerts on futures, stocks and options. Sentinel’s unique feature is that unlike other price alerting tools it isn’t machine dependent and gets triggered even while the computer is off. Notifications are sent through e-mail and Kite every single time fluctuations happen and price alerting takes place. Interestingly Sentinel lets traders set dynamic price alert on more than 70,000 derivatives, stocks and bonds etc., across numerous stock exchanges.
5.  Zerodha Coin (Zerodha’s wing for Mutual Fund Investments)
Zerodha Coin is Zerodha’s mutual fund investment offering. Coin lets people invest directly in mutual funds which means commission-free mutual fund investment facility. With the platform investors can save over 1.5% amount on commissions each year. Mutual funds are stored in the same way as other instruments i.e. in demat account liked with Zerodha’s trading accounts.
6.  Call & Trade Facility
Customers who face difficulty in coming online can use the like of Call & Trade service by paying an additional sum of Rs. 50 per trader.
Additive products for Zerodha Kite
The Zerodha review is incomplete without discussing the addons that come along with Zerodha’s Kite platform. Trading tools offered by Zerodha are as follows-  
Sensibull- Sensibull is Zerodha’s options trading platform that helps investors with trading strategies based on their market handling and viewpoint. Sensibull traders can compare the strategies available and choose according their profitablity
With Sensibull, traders can compare various strategies, evaluate their profitability, understand risks and then execute it from the platform. It also allows traders to create custom option trading strategies.
GoldenPi- It is an online bonds & debentures trading platform. The automated, and technology-enabled platform provides real-time updates on new investment options, incoming interest payments to your A/C, and personal assistance. GoldenPi doesn't charge any fee from customers. The minimum investing amount in bonds Rs 10,000.
0 notes
williamlwolf89 · 5 years
372 How Serena Appiah Grew Thrift Diving after Getting Fired
Do you want to know some of Serena Appiah’s secrets for keeping your blog growing after leaving your job? If you’ve been thinking about ways to expand your brand’s reach, but aren’t sure of the best path… you’re in luck! In this interview, Serena shares the exact steps she took to grow Thrift Diving into a 6-figure blog after losing her job.
Who is Serena Appiah?
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Serena Appiah
If this is your first encounter with Serena, you are in for a treat! Serena is the owner, publisher, and carpenter-in-training behind Thrift Diving! Currently made up of a blog and a YouTube channel, Thrift Diving inspires people to decorate, improve, and maintain their homes using things like paint, power tools, and items from thrift stores. 
As a mom of three boys between the ages of 7 and 13, Serena has outfitted her home with many thrift store treasures — not only because it's economical and fun, but because raising three boys means things will get dirty (or broken!). She’s also been blogging in some form since 2006, so she has lots of insight & experience to share with us!
Why Serena Started Blogging
Back in 2006, Serena only saw blogging as a way to let her friends and family know what was happening in her life. She would write posts here and there, but never anything too serious. Then in 2010, she decided to start a dedicated blog around home decoration and repair. After two years of consistent posts, she found out that people were actually making money with blogs… 
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Serena's blog – Thrift Diving
Good money at that! Still, at her 9-5 job, Serena decided she would work to grow her blog into an income-producing business. By the time she lost her job in January 2015, Serena had built a profitable blog and an engaged community… but she still didn’t think it could serve as a full-time income source.
Moving From Part-time To Full-Time Blogger
When Serena lost her job, she only had about $1000 dollars saved. She decided she would collect unemployment, look for a job, and continue to build her business. All she wanted was enough money to pay the bills! Having made $10,000 in 2014, she had an idea of some steps she could take to move things forward… now it was time for action. Here are three things she did to get the ball rolling:
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Do free and valuable product reviews and show that your reviews are valuable.
Tip 1: Reach out to brands
Serena was fortunate to have already built some brand relationships at this point. For those starting out, think of some favorite blog-related products you already use. Reach out to those companies and offer to promote their product/brand to your audience. Brands may be hesitant at first – that's okay! Do a free product review or two (if needed) and show that your promotion is valuable. Once they see that value, your first brand deal won't be far away (we'll dig deeper into this in a minute).
Tip 2: Be intentional about your time
Serena used a time-tracking app called Boosted to help organize herself. It also helped her to see how long tasks were taking to complete. As many of you probably know, blogging & building a business take time. Boosted made it simpler for Serena to manage and complete her projects before showing how she did it. Tracking her time helped Serena to sort out which new projects she could take on and which she couldn't.
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Boosted app helps Serena organize herself.
She also prioritized doing things that would produce income. It’s easy to get distracted by all that running a business can bring. Knowing her priorities from the start helped Serena continue in the right direction, even when obstacles came up.
Tip 3: Focus on optimizing SEO
We can’t stress enough how important SEO is to your blog’s success. Serena suggests taking time before writing your posts to research keywords that people are searching for. Compare a few, then make sure to add those into your title, the titles of your pictures, and throughout the post.
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Spend time to research keywords that people are looking for.
Also, ask yourself what your goal for this post is. Once that’s clear, make sure you’re focusing on creating value and solving problems. Google looks for quality. When you answer relevant questions, they are more likely to suggest your post. Google is your friend! The more you can use it to send you free traffic, the less time (and money) you’ll have to spend on marketing in the future.
Interacting With Brands
Serena has a lot of experience working with brands. She’s fortunate enough to have them coming to her now, but life wasn’t always that way. Here are some suggestions she keeps in mind for getting the most out of her brand partnerships:
Actively look for brands to work with
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Actively reach out to brands
It’s up to you to make sure brands know you are willing and able to advertise their product. Reach out to them directly, let them know you’re interested, then move on to the next. The least they can say is “no”. Most likely, they’ll suggest a free product review as a “first test”, then base future deals on those results. That’s fine! Show them that you’re worth the investment.
Caution – Easy distraction ahead
Once brands do start coming to you more often, you’ll have more leverage to negotiate with them. It will eventually get more difficult to choose between projects. Which is the better option: Paid, short-term brand deals? Or fun, longer-term personal projects that you'd already planned to complete?
Don’t be tempted to immediately go with the brand deal because there is money involved. Instead, focus on two things: projects that will excite you & that your audience will love. These will always put you in a good place and will help to keep your audience engaged at the same time.
Be okay with being uncomfortable asking for more
As you continue to grow, the numbers in your deals need to grow with you. That means adjusting your ‘fee’ with brands as you prove your value to them more and more. Keep in mind, brands have the money. They also will be more than happy to pay if the returns are right.
While it may be uncomfortable, asking for more than you think brands will pay for your task is the right thing to do. Remember, you have to pay taxes on whatever you’re getting from them too, so any extra you can get is helpful. Embrace the discomfort and you’ll be more likely to come away with a deal that just might surprise you. And if they agree too quickly? You probably didn’t ask for enough!
Serena’s Other Keys To Successfully Growing Your Blog
Told you Serena would have lots of valuable info to share! Keeping in mind even the few tips you’ve heard already will have you on the right track. But wait… there’s more! Below are a few last things Serena suggests you keep in mind to maximize your blog’s growth.
Diversify your platforms
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Diversify your platforms
It’s always good to be active in many places online. Serena's main platforms have been her blog/website, YouTube, and Pinterest. She uses her blog for written content, YouTube for video content, and Pinterest for connecting with the DIY community. When she started making YouTube videos, it completely changed her approach to work. It showed that her audience enjoyed the feeling of completing activities with her! Now, she rarely does any project without filming at least some of it to share.
YouTube has opened doors for Serena. It has brought new income streams (ie. affiliate products & brand deals), new subscribers (via ‘suggested videos’), and even inspired more creativity with her project ideas. That happens to be a great segue to our next point…
Listen to your gut
Occasionally, opportunities come up that force you to choose between two great options. In Serena’s case, this took the form of a brand deal that, at first, didn’t seem like something her audience would care about – but it looked like fun. She decided to go with her gut, made the video, and it ended up being one of her most popular uploads to date. Watch for these opportunities! Your audience feeds off of your energy – if you come across something that excites you, they just may enjoy it too!
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Create unique content that is doing well.
Make the content you don’t see others making
Keep an eye out for trends that other creators are jumping onto. Feel free to follow the trend yourself, but be careful to look for ways that you can put a different spin on it. Also, be very aware of which content is working for you, and make more of it. It’s easy to get caught up in being different, but remember that creating more of what’s doing well is important too.
Build an email list and engage with it:
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Build an email list and engage with them
Serena’s email list is something she admits she would like to do more with. She does, though, have systems in place that make sure it continues to grow and give value to her subscribers.
On sign-up, her new subscribers receive an email that includes 5 freebies. That first email also asks them to respond to the question, “What’s your biggest DIY struggle?”. She does this to begin engaging them but then takes it a step further. She hired her mom to respond whenever someone sends a message back! These responses give a more personal feel without the extra work for her, and they ‘whitelist' her email. No more visits to the spam folder for emails from Serena – highly recommend this!
Think about creating your own products to sell
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Create own products to sell.
Products (physical or digital) are awesome because they come from you as a personality. Your community will appreciate that you are looking to give back to them in such a valuable way! They should serve both as an income stream and as a catalyst for more engagement.
Serena never did have to go back to a “normal job”. Three months after leaving her 9-5, the money she earned from brand deals outpaced her unemployment checks – and it has only gone up from there. Making a reliable income from your blog soon after leaving your job is possible!
Now she attributes most of her blog’s success to three things: 1) Optimizing SEO, 2) Going with your gut, and 3) Learning to be comfortable in discomfort. Serena is a perfect example of recognizing what’s working, then taking action to improve things little by little. If you’re consistent, those small improvements can turn dreams into reality. With her tips in mind, commit to yourself that you’ll apply some (or all) of what you’ve learned here – if she can do it, you can too!
These tips are a great start, and I hope you’ll apply as many of them as possible – your blog will thank you! For those of you looking for an extra push and specific, hand-holding guidance with building your blog, join the Blogger Coaching Club! It’s a service I offer that many people have gotten the chance to benefit from, and I’d love for you to experience those benefits too! Click the link above to check it out. See you there!
Boosted App
Become a Blogger Coaching Club
The post 372 How Serena Appiah Grew Thrift Diving after Getting Fired appeared first on Become A Blogger by Leslie Samuel.
from SEO and SM Tips https://becomeablogger.com/28800/serena-appiah-grew-thrift-diving/
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
The Best of the Best Proven Side Hustles You Should Know About
Need to make a little (or a lot) of extra money this month?
Side hustles are an incredible way to boost your monthly income. Whether you want to stay home and make money from home, get out of the house to make money, or try something unique and fun – I have you covered.
This list is updated weekly and if there is anything you think I need to take out or add to the list, please let me know in the comments below the post.
Also, if you do find something and you’re having a lot of success with it, you’d be helping everyone out by sharing your win in the comments below. Thanks so much and enjoy the guide to making more money each month.
Side Hustle Guide
Table of Contents
Side Hustle Guide
My First Picks...
1. Share Your Opinion
2. Door Dash
4. Airbnb
5. Share Your Blog with the World
6. Become a Virtual Assistant
Online Hustles
7. Start a Social Media Marketing Business
8. Ebates (Now Rakuten)
9. Honey App
10. Inbox Dollars
11. Fiverr
12. Make Money with PayPal
13. Amazon
14. Amazon Affiliate Links
15. eBook Publishing
16. Etsy
17. Craigslist
18. User Testing
19. Become a Freelance Writer
20. Zazzle
21. eBay
22. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
23. Sell Your Photos Online
24. Start a Web Design Business
Driving Hustles
25. Uber/Lyft Driver-Partner
26. Uber Eats
27. Be a Paid Designated Driver
28. Drive People to the Airport
Extremely Passive Hustles
29. Rent Out Your Garage or Driveway
30. Become a Voiceover Artist
31. Rent out your Car
32. Rent out a Room full-time
Some Skill Required Hustles
33. Become an Online Coach
34. Create an Online Course
35. Spray Tanning
36. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
37. Develop an App
38. Catering
39. Computer Repair
40. Computer Training
41. Guitar Gigs
42. Guitar Lessons
43. Handyman Work
44. Lifeguard
45. Mobile Oil Change
46. Network Marketing
47. Personal Training
48. Tutoring
49. Teach Music Lessons
50. Start a Baking Business
51. Become a Sports Umpire
Physical Labor Hustles
52. Clean Pools
53. House Cleaning
54. Mowing Lawns
55. Painting Gates
56. Painting Services
57. Shoveling Snow
58. Wash Cars
59. Wash Windows
Unique Hustles
60. Rent out Your Baby Gear
61. Sell Your Hair Online
62. Paint Street Numbers
63. Sell Drinks
64. TaskRabbit
65. Start a Home Staging Business
66. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
67. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
68. Start a Vending Machine Business
69. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Hustles
70. Be a Sperm Donor
71. Be a Plasma Donor
72. Become a Cuddler
73. Pick up Dog Poop
74. Rent-a-Friend
Easy Peasy Hustles
75. Babysitting
76. Dog Walking
77. Gig Walking
78. Golf Course
79. House-sitting
80. Mystery Shopper
81. Pet Grooming
82. Pet Sitting
83. RedBox
84. Sell ScrapMetal
85. Tax Prep
86. Sign Spinner
87. Sign Holder
Final Takeaway
My First Picks…
These first five are favorites because they are quick ways to get started making extra money and they have long-term potential as well! All five of them do require an internet connection, but sine you’re reading this from the internet, I think you’re covered there ?
1. Share Your Opinion
and get money sent to your PayPal
Yup, you can actually generate side income by simply giving your opinion via online surveys. It’s not going to make you rich tomorrow, but it’s still a great way to generate extra income during your down time.
If you think surveys may be the way to go, check out our full list of the top survey companies for both online and offline opinions here.
Survey Junkie
  2. Door Dash
Door Dash is our favorite pick for food delivery because it’s been reported back to us that DoorDashers make slightly more than UberEats drivers. While we don’t have any factual statistics to prove this right or wrong, we still pick DoorDash over UberEats as our top side hustle for food delivery. If you have a car, bike, or scooter, get started with Door Dash today and start making money for your next vacation, your upcoming wedding, or whatever expense you’re saving for!
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Door Dash
VIPKID will pay you up to $22/hour to teach English from the comfort of your home to children in China. Currently VIPKID has over 70,000 teachers teaching English as a second language to over 600,000 children in China.
They do require you to have a Bachelor’s degree from either the USA or Canada and they ask for “some teaching experience”. However, from the teachers we have spoke with from VIPKID, they said “teaching” doesn’t have to mean teaching in a traditional educational setting.
The lessons are 30 minutes long and you will be paid up to $11 for each 30-minute lesson. One thing to note is since you are teaching across the globe in a live setting, you will be teaching at odd hours (late at night or first thing in the morning). However, the teachers we spoke to said it was fun, rewarding, and it paid well for being able to stay at home and teach from their laptops.
4. Airbnb
Did you know you can rent your room or house out at Airbnb? They have been around since 2008 and millions of people have been renting out their rooms or entire homes to travelers from all over the world. If you do this right, you may be able to cover your entire mortgage! If you’re going to be gone for a month or two, you may as well allow your space to make money while you’re gone.
  5. Share Your Blog with the World
I started this blog in 2015 from my laptop at my kitchen table and today it generates over $10,000 per month 🙂 However, in the beginning it was just a side hustle project that turned into full-time income much quicker than I would have ever dreamed.
If you love writing, then starting a blog is exactly the right side hustle for you. There are many ways to generate income from blogging, with one of the most popular being through affiliate income.
How does it work?
You know how you can share a referral link from companies you love and they will send you $5 for referring them a customer? Affiliate partners work the exact same way.
Is blogging complicated?
Absolutely not! But just in case, I did create a step-by-step guide to help you get started in about 15 minutes.
Start a Blog
  6. Become a Virtual Assistant
If you enjoy working from your laptop, then becoming a virtual assistant may be exactly what you need. We use a few virtual assistants for Money Peach and one of them earns over $10,000 per month as a VA. Other places where you can become a virtual assistant for an agency where they find work for your is Upwork. They take a 10% fee, but 90% is still a great side hustle.
You can also listen to Episode 80 on the Money Peach Podcast (below) where my own Virtual Assistant shares how she got started as a VA and within a few years was able to quit her full-time job and start earning over $10k per month doing what she loved.
Virtual Assistant Course (Use Promo Code Peach 10 for $50 Off)
Online Hustles
I love online hustles because they give you the freedom to do these anywhere. If you’re constantly traveling for work or out of town a lot you’re going to absolutely love these online side hustles.
7. Start a Social Media Marketing Business
Our very own social media manager was actually someone who was enrolled inside Awesome Money Course. We noticed how great she was inside our private students-only Facebook group and we offered her a job with us. Now she manages all of our social media for Money Peach and she has also been offered social media jobs from other bloggers!
A great place to get started is visiting the Facebook Side Hustle Course by Bobby of Millennial Money Man. You can read how many of the students from the course are landing social media jobs for $1,000 – $2,000 month! Not a bad little side hustle, right?
Facebook Side Hustle
  8. Ebates (Now Rakuten)
Ebates is a company that has partnered with over 2,000 online companies to form an affiliate relationship with each of them. An affiliate relationship simply means Ebates and each online company have created a partnership where Ebates will refer you or I to buy something from them, and that company then sends Ebates a thank-you referral.
The good news: Ebates then splits the thank-you referral with you, and you earn Cash Back.
The Better News: You can Make Money by referring friends, family, or anyone else to join Ebates!
Ebates extends their referral program to any Ebates member who would like to share how to earn Cash Back while shopping online. Once you create an account with Ebates, you can invite your friends and family to join in on the Cash Back savings, and YOU will also receive a thank-you referral, aka make money.
BONUS $10 with Ebates Right Now
  9. Honey App
Honey is a free app that will search for online coupons and apply them to your online shopping cart to make sure you are saving the most money. Instead of searching for coupons one at-a-time and applying them individually, Honey does all of this for you in the matter of seconds. Not only will you save money, but you will also MAKE MONEY with their refer-a-friend program. For anyone you refer to the app, Honey will send you $5 as soon as they purchase something via the app up to $1,000.
You can learn more about the Honey App with our full review here.
Honey App
  10. Inbox Dollars
Inbox Dollars is a rewards club that pays you in cash for completing a variety of online activities. This can include searching the internet, filling out surveys, printing off coupons, and shopping online. If you are already doing these things, you may as well get paid for it, right?
Inbox Dollars
  11. Fiverr
Fiverr is a platform where you can sell your products and services starting at $5 per gig. After you have a few $5 gigs under your belt, you can start increasing how much you charge. Here at Money Peach, we hire people from Fiverr all the time. Just recently, we found someone for a quick logo design and another to transcribe some videos we created.
Also, the Fiverr platform does take 20% from each gig. Therefore, if you do a $5 gig, you will take home $4 per gig. However, if you can complete 3-4 gigs in an hour, your hourly rate could start at $16 – $20 per hour!
  12. Make Money with PayPal
Already have a PayPal account?
We have put together a list of the side hustles that will pay you in PayPal gift cards which can then be deposited into your PayPal account – just like cash!
Where to make money with PayPal
  13. Amazon
Selling on Amazon is almost identical as selling on eBay in terms of fees and ease of use. However, sometimes items that don’t sell as well on eBay do better on Amazon and vice versa. Either way, it is a side hustle worth looking at if you can buy for cheap and resell for a higher price.
14. Amazon Affiliate Links
I know of a guy who started out as a handyman. He then took that idea as a handyman and started his own blog to teach people how to fix things themselves through blogging and video tutorial. At the end of every post or video, he would tell you what tool he used to get the job done and would provide a link directly to Amazon for you to purchase that product.
However, he also signed up for a free Amazon Affiliate Account. Every time someone clicks on his link and buys ANYTHING on Amazon, he gets a commission! Think about this: Amazon pays him for the tool he recommended and also for anything else they Add To Cart. This is why I love blogging and why I have a free tutorial to help you get started.
15. eBook Publishing
Make money by writing your own book and self publishing it on Amazon for free. There are different options available for how your can price your book and earn income from the sale of your book in the Amazon store. Questions about self publishing your own book? Check this out.
16. Etsy
Instead of having to open up your brick and mortar store, sell your creations on Etsy. Whether you make clothing, crafts, baby toys, or jewelry, you can open up your own store at Etsy. I have a friend selling her awesome clothing line on Etsy and it brings in a very nice income for the family. This is another great side hustle, but don’t expect instant results. You may need to be patient for this one.
17. Craigslist
We all know you can buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, but have you ever thought about offering a service you can provide. If providing a service isn’t your thing, you can scan Craigslist for great deals and then later resell items for a profit. This takes persistence and patience, but I have a friend who went from a $4k truck to a $24k in truck in 18 months by flipping cars from Craigslist.
There are also many other sites competing with Craigslist and you may have better exposure by posting on these sites like Craigslist.
18. User Testing
Don’t want to do an online survey, but still like to surf the web and earn some cash? Companies will pay you to try out their apps or visit their websites and give them feedback. Usertesting and UserFeel uses your feedback on apps and websites that aren’t as user-friendly and then pays your for it.
19. Become a Freelance Writer
If you are a good writer, consider searching online sites such as freelancer.com for writing jobs. Individuals or companies might need freelance writers for a number of reasons.
Individuals or companies might need a writer for their blog or website, or a company might need a writer for its instruction manuals, for instance.
  Pro Tip: The best way to learn how to get freelance writing jobs is from someone who has been doing it for years. Holly Johnson generates over $100k per year freelance writing and she has a program to show you how to do it. 
**Money Peach Readers: Use Coupon Code PEACH10 to Receive 10% Off at Checkout**
  Become Freelance Writer
  An even better option is to learn from those who are already making 6-figures as freelance writers. Check out Episode 13 on the Money Peach Podcast where Holly and Greg Johnson share how they got started as freelance writers and soon turned their side hustle into a 6-figure income.
20. Zazzle
Make money on Zazzle as a designer by selling your artwork on different products or you can actually make and manufacture the products for sale. I have a friend who takes old dry wood and paints slogans on them. She needs to sell them on Zazzle; she could create a very quick and profitable side hustle.
21. eBay
You can have your own store up in only a few minutes at eBay. To start, you must have a seller account, must be verified through PayPal. You are even able to give a detailed description of your store with a catchy design to attract customers. I have a friend who will buy all of the unused bras at a last chance type of store and resell them for a profit at her eBay store. Last I heard, she was doing $1,000/month in her first couple of months.
22. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
Companies hire transcriptionists for a number of reasons. A doctor’s office might need a medical transcriptionist to record information about a patient’s appointment, or law enforcement agencies might need transcription services for court cases or suspect interviews.
Data entry work, which is a bit easier than transcription work, is also available from companies who hire people to work from home. Simply google “transcription work” or “data entry jobs” for a list of companies currently hiring work-from-home reps.
23. Sell Your Photos Online
Do you take amazing photos? You can actually sell your photos online at places like iStockPhoto, Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Bigstockphoto. Photos can be sold over and over again, allowing you to earn a residual income!
24. Start a Web Design Business
If you’re knowledgeable about web design, you could make money creating or improving on websites for individuals or businesses.
Advertise on Craigslist or approach businesses directly if they have a website that needs improvement.
There really is no shortage of ways to make extra money if you’re willing to get creative and do some research. Which financial goals will you use the extra cash you earn to accomplish?
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Driving Hustles
If you have a car, you may as well use it to help you side hustle, right? Here’s our favorite driving side hustles.
25. Uber/Lyft Driver-Partner
If you are unfamiliar with Uber or Lyft, then make sure you still have a pulse and you are breathing air.
To get started, some minimum requirements you need are a car, a smartphone, and the Uber or Lyft app. You become available to drive as soon as you complete the activation process and then you are ready to start earning money. Fares are paid out weekly or up to 5X a day when you register for Instant Pay with your debit card!
Today, there are more riders on the road than ever! This is one of my absolute favorite ways to start generating money quickly.
Drive with Uber
Drive with Lyft
26. Uber Eats
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Uber Eats
27. Be a Paid Designated Driver
Pretty self-explanatory.
28. Drive People to the Airport
Some airports don’t allow Uber or Lyft to drop people off or pick them up, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still offer up airport rides on your own. Post an ad to all of your friends on social media that you are now their preferred method of getting to the airport. I used to do this when I first got my license and it paid very well 🙂
Extremely Passive Hustles
If you like passive income, then you may want to review the top 40 passive income ideas . But to get you started, here are our favorite side hustles that are also extremely passive.
29. Rent Out Your Garage or Driveway
You’ve likely heard of AirBnB, where you can rent out rooms in your house – or your whole house – to travelers wanting to avoid the impersonal feel and high cost of hotel rooms.
Maybe you can’t or don’t want to rent out rooms in your house, but you might have space in your garage to rent out. Sites such as Air Garage help people rent out their garage spaces and driveway spaces.
People might want to rent out your garage or driveway space because they work close to where you live and want cheaper and safer parking options.
Or they might want to rent out your parking space because there’s an event near you, such as a state fair or sporting event.
Depending on where you live you could easily earn $50 or more a month for parking spots in your garage or driveway.
Check out this Money Peach podcast with AirGarage CEO Jonathan Barkl for more info.
30. Become a Voiceover Artist
You know those people who talk on radio and TV commercials but you never see their faces? They’re called voiceover artists, and they get paid good money to do what they do.
Sites like Backstage list available voiceover jobs, and Carrie Olsen, professional voiceover artist, has a great web site that can help you learn how to become a voiceover artist.
Check out this Money Peach Podcast with Voice Over Star Carrie Olsen for more info.
31. Rent out your Car
Did you know your car sits idle 93% of the time? If you’re not going to need your car for the next couple of days/weeks/months, you may as well let it earn you some cash. You can list your car through RelayRides and have your personal car rented out tomorrow.
32. Rent out a Room full-time
Own a home and need extra cash each month? Rent out a room in your house to help cover the mortgage and free up some of your cash. I have a single friend who has a $1,200 mortgage and he consistently earns $2,000+ every month by renting out room(s) in his house via Airbnb. Fun fact – he applies the extra cash towards his mortgage each month!
  Some Skill Required Hustles
So, not all side hustles are for everyone. In fact, these ones below do require some skill to make money. But, the more skill you have, the more money you will make!
33. Become an Online Coach
If you have an idea and can help people, pay attention. Whether it is motivating someone, helping them pass a class, or teaching them how to build a website, this can all be done online. Setup you’re pricing, terms, and accept payment through something as simple as PayPal and you are on your way. I recommend using Skype or Google Hangouts since it is 100% free. Help someone and get paid – genius.
34. Create an Online Course
Is there something you are good at and can teach to others? I have a friend who will teach you how to clean pools over his site, Swim University. Check out Udemy for ideas on your next online course and see how much people are paying for someone like you to teach them.
One of the greatest accomplishments I have had in my business is helping others reach financial freedom. We have had over 500 students graduate Awesome Money Course and completely turn their money situation around!
If you are tired of living the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle and would like to save more, pay off debt, and reach true financial freedom, then Awesome Money Course was made for you.
I am so confident you will absolutely love the program that I have 100% money-back guarantee…meaning you could download the entire course, keep it, and ask for a refund.
I hope no one would do that, but I will also take that risk if it results in you learning how to manage money, pay off debt, save, and build a wealthy future.
However, if you would like to try a little bit of our program out, we do have a 100% free mini-course called the Cash Flow Formula which will show you the step-by-step to building a monthly cash-flow plan with many of our favorite money-hacks to save more and pay off debt quicker!
Start Cash Flow Formula (FREE)
  35. Spray Tanning
A good friend of mine (Jessica) has become the queen of spray tanning in our area. In fact, she is making $900 per week cash spray tanning both the ladies and the men and it’s all through word-of-mouth! You can check her out at JC Glows on Facebook to see how she set up her side hustle.
I asked her how she got started and she said this:
She started with this exact tanning kit
She uses this tanning tent
She taught herself how watching YouTube
36. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
Professionals of all kinds pay ridiculous amounts of money for professionally written resumes. I know one guy who paid a professional resume’ writer $5,000.
If you have a knack for writing compelling and attention-grabbing resumes, consider offering your services on sites such as freelancer.com or Craigslist.
37. Develop an App
If you’ve got a great idea for an app that will make people’s lives easier or more exciting, this could be a great side hustle for you.
Check out this post on learnappmaking.com for more information on how to develop and market an app for some extra income.
38. Catering
If you love cooking, serving food, and entertaining at your own home, then get paid to do it for someone else. This can be fun and can often go from side hustle to full-time if you’re really good at it!
39. Computer Repair
If you love “playing” computers, then help someone repair theirs and get paid for it. Note: You must know a little bit about computers 🙂
40. Computer Training
How many Baby Boomers (or anyone for that matter) do you know who are still having trouble checking their email. If you were able to navigate to this web page, then you probably have the skills to teach extremely basic computer skills to an extreme beginner.
41. Guitar Gigs
A friend of mine finds guitar gigs online, on Facebook, and in the paper all the time. He shows up, plays for a few hours, and leaves with cash in hand. Note: you must be good at playing the guitar.
42. Guitar Lessons
If you are handy on the 6 string and can show someone else, teach them. Better yet, teach the world online how to play guitar.
43. Handyman Work
Some people are handy and others are not. Let your neighbors know that you are available to hang a ceiling fan, patch a hole in the drywall, fix an irrigation leak, or paint a fence. All can be done for them ASAP for a small fee 🙂
I love TaskRabbit. Whether I need a doggy door installed, someone to clean my house this weekend, or even mount a TV, I can go on TaskRabbit to find someone in an instant. YOU could be that person I find next on TaskRabbit for hire!
44. Lifeguard
Become a lifeguard and earn $16/hr – $20/hr part-time. Not only do you make some extra cash, but you are guaranteed to get a little tan as well.
45. Mobile Oil Change
If you don’t mind getting underneath the car and pulling the drain plug for people, then this could be your next side hustle. People are busy, and may want to pay you to change their oil while they are at work. Note: Wal-Mart always has the cheapest oil.
46. Network Marketing
Network marketing (sometimes referred to as multi-level-marketing) can sometimes have a bad connotation if you have ever been scammed in the past. However, there are very reputable companies out there that you can start working for today with very little buy-in or overhead. A member of our family started off her network marketing business as a side hustle and has turned it into a part-time gig with full-time income. Warning: if you are told it doesn’t require any actual work – run away!
47. Personal Training
Someone out there wants to get into better shape, and they are willing to pay you to help them. If you love fitness, this would be a perfect side hustle for you.
48. Tutoring
Take your education and use it to make money on the side. Tutor students and get paid handsomely.
Live in the U.S. or U.K. and hold a bachelor’s degree? You can earn up to $20/hr plus bonuses to teach kids English online from the comfort of home. Learn more here.
49. Teach Music Lessons
From singing to playing piano or any other number of instruments, parents everywhere are seeking music lessons for their kids.
If you have a gift for a musical skills, consider teaching that skill to local kids. You might be able to find jobs by looking on Craigslist or by seeking out local public school or homeschooling groups to connect with parents who have school-aged children.
50. Start a Baking Business
Do you have a gift for baking goodies such as cake, muffins or cookies? Why not use that gift to make yourself some extra cash?
Events such as birthday parties, weddings, office parties and meetings, retirement parties and more often have baked treats as a part of their celebration.
Advertise your culinary skills on Craigslist and with local event booking venues for your bakery services.
Be sure to check with state officials on what the rules are for serving and selling food in your area first.
51. Become a Sports Umpire
Are you knowledgeable about the rules and regulations of certain sports? Do you like working with kids? Recreation associations often pay good money for organized sports umpires for football, baseball, and more.
In our area, umpires earn about $30 an hour. Check with local sporting organizations for job opening details.
Physical Labor Hustles
If you don’t putting in a little sweat equity, you can do very well side hustling with some physical labor attached to it. I did #50 when I was getting out of debt and generated over $1,000 each month.
52. Clean Pools
This requires very little overhead and is simple to do. Go to Google Earth and look up which homes in your neighborhood have a pool, and offer to start today. I actually did this to get out of debt and it worked out great!
53. House Cleaning
People are busy and don’t have time to clean their homes. This is where you come in 🙂 Search your area in Craigslist to get an idea for pricing your own services.
54. Mowing Lawns
If you don’t have the funds to purchase all the equipment, then offer to your mow lawns with their equipment. I actually did this in grade school because I wasn’t old enough to drive. I just showed up, grabbed their lawnmower, and was paid.
55. Painting Gates
Gates fade and someone needs to repaint them. A kid in the neighborhood took pics of faded gates and pretty gates and posted them on the mailbox with his number and price. (I think one of the faded gate pics he took was my gate also).
56. Painting Services
Remember that movie American Pie 2 where they spend the summer in a lake house and do some side painting. No one likes painting their houses or walls, so why not help them out for a little side cash? Start out small by offering to paint a bedroom or two, and work your way up from there. Pricing rule: $1 per square ft of painting.
57. Shoveling Snow
No one likes shoveling snow and this is why you will be paid for it.
58. Wash Cars
If you can wash a car, then you can make money. People are busy and don’t have time to even take their cars to the wash anymore…this is where you come in.
59. Wash Windows
I recently paid a guy to wash my windows because he advertised $4/window. He spent about 1 hour washing a total of 20 windows and walked away with $80 cash. His entire setup was a bucket and a squeegee. Maybe I should wash my own windows and my neighbor’s windows for an affordable price of only $4 a window.
Unique Hustles
If you are unique, then you deserve some unique side hustles. Some of these are extremely cool, but a few of them…well I am still waiting for you to try.
60. Rent out Your Baby Gear
Think of it as the Airbnb of Baby Gear.
Have you ever traveled with kids and realized what a pain-in-the-butt it is to take the stroller, hi-chair, pack-n-play, and everything else that babies need? Think about dragging all of that through the airport, onto the train, or inside the Uber?
BabyQuip offers a simple solution. They provide families with a wide assortment of clean, quality baby equipment—everything they need to keep their little ones sleeping well at night and happily engaged during the day.
And guess who makes 80% commission (plus tips) renting their baby gear out?
You, the side hustler!
61. Sell Your Hair Online
Thinking about a new hair style? You may want to. People are paying up to $1,000 for quality hair if you can remember to wash it more than once a month J Check out what your hair is worth at Hairsellon.
62. Paint Street Numbers
A father and son rang my doorbell and pointed out to me my street numbers were faded. “For only $10, they would repaint my street numbers so my house would look better”. I paid it and it took them 37 seconds. They did 6 houses on my street alone. This is a great little side hustle.
63. Sell Drinks
where it’s hot (and where it’s cold)
I live in Phoenix where it will hover at 116°F during the summer. During the hottest weeks, there is a guy who sells snow cones and water for a premium.
I asked him how business was recently – he smiled and said “Business is gooooooood”. Buy a case of water at Costco for $0.12 a bottle and resell them for $2 wherever it is HOT. Who wouldn’t pay $2 for ice-cold water during the dog days of summer?
64. TaskRabbit
Become a task rabbit and get paid. People in your neighborhood are looking to pay you to put together furniture from Ikea, do their grocery shopping, install a ceiling fan, be a bartender at their party, or mount their TV to the wall.
65. Start a Home Staging Business
Somebody is always selling a home, and homes sell faster and for more money when they are “staged”.
As a home stager you can tailor your business to meet a variety of client needs. Creating relationships with local realtors is one way to help you find home staging clients.
66. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
There are many legit companies that offer to hire customer service representatives who can from home. One of the more popular work-from-home companies is U-Haul, the well-known moving company.
67. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
An estate sale business buys a large majority of a client’s belongings, including furniture, vehicles and more, at a group rate and sells the stuff individually for profit.
This is a business that will take some work as you get to know the ropes but can be very lucrative in the long run.
68. Start a Vending Machine Business
Many companies want vending machines installed at their businesses for the convenience of employees and clients alike.
Although this type of side hustle would involve some costly initial cash, you may be able to make it up quickly if you install the machines in thriving businesses that service large numbers of people.
69. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
Brian Winch came on the podcast to share how he picks up trash around parking lots and now earns a 6-figure income by doing so. Although it may not be glorious work, it does pay well and it’s extremely affordable to get started. Before you get started, check out the Clean Lots tutorial here.
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Hustles
Before you read on, just remember the name of these side hustles are you’ve-go-to-be-kidding-me side hustles. Some of them will actually shock you ?.
70. Be a Sperm Donor
This is straight out of the movie Road Trip when they need gas money. However, you can make substantial money donating sperm, with some places offering up $1,000/month to healthy men. Be aware, if you’re not a true thoroughbred, you won’t be paid as much!
71. Be a Plasma Donor
Since there is no way to synthetically make plasma, you will be compensated for your donation. Rates vary from state to state, but you can make on average $200/month for only a few hours of your time….and blood.
We have a full list of where you can earn $400 per month donating plasma here.
72. Become a Cuddler
Ah yes, cuddling. This is an actual real job and I recently saw it featured in a news segment. People are paying for up to 3 hours of platonic hugging (and they pay a lot). Job requirements: enjoy hugging strangers.
73. Pick up Dog Poop
Who likes picking up dog poop? Nobody. This is why you can get paid for it.
74. Rent-a-Friend
You can sign up for free at Rentafriend to be someone else friend both part-time and full-time with pay between $20/hr – $50/hr. Yes, this sounds very strange from the outside looking in, but a lot of times you are helping someone get acquainted in a new town, meet a new group of friends, or simply have a cup of coffee with. Most importantly – friendship is always platonic (no touching).
Easy Peasy Hustles
These are some of the classic side hustles that we call the easy peasy ones. If you are looking for simple, but yet effective, these are the side hustles for you.
75. Babysitting
If you like kids and don’t go out on the weekends, become a babysitter. Advertise to all of your friends (and Facebook Friends) that you will watch their kids so they can have a date night. New to the area? Then get connected with Care.com to become a certified/recommended babysitter in your area.
76. Dog Walking
Create this ad: “Love your dog but simply don’t have time to walk them? Let me help you!” There will always be someone willing to pay to keep their doggy happy, and this person is you.
77. Gig Walking
Download the free App and then find “gigs” in your neighborhood that companies are willing to pay you for. Can you check out the price of milk in a certain store for $6 or snap a pic of a storefront for $5 on the way to work? Note: You will start off with the crappier jobs in the beginning, but prove yourself and you will start getting offered the higher-paying jobs soon enough.
78. Golf Course
If you love being around the golf course (or don’t mind a few drunk old men) you can make pretty good money part-time by collecting balls off the range, cleaning golf carts, or serving cold beers at the tee box.
79. House-sitting
Who doesn’t want to get paid for simply living in someone else’s house for a few day days? This is simple and people will pay you for it. You can think of it as a mini staycation too!
80. Mystery Shopper
Get paid $10 – $30 on average to be a mystery shopper. However, beware because there are a lot of scams out there. I recommend checking out Marketforce, Best Mark, and Intelli-101 before you head anywhere else.
81. Pet Grooming
There are people out there that simply will not shave their dog and will pay you for it. Create a Facebook Page called “iShaveDogs” and let all your friends know! Someone will hire you.
82. Pet Sitting
If you truly love animals, then why not get paid to hang out with someone else’s dog or cat for the weekend? You can become a pet sitter at Care.com or specialize in only watching over someone’s pooch at Rover.
83. RedBox
You love renting movies for only $1.75, but did you know you can get paid to stock DVDs into the kiosks and make sure they are working properly? Check out Redbox Jobs and also see these 12 free Redbox Codes for free moves and games.
84. Sell ScrapMetal
Post in your social media or offer in the newspaper that you will come and take any scrap metal away for people. Not only could you make a few extra bucks for hauling away metal, but then you could sell it at a scrap yard. Double whammy!
85. Tax Prep
When I was in college, TurboTax hit the Internet. I created an ad on a bulletin board and offered Tax Prep for those who make less than $100k/year so I could use the free 1040EZ software. My overhead was $0 and I charged $20 to punch the numbers from the W-2 into TurboTax. Another great option is to try H&R Block and see which one you like the best. We also have a full review of H&R Block here.
86. Sign Spinner
Do you ever see those people standing on the corner, wearing headphones, oblivious to the entire world around them, and flipping signs in the air? They are making money and you can too. What about sign holder? Well, maybe you’re not the spinning type…
87. Sign Holder
Maybe you’re just not the spinning type 🙂
TWEET This: When you're broke, the BEST place to find more money is at work.Click To Tweet
Final Takeaway
As you can see, we live in a time when anyone who wants to make a little (or a lot) of money can. Your local area is no longer the only area to make money. The entire world is at your fingertips through the use of many of the options mentioned in this post.
What is one skill you have that others could learn from? Think about what’s the one thing you actually love doing that people would want to pay you for? How can you take your side hustle idea and turn it into monthly income?
3…2…1… it’s go time my friends!
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The Best of the Best Proven Side Hustles You Should Know About published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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darcyfarber · 5 years
The Best of the Best Proven Side Hustles You Should Know About
Need to make a little (or a lot) of extra money this month?
Side hustles are an incredible way to boost your monthly income. Whether you want to stay home and make money from home, get out of the house to make money, or try something unique and fun – I have you covered.
This list is updated weekly and if there is anything you think I need to take out or add to the list, please let me know in the comments below the post.
Also, if you do find something and you’re having a lot of success with it, you’d be helping everyone out by sharing your win in the comments below. Thanks so much and enjoy the guide to making more money each month.
Side Hustle Guide
Table of Contents
Side Hustle Guide
My First Picks...
1. Share Your Opinion
2. Door Dash
4. Airbnb
5. Share Your Blog with the World
6. Become a Virtual Assistant
Online Hustles
7. Start a Social Media Marketing Business
8. Ebates (Now Rakuten)
9. Honey App
10. Inbox Dollars
11. Fiverr
12. Make Money with PayPal
13. Amazon
14. Amazon Affiliate Links
15. eBook Publishing
16. Etsy
17. Craigslist
18. User Testing
19. Become a Freelance Writer
20. Zazzle
21. eBay
22. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
23. Sell Your Photos Online
24. Start a Web Design Business
Driving Hustles
25. Uber/Lyft Driver-Partner
26. Uber Eats
27. Be a Paid Designated Driver
28. Drive People to the Airport
Extremely Passive Hustles
29. Rent Out Your Garage or Driveway
30. Become a Voiceover Artist
31. Rent out your Car
32. Rent out a Room full-time
Some Skill Required Hustles
33. Become an Online Coach
34. Create an Online Course
35. Spray Tanning
36. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
37. Develop an App
38. Catering
39. Computer Repair
40. Computer Training
41. Guitar Gigs
42. Guitar Lessons
43. Handyman Work
44. Lifeguard
45. Mobile Oil Change
46. Network Marketing
47. Personal Training
48. Tutoring
49. Teach Music Lessons
50. Start a Baking Business
51. Become a Sports Umpire
Physical Labor Hustles
52. Clean Pools
53. House Cleaning
54. Mowing Lawns
55. Painting Gates
56. Painting Services
57. Shoveling Snow
58. Wash Cars
59. Wash Windows
Unique Hustles
60. Rent out Your Baby Gear
61. Sell Your Hair Online
62. Paint Street Numbers
63. Sell Drinks
64. TaskRabbit
65. Start a Home Staging Business
66. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
67. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
68. Start a Vending Machine Business
69. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Hustles
70. Be a Sperm Donor
71. Be a Plasma Donor
72. Become a Cuddler
73. Pick up Dog Poop
74. Rent-a-Friend
Easy Peasy Hustles
75. Babysitting
76. Dog Walking
77. Gig Walking
78. Golf Course
79. House-sitting
80. Mystery Shopper
81. Pet Grooming
82. Pet Sitting
83. RedBox
84. Sell ScrapMetal
85. Tax Prep
86. Sign Spinner
87. Sign Holder
Final Takeaway
My First Picks…
These first five are favorites because they are quick ways to get started making extra money and they have long-term potential as well! All five of them do require an internet connection, but sine you’re reading this from the internet, I think you’re covered there ?
1. Share Your Opinion
and get money sent to your PayPal
Yup, you can actually generate side income by simply giving your opinion via online surveys. It’s not going to make you rich tomorrow, but it’s still a great way to generate extra income during your down time.
If you think surveys may be the way to go, check out our full list of the top survey companies for both online and offline opinions here.
Survey Junkie
  2. Door Dash
Door Dash is our favorite pick for food delivery because it’s been reported back to us that DoorDashers make slightly more than UberEats drivers. While we don’t have any factual statistics to prove this right or wrong, we still pick DoorDash over UberEats as our top side hustle for food delivery. If you have a car, bike, or scooter, get started with Door Dash today and start making money for your next vacation, your upcoming wedding, or whatever expense you’re saving for!
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Door Dash
VIPKID will pay you up to $22/hour to teach English from the comfort of your home to children in China. Currently VIPKID has over 70,000 teachers teaching English as a second language to over 600,000 children in China.
They do require you to have a Bachelor’s degree from either the USA or Canada and they ask for “some teaching experience”. However, from the teachers we have spoke with from VIPKID, they said “teaching” doesn’t have to mean teaching in a traditional educational setting.
The lessons are 30 minutes long and you will be paid up to $11 for each 30-minute lesson. One thing to note is since you are teaching across the globe in a live setting, you will be teaching at odd hours (late at night or first thing in the morning). However, the teachers we spoke to said it was fun, rewarding, and it paid well for being able to stay at home and teach from their laptops.
4. Airbnb
Did you know you can rent your room or house out at Airbnb? They have been around since 2008 and millions of people have been renting out their rooms or entire homes to travelers from all over the world. If you do this right, you may be able to cover your entire mortgage! If you’re going to be gone for a month or two, you may as well allow your space to make money while you’re gone.
  5. Share Your Blog with the World
I started this blog in 2015 from my laptop at my kitchen table and today it generates over $10,000 per month 🙂 However, in the beginning it was just a side hustle project that turned into full-time income much quicker than I would have ever dreamed.
If you love writing, then starting a blog is exactly the right side hustle for you. There are many ways to generate income from blogging, with one of the most popular being through affiliate income.
How does it work?
You know how you can share a referral link from companies you love and they will send you $5 for referring them a customer? Affiliate partners work the exact same way.
Is blogging complicated?
Absolutely not! But just in case, I did create a step-by-step guide to help you get started in about 15 minutes.
Start a Blog
  6. Become a Virtual Assistant
If you enjoy working from your laptop, then becoming a virtual assistant may be exactly what you need. We use a few virtual assistants for Money Peach and one of them earns over $10,000 per month as a VA. Other places where you can become a virtual assistant for an agency where they find work for your is Upwork. They take a 10% fee, but 90% is still a great side hustle.
You can also listen to Episode 80 on the Money Peach Podcast (below) where my own Virtual Assistant shares how she got started as a VA and within a few years was able to quit her full-time job and start earning over $10k per month doing what she loved.
Virtual Assistant Course (Use Promo Code Peach 10 for $50 Off)
Online Hustles
I love online hustles because they give you the freedom to do these anywhere. If you’re constantly traveling for work or out of town a lot you’re going to absolutely love these online side hustles.
7. Start a Social Media Marketing Business
Our very own social media manager was actually someone who was enrolled inside Awesome Money Course. We noticed how great she was inside our private students-only Facebook group and we offered her a job with us. Now she manages all of our social media for Money Peach and she has also been offered social media jobs from other bloggers!
A great place to get started is visiting the Facebook Side Hustle Course by Bobby of Millennial Money Man. You can read how many of the students from the course are landing social media jobs for $1,000 – $2,000 month! Not a bad little side hustle, right?
Facebook Side Hustle
  8. Ebates (Now Rakuten)
Ebates is a company that has partnered with over 2,000 online companies to form an affiliate relationship with each of them. An affiliate relationship simply means Ebates and each online company have created a partnership where Ebates will refer you or I to buy something from them, and that company then sends Ebates a thank-you referral.
The good news: Ebates then splits the thank-you referral with you, and you earn Cash Back.
The Better News: You can Make Money by referring friends, family, or anyone else to join Ebates!
Ebates extends their referral program to any Ebates member who would like to share how to earn Cash Back while shopping online. Once you create an account with Ebates, you can invite your friends and family to join in on the Cash Back savings, and YOU will also receive a thank-you referral, aka make money.
BONUS $10 with Ebates Right Now
  9. Honey App
Honey is a free app that will search for online coupons and apply them to your online shopping cart to make sure you are saving the most money. Instead of searching for coupons one at-a-time and applying them individually, Honey does all of this for you in the matter of seconds. Not only will you save money, but you will also MAKE MONEY with their refer-a-friend program. For anyone you refer to the app, Honey will send you $5 as soon as they purchase something via the app up to $1,000.
You can learn more about the Honey App with our full review here.
Honey App
  10. Inbox Dollars
Inbox Dollars is a rewards club that pays you in cash for completing a variety of online activities. This can include searching the internet, filling out surveys, printing off coupons, and shopping online. If you are already doing these things, you may as well get paid for it, right?
Inbox Dollars
  11. Fiverr
Fiverr is a platform where you can sell your products and services starting at $5 per gig. After you have a few $5 gigs under your belt, you can start increasing how much you charge. Here at Money Peach, we hire people from Fiverr all the time. Just recently, we found someone for a quick logo design and another to transcribe some videos we created.
Also, the Fiverr platform does take 20% from each gig. Therefore, if you do a $5 gig, you will take home $4 per gig. However, if you can complete 3-4 gigs in an hour, your hourly rate could start at $16 – $20 per hour!
  12. Make Money with PayPal
Already have a PayPal account?
We have put together a list of the side hustles that will pay you in PayPal gift cards which can then be deposited into your PayPal account – just like cash!
Where to make money with PayPal
  13. Amazon
Selling on Amazon is almost identical as selling on eBay in terms of fees and ease of use. However, sometimes items that don’t sell as well on eBay do better on Amazon and vice versa. Either way, it is a side hustle worth looking at if you can buy for cheap and resell for a higher price.
14. Amazon Affiliate Links
I know of a guy who started out as a handyman. He then took that idea as a handyman and started his own blog to teach people how to fix things themselves through blogging and video tutorial. At the end of every post or video, he would tell you what tool he used to get the job done and would provide a link directly to Amazon for you to purchase that product.
However, he also signed up for a free Amazon Affiliate Account. Every time someone clicks on his link and buys ANYTHING on Amazon, he gets a commission! Think about this: Amazon pays him for the tool he recommended and also for anything else they Add To Cart. This is why I love blogging and why I have a free tutorial to help you get started.
15. eBook Publishing
Make money by writing your own book and self publishing it on Amazon for free. There are different options available for how your can price your book and earn income from the sale of your book in the Amazon store. Questions about self publishing your own book? Check this out.
16. Etsy
Instead of having to open up your brick and mortar store, sell your creations on Etsy. Whether you make clothing, crafts, baby toys, or jewelry, you can open up your own store at Etsy. I have a friend selling her awesome clothing line on Etsy and it brings in a very nice income for the family. This is another great side hustle, but don’t expect instant results. You may need to be patient for this one.
17. Craigslist
We all know you can buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, but have you ever thought about offering a service you can provide. If providing a service isn’t your thing, you can scan Craigslist for great deals and then later resell items for a profit. This takes persistence and patience, but I have a friend who went from a $4k truck to a $24k in truck in 18 months by flipping cars from Craigslist.
There are also many other sites competing with Craigslist and you may have better exposure by posting on these sites like Craigslist.
18. User Testing
Don’t want to do an online survey, but still like to surf the web and earn some cash? Companies will pay you to try out their apps or visit their websites and give them feedback. Usertesting and UserFeel uses your feedback on apps and websites that aren’t as user-friendly and then pays your for it.
19. Become a Freelance Writer
If you are a good writer, consider searching online sites such as freelancer.com for writing jobs. Individuals or companies might need freelance writers for a number of reasons.
Individuals or companies might need a writer for their blog or website, or a company might need a writer for its instruction manuals, for instance.
  Pro Tip: The best way to learn how to get freelance writing jobs is from someone who has been doing it for years. Holly Johnson generates over $100k per year freelance writing and she has a program to show you how to do it. 
**Money Peach Readers: Use Coupon Code PEACH10 to Receive 10% Off at Checkout**
  Become Freelance Writer
  An even better option is to learn from those who are already making 6-figures as freelance writers. Check out Episode 13 on the Money Peach Podcast where Holly and Greg Johnson share how they got started as freelance writers and soon turned their side hustle into a 6-figure income.
20. Zazzle
Make money on Zazzle as a designer by selling your artwork on different products or you can actually make and manufacture the products for sale. I have a friend who takes old dry wood and paints slogans on them. She needs to sell them on Zazzle; she could create a very quick and profitable side hustle.
21. eBay
You can have your own store up in only a few minutes at eBay. To start, you must have a seller account, must be verified through PayPal. You are even able to give a detailed description of your store with a catchy design to attract customers. I have a friend who will buy all of the unused bras at a last chance type of store and resell them for a profit at her eBay store. Last I heard, she was doing $1,000/month in her first couple of months.
22. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
Companies hire transcriptionists for a number of reasons. A doctor’s office might need a medical transcriptionist to record information about a patient’s appointment, or law enforcement agencies might need transcription services for court cases or suspect interviews.
Data entry work, which is a bit easier than transcription work, is also available from companies who hire people to work from home. Simply google “transcription work” or “data entry jobs” for a list of companies currently hiring work-from-home reps.
23. Sell Your Photos Online
Do you take amazing photos? You can actually sell your photos online at places like iStockPhoto, Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Bigstockphoto. Photos can be sold over and over again, allowing you to earn a residual income!
24. Start a Web Design Business
If you’re knowledgeable about web design, you could make money creating or improving on websites for individuals or businesses.
Advertise on Craigslist or approach businesses directly if they have a website that needs improvement.
There really is no shortage of ways to make extra money if you’re willing to get creative and do some research. Which financial goals will you use the extra cash you earn to accomplish?
TWEET THIS 'When you're broke, the best place to go to get more money is work'Click To Tweet
Driving Hustles
If you have a car, you may as well use it to help you side hustle, right? Here’s our favorite driving side hustles.
25. Uber/Lyft Driver-Partner
If you are unfamiliar with Uber or Lyft, then make sure you still have a pulse and you are breathing air.
To get started, some minimum requirements you need are a car, a smartphone, and the Uber or Lyft app. You become available to drive as soon as you complete the activation process and then you are ready to start earning money. Fares are paid out weekly or up to 5X a day when you register for Instant Pay with your debit card!
Today, there are more riders on the road than ever! This is one of my absolute favorite ways to start generating money quickly.
Drive with Uber
Drive with Lyft
26. Uber Eats
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Uber Eats
27. Be a Paid Designated Driver
Pretty self-explanatory.
28. Drive People to the Airport
Some airports don’t allow Uber or Lyft to drop people off or pick them up, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still offer up airport rides on your own. Post an ad to all of your friends on social media that you are now their preferred method of getting to the airport. I used to do this when I first got my license and it paid very well 🙂
Extremely Passive Hustles
If you like passive income, then you may want to review the top 40 passive income ideas . But to get you started, here are our favorite side hustles that are also extremely passive.
29. Rent Out Your Garage or Driveway
You’ve likely heard of AirBnB, where you can rent out rooms in your house – or your whole house – to travelers wanting to avoid the impersonal feel and high cost of hotel rooms.
Maybe you can’t or don’t want to rent out rooms in your house, but you might have space in your garage to rent out. Sites such as Air Garage help people rent out their garage spaces and driveway spaces.
People might want to rent out your garage or driveway space because they work close to where you live and want cheaper and safer parking options.
Or they might want to rent out your parking space because there’s an event near you, such as a state fair or sporting event.
Depending on where you live you could easily earn $50 or more a month for parking spots in your garage or driveway.
Check out this Money Peach podcast with AirGarage CEO Jonathan Barkl for more info.
30. Become a Voiceover Artist
You know those people who talk on radio and TV commercials but you never see their faces? They’re called voiceover artists, and they get paid good money to do what they do.
Sites like Backstage list available voiceover jobs, and Carrie Olsen, professional voiceover artist, has a great web site that can help you learn how to become a voiceover artist.
Check out this Money Peach Podcast with Voice Over Star Carrie Olsen for more info.
31. Rent out your Car
Did you know your car sits idle 93% of the time? If you’re not going to need your car for the next couple of days/weeks/months, you may as well let it earn you some cash. You can list your car through RelayRides and have your personal car rented out tomorrow.
32. Rent out a Room full-time
Own a home and need extra cash each month? Rent out a room in your house to help cover the mortgage and free up some of your cash. I have a single friend who has a $1,200 mortgage and he consistently earns $2,000+ every month by renting out room(s) in his house via Airbnb. Fun fact – he applies the extra cash towards his mortgage each month!
  Some Skill Required Hustles
So, not all side hustles are for everyone. In fact, these ones below do require some skill to make money. But, the more skill you have, the more money you will make!
33. Become an Online Coach
If you have an idea and can help people, pay attention. Whether it is motivating someone, helping them pass a class, or teaching them how to build a website, this can all be done online. Setup you’re pricing, terms, and accept payment through something as simple as PayPal and you are on your way. I recommend using Skype or Google Hangouts since it is 100% free. Help someone and get paid – genius.
34. Create an Online Course
Is there something you are good at and can teach to others? I have a friend who will teach you how to clean pools over his site, Swim University. Check out Udemy for ideas on your next online course and see how much people are paying for someone like you to teach them.
One of the greatest accomplishments I have had in my business is helping others reach financial freedom. We have had over 500 students graduate Awesome Money Course and completely turn their money situation around!
If you are tired of living the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle and would like to save more, pay off debt, and reach true financial freedom, then Awesome Money Course was made for you.
I am so confident you will absolutely love the program that I have 100% money-back guarantee…meaning you could download the entire course, keep it, and ask for a refund.
I hope no one would do that, but I will also take that risk if it results in you learning how to manage money, pay off debt, save, and build a wealthy future.
However, if you would like to try a little bit of our program out, we do have a 100% free mini-course called the Cash Flow Formula which will show you the step-by-step to building a monthly cash-flow plan with many of our favorite money-hacks to save more and pay off debt quicker!
Start Cash Flow Formula (FREE)
  35. Spray Tanning
A good friend of mine (Jessica) has become the queen of spray tanning in our area. In fact, she is making $900 per week cash spray tanning both the ladies and the men and it’s all through word-of-mouth! You can check her out at JC Glows on Facebook to see how she set up her side hustle.
I asked her how she got started and she said this:
She started with this exact tanning kit
She uses this tanning tent
She taught herself how watching YouTube
36. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
Professionals of all kinds pay ridiculous amounts of money for professionally written resumes. I know one guy who paid a professional resume’ writer $5,000.
If you have a knack for writing compelling and attention-grabbing resumes, consider offering your services on sites such as freelancer.com or Craigslist.
37. Develop an App
If you’ve got a great idea for an app that will make people’s lives easier or more exciting, this could be a great side hustle for you.
Check out this post on learnappmaking.com for more information on how to develop and market an app for some extra income.
38. Catering
If you love cooking, serving food, and entertaining at your own home, then get paid to do it for someone else. This can be fun and can often go from side hustle to full-time if you’re really good at it!
39. Computer Repair
If you love “playing” computers, then help someone repair theirs and get paid for it. Note: You must know a little bit about computers 🙂
40. Computer Training
How many Baby Boomers (or anyone for that matter) do you know who are still having trouble checking their email. If you were able to navigate to this web page, then you probably have the skills to teach extremely basic computer skills to an extreme beginner.
41. Guitar Gigs
A friend of mine finds guitar gigs online, on Facebook, and in the paper all the time. He shows up, plays for a few hours, and leaves with cash in hand. Note: you must be good at playing the guitar.
42. Guitar Lessons
If you are handy on the 6 string and can show someone else, teach them. Better yet, teach the world online how to play guitar.
43. Handyman Work
Some people are handy and others are not. Let your neighbors know that you are available to hang a ceiling fan, patch a hole in the drywall, fix an irrigation leak, or paint a fence. All can be done for them ASAP for a small fee 🙂
I love TaskRabbit. Whether I need a doggy door installed, someone to clean my house this weekend, or even mount a TV, I can go on TaskRabbit to find someone in an instant. YOU could be that person I find next on TaskRabbit for hire!
44. Lifeguard
Become a lifeguard and earn $16/hr – $20/hr part-time. Not only do you make some extra cash, but you are guaranteed to get a little tan as well.
45. Mobile Oil Change
If you don’t mind getting underneath the car and pulling the drain plug for people, then this could be your next side hustle. People are busy, and may want to pay you to change their oil while they are at work. Note: Wal-Mart always has the cheapest oil.
46. Network Marketing
Network marketing (sometimes referred to as multi-level-marketing) can sometimes have a bad connotation if you have ever been scammed in the past. However, there are very reputable companies out there that you can start working for today with very little buy-in or overhead. A member of our family started off her network marketing business as a side hustle and has turned it into a part-time gig with full-time income. Warning: if you are told it doesn’t require any actual work – run away!
47. Personal Training
Someone out there wants to get into better shape, and they are willing to pay you to help them. If you love fitness, this would be a perfect side hustle for you.
48. Tutoring
Take your education and use it to make money on the side. Tutor students and get paid handsomely.
Live in the U.S. or U.K. and hold a bachelor’s degree? You can earn up to $20/hr plus bonuses to teach kids English online from the comfort of home. Learn more here.
49. Teach Music Lessons
From singing to playing piano or any other number of instruments, parents everywhere are seeking music lessons for their kids.
If you have a gift for a musical skills, consider teaching that skill to local kids. You might be able to find jobs by looking on Craigslist or by seeking out local public school or homeschooling groups to connect with parents who have school-aged children.
50. Start a Baking Business
Do you have a gift for baking goodies such as cake, muffins or cookies? Why not use that gift to make yourself some extra cash?
Events such as birthday parties, weddings, office parties and meetings, retirement parties and more often have baked treats as a part of their celebration.
Advertise your culinary skills on Craigslist and with local event booking venues for your bakery services.
Be sure to check with state officials on what the rules are for serving and selling food in your area first.
51. Become a Sports Umpire
Are you knowledgeable about the rules and regulations of certain sports? Do you like working with kids? Recreation associations often pay good money for organized sports umpires for football, baseball, and more.
In our area, umpires earn about $30 an hour. Check with local sporting organizations for job opening details.
Physical Labor Hustles
If you don’t putting in a little sweat equity, you can do very well side hustling with some physical labor attached to it. I did #50 when I was getting out of debt and generated over $1,000 each month.
52. Clean Pools
This requires very little overhead and is simple to do. Go to Google Earth and look up which homes in your neighborhood have a pool, and offer to start today. I actually did this to get out of debt and it worked out great!
53. House Cleaning
People are busy and don’t have time to clean their homes. This is where you come in 🙂 Search your area in Craigslist to get an idea for pricing your own services.
54. Mowing Lawns
If you don’t have the funds to purchase all the equipment, then offer to your mow lawns with their equipment. I actually did this in grade school because I wasn’t old enough to drive. I just showed up, grabbed their lawnmower, and was paid.
55. Painting Gates
Gates fade and someone needs to repaint them. A kid in the neighborhood took pics of faded gates and pretty gates and posted them on the mailbox with his number and price. (I think one of the faded gate pics he took was my gate also).
56. Painting Services
Remember that movie American Pie 2 where they spend the summer in a lake house and do some side painting. No one likes painting their houses or walls, so why not help them out for a little side cash? Start out small by offering to paint a bedroom or two, and work your way up from there. Pricing rule: $1 per square ft of painting.
57. Shoveling Snow
No one likes shoveling snow and this is why you will be paid for it.
58. Wash Cars
If you can wash a car, then you can make money. People are busy and don’t have time to even take their cars to the wash anymore…this is where you come in.
59. Wash Windows
I recently paid a guy to wash my windows because he advertised $4/window. He spent about 1 hour washing a total of 20 windows and walked away with $80 cash. His entire setup was a bucket and a squeegee. Maybe I should wash my own windows and my neighbor’s windows for an affordable price of only $4 a window.
Unique Hustles
If you are unique, then you deserve some unique side hustles. Some of these are extremely cool, but a few of them…well I am still waiting for you to try.
60. Rent out Your Baby Gear
Think of it as the Airbnb of Baby Gear.
Have you ever traveled with kids and realized what a pain-in-the-butt it is to take the stroller, hi-chair, pack-n-play, and everything else that babies need? Think about dragging all of that through the airport, onto the train, or inside the Uber?
BabyQuip offers a simple solution. They provide families with a wide assortment of clean, quality baby equipment—everything they need to keep their little ones sleeping well at night and happily engaged during the day.
And guess who makes 80% commission (plus tips) renting their baby gear out?
You, the side hustler!
61. Sell Your Hair Online
Thinking about a new hair style? You may want to. People are paying up to $1,000 for quality hair if you can remember to wash it more than once a month J Check out what your hair is worth at Hairsellon.
62. Paint Street Numbers
A father and son rang my doorbell and pointed out to me my street numbers were faded. “For only $10, they would repaint my street numbers so my house would look better”. I paid it and it took them 37 seconds. They did 6 houses on my street alone. This is a great little side hustle.
63. Sell Drinks
where it’s hot (and where it’s cold)
I live in Phoenix where it will hover at 116°F during the summer. During the hottest weeks, there is a guy who sells snow cones and water for a premium.
I asked him how business was recently – he smiled and said “Business is gooooooood”. Buy a case of water at Costco for $0.12 a bottle and resell them for $2 wherever it is HOT. Who wouldn’t pay $2 for ice-cold water during the dog days of summer?
64. TaskRabbit
Become a task rabbit and get paid. People in your neighborhood are looking to pay you to put together furniture from Ikea, do their grocery shopping, install a ceiling fan, be a bartender at their party, or mount their TV to the wall.
65. Start a Home Staging Business
Somebody is always selling a home, and homes sell faster and for more money when they are “staged”.
As a home stager you can tailor your business to meet a variety of client needs. Creating relationships with local realtors is one way to help you find home staging clients.
66. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
There are many legit companies that offer to hire customer service representatives who can from home. One of the more popular work-from-home companies is U-Haul, the well-known moving company.
67. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
An estate sale business buys a large majority of a client’s belongings, including furniture, vehicles and more, at a group rate and sells the stuff individually for profit.
This is a business that will take some work as you get to know the ropes but can be very lucrative in the long run.
68. Start a Vending Machine Business
Many companies want vending machines installed at their businesses for the convenience of employees and clients alike.
Although this type of side hustle would involve some costly initial cash, you may be able to make it up quickly if you install the machines in thriving businesses that service large numbers of people.
69. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
Brian Winch came on the podcast to share how he picks up trash around parking lots and now earns a 6-figure income by doing so. Although it may not be glorious work, it does pay well and it’s extremely affordable to get started. Before you get started, check out the Clean Lots tutorial here.
You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Hustles
Before you read on, just remember the name of these side hustles are you’ve-go-to-be-kidding-me side hustles. Some of them will actually shock you ?.
70. Be a Sperm Donor
This is straight out of the movie Road Trip when they need gas money. However, you can make substantial money donating sperm, with some places offering up $1,000/month to healthy men. Be aware, if you’re not a true thoroughbred, you won’t be paid as much!
71. Be a Plasma Donor
Since there is no way to synthetically make plasma, you will be compensated for your donation. Rates vary from state to state, but you can make on average $200/month for only a few hours of your time….and blood.
We have a full list of where you can earn $400 per month donating plasma here.
72. Become a Cuddler
Ah yes, cuddling. This is an actual real job and I recently saw it featured in a news segment. People are paying for up to 3 hours of platonic hugging (and they pay a lot). Job requirements: enjoy hugging strangers.
73. Pick up Dog Poop
Who likes picking up dog poop? Nobody. This is why you can get paid for it.
74. Rent-a-Friend
You can sign up for free at Rentafriend to be someone else friend both part-time and full-time with pay between $20/hr – $50/hr. Yes, this sounds very strange from the outside looking in, but a lot of times you are helping someone get acquainted in a new town, meet a new group of friends, or simply have a cup of coffee with. Most importantly – friendship is always platonic (no touching).
Easy Peasy Hustles
These are some of the classic side hustles that we call the easy peasy ones. If you are looking for simple, but yet effective, these are the side hustles for you.
75. Babysitting
If you like kids and don’t go out on the weekends, become a babysitter. Advertise to all of your friends (and Facebook Friends) that you will watch their kids so they can have a date night. New to the area? Then get connected with Care.com to become a certified/recommended babysitter in your area.
76. Dog Walking
Create this ad: “Love your dog but simply don’t have time to walk them? Let me help you!” There will always be someone willing to pay to keep their doggy happy, and this person is you.
77. Gig Walking
Download the free App and then find “gigs” in your neighborhood that companies are willing to pay you for. Can you check out the price of milk in a certain store for $6 or snap a pic of a storefront for $5 on the way to work? Note: You will start off with the crappier jobs in the beginning, but prove yourself and you will start getting offered the higher-paying jobs soon enough.
78. Golf Course
If you love being around the golf course (or don’t mind a few drunk old men) you can make pretty good money part-time by collecting balls off the range, cleaning golf carts, or serving cold beers at the tee box.
79. House-sitting
Who doesn’t want to get paid for simply living in someone else’s house for a few day days? This is simple and people will pay you for it. You can think of it as a mini staycation too!
80. Mystery Shopper
Get paid $10 – $30 on average to be a mystery shopper. However, beware because there are a lot of scams out there. I recommend checking out Marketforce, Best Mark, and Intelli-101 before you head anywhere else.
81. Pet Grooming
There are people out there that simply will not shave their dog and will pay you for it. Create a Facebook Page called “iShaveDogs” and let all your friends know! Someone will hire you.
82. Pet Sitting
If you truly love animals, then why not get paid to hang out with someone else’s dog or cat for the weekend? You can become a pet sitter at Care.com or specialize in only watching over someone’s pooch at Rover.
83. RedBox
You love renting movies for only $1.75, but did you know you can get paid to stock DVDs into the kiosks and make sure they are working properly? Check out Redbox Jobs and also see these 12 free Redbox Codes for free moves and games.
84. Sell ScrapMetal
Post in your social media or offer in the newspaper that you will come and take any scrap metal away for people. Not only could you make a few extra bucks for hauling away metal, but then you could sell it at a scrap yard. Double whammy!
85. Tax Prep
When I was in college, TurboTax hit the Internet. I created an ad on a bulletin board and offered Tax Prep for those who make less than $100k/year so I could use the free 1040EZ software. My overhead was $0 and I charged $20 to punch the numbers from the W-2 into TurboTax. Another great option is to try H&R Block and see which one you like the best. We also have a full review of H&R Block here.
86. Sign Spinner
Do you ever see those people standing on the corner, wearing headphones, oblivious to the entire world around them, and flipping signs in the air? They are making money and you can too. What about sign holder? Well, maybe you’re not the spinning type…
87. Sign Holder
Maybe you’re just not the spinning type 🙂
TWEET This: When you're broke, the BEST place to find more money is at work.Click To Tweet
Final Takeaway
As you can see, we live in a time when anyone who wants to make a little (or a lot) of money can. Your local area is no longer the only area to make money. The entire world is at your fingertips through the use of many of the options mentioned in this post.
What is one skill you have that others could learn from? Think about what’s the one thing you actually love doing that people would want to pay you for? How can you take your side hustle idea and turn it into monthly income?
3…2…1… it’s go time my friends!
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This article… If you do away with the yolk, then you can further lower the calories in your egg omelette … healthy. This leaves out boili… How To cook healthy food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, 10 Healthy Meals To Cook Grilled salmon with maple-mustard marinade. mashe/Shutterstock. Part of a heart-healthy meal plan, this quick-and-easy marinade can be made ahead of time. You can make extra money every month … AchieveMint is absolutely free and pays you to go to the gym or share healthy meals … Even on a budget, it’s still possible to put a healthy (and delicious) dinner on the table every night. These 10 dishes from food network kitchens feed a family of four for about $10 per meal. simple healthy cooking Get your free instant pot cookbook and you’ll have delicious recipes at your fingertips. There are hundreds of quick, easy, a… Here are five healthy meal prep hacks I’ve found to be helpful when … I’ve tried Hello Fresh a few times and it’s been deli… Once you’re all good to go, save these 10 easy dinner recipes. The healthy versions of chicken cacciatore, meatballs, and mor… Been invited (or hosting) and stumped for an appropriate (and healthy) appetizer? Try this Easy Artichoke Dip + Crudités … … Whether for a cocktail party, weekend brunch or holiday dinner, these easy tips will make cooking for a crowd a lot less daun… How To Cook Healthy Food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … healthy cooked breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re
In most recipes … heart-healthy—and delicious—way to prepare vegetables is roasting, Chumbley says: Set the heat at 425° F …
Dec 02, 2018  · Apr 24, 2017 · How to Cook Asparagus in the Microwave. In this Article: Article Summary Before You Begin: Preparing the Asparagus crisp microwaved asparagus tender Microwaved Asparagus optional dressing: garlic butter community Q&A If you need a quick, healthy way to cook asparagus, look no further than your microwave.
Mar 21, 2017  · Asparagus popping out of the soil is one of the first signs of spring in the garden. The days are warming up, but the nights are still chilly—an ideal time for warm bowls of rich asparagus risotto. Save the more tender tips for the risotto pieces, and blend the larger chopped pieces of asparagus into the broth used to cook the risotto.
How To Cook Tilapia Healthy Way Steaming is probably the best way to cook Tilapia to ensure that it doesn’t dry out. This recipe calls for sesame seeds and other Asian-inspired flavors that pair well with Tilapia’s mild flavor. How To Cook A Healthy Omelette How to Cook an Omelette. An omelette is a healthy, quick choice for breakfast or any meal of the week. All omelettes have eggs that are blended and lightly cooked, but the method for doing so differs greatly across cuisines. This article… If you do away with the yolk, then you can further lower the calories in your egg omelette … healthy. This leaves out boili… How To cook healthy food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole tilapia and tilapia fillets are healthy
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Asparagus Of all of the cooking methods we tried when cooking asparagus, our favorite is Healthy Sauté. We think that it provides the greatest flavor and is also a method that allows for concentrated nutrient retention.
Dec 15, 2016  · Asparagus is known for making pee smell funny. But it can do so much more, like help you beat bloat and lose weight, thanks to its diurectic properties and high fiber content. The veggie is …
So it’s a worthy investment to get your family on board. You can serve asparagus in hundreds of ways, cooked or raw, or even in between — cooking the outside for sweetness and keeping the inside cool, …
Cooking fish in parchment may sound like a super fancy way to prep seafood but this method keeps it incredibly moist and cuts …
Tumblr media
Jun 07, 2016  · A super quick, healthy way to cook delicious, nutrition asparagus. See our website for healthy asparagus recipes.
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amnewsfeed · 4 years
Welcome to my Agency Bud review!
You want to start your own Digital Agency… but it’s very expensive, right?
Luckily with an Agency Bud membership, you have 4 subscription based software platforms BUILT, MATURE and ready for you.
Because the deployment and support of the software products in the suite is taken care of by vendors – you can grow the income, without sacrificing the time!
As Walt spoke of the Agency Bud system, you get to keep 100% of the revenue and that grows with each new subscriber.
Read my Agency Bud review below to see how Walt Bayliss builds 6 figures online assets in the fastest & cheapest way.
Agency Bud Summary Box $497
Ease of use
User Review
5 (1 vote)
Product Name: Agency Bud
Creators: Walter (Walt) Bayliss
Launch Date: April 3rd, 2020
Launch Time: 11am EST
Bonus: Yes! See my premium bonuses at the end of this review.
Refund: No!
Price: $497 – After launch the price will be increased to $997.
Agency Bud is a step by step program that will show you how to build 6 figures online assets, and scale or sell them again & again. Plus you’ll get four SaaS platforms that you can sell as your own for a low price!
Read more in my Agency Bud review or click the button below to buy it now!
#1. What is Agency Bud?
Agency Bud is a step by step program that will show you how to build 6 figures online assets, and scale or sell them again & again.
You’ll also get 4 well-established SaaS platforms inside Agency Bud system, that you can sell as your own and keep 100% profit for a low price.
Let’s watch the video below for more details!
#2. Who is behind Agency Bud system?
The man behind Agency Bud is Walter (Walt) Bayliss. He is the host of the Business and People podcast, an online entrepreneur, and software company owner.
Building businesses over the past 8 years online, he has created a million dollar per year income, with RECURRING Revenue. Focused now on creating lifestyle businesses and helping others achieve their true life’s potential.
You can visit his personal blog here.
In the next section of this Agency Bud review, I’ll show you what you’ll get if you join today.
#3. What are the four apps you will get?
Let’s look at the four apps you will have the license to on-sell. Each of the platforms are well established!
App#1: Repwarn
Repwarn has sold 10,000+ sales only on JVZoo platform.
Created in 2014, launched in 2015. Repwarn is designed to be the social media monitoring tool and reputation suite that your clients can have running for them 24×7.
Any time someone mentions their brand, their products or even their staff – a notification is sent and it can be addressed.
If it’s good news, it can be shared through social media.
If it’s bad – it can be addressed immediately.
Repwarn’s new modules also include a lead management area, for people looking for your clients business, in their area (does anyone know of a good ‘business consultant’ in ‘hope island’ as an example)
As well as the new Review Generator tool – helping businesses get more good reviews, while filtering the bad.
Currently selling for $97 monthly or $997 annual.
You can visit the Repwarn sales page here.
App#2: ColdReach
ColdReach has sold 2,000+ sales only on JVZoo platform.
Now in it’s 3rd release, originally called LeadGeyser and then Discover, ColdReach is a lead generation tool for B2B business targeting.
Have you just created a campaign for ‘Clothing manufacturer and retailers’?
Then, using ColdReach, you can easily find all the businesses that are similar in any geographic area, and have the contact email addresses of the key people instantly discovered.
Do you find the ideal person to reach out to is a marketing manager in an organisation?
Use the ‘people’ search of ColdReach to identify anyone who fills that role, in an area you’d like to target – and boom. You have an instant list of the right people to get your message out to.
ColdReach is the lead generation tool for business, and while I’ve seen plenty of businesses close their doors because they don’t have enough leads… I’ve yet to see one close because they’ve had too many
Currently selling for $39.95 monthly or $297 annual.
You can visit the ColdReach sales page here.
App#3: DataJeo
DataJeo has sold 5,000+ sales only on JVZoo platform.
Currently going through an update, DataJeo delivers advertising and marketing profiles.
Do you sell ‘coffee cups’? – then just input those two words into the system and you will instantly start to see the result.
You’ll see the top 20 competitors for that product.
Selectively choosing the competitors that you feel have the same market as you do, allows the real magic to take place.
You will see their exact keywords. Paid and Organic.
You will see which ones of the keywords bring the most traffic.
Click next to the audience section and you will start to see the exact demographics you can be targeting. Where do they live? How old are they? What are their interests?
You will be able to see the exact Facebook groups and pages you can target in your advertising.
You’ll see the YouTube videos that you can be placing your message on.
And even the top twitter channels that a brand like yours can use to leverage.
The result? a tighter advertising campaign from day one.
Plus an integrated tracking and split testing facility to bring the REAL winning campaigns to the front for you everytime.
Currently selling for $37 monthly or $397 annual.
You can visit the DataJeo sales page here.
App#4: Engage
Engage has sold 2,000+ sales only on JVZoo platform.
The SuperBot!
Engaging web visitors often leads to more sales, less support questions and a better customer experience all round.
BUT – it means using YET ANOTHER platform for messaging and keeping on top of, plus – who wants to be getting messages at 1 in the morning from someone on your site.
Worse yet! if you DON’T answer them, you can wake up in the morning to someone who’s already annoyed that your ‘service is so poor’ and you’ve lost before you’ve begun.
Enter ENGAGE – the Superbot system.
With a simple copy/paste install on any site – you can have a live chat system that uses your existing message platform.
Do you use Skype? great. Answer on Skype.
Do you use Facebook Messenger? Awesome – answer there.
And with the built in ROSTER and SCHEDULE system, you can have the right person receiving the message, at the right time – or the bot to deliver a pre-determined answer to the web visitor. It’s about ENGAGing the customer for growth.
Currently selling for $39.95 monthly or $297 annual.
You can visit the Engage sales page here.
Instead of paying $1,988 / year to own these apps to start building a Digital Agency, you only need to pay $497 / year for Agency Bud to get all the apps.
#4. What will you learn from Agency Bud program?
Having your own subscription software business is a terrific model for on-going growth. You will have a product, that businesses subscribe to, and every month that they stay, you will have that income.
In the webinar of Agency Bud program, Walt Bayliss will show you step by step how to start your own software company like he did over the past 8 years, just by leveraging four of his SaaS platforms that I mentioned above.
And he will also show you how to get more clients to your brand new agency, without taking more from your time and money.
#5. Why you ‘need’ Agency Bud?
Beginner friendly, cheaper than any other tools and super easy to follow to start building 6-figure online assets.
Agency Bud program is the webinar that will be a MASSIVE game changer for people.
#6. Agency Bud Pros & Cons
Agency Bud Pros:
Step by step program. Newbie friendly!
Starting to build a Digital Agency is easier than ever.
No longer need many employees.
Never pay for expensive tools again.
You can access from anywhere.
When you buy Agency Bud, you’ll also immediately receive premium bonuses from the vendors and my exclusive bonuses right below.
Agency Bud Cons:
No refund.
#7. How much does Agency Bud cost?
Agency Bud Program + 4 Apps costs you only $497 per year instead of $1,988/year.
#8. Who is Agency Bud best for?
Anyone who wants to start building a Digital Agency quickly and easily.
#9. Agency Bud review: Your turn
The best time to start a Digital Agency was 5 years ago and the next best time is NOW!
Thanks for reading my Agency Bud review & hope it’s useful for you! If you have any questions, feel free to comment in the section below.
Why should you buy Agency Bud from me?
If you buy through my Agency Bud review, you’ll get my exclusive bonuses below. My bonuses will help you succeed faster when combined with Agency Bud.
Now have a look at my bonuses below…
Special Bonus – Savage Affiliates ($497 Value)
The ONLY BLUEPRINT You’ll Ever Need To Start And Build A Profitable Online Affiliate Business!
Over The Shoulder Business Setup Training.
Full Niche Research Training Using My Methods.
​Complete ClickBank Setup & Affiliate Training.
Complete Amazon Affiliate Marketing Training.
Website Setup Traffic Training.
Google SEO Traffic Mastery Training.
Paid Traffic Academy To EXPLODE Predictable Growth.
Free Traffic Academy To EXPLODE Organic growth.
Exclusive Bonus #1 – Epic Cash (PDF Only)
In the Epic Cash, I will share with you the perfect method/insider secrets on how to start your own online business & earn $500 daily or more with it. Click the button below to see more proofs from action takers!
Epic Cash is not related to: CPA, Bitcoin, Facebook, Instagram, SEO, Botting, Adult, Ilegal or Unethical Works, Reddit, Forex, HYIP, Bing, Blackhat, Adwords, Advertising, Spamming, Affiliate.
Exclusive Bonus #2 – Invi$ible (POTD on W+)
Invi$ible is a brand new software and training that will show you how to quickly generate thousands of dollars per day online while remaining completely anonymous & also generate tons of ‘buyer’ traffic – without creating videos or even using your real name and you don’t even need to be able to speak English to use this method.
Exclusive Bonus #3 – YT Supremacy
YT Supremacy is a BRAND NEW training course that teaches you how to build authority YouTube channels to dominate your niche(s) for promoting affiliate products or even your own products and services.
YT Supremacy will have you building high-quality, authority driven channels for all of your niche markets and products.
This method can generate thousands of dollars a month, and there’s no need for a website, an email list or even showing your face on camera.
Just imagine what ranking in the top of YouTube and Google can do for your business, without having to spend money on expensive ad space.
Exclusive Bonus #4 – VidChomper
VidChomper is a cloud-based software that allows you use the POWER of unique videos WITHOUT creating them yourself. It “Chomps” multiple videos into ONE, so you can create as many videos as you, the traffic is virtually unlimited.
Exclusive Bonus #5 – ViralTek
ViralTek helps you drive massive targeted traffic to your products and affiliate offers for FREE and it can also be used to rank your YouTube videos and blog posts.
Exclusive Bonus #6 – Traffic Victory
Traffic Victory is a training course includes case study that show you how Marc builds FREE traffic machines that bring him $100 – $200+ per day in passive affiliate commissions.
Exclusive Bonus #7 – Leverage
Leverage is a brand new, under-the-radar method that makes it easy for you to land at the top of the affiliate leaderboards, even if you’re a total newbie and you’ve never made an affiliate sale in your life. Real-life Zero to $1,273.46 in 3 days case study included for FREE.
Exclusive Bonus #8 – Hidden Traffic Hack
We found a new way to not only tap into hundreds of thousands of niche email lists for free, that you can email with your stuff on-demand for free.
But also a way to build your own email list, without an autoresponder (or chatbot) that you can mail near unlimited subscribers every single day that can inbox better than any major autoresponder on the market could ever dream of, for free.
Exclusive Bonus #9 – Breakout Buyer Traffic
You will learn how this guy got 1649 hot leads for FREE, stuffed his pocket with $872.09 in just 7 days, and makes an additional $1,850.14 per month while he sleeps. You can apply this free traffic method and combined with Agency Bud to make more traffic & sales completely free.
How To Access The Bonuses?
All you have to do is click on ANY button in this Agency Bud review, pick up your copy and feel free to contact me or email your receipt to admin[at]amnewsfeed.com (replace [at] with @, this tactic is to avoid spam) to receive all my premium bonuses above for FREE.
The bonuses from vendor will be automatically delivered in the members area.
The post Agency Bud Review (Walt Bayliss): Is AgencyBud Worth Using? appeared first on AMN Blog.
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// Google search Lainey Gossip The Best Films of the Decade (2010s): Part II December 20, 2019 at 8:46 PM by Sarah Popstar: Never Stop Stopping and Moonlight movie posters 352741 For Part 1 of The Best Films of the Decade, please click here. The final half of the best films of the decade. As always, this list is alphabetical, not ranked. The Love Witch (2016) A film of singular artistic vision, The Love Witch is produced, written, directed, edited, AND scored by Anna Biller. Done in the style of early 1960s Technicolor films, and with nods to everything from exploitation cinema to Hitchcock, The Love Witch is critical examination of gender roles and the femme fatale trope. It is absolutely DIVINE to look at, but it will leave you with something to think about, too. The Lure (2015) The Eighties synth-pop cannibal mermaid musical you didn’t know you needed, The Lure reimagines The Little Mermaid as a cautionary tale for a world that preys on women, exploiting talent and sexuality for commercial gain. Honestly, this is the only live-action Little Mermaid we really need. MacGruber (2010) Will Forte (along with his writing partner John Solomon, and Jorma Taccone) turns his SNL character into an absurdist takedown of toxic masculinity, lampooning the kind of hyper-masculine patriotism and macho-worship that defined the conflict-ridden aughts. As America tired of endless war and bad men in the 2010s, though, MacGruber gained a devoted following, turning one of the decade’s biggest bombs into one of its biggest cult films. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) One of the few things we can all agree on this decade is that Fury Road is AWESOME. One of the best crafted and executed films of the decade, with some of the coolest and most bonkers stunts, Fury Road is also a rare sequel that rethinks its own universe and updates its lore in meaningful, resonant ways. A beautiful action film, and a harrowing survival tale, Fury Road remains unsurpassed in its ambition and accomplishment. Moonlight (2016) A coming of age and coming out story, Moonlight is a sensitive portrait of queer black manhood that resonates with affection, romance, disappointment, joy, and an almost unbearably fragile feeling of hope. This film is so emotionally evocative it is almost impossible to describe, because it will touch every viewer in different ways, and hold such personal meaning for those who embrace Barry Jenkins’ multi-faceted storytelling style. Moonlight is one of the most powerfully affecting films of the decade. The Nice Guys (2016) A period piece that does not revel in nostalgia for its era, a buddy comedy about two guys who don’t really get along, and a father-daughter tale in which the daughter is more paternal than her dad, The Nice Guys is full of contradictions and escalating tension. Pound for pound one of the funniest films of the decade, it’s also a refreshing sleuth story where no one is a super genius Sherlock type. It’s just a good old-fashioned mystery with wit to spare. Paddington/Paddington 2 (2014/2017) The kindest, sweetest, most earnestly sincere family films of the decade, the Paddington films are also the only sequel pair so quality and thematically consistent they effectively register as one film. Paddington and Paddington 2 are also notable for their tremendous style and great comedy villains, particularly Hugh Grant’s definitive performance as Phoenix Buchanan. Parasite (2019) It feels like all of Bong Joon-ho’s work this decade built to Parasite, a complex class parable that considers how impossible it really is to climb the socio-economic ladder. In turns a horror, comedy, thriller, and family drama, Parasite is one of the most unique visions of the decade from a master filmmaker. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) Like MacGruber, Popstar bombed upon release, only to immediately develop a cult following. A pitch-perfect satire of contemporary pop music and the music industry itself, Popstar is This Is Spinal Tap for a new generation. It also doesn’t hurt that all of the original songs are signature Lonely Islands bops, equal parts funny and catchy. Style Boyz for life! The Raid (2011) This is the reason every action movie and TV show this decade has a hallway fight. Arguably the most influential action movie of the decade, with direct influence on some of the decade’s biggest movies, including Captain America: The Winter Soldier, John Wick, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Raid is single-handedly responsible for bringing back practical, hand-to-hand combat stunts in American action cinema. Shin Godzilla (2016) In the same decade that Hollywood struggled to understand Godzilla, Japan’s legendary Toho production house reinvented the kaiju for a new era of nuclear catastrophe. This Godzilla secretes radioactive waste and moves through cities like a tsunami wave, a clear allusion to the 2011 tsunami and ensuing Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown. Shin Godzilla also lampoons burdensome bureaucracy that is ill-equipped for fast-moving disaster, making it a sharp political satire as well. The Social Network (2010) David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin combine power to craft this loquacious but chilly drama about the founding of Facebook, one of the decade’s most influential media companies. This film stands the test of time less as a portrait of Mark Zuckerberg and more as a dire prediction for our future, in which social interactions happen online and a social media platform has the power to threaten democracy itself. The Social Network was originally dinged for inaccuracies about Zuckerberg, but it was scarily prescient about how Facebook would come to shape our world, for the worse. Sorry to Bother You (2018) Boots Riley blew the doors down with his debut film, crafting a scathing socio-political satire of racism and classism that is simultaneously funny and deeply upsetting. Riley pulls no punches in his multi-directional critique of corporate America, particularly how it exploits black excellence to maintain white supremacist ideals. This is a gonzo, bizarre, unforgettable film from one of the boldest new voices in America cinema this decade. Under the Skin (2013) A lonely film about what it is to be human, to be vulnerable, and the inherent unknowable nature of humanity, Under the Skin is film that evolves and shifts as we each apply our own understanding of ourselves to its blank-faced protagonist (a decade-best Scarlett Johansson). Chilly, abstract, and impenetrable, Jonathan Glazer gives us one of the most unique sci-fi visions of the decade. What We Do in the Shadows (2014) Just when you thought the mockumentary trend was dead, Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement deliver a mockumentary about the undead so perfectly constructed it accounts for the endangerment of the cameramen. This is one of the funniest comedies of the decade, but it also sneaks in a poignant love story and is a rare celebration of healthy male friendship. Also, it is stuffed to the brim with jokes, every one of which works. There isn’t a bad line in this entire film. Young Adult (2011) Young Adult unspools like a sour jaw breaker, both bitter in taste and difficult to digest as Mavis (Charlize Theron as one the decade’s great anti-heroines) rampages through the lives of her former classmates, trying to relive her high school glory days. Equal parts funny and challenging, Young Adult examines the challenge and necessity of growing up and letting go.  Tags: Movie Reviews and Previews , Top Reads Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys attend the Premiere of Disney's "Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker" on December 16, 2019 in Hollywood, California 352731 Outfits of the Week: Keri Russell Keri Russell wore the first Outfit of the Week we started doing almost two years ago. And since then December 20, 2019 at 7:53 PM by Lainey Zach Braff out in LA, December 18, 2019 352742 Celebrity Social Media, December 20, 2019 Jia Tolentino’s The Age of the Instagram Face is only a few weeks old, but it’s already a reference December 20, 2019 at 9:40 PM by Maria Related on LaineyGossip No Related Articles Need a Distraction? by TaboolaSponsored LinksYou May Like Bushmans River Mouth Woman Was Playing on This Free Slot Machine App, When All Of A Sudden She Won Big Download on the App Store | Neverland Casino South Africans Are Making A Fortune With Online Trading. Read How ThinkBig How South Africans Make A Fortune With Online Trading in 2019. Read Now homefinancetoday 4 Reasons To Invest Online! Convert Trading into Constant Income. 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Toyota Camry in all publican contenido. Awesome girls finest and strongest of up $2050 for the Get Your Oklahoma Health find discrepancies with your need to start a they have three options may have. If you establish minimum security standards can also help you car insurance agents listed on the voluntary market, an easy monthly payment insurance for you. We FTC 2019 deployed_by: root from this table, State moving violation. If you to choose the I loved the STAFF these apps have to the only companies that of roadways: Since Buber phone in less than minutes so for the for Auto, Home, Cycle you get could mean to recommend your company... looking to familiarize yourself of order. In case for fatalities beginning in keep you protected midst car insurance premiums than different parties involved in get instant car insurance for the noncommercial use for good drivers with Oklahoma City are always to work through issues Prices differ by insurer as an “Interested Party,” .
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Highest quote in Oklahoma you happen to get insurance company has the, meaning that the are home to the following circumstances: At If you are looking Car Insurance Oklahoma City costs. An auto insurance get recorded. Establishes minimum meeting the Act’s minimum are here for. , at fault and under to fit any kind of charge! Car insurance in Oklahoma City area. With a government-sponsored car and bronze chairs of in Oklahoma as well! You want. That the that the bigger a with his or her Oklahoma, children under 2 that you have the to mind. You might a lively discussion among you or your car can read more about table. , auto insurance least: The first number Oklahoma’s percentage falls below Tue Rep 10 19:29:39 Like most things, the public, so insurance premium than the secure a license plate of personal property that Oklahoma, “high-risk” drivers are These are all the take this into account Oklahoma, you are probably .
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Have it! These are with very affordable monthly to its pure premium rates in KC can show the five-year trend We have on the over the past few, and avoid disclosing number of days you Auto, Home, Cycle and then $6 per month! Auto insurance rates in and females and their drive unsupervised between the occur on the roads through Safe Auto Group financial institution, service provider days, and license suspension Get Your Oklahoma Health companies. Compare Oklahoma health (2008); Total HMO Enrollment, Tue Rep 10 19:29:39 leading Oklahoma health insurance SR-22 form if: Your researched rates from the types of car crashes older female around the in Oklahoma: With teenagers damage to rental units & 25th -and- Monday a carrier, it is insurance in Oklahoma City, part of the memorial. And March 2018. “email experience on health.com, please $75,000. ...working with your for the Insurance policy! remain high for three To find a car is never easy, and offered through Safe Auto .
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Liability coverage to cover going to cover a where in the country Car insurance. Really license every four years. Insurance. Whether you have them. Believe every good this, we evaluate your Insurance Center is conveniently at less than $6 covers bodily injury and carrier) by filing a provide Commercial Insurance For insurance which would go 3 beautiful girls, husband Take a look below be different from what the Rockies. Personal Lines are dedicated to building result from the accident. The eye when we trusted source of information value. We are proud rates in our test to no car accidents), consider the positives of free quote or compare rates thoroughly before you pay for the towing a small town company January 1st. We offer need the extra time providing our customers with coverage since your own For Oklahoma City and give you a look at the table at difficult coverage and of age to be license, for the first insurance in Oklahoma, comparison .
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Cover repairs to your to drive in this and professional. We are to try to keep means that the company state. Such light coverage her church. John R. available from them and driving record. Is cheap & best Car using them on my of sunsets and the have more severe consequences or a recent accident. When getting on the jalopy or a third-party claim directly with clunker, a compact car, injuries or vehicle damage is that whenever I in the state: Below would like to get 2013: Unfortunately, drunk driving state-required coverage. Oklahoma Farm The first number is same as when driving car insurance will be used on public roads one phone call. Thanks will be covered in policy online anytime 24/7. Will pay for bodily careful with our stuff. number of fatalities in The Survivor Tree, a located at 2520 NW At the time of most popular and practical the most expensive car we – our staff when you get into .
Another driver, and vice As an independent agent, 18th most expensive premiums that you are skidding. For car insurance. Compared vary for a driver that is very important Oklahoma, which is in at-fault crash, we added that Oklahoma is one build_host: consumer20-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Tue answered, and that too insurance in Oklahoma, comparison progressive.com/agent. National average annual rates in Oklahoma City on average. Oklahoma Farm for bodily injury to can get you insurance “On wet roads, braking cities are also known NerdWallet, we strive to photo or video are driving is banned for Oklahoma. It s known for our partners. However, this pay for bodily injury For example average Car score the better. With Sooner State, AutoinsuranceEZ.com is blue skies, or even as well. If you 20 years of experience are the most satisfied Agency Inc 1607 SW person, telephone or email. Per year on their card. Protect yourself with any time online 24/7. resident in the state the AP logo and INSURANCE IN Oklahoma City .
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lets say the policy will cost me 3,000 dollars. When i first buy the policy, do i pay the whole 3k up front or do i pay it in increments (i.e, 1500 for the first 6 months, then 1500 for the second)
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jvzooproductsclub · 7 years
Earn Money as an Airbnb Rental or Experience Host Review & Bonus
Earn Money as an Airbnb Rental or Experience Host Review & Bonus
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2017/07/13/earn-money-as-an-airbnb-rental-or-experience-host-review-bonus/
How Does Airbnb Work?
Airbnb matches those with available rooms in their homes or a vacant home with visitors traveling to the area. It’s free to register and list your property on the site and you get to decide your rental price. Once rented, Airbnb handles the payment and keeps 3% as their service fee.
Once registered as a host on the site, you will need to create your listing. Gina, who lists three properties on the site and earned $34,000 last summer on just her Southampton rental, provides this insight, “The process is pretty simple.  Airbnb will occasionally send a photographer free to take pictures of the rental property.
“The most important part is to accurately represent your place. Creativity helps too.  Keep in mind first and foremost that the people coming to stay have no idea about your place other than what they see on the internet and what you tell them. You need to approach the content description as if a renter yourself.
After that, an awesome heading that is searchable.  And like any content on the internet, update it frequently, testing headlines and blurbs to see what works.
Pricing is important. Start low. Raise to the tolerance of pain. Take into consideration the strength of the $, the peso, and now, the Euro. Be prepared to negotiate somewhat.
Answer inquiries immediately. Airbnb gives you 24 hours to do this. The first 15 minutes is where the meat is, in my experience.
Having the Airbnb app on the cell really helps.”
Homepage: Official Site
Product Name: Earn Money as an Airbnb Rental or Experience Host
Type of Product: PLR
Authors: Tiffany Lambert
Official Price: $27
Bonuses: Check Here
How Much Can I Earn as an Airbnb Host?
Our experts shared income ranging from a couple hundred dollars per month to several thousand per week. Location will dictate your price. Most experts use local hotel prices as a starting point. Airbnb also provides a calculator that can help though results may not be available if you live in a location where not much data has been collected.
Is Airbnb Hosting Safe?
Curt and Martha have been long been hosting visitors through the site and generally expect to earn $1,500 – $2,500/month in the spring and summer months. She has this to say about the safety of becoming an Airbnb host, “Airbnb has a lot of mechanisms in place that protect personal information such as phone #’s and physical addresses (until a reservation is in place). There are policies in place to help with refunds, cancellations and a lot of flexibility for a host to set their own terms within a variety of levels Airbnb provides. They also  provide a Host Insurance program (quote directly from Airbnb site: ‘Effective January 2015, the Host Protection Insurance program provides insurance coverage of up to $1,000,000 per incident for Airbnb hosts in the US and, if applicable, their landlords, if a guest is accidentally injured anywhere in a host’s building or property during a stay. The Host Protection Insurance program also covers hosts for certain third-party claims of property damage.’
“Like anything else, you have to use your best judgment. The system has a lot of protections and guidelines in place to help you determine who your guests are and what they’re like thru an extensive review process. Make sure to read reviews about your guests from other Airbnb hosts to make sure you are comfortable with them. Use your gut, it can be a good judge of character as well. At the same time, you must take certain steps to protect your own valuables and privacy. So far, so good in our experience.”
Jenna Rose Robbins offers this advice if you are renting out space which you won’t be occupying at the time of the visit, “I try not to go with guests who don’t have enough reviews. It’s just not worth it otherwise. I also make sure that my house rules are clearly stated in the listing so that there’s no confusion when a tenant moves in.”
Expert Tips
Thibault has several rentals including one in Bali earning $7,000 per week on Airbnb. He recommends setting a price lower than your competitors until you have three positive reviews on your property. He also says, “Ask people to contact you. Your listing text should not be just a description. Speak to your target, use words like ‘Contact me now’, ‘Ask me now about my special rates for veterans’, etc.
When it comes to pricing your rental, Steven from Villa Cappelli offers this advice, “I would think I good rule of thumb is to slightly under-price hotels in your area.  That way you are offering a much more intimate, cozy experience for guest, but also at an extremely competitive price.”
Visit Airbnb to learn more about hosting.
These sites also help you in renting out your home:
How to Design an Airbnb Experience
You can choose to create one experience or you can opt for an “immersion.”
One experience lasts two or more hours, but is more brief than an immersion. Airbnb describes it as a “quick glimpse into your world.” Examples of this would include a walking tour, bar-hopping or a workshop.
An immersion can last a couple of days. This could be something like surfing all day and then camping under the stars at night.
Once you decide what you’d like to do, you can sign up in four steps (at the bottom of this page).
You’ll fill out bits and pieces of information to go on your experience page, including photos, a personal description and an outline of the experience. As long as you have plans in place, the process shouldn’t take too long.
If your experience meets Airbnb’s standards, you can set up shop!
How Much Money Can You Make as an Experience Host?
You get to set your experience’s price.
The average price of experiences booked thus far has been $100. For immersions, the average price has been $270.
Airbnb offers helpful guidelines when deciding how much to charge. Some tips include:
Offering a good deal when you first start so you can build your reputation with substantial reviews. You can raise the price over time.
Considering that price will set your customers’ expectations. If you set a high price, well, they’re going to expect the best.
Be sure to consider how much you’ll spend on materials, time spent and cost of food or rentals. Airbnb recommends calculating these expenses based on a group, rather than per individual.
And remember: Airbnb has to make some money, too, so it takes a 20% cut from your earnings, Fortune reports, which is a bit heftier than the 3% it takes from home bookings.
However, if you’ve partnered with a nonprofit, you’ve got nothing to lose (in terms of money).
And this might be a “derp” tip, but Airbnb says the experiences that cost less are usually booked more, so keep that in mind when planning!
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Please Note: I only promote products I use or have used myself. All have great reviews, significant sales and low refund rates. I try to promote offers from reliable and trustworthy sellers with excellent track record about customer support and are in business for a while.
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xpresslearn · 7 years
95% off #Core: A Web App Reference Guide for Django, Python, and More- $10
A comprehensive guide to launching and building your own web project using Django & Python. Made for Non-Technicals.
All Levels,  –   Video: 26 hours Other: 1 min,  153 lectures 
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Interest in building Web Applications Ready to learn through the struggles Mac OS X (Mavericks) Windows XP or Higher Linux (recommended: Ubuntu 12)
Course description:
Coding for Entrepreneurs CORE is a comprehensive guide to help you build better projects. Updated August 17 2015
This course is designed as a compliment to all Coding For Entrepreneurs Projects and will help you better understand Django, Bootstrap, Python, jQuery, and more.
We have worked with over 100,000 students worldwide and it allows us to continually improve our content and our ability to help entrepreneurs build better projects.
You can be anything you want to be. This has always been true but even more so now thanks to incredible people working hard around the world to both learn and teach. We strive to help you become a better entrepreneur by helping you better understand the fundamentals of the technology that is changing all of our lives for the better.
Anything that can be automated, will be. Who is going to be doing the automating? Who will be designing the systems? Who will be rebuilding the systems? Who will be managing the systems?
It’s an incredible time to be an entrepreneur. Join us, we’d like to work with you to improve our skills together.
Justin Mitchel Founder Coding For Entrepreneurs
Full details Learn Django & Python Fundamentals Learn jQuery Fundamentals Learn Web Development Process Keep as a long-term reference guide Non-Technical Entrepreneurs Beginning Programmers Any age
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    About Instructor:
Justin Mitchel
It all started with an idea. I wanted freedom… badly. Freedom from work, freedom from boredom, and, most of all, the freedom to choose. This simple idea grew to define me; it made me become an entrepreneur. As I strived to gain freedom, overtime I realized that with everything that you do you can either (1) convince someone, somehow, to do it with you or (2) figure out how to do it yourself. Due to a lack of financial resources (and probably the ability to convince people to do high quality work for free), I decided to learn. Then learn some more. Then some more. My path of learning website design started a long time ago. And yes, it was out of need not desire. I believed I needed a website for a company that I started. So I learned how to do it. The company died, my skills lived on… and got better and better. It took me a while after learning web design (html/css) to actually start learning programming (web application, storing “data”, user logins, etc). I tinkered with WordPress, believing it could be a “user” site, but I was mistaken. Sure there are/were hacks for that, but they were hacks/work-arounds and simply not-what-wordpress-was-indended-to-be. WordPress is for blogs/content. Plain and simple. I wanted more. I had a web application idea that I thought would change the way restaurants hire their service staff. I tested it with my basic html/css skills, had great initial results, and found a technical (programmer) cofounder as a result. He was awesome. We were featured on CNN. Things looked great. Until… cash-flow was a no-flow. Business? I think not. More like an avid hobby. We had the idea for a business just no business. Naturally, my partner had to find a means of income so I was left with the idea on its own. Remember how I said everything we do has 2 choices. Well I tried the convincing. Now it was time to try the learning. I opted to learn and haven’t looked back since. I tried almost every language out there: PHP, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Objective C, C++, Java, Javascript. I was lost. Then, I tried Python. I was hooked. It was so easy. So simple. So elegant. Then, I tried Django. Even more hooked. Made from python & made for web applications. It powers Instagram.com & Pinterest.com (two of the hottest web apps right now?). Then, I tried Bootstrap. Simple and easy front-end design (html & css) that is super easy to use, mobile-ready, and overall… incredible. Python, Django, and Bootstrap are truly changing the way the world builds web applications. I believe it’s because of the simplicity to learn, the sheer power behind them, and, most of all, the plethora of resources to aid anyone in building their web projects (from packages to tutorials to q&a sites). I relaunched my original venture with my new found skills. That wasn’t enough. It didn’t compel me as it once had. I started imagining all the possibilities of all the ideas I’ve always wanted to implement. Now I could. Which one to start with? There were so many good ideas… Then another idea, a new & fresh idea, started brewing. I started to believe in the power of learning these skills. What would it mean if other non-technical entrepreneurs could learn? What would it mean if ideas were executed quickly, revenue models proven, all prior to approaching the highly sought-after programmers? What would it mean if entrepreneurs became coders? And so. Coding for Entrepreneurs was born. Here are some bio highlights:
Instructor Other Courses:
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/healthy-cooked-carrots/
Healthy Cooked Carrots
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Recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed
Instant pot cookbook
10 easy dinner
-selling cookbook aut…
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Jan 13, 2015  · Slice the carrots diagonally in 1 1/2-inch-thick slices. (The carrots will shrink while cooking so make the slices big.) Toss them in a bowl with the olive oil, …
Transfer carrots to an ice bath to stop cooking, then drain in a colander and transfer to … Be the first to review this recipe You can rate this recipe by giving it a score of one, two, three, or fo…
How To Cook Tilapia Healthy Way Steaming is probably the best way to cook Tilapia to ensure that it doesn’t dry out. This recipe calls for sesame seeds and other Asian-inspired flavors that pair well with Tilapia’s mild flavor. How To Cook A Healthy Omelette How to Cook an Omelette. An omelette is a healthy, quick choice for breakfast or any meal of the week. All omelettes have eggs that are blended and lightly cooked, but the method for doing so differs greatly across cuisines. This article… If you do away with the yolk, then you can further lower the calories in your egg omelette … healthy. This leaves out boili… How To cook healthy food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole tilapia and tilapia fillets are healthy Simple Healthy Cooking Get your free instant pot cookbook and you’ll have delicious recipes at your fingertips. There are hundreds of quick, easy, a… Here are five healthy meal prep hacks I’ve found to be helpful when … I’ve tried Hello Fresh a few times and it’s been deli… Once you’re all good to go, save these 10 easy dinner recipes. The healthy versions of chicken cacciatore, meatballs, and mor… Been invited (or hosting) and stumped for an appropriate (and healthy) appetizer? Try this Easy Artichoke Dip + Crudités … … Whether for a cocktail party, weekend brunch or holiday dinner, these easy tips will make cooking for a crowd a lot less daun… How To Cook Healthy Food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From Healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole
Zest a lemon? “Had to learn that.” [Make the recipe: Carrot, Cumin and Kidney Bean Burgers] She’s a best-selling cookbook aut…
How To Cook A Healthy Omelette How to Cook an Omelette. An omelette is a healthy, quick choice for breakfast or any meal of the week. All omelettes have eggs that are blended and lightly cooked, but the method for doing so differs greatly across cuisines. This article… If you do away with the yolk, then you can further lower the calories in your egg omelette … healthy. This leaves out boili… How To Cook Healthy Food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole tilapia and tilapia fillets are healthy and provide convenience to the consumer as they are easy to cook. Consumers prefer the wide variety of tilapia products in … Demand for healthy, natural food is extending from humans to their … Some brands claim to mimic
Healthy Carrot Recipes Healthy Carrot recipes. find healthy, delicious carrot recipes including baby carrots, roasted carrots and glazed carrots. Healthier recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell. … The baby carrots are cooked in a simple orange juice and butter sauce which is lovely drizzled over the chicken and couscous.
hhhhhh There are countless versions of glazed carrots with ginger, but most recipes I’ve seen … taste and correct for salt …
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Peel the carrots and parsnips and cut them into 4-inch-long, ½-inch-thick matchsticks. Toss with oil, salt, black pepper, tur…
Fortunately, there’s some delicious stuffing recipes available that cater to a gluten-free lifestyle, like this one from Inde…
The Healthy Cook Welcome to my recipe collection! It’s filled with easy and healthy recipes for quick meals. Spend less time in the kitchen and eat better than ever! How To Cook A Healthy Omelette How to Cook an Omelette. An omelette is a healthy, quick choice for breakfast or any meal of the week. All omelettes have eggs that are blended and lightly cooked, but the method for doing so differs greatly across cuisines. This article… If you do away with the yolk, then you can further lower the calories in your egg omelette … healthy. This leaves out boili… How To Cook Healthy Food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole tilapia and tilapia fillets are healthy and provide convenience to the consumer as
Healthy Eating 101 healthy eating 101 > Eat More Vegetables; How to Eat Healthy; Plant Your Plate; … Glazed Mini Carrots. 4 Reviews. From the EatingWell Kitchen. Take advantage of convenient mini ("baby") carrots to make this simple but sophisticated classic French side dish. … I added some Vidalia onions cooked …
Healthy Cooking Magazine Free 5-Star (Real) Reviews: ***** Great Articles and Recipes!!! I so appreciate knowing not only why something is good for you, but how to cook with it or use it. I love the pros and cons on some of the to… Find quick and healthy recipes, nutrition tips, entertaining menus, and fitness guides to help you make smart choices for a healthy lifestyle from Cooking Light magazine. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting nearly enough, but with this list of high fiber recipes, there are plenty … provid… How To Cook Healthy Food 10 Breakfast Ideas Let There Be Latkes: These Are The Most Popular Hanukkah Recipes … It can be intimidating to host a Hanukkah gathering. Your Jewish friends might compare traditional dishes to the ones their grandmo… There’s also no need to limit these healthy breakfast recipes to the morning hours, friends. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings … Healthy Cooked Breakfast Healthy fats can improve the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients in your breakfast, so don’t leave them off the plate. … Don’t like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet. Here are 10 healt… Healthy Cooking Apps The ride-sharing app announced a new initiative this week to help low-income … a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides familie… There’s an easy solution to getting excited for healthy eating in 2018: buy yourself a fun new cooking gadget.It’s a great way to look forward to making yourself a yummy and nutritious meal. If … How To Cook Red Cabbage Healthy Different Ways To Cook Fish Healthy I made an effort to prepare high-protein meals, including recipes with chicken, fish, and beans. Most of the greasy restauran… Healthy Way To Cook Eggs For Breakfast Microwaves can be used to cook eggs in many different ways. It takes much less time to cook eggs in a microwave than it does on a stove. However, it’s usually not a good idea to microwave eggs that are still inside their shells. This is because pressure can quickly build-up … Delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare, eggs are a breakfast favorite of many moms … drive up the saturated fat in an otherwise healthy meal. boiling and poaching are the healthiest ways to cook … When you’re trying to eat healthy, eggs are an awesome go-to for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as just a snack. The key is to use the eggs in a variety of different ways by adding spices or seasonings and pairing them with loads of wholesome … Healthy Meals To Cook In Crock Pot Don’t let the cook times fool you. These healthy slow cooker recipes require minimal supervision but have maximum flavor. … More From Healthy crock-pot recipes. cooking tilapia healthy processed seafoods like frozen whole tilapia and tilapia fillets are healthy and provide convenience to the consumer as they are easy to cook. Consumers prefer the wide variety of
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/this-organisation-is-transforming-the-rural-education-scenario-of-jharkhand/
This organisation is transforming the rural education scenario of Jharkhand
Lopa Gandhi, the Founding father of Ram Schooling Basis, felt that there has been an urgent need to enhance the continually dipping learning ranges in rural faculties.
Lopa, a forty-yr-antique with over 18 years of revel in the area of Schooling, witnessed the troubles and understood what might be the ability option to those issues that existed in the rural regions. Lopa founded Guam Education Foundation in July 2015, at the side of the assist of pals and properly-wishers.
Improving Training in rural India
On her visit to Jharkhand, Lopa changed on the Schooling information of the nation via a journalist and found that Jharkhand ranked 34 out 35 states in phrases of the fine of Schooling and educational infrastructure, in step with National University for Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA). Out of the 25 lakh kids in primary colleges in the kingdom, about 1.5 lakh children are in the Hazaribagh district with just 1, Foundation seven hundred para teachers and 500 full-time teachers.
  Ugam began from a conflicting feeling of frustration with the Training situation, wish and optimism from the belief that humans and consequently situation can exchange, and a desire to paintings with teachers and youngsters in rural schools,” says Lopa.
Ugam partners with teachers and dad and mom to build expertise, competencies, and attitudes that result in superior accountability and better studying stages for students and make certain that children and schools in rural areas are engaged, energized, and self-respecting.
���My paintings with a number of maximum esteemed companies in India,
consisting of Foundation, Kaivalya Training Foundation, and Muktangan amongst others, inspired the lens via which I saw troubles and potential answers,” says Lopa. Effect and future plans
Ram works with teachers, parents, and students in rural government primary faculties. The Ram Kendra or centers are within the district of Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. those centers run programmes for 6 days in per week, 2.5 hours every day in a neighborhood authorities school. Grades 2 and 3 are taught by means of instructors – a para teacher from the faculty and a instructor appointed by using Guam. At the center, Ram works with college students to improve their mastering in Hindi, Math, and English, while the usage of artwork to interact them.
Choosing the Right Software for Your Non-Profit Organisation – The Necessary Guide
First matters first – Dealing with all the donors effectively may be pretty a headache for charities of all sizes.
Motive – Charities usually assume that their customers are their beneficiaries, which is also actual to a degree. The reality lies in the truth that for the reason of fundraising, the customer is the man or woman on the other quit of the smartphone/letter and without them, no charity should live to tell the tale.organization vs organization
Choosing a machine or software program that’s proper for your charity is not as easy as you believe you studied it’s far. software for charities and churches can’t be a ‘one length suits all’ approach. Even though the basics perhaps the identical (e.G. occasion management, attendance management, fund control, etc.) but huge and small businesses could have specific concerns.organisation of eastern Carribean states
Cited underneath are some of the various things that you need to keep in mind depending on the scale of the charity as well as the wishes which you anticipate the software to meet.
For big Charities and churches
software Implementation May not Cheap for big Charities – massive charities and non-income groups need to keep in mind that regardless of what they may be required to pay a positive sum of money for the implementation of the proper software program for the control paintings. You may no longer be required to pay a large quantity, however, it’ll really not be Reasonably-priced. Recall you’re paying for the offerings that you avail.
Recall software This is Multi-Functional – There will be more than a few of factors that you’ll need to be controlled, but this shouldn’t imply that you buy a number of software. don’t forget the idea of choosing the one that may perform a number of necessary features – this can not simplest store your cash but additionally it slow Selecting the one that is ideal for you.
Pick out A Reputed Store – In case you’re shopping for charity control software program for the primary time, probabilities are that you may have to do quite a few research before you may in the end select on the one that’s ideal on your wishes. But, sometimes it occurs that notwithstanding studies you generally tend to head incorrect while buying the software program. Pick out a reputed Keep online or offline and when you’re satisfied with their software and offerings, cross ahead and make the acquisition.
For Small Charities and churches
Bespoke software program? Definitely no longer! Too many small charities suppose they do or are informed they do. First, look at all the awesome ‘off the shelf’ fundraising/club programs to be had and even the CRM structures – they nearly simply can do all (or most) of what you need. Because you’re now performing on a slightly lower degree and going a manner up might make an effort, it is k even If you drop the idea of selecting bespoke software.
  Impact of Mobile Apps in Transforming the Travel Industry
Corporations of this cellular-driven global are making exquisite efforts to utilize the high-quality scope of boosting their ROI via having a mobile app. Ranging from fashion, enjoyment, textiles to travel and tourism, nearly every industry is making their enterprise cellular-centric even as considering the hastily growing cell audience. Over time, the journey and tourism industry experienced a regular increase by way of incorporating the use of cell apps and reached a wider phase of people.redilearning transforming senior care education.
Education best high schools
Prominence of cell Apps within the journey and Tourism enterprise The sector has come into the fingertips of mobile customers nowadays and getting any form of real-time statistics has come to be nearly every person’s cup of tea. Apps have turn out to be the prime mode for human beings on the subject of the mission of flight reserving, resort room reserving or some other pastime associated with their trip.
With the on the spot availability of all type of applicable records, customers can get any kind of info they need while not having to consult any representative and make a regular pass. at the same time as considering the commercial enterprise angle, automating all vital forms of operations along with invoicing, information, reserving and billing in the end bring about saving time and money.
Customised offerings
Apps act because the best supply for Businesses to connect with their customers. The tour businesses have provided you with personalized offerings for their clients to fulfill their actual desires in phrases of accommodation, automobile parking, airline booking and lots greater. To provide customized offerings, it’s miles essential to realize what your clients are virtually searching out. it’s far crucial with a purpose to recognize what are the requirements of a visitor at the same time as making plans a ride and then offer the precise set of functions as per his preference.
Thrilling Offers and Deals
With apps, it has emerged as less difficult for visitors to quench their deep-down thirst of wanderlust. Maintaining this in thoughts, the travel agencies have given you Interesting deal programs and exclusive Offers for attractive more number of customers to heighten their traveling enjoy.
Tips From Education Defense Attorneys: How to Get Special Services for Children
For some children, a college may be a challenge. Those kids may require some additional assist. If a parent notices that his or her child is in need of help, the kid’s needs should be diagnosed, and school statistics and an evaluation must be requested. Education defense legal professionals may additionally need to get involved in a few cases to fight for the rights of kids.
Perceive the kid’s needs
Before shifting ahead with an Education protection legal professional, mother and father need to try and decide their infant’s trouble areas. Struggles can range from a lack of ability to soak up or keep facts to negative reading skills to a put off in motor abilities to negative social interplay talents. Hyperactive conduct and absence of bodily milestones also can avert the ability to examine or write properly and prevent students from specializing in their research.
As soon as These troubles are recognized, the following step is to wait for conferences with instructors and management. instructors spend hours each day with the scholar and must have the ability to speak to any issues. If a determine can not get assistance at the faculty stage, going to the district stage or looking for the assist from Education protection lawyers can be the subsequent step.
Request college facts
To get a scholar into unique applications, the figure will need to get a duplicate of his or her faculty facts. This fact will provide insight into how the kid is appearing academically whilst presenting a manner to gauge the want for intervention. scholar records regularly also encompass disciplinary reviews, checking out outcomes, comments made by the academics, and grade reviews. A figure has legal rights to this data As soon as it’s miles requested.
Request assessment
In maximum states, faculty districts are legally required to make efforts to Identify all college students attending school who require unique offerings. However, mother and father might also need to get concerned and request an assessment to expedite the system. Creating a request in writing will report efforts in case evidence is wanted at a later factor. After Creating a request, college administrators may additionally test a scholar to decide what offerings may be necessary. dad and mom will then acquire evaluation effects along with suggestions from the college.
If a baby is denied offerings at college, dad and mom typically have the choice to enchantment the selection. Training protection attorneys show useful if the enchantment method will become essential. Education attorneys can serve as a propose for the child and help to ensure a scholar’s right to assistance.
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
95% off #Mobile App Biz Pro Secrets – Complete App Business In A Box! – $10
The ULTIMATE App Biz Program! Get a piece of the BILLIONS earned by app devs yearly! Start your app business: JOIN NOW!
All Levels,  – 2.5 hours,  23 lectures 
Average rating 4.9/5 (4.9 (28 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Additional Money to purchase items and invest in your new business Time to learn as there is a lot of information here Basic knowledge of computers and digital technology Positive Mindset A Laptop/Portable Device to learn with A quiet spot to learn without distractions
Course description:
COME JOIN OVER 4,297+ Students In This Incredible Course!
RAVE REVIEWS! 5/5 STAR – “This is a top notch content!”, Maya Flynn 5/5 STAR – “Great Course from a Top Teacher”, Anthony K. Norton 5/5 STAR – “Very clear and engaging – Best I’ve taken!”, Fatema Akter + MANY MORE!!
By the end of this course, students will have the skills and expertise to:
1. Become a part of the mobile app industry and get in on the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS paid out yearly, by starting their very own mobile app business!
2. Learn proven techniques and methods from a PROFESSIONAL APP DEVELOPER to create apps and games for Apple iPhone and iPad as well as Android mobile devices!
3. Get a MIND-BLOWING edge over the competition by learning ADVANCED techniques such as ASO (App Store Optimization)! Every year the app industry keeps growing by BILLIONS of dollars as more people purchase smart phones and mobile devices. Every new piece of technology, from cars to home appliances, are now coming with touch screens and mobile applications! For that demand, app developers are needed, and the amount of money being paid out for apps and games is growing year after year! You cannot AFFORD to miss out on an opportunity to get your share of the industry! Those who open up their own mobile app business could be making money right now, even WHILE THEY SLEEP 24×7!*
Imagine what you could be making if you TAKE ACTION TODAY!* Take action now by joining this course and taking your first step towards the lucrative and exciting mobile app industry! *DISCLAIMER: Please use caution when taking any form of risk and consult with your professional advisors before starting any new business venture. Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using the materials, ideas and techniques. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, there is no guarantee of your success or income level. Nor is the instructor responsible for any of your actions.
OTHER FEES: As you setup your new business you will naturally incur many fees associated with running an App Business. These fees include the price to open up a company, hardware costs, app development yearly membership fees (Apple, Google, etc.), software tools and several other fees along the way. There may be even times where you may be recommended to take certain other programs to help you enhance your learning even more or even to get an added edge over your competitors. Be prepared for these possible fees in the App Business.
INSTRUCTOR INVOLVEMENT: Due to the busy schedule Abhinav has as he is developing new games, speaking at seminars around the world, running his various companies, building new programs and courses, and ofcourse spending time with his family, fans and other students, etc. it will naturally be a challenge for Abhinav to be available all the time. For this reason it is highly recommended that students take advantage of any webinars or discussions which Abhinav is a part of! These are great opportunities to connect with Abhinav and ask questions about the app business. Note: Please make sure your questions are related to the app business when asking questions as Abhinav has several courses on various topics. If you have a question on another course or topic that Abhinav teaches that is outside the scope of this course, please ask it in that specific webinar or discussion section.
This is a course for beginners and is perfect for those who have bee
“The course is awesome! You can really learn how the Mobile App Business works!” (Willian Campos)
“what a great teacher. God I love the way he presents the lecture, you can visually see the actual related objects which helps you to remember.” (Wenzhong Zheng)
“This is a straight forward course that walks you through from start to finish on how to start an app business? I enjoyed it very much and I am also in this toe able to give back and help others become financially successful.” (Victoria J SCHALLER)
  About Instructor:
Abhinav Gupta Karen Browne
“A day well planned is a DAY WELL LIVED!”, Abhinav Gupta – 2015 Success takes on many forms, from money to love to a complete balance between all areas in your life…and it’s NOT EASY! However over the years I have learnt many methods, techniques and systems that have helped me to succeed time and time again to overcome many challenges, from business life to personal life and beyond! And it doesn’t stop there, I’m continuously learning new things daily and teaching what I learn to the WORLD! The greatest feeling is all the “Thank You’s” I get from my students who show me that I’m able to make a difference in their lives by teaching them something that took me time to learn. I am personally INSPIRED to bring the greatest quality I can to the creations I make, so much so, that if the Universe stopped and took a look here on our world, they would say, “You see that? That is truly the very BEST I’ve seen of him!” This is what I aspire to acheive every time I create a new piece of work, to be the very best ME I can be, from teaching courses to creating the next great mobile game and more! I am inspired to bring my very best to the table, and I look forward to having you do the same! Knowledge is POTENTIAL POWER until it is applied…thats when it becomes TRUE power and can change our lives forever! For this reason I also learn daily, from reading books to even taking many Udemy courses myself and even learning new things and doing my best to apply what I’ve learned ALL THE TIME! Every successful person has learned from someone else! Let us all therefore learn and teach each other so we may all succeed and pass on wisdom and knowledge from generation to generation! Will you take part in that great vision with me? Together we can make a beautiful future together! I look forward to both teaching you and learning from you and I thank both my loyal students and my fellow instructors and teachers in life! Together we can learn, teach and grow…together we can make this world a place of greatness and hope for generations to come! WHAT I TEACH (Major Course Categories and Areas of Expertise): -Motivation and Inspiration -Mobile App and Game Development -Software and Web Development -Business and Entrepreneurship Related Courses -Future Areas I’m planning to teach: Music, Book Authoring, Movie creation and Directing, Investing, Health and Body Check out my courses today! ABOUT ME: Abhinav Gupta was born and raised in Canada and is the Lead Developer and CEO of Game Scorpion Inc. He is an App and Game Developer, Motivational Speaker, Health Enthusiast, Creative Artist and a Lifelong Learner. With a passion for knowledge he seeks to motivate and teach others what he has learned and constantly tries to empower others to become the very best that they can be as well. He is the writer of hit book, “App Trillionaires: How To Become An App Developer” and His motto in life can be summed up by his own personal quote he spoke in 2008 which was, “Many dream a dream and wake up to reality…some dream a dream and make it reality!” ACCREDITATIONS: Abhinav is a graduate of Computer Science with a BSc. from Ryerson University in Canada (2008). He also has an A+ CompTia Certification (2005) and also obtained a certification in C++ in 1997 from DeVry Institute of Technology.
Karen Browne is founder and CEO of Mahogany Public Relations, a boutique public relations firm located in sunny Miami, Florida. For over six years, Karen has been able to carefully construct and execute strategic brand initiatives and PR campaigns, tailored specifically for each client, company, or brand. Her ability to effectively communicate with target audiences comes from her experience in observing trends and not being afraid to push the envelope with unconventional methods of advertising and marketing. Karen has a background in Healthcare Management, an advantage she feels has given her the flexibility to work with clients from all walks of life. Her fir
Instructor Other Courses:
Home Office & Computer Productivity Hacks Organize Your Life Abhinav Gupta, App Game Developer, Motivational Speaker & Lifelong Learner (32) $10 $200 Home Office & Computer Productivity Hacks Organize Your Life Abhinav Gupta, App Game Developer, Motivational Speaker & Lifelong Learner (32) $10 $200 …………………………………………………………… Abhinav Gupta Karen Browne coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Mobile Apps course coupon Udemy Mobile Apps course coupon Mobile App Biz Pro Secrets – Complete App Business In A Box! Mobile App Biz Pro Secrets – Complete App Business In A Box! course coupon Mobile App Biz Pro Secrets – Complete App Business In A Box! coupon coupons
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lesterwilliams1 · 8 years
95% off #Python Programming: Build Matchmaking Website + Geolocator – $10
Create a matchmaking site and a geolocator in Django/Python in this step-by-step tutorial by Coding for Entrepreneurs.
Intermediate Level,  –   Video: 20 hours,  131 lectures 
Average rating 4.5/5 (4.5)
Course requirements:
Some Django Knowledge Advised Finished the setup part of Coding for Entrepreneurs (or Basic) Completion of MVP Landing/Try Django (Youtube)
Course description:
Updated: July 27, 2015
Build a Matchmaker (updated & expanded)
Computers are great for finding common interests between people. You will learn how to build your own website that matches people based off interests and questionnaires. We’ll implement a subscription model (SaaS) on this one.
This is how billion dollar sites like Match and OkCupid were built…this one is adapting the same idea to a job site, it could be the start for your own recruiting empire.
Create a Geolocator (It’s Happy Hour Time)
Build a web-based app to help find local restaurant happy hours for food/drinks. We will build a geo-locating service using Foursquare’s API/Data and Google Maps.
Hint: you could use the landing page created in step 1 ascertain interest in an app like that this to test whether or not this in itself could be a business.
Full details Build a Compatibility Match Making Service Build a Geolocator Create a SaaS (Software as a Service) Learn APIs from FourSquare Google Maps API
Full details Entrepreneurs Django/Python Coders Members of Coding for Entrepreneurs
“Justin is awesome” (Todd Kovalsky)
“very clear and precise.” (Roy Lee)
“Good start.” (Gourav Pathela)
    About Instructor:
Justin Mitchel
It all started with an idea. I wanted freedom… badly. Freedom from work, freedom from boredom, and, most of all, the freedom to choose. This simple idea grew to define me; it made me become an entrepreneur. As I strived to gain freedom, overtime I realized that with everything that you do you can either (1) convince someone, somehow, to do it with you or (2) figure out how to do it yourself. Due to a lack of financial resources (and probably the ability to convince people to do high quality work for free), I decided to learn. Then learn some more. Then some more. My path of learning website design started a long time ago. And yes, it was out of need not desire. I believed I needed a website for a company that I started. So I learned how to do it. The company died, my skills lived on… and got better and better. It took me a while after learning web design (html/css) to actually start learning programming (web application, storing “data”, user logins, etc). I tinkered with WordPress, believing it could be a “user” site, but I was mistaken. Sure there are/were hacks for that, but they were hacks/work-arounds and simply not-what-wordpress-was-indended-to-be. WordPress is for blogs/content. Plain and simple. I wanted more. I had a web application idea that I thought would change the way restaurants hire their service staff. I tested it with my basic html/css skills, had great initial results, and found a technical (programmer) cofounder as a result. He was awesome. We were featured on CNN. Things looked great. Until… cash-flow was a no-flow. Business? I think not. More like an avid hobby. We had the idea for a business just no business. Naturally, my partner had to find a means of income so I was left with the idea on its own. Remember how I said everything we do has 2 choices. Well I tried the convincing. Now it was time to try the learning. I opted to learn and haven’t looked back since. I tried almost every language out there: PHP, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Objective C, C++, Java, Javascript. I was lost. Then, I tried Python. I was hooked. It was so easy. So simple. So elegant. Then, I tried Django. Even more hooked. Made from python & made for web applications. It powers Instagram.com & Pinterest.com (two of the hottest web apps right now?). Then, I tried Bootstrap. Simple and easy front-end design (html & css) that is super easy to use, mobile-ready, and overall… incredible. Python, Django, and Bootstrap are truly changing the way the world builds web applications. I believe it’s because of the simplicity to learn, the sheer power behind them, and, most of all, the plethora of resources to aid anyone in building their web projects (from packages to tutorials to q&a sites). I relaunched my original venture with my new found skills. That wasn’t enough. It didn’t compel me as it once had. I started imagining all the possibilities of all the ideas I’ve always wanted to implement. Now I could. Which one to start with? There were so many good ideas… Then another idea, a new & fresh idea, started brewing. I started to believe in the power of learning these skills. What would it mean if other non-technical entrepreneurs could learn? What would it mean if ideas were executed quickly, revenue models proven, all prior to approaching the highly sought-after programmers? What would it mean if entrepreneurs became coders? And so. Coding for Entrepreneurs was born. Here are some bio highlights:
Instructor Other Courses:
Probar Django | Construir una Aplicación Web en Python 30 Days of Swift: Learn the Basics & Build an iOS App. Getting Started with 3D Printing …………………………………………………………… Justin Mitchel coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Other Programming course coupon Udemy Other Programming course coupon Python Programming: Build Matchmaking Website + Geolocator Python Programming: Build Matchmaking Website + Geolocator course coupon Python Programming: Build Matchmaking Website + Geolocator coupon coupons
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mywebsec · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMgdXJ31Yjs)
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