#Awstats restart
handkilop · 2 years
Awstats restart
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If you’ve used my Github’s script for a standard FAMP stack box you’re surely using the Pre-fork MPM, hence you need to uncomment line 169. We’ll first look for the module’s configuration line on the main Apache’s HTTP config grep -n -B1 'mod_cgi' /usr/local/etc/apache24/nfġ66: LoadModule cgid_module libexec/apache24/mod_cgid.soġ69: #LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache24/mod_cgi.soģ81- # ScriptSock: On threaded servers, designate the path to the UNIXģ82: # socket used to communicate with the CGI daemon of on the Apache’s MPM module we’re using we’ll enable the CGI capability by uncommenting the lines 166 or 169. Configure Apache HTTP to use CGI scriptsĪWStats makes use of CGI scripts but Apache HTTP on FreeBSD has the module to execute those scripts disabled by default. Github script in case you want to automate your install. Use this link to get 100 $ credit at DigitalOcean and support hosting costs.īut probably that extends to a FreeBSD with a FAMP stack on. This same setup can be built in DigitalOcean.
This article is a how to install AWStats on FreeBSD using the Apache HTTP web server. It can be used with Apache but with Nginx as well. Here comes in AWStats in the modern web sphere. However, nowadays not everyone is using Google Analytics services and even it may be difficult to make use of it for corporations and governmental agencies alike. The tool is basically coded in Perl and it was a very popular choice before Google made it way easy when they launched their Google Analytics tool. AWStats is a very powerful and useful software allowing webmasters count the visits to their managed websites.
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mobilewint · 2 years
Awstats restart
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Awstats restart install#
To access Awstats from the specific network, change the IP permission with your system or network IP. The default configuration for Awstats use allows from all access.
Awstats restart install#
You can now install AWStats using the yum command as follows: – sudo dnf install awstats Step 4: Configure AWStats for Apacheīy default, AWStats generates an Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf.d/nf. Sudo systemctl enable httpd Step 3: Install AWStats Then check the apache service, start apache manually and activate the apache service at start / start time. Run the following command to install Apache Server. dnf install epel-release Step 2 – Install Apache ServerĪWStats required the Apache web server to run. You must install the EPEL Yum repository on the server.
it will be useful to monitor website traffic, how many visitors are to a website in a day / week / month, what browser they use, etc.īy default, the AWStats package is not available in the CentOS 8 repository.
View visitor information (OS, browser, IP address, screen size, search engine, keyword phrase and keywords used to find your site).
It can show the number of visits and unique visitors, the duration of the visit.
It supports most web server log formats, including Apache, IIS and many other web server log formats.
AWStats analyzes server log files and produces HTML reports in a nice graphical display. It is written in the Perl language and acts as a CGI or from the command line. AWStats is an open source advanced web analytics tool that generates advanced web, streaming, FTP or email server statistics graphically.
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scaletrust · 2 years
Cgi bin awstats awstats pl
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Cgi bin awstats awstats pl install#
Cgi bin awstats awstats pl full#
# This is to permit URL access to scripts/files in AWStats directory.Īnd there's AWStats in the browser. ScriptAlias /awstats/ "/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/" # Directives to allow use of AWStats as a CGIĪlias /awstatsclasses "/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/classes/"Īlias /awstatscss "/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/css/"Īlias /awstatsicons "/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/icon/" executable file 20807 lines (19761 sloc) 643 KB Raw Blame Open with Desktop View raw View blame /usr/bin/perl. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Reinstated the AWStats configuration changes to etc/apache2/nf: # rawstats / public / cgi-bin / Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy. Then: a2enmod cgiĬommented out the changes AWStats had made, ran a2enmod, restarted and 'Hello World' worked. To do so, first remove (or comment out) the things you've already added. Note that in Debian, there's an advanced configuration system which would have done all of this for you, if you would have used it -) What you want to do is ensure that you have something like That means you haven't configured authorization for your webserver. Posted a more useful question, joined the Debian email list and was referred to the docs: /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian then got the following SO response: Now when you access the url /awstats/, you will see username. Restart apache for the config to take effect. In case your apache server has /cgi-bin/ configured, it may make /cgi-bin/ accessible. Hmmm: AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/local/apache2 Note that we added cgi-bin/ also in above config. First tell your apache to use modcgi if you havent enabled it yet. Cool!Ĭhecked Apache error log: $ sudo cat /var/log/apache2/error.log /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ -configyourdomain.ext -update.
Cgi bin awstats awstats pl full#
SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections URI /cgi-bin/ yes The full URI path to VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Payload information: Space. iDEFENSE has confirmed that AWStats versions 6.1 and 6.2 are vulnerable. You will need to create a configuration file for each website for which you wish to view statistics.
Cgi bin awstats awstats pl install#
For CentOS8: dnf install epel-release dnf install awstats Set up AWStats Config. Shows a tree of files, ownerships and permissions. This module exploits an arbitrary command execution vulnerability in the AWStats CGI script. For Ubuntu/Debian: apt install awstats -y. Someone at Linode (web hosting) recommended using to check file permissions: sudo apt-get install tree Played around with changing ownerships of various files to and from root:root, myusername:www-data. Made sure all permissions were 755 for directories and 644 for files. First (useful) thing I did was just post a simple "hello world" script in the cgi-bin: #!/usr/bin/perl
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
The best way to set up AWStats on Ubuntu Server 18.04
http://tinyurl.com/y67c7x72 Stats are necessary—particularly to the number-crunchers who dictate your IT funds. AWStats will assist the stats related along with your web sites. Jack Wallen For those who’re a community or internet admin, you want stats. In fact you do. And when the upper ups name a gathering and need numbers, you have to have them. That is when instruments like AWStats come into play. AWStats is an open supply internet analytics software program that can provide you all of the stats you want to your web sites. Ah, analytics—a phrase each member of the enterprise nation loves to make use of in a sentence. With good motive. At present’s companies want numbers to crunch. With a instrument like AWStats, you get loads of numbers. However how do you put in AWStats? SEE: https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-office-365-for-business-everything-you-need-to-know/Choosing your Windows 7 exit strategy: Four options (Tech Professional Analysis) I will present you. I’ll display on Ubuntu Server 18.04 and can assume you have already got your full-blown Apache stack up and operating (along with your web site(s) configured and dealing). Outdoors of that, you may want a person account with sudo privileges. That is it. You are able to work. Set up The set up of AWStats is definitely fairly easy. Open a terminal window (or log into your Ubuntu machine) and concern the next command: sudo apt set up awstats libgeo-ip-perl libgeo-ipfree-perl That is it for the set up. Configuration Observe: I will display utilizing the outdated instance.com. You’ll substitute your area in for that. The primary configuration file is awstats.conf. We have to make a duplicate of that file, including our area title. Again on the terminal window, concern the command (substituting in your area title): sudo cp /and many others/awstats/awstats.conf /and many others/awstats/awstats.instance.com.conf In that file, make sure that to edit the next traces to replicate these adjustments: LogFormat=1 SiteDomain="instance.com" HostAliases="localhost instance.com" AllowFullYearView=3 AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingIPAddresses="" LoadPlugin="tooltips" LoadPlugin="graphgooglechartapi" LoadPlugin="geoipfree" As for the plugins, you possibly can view data on what’s accessible from the official AWStats Plugins page. From that record, you possibly can add any plugin to the configuration file you want. If you have to permit entry to AWStats from particular IP addresses, make sure that to configure that with the AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingIPAddresses possibility. Save and shut that file. There may be another configuration file to switch. Problem the command: sudo nano /and many others/awstats/awstats.conf.native Be certain that this file incorporates the traces: SiteDomain="instance.com" HostAliases="localhost instance.com" Modify the above traces to suit your wants after which save/shut the file. Take away present information At this level, an AWStats cronjob may have already run and failed. Why did it fail? Permissions (we’ll get to that). Due to this failure, we have to take away the info added to AWStats. To do that, concern the next two instructions: sudo mv /and many others/cron.d/awstats /root sudo rm /var/lib/awstats/* The primary command strikes the cron job file, so it will not run (we’ll transfer it again later). The second command removes any information that was added by the failed cronjob. Permissions Now we will regulate the permissions, so the AWStats cron job will not fail. To do that, you have to concern the next three instructions: sudo chgrp www-data /var/log/apache2 /var/log/apache2/*log /var/log/apache2/entry.log sudo chmod 755 /var/log/apache2 sudo chmod 644 /var/log/apache2/* Subsequent you may want to switch one other configuration file, this time for the Apache logrotate performance. Problem the command: sudo nano /and many others/logrotate.d/apache2 In that file, search for the road that begins with: create 640 Be certain that the above line appears precisely like this: create 640 root www-data Save and shut that file. Cronjob It is time to transfer that cronjob again. Do that with the command: sudo mv /root/awstats /and many others/cron.d Configure Apache Now that AWStats is put in and functioning correctly, it is time to configure Apache. Keep in mind, I am demonstrating with instance.com, so you may need to change this configuration in response to your wants. Open the Apache digital host file for enhancing with the command: sudo nano /and many others/apache2/sites-available/instance.com.conf Add the next traces to the underside of the file (above the tag): Alias /awstatsclasses "/usr/share/awstats/lib/" Alias /awstats-icon/ "/usr/share/awstats/icon/" Alias /awstatscss "/usr/share/doc/awstats/examples/css" ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ ScriptAlias /awstats/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ Choices +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Save and shut that file. Allow the CGI module with the command: sudo a2enmod cgi Lastly, restart Apache with the command: sudo systemctl restart apache2 Launch your browser Open your browser and level it to http://SERVER/cgi-bin/awstats.pl (the place SERVER is both the IP deal with or area of your internet hosting server). You must see the AWStats web page, with newly added information. For those who see no information, wait about 10 minutes (which is how usually the cronjob runs) and information will seem (Determine A). Determine A: Only a portion of the info you may see within the AWStats predominant web page. Get pleasure from these numbers You must now have the flexibility to report, with greater than sufficient information, about these demanding numbers on the websites you handle. Get pleasure from that information. Open Supply Weekly Publication You do not need to miss our suggestions, tutorials, and commentary on the Linux OS and open supply functions. Delivered Tuesdays Join at the moment Join at the moment Additionally See Source link
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cPanel ssh komutları – sorunların çözümleri
cPanel SSH Komutları  
1- Sunucuya reboot çekme PHP- Kodu: reboot
2- Cpanel’in /scripts klasöründe mysql priv. ‘ler için çeşitli scriptler bulunmaktadır. Erişim hatalarını düzeltmek için bu script’i kullanabilirsiniz, erişim hatası varsa bu kod düzeltecektir. PHP- Kodu: /scripts/cleanupmysqlprivs
3- Bu komut Mysqlde symlink e bakar yoksa yeniden oluşturur. (1 kerede yapmassa aynı komutu 2 veya 3 kere daha deneyin)
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/restartsrv_mysql
4- Mysql rpm lerini yeniden yükler
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/mysqlup –force
5- perl modülünü günceller
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/perlinstaller –force Bundle::DBD::mysql
6- php -apache yi yeniden derler
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/easyapache
7- cpaneli update eder
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/upcp
8- cPanel.config dosyasını düzenlemek için
PHP- Kodu: /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
9- Apache restart için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd restart
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
10- Apache durdurmak için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd stop
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
11- Apache başlatmak için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd start
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
12- Apache ayarlarını kontrol etmek için :
PHP- Kodu: service httpd configtest
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd configtest
13- Root dizinindeki dosyaları görmek için
PHP- Kodu: dir
14- Dosya silmek için PHP- Kodu: rm -f dosyaismi.tar.gz*
15- Sunucu özelliklerini gösterir
PHP- Kodu: cat /proc/cpuinfo
16- rar dosyası açmak
PHP- Kodu: unrar x dosya.rar
sunucunuzda unrar yüklü değilse bunu uygulayın
PHP- Kodu: wget http://apt.sw.be/packages/unrar/unrar-3.6.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh unrar-3.6.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
17- zip dosyası açmak PHP- Kodu: unzip dosya.zip
18- sunucuda her hangi bir dosya veya dosyaları aramak
PHP- Kodu: locate c99.php
Eğer arama yapmaza db yi updete etmemiz lazım ardından araması lazım PHP- Kodu: updatedb
19- Kullanıcı yetkilendirme
PHP- Kodu: chown -R kullanıcı:kullanıcı /home/kullanıcı
- Install Zend Optimizer /scripts/installzendopt - Hostname A Entry Missing! /scripts/fixndc then restart bind and apache - Install Cron on New Server /scripts/installrpm anacron vixie-cron ; /etc/rc:temizzd/init.d/crond start - Bandwidth issues /scripts/cleanbw - /scripts/fixwebalizer (To fix problem in webalizer that stop updating stats) - /scripts/fixcommonproblems - /scripts/fixeverything - Fixing Mail List MailMan /usr/local/cpanel/bin/convertmailman2 - Reinstall MailMan /scripts/reinstallmailman - Fix Permissions on accounts: /scripts/fixhome - Edit mySQL conf file: pico /etc/my.cnf - Edit php.ini: pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini - Edit Apache Conf: pico /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - Checking Real Time Top Processes Login to SSH and run: top - Run cpanel backup /scripts/cpbackup - To try and fix domain controller: /scripts/fixndc - Quotas /scripts/initquotas – takes a while to run - /scripts/resetquotas - /scripts/fixquotas – takes a while to run - /scripts/adddns Add a Dns Entry - /scripts/addfpmail Install Frontpage Mail Exts - /scripts/addservlets Add JavaServlets to an account (jsp plugin required)
- /scripts/adduser Add a User - /scripts/admin Run WHM Lite - /scripts/apachelimits Add Rlimits (cpu and mem limits) to apache:temizz - /scripts/dnstransfer Resync with a master DNS Server - /scripts/editquota Edit A User’s Quota - /scripts/finddev Search For Trojans in /dev - /scripts/findtrojans Locate Trojan Horses - Suggest Usage - /scripts/findtrojans > /var/log/trojans - /scripts/fixtrojans /var/log/trojans - /scripts/fixcartwithsuexec Make Interchange work with suexec - /scripts/fixinterchange Fix Most Problems with Interchange - /scripts/fixtrojans Run on a trojans horse file created by findtrojans to remove them - /scripts/fixwebalizer Run this if a user’s stats stop working - /scripts/fixvaliases Fix a broken valias file - /scripts/hdparamify Turn on DMA and 32bit IDE hard drive access (once per boot) - /scripts/initquotas Re-scan quotas. Usually fixes Disk space display problems - /scripts/initsuexec Turn on SUEXEC (probably a bad idea) - /scripts/installzendopt Fetch + Install Zend Optimizer - /scripts/ipusage Display Ipusage Report - /scripts/killacct Terminate an Account - /scripts/killbadrpms Delete “Security Problem Infested RPMS” - /scripts/mailperm Fix Various Mail Permission Problems - /scripts/mailtroubleshoot Attempt to Troubleshoot a Mail Problem - /scripts/mysqlpasswd Change a Mysql Password - /scripts/quicksecure Kill Potential Security Problem Services - /scripts/rebuildippool Rebuild Ip Address Pool - /scripts/remdefssl Delete Nasty SSL entry in apache default httpd:temizzconf - /scripts/restartsrv Restart a Service (valid services: httpd,proftpd,exim,sshd,cppop,bind,mysql) - /scripts/rpmup Syncup Security Updates from RedHat/Mandrake - /scripts/runlogsnow Force a webalizer/analog update:temizz - /scripts/secureit Remove non-important suid binaries - /scripts/setupfp4 Install Frontpage 4+ on an account:temizz - /scripts/simpleps Return a Simple process list. Useful for finding where cgi scripts are running from:temizz - /scripts/suspendacct Suspend an account - /scripts/sysup Syncup Cpanel RPM Updates - /scripts/unblockip Unblock an IP - /scripts/unsuspendacct UnSuspend an account - /scripts/upcp Update Cpanel - /scripts/updatenow Update /scripts - /scripts/wwwacct Create a New Account - /scripts/runweblogs account username for awstats to run manually
Bazen apache / httpd (o ölür veya sunucu çöküyor kadar daha fazla bellek alma) gibi davranış bozuk MySQL veritabanı neden olabilir.Aşağıdakileri deneyin: 1) Mysql sunucusunu öldür /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop
2) Tüm SQL veritabanları onarım: myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI
3) Tekrar mysql Başlangıç​​: /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
0 notes
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cPanel ssh komutları – sorunların çözümleri
cPanel SSH Komutları  
1- Sunucuya reboot çekme PHP- Kodu: reboot
2- Cpanel’in /scripts klasöründe mysql priv. ‘ler için çeşitli scriptler bulunmaktadır. Erişim hatalarını düzeltmek için bu script’i kullanabilirsiniz, erişim hatası varsa bu kod düzeltecektir. PHP- Kodu: /scripts/cleanupmysqlprivs
3- Bu komut Mysqlde symlink e bakar yoksa yeniden oluşturur. (1 kerede yapmassa aynı komutu 2 veya 3 kere daha deneyin)
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/restartsrv_mysql
4- Mysql rpm lerini yeniden yükler
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/mysqlup –force
5- perl modülünü günceller
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/perlinstaller –force Bundle::DBD::mysql
6- php -apache yi yeniden derler
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/easyapache
7- cpaneli update eder
PHP- Kodu: /scripts/upcp
8- cPanel.config dosyasını düzenlemek için
PHP- Kodu: /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
9- Apache restart için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd restart
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
10- Apache durdurmak için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd stop
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
11- Apache başlatmak için
PHP- Kodu: service httpd start
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
12- Apache ayarlarını kontrol etmek için :
PHP- Kodu: service httpd configtest
PHP- Kodu: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd configtest
13- Root dizinindeki dosyaları görmek için
PHP- Kodu: dir
14- Dosya silmek için PHP- Kodu: rm -f dosyaismi.tar.gz*
15- Sunucu özelliklerini gösterir
PHP- Kodu: cat /proc/cpuinfo
16- rar dosyası açmak
PHP- Kodu: unrar x dosya.rar
sunucunuzda unrar yüklü değilse bunu uygulayın
PHP- Kodu: wget http://apt.sw.be/packages/unrar/unrar-3.6.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh unrar-3.6.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
17- zip dosyası açmak PHP- Kodu: unzip dosya.zip
18- sunucuda her hangi bir dosya veya dosyaları aramak
PHP- Kodu: locate c99.php
Eğer arama yapmaza db yi updete etmemiz lazım ardından araması lazım PHP- Kodu: updatedb
19- Kullanıcı yetkilendirme
PHP- Kodu: chown -R kullanıcı:kullanıcı /home/kullanıcı
- Install Zend Optimizer /scripts/installzendopt - Hostname A Entry Missing! /scripts/fixndc then restart bind and apache - Install Cron on New Server /scripts/installrpm anacron vixie-cron ; /etc/rc:temizzd/init.d/crond start - Bandwidth issues /scripts/cleanbw - /scripts/fixwebalizer (To fix problem in webalizer that stop updating stats) - /scripts/fixcommonproblems - /scripts/fixeverything - Fixing Mail List MailMan /usr/local/cpanel/bin/convertmailman2 - Reinstall MailMan /scripts/reinstallmailman - Fix Permissions on accounts: /scripts/fixhome - Edit mySQL conf file: pico /etc/my.cnf - Edit php.ini: pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini - Edit Apache Conf: pico /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - Checking Real Time Top Processes Login to SSH and run: top - Run cpanel backup /scripts/cpbackup - To try and fix domain controller: /scripts/fixndc - Quotas /scripts/initquotas – takes a while to run - /scripts/resetquotas - /scripts/fixquotas – takes a while to run - /scripts/adddns Add a Dns Entry - /scripts/addfpmail Install Frontpage Mail Exts - /scripts/addservlets Add JavaServlets to an account (jsp plugin required)
- /scripts/adduser Add a User - /scripts/admin Run WHM Lite - /scripts/apachelimits Add Rlimits (cpu and mem limits) to apache:temizz - /scripts/dnstransfer Resync with a master DNS Server - /scripts/editquota Edit A User’s Quota - /scripts/finddev Search For Trojans in /dev - /scripts/findtrojans Locate Trojan Horses - Suggest Usage - /scripts/findtrojans > /var/log/trojans - /scripts/fixtrojans /var/log/trojans - /scripts/fixcartwithsuexec Make Interchange work with suexec - /scripts/fixinterchange Fix Most Problems with Interchange - /scripts/fixtrojans Run on a trojans horse file created by findtrojans to remove them - /scripts/fixwebalizer Run this if a user’s stats stop working - /scripts/fixvaliases Fix a broken valias file - /scripts/hdparamify Turn on DMA and 32bit IDE hard drive access (once per boot) - /scripts/initquotas Re-scan quotas. Usually fixes Disk space display problems - /scripts/initsuexec Turn on SUEXEC (probably a bad idea) - /scripts/installzendopt Fetch + Install Zend Optimizer - /scripts/ipusage Display Ipusage Report - /scripts/killacct Terminate an Account - /scripts/killbadrpms Delete “Security Problem Infested RPMS” - /scripts/mailperm Fix Various Mail Permission Problems - /scripts/mailtroubleshoot Attempt to Troubleshoot a Mail Problem - /scripts/mysqlpasswd Change a Mysql Password - /scripts/quicksecure Kill Potential Security Problem Services - /scripts/rebuildippool Rebuild Ip Address Pool - /scripts/remdefssl Delete Nasty SSL entry in apache default httpd:temizzconf - /scripts/restartsrv Restart a Service (valid services: httpd,proftpd,exim,sshd,cppop,bind,mysql) - /scripts/rpmup Syncup Security Updates from RedHat/Mandrake - /scripts/runlogsnow Force a webalizer/analog update:temizz - /scripts/secureit Remove non-important suid binaries - /scripts/setupfp4 Install Frontpage 4+ on an account:temizz - /scripts/simpleps Return a Simple process list. Useful for finding where cgi scripts are running from:temizz - /scripts/suspendacct Suspend an account - /scripts/sysup Syncup Cpanel RPM Updates - /scripts/unblockip Unblock an IP - /scripts/unsuspendacct UnSuspend an account - /scripts/upcp Update Cpanel - /scripts/updatenow Update /scripts - /scripts/wwwacct Create a New Account - /scripts/runweblogs account username for awstats to run manually
Bazen apache / httpd (o ölür veya sunucu çöküyor kadar daha fazla bellek alma) gibi davranış bozuk MySQL veritabanı neden olabilir.Aşağıdakileri deneyin: 1) Mysql sunucusunu öldür /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop
2) Tüm SQL veritabanları onarım: myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI
3) Tekrar mysql Başlangıç​​: /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
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